Outside through the windows you see in disbelief as cut throats and sell swords bare their blades against the townsfolk as they sweep into Greenest. Several screams are cut short into a bloody gurgle. Moments later a flash of light as a nearby home is set ablaze.
What do you do? Meet the foes out front or try to get out through the back?
Zeds pauses at the door and the scene in front of him. He's not opposed to leaving through the back door, it wouldn't be the first time he's hightailed it away hoping not to be seen... But he's usually running away from something he's done, not such wanton violence. Not my people. Not my town. Not my problem, Zeds thinks. Yet he finds himself pausing for a moment and trying to make out the scene in front of him. Wondering just how badly the odds are stacked against him.
Perception to try to see how many cut throats and sell swords are out front? Just a 7...
Ironthar held up his hand in front of his face when the lightning strikes the inn. Then it seems like time stops for a second for him due to disbelief.
What the **** just happened?
The roar of the dragon and the smell of ionized air and burning flesh quickly brought him back down to reality. He immediately thinks,
Where’s Morahn Goldhand?
He had to make sure his employer is safe or the job’s for nothing. Using his elven eyes he looks for the dwarven merchant in and around the inn.
Sterling freezes for a moment but has a flash back.
He is sitting in the lawn listening to his instructor. The first time you see true combat you will freeze. But thats ok get over it and dont think just act. Let Lathander guide your actions.
He staps out of it and looks around trying to see if there are any wounded to be saved.
Help me get the injured out of here the room sounds like it's going to collapse. Through the back avoid the open. Death comes from above!
Perception 20 non nat.
If there are any to be saved he will attempt to stabilize with a medical check if that fails he will use a spell slot to cure wounds no more then twice.
Couldn’t find his employer inside the inn, Ironthar looked out from the window and saw several bandits and cutthroats killing folks on the street. He immediately reach for his glaive and grabs Zeds by the collar and says.
“I hope those blades you wear aren’t just for show. Follow me, I need to find my employer!”
He releases the grip and start heading out the front door, glaive in hand.
Sorry to say that those that were struck by lightning are beyond medical aid. They are truly dead. Looking outside Sterling clearly see 4 sell swords out front.
Seeing the situation is helpless he watches the exchange with Ironthar and Zeb.
Not having his armor or shield Stirling is terrified and wants to escape out the back with the others but as he sees Ironthar leave towards combat he steels himself and follows hopeing help where he can.
Dont think just act. I was never good with the mace anyways who needs it. Lathander's light guides me and protects me.
Stirling cast resistance on himself and draws the dagger he was taught to keep on his hip.
"You're employer never paid me no gold," Zeds replies to Ironthar with an angry squint - Zeds never did much like being manhandled. But the anger passes quickly, there's enough problems around here at the moment. Drawing his rapier and a dagger, Zeds shrugs and steps behind the ashen elf ready to follow. At least for now...
"Short stuff! Krackle! You coming??" Zeds calls out, a bit bizarrely worried about the little kobold he just met. "Sterling? You coming or going?"
“He’ll pay you some if you can find him and bring him to safety! He paid me ten gold just to Greenest.” He retorts.
”I don’t know how many of you can fight, but if we stick together we can fought off those cutthroat easy.” He said scanning the bandits in front of the door.
krackles eyes go wide when the food and drink arrive, his mouth beginning to water uncontrollably. Without a word he would put down his card and begin ravinously eating the meat until there wasn't a scrap left... even going so far as to lack any of the juices from the plate and bone before quickly chugging the mead. With the meal gone in a matter of minutes his tiny stomach would protrude outward and a smile would spread across his face. "That's the biggest and best meal I've ever had!" He would exclaim before picking up his cards once more. The kobold had never had alcohol before and was struggling to stay seated on his bag when the lighting struck. Krackle sobered up in an instant as the ringing in his ears left behind from the thunderclap subsided. The tiny Kobold's forst instinct was to crab his bag and duck under the table as to not get trampled. He wanted to run but he felt a strange burning desire to help these people begin to build inside his chest.
When Zed calls out to him, he would slowing poke his head out from under the table. "I'm here, I'll help" he would say as he tried his hardest to sound brave. with his bag slung on his back, he would hold a dagger in one hand and a sparkly orb in the other. "I'll be right behind you.. I promise."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Krackles hands would shake wildly as he stepped outside with his new companions. Seeing the cut throats turn to attack them he would quickly move away from the threats (Down the road and towards the inn). Once his back was against the wall he would extend his small clawed hand holding the orb. The shimmering orb glittered in the light of the burning houses as the kobold clutched it with all of his might. Pointing the orb towards the closest sell sword, he would close his eyes tightly as flames erupt around the orb before sending it streaking through the darkness towards the enemy. (sell sword 1 is his target)
Fire bolt attack 18 damage 10
"Leave us alone!" He would shout with his eyes still shut before opening one of them slowly to see if it connected.
Stirling breaks his concentration on resistance and starts to pray.
May Lathander's light bless us and smite the wicked.
Stirling takes a vile of holy water from his pack and sprinkles some on the others.
Bless: You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
Outside through the windows you see in disbelief as cut throats and sell swords bare their blades against the townsfolk as they sweep into Greenest. Several screams are cut short into a bloody gurgle. Moments later a flash of light as a nearby home is set ablaze.
What do you do? Meet the foes out front or try to get out through the back?
Zeds pauses at the door and the scene in front of him. He's not opposed to leaving through the back door, it wouldn't be the first time he's hightailed it away hoping not to be seen... But he's usually running away from something he's done, not such wanton violence. Not my people. Not my town. Not my problem, Zeds thinks. Yet he finds himself pausing for a moment and trying to make out the scene in front of him. Wondering just how badly the odds are stacked against him.
Perception to try to see how many cut throats and sell swords are out front? Just a 7...
Zeds does not see much, but he definitely saw 2 sell swords out front, though there may be more.
Ironthar held up his hand in front of his face when the lightning strikes the inn. Then it seems like time stops for a second for him due to disbelief.
What the **** just happened?
The roar of the dragon and the smell of ionized air and burning flesh quickly brought him back down to reality. He immediately thinks,
Where’s Morahn Goldhand?
He had to make sure his employer is safe or the job’s for nothing. Using his elven eyes he looks for the dwarven merchant in and around the inn.
Perception 3
Ironthar does not find Morahn Godlhand.
Sterling freezes for a moment but has a flash back.
He is sitting in the lawn listening to his instructor. The first time you see true combat you will freeze. But thats ok get over it and dont think just act. Let Lathander guide your actions.
He staps out of it and looks around trying to see if there are any wounded to be saved.
Help me get the injured out of here the room sounds like it's going to collapse. Through the back avoid the open. Death comes from above!
Perception 20 non nat.
If there are any to be saved he will attempt to stabilize with a medical check if that fails he will use a spell slot to cure wounds no more then twice.
Medicine 17.
Couldn’t find his employer inside the inn, Ironthar looked out from the window and saw several bandits and cutthroats killing folks on the street. He immediately reach for his glaive and grabs Zeds by the collar and says.
“I hope those blades you wear aren’t just for show. Follow me, I need to find my employer!”
He releases the grip and start heading out the front door, glaive in hand.
Sorry to say that those that were struck by lightning are beyond medical aid. They are truly dead. Looking outside Sterling clearly see 4 sell swords out front.
Seeing the situation is helpless he watches the exchange with Ironthar and Zeb.
Not having his armor or shield Stirling is terrified and wants to escape out the back with the others but as he sees Ironthar leave towards combat he steels himself and follows hopeing help where he can.
Dont think just act. I was never good with the mace anyways who needs it. Lathander's light guides me and protects me.
Stirling cast resistance on himself and draws the dagger he was taught to keep on his hip.
"You're employer never paid me no gold," Zeds replies to Ironthar with an angry squint - Zeds never did much like being manhandled. But the anger passes quickly, there's enough problems around here at the moment. Drawing his rapier and a dagger, Zeds shrugs and steps behind the ashen elf ready to follow. At least for now...
"Short stuff! Krackle! You coming??" Zeds calls out, a bit bizarrely worried about the little kobold he just met. "Sterling? You coming or going?"
“He’ll pay you some if you can find him and bring him to safety! He paid me ten gold just to Greenest.” He retorts.
”I don’t know how many of you can fight, but if we stick together we can fought off those cutthroat easy.” He said scanning the bandits in front of the door.
Dagger in had Stirling nods heading for the door wanting to be outside before the place can collapse. His hands shaking slightly.
I'll follow you all and help who I can.
krackles eyes go wide when the food and drink arrive, his mouth beginning to water uncontrollably. Without a word he would put down his card and begin ravinously eating the meat until there wasn't a scrap left... even going so far as to lack any of the juices from the plate and bone before quickly chugging the mead. With the meal gone in a matter of minutes his tiny stomach would protrude outward and a smile would spread across his face. "That's the biggest and best meal I've ever had!" He would exclaim before picking up his cards once more. The kobold had never had alcohol before and was struggling to stay seated on his bag when the lighting struck. Krackle sobered up in an instant as the ringing in his ears left behind from the thunderclap subsided. The tiny Kobold's forst instinct was to crab his bag and duck under the table as to not get trampled. He wanted to run but he felt a strange burning desire to help these people begin to build inside his chest.
When Zed calls out to him, he would slowing poke his head out from under the table. "I'm here, I'll help" he would say as he tried his hardest to sound brave. with his bag slung on his back, he would hold a dagger in one hand and a sparkly orb in the other. "I'll be right behind you.. I promise."
As soon as you leave the Inn the sell swords turn to attack you "Fresh meat, let's see if they scream when I cut them down."
For combat to make it easier I am going with Side Initiative where the enemies go then the party or vice versa
Sell Swords - 15
Party - 18
Round 1 the party is going first.
Use this map to help decide where you want to go. In front are Ironthar and Zeds then in the back is Sterling and Krackle.
The dagger is Zeds
The battleaxe is Ironthar
The star is Sterling
The wizard hat is Krackle
The enemies are numbered 1-4 where cutthroat 1 is in front then 2 is behind a bit and 3 and 4 are farther behind.
Krackles hands would shake wildly as he stepped outside with his new companions. Seeing the cut throats turn to attack them he would quickly move away from the threats (Down the road and towards the inn). Once his back was against the wall he would extend his small clawed hand holding the orb. The shimmering orb glittered in the light of the burning houses as the kobold clutched it with all of his might. Pointing the orb towards the closest sell sword, he would close his eyes tightly as flames erupt around the orb before sending it streaking through the darkness towards the enemy. (sell sword 1 is his target)
Fire bolt attack 18 damage 10
"Leave us alone!" He would shout with his eyes still shut before opening one of them slowly to see if it connected.
Stirling breaks his concentration on resistance and starts to pray.
May Lathander's light bless us and smite the wicked.
Stirling takes a vile of holy water from his pack and sprinkles some on the others.
Bless: You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
That hit scorching cutthroat 1.