This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ability scores: (4d6, drop lowest; take standard array if you hate what you get)
15, 12, 10,14,5, 13
Character name:
Artifex Cogitat (they/them/it/its)
Though Artifex tends to present feminine, they find the concept of gender constraining and limited. It is Artifex, nothing more, nothing less and cares little for what labels others may assign to it
Character class/subclass*:
Okay so I want to play a character that stores their magic in tattoos. I found a homebrew artificer subclass, but id also be good with just playing a wizard and flavoring the tattoos as my "spell book". Do either of these seem like a good idea?
(Background): A elf born in the feywild, Artifex had spent most of its life running freely through the various realms that bled into their home, with little clue or care as to where she was or how they got there. She's been in this particular realm for barley 20 years, and she adored it so far. People here were so serious, it made them that much more fun to play with. It plans to enjoy this realm for the time being, assured that it'll find their way back eventually. For now, she was content to flit from town to town, kingdom to kingdom, experiencing all the joys and pleasures of this unfamiliar continent.
I have an idea for a character who is a human variant, raised by rock gnomes. They taught him about stonework, metalwork, and the art of being an artificer. He believes in science and sees magic as a natural phenomenon that we don't yet understand. Despite being raised by the rock gnomes, he didn't stay with them for long, resulting in him being an artificer initiated (his feat from the varinat human race) rather than a full artificer. His real father found him again when he was still young and trained him to be a monk, even though he was more interested in being an artificer. As a result, he starts as a level 1 monk. He was born blind, but has learned to navigate the world using his other senses and his hands, which he uses for both tinkering and hand-to-hand combat. If allowed, he would like to have blindsight up to 10 feet instead of sight. At 30 years old, he sets out into the world to show the world the way of a monk and an artificer. He goes by the name "The Black Rose" because of his healing inventions (cure wound) being beatifull as rose pellets, his unarmed combat skill make him sting his enemies just as throns of a rose and the black part... well the new name was giving to him by his father to remind him that walking both the world of a monk an a artificer will reault in him being a outcast in both therefore a black rose.
Okay so I want to play a character that stores their magic in tattoos. I found a homebrew artificer subclass, but id also be good with just playing a wizard and flavoring the tattoos as my "spell book". Do either of these seem like a good idea?
I love this idea! And I'd really like to use that subclass. except that when I click the link it says, "The Tattoo Artist: There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or create this page." Could you recreate what you remember of it as a homebrew subclass on the D&D Beyond site and then post the link here?
Alternatively, there are wondrous items called "Spellwrought Tattoos" that show up in the equipment list when I create a character that literally do just that. Each one is a wondrous item like other magical tattoos (a needle that magically creates the tattoo on your skin where you touch it to it) but in this case each acts as a spell scroll of the appropriate level. I would assume that's from some content I own, but I have full content sharing on, so you would be able to access these items as long as you're playing in one of my campaigns
I have an idea for a character who is a human variant, raised by rock gnomes. They taught him about stonework, metalwork, and the art of being an artificer. He believes in science and sees magic as a natural phenomenon that we don't yet understand. Despite being raised by the rock gnomes, he didn't stay with them for long, resulting in him being an artificer initiated (his feat from the varinat human race) rather than a full artificer. His real father found him again when he was still young and trained him to be a monk, even though he was more interested in being an artificer. As a result, he starts as a level 1 monk. He was born blind, but has learned to navigate the world using his other senses and his hands, which he uses for both tinkering and hand-to-hand combat. If allowed, he would like to have blindsight up to 10 feet instead of sight. At 30 years old, he sets out into the world to show the world the way of a monk and an artificer. He goes by the name "The Black Rose" because of his healing inventions (cure wound) being beatifull as rose pellets, his unarmed combat skill make him sting his enemies just as throns of a rose and the black part... well the new name was giving to him by his father to remind him that walking both the world of a monk an a artificer will reault in him being a outcast in both therefore a black rose.
Well, the rock gnomes of this world are wandering gypsies who largely travel the rivers and nearby countryside / woods, so they wouldn't be likely to teach the stonework, but otherwise sounds great!
Great! Then let's remove the Stone work part. He is proficient in tinkering tools and alchemist supplies, which he uses when he use his healing syringes. A syringes containing a red liquid that glows a red collor, similar to rose petals in falling in sunlight. These syringes is his "cure wounds" spell and "spare the dying" cantrip. With your permission, the character would like to start with both tinkering tools and alchemist supplies. He wields a quarterstaff, which he uses to navigate the world, he is blind after all, as well as in combat. He speaks both Gnomish and Common. He is proficient in Medicine , Acrobatics and Athletics. He also start with an explorer’s pack and wear a traditional monk robe.
I can definitely recreate it, I screen shotted it in case. I'll post the link shortly cause I feel like it'll give me more flexibility than relying on specific magic items
Edit: I actually found an existing one that I like. If you have any changes you think might work out lmk
I can definitely recreate it, I screen shotted it in case. I'll post the link shortly cause I feel like it'll give me more flexibility than relying on specific magic items
Edit: I actually found an existing one that I like. If you have any changes you think might work out lmk
No, that should work fine as is. Go ahead and roll up the character.
I think there's enough players now to remove the "Recruiting" tag, and I'll go ahead and post the introductory scenes once I have final character sheets and have sent everyone the invite. I'll leave this thread open as "Public" in case anyone wants to join in later, as long as the group stays within a size I'm comfortable DMing for.
Please finalize your character sheets and send me the links or post them on here (also complete the application post with character name etc. if you haven't already). I'll send out the campaign invite link once I have your sheet (its the first campaign I've run on this site, so bear with me as I figure out how to use the various features), and those of you who want to use shared or private homebrew content can make the necessary adjustments at that point (though I try to make any homebrew publicly available before I post the link). I try to go back and add links as I finish content, so if you were interested in something homebrew that didn't have one before it might be there now, and there might be something new worth checking out (such as the Inflame Emotions, Mountebank's Magic Aura, and Predator's Kiss spells; or weapons like the dusk tongue rapier).
I have an idea for a character who is a human variant, raised by rock gnomes. They taught him about stonework, metalwork, and the art of being an artificer. He believes in science and sees magic as a natural phenomenon that we don't yet understand. Despite being raised by the rock gnomes, he didn't stay with them for long, resulting in him being an artificer initiated (his feat from the varinat human race) rather than a full artificer. His real father found him again when he was still young and trained him to be a monk, even though he was more interested in being an artificer. As a result, he starts as a level 1 monk. He was born blind, but has learned to navigate the world using his other senses and his hands, which he uses for both tinkering and hand-to-hand combat. If allowed, he would like to have blindsight up to 10 feet instead of sight. At 30 years old, he sets out into the world to show the world the way of a monk and an artificer. He goes by the name "The Black Rose" because of his healing inventions (cure wound) being beatifull as rose pellets, his unarmed combat skill make him sting his enemies just as throns of a rose and the black part... well the new name was giving to him by his father to remind him that walking both the world of a monk an a artificer will reault in him being a outcast in both therefore a black rose.
Well, the rock gnomes of this world are wandering gypsies who largely travel the rivers and nearby countryside / woods, so they wouldn't be likely to teach the stonework, but otherwise sounds great!
Great! Then let's remove the Stone work part. He is proficient in tinkering tools and alchemist supplies, which he uses when he use his healing syringes. A syringes containing a red liquid that glows a red collor, similar to rose petals in falling in sunlight. These syringes is his "cure wounds" spell and "spare the dying" cantrip. With your permission, the character would like to start with both tinkering tools and alchemist supplies. He wields a quarterstaff, which he uses to navigate the world, he is blind after all, as well as in combat. He speaks both Gnomish and Common. He is proficient in Medicine , Acrobatics and Athletics. He also start with an explorer’s pack and wear a traditional monk robe.
Now to his stats:
Ability scores: 9815161213
I have have summarise our conversation and Now added my character sheet, i hope this together is enough as an application post, if not please let me know:
I have have summarise our conversation and Now added my character sheet, i hope this together is enough as an application post, if not please let me know:
A little firmer information on start date, culled from my reply to the first player to send me a sheet by PM:
"As soon as I get everyone's character sheet; or a firm start date of this Friday June 16th (I will leave the thread public for a while to allow for late joins, up to a maximum group size of 10-12 players).
I already have the introductory scenes written, and almost finished with the scenes where you meet your possible future patron and definite employer for the first adventure. I should have those ready whenever it comes up in playing out the meet-and-greet as I jokingly like to call the first introductions and interactions of a new gang of thugs ... ah ... I mean, battle comrades in looting and plundering and slaughtering poor innocent dragons who just wanted to eat a couple hundred cattle when they got hungry in the process of growing rich, I mean, is that so wrong, the poor creature is only trying to keep itself fed and follow its dreams like all of the rest of us and then this band of hooligans has to come along and ... ah, I mean party of adventurers!
Yeah, that's it ... no, no, you don't have to keep the dagger at my throat, milady, I truly and sincerely mean this, a newly formed league of true and genuine noble HEROES! Nay, let me go further, SUPERHEROES! Veritable DEMIGODS, yes, that's it, your absolutely noble and HONEST rogueish gentleman must have his hands absolutely EXHAUSTED keeping this poisoned blade at my back and it's really not necessary, I was only KIDDING ... DEITIES! That's it. Inveralwyn best look to her divine job, there's a goddess standing in front of me much more qualified than she is, now PLEASE put down the dagger, I lose a couple centuries every time that muscle in your forearm twitches and its been doing a LOT of that lately so I don't have many more centuries left and I really don't think reanimating my poor trembling corpse and getting it to say whatever else you want me to admit would have quite the same SATISFACTION ... oh, now PLEASE don't go wrapping those thorny things around the blade and creeping them up towards my throat, I'm SORRY alread...
Alas, the ancient dragon Rylzrayrth rose up to block my path. The dragon has forbidden me from reading this character sheet.
In other words, I didn’t have access for whatever reason to complete the action. Wonder if you were editing the character and deleted this version in favor of one working on now, or maybe some technical wires got crossed on the Wizards site. In any case, it might not be a bad idea to try making a copy of this sheet and sending me or posting the link to that, see if that can be a workaround for whatever the issue was
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Another repost of my answer to a message, that also gives info that would be generally useful:
The pure PbP experience is basically the second one (post every day) though actually its often a little more relaxed than that, and since I am not on any of the platforms where I could run live sessions this will pretty much be how this campaign works.
A good DM will often indicate in the recruiting phase, or in the opening scenes, how often they want people to try and post. I THINK the unspoken understanding on the boards is that if the DM doesn't set a specific limit then its OK to post whenever you can as long as you don't hold the group up too much; and as long as you understand that at some point the DM might just either move on without you and write the scene as if your character just went into a trance or something, or decide themselves what your character does until you rejoin, or sometimes if its been too long they'll assume you're not coming back and write you out of the campaign.
I'm planning to set a time frame in the opening scenes, but it will be pretty generous ,,, I;m thinking somewhere from three days to one week; and I'm not the kind of hardcore DM who will kick you out if you miss it. At worst I'd put your character somewhere safe and assume they're just going through a really long period of downtime activities until you come back; and that way if you never come back I don't have to worry about it, your character was pretty invisible in the active thread already and I can then use them as an NPC on occasion.
Campaign is coming together nicely; I have 4 of your character sheets so far so its quite possible we could start before Friday.
I notice that so far the group is a little light on lock-and-trap specialists and healers, and only has one full caster at the moment. I like to run well-rounded adventures with a little bit of everything, so you might want to see if a friend or two wants to join in and fill the gaps, but I can certainly adjust to whatever the group winds up being also.
Appreciate the offer; lets wait a couple days though and see who else signs up. Just been talking to a couple friends on Tumblr who might be interested too.
Hey all! Looking good to start posting the introductory scenes sometime tomorrrow, prob late afternoon or evening.
Please get me your character sheets as soon as you are able if you have not already, just coz they do help in figuring out whether
you pulled off that elegant juggling move to impress your employer so flawlessly that she decided to throw in a small manor and vassalage for all of you
or if
your hand slipped so badly that the ball you were juggling hit the wine cup which flew off the table with a clang that startled the cat that jumped through the window and knocked off the vase that ricocheted off the torch and sent sparks all over your employer when he was just about to chug a shot of firewater metheglyn so you just managed to immolate your only source of income in town and book a nice long stay for yourself in Duke Glynwllyth's dungeons preparatory to your execution for killing his favorite whatever LOL ..
I still need a sheet for Ren'thalasir (githyanki fighter), but the character has been accepted and can jump in before that, probably up until the point we actually need to start rolling. Can't remember if I sent you a link already, but I'll do it now (again?) just in case
I am holding a place open for Furujiru, and two for IRL friends who are thinking of joining the campaign.
Now, my verbal SATs were always better than my maths, but I believe that tots up to eight spots LOL.
I am comfortable DMing for a group of up to 10-12 players, and I'm planning to leave this thread open to join until then. At that point, or f it starts to bog down too much because of group size, then I'll make it <Closed> and consider recruiting a co-DM if the thread was starting to get slowed down.
Looks like we're about ready to go! A few things that have been firmed up or decided since my last post:
1) Maximum group size is now firmly fixed at 9 characters; after that I will close the thread to open joining, but you are still welcome to message me if you want to be added to the waitlist.
We currently have 5 characters in the group. Furujiru sent their regrets for needing to withdraw; and I've discussed the game with my IRL friends and we have agreed it's not fair to take up reserved slots for them since they are now not sure it might not be a while before they're able to play. So there are four spots left before open enrollment closes.
2) Plenty of experience DMing in general but not as much with this site, so didn't realize I don't need the character sheets as long as someone's responded to the invite faxct, if anyone has DMed on here and knows the finer points about how to use the "My campaigns" tab please message me with tips
3) i have the opening adventure ready to go; I will start posting the introductory scenes after I finish this post. You will start out in the Free City of Llandovion, just outside the Riverkin's Arms. Any characters who are native to Aberstywth or Ulvsnesshjolm received a peculiar token three days ago, a palm-sized statuette of a pseudodragon carved from purple-tinged ice, with a small tablet of horn frozen into the exact center of its chest. Small runes carved into it, which seem to have been highlighted by brushing black ink into them until it was absorbed into the pores, spell out the following message:
If you think yourself worthy, / or if you think yourself mad, /
I know where wealth or strange death may be had.
And you just might xave the world, I do assure thee.
Go to the RIverkin's Arms at twilight three nights from now.
The notice will explain more.
Below, a name is signed in larger characters written in the flowing Gnomish script. It is written with a flourish that almost defies you to not recognize its owner. Unfortunately for the name, you've never heard it before in your entire lives.
Other characters can be passing through or in the city on business, as fits your individual circumstances. However it happened though, you are all in Llandovion on this particular evening, just outside the Riverkin's Arms; and those who were not already here have all climbed up the spiraling roads from the riverside quays or from the much more seldom used land gate (seldom enough, in fact, that you're pretty sure to have been noticed by at least a couple of the inhabitants of that quarter as an unusual occurence; and are certain to be remembered by whatever guards were on duty at the time).
Artifex Cogitat (they/them/it/its)
Is their still room for more players?
I have an idea for a character who is a human variant, raised by rock gnomes. They taught him about stonework, metalwork, and the art of being an artificer. He believes in science and sees magic as a natural phenomenon that we don't yet understand. Despite being raised by the rock gnomes, he didn't stay with them for long, resulting in him being an artificer initiated (his feat from the varinat human race) rather than a full artificer. His real father found him again when he was still young and trained him to be a monk, even though he was more interested in being an artificer. As a result, he starts as a level 1 monk. He was born blind, but has learned to navigate the world using his other senses and his hands, which he uses for both tinkering and hand-to-hand combat. If allowed, he would like to have blindsight up to 10 feet instead of sight. At 30 years old, he sets out into the world to show the world the way of a monk and an artificer. He goes by the name "The Black Rose" because of his healing inventions (cure wound) being beatifull as rose pellets, his unarmed combat skill make him sting his enemies just as throns of a rose and the black part... well the new name was giving to him by his father to remind him that walking both the world of a monk an a artificer will reault in him being a outcast in both therefore a black rose.
I love this idea! And I'd really like to use that subclass. except that when I click the link it says, "The Tattoo Artist: There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or create this page." Could you recreate what you remember of it as a homebrew subclass on the D&D Beyond site and then post the link here?
Alternatively, there are wondrous items called "Spellwrought Tattoos" that show up in the equipment list when I create a character that literally do just that. Each one is a wondrous item like other magical tattoos (a needle that magically creates the tattoo on your skin where you touch it to it) but in this case each acts as a spell scroll of the appropriate level. I would assume that's from some content I own, but I have full content sharing on, so you would be able to access these items as long as you're playing in one of my campaigns
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Well, the rock gnomes of this world are wandering gypsies who largely travel the rivers and nearby countryside / woods, so they wouldn't be likely to teach the stonework, but otherwise sounds great!
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Great! Then let's remove the Stone work part. He is proficient in tinkering tools and alchemist supplies, which he uses when he use his healing syringes. A syringes containing a red liquid that glows a red collor, similar to rose petals in falling in sunlight. These syringes is his "cure wounds" spell and "spare the dying" cantrip. With your permission, the character would like to start with both tinkering tools and alchemist supplies. He wields a quarterstaff, which he uses to navigate the world, he is blind after all, as well as in combat. He speaks both Gnomish and Common. He is proficient in Medicine , Acrobatics and Athletics. He also start with an explorer’s pack and wear a traditional monk robe.
Now to his stats:
Ability scores: 6 8 11 10 6 9
I can definitely recreate it, I screen shotted it in case. I'll post the link shortly cause I feel like it'll give me more flexibility than relying on specific magic items
Edit: I actually found an existing one that I like. If you have any changes you think might work out lmk
No, that should work fine as is. Go ahead and roll up the character.
I think there's enough players now to remove the "Recruiting" tag, and I'll go ahead and post the introductory scenes once I have final character sheets and have sent everyone the invite. I'll leave this thread open as "Public" in case anyone wants to join in later, as long as the group stays within a size I'm comfortable DMing for.
Please finalize your character sheets and send me the links or post them on here (also complete the application post with character name etc. if you haven't already). I'll send out the campaign invite link once I have your sheet (its the first campaign I've run on this site, so bear with me as I figure out how to use the various features), and those of you who want to use shared or private homebrew content can make the necessary adjustments at that point (though I try to make any homebrew publicly available before I post the link). I try to go back and add links as I finish content, so if you were interested in something homebrew that didn't have one before it might be there now, and there might be something new worth checking out (such as the Inflame Emotions, Mountebank's Magic Aura, and Predator's Kiss spells; or weapons like the dusk tongue rapier).
And ... welcome to Sauvogia!
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
I have have summarise our conversation and Now added my character sheet, i hope this together is enough as an application post, if not please let me know:
I'd say that
s enough; welcome!
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
A little firmer information on start date, culled from my reply to the first player to send me a sheet by PM:
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Alas, the ancient dragon Rylzrayrth rose up to block my path. The dragon has forbidden me from reading this character sheet.
In other words, I didn’t have access for whatever reason to complete the action. Wonder if you were editing the character and deleted this version in favor of one working on now, or maybe some technical wires got crossed on the Wizards site. In any case, it might not be a bad idea to try making a copy of this sheet and sending me or posting the link to that, see if that can be a workaround for whatever the issue was
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
That'll work too :-)
Edit: Just checked your link again to the sheet on this site, and its working now.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Another repost of my answer to a message, that also gives info that would be generally useful:
Campaign is coming together nicely; I have 4 of your character sheets so far so its quite possible we could start before Friday.
I notice that so far the group is a little light on lock-and-trap specialists and healers, and only has one full caster at the moment. I like to run well-rounded adventures with a little bit of everything, so you might want to see if a friend or two wants to join in and fill the gaps, but I can certainly adjust to whatever the group winds up being also.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
I’m glad it worked!
I can change my class if needed as well
Appreciate the offer; lets wait a couple days though and see who else signs up. Just been talking to a couple friends on Tumblr who might be interested too.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Hey all! Looking good to start posting the introductory scenes sometime tomorrrow, prob late afternoon or evening.
Please get me your character sheets as soon as you are able if you have not already, just coz they do help in figuring out whether
or if
So far I have sheets for:
Now, my verbal SATs were always better than my maths, but I believe that tots up to eight spots LOL.
I am comfortable DMing for a group of up to 10-12 players, and I'm planning to leave this thread open to join until then. At that point, or f it starts to bog down too much because of group size, then I'll make it <Closed> and consider recruiting a co-DM if the thread was starting to get slowed down.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"
Looks like we're about ready to go! A few things that have been firmed up or decided since my last post:
1) Maximum group size is now firmly fixed at 9 characters; after that I will close the thread to open joining, but you are still welcome to message me if you want to be added to the waitlist.
We currently have 5 characters in the group. Furujiru sent their regrets for needing to withdraw; and I've discussed the game with my IRL friends and we have agreed it's not fair to take up reserved slots for them since they are now not sure it might not be a while before they're able to play. So there are four spots left before open enrollment closes.
2) Plenty of experience DMing in general but not as much with this site, so didn't realize I don't need the character sheets as long as someone's responded to the invite faxct, if anyone has DMed on here and knows the finer points about how to use the "My campaigns" tab please message me with tips
3) i have the opening adventure ready to go; I will start posting the introductory scenes after I finish this post. You will start out in the Free City of Llandovion, just outside the Riverkin's Arms. Any characters who are native to Aberstywth or Ulvsnesshjolm received a peculiar token three days ago, a palm-sized statuette of a pseudodragon carved from purple-tinged ice, with a small tablet of horn frozen into the exact center of its chest. Small runes carved into it, which seem to have been highlighted by brushing black ink into them until it was absorbed into the pores, spell out the following message:
Below, a name is signed in larger characters written in the flowing Gnomish script. It is written with a flourish that almost defies you to not recognize its owner. Unfortunately for the name, you've never heard it before in your entire lives.
Other characters can be passing through or in the city on business, as fits your individual circumstances. However it happened though, you are all in Llandovion on this particular evening, just outside the Riverkin's Arms; and those who were not already here have all climbed up the spiraling roads from the riverside quays or from the much more seldom used land gate (seldom enough, in fact, that you're pretty sure to have been noticed by at least a couple of the inhabitants of that quarter as an unusual occurence; and are certain to be remembered by whatever guards were on duty at the time).
At this point our story begins.
Famh Thrawn Fiadhaich - 'half elven' sorcerer (wild magic) 2, Sleeping Gods - A Dragon Warriors campaign in the Lands of Legend
Sae Ivui Nailo - wood elf rogue (inquisitive) 5 , Sea of Death: Captain Hailstorm's Lost Treasure
Ryshraxea "Shra" Naranthi - tabaxi artificer 1, Nyx's Tomb of Annihilation - Group 1
Quspira Inirali - tiefling cleric (Life domain) 4, Painted's "He'll be the father of my child"