You began your adventuring career in the city of Neverwinter. A dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker hired a group of individuals to bring a wagonload of provisions to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple of days’ travel south of the city. Gundren was clearly excited and more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found “something big,” and that he’d pay you ten gold pieces each for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen’s Provisions, a trading post in Phandalin. He then set out ahead of you on horse, along with a warrior escort named Sildar Hallwinter, claiming he needed to arrive early to “take care of business.”
Our players:
Bryony Alderleaf, a female Halfling, played by owlbear89. She once lived in Phandalin. She was hired by Gundren as a caravan guard. Jurgen Droganson, a male Kobold, played by GR_Mustang. Gundren, a good friend of his father’s, hired him to escort his wagon. Quinn, a middle-aged human man, played by richgonehiking. He is an old friend of Gundren's, and is always willing to lend him a hand. Sir Roderick Feldspar, a human man in his late 50s, played by Damian_May. He is tagging along in lieu of a coach. Syzygy, a male Shadar-kai, played by YorrickThePoet. This is one of a few minor jobs over the years that Gundren has hired Syzygy for. Tessa Snowdust, a human woman, played by nurglich. She is accompanying the group to Phandalin.
You’ve spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you’ve just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You’ve had no trouble so far, but you know this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along this road.
(Welcome everyone! Please describe your characters!)
(Also: How are you traveling? One or two of you need to be driving the wagon. The rest of you may be riding on the wagon, walking alongside it, or scouting ahead. What's your choice?)
Before setting off from Neverwinter, Syzygy spent some time in meditation tapping into the collective knowledge of his kin. Knowing he and the party, selected by Gundren, would be travelling by wagon, he internalised some rudimentary knowledge of land vehicles.
With polite professionalism, Syzygy has offered to walk beside the wagon. He pays close attention to its mechanisms and joints, making sure everything runs smoothly as possible. He has spoken little thus far, keeping the hood of his ash-coloured cloak low, just above his blue-grey eyes framed by a face that appears to reflect an opalescent sheen. When he does speak, his sharp nose and thin lips twitch involuntarily.
“The spring iron looks a little worse for wear, but I think we’ll make it there alright.”
Jurgen walks along with Syzygy and admires the craftsmanship as well. He takes note (literally) in a small journal.
He takes his turn driving the wagon, although he is still learning. He is moderately well dressed, not a Nobel or anything but more like from a merchant family or the like. He is very friendly, humble and always ready to learn something new or discuss technology. He keeps his scales and dragon like horns clean. Except for his stature you would soon forget he is a kobold. He is very very smart. But still only 2 and half feet tall. His personality is more like that of a Dragonborn.
he carries a dagger, a spear and a cross bow and proudly wears his scalemail armor he helped to fashion.
During rest stops, he shares some of the traveling beer he had made before setting out. It is smooth and fruity and leaves you refreshed.
Bryony bites her fingernails from her perch inside the wagon. She's found a comfortable spot on some bags of flour. The bags are high enough that she is able to easily peer out and watch the countryside pass by. She absent-mindedly chews at her nail until she draws a small drop of blood. Uttering a halfling curse, she sucks at the wounded finger. In just a few short days she will be back in Phandalin, back in the place where she grew up. Her auntie is there and little Carp. Thinking of Carp's freckled face brings an involuntary smile to her face, but the thought of facing her aunt again is what has her chewing up her nails.
Bryony shakes her head and tries to focus on her surroundings, on her new companions. She's never met most of them before until they all signed on with Gundren Rockseeker. The only one she is somewhat familiar with is the human man Quinn. At the sound of Syzygy's voice, she turns to him and furrows her brow slightly. She's not quite sure what to make of him yet. She's never met one of his kind before.
"I sure hope so," she replies. "I don't think I could keep up with you lot on foot." She wiggles her toes inside her leather boots. Many halflings prefer to go barefoot, but that's not very practical in the big city on the sharp, rough cobblestone streets so the young halfling has had to get used to the feeling of encasing her feet.
Tessa is a young woman dressed in a simple but neat dress and traveling cloak, decorated with a fine pattern of hand-painted flowers. She seems too small and pretty to be out here on her own, but appears unafraid as she capably drives the wagon, chatting with the rest of the group in a friendly manner.
"Have any of you been to Phandalin before? I'm hoping it's a bit less noisy than Neverwinter."
The immediate area is mostly patchy woods and thickets of brush, with little elevation change. You have begun to can distant hills in the haze to the south and southeast.
It is late summer, and the weather is hot and dry. It is late morning. With luck, you expect to reach Phandalin today, before nightfall.
Without meeting her gaze, Syzygy says to the florally dressed women: "No, Gundren had sent me about this far before; a bogged caravan requring assistance on return from Phandalin. But yes, I agree, it's nice to get out of the city."
Quinn, a human ranger, walks ahead of the caravan 20-30 paces scouting the trail up ahead. He grew up in the rugged Sword Mountains and now calls the Neverwinter Wood home, so he is quite comfortable with the area.
He is a middle aged man, perhaps in his mid 40’s. He wears fur and hide armor with a woolen hooded cloak on his shoulders. Quinn carrys his trusty old battle axe slung over his shoulders, a dagger clipped to his thigh and a shortbow at the ready.
Quinn slows to let the caravan catch up. He looks up to Bryony and calls out “Keep an eye on the tree line. Call out if you see anything.”
He picks up pace and reclaims his spot scouting up ahead.
"......yes, anyway. As I was saying, this vista reminds me of the time we marched upon a ruined keep on the border of Cormyr with battalion of the Purple Dragons. Fine men and women they were, and a great slaughter was heaped upon the fell drake that laired there and its kob....uh, various minions...."
He stroked his long salt and pepper beard from his perch upon the wagon. Dressed in polished maille covered by an embroided velvet tabard ( which the more astute might notice was beginning to show its age) the older man wore high polished leather boots and a wide belt that strained a little at the midriff, though his arms and shoulders were wide and strong. A basket handled long sword with a gilded guard hung at his side.
" I would walk you know, but well I took an arrow to the knee and its been a bit twingy ever since, not that it slows me down on the field of battle, NO SIR! But....long understand. Not shirking, just saving my strength.", he tapped the side of his nose.
He looked across at Bryony, " Young Miss, have I previously made your aquaintance? You seem quite familiar?"
Quinn has traveled this road many a time and he is no stranger to the brigands and bandits that stalk these wood. He stops in the middle of the road and kneels. He inspects the ground and the brush nearby for any signs of activity that seems out of the ordinary.
Perception check: 4
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
You’ve been on the Triboar Trail for about half a day and are nearing a side road leading south toward Phandalin. Two oxen pull the wagon. The wagon itself is packed full of an assortment of mining supplies and food. Tessa has the reins, with Jurgen assisting on-and-off. Bryony and Sir Roderick sit reasonably comfortably in the back. Syzygy walks alongside, sometimes with Jurgen and his journal. Quinn walks about sixty feet ahead, keeping an eye on the woods, even as relentless biting flies continue to torment him.
So Quinn is surprised when he nearly walks into two loose horses wandering in the road. As the party comes around a bend, you seem to have stumbled upon the scene of a recent battle. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets on either side. The two horses wander about, sniffing at ransacked personal effects. The site is littered with arrows, torn scraps of fabric, and scattered odds and ends.
"It might be time to stretch those legs, old man", Syzygy jests (to his own surprise) as he loads and cocks a crossbow. "We've heard the talk…perhaps we'll see the action."
More concerned with protecting the beasts of burden than his newfound travel companions, the hooded Shadar-kai moves forward slightly to position himself closer to the oxen. He hasn't bungled a job for Gundren yet and today is no different.
"Anyone have any idea what we might be dealing with?"
As Quinn walks up on the scene, he holds up his left arm signaling the caravan to stop and then points up ahead towards the scene that’s unfolding in front of everyone. He slowly motions for the party to join him. He eyes the close confines of the trail and the hairs on his neck begin to tingle. The ranger slings his bow on his back in exchange for the battle axe which he holds with a sturdy two handed grip.
In a hushed steady voice he calls out “Some of you stay with the wagon, the others come with me. The horses seem calm, perhaps the attackers are long gone. Still, watch out for threats. Keep an eye out for survivors.”
He quickly surveys the scene to get a read of the situation. His eyes dart towards the thickets looking for any signs of disturbed brush, broken branches or any indications where the attackers came or went. Then he focuses his gaze in the ground looking for tracks.
(OOC: Quinn’s favored enemies are humanoids, specifically humans, orcs and goblins. He has advantage on survival checks to track them.)
Survival check: 19 (rolled twice for adv. just in case. First roll was 19 second was 16. Rolls in game log.)
"It might be time to stretch those legs, old man", Syzygy jests (to his own surprise) as he loads and cocks a crossbow. "We've heard the talk…perhaps we'll see the action."
More concerned with protecting the beasts of burden than his newfound travel companions, the hooded Shadar-kai moves forward slightly to position himself closer to the oxen. He hasn't bungled a job for Gundren yet and today is no different.
"Anyone have any idea what we might be dealing with?"
" Indeed, foul deeds afoot perhaps!", he jumps down from the wagon with an audible exhale.
" I'm not the quietest in this maille, I'll secure the wagon and guard for ambushers.", he responded to the rangers instructions.
Tessa guides the wagon to a place it can leave in a hurry, draws the reins up, and stops and reassures the horses. She stands in her seat and scans the area for injured survivors.
Tessa sees no creatures but the two horses - there is nobody else immediately visible, alive or dead.
Sir Roderick scans the area, recognizing that the two horses appear to be those belonging to their employer Gundren Rockseeker and his warrior companion Sildar Hallwinter. The horses' saddlebags hang open, evidently looted. An empty leather map case lies nearby.
Quinn spots what looks like a trail behind the thickets that leads northwest. Dozens of small humanoid footprints can be seen in the dust nearby, as well as evidence that something large was dragged through here recently.
But before anyone can further respond, two goblins leap from their hiding places on either side of the road. Stealth: 9
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(Already on high alert, nobody is surprised. And you can just make out two more goblins with bows hiding in the scrub on either side of the road, for a total of four ambushers. The two in the road wield scimitars, and appear to both have their eyes on Quinn.)
You began your adventuring career in the city of Neverwinter. A dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker hired a group of individuals to bring a wagonload of provisions to the rough-and-tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple of days’ travel south of the city. Gundren was clearly excited and more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found “something big,” and that he’d pay you ten gold pieces each for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen’s Provisions, a trading post in Phandalin. He then set out ahead of you on horse, along with a warrior escort named Sildar Hallwinter, claiming he needed to arrive early to “take care of business.”
Our players:
Bryony Alderleaf, a female Halfling, played by owlbear89. She once lived in Phandalin. She was hired by Gundren as a caravan guard.
Jurgen Droganson, a male Kobold, played by GR_Mustang. Gundren, a good friend of his father’s, hired him to escort his wagon.
Quinn, a middle-aged human man, played by richgonehiking. He is an old friend of Gundren's, and is always willing to lend him a hand.
Sir Roderick Feldspar, a human man in his late 50s, played by Damian_May. He is tagging along in lieu of a coach.
Syzygy, a male Shadar-kai, played by YorrickThePoet. This is one of a few minor jobs over the years that Gundren has hired Syzygy for.
Tessa Snowdust, a human woman, played by nurglich. She is accompanying the group to Phandalin.
Welcome to our adventure!
You’ve spent the last few days following the High Road south from Neverwinter, and you’ve just recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You’ve had no trouble so far, but you know this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and outlaws have been known to lurk along this road.
(Welcome everyone! Please describe your characters!)
(Also: How are you traveling? One or two of you need to be driving the wagon. The rest of you may be riding on the wagon, walking alongside it, or scouting ahead. What's your choice?)
Before setting off from Neverwinter, Syzygy spent some time in meditation tapping into the collective knowledge of his kin. Knowing he and the party, selected by Gundren, would be travelling by wagon, he internalised some rudimentary knowledge of land vehicles.
With polite professionalism, Syzygy has offered to walk beside the wagon. He pays close attention to its mechanisms and joints, making sure everything runs smoothly as possible.
He has spoken little thus far, keeping the hood of his ash-coloured cloak low, just above his blue-grey eyes framed by a face that appears to reflect an opalescent sheen. When he does speak, his sharp nose and thin lips twitch involuntarily.
“The spring iron looks a little worse for wear, but I think we’ll make it there alright.”
Jurgen walks along with Syzygy and admires the craftsmanship as well. He takes note (literally) in a small journal.
He takes his turn driving the wagon, although he is still learning. He is moderately well dressed, not a Nobel or anything but more like from a merchant family or the like. He is very friendly, humble and always ready to learn something new or discuss technology. He keeps his scales and dragon like horns clean. Except for his stature you would soon forget he is a kobold. He is very very smart. But still only 2 and half feet tall. His personality is more like that of a Dragonborn.
he carries a dagger, a spear and a cross bow and proudly wears his scalemail armor he helped to fashion.
During rest stops, he shares some of the traveling beer he had made before setting out. It is smooth and fruity and leaves you refreshed.
D&D since 1984
Bryony bites her fingernails from her perch inside the wagon. She's found a comfortable spot on some bags of flour. The bags are high enough that she is able to easily peer out and watch the countryside pass by. She absent-mindedly chews at her nail until she draws a small drop of blood. Uttering a halfling curse, she sucks at the wounded finger. In just a few short days she will be back in Phandalin, back in the place where she grew up. Her auntie is there and little Carp. Thinking of Carp's freckled face brings an involuntary smile to her face, but the thought of facing her aunt again is what has her chewing up her nails.
Bryony shakes her head and tries to focus on her surroundings, on her new companions. She's never met most of them before until they all signed on with Gundren Rockseeker. The only one she is somewhat familiar with is the human man Quinn. At the sound of Syzygy's voice, she turns to him and furrows her brow slightly. She's not quite sure what to make of him yet. She's never met one of his kind before.
"I sure hope so," she replies. "I don't think I could keep up with you lot on foot." She wiggles her toes inside her leather boots. Many halflings prefer to go barefoot, but that's not very practical in the big city on the sharp, rough cobblestone streets so the young halfling has had to get used to the feeling of encasing her feet.
Extended Signature
Characters: Bryony Alderleaf - Lvl. 4 Halfling Rogue (The Shattered Obelisk) ♦ Vesta Trevelyan - Lvl. 10 Half-Elf Sorcerer (Eve of Ruin) ♦ Ada Kendrick - Lvl. 4 Aasimar Paladin (Curse of Strahd) ♦ Selene Albion - Lvl. 12 Human Ranger (In-Person Homebrew Campaign) ♦ Phaerdra Tor'viir - Lvl. 3 Drow Wizard (Exandria Sandbox Campaign)
Tessa is a young woman dressed in a simple but neat dress and traveling cloak, decorated with a fine pattern of hand-painted flowers. She seems too small and pretty to be out here on her own, but appears unafraid as she capably drives the wagon, chatting with the rest of the group in a friendly manner.
"Have any of you been to Phandalin before? I'm hoping it's a bit less noisy than Neverwinter."
The immediate area is mostly patchy woods and thickets of brush, with little elevation change. You have begun to can distant hills in the haze to the south and southeast.
It is late summer, and the weather is hot and dry. It is late morning. With luck, you expect to reach Phandalin today, before nightfall.
Without meeting her gaze, Syzygy says to the florally dressed women: "No, Gundren had sent me about this far before; a bogged caravan requring assistance on return from Phandalin. But yes, I agree, it's nice to get out of the city."
Quinn, a human ranger, walks ahead of the caravan 20-30 paces scouting the trail up ahead. He grew up in the rugged Sword Mountains and now calls the Neverwinter Wood home, so he is quite comfortable with the area.
He is a middle aged man, perhaps in his mid 40’s. He wears fur and hide armor with a woolen hooded cloak on his shoulders. Quinn carrys his trusty old battle axe slung over his shoulders, a dagger clipped to his thigh and a shortbow at the ready.
Quinn slows to let the caravan catch up. He looks up to Bryony and calls out “Keep an eye on the tree line. Call out if you see anything.”
He picks up pace and reclaims his spot scouting up ahead.
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
"......yes, anyway. As I was saying, this vista reminds me of the time we marched upon a ruined keep on the border of Cormyr with battalion of the Purple Dragons. Fine men and women they were, and a great slaughter was heaped upon the fell drake that laired there and its kob....uh, various minions...."
He stroked his long salt and pepper beard from his perch upon the wagon. Dressed in polished maille covered by an embroided velvet tabard ( which the more astute might notice was beginning to show its age) the older man wore high polished leather boots and a wide belt that strained a little at the midriff, though his arms and shoulders were wide and strong. A basket handled long sword with a gilded guard hung at his side.
" I would walk you know, but well I took an arrow to the knee and its been a bit twingy ever since, not that it slows me down on the field of battle, NO SIR! But....long understand. Not shirking, just saving my strength.", he tapped the side of his nose.
He looked across at Bryony, " Young Miss, have I previously made your aquaintance? You seem quite familiar?"
Quinn has traveled this road many a time and he is no stranger to the brigands and bandits that stalk these wood. He stops in the middle of the road and kneels. He inspects the ground and the brush nearby for any signs of activity that seems out of the ordinary.
Perception check: 4
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
You’ve been on the Triboar Trail for about half a day and are nearing a side road leading south toward Phandalin. Two oxen pull the wagon. The wagon itself is packed full of an assortment of mining supplies and food. Tessa has the reins, with Jurgen assisting on-and-off. Bryony and Sir Roderick sit reasonably comfortably in the back. Syzygy walks alongside, sometimes with Jurgen and his journal. Quinn walks about sixty feet ahead, keeping an eye on the woods, even as relentless biting flies continue to torment him.
So Quinn is surprised when he nearly walks into two loose horses wandering in the road. As the party comes around a bend, you seem to have stumbled upon the scene of a recent battle. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and dense thickets on either side. The two horses wander about, sniffing at ransacked personal effects. The site is littered with arrows, torn scraps of fabric, and scattered odds and ends.
"It might be time to stretch those legs, old man", Syzygy jests (to his own surprise) as he loads and cocks a crossbow. "We've heard the talk…perhaps we'll see the action."
More concerned with protecting the beasts of burden than his newfound travel companions, the hooded Shadar-kai moves forward slightly to position himself closer to the oxen. He hasn't bungled a job for Gundren yet and today is no different.
"Anyone have any idea what we might be dealing with?"
As Quinn walks up on the scene, he holds up his left arm signaling the caravan to stop and then points up ahead towards the scene that’s unfolding in front of everyone. He slowly motions for the party to join him. He eyes the close confines of the trail and the hairs on his neck begin to tingle. The ranger slings his bow on his back in exchange for the battle axe which he holds with a sturdy two handed grip.
In a hushed steady voice he calls out “Some of you stay with the wagon, the others come with me. The horses seem calm, perhaps the attackers are long gone. Still, watch out for threats. Keep an eye out for survivors.”
He quickly surveys the scene to get a read of the situation. His eyes dart towards the thickets looking for any signs of disturbed brush, broken branches or any indications where the attackers came or went. Then he focuses his gaze in the ground looking for tracks.
(OOC: Quinn’s favored enemies are humanoids, specifically humans, orcs and goblins. He has advantage on survival checks to track them.)
Survival check: 19 (rolled twice for adv. just in case. First roll was 19 second was 16. Rolls in game log.)
Pronouns: he/him/his
Pud - lvl 7 Human Artificer - Alchemist (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight).
Quinn - lvl 3 Human Ranger - Hunter (Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk)
Jurgen seeing the others stop and get serious, he follows suit. He scans the area looking for any sign of trouble or creature.
Investigation: 24
D&D since 1984
" Indeed, foul deeds afoot perhaps!", he jumps down from the wagon with an audible exhale.
" I'm not the quietest in this maille, I'll secure the wagon and guard for ambushers.", he responded to the rangers instructions.
Perception- 16
Tessa guides the wagon to a place it can leave in a hurry, draws the reins up, and stops and reassures the horses. She stands in her seat and scans the area for injured survivors.
Tessa sees no creatures but the two horses - there is nobody else immediately visible, alive or dead.
Sir Roderick scans the area, recognizing that the two horses appear to be those belonging to their employer Gundren Rockseeker and his warrior companion Sildar Hallwinter. The horses' saddlebags hang open, evidently looted. An empty leather map case lies nearby.
Quinn spots what looks like a trail behind the thickets that leads northwest. Dozens of small humanoid footprints can be seen in the dust nearby, as well as evidence that something large was dragged through here recently.
But before anyone can further respond, two goblins leap from their hiding places on either side of the road. Stealth: 9
(Already on high alert, nobody is surprised. And you can just make out two more goblins with bows hiding in the scrub on either side of the road, for a total of four ambushers. The two in the road wield scimitars, and appear to both have their eyes on Quinn.)
Roll initiative!
Goblins: 22
Syzygy Initiative: 8