"I dunno how much time we got. Gundren has a reputation around here. That could work in his favor, or against it. Whatever he had cooking up, he was excited. It was probably something big.
As for the goblin, I dunno bout taking it for hostage. Not sure we'd get much for him. And he might be more trouble than it's worth."
Quinn looks back at the scene and ponders what to do. He looks up at the sky trying to gauge the time of day.
"He'd slow us down too. Especially if we're gonna try and track down them down. I say we leave him here. Tie the bastard up to a tree and leave a note for any passers by to send the guard."
He walks back to the wagon and checks in with Bryony, Tessa and Roderick.
"We're kinda thinkin' of trying to track the goblins. Looks like they dragged off Gundren and Sildar. What do you all feel about the situation?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
Jurgen listening and taking it all in says "I propose we:
1. Pull the wagon a ways into the woods so no one would see it. Maybe throw some additional branches and leaf litter to hid it's trail. Mr Ranger, could you do that?
2. Do as Mr. Quinn suggests and tie the goblin to a tree with a note. May want to gag him so he doesn't call out to his friends.
3. We get going as soon as possible on the trail to rescue Mr. Grunden and Mr. Sildar.
"Aye I'm worried about the wagons too. But Gundren is my chief concern. I'm here to help him. I could care less about the the 10 gold he offered us. I'll start working on the wagon while you all sort things out."
Quinn guides the oxen to pull the wagon off trail behind some thickets. He then sets free the horses (unless the party wants to take the horses) and oxen on the side of the trail in sheltered area where they can graze. He does his best to obscure the tracks, but he doesn't bother himself with this too much. He figures the likelihood of another band of robbers passing through is slim. Most likely, if anyone finds the wagon, it will be some locals or someone traveling too or from Phandalin.
He gags the goblin with a rag and secures it snuggly with some straps salvaged from the cart. He then uses some of his rope and ties up the little goblin. He first binds their feet and hands independently so they can't wriggle loose. He then ties its torso and limbs to the tree, arms pulled high above its head with the goblin pressed face first against the tree. For added security, Quinn secures the rest of the rope around the base of a tree nearby, throws it over a high limb and ties this line around its wrists, pulling it very taut. It's clear this is not the first time Quinn has tied someone up this way.
He then joins the rest of the party.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
Quinn successfully hides the wagon, binds the surviving (and still unconscious) goblin, frees the horses, and cares for the oxen. Then the party prepares to follow the trail north.
(What's your marching order? Who's leading? Anyone scouting? Any other prep? Roll a Survival check to follow the trail and tracks!)
“I say we keep the horses here, in case we need to retreat with haste.” Syzygy brings the horses behind the thickets and secures them. He pauses, looking in the direction of the goblin trail trying to formulate an extraction strategy. This is going to cost you more than 10 gold, Gundren.
“I’m prepared to move at the front. I'll look out for possible ambushes along the way. Once there, perhaps I can sneak up and incapacitate a few before we need to swing any swords? I’m sure they’re tired from all the debauchery and a swift sleep enchantment might do the rest. Buy us a few moments at the very least. If not, if stealth fails, we make them bleed.”
In that moment Zyzygy notices Sir Roderick’s relative quiet. He pushes down the thought that the decorated hero's incessant talk had brought some comfort over the last few days of travel.
Quinn cracks a smile at Jurgen. "I dunno friend. I'm not known for being good with words. What say you, Sir Roderick? You seem to be the most eloquent of the lot of us."
He then looks to Syzygy with a subtle bow. "Lead the way. I'll take up the rear and keep an eye out for any of those little goblins tryin' to flank us."
Quinn cracks a smile at Jurgen. "I dunno friend. I'm not known for being good with words. What say you, Sir Roderick? You seem to be the most eloquent of the lot of us."
He then looks to Syzygy with a subtle bow. "Lead the way. I'll take up the rear and keep an eye out for any of those little goblins tryin' to flank us."
" Well, I don't know about that though I am perhaps the most loquacious amongst a rather taciturn group.", he chuckled.
" I have not parleyed often with goblins or their ilk, though I did have a rather torrid arrangement with a very fierce Batiri lass in my youth during a stint in Chult, still have scars from some of the bite-marks."
" Place me where you need me, I simply wish to be of use....and of course we must rescue this dwarven friend of yours. He, uh, doesn't have a sister by any chance?"
After tying up the horses, Syzygy easily follows the path northwest where he can see and follow the fresh tracks of a dozen goblin feet, together with the recent drag marks of two human-sized bundles recently hauled away from the ambush site. The rest of the party follows, with Quinn taking the rear (giving them some space and ranging somewhat off-trail). The boulder-strewn woods are quiet.
Bryony walks just ahead of Quinn, her short legs working extra hard to keep up with the tall folk. Ever since the attack, she'd been quiet. At first, it had just been the shock of battle. She had never been involved in such a skirmish like that before. She preferred to strike from the shadows or avoid violence altogether if possible. Of course, that wasn't really possible with goblins she supposed. At least the attack had managed to take her mind off her upcoming family reunion.
She is about to speak when Tessa urges them to keep quiet in order to avoid another ambush so she merely nods at her.
About ten minutes after heading down the trail, Syzygy finds a hidden snare. Spotting it only at the last moment, he stops short a thin moment before he would have been flipped upside down and likely suspended about a dozen feet above the path.
Syzygy raises a hand and stops in his tracks. He carefully steps around the trap, gesturing those behind to do the same.
"Disarm it if anyone can do so quickly" he whispers coldly. "Or leave a sign on a tree or track side so we aren't surprised on our way back."
The words 'on our way back' linger in Syzygy's head. He's not used to travelling with companions. They're usually a liability he's willing to leave behind but these folk seem good-hearted and well equipped. Perhaps if we make it back alive, a naming of the gang would be in order.
Quinn spots the snare that the crew points out. "Nice eye, indeed. I'm impressed. Let's take a look and see what this woulda triggered. Maybe we can salvage something."
He carefully steps over the snare and does his best to follow the line looking to see what sort of trap it would trigger.
Investigation check: 16
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
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"I dunno how much time we got. Gundren has a reputation around here. That could work in his favor, or against it. Whatever he had cooking up, he was excited. It was probably something big.
As for the goblin, I dunno bout taking it for hostage. Not sure we'd get much for him. And he might be more trouble than it's worth."
Quinn looks back at the scene and ponders what to do. He looks up at the sky trying to gauge the time of day.
"He'd slow us down too. Especially if we're gonna try and track down them down. I say we leave him here. Tie the bastard up to a tree and leave a note for any passers by to send the guard."
He walks back to the wagon and checks in with Bryony, Tessa and Roderick.
"We're kinda thinkin' of trying to track the goblins. Looks like they dragged off Gundren and Sildar. What do you all feel about the situation?"
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
DM: What time of day is it?
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
(It's about mid-day.)
Roderick levered himself back to his feet, " Happy to do so, little worried about the wagons chances without its escort is all."
Jurgen listening and taking it all in says "I propose we:
1. Pull the wagon a ways into the woods so no one would see it. Maybe throw some additional branches and leaf litter to hid it's trail. Mr Ranger, could you do that?
2. Do as Mr. Quinn suggests and tie the goblin to a tree with a note. May want to gag him so he doesn't call out to his friends.
3. We get going as soon as possible on the trail to rescue Mr. Grunden and Mr. Sildar.
What do you all think?"
D&D since 1984
"Aye I'm worried about the wagons too. But Gundren is my chief concern. I'm here to help him. I could care less about the the 10 gold he offered us. I'll start working on the wagon while you all sort things out."
Quinn guides the oxen to pull the wagon off trail behind some thickets. He then sets free the horses (unless the party wants to take the horses) and oxen on the side of the trail in sheltered area where they can graze. He does his best to obscure the tracks, but he doesn't bother himself with this too much. He figures the likelihood of another band of robbers passing through is slim. Most likely, if anyone finds the wagon, it will be some locals or someone traveling too or from Phandalin.
He gags the goblin with a rag and secures it snuggly with some straps salvaged from the cart. He then uses some of his rope and ties up the little goblin. He first binds their feet and hands independently so they can't wriggle loose. He then ties its torso and limbs to the tree, arms pulled high above its head with the goblin pressed face first against the tree. For added security, Quinn secures the rest of the rope around the base of a tree nearby, throws it over a high limb and ties this line around its wrists, pulling it very taut. It's clear this is not the first time Quinn has tied someone up this way.
He then joins the rest of the party.
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
Jurgen asks "Are we all in agreement?"
"Oh, one more thing that's very important. What do we call our adventuring party? We need a name."
D&D since 1984
Quinn successfully hides the wagon, binds the surviving (and still unconscious) goblin, frees the horses, and cares for the oxen. Then the party prepares to follow the trail north.
(What's your marching order? Who's leading? Anyone scouting? Any other prep? Roll a Survival check to follow the trail and tracks!)
“I say we keep the horses here, in case we need to retreat with haste.” Syzygy brings the horses behind the thickets and secures them. He pauses, looking in the direction of the goblin trail trying to formulate an extraction strategy. This is going to cost you more than 10 gold, Gundren.
“I’m prepared to move at the front. I'll look out for possible ambushes along the way. Once there, perhaps I can sneak up and incapacitate a few before we need to swing any swords? I’m sure they’re tired from all the debauchery and a swift sleep enchantment might do the rest. Buy us a few moments at the very least. If not, if stealth fails, we make them bleed.”
In that moment Zyzygy notices Sir Roderick’s relative quiet. He pushes down the thought that the decorated hero's incessant talk had brought some comfort over the last few days of travel.
[Survial: 15+3 = 18]
Quinn cracks a smile at Jurgen. "I dunno friend. I'm not known for being good with words. What say you, Sir Roderick? You seem to be the most eloquent of the lot of us."
He then looks to Syzygy with a subtle bow. "Lead the way. I'll take up the rear and keep an eye out for any of those little goblins tryin' to flank us."
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
" Well, I don't know about that though I am perhaps the most loquacious amongst a rather taciturn group.", he chuckled.
" I have not parleyed often with goblins or their ilk, though I did have a rather torrid arrangement with a very fierce Batiri lass in my youth during a stint in Chult, still have scars from some of the bite-marks."
" Place me where you need me, I simply wish to be of use....and of course we must rescue this dwarven friend of yours. He, uh, doesn't have a sister by any chance?"
After tying up the horses, Syzygy easily follows the path northwest where he can see and follow the fresh tracks of a dozen goblin feet, together with the recent drag marks of two human-sized bundles recently hauled away from the ambush site. The rest of the party follows, with Quinn taking the rear (giving them some space and ranging somewhat off-trail). The boulder-strewn woods are quiet.
Syzygy: make a perception check.
Syzygy looks around
(Perception: 15+3 = 18)
Tessa keeps back a bit, ahead of Syzygy. She keeps her spear in hand, and makes a few futile stabs at curious squirrels as they walk.
"I can't say on a name, perhaps something will come to us as we travel. Best keep quiet for now to not attract another ambush."
Jurgen nods in agreement to keeping quite. He'll take up 2nd or 3rd in line.
D&D since 1984
Bryony walks just ahead of Quinn, her short legs working extra hard to keep up with the tall folk. Ever since the attack, she'd been quiet. At first, it had just been the shock of battle. She had never been involved in such a skirmish like that before. She preferred to strike from the shadows or avoid violence altogether if possible. Of course, that wasn't really possible with goblins she supposed. At least the attack had managed to take her mind off her upcoming family reunion.
She is about to speak when Tessa urges them to keep quiet in order to avoid another ambush so she merely nods at her.
Extended Signature
Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 4 Halfling Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Vesta Trevelyan - Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Sorcerer (Eve of Ruin) ♦ Ada Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Aasimar Paladin (Curse of Strahd) ♦ Selene Albion - Lvl. 12 Human Ranger (In-Person Homebrew Campaign) ♦ Phaerdra Tor'viir - Lvl. 3 Drow Wizard (Exandria Sandbox Campaign)
About ten minutes after heading down the trail, Syzygy finds a hidden snare. Spotting it only at the last moment, he stops short a thin moment before he would have been flipped upside down and likely suspended about a dozen feet above the path.
Once Syzygy points out the snare Sir Roderick looks impressed, " Good eye.", he whispers.
Syzygy raises a hand and stops in his tracks. He carefully steps around the trap, gesturing those behind to do the same.
"Disarm it if anyone can do so quickly" he whispers coldly. "Or leave a sign on a tree or track side so we aren't surprised on our way back."
The words 'on our way back' linger in Syzygy's head. He's not used to travelling with companions. They're usually a liability he's willing to leave behind but these folk seem good-hearted and well equipped. Perhaps if we make it back alive, a naming of the gang would be in order.
Quinn spots the snare that the crew points out. "Nice eye, indeed. I'm impressed. Let's take a look and see what this woulda triggered. Maybe we can salvage something."
He carefully steps over the snare and does his best to follow the line looking to see what sort of trap it would trigger.
Investigation check: 16
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)