"Oh wonderful", Normont says to Dev, then watches what he is up to for a moment before investigating the contents of the scroll case.
He chuckles a little at Dev's ingenuity, and then pops open the scroll case and removes the pieces of paper. He carefully rolls back up the one that had been used, and takes the fresh sheet. Taking one of his small tools out of it's pouch on his belt, he sits cross legged and seemingly swipes the long pick looking tool across the paper multiple times.
Once he is done, he puts the pick away and stands up, holding the paper out in front of him to examine his handiwork.
The once plain sheet of paper now showed a perfect image of the body of Conroy Pekese and it's immediate surroundings.
"Perfect", he says, showing the others the picture. "Just in case we need to refer to the crime scene later".
Those with the body:- Dev, Normont, Lokilia, Nerak.
Dev manages to dissuade any citizens from investigating, but is aware that his ruse will attract any passing Watch members if they happen by. Normont now has a likeness and Lokilia examines her and Neraks find while the Dragonborn keeps watch.
As Theron asks his question it occurs that both Jasper and Quinn are large fellows and may have a chance of forcing the gate or assisting someone over the wall.
(Well, Jasper does tend to opt for straightforward solutions.)
"Normont does. Wish he was here right now," Jasper sighs. "Let's try forcing the gate. Normally I wouldn't, but if it's to find out what's going on at the Hidden... Quinn, mind giving me a hand?"
The officer waits for the Ashari's help, then grasps the gate and presses their entire body weight against it with the hope that the lock will give way.
(Jasper isn't trained in Athletics, and I am assuming Quinn is, so Jasper will provide the Help action to the big fella.)
Quinn nods his head and puts his sword and shield away. He exhales through his nose and dust comes out. He pushes his body against the metal gate with the might of Jasper.
“That guy is trying to get away,” Theron says pointing to the guy in the long coat. “You guys chase him down. I’ll go check out the apartment.”
[assuming if I can point him out everyone else can see the guy? Also assume he’s running away from us. If either of those is false I might change my action]
"Should we just take a long look at what we need and tell the watch about this after? It may not look to favorably on us if we are seen poking around at the crime scene and leaving." Nerak glances back at the people distracted by Dev but is careful to not get to close to the corpse and keep it out of his line of sight. "Also was one of us going to go tell the others?"
Magnus hesitates after hearing Theron cry out about a person running away, but then stops and turns back to Theron, "You should not be left alone, there might be more inside. Quinn, Jasper, go catch that person and bring them back hear, quietly if you can." Then to Theron, "After you, not sure if the noise from breaking the gate alerted anyone else, but we should get off the street quickly."
Dev mumbles something to Nerak, plainly intimidated by the huge dragonblood. If prompted, he repeats a little louder.
“Actually they were supposed to wait until we’d found…him…at the Red Trout before going to his apartment. But my idea probably wasn’t that good, anyhow.”
Seeing that Normont has completed his task, the teenager shyly holds out his hand for the scroll case.
“Can we just go?”
(OOC, if the others leave, he follows them, dropping the illusions when bystanders aren’t looking. The description of his urchin background doesn’t include being able to bring others through the town quickly. If DM rules this is possible, he will. Otherwise, he follows in Nerak’s shadow.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries //Dev Horndin Curious Critters
Magnus hesitates after hearing Theron cry out about a person running away, but then stops and turns back to Theron, "You should not be left alone, there might be more inside. Quinn, Jasper, go catch that person and bring them back hear, quietly if you can." Then to Theron, "After you, not sure if the noise from breaking the gate alerted anyone else, but we should get off the street quickly."
Theron nods and heads towards the apartment they seek.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Writer • Podcaster • Professional Gamemaster
playing Jin Wei, human (Kara-tur) way of the Four Elements Monk in the Princes of the Apocalypse
Lokilia grins as she sees Dev's deception. 'Sure, that was Jasper's voice, but certainly more confident that he usually appears,' she thinks. The half-elf then takes the bit of embroidered cloth and stashes it into a pocket. "Should we tell the authorities about the body? He ought to be buried," Lokilia says. "Though, maybe we should go to the others first. Oh! And then maybe Theron can help!" Ready to go, she stands, prepared to head off with the others.
Rolling up the crime scene image, Normont carefully puts it back in the scroll case and hands it back to Dev, reaching up so he doesn't have to bend down.
"It isn't permanent, you will be able to use the paper for your music once we are done", he says with a wink.
Hearing Dev, Nerak and Lokilia mention just leaving, he gives his opinion. "I am known to the Watch and believe I have garnered a little trust and we are on our way to two watch members, so technically we are going to get the Watch. Also, when this happened we were with those two Watch members, so have a pretty good alibi if we do come under suspicion", he says analytically.
"Let's go and warn our companions as quickly as we can", he concludes and motions for Dev to lead the way when ready.
"Should we just take a long look at what we need and tell the watch about this after? It may not look to favorably on us if we are seen poking around at the crime scene and leaving." Nerak glances back at the people distracted by Dev but is careful to not get to close to the corpse and keep it out of his line of sight. "Also was one of us going to go tell the others?"
Dev mumbles something to Nerak, plainly intimidated by the huge dragonblood. If prompted, he repeats a little louder.
“Actually they were supposed to wait until we’d found…him…at the Red Trout before going to his apartment. But my idea probably wasn’t that good, anyhow.”
Seeing that Normont has completed his task, the teenager shyly holds out his hand for the scroll case.
“Can we just go?”
(OOC, if the others leave, he follows them, dropping the illusions when bystanders aren’t looking. The description of his urchin background doesn’t include being able to bring others through the town quickly. If DM rules this is possible, he will. Otherwise, he follows in Nerak’s shadow.)
Lokilia grins as she sees Dev's deception. 'Sure, that was Jasper's voice, but certainly more confident that he usually appears,' she thinks. The half-elf then takes the bit of embroidered cloth and stashes it into a pocket. "Should we tell the authorities about the body? He ought to be buried," Lokilia says. "Though, maybe we should go to the others first. Oh! And then maybe Theron can help!" Ready to go, she stands, prepared to head off with the others.
Rolling up the crime scene image, Normont carefully puts it back in the scroll case and hands it back to Dev, reaching up so he doesn't have to bend down.
"It isn't permanent, you will be able to use the paper for your music once we are done", he says with a wink.
Hearing Dev, Nerak and Lokilia mention just leaving, he gives his opinion. "I am known to the Watch and believe I have garnered a little trust and we are on our way to two watch members, so technically we are going to get the Watch. Also, when this happened we were with those two Watch members, so have a pretty good alibi if we do come under suspicion", he says analytically.
"Let's go and warn our companions as quickly as we can", he concludes and motions for Dev to lead the way when ready.
The group heads off Dev leading the way as it begins raining heavily.
( Can I have a Perception and Stealth Check from a member of the Group, at Advantage due to Dev.)
“That guy is trying to get away,” Theron says pointing to the guy in the long coat. “You guys chase him down. I’ll go check out the apartment.”
[assuming if I can point him out everyone else can see the guy? Also assume he’s running away from us. If either of those is false I might change my action]
Magnus hesitates after hearing Theron cry out about a person running away, but then stops and turns back to Theron, "You should not be left alone, there might be more inside. Quinn, Jasper, go catch that person and bring them back hear, quietly if you can." Then to Theron, "After you, not sure if the noise from breaking the gate alerted anyone else, but we should get off the street quickly."
Magnus hesitates after hearing Theron cry out about a person running away, but then stops and turns back to Theron, "You should not be left alone, there might be more inside. Quinn, Jasper, go catch that person and bring them back hear, quietly if you can." Then to Theron, "After you, not sure if the noise from breaking the gate alerted anyone else, but we should get off the street quickly."
Theron nods and heads towards the apartment they seek.
Quinn is already running after the person the moment he saw them leave.
Jasper and Quinn hurry after the fleeing figure, Quinn in the lead. It begins raining heavily as they close the distance and they have almost caught up when it seems the figure dissolves into a mist and vanishes. As the figure vanishes both men hear the sound of metal against stone and note a silver cloak pin designed with a series of intricate patterns along the shaft.
Magnus and Theron enter the courtyard, a soft wind begins to shift the fog as the rain begins to fall and a cold sensation crawls down your backs. A quiet dread permeates the courtyard, like the cobbles are waiting for something to happen.
The faint yellow numbers of the rooms appear to glow in the darkness. The wet, muddy courtyard is deathly silent, and you walk up to number 11, its doors bound by iron. The windows in the courtyard are all shuttered. As you near the door, you hear a small creaking sound; you look up to see the weathervane on the top of the building has shifted and the black iron crow points due west.
"Oh wonderful", Normont says to Dev, then watches what he is up to for a moment before investigating the contents of the scroll case.
He chuckles a little at Dev's ingenuity, and then pops open the scroll case and removes the pieces of paper. He carefully rolls back up the one that had been used, and takes the fresh sheet. Taking one of his small tools out of it's pouch on his belt, he sits cross legged and seemingly swipes the long pick looking tool across the paper multiple times.
Once he is done, he puts the pick away and stands up, holding the paper out in front of him to examine his handiwork.
The once plain sheet of paper now showed a perfect image of the body of Conroy Pekese and it's immediate surroundings.
"Perfect", he says, showing the others the picture. "Just in case we need to refer to the crime scene later".
"Now, is there any more to do here?".
Action: Magical Tinkering
"Anyone know how to pick a lock?" Theron asks.
Writer • Podcaster • Professional Gamemaster
playing Jin Wei, human (Kara-tur) way of the Four Elements Monk in the Princes of the Apocalypse
(OOC: Rolled twice in CS: 7, 18. Whew!, for advantage!)
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
Those with the body:- Dev, Normont, Lokilia, Nerak.
Dev manages to dissuade any citizens from investigating, but is aware that his ruse will attract any passing Watch members if they happen by. Normont now has a likeness and Lokilia examines her and Neraks find while the Dragonborn keeps watch.
Outside Conroys Apartments- Jasper, Magnus, Quin, Theron.
As Theron asks his question it occurs that both Jasper and Quinn are large fellows and may have a chance of forcing the gate or assisting someone over the wall.
(Well, Jasper does tend to opt for straightforward solutions.)
"Normont does. Wish he was here right now," Jasper sighs. "Let's try forcing the gate. Normally I wouldn't, but if it's to find out what's going on at the Hidden... Quinn, mind giving me a hand?"
The officer waits for the Ashari's help, then grasps the gate and presses their entire body weight against it with the hope that the lock will give way.
(Jasper isn't trained in Athletics, and I am assuming Quinn is, so Jasper will provide the Help action to the big fella.)
DM | Dragon Heist: Hell of a Summer
Jasper Garrai - Aasimar Ranger/Cleric | The Dark Below
Hyacinth Hagsbane - Hexblood Ranger | Witchwood
Petra Pebblefoot - Svirfneblin Wizard | Tomb of Annihilation
Quinn nods his head and puts his sword and shield away. He exhales through his nose and dust comes out. He pushes his body against the metal gate with the might of Jasper.
Athletics with ADV: 20
Outside Conroys Apartments- Jasper, Magnus, Quin, Theron.
Quinn strains against the gate as Jasper pushes and twists against it, he begins to feel it in his shoulder until suddenly the gate pops open.
As the noise of the gate carries a little way, Theron suddenly sees a slim figure in a long coat darting down the alley-way.
“That guy is trying to get away,” Theron says pointing to the guy in the long coat. “You guys chase him down. I’ll go check out the apartment.”
[assuming if I can point him out everyone else can see the guy? Also assume he’s running away from us. If either of those is false I might change my action]
Writer • Podcaster • Professional Gamemaster
playing Jin Wei, human (Kara-tur) way of the Four Elements Monk in the Princes of the Apocalypse
Quinn will immediately try to run after them (athletically of course) trying to tackle them.
"Should we just take a long look at what we need and tell the watch about this after? It may not look to favorably on us if we are seen poking around at the crime scene and leaving." Nerak glances back at the people distracted by Dev but is careful to not get to close to the corpse and keep it out of his line of sight. "Also was one of us going to go tell the others?"
Magnus hesitates after hearing Theron cry out about a person running away, but then stops and turns back to Theron, "You should not be left alone, there might be more inside. Quinn, Jasper, go catch that person and bring them back hear, quietly if you can." Then to Theron, "After you, not sure if the noise from breaking the gate alerted anyone else, but we should get off the street quickly."
Dev mumbles something to Nerak, plainly intimidated by the huge dragonblood. If prompted, he repeats a little louder.
“Actually they were supposed to wait until we’d found…him…at the Red Trout before going to his apartment. But my idea probably wasn’t that good, anyhow.”
Seeing that Normont has completed his task, the teenager shyly holds out his hand for the scroll case.
“Can we just go?”
(OOC, if the others leave, he follows them, dropping the illusions when bystanders aren’t looking. The description of his urchin background doesn’t include being able to bring others through the town quickly. If DM rules this is possible, he will. Otherwise, he follows in Nerak’s shadow.)
DM for Candlekeep Mysteries // Dev Hornd in Curious Critters
Theron nods and heads towards the apartment they seek.
Writer • Podcaster • Professional Gamemaster
playing Jin Wei, human (Kara-tur) way of the Four Elements Monk in the Princes of the Apocalypse
“Gods damn it, hey! Stop in the name of the law!” Jasper shouts at the fleeing individual. “Quinn, come with me, I could use the backup!”
DM | Dragon Heist: Hell of a Summer
Jasper Garrai - Aasimar Ranger/Cleric | The Dark Below
Hyacinth Hagsbane - Hexblood Ranger | Witchwood
Petra Pebblefoot - Svirfneblin Wizard | Tomb of Annihilation
Lokilia grins as she sees Dev's deception. 'Sure, that was Jasper's voice, but certainly more confident that he usually appears,' she thinks. The half-elf then takes the bit of embroidered cloth and stashes it into a pocket. "Should we tell the authorities about the body? He ought to be buried," Lokilia says. "Though, maybe we should go to the others first. Oh! And then maybe Theron can help!" Ready to go, she stands, prepared to head off with the others.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Rolling up the crime scene image, Normont carefully puts it back in the scroll case and hands it back to Dev, reaching up so he doesn't have to bend down.
"It isn't permanent, you will be able to use the paper for your music once we are done", he says with a wink.
Hearing Dev, Nerak and Lokilia mention just leaving, he gives his opinion. "I am known to the Watch and believe I have garnered a little trust and we are on our way to two watch members, so technically we are going to get the Watch. Also, when this happened we were with those two Watch members, so have a pretty good alibi if we do come under suspicion", he says analytically.
"Let's go and warn our companions as quickly as we can", he concludes and motions for Dev to lead the way when ready.
Quinn is already running after the person the moment he saw them leave.
The group heads off Dev leading the way as it begins raining heavily.
( Can I have a Perception and Stealth Check from a member of the Group, at Advantage due to Dev.)
Jasper and Quinn hurry after the fleeing figure, Quinn in the lead. It begins raining heavily as they close the distance and they have almost caught up when it seems the figure dissolves into a mist and vanishes. As the figure vanishes both men hear the sound of metal against stone and note a silver cloak pin designed with a series of intricate patterns along the shaft.
Magnus and Theron enter the courtyard, a soft wind begins to shift the fog as the rain begins to fall and a cold sensation crawls down your backs. A quiet dread permeates the courtyard, like the cobbles are waiting for something to happen.
The faint yellow numbers of the rooms appear to glow in the darkness. The wet, muddy courtyard is deathly silent, and you walk up to number 11, its doors bound by iron. The windows in the courtyard are all shuttered. As you near the door, you hear a small creaking sound; you look up to see the weathervane on the top of the building has shifted and the black iron crow points due west.