‘Capture??,’ Dev wonders, in hindsight, peeking askance at Theron, and then relieved by Hook’s response that they were only being asked to talk to Conroy Pekese, and nothing more. But the thought is quickly sidelined as Dev pictures everything he could do with 50 gold.
‘That’s enough for us all to live for two seasons. Maybe three,’ he thinks, imagining the looks of simple pleasure on his parents’ faces after a week of regular modest meals.
A single tear begins to form in the tiefling’s eye. Turning toward the wall, he squints to fight it back, but it rolls down one cheek, leaving a line of moisture which he quickly wipes away.
Dev glances to Lokitia and Jasper, then around to the others, unable to contain his innate desire to find common ground in this incredible feeling of gratitude. But no one else seems moved by the amount in the least. Dev sighs silently before rejoining the conversation, for he has an idea. The thought of putting food on the table gives him courage, and he tries to explain, looking to Normont.
“If you – and whoever else – went inside the Red Trout to speak with Conroy Pekese while the others wait outside,” he starts, “I could come in with you, then if Conroy Pekese is there I can point you to him. Then I’ll go out again and tell Theron – and whoever else – that you’re talking with Conroy Pekese. Theron and whoever is with him can go to Conroy Pekese’s apartment and search cuz,” he continues, his shy glance drifting to the gravedigger, “you’ll know Conroy Pekese won’t discover you cuz he’s talkin with Normont. I’ll stay outside the Red Trout and watch. When Conroy Pekese leaves, I’ll know him, and run to Theron and warn him to get out. I know fast ways through Drynna.” (OOC: urchin background)
"I can see why you got the invite", Normont says to Dev with a smile. "I am willing to go in and talk to Conroy, hopefully I can keep him busy for a while. I know a little about cooking vegetables, maybe he sells them to inns and such like", he says thoughtfully.
"It's getting late, if we don't want to miss our chance, we should go now. We can decide who is sticking with whom along the way, and Dev here can be the runner to keep us all informed".
“Fair enough. I’m ready to roll out when you all are,” Jasper says. They down their lemonade and stand up. A fire burns in their eyes - they appear to be pretty excited at a chance to figure out what the secret behind the Hidden’s mystery is. “Hook, can we find you here once we learn something?”
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DM | Dragon Heist: Hell of a Summer Jasper Garrai - Aasimar Ranger/Cleric | The Dark Below Hyacinth Hagsbane - Hexblood Ranger |Witchwood Petra Pebblefoot - Svirfneblin Wizard | Tomb of Annihilation
'Hmm, 50 gold?' Lokilia thinks. 'Guess that's good. This should be simple enough.' She really doesn't react much to the offer, other than glancing around at the others. As they voice their agreement, she adds, "I'd be happy to help out too."
She smiles a little as Dev suggests a way to distract this Conroy Pekese while others check out his apartment. "Seems like if Normont is going to talk with Conroy at the Red Trout it would be suspicious if too many go with him. Is just Dev keeping an eye out from outside enough? I could probably go to the Red Trout too. Either with Normont or just keep an eye out from a distance. I'm fine with however you guys want me to help."
"It might not look as suspicious to passersby if a member of the militia is the one poking around his apartment, so I think that's the best place for me to be. Of course, if Conroy's buddies running the Hidden are keeping eyes on the place, it could get hairy. We don't really know what we're dealing with. Just want everyone to be prepared for... well, the worst," Jasper mentions as they make sure their scimitar's sheathe is securely fastened to their belt.
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DM | Dragon Heist: Hell of a Summer Jasper Garrai - Aasimar Ranger/Cleric | The Dark Below Hyacinth Hagsbane - Hexblood Ranger |Witchwood Petra Pebblefoot - Svirfneblin Wizard | Tomb of Annihilation
"Well I feel I am a little more cut out for the talking side of this than snooping around. I'm normally better at..uhh" He lifts his hands over and over trying to summon the right word before giving up. "better at a talking...When I get into it it will be better I promise. I'm a little nervous now. But uhhh, perhaps Normont and I head inside, one of us speak with the man. Just so we have a second somewhere not too far from the table if we need it. Lokilia you hang outside and keep an eye maybe? Then Dev reports back to the rest of us who will be back at Conroy's apartment." Nerak looks around the room counting heads making sure he didn't leave anyone out, shrinking back a little as he lays out his plan and the attention is pushed toward him. "...if that sounds good to you all."
"Team Trout!", Normont says enthusiastically and reaches both his palms out, one towards Lokilia and one towards Nerak. His arms are far too short to get anyway near close enough though.
"I say we just go in as three friends, there for a drink, and take it from there. Well, four with Dev but he won't stay long", he says as he gives up on the high fives and starts to climb down from his chair.
He turns to those in the other group, "You going to be ok getting into his place? I am good with locks". He glances at Jasper and quickly adds, "You know, helping people who get themselves locked out".
Hook nods approvingly as the group talks amongst themselves, it is clear that no matter the other effects of the tea it has not effected his observation and calculation of people.
“Fair enough. I’m ready to roll out when you all are,” Jasper says. They down their lemonade and stand up. A fire burns in their eyes - they appear to be pretty excited at a chance to figure out what the secret behind the Hidden’s mystery is. “Hook, can we find you here once we learn something?”
" Yes, I don't forsee myself going anywhere for quite some time."
There is a sudden knock at the door, two hard then three soft.
" Ah, yes. I was not mistaken, I did send one other missive."
" This is another friend of mine, I think he is known to some of you and I believe if things take a bad turn he will be quite useful."
" Ms Lokilia may also know him, I'm not sure how close the Ashari peoples are."
" Come in!"
" Ah......"Kaitiakè" is the appropriate term I think."
The door opens to reveal a figure, familiar to some as a new recruit in the Watch.
The party see a large figure bend a little to come through the door way and walks in. There is a 7ft man who has breaded black and gold speckled hair pulled up into a bun. He has brown skin but where you would think big tuffs of hair there is a golden gems. He has an athletic build with a shield on his back and a long sword on his hilt but it looks like a normal blade on his body. And he is in battered but still in good condition. The last the you notice is that where you see white in is eyes, they are pitch black and his iris is a molting lava that is constantly moving.
In a deep voice but kind with a bit of trouble with common, “Hello again Hook.” He looks at the group, “My name is Quinn, and I protect this land.”
Quinn will look at Jasper and says in Primordial, “Good to see another friend here.”
Those who know Quinn, would know that he is few of words and can come across closed off once you get past that he is kind and can encourage anyone with only a few words.
Normont's jaw drops as the newcomer enters the room and stands to full height.
"Couldn't have hired a few more normal sized folks like me, Hook? Had to go with all these half giants did you?", he says mock seriously. "Hey, down here", he says to Quinn motioning him with a finger. "You watch your step, literally not figuratively I mean, and we are going to get on famously", he says with a broad smile and a chuckle.
When Quinn enters the room, Dev shrinks away, for as Normont said, there are now two very large persons in the room. The tiefling lad ends up in the corner farthest from the door, looking over Hook’s shoulder.
Yet, when he notices Quinn’s eyes, so much like his own at casual inspection, but in fact far more unusual, and — as is the case with the tall dragonblood in the room — his posture so confident, Dev’s brow creases in agony. ‘How can they be so… self-assured? Why am I the only person whose differences from everyone else make me… an outsider?’
But after the others have offered their greetings, from under his heavy cowl, across the room, the teen tiefling manages to form a wan smile and says to Quinn in his soft, strident tenor that seems to saturate the space. “I’m Dev.”
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DM for Candlekeep Mysteries //Dev Horndin Curious Critters
“Big group. Are you expecting a lot of trouble, Hook?” Theron asks. “I normally work alone, so I hope we don’t get in each others ways.”
Theron is anxiously shuffling from one foot to the other. Obviously ready to go. He’s single minded if nothing else, his sights set on checking out the apartment for some kind of clue as to what’s going on.
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Writer • Podcaster • Professional Gamemaster
playing Jin Wei, human (Kara-tur) way of the Four Elements Monk in the Princes of the Apocalypse
Magnus stands up greeting Quinn, "Welcome to the group Quinn, seems Hook here wants us to investigate a Conroy Pekese," pointing to each group in turn, "One group is going to talk to him in a tavern he frequents while at the4 same time the other group will be visiting his home to see if anything interesting is inside. Which group would you prefer to join?"
Lokilia takes a long look at Quinn, especially after Hook mentions she might know him. "Kaitiakè," she says brightly. She then shifts to Primordial, although using the Auran dialect. "You must be a genasi. Are you from the Ashari tribe in Terrah then?"She then introduces herself, "I'm Lokilia Vaelphin, from Zephrah!"She then glances at Hook, switching back to Common."I've never really met a lot of other Ashari. But I'm very excited to meet others!"
"I guess you need to decide if you're going to join us at the Red Trout to talk to Conroy, or with the others to check out his apartment," she says, addressing Quinn in Common now.
Lokilia takes a long look at Quinn, especially after Hook mentions she might know him. "Kaitiakè," she says brightly. She then shifts to Primordial, although using the Auran dialect. "You must be a genasi. Are you from the Ashari tribe in Terrah then?"She then introduces herself, "I'm Lokilia Vaelphin, from Zephrah!"She then glances at Hook, switching back to Common."I've never really met a lot of other Ashari. But I'm very excited to meet others!"
"I guess you need to decide if you're going to join us at the Red Trout to talk to Conroy, or with the others to check out his apartment," she says, addressing Quinn in Common now.
Looks at Lokilia hearing a foreign accent of his mother tongue and responds in Primordial, “I have not yet traveled to Zephrah but I am from Terrah.”
“Big group. Are you expecting a lot of trouble, Hook?” Theron asks. “I normally work alone, so I hope we don’t get in each others ways.”
Theron is anxiously shuffling from one foot to the other. Obviously ready to go. He’s single minded if nothing else, his sights set on checking out the apartment for some kind of clue as to what’s going on.
" In truth, though I budgeted for it I did not expect all to answer the call. It speaks well of you all to be so community minded."
" Well, I see your eager to be off, do be careful....though I don't think you'll have much trouble."
Those heading to Conroys Apartment- Jasper, Magnus, Quin, Theron.
The apartments in this area of Drynna provide lodging for most of the merchants who live outside of the town but who do regular trade there and make tidy profits on the trades they perform. Some of the merchant families rent out the homes to their staff while they are away, but they expect their rooms to be ready at a moment’s notice if they are in town.
Passing through the streets, you don’t see many other people. The fog is heavy, making it hard to see very far. Because of the mist and overcast weather, it’s often hard to know where one is in the city. City blocks are numbered with yellow stone tiles, and gray stones mark the buildings on each block. With the help of these signposts, along with Jaspers local knowledge and Magnus' Guidance it’s not too long before you find your way to the apartments of Conroy Pekese.
The apartment building is made of smooth gray stone, and there is a spiked gate leading into a small courtyard.
Those heading to The Red Trout:- Dev, Normont, Lokilia, Nerak.
You’re making your way down the dark streets, and mist is starting to collect at the edges of the street corners.
As you weave through the tight streets and alleyways to the Red Trout, Normont notices a small splash of blood on the cobblestones and Dev drag marks in the mud, which lead down into an alleyway. As you turn the corner into the alleyway, you see more and more blood, and the coppery smell overwhelms you. Ultimately, you discover the body of a human man with long brown hair; Dev knows immediately, it’s clearly Conroy Pekese.
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‘Capture??,’ Dev wonders, in hindsight, peeking askance at Theron, and then relieved by Hook’s response that they were only being asked to talk to Conroy Pekese, and nothing more. But the thought is quickly sidelined as Dev pictures everything he could do with 50 gold.
‘That’s enough for us all to live for two seasons. Maybe three,’ he thinks, imagining the looks of simple pleasure on his parents’ faces after a week of regular modest meals.
A single tear begins to form in the tiefling’s eye. Turning toward the wall, he squints to fight it back, but it rolls down one cheek, leaving a line of moisture which he quickly wipes away.
Dev glances to Lokitia and Jasper, then around to the others, unable to contain his innate desire to find common ground in this incredible feeling of gratitude. But no one else seems moved by the amount in the least. Dev sighs silently before rejoining the conversation, for he has an idea. The thought of putting food on the table gives him courage, and he tries to explain, looking to Normont.
“If you – and whoever else – went inside the Red Trout to speak with Conroy Pekese while the others wait outside,” he starts, “I could come in with you, then if Conroy Pekese is there I can point you to him. Then I’ll go out again and tell Theron – and whoever else – that you’re talking with Conroy Pekese. Theron and whoever is with him can go to Conroy Pekese’s apartment and search cuz,” he continues, his shy glance drifting to the gravedigger, “you’ll know Conroy Pekese won’t discover you cuz he’s talkin with Normont. I’ll stay outside the Red Trout and watch. When Conroy Pekese leaves, I’ll know him, and run to Theron and warn him to get out. I know fast ways through Drynna.” (OOC: urchin background)
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
Theron looks at the little Tiefling and nods. “That’s not a half bad plan, Dev.”
Writer • Podcaster • Professional Gamemaster
playing Jin Wei, human (Kara-tur) way of the Four Elements Monk in the Princes of the Apocalypse
"I can see why you got the invite", Normont says to Dev with a smile. "I am willing to go in and talk to Conroy, hopefully I can keep him busy for a while. I know a little about cooking vegetables, maybe he sells them to inns and such like", he says thoughtfully.
"It's getting late, if we don't want to miss our chance, we should go now. We can decide who is sticking with whom along the way, and Dev here can be the runner to keep us all informed".
“Fair enough. I’m ready to roll out when you all are,” Jasper says. They down their lemonade and stand up. A fire burns in their eyes - they appear to be pretty excited at a chance to figure out what the secret behind the Hidden’s mystery is. “Hook, can we find you here once we learn something?”
DM | Dragon Heist: Hell of a Summer
Jasper Garrai - Aasimar Ranger/Cleric | The Dark Below
Hyacinth Hagsbane - Hexblood Ranger | Witchwood
Petra Pebblefoot - Svirfneblin Wizard | Tomb of Annihilation
'Hmm, 50 gold?' Lokilia thinks. 'Guess that's good. This should be simple enough.' She really doesn't react much to the offer, other than glancing around at the others. As they voice their agreement, she adds, "I'd be happy to help out too."
She smiles a little as Dev suggests a way to distract this Conroy Pekese while others check out his apartment. "Seems like if Normont is going to talk with Conroy at the Red Trout it would be suspicious if too many go with him. Is just Dev keeping an eye out from outside enough? I could probably go to the Red Trout too. Either with Normont or just keep an eye out from a distance. I'm fine with however you guys want me to help."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
"It might not look as suspicious to passersby if a member of the militia is the one poking around his apartment, so I think that's the best place for me to be. Of course, if Conroy's buddies running the Hidden are keeping eyes on the place, it could get hairy. We don't really know what we're dealing with. Just want everyone to be prepared for... well, the worst," Jasper mentions as they make sure their scimitar's sheathe is securely fastened to their belt.
DM | Dragon Heist: Hell of a Summer
Jasper Garrai - Aasimar Ranger/Cleric | The Dark Below
Hyacinth Hagsbane - Hexblood Ranger | Witchwood
Petra Pebblefoot - Svirfneblin Wizard | Tomb of Annihilation
"Well I feel I am a little more cut out for the talking side of this than snooping around. I'm normally better at..uhh" He lifts his hands over and over trying to summon the right word before giving up. "better at a talking...When I get into it it will be better I promise. I'm a little nervous now. But uhhh, perhaps Normont and I head inside, one of us speak with the man. Just so we have a second somewhere not too far from the table if we need it. Lokilia you hang outside and keep an eye maybe? Then Dev reports back to the rest of us who will be back at Conroy's apartment." Nerak looks around the room counting heads making sure he didn't leave anyone out, shrinking back a little as he lays out his plan and the attention is pushed toward him. "...if that sounds good to you all."
"Team Trout!", Normont says enthusiastically and reaches both his palms out, one towards Lokilia and one towards Nerak. His arms are far too short to get anyway near close enough though.
"I say we just go in as three friends, there for a drink, and take it from there. Well, four with Dev but he won't stay long", he says as he gives up on the high fives and starts to climb down from his chair.
He turns to those in the other group, "You going to be ok getting into his place? I am good with locks". He glances at Jasper and quickly adds, "You know, helping people who get themselves locked out".
" Yes, I don't forsee myself going anywhere for quite some time."
There is a sudden knock at the door, two hard then three soft.
" Ah, yes. I was not mistaken, I did send one other missive."
" This is another friend of mine, I think he is known to some of you and I believe if things take a bad turn he will be quite useful."
" Ms Lokilia may also know him, I'm not sure how close the Ashari peoples are."
" Come in!"
" Ah......"Kaitiakè" is the appropriate term I think."
The door opens to reveal a figure, familiar to some as a new recruit in the Watch.
The party see a large figure bend a little to come through the door way and walks in. There is a 7ft man who has breaded black and gold speckled hair pulled up into a bun. He has brown skin but where you would think big tuffs of hair there is a golden gems. He has an athletic build with a shield on his back and a long sword on his hilt but it looks like a normal blade on his body. And he is in battered but still in good condition. The last the you notice is that where you see white in is eyes, they are pitch black and his iris is a molting lava that is constantly moving.
In a deep voice but kind with a bit of trouble with common, “Hello again Hook.” He looks at the group, “My name is Quinn, and I protect this land.”
Quinn will look at Jasper and says in Primordial, “Good to see another friend here.”
Those who know Quinn, would know that he is few of words and can come across closed off once you get past that he is kind and can encourage anyone with only a few words.
Normont's jaw drops as the newcomer enters the room and stands to full height.
"Couldn't have hired a few more normal sized folks like me, Hook? Had to go with all these half giants did you?", he says mock seriously. "Hey, down here", he says to Quinn motioning him with a finger. "You watch your step, literally not figuratively I mean, and we are going to get on famously", he says with a broad smile and a chuckle.
When Quinn enters the room, Dev shrinks away, for as Normont said, there are now two very large persons in the room. The tiefling lad ends up in the corner farthest from the door, looking over Hook’s shoulder.
Yet, when he notices Quinn’s eyes, so much like his own at casual inspection, but in fact far more unusual, and — as is the case with the tall dragonblood in the room — his posture so confident, Dev’s brow creases in agony. ‘How can they be so… self-assured? Why am I the only person whose differences from everyone else make me… an outsider?’
But after the others have offered their greetings, from under his heavy cowl, across the room, the teen tiefling manages to form a wan smile and says to Quinn in his soft, strident tenor that seems to saturate the space. “I’m Dev.”
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
“Big group. Are you expecting a lot of trouble, Hook?” Theron asks. “I normally work alone, so I hope we don’t get in each others ways.”
Theron is anxiously shuffling from one foot to the other. Obviously ready to go. He’s single minded if nothing else, his sights set on checking out the apartment for some kind of clue as to what’s going on.
Writer • Podcaster • Professional Gamemaster
playing Jin Wei, human (Kara-tur) way of the Four Elements Monk in the Princes of the Apocalypse
Magnus stands up greeting Quinn, "Welcome to the group Quinn, seems Hook here wants us to investigate a Conroy Pekese," pointing to each group in turn, "One group is going to talk to him in a tavern he frequents while at the4 same time the other group will be visiting his home to see if anything interesting is inside. Which group would you prefer to join?"
Lokilia takes a long look at Quinn, especially after Hook mentions she might know him. "Kaitiakè," she says brightly. She then shifts to Primordial, although using the Auran dialect. "You must be a genasi. Are you from the Ashari tribe in Terrah then?" She then introduces herself, "I'm Lokilia Vaelphin, from Zephrah!" She then glances at Hook, switching back to Common. "I've never really met a lot of other Ashari. But I'm very excited to meet others!"
"I guess you need to decide if you're going to join us at the Red Trout to talk to Conroy, or with the others to check out his apartment," she says, addressing Quinn in Common now.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Looking at Dev, in the eyes of kindness, “Nice to meet you all.”
”I will go where you send me, I am a protector so which ever seems more dangerous.”
Looks at Lokilia hearing a foreign accent of his mother tongue and responds in Primordial, “I have not yet traveled to Zephrah but I am from Terrah.”
" In truth, though I budgeted for it I did not expect all to answer the call. It speaks well of you all to be so community minded."
" Well, I see your eager to be off, do be careful....though I don't think you'll have much trouble."
Those heading to Conroys Apartment- Jasper, Magnus, Quin, Theron.
The apartments in this area of Drynna provide lodging for most of the merchants who live outside of the town but who do regular trade there and make tidy profits on the trades they perform. Some of the merchant families rent out the homes to their staff while they are away, but they expect their rooms to be ready at a moment’s notice if they are in town.
Passing through the streets, you don’t see many other people. The fog is heavy, making it hard to see very far. Because of the mist and overcast weather, it’s often hard to know where one is in the city. City blocks are numbered with yellow stone tiles, and gray stones mark the buildings on each block. With the help of these signposts, along with Jaspers local knowledge and Magnus' Guidance it’s not too long before you find your way to the apartments of Conroy Pekese.
The apartment building is made of smooth gray stone, and there is a spiked gate leading into a small courtyard.
Those heading to The Red Trout:- Dev, Normont, Lokilia, Nerak.
You’re making your way down the dark streets, and mist is starting to collect at the edges of the street corners.
As you weave through the tight streets and alleyways to the Red Trout, Normont notices a small splash of blood on the cobblestones and Dev drag marks in the mud, which lead down into an alleyway. As you turn the corner into the alleyway, you see more and more blood, and the coppery smell overwhelms you. Ultimately, you discover the body of a human man with long brown hair; Dev knows immediately, it’s clearly Conroy Pekese.