This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ironthar simmers with silent rage when they faced the murderers, it is as if shadows from the dark alleys coalesces and made the warrior looks like some sort of phantom or wraith. He walk a few steps towards the nearest cutthroat (10ft). And using the reach of his glaive to strike him.
Sends moves up just a step behind Ironthar intending to use the big man as a distraction so he himself can take a more sneaky attack… But Zeds finds himself blinking to clear his eyes and wonder what’s happening when Ironthar suddenly seems to fade. He also pulls up short of the foe and attacks with that long ass weapon of his.
Crap, Zeds thinks. One plan down…
Zeds moves up to the first foe and attacks with his rapier before dancing away (disengage as Bonus Action) and backs away to his original position…
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ironthar doesn’t even feel the blade cuts through his shadowy form. He just feels the bandit is foolish for entering his range. With a quick motion he grips near to the blade of his glaive to use it in a close combat he thrust it into the bandit’s torso.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Krackle would feel a bit of hope when the first sell sword falls. The feeling is short lived however as the smell of smoke and burning flesh fill his nostrils. Seeing the second cutthroat slash his companion he would quickly send another firebolt streaking through the dark towards the enemy.
The death of cutthroat 1 is actually not all that dramatic at all. Having taken a bit of damage already, the bandit was not ready for the quick dash in, stab, and dash out tactic of Zeds. The rapier pierced his gut and most have hit something important for the bandit fell before he could even react…
The second cutthroat dies instantly as Ironthar’s glaive pierced through his torso. Blood burst out from the wound as Ironthar kicks the body to help pull his glaive out.
“Two down. Two next.”
He walks towards the last two bandit and threatens them with the glaive. (10ft from both)
With the first two down, Zeds targets Cutthroat 3! Stowing his weapon, he pulls instead his short bow and shoots and arrow before using his bonus action to **** behind some foliage or such and using the hide action…
Stirling does find an injured man who was trying to save his burning home nearby. He is badly burned, and his home is beyond saving. His face is filled with rage and sadness. Angry tears roll down his face as he clutches a woman's cameo broach.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Krackle would slowly step back into the road as the last of the enemies run away. "What.. what happened? Why did they attack?" he would as as he approached the two dead cutthroats. He would then bend down and look over the corpses, looking for any kind of useful weapons and items but also any kind of notes or orders that would help to explain why they were attacking the town.
Perception 9 investigation 19
After he is finished looking over the bodies he would give one of them a quick kick before scrambling to stay close to his companions. "Was there a dragon with them?! Is that what attacked the inn? Was that a real dragon?!" He would ask frantically as he looks up towards Zeds, Iron, and Sterling.
Ironthar simmers with silent rage when they faced the murderers, it is as if shadows from the dark alleys coalesces and made the warrior looks like some sort of phantom or wraith. He walk a few steps towards the nearest cutthroat (10ft). And using the reach of his glaive to strike him.
Bonus Action: Rage
Attack 19
Damage 6
Sends moves up just a step behind Ironthar intending to use the big man as a distraction so he himself can take a more sneaky attack… But Zeds finds himself blinking to clear his eyes and wonder what’s happening when Ironthar suddenly seems to fade. He also pulls up short of the foe and attacks with that long ass weapon of his.
Crap, Zeds thinks. One plan down…
Zeds moves up to the first foe and attacks with his rapier before dancing away (disengage as Bonus Action) and backs away to his original position…
Rapier Attack: 12 to hit, 9 damage
(bless included)
Cutthroat 1 is down. Zeds please describe how he dies.
Now the enemies turn.
Cutthroat 2 move in an attacks Ironthar with his scimitar
Attack: 22 Damage: 5
Cutthroat 3 aim his crossbow at Zeds and fires
Attack: 10 Damage: 9
Cutthroat 4 shoots a crossbow bolt at Ironthar
Attack: 10 Damage: 9
cutthroat 2 is surprised when his blade does connect, but the blade seems to cut a little too easily or more like it passed through Ironthar.
Round 2
Now it's the party's turn.
Ironthar doesn’t even feel the blade cuts through his shadowy form. He just feels the bandit is foolish for entering his range. With a quick motion he grips near to the blade of his glaive to use it in a close combat he thrust it into the bandit’s torso.
Attack 25
Damage 11
Krackle would feel a bit of hope when the first sell sword falls. The feeling is short lived however as the smell of smoke and burning flesh fill his nostrils. Seeing the second cutthroat slash his companion he would quickly send another firebolt streaking through the dark towards the enemy.
attack 13, damage 4
Ironthar kills cutthroat 2 in 1 blow. Please describe how he dies.
Krackle's attack hits cutthroat 3 leaving a nasty burn mark.
The death of cutthroat 1 is actually not all that dramatic at all. Having taken a bit of damage already, the bandit was not ready for the quick dash in, stab, and dash out tactic of Zeds. The rapier pierced his gut and most have hit something important for the bandit fell before he could even react…
The second cutthroat dies instantly as Ironthar’s glaive pierced through his torso. Blood burst out from the wound as Ironthar kicks the body to help pull his glaive out.
“Two down. Two next.”
He walks towards the last two bandit and threatens them with the glaive. (10ft from both)
With the first two down, Zeds targets Cutthroat 3! Stowing his weapon, he pulls instead his short bow and shoots and arrow before using his bonus action to **** behind some foliage or such and using the hide action…
Short Bow: 17 to hit and 10 damage.
Stirling cast scared flame on cutthroat 3 or 4 if 3 is dead. DC 13 dex save or 1 fire damage.
Stirling focuses on his holy symbol as a flame like raidance shines on his target.
cutthroat 3 dex save
Zeds arrow plunged deep into cutthroat 3 almost killing him. Somehow, he found the strength to dodge the holy fire.
Seeing cutthroat 3 severely wounded and the menacing glaive of Ironthar cutthroat 4 grabs 3 and runs away towards the south.
End of Combat
The sounds of death and choas are all around you, but you notice most of the townsfolk are running towards the keep at the south end of town.
What do you do?
Thatcher's Rest fully collapses behind you and what do you do next? The party is where the yellow post it is located.
Let's head towards the keep. I'm sure your employer would have headed there.
Stirling check to see if there are any injured town folk near by not dead.
Stirling does find an injured man who was trying to save his burning home nearby. He is badly burned, and his home is beyond saving. His face is filled with rage and sadness. Angry tears roll down his face as he clutches a woman's cameo broach.
Krackle would slowly step back into the road as the last of the enemies run away. "What.. what happened? Why did they attack?" he would as as he approached the two dead cutthroats. He would then bend down and look over the corpses, looking for any kind of useful weapons and items but also any kind of notes or orders that would help to explain why they were attacking the town.
Perception 9
investigation 19
After he is finished looking over the bodies he would give one of them a quick kick before scrambling to stay close to his companions. "Was there a dragon with them?! Is that what attacked the inn? Was that a real dragon?!" He would ask frantically as he looks up towards Zeds, Iron, and Sterling.
Krackle sees that massive blue dragon flying in the sky illuminated by occasional lightning blast from its mouth.