There's a thoughtful tilt of her head before delight dawns on her face like a sunrise, brightening her smile and lifting her cheeks and brows all at once. The grip of her hand is gentle as she shakes the other woman’s, though she can’t help the tensing of her muscles in anticipation of another intrusive vision. When it doesn’t come, she echoes with smile-crinkled eyes, “Everyone calls me Mei too.”
“And I do, yes,” she confirms happily of bumping into people in greeting. “Not on purpose though! It just… well, it happens more than it should probably,” she laughs, a soft, musical sound to it. There's a reason her brothers call her Mei-hem (mayhem). "But I do always bump into them for a reason, even if I don't know what it is at first!" Her gaze, which returns to its sleepy half-lidded state, falls to the card-holster at her hip. "The cards did say I would meet a reflection of myself today. I wondered if they were just being cheeky and meant in a mirror," she giggles. It's abundantly clear that Mei is not an observant person, nor is she very aware of her surroundings as the gap between Mae and herself in the line grows.
Knap follows the sound of rain, Knap follows the sound of his name. Knap feels a little shame and out of place wishing he wore the school uniform stowed away in his backpack.
As he approaches he smiles brightly at the Earth Genasi, grateful for the vibrant rain-like music, but turns immediately toward the purple skin Tiefling, "Hi, I'm Knap Shaka-Grasspear. Call me Knap. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're either Lasviel Turnadri, or Malvyn, Malvyn Darkhold?" He then smiles to the others nervously huddled.
Judging by the somewhat anxious look 'probably the latter' Knap thinks to himself.
Maeleve gently pulled Mei along as the line shifted. "Oh dear. Well I suppose I am just rather used to people bumping into me...on purpose."She made a bit of a face at her comment. "But that is amusing we have similar names! Maybe I should go by Maeleve here? I wonder if there a lot of other Maeleves. But at least they can tell us apart if they see us, right?" She giggles a little bit as she gazes down at the shorter girl. "I mean we don't exactly look alike, do we!" She smiled again and pushed some of her golden hair back over her ear and took another small step in pace with the slowly moving line. "There certainly are a lot of people here! I wonder if my roommate to be is here yet. I hope they're nice."
Mei’s head cocks like a whistled dog up at the taller student over the face made at her own comment. The cards thrum against her hip in response. What guidance do they wish to give Maeleve Fairlight? But, at the comparison, Mei’s fingers reach up to smooth at a dark purple braid as she nods her agreement. She surely must look quite the shrinking violet next to a golden sunflower; indeed, it’s unlikely anyone will struggle to tell them apart.
“I’ve met two people already and both have been nice,” she tugs lightly on Mae’s sleeve to indicate she’s included in that count, “I’m sure they will be too!” She doesn’t, however, include the dryad boy who only looked at her rather than offer to help in her tally. "What's, um..." she looks around at the other students in the area before looking back up to Mae, "what's their name?"
Chara suddenly realizes that the other Tiefling seems just as embarrassed as she is. She quickly looks away... she should have been more mindful about staring... but then, something else clicks. She also realizes that one of the other two girls is Maeleve...
"Um... actually, unless there are two Maeleves at this school... your roommate is right here. Hello... I'm Chara."
Although the group had not yet gotten in one of the lines, Mae and Meihadn't been standing too far away from Chara and the others. (Or, we will say that's the case at least!) The line is moving however, as the Tieflingintroduces herself.
Guardok starts to shift towards the end of the first line, trying not to just abruptly walk away from the group of first years he has somehow latched onto. He observes their interactions, finding common ground as room mates or being of the same species. He wonders whether there will be other genasi in any of his classes, or better still, as a room mate.
When Knap smiles at him he returns it with a flourish of his macara, "Guardok".
The room may be bustling, but the proximity to the students in and around Mellori was such that she caught snippets of many conversations. Her bubble of one seemed to be expanding as Mal, Guardok, Chara, Knap and now two newcomers.
“What are the odds,” she shares, a hint of exasperation in her voice. “Lots of new faces and we have two Mae’s but no Mei. Maybe they didn’t come after all,”she glances around the room, “or I just haven’t met her yet. I presume it’s a ‘she’ as I suspect mixed dorms aren’t the done thing. I mean, it’s one thing to share with a brother…or two…or three, but not a complete stranger that’s of the opposite gender. Not that I’m suggesting anything untoward might happen, but there has to be a level of decorum. This is a university after all.” She glances around the assembled group. “I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
[ooc: Mellori pronounces Mae as ‘May’ and Mei as ‘My’]
With every flourish of the Earth Genasi's maracas Knap's hips wiggle involuntarily. "Hi, Guardok, I'm Knap" He turns to each in the group and introduces himself with a gentle bow. "Knap, pronounced 'nap', like have a little sleep. It means 'the crest of a hill' as in "a pathway winding around the knap of a green hill".
Knap's eyes glaze over listening to the rambling one, "I've never shared a room with anyone before". His mind briefly returns to balmy nights slept out under the stars.
Mae looked at Mei at the tug of her sleeve and gave a slight shrug. "I don't know, but I suspect we're about to find out," she said as the others began to come over and introduce themselves. "Oh! I am Maeleve Fairlight. I take it then you are Chara Leto?" (She does pronounce it -Kahra Lee-toe-) "And the rest of you are...? Oh goodness come on then, we're almost ready to check in it seems!"
The purple-skinned tiefling is again a bit startled as another person starts speaking to him, a satyr this time. "Malvyn...I'm Malvyn." He confirms after an awkward moment after digesting he would be sharing room with the satyr. He really had no preferences who he would be sharing room with but he wasn't used to changes and having a room mate was a big change from the life he had had in Baldur's Gate. Being among people was a big change and he felt the commotion around him starting to take it's toll on his mind. "Good to meet you Knap..." Mal says with all the politeness he can muster. "...and good to have you in the same room. Neither I have shared sleeping quarters with anyone before but I'm sure we will figure it out together." He continues with a more relaxed and friendly smile now, offering his purple hand to the satyr in a handshake, his other hand still not leaving the shoulder bag at his side. He then looks quickly between the people gathering around, trying to commit their names to memory, one thing he was confident in achieving at least.
As the others start to join Mae and Meiin the line, a young red-haired Human steps forward from just behind them. "Excuse me," he says firmly, "but surely you are not all just going to jump into this line."
He is not dressed in a uniform, but has a flashy silken outfit of wildly patterned reds contrasted with blues. He looks at you all with rather piercing bright blue eyes.
Even as he is expressing his indignation, the line moves forward and an Owlin girl at the table asks in a soft voice, "Can I help whoever is next? Name and room number?" She is dressed in a red and white uniform.
"I'm not sure I saw anyone jumping," Mae said to the red and blue man, then realized she was at the table finally and turned around to the owlin with a look of mild surprise in her face. She'd never seen such a creature before and it was rather fascinating. "Maeleve Fairlight, room 405. Are you Lesviel Turnadri? I'm afraid my invitation did not specify who they were."
The Owlin swivels her head a bit, eyes unblinking. "No, I'm not Lesviel..."
"I am Lesviel Turnardi!" comes a bright feminine voice. You see a relatively tall (6'0") High Elf with long golden blonde hair and gold hazel eyes. She's dressed in what looks to be a new Prismari uniform - long and flowing, in mostly red but with prominent blue accents. Here and there on her skin are golden colored patches.
"It is wonderful to meet you Maeleve. I'll be your Resident Assistant this year. I hope you'll love it up on our fourth floor!"
She then motions to the Owlin who first greeted you. "Ankitta here will get you signed in and your room key and some helpful papers. I can then show you the way to our floor."
Guardok looks up at the indignant red haired human, and cocks his head to the side, the sound of his maraca disappearing for the moment.
"Looks as good a line as any, with the exception of a conga line", he says and starts to shake both his maracas, spinning them about in between sharper motions. "You are welcome to join", he says pleasantly as he rolls his shoulders along to the music.
As he hears the really tall elven lady with golden hair state that she is the one they all sought, he turns to her from a few places back in the queue. "I'm looking for you as well, I'm on the fourth floor too. I'm in 404, we're neighbours", he says waving his maracas over his head so he can be seen by Lesviel and Maeleve amongst all the tall folk.
"Me and Knap are in room 403."The purple-skinned tiefling says with a hint of excitement in his voice, but he then realizes it was perhaps to be expected that new arrivals would be put in the same corridor. It felt comforting though somehow, the persons he had spoken to seemed to all accept his appearance so far and he decided it would be a good idea to stay with those he knew, or rather had started to get to know. He then turns to the golden-blonde high elf. "I am Malvyn, Malvyn Darkhold. Will Ankitta help me too?"
"I'm also on the fourth floor," Mei pipes up, purple gaze darting curiously from new face to new face, her tarot cards all but vibrating now in their holster. To the student mentioning their missing roommate, she tries to offer, "Maybe Ankitta or Lesviel can help you find Mai--" before her eyes are drawn to the blue-eyed student as he speaks up about line jumping.
"Hi, hello! I'm Mei Fujimori," she says offering a hand. "Would you... like to go ahead of me? I'm not in any hurry. My grandmother always says, 'time is a social construct to which we've bound ourselves as a means of reflecting change,'" which prompts a yawn she shields behind her pillow. Her eyes crinkle in a smile once again. "I don't mind my place in line not reflecting change yet."
"Oh goodness! I'm sorry Ankitta! Your assistance is greatly appreciated! And very nice to meet you too Lesviel! I hope I like it here too. And such pretty colors you have!" Mae turns back to the owlin and waits for them to finish assisting them before getting ready to go find her room, albeit in no rush, seeing as how the group of students behind her were all going to about the same place.
The red-haired Human does not seem very pleased with Mae'sresponse, nor Guardok's. The fact the Human woman immediately turns away and the Earth Genasi invites him to join the line he was already in, certainly annoys him more. And his face definitely shows it.
However, before he comes up with any retort, Mei greets him and offers her hand, he graciously takes it. "You are most kind. I am Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III and I am quite pleased to find someone with such a kind heart. And might I add, such a beautiful appearance. Did I hear you will be on the fourth floor? My room is on the third, perhaps we will see each other." He then gives Mei a smile. "Often."
"Please dear lady, though I might be entitled to move up over these others, you were rightfully ahead of me. Go ahead."
Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III (Although he is not wearing the uniform at the moment!)
Mei blinks up at Mae. Mei and… Mae.
There's a thoughtful tilt of her head before delight dawns on her face like a sunrise, brightening her smile and lifting her cheeks and brows all at once. The grip of her hand is gentle as she shakes the other woman’s, though she can’t help the tensing of her muscles in anticipation of another intrusive vision. When it doesn’t come, she echoes with smile-crinkled eyes, “Everyone calls me Mei too.”
“And I do, yes,” she confirms happily of bumping into people in greeting. “Not on purpose though! It just… well, it happens more than it should probably,” she laughs, a soft, musical sound to it. There's a reason her brothers call her Mei-hem (mayhem). "But I do always bump into them for a reason, even if I don't know what it is at first!" Her gaze, which returns to its sleepy half-lidded state, falls to the card-holster at her hip. "The cards did say I would meet a reflection of myself today. I wondered if they were just being cheeky and meant in a mirror," she giggles. It's abundantly clear that Mei is not an observant person, nor is she very aware of her surroundings as the gap between Mae and herself in the line grows.
Knap follows the sound of rain, Knap follows the sound of his name. Knap feels a little shame and out of place wishing he wore the school uniform stowed away in his backpack.
As he approaches he smiles brightly at the Earth Genasi, grateful for the vibrant rain-like music, but turns immediately toward the purple skin Tiefling, "Hi, I'm Knap Shaka-Grasspear. Call me Knap. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're either Lasviel Turnadri, or Malvyn, Malvyn Darkhold?" He then smiles to the others nervously huddled.
Judging by the somewhat anxious look 'probably the latter' Knap thinks to himself.
Maeleve gently pulled Mei along as the line shifted. "Oh dear. Well I suppose I am just rather used to people bumping into me...on purpose." She made a bit of a face at her comment. "But that is amusing we have similar names! Maybe I should go by Maeleve here? I wonder if there a lot of other Maeleves. But at least they can tell us apart if they see us, right?" She giggles a little bit as she gazes down at the shorter girl. "I mean we don't exactly look alike, do we!" She smiled again and pushed some of her golden hair back over her ear and took another small step in pace with the slowly moving line. "There certainly are a lot of people here! I wonder if my roommate to be is here yet. I hope they're nice."
Mei’s head cocks like a whistled dog up at the taller student over the face made at her own comment. The cards thrum against her hip in response. What guidance do they wish to give Maeleve Fairlight? But, at the comparison, Mei’s fingers reach up to smooth at a dark purple braid as she nods her agreement. She surely must look quite the shrinking violet next to a golden sunflower; indeed, it’s unlikely anyone will struggle to tell them apart.
“I’ve met two people already and both have been nice,” she tugs lightly on Mae’s sleeve to indicate she’s included in that count, “I’m sure they will be too!” She doesn’t, however, include the dryad boy who only looked at her rather than offer to help in her tally. "What's, um..." she looks around at the other students in the area before looking back up to Mae, "what's their name?"
Chara suddenly realizes that the other Tiefling seems just as embarrassed as she is. She quickly looks away... she should have been more mindful about staring... but then, something else clicks. She also realizes that one of the other two girls is Maeleve...
"Um... actually, unless there are two Maeleves at this school... your roommate is right here. Hello... I'm Chara."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Provide feedback!
Although the group had not yet gotten in one of the lines, Mae and Mei hadn't been standing too far away from Chara and the others. (Or, we will say that's the case at least!) The line is moving however, as the Tiefling introduces herself.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Guardok starts to shift towards the end of the first line, trying not to just abruptly walk away from the group of first years he has somehow latched onto. He observes their interactions, finding common ground as room mates or being of the same species. He wonders whether there will be other genasi in any of his classes, or better still, as a room mate.
When Knap smiles at him he returns it with a flourish of his macara, "Guardok".
The room may be bustling, but the proximity to the students in and around Mellori was such that she caught snippets of many conversations. Her bubble of one seemed to be expanding as Mal, Guardok, Chara, Knap and now two newcomers.
“What are the odds,” she shares, a hint of exasperation in her voice. “Lots of new faces and we have two Mae’s but no Mei. Maybe they didn’t come after all,” she glances around the room, “or I just haven’t met her yet. I presume it’s a ‘she’ as I suspect mixed dorms aren’t the done thing. I mean, it’s one thing to share with a brother…or two…or three, but not a complete stranger that’s of the opposite gender. Not that I’m suggesting anything untoward might happen, but there has to be a level of decorum. This is a university after all.” She glances around the assembled group. “I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
[ooc: Mellori pronounces Mae as ‘May’ and Mei as ‘My’]
With every flourish of the Earth Genasi's maracas Knap's hips wiggle involuntarily. "Hi, Guardok, I'm Knap" He turns to each in the group and introduces himself with a gentle bow. "Knap, pronounced 'nap', like have a little sleep. It means 'the crest of a hill' as in "a pathway winding around the knap of a green hill".
Knap's eyes glaze over listening to the rambling one, "I've never shared a room with anyone before". His mind briefly returns to balmy nights slept out under the stars.
Mae looked at Mei at the tug of her sleeve and gave a slight shrug. "I don't know, but I suspect we're about to find out," she said as the others began to come over and introduce themselves. "Oh! I am Maeleve Fairlight. I take it then you are Chara Leto?" (She does pronounce it -Kahra Lee-toe-) "And the rest of you are...? Oh goodness come on then, we're almost ready to check in it seems!"
The purple-skinned tiefling is again a bit startled as another person starts speaking to him, a satyr this time. "Malvyn...I'm Malvyn." He confirms after an awkward moment after digesting he would be sharing room with the satyr. He really had no preferences who he would be sharing room with but he wasn't used to changes and having a room mate was a big change from the life he had had in Baldur's Gate. Being among people was a big change and he felt the commotion around him starting to take it's toll on his mind. "Good to meet you Knap..." Mal says with all the politeness he can muster. "...and good to have you in the same room. Neither I have shared sleeping quarters with anyone before but I'm sure we will figure it out together." He continues with a more relaxed and friendly smile now, offering his purple hand to the satyr in a handshake, his other hand still not leaving the shoulder bag at his side. He then looks quickly between the people gathering around, trying to commit their names to memory, one thing he was confident in achieving at least.
As the others start to join Mae and Mei in the line, a young red-haired Human steps forward from just behind them. "Excuse me," he says firmly, "but surely you are not all just going to jump into this line."
He is not dressed in a uniform, but has a flashy silken outfit of wildly patterned reds contrasted with blues. He looks at you all with rather piercing bright blue eyes.
Even as he is expressing his indignation, the line moves forward and an Owlin girl at the table asks in a soft voice, "Can I help whoever is next? Name and room number?" She is dressed in a red and white uniform.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
"I'm not sure I saw anyone jumping," Mae said to the red and blue man, then realized she was at the table finally and turned around to the owlin with a look of mild surprise in her face. She'd never seen such a creature before and it was rather fascinating. "Maeleve Fairlight, room 405. Are you Lesviel Turnadri? I'm afraid my invitation did not specify who they were."
The Owlin swivels her head a bit, eyes unblinking. "No, I'm not Lesviel..."
"I am Lesviel Turnardi!" comes a bright feminine voice. You see a relatively tall (6'0") High Elf with long golden blonde hair and gold hazel eyes. She's dressed in what looks to be a new Prismari uniform - long and flowing, in mostly red but with prominent blue accents. Here and there on her skin are golden colored patches.
"It is wonderful to meet you Maeleve. I'll be your Resident Assistant this year. I hope you'll love it up on our fourth floor!"
She then motions to the Owlin who first greeted you. "Ankitta here will get you signed in and your room key and some helpful papers. I can then show you the way to our floor."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Guardok looks up at the indignant red haired human, and cocks his head to the side, the sound of his maraca disappearing for the moment.
"Looks as good a line as any, with the exception of a conga line", he says and starts to shake both his maracas, spinning them about in between sharper motions. "You are welcome to join", he says pleasantly as he rolls his shoulders along to the music.
As he hears the really tall elven lady with golden hair state that she is the one they all sought, he turns to her from a few places back in the queue. "I'm looking for you as well, I'm on the fourth floor too. I'm in 404, we're neighbours", he says waving his maracas over his head so he can be seen by Lesviel and Maeleve amongst all the tall folk.
"Me and Knap are in room 403." The purple-skinned tiefling says with a hint of excitement in his voice, but he then realizes it was perhaps to be expected that new arrivals would be put in the same corridor. It felt comforting though somehow, the persons he had spoken to seemed to all accept his appearance so far and he decided it would be a good idea to stay with those he knew, or rather had started to get to know. He then turns to the golden-blonde high elf. "I am Malvyn, Malvyn Darkhold. Will Ankitta help me too?"
"I'm also on the fourth floor," Mei pipes up, purple gaze darting curiously from new face to new face, her tarot cards all but vibrating now in their holster. To the student mentioning their missing roommate, she tries to offer, "Maybe Ankitta or Lesviel can help you find Mai--" before her eyes are drawn to the blue-eyed student as he speaks up about line jumping.
"Hi, hello! I'm Mei Fujimori," she says offering a hand. "Would you... like to go ahead of me? I'm not in any hurry. My grandmother always says, 'time is a social construct to which we've bound ourselves as a means of reflecting change,'" which prompts a yawn she shields behind her pillow. Her eyes crinkle in a smile once again. "I don't mind my place in line not reflecting change yet."
"Mei, I like the sound of your grandmother, she seems very wise."
Knap inches closer to Mal, "Roomie! Yes 403, that's us."
"Oh goodness! I'm sorry Ankitta! Your assistance is greatly appreciated! And very nice to meet you too Lesviel! I hope I like it here too. And such pretty colors you have!" Mae turns back to the owlin and waits for them to finish assisting them before getting ready to go find her room, albeit in no rush, seeing as how the group of students behind her were all going to about the same place.
The red-haired Human does not seem very pleased with Mae's response, nor Guardok's. The fact the Human woman immediately turns away and the Earth Genasi invites him to join the line he was already in, certainly annoys him more. And his face definitely shows it.
However, before he comes up with any retort, Mei greets him and offers her hand, he graciously takes it. "You are most kind. I am Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III and I am quite pleased to find someone with such a kind heart. And might I add, such a beautiful appearance. Did I hear you will be on the fourth floor? My room is on the third, perhaps we will see each other." He then gives Mei a smile. "Often."
"Please dear lady, though I might be entitled to move up over these others, you were rightfully ahead of me. Go ahead."
Quentillius Antiphiun Melentor III (Although he is not wearing the uniform at the moment!)

Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea