-Apologies for not mentioning this before. Listening to animals is a bit different, they still make natural noises until you pay close attention to them, and then you will hear them speak Alharisian.
-There are 40 days in a month, 7 days in a week. Spring lasts from January to March, Summer lasts from April to June, Autumn lasts from July to September, and winter lasts from October to December. Right now, it's early Summer. The planet can get very cold in Winter, especially in a subarctic region like Perkwunos, we’ll get to this later on. There will be time-sensitive missions and a lot of things will change depending on the season, keep that in mind.
-We’ll use Owlbear Rodeo for the battle map, and flanking rules do apply here. If a creature is surrounded by two creatures on either side or diagonally, melee attacks or touch spells on that creature are made with an advantage.
-When your character speaks, highlight the text with green. It will make sense later on.
Our players are:
arcenaluae as Prunus Serrulata Bloom
MrsAnjou as Venet
Rynn_ElocinasShugo Ryu
PyromaniIsDeadThankGod as Renār Kozaki
andAroc_of_Eaf as Aleksandteri
Welcome to Lancea and Perkwunos region, here is the world map, you start at the bottom left.
Muphird shines bright in the sky, that is Lancea’s sun, an orb of pure flame that provides light, but also a timed bomb, waiting to explode once its core ran out of fuel. But they don’t know about this, no one knows about this, just a hundred more cycles and Lancea is no more. All of it will end, not even its red dwarf sibling, Saak, will survive the blast.
This isn’t a proper way to start a story, isn’t it? How about this?
Welcome to Luba, a mid-sized fishing town with a population of 12,153. It’s located in the Duchy of Rauna, in the Kingdom of Kerwos, in the Perkwunos region. Houses here are colourful, with walls of yellow, red, and green, and the roofs are tall and made out of red brick. Even houses that are next to each other differ in colour, the majority of them even having a potted plant under the windows. There is a clock tower in the middle of the town square, it’s the very first thing you see once you step out of the ferry ship along with other passengers. It rises high above other buildings, its dome reflects the morning light.
The docks, indeed, are lively places, filled with people of all kinds of ancestry. It’s hard to tell what the dominant race even is, but that’d probably be halflings and half-elves Fishermen (and women) bring their fresh fish cuts for sale, seagulls argue over food scraps, and the smell of seawater and the musk of shellfish lingers even in the inland parts of the town. Cafés open up for the day, serving pelmeni (Russo-Baltic dumplings) with sour cream and speķrauši (bread filled with bacon and onion) fresh from the oven. Even on the second day of Summer, the weather is still chilly, with some clouds in the sky. The smoke rising from the chimney sways along the wind.
Today might be the busiest day in this small fishing town’s history. The seaside capital of Kerwos, Vārti, temporarily closed its ports after a massive fluctuation of visitors never seen before since its foundation. It’s lucky for people who made it in time, but for those who don’t, they’ll have to resort to smaller ports instead. Luba was one of them and the cheapest one too, but its downside is it is in the Southwest subregion, which is the opposite way of the Far North. It’s not going to make that much difference anyway, since the location of the ruin wasn’t known yet, wouldn’t want to rush into a freezing tundra, would you?
You’re one of the many groups of travellers that arrive here, lured by the promise of the unimaginable rich or power inside the ruins. But that is all you know, the ruin doesn't even have a name, yet everyone treats it like the next big thing, the ultimate talk of the town, the key to discovering the missing chapter of Lancean history.
But first, you should probably get your bearings first in this new town.
Introduce your characters, do the standard procedure just like when you start any other forum posts.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference."
Ok, so... where on Lancea am I again? I'm, as usual, totally lost. I must have overestimated my sense of direction when it comes to navigating unfamiliar worlds, especially when one is void of human beings. And... what was this place again? Luba? Either way, my yellow eyes are almost strained. My poor intellectual brain nearly electrocuted from the countless of thoughts crackling within my mystical skull. At least the cold doesn't affect me much since I've grown up in a freezing environment myself. My thin yellow jacket that matches my eye colour plus some stylish, black jeans to go with, completed with my sheathed katana on my right hip hopefully helps me with the whole conformity of this realm. My little pink fox pendant, a gift from my Kumiho girlfriend Yurime (or so she says) hangs loosely on my fluffed neck, as a sign saying that she'll still be here in my heart, along with my mother. What else?
Oh yeah that's right. My jacket also has another purpose: to conceal something that has been waving enthusiastically behind my slim back since I began venturing around this continent (it's his tail). And yeah my yellow and white beanie is to conceal my stupid little fox ears on my head plus that apparently stuck out like sore thumbs to these people. Though I'm not the first kitsune to have lived amongst them, I still have my own doubts about meeting new faces. Back in the Sword Coast, foxes like me were discriminated just because we were visualized as monsters. I never got the chance to have a conversation with anyone up until I met with the Wildland Shifters. And like Rixian, my best friend and leader, I'm at my worst in social situations and often struggle to say anything right even during battle. So if anything involving conversations come up, I may as well sit out of this. At least in heart-to-heart ones. Small talk, like right now when I enter a small building of some sort to get something to munch on, is a different story as I order from instinct.
"Sigh... I'll have four of your um... dumplings is it? With sour cream please."But honestly, the food here is delicious. Almost a lot better than Daisy and Rixian's dishes for sure, not that I'm criticizing them of course. As with everything, I made sure to pay the right amount before I thanked them (without bowing this time, they think I'm acting weird in here when I'm only being respectful) and vanished out the door. I didn't want to keep myself and the customers behind me waiting, so I just exited swiftly with nothing else to say. Sigh... if only the portal didn't cease to function. Otherwise, Rixian, Yurime and mother would have really enjoyed this alongside me for once...
But... small talks aside, this Luba place is supposed to be my starting point. Honestly, with only myself being lost in a world like this, this brings me back ot the time where I ventured across Neverwinter Jungle... wait. They don't know that I'm from the Sword Coast do they? If so it's best to keep it that way at best. I'm not the one to be driving people insane, let alone myself. And, judging by the number of people going about their business as I scan with my squinted, yellow eyes, it seems like I'm the first one to arrive as usual; I don't really see anyone else yet with an equally curious look as mine... at least... I can't see one just yet. Maybe if I savour on these dumplings whilst I wait...
Venet hasn't been able to sit still the whole voyage. She paces the deck of the ship, enjoying the sea air. She draws up her long light blue hair, twisting it up into a number of hair styles before releasing it again to flow down her back. Her fingers pluck at her lyre or fidget with her jewelry, whether it be her necklace or her bracelets, all of them a bluish silver tone, with the former holding a pale pearl at the end of it's length. A small token of home. She happily talks with everyone that approaches her as it gives her another outlet to expend her energy.
She eyes the approaching town with a wide smile, wasting no time in departing and scampering off onto the docks to take it all in. Her eyes dance across the buildings, the people, absorbing everything she can about this new place. They linger on the clock tower for awhile before she manages to tear her eyes away, but her feet have already started off on their own as she's pulled along to the nearest sparks of excitement in the air. If anyone's gaze falls on her in return, she probably doesn't notice as she's too enraptured by this new environment.
"You are very welcome ma'am," Alexander says, waving to the elderly woman he'd just finished helping across the street. There were always people around who could use some sort of assistance, and he can't help but offer whatever help he can provide. He looks like the perfect white knight right out of a fairy tale, with his blond hair catching the wind and shimmering blue eyes, he almost looks like he's glowing as he turns to regain his bearings. Smiling as he starts on his way again, he takes a deep breath of salty air. It wasn't very refreshing, as some of the sailors seemed to think, but it did smell like adventure so there was that.
Glancing around, he tries to seek out anyone else who looks like they are heading out for the newly discovered ruin. Since he'd left the ship, he'd been asking around about joining a party, and had already been told off a couple times. Almost always, this was because his youthfulness (he looks to be about 16) betrays his inexperience. While he appreciates that people seem to care whether or not he goes and gets himself killed, he wishes that they could trust that he is just as capable as they are. Still, he isn't foolish enough to think it smart to venture into the ruins alone. He needs a team. A group of individuals like him who are willing to risk it all and give their lives for each other if needed. Like Arthur's knights of the round table. Of course, he wouldn't consider himself the leader. He's far too inexperienced for that... but if needed he wouldn't hesitate to take charge. It wouldn't be a first after all.
He takes a moment to adjust his chainmail... the links are getting a little cold against his neck, then pauses as if debating on whether or not to get food. Well, perhaps that would be for the best. After the journey on the ship, it would be nice to have something that didn't consist of whatever seafood or rations he'd been eating. So, with a sweep of his red cloak he enters the cafe and gets in line behind someone wearing a katana... "Hey!.." he says but the stranger in the beanie hat rushes out before Aleksandteri has time to ask if he is an adventurer too. He pauses, then buys a couple dumplings for himself before heading out to search for the katana-wielder. Perhaps he can convince him to join his party!
Perception to see if he notices where Renar went, or if catches sight of Venet: 3 (critical fail)
Leaning on the railing of the ferry ship, the young elf squints at the doc waiting for the craft to come close enough for him to step back onto dry land. His black hair, which he keeps tied back in a tight wolf's tail with bangs partially obscuring his youthful face, is tousled slightly by the mid summer breeze. Once the ferry pulls up to the dock, He leaps over the railing rather than waiting for the other passengers to exit with the ramp.
His gold-orange jacket flutters slightly as he lands lightly on his feet and straitens to stand at his full height...which is really nothing special. He is just an average elf after all. He's slim, but clearly fit. If not for his nonchalant stance, one might think him of noble heritage or at least from a line of wealthy merchants. His clothing is of rather fine quality despite the fact that it is clearly travel worn. His open jacket clearly showing the long leather strap running down his chest, which is lined with throwing darts. All in all, his garb is obviously that of a foreigner. Placing his hands on his hips, the action causing the curved scimitar at his hip to shift, he searches the streets through squinted amber eyes (which only spend a short time staring at the clock tower). He had come to this town for one purpose...but that purpose would have to wait a while as this elf is starving.
His eyes linger on a certain individual who stands out amongst the crowd. Well, he stands out to him anyways. Specifically because of the weapon the man is carrying. "A katana...huh. Haven't seen one of those in a while.... Maybe I should steer clear of him." The elf thinks to himself. He doesn't particularly want to tangle with anyone from his own country. At least, that is where he assumes the katana wielding man in a beanie is from. "Hmmmph. Weird choice of cloths."
His gaze leaves the yellow clad fellow, and passes over the blue haired girl. She seems like an interesting type, what is she doing just milling about though? Isn't she hungry? The elf's stomach growls, as he catches a whiff of the bacon-filled bread. Eh, maybe she's not hungry, but he sure is. Smiling, he makes he follows his nose, which leads him to...the exact same cafe where katana man is visiting. He sighs, so much for avoiding that guy. The food in there smells to good...plus at the moment it seems like the only other choice is fish...which don't smell nearly as good. It is at that moment that he catches sight of a blonde haired youth. Didn't he see that boy helping elderly cross the boat?
Suddenly he feels a wave of exhaustion sweep over him. Was it all that traveling? When was the last time he ate something? Will he even be able to afford that food?! He can't remember how much gold he has left in his purse, and for some reason he can't use the energy to lift his hand to feel it's weight. Who cares if the katana man sees him, he needs sustenance. Moving forward, he stumbles past the kitsune man, and nearly collapses in front of the blue eyed boy. However, he manages to stay upright, though slumped over, scimitar sticking awkwardly off at an angle. "Dear Lord I'm starving." He mumbles. He squints up at the boy, then tilts his head towards the tasty smelling dumplings he he's carrying. "How much....?"He breaths in heavily, "...did you pay for those?" He points at the food.
Her attention drifts from admiring the local aesthetic after a bit, going back through to window shop or poke her head in a few places. Eventually the smell of food grabs hold of her, her feet again leading her off into a nearby cafe. Her eyes sweep over the unique collection of individuals breezing through before coming back to rest on the handsome, although tired looking elven man. She walks forward, mildly concerned he'll fall over at any moment.
At a distance she seemed elvish, with the pointed ears and all, but upon closer inspection there's small slits on the sides of her neck, faint blue scales that shimmer in the light over her pale skin, and her eyes look like the blue glint of the sea. A triton. Further, it's a wonder she's not cold, or doesn't seem to be. Her main item of clothing is more of leotard made from iridescent scales, a light shimmering cloth hanging loosely around her waist, a similar type of cloak that hangs around her shoulders and the same style of dress for her boots that rise up to her knees.
Suddenly he feels a wave of exhaustion sweep over him. Was it all that traveling? When was the last time he ate something? Will he even be able to afford that food?! He can't remember how much gold he has left in his purse, and for some reason he can't use the energy to lift his hand to feel it's weight. Who cares if the katana man sees him, he needs sustenance. Moving forward, he stumbles past the kitsune man, and nearly collapses in front of the blue eyed boy. However, he manages to stay upright, though slumped over, scimitar sticking awkwardly off at an angle. "Dear Lord I'm starving." He mumbles. He squints up at the boy, then tilts his head towards the tasty smelling dumplings he he's carrying. "How much....?"He breaths in heavily, "...did you pay for those?" He points at the food.
Holy...! Is he alright?! I got startled so much and nearly dropped my third, juicy gyoza because of him! And where did he come from out of the blue?! Is he perhaps one of the so-called expeditioners that I'm supposed to follow? Hmm? *His eyes squint slightly* Hang on... That person... his golden eyes with a darker accent to mine, his outfit of choice to... they both seem out of place in a bustling town like mine. Is he perhaps from another place just like me? If so then I might be able to find some common ground with someone after all... well... I mean I obviously heard him saying he's starving but... couldn't he have waited in the queue to grab his lunch?
I quickly swivelled back to the cafe's entrance. Seems like the line has enlarged. No wonder why that poor guy couldn't wait huh. And uh... that blue armoured fellow he's speaking to... I swear he's given me a case of Deja Vu. Maybe, I don't know. But he's actually quite the looker, I'll admit. Judging by his relaxed demeanour and the way he approaches other people without even breaking a sweat gives me the impression that he's a popular guy. But even so, the facial expression the first one I was looking at, if I can at least theorize, maybe it does convey that he's in need of something to eat. Though I'm not an emotional person myself, maybe he does deserve a bit of whatever sympathy I can conjure for the moment. Maybe, as I step forward to share my last two pieces, we could...
No better yet, it seems like a uh... a woman from the ocean I presume, due to the colourful scales she bears around her elegant stature, has swooped down to ask him and beat me to it. Dang it. If only I was as outgoing as her and Yurime... Sigh, I was also going to do the same but, honestly I'm kind of ok with that for now. I'll keep my distance again as usual. After all, I need to be aware of my surroundings as every other fox should.
But... deep down within my disguise my fur is tingling a little all the way to my nails on my hands and as well as my tail. What if those three have the same kind of objectives as I do with the forgotten ruins? *He glances back up slightly without letting them see his gaze* I feel like... could I probably...?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
The Wildland Shifters Daisy Ethalena- Female Wood Elf Ranger (Monster Slayer) Ethan Wolftree - Male Simic Hybrid Warlock (The Hexblade) Mira Laurits - Female Harengon Sorcerer(Clockwork Soul); Lancea Raiden Kurosaki - Male Kitsune Wizard (Bladesinger); Lancea Rixian Nishinoya - Male Fire Genasi Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) Tenebris Amaro - Male Dark Elf Druid (Circle of Stars) Yurime Hanasaki- Female Kumiho Bard (College Of Creation)
"Dumpling?" The shopkeeper, a female halfling wearing a black and white apron, glances up and down at the young male. After a quick pause, she snickers. "That's a weird way to say pelmeni, you aren't from around here, are you?" She waves her wooden spoon.
"If that's the case, one pelmeni coming right up!" She smiles, turns back into the kitchen, and gets to work.
Just like many of the storefronts, this 'dumpling' store seems to be an extension of a residential home, not a dedicated storefront. There is no seat and everything is takeaway only, so people carry their food to eat at home or somewhere else.
The halfling grabs a bowl of minced meat—one-third mutton and two-thirds beef, dill, black pepper, chopped red onions, and vinegar into a larger steel bowl, then she uses a wooden spoon to mix it all together. In concept, it might be similar to Priyehan dumplings, but in taste and how it's made, it's a completely different story.
She puts the filling in a very thin sheet of dough, then moulds it into a circular shape with ridges on the side to prevent the filling from spilling out. It tastes meaty (as expected) and spicy from the pepper, it's obvious how different these two foods taste.
As the halfling finishes the second batch, she sees another young elf fellow come tumbling and rumbling down the street. He seems tired and starving, and of course, she knows what to do. She quickly scoops the rest of the pelmeni from the boiling pot onto a paper dish and hands it to him. "Starving to death... heh, what a terrible day to meet your Maker. Here you go, that one is on me; it's free of charge." She winks.
"As for you, though..." She calls the cloaked boy over, who clearly is just hungry and not actively dying of stravation. "That'll be 5 coppers." In Kerwos, food is much cheaper than in any other region, probably the place with the lowest cost of living in the Perkwunos region. The statistics might say they're poor, but in reality, they're as content as any other continent out there.
"Oh! And one more thing..." The halfling turns back and digs through her overhead shelf. Then she turns back to the trio and places down six glass bottles with some kind of brown, cloudy liquid inside. "Ta-da! One-hundred per cent homemade kvass! You haven't truly visit the Kingdom of Kerwos if you haven't drink one of these!" She crosses her arms and laughs loudly.
"By the way, since you seem to be a foreigner, I'll explain what kvass is." She eyes the cloaked boy, "It's a drink made with rye flour and sugar, people put it in boiling water and cool it down for twelve hours. After that, they mix it with water and let ferment in a tank for another twenty-four hours. Keep in mind, though—it's fermented, which means it naturally produces alcohol, but it's in such a small amount that you won't feel drunk even if you drink an entire barrel of it. Feel free to drink all of them or give them to your friends!" She says
"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference."
One of the many people who have made their journey to this quaint little port town is a very short dark skinned tiefling. Bloom has pink hair, the shade of cherry blossoms, and pink eyes as well. On her back is a massive cherry blossom branch with actual cherry blossoms, which is an odd phenomenon in itself seeing it was early summer. The jovial tiefling's eyes widened at the sight of the port, and she skipped off of the ship where all crew members' hairs were adorned with halos of flowers.
"Hurray! I'm here! Now remember everyone, if anyone asks how you became so puhretty, you need to tell them that I did it! The puhrettiest fulower in the world! Baloom!",says the tiefling with a twirl once she was off the plank, waving goodbye.
Her enchanted eyes turning towards the town and indeed, she started skipping through the streets, waving at people, twirling to showcase her beautiful dress and colorful hair. It seemed as though she was not a member of civilization at all, but rather an enchanting fey creature come to visit. And so she sung through the streets of Luba.
"I'm the prettiest fulower here in town, I came to sing and turn your frown, dance with Bloom and then you'll be, happier than you were without me! La la la la, tra la la la la, la la la, tra la"
As the strange figure dances through the streets, she waves her hands at the flowers that have yet to bloom or grow due to the chill, and breathes life into them through druidcraft. She pauses upon noticing a group of people that are being offered some delicious foods and treats. Bloom's eyes widen and she skips in their direction, peering over the kitsune's shoulder sneakily before saying...
"Yummy! I want one!", she says with unbridled excitement, "I can give you a puhretty fulower if you give me a yummy puhlameni".
"Dumpling?" The shopkeeper, a female halfling wearing a black and white apron, glances up and down at the young male. After a quick pause, she snickers. "That's a weird way to say pelmeni, you aren't from around here, are you?" She waves her wooden spoon.
"If that's the case, one pelmeni coming right up!" She smiles, turns back into the kitchen, and gets to work.
CRAP! I'm such an idiot! Why I say something that's so foreign to them?! It's the number one thing I told myself I'm not supposed to do and I already broke it! I wonder if Rixian, Yurime and mother would accidentally do this too, seeing that they're more carefree...
"Oh! And one more thing..." The halfling turns back and digs through her overhead shelf. Then she turns back to the trio and places down six glass bottles with some kind of brown, cloudy liquid inside. "Ta-da! One-hundred per cent homemade kvass! You haven't truly visit the Kingdom of Kerwos if you haven't drink one of these!" She crosses her arms and laughs loudly.
"By the way, since you seem to be a foreigner, I'll explain what kvass is." She eyes the cloaked boy, "It's a drink made with rye flour and sugar, people put it in boiling water and cool it down for twelve hours. After that, they mix it with water and let ferment in a tank for another twenty-four hours. Keep in mind, though—it's fermented, which means it naturally produces alcohol, but it's in such a small amount that you won't feel drunk even if you drink an entire barrel of it. Feel free to drink all of them or give them to your friends!" She says
Uh... what? I stare mindlessly like I've been resuscitated at what I appears to be a concoction to my poor fox eyes rather than a refreshing drink. Sorry lady, but my taste for alcohol is nigh zero-to-one. As in, I hate it. I've got no friends either. At least, in this realm. Back in the Sword Coast I do. Two of them were supposed to have been with me on this journey. But... I'll leave it out just this once... at least until... I... *He puts the pelmeni in his mouth whole and starts to chew on it*
As the strange figure dances through the streets, she waves her hands at the flowers that have yet to bloom or grow due to the chill, and breathes life into them through druidcraft. She pauses upon noticing a group of people that are being offered some delicious foods and treats. Bloom's eyes widen and she skips in their direction, peering over the kitsune's shoulder sneakily before saying...
"Yummy! I want one!", she says with unbridled excitement, "I can give you a puhretty fulower if you give me a yummy puhlameni".
"MFF!" WHAT THE?! WHERE DID THIS DARK-SKINNED GIRL COME FROM?! AND WHY TARGET ME OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?! JUST BECAUSE I HAVE FOOD?! I... holy... that was so close! I almost choked on my third piece of it wasn't for my quick-witted brain telling me to stop chewing and hold on until I've recovered from shock... anyways... where was I? Oh yeah... *Swallows his food before eyeing down at the last one he has on his plastic tray* Where did she come from? And can't she just patiently line up in the queue?! What's with her childlike manners too? Either way I have to resolve this fast before it spirals out of hand...
"Listen miss..." I pant slowly and quietly, trying my best not to reveal my strange, oriental accent that everyone is naturally swooned over, but also to not act like Tenebris, who often yells to the point of insanity when badly surprised. No I'm not like him all I swear. "I... I don't know where you came from or why you decided to target me but... can't you... there's a cafe nearby that makes Pelmeni. If you're looking for something to eat,, *Points* it's over there, if you don't mind." I did my best not to sound rude or discouraging in anyway, but seriously, jumping on someone just because they want food is super disrespectful, especially for a fox spirit like me. It was clear that she was eyeing my food for no apparent reason. She wants it. I want it too... except she seems more stubborn than I am, even for my eyes...
When it comes to understanding other people's emotions, I'm at my worst. But judging by the fact that her eyes are STILL glued to my container... It's not working. She just wouldn't budge. Like a stubborn rock it seems. This isn't good. And it appears that I'm unintentionally attracting a great deal of attention again... What am I supposed to do? Besides give away my last... um... ok, you know what? Thanks to her... I don't feel so hungry anymore. Maybe three of those little treats are enough to sustain me but I don't know. Either way... "Ok... let's make a deal shall we?"I continue with a shudder as I nervously hold out my tray to her."I'll give you this last one and we can both move on like nothing ever happened ok? I'll pass with your flower thing too thank you very much. But if you want some more, the cafe's nearby. You can talk to that lady over there if you're hungry for these things." I really hope she takes my message from the bottom of her heart. At least, I hope this drama doesn't escalate...
Bloom seemed completely oblivious to every single nervous emotion the Kitsune was feeling. She seemed to exude absolute excitement and joy as he stared at her, her eyes going from his hidden face to the food. The first response made her pout and batt her eyelashes, looking disappointed that he would not share with her even though she offered him a pretty flower. And lets be honest, who does not want a pretty flower? Thankfully, this seemed to change his attitude, and Bloom's eyes grew wide with joy once more.
"Hurray!', she said in a VERY dramatic fashion, twirling in her short pink dress and throwing her hand in the air creating a shower of cherry blossom petalsaround her. Bloom then proceeds to pluck a cherry blossom from her staff, setting it on the tray and taking the Pelemeni cheerfully.
"Now you have a pretty fulower from the prettiest fulower!", she says before taking a bite of the delicious treat and humming in approval, dancing as she enjoyed the taste of Luba's delicacies. As she did her joyful dance, she looked back at the kind stranger, "My name is Baloom, what is your name?".
"Hurray!', she said in a VERY dramatic fashion, twirling in her short pink dress and throwing her hand in the air creating a shower of cherry blossom petalsaround her. Bloom then proceeds to pluck a cherry blossom from her staff, setting it on the tray and taking the Pelemeni cheerfully.
AAAAUGH! GIMME A BREAK, LADY! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO- MFF! (Sniffed some flower petals and nearly choked) I SWEAR... DIDN'T I SAY TO LEAVE ME ALONE IN RETURN?! Please just shut up and take my pel-mini gyoza and leave it at that! Ugh! Honestly, this girl reminds so much about Yurime herself... except more disrespectful and flower-obsessed unlike her. If she was here they would honestly become great friends as of now.
"Now you have a pretty fulower from the prettiest fulower!", she says before taking a bite of the delicious treat and humming in approval, dancing as she enjoyed the taste of Luba's delicacies. As she did her joyful dance, she looked back at the kind stranger, "My name is Baloom, what is your name?".
I couldn't bear to look her in the eye after her acts nearly destroyed my self-esteem. This was not the start I hoped to have on my journey towards here. Seriously, if Yurime was here she'd at least be a little more sensible and mature... "My name is Rai-" I quickly cuffed my mouth. That was so close. Another crisis barely averted. I didn't want strangers to know my actual name. At least until they've earned my trust. No. This is not the Sword Coast. They don't see me as 'Raiden Kurosaki' over here. . And besides, I didn't get it previously but what's with her childish pronunciation of the word 'flower' and 'bloom'? I nearly mistook them as 'follower' and 'balloon' respectively...
"Renar..."I reply with an obvious voice-break in my voice as I placed a hand on my face and averted my gaze to the beautiful ocean. "My name's Renar... are we done now?"
Bloom giggles childishly as the man struggles to say his name and covers his mouth for some odd reason. Her demeanor and stature clearly very petite but no so petite that one would expect her to act like a child. She was still 4'9". Pink eyes glistening with mischief, she puts both hands behind her back and sways back and forth, wondering why he had his hand on his face when he said his name. Nonetheless, she was pleased with the response he gave. The name had a nice ring to it, but Renar was so...rigid.
"Hello Ren Ren", she said, looking over to the beautiful ocean that he seemed to absolutely have to look at right now. It was indeed pretty, but it wasn't as pretty as she was, so the reason remained a mystery. Her eyes finally settle on the elf who seems to be feeling worse for wear. His weakened state did concern her, and it wasn't long before Bloom skipped towards him and started to inspect him, checking to see if there were any serious signs of concern. (15 medicine skill check)
There seemed to be a Triton already looking after him, and the shopkeeper had offered him something to eat. But still, Bloom wanted to ensure that this pretty man was feeling okay. No flower would wilt while it was around her if she could help it!
Aleksandteri blinks in brief confusion as the elf collapses in front of him only to be swarmed by two girls and... wait is that the guy with the katana he'd come out to look for? Was he talking with the tiefling girl? ...no matter, he'll have to deal with this poor hungry individual first. Though, it seems the shopkeeper is faster than he, offering the elf a free pelmeni. "What a kind soul you are," he says to the halfling. "Please, allow me to pay the difference for this man's meal. If you won't except that, use the money for the person who comes after me." He places enough coppers in front of her for two helpings regardless of what she says. He hesitates a moment, wanting to make sure that the hungry elf gets the food he was promised, but ultimately deciding that with the two women there he will be well taken care of. "You seem to be in good hands sir." Then starts after the guy with the katana.
"Hey! I noticed you are armed. You wouldn't happen to be interested in embarking on a grand quest to the ancient ruins would you?" He waves down Renar. As he says this he briefly wonders if the hungry elf is also here for the very same thing... perhaps he should ask him once his hunger is satisfied. ...the women too for that matter. They all looked just as new to the area as he did. Perhaps they are all here for the same thing! Wouldn't that be wonderful! His ever-present smile broadens briefly as he thinks, "Wouldn't that be just like a story... when I stop looking for a party is when I find one!"
"Hey! I noticed you are armed. You wouldn't happen to be interested in embarking on a grand quest to the ancient ruins would you?" He waves down Renar. As he says this he briefly wonders if the hungry elf is also here for the very same thing... perhaps he should ask him once his hunger is satisfied. ...the women too for that matter. They all looked just as new to the area as he did. Perhaps they are all here for the same thing! Wouldn't that be wonderful! His ever-present smile broadens briefly as he thinks, "Wouldn't that be just like a story... when I stop looking for a party is when I find one!"
My heart stopped beating for five seconds straight when I heard a handsome voice address me. After narrowly avoiding public embarrassment. And he says I'm armed? What does he... oh yeah. My Katana. Even though I haven't taken it out of its sheath. He thinks I'm a bandit. At least that's what I think from my perspective. But I'm not. I better resolve this fast before another disaster occurs... Wait. I swear... *His fox ears twitch underneath his disguise* Did he say... Is also heading to the ruins? Is he another one of those people that I might be grouped with? I might have hope after all...
"Oh! Uh... I mean... Are you... perhaps... You're trying to um, search for those ruins too I mean... am I right?" I speak slowly with the worst Lancean accent I could possibly produce as I sort-of take the chance to peek at the person who... oh wait! So I was right. That glamourous blue knight in shining armour is one of those suspected travellers after all. Heck, I wonder what Rixian or Yuri wold think of him... Actually no, any of the shifters if they could glue their eyes onto his figure. Maybe this guy might be better than that stupid girl that pounced on me previously. "If you are then I... *Clears throat* Yeah, of course. I'm heading to the ruins too. And since I uh, well..."I pause so that I don't let my fury from earlier overwhelm me and also to select my words very carefully just in case. In fact, I turn my entire body towards him so I don't appear rude, though something tells me to keep a firm grip on my weapon even though I'm not. "...This where we're supposed to meet up first right? Before we begin the journey in search of the unknown?"
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The Wildland Shifters Daisy Ethalena- Female Wood Elf Ranger (Monster Slayer) Ethan Wolftree - Male Simic Hybrid Warlock (The Hexblade) Mira Laurits - Female Harengon Sorcerer(Clockwork Soul); Lancea Raiden Kurosaki - Male Kitsune Wizard (Bladesinger); Lancea Rixian Nishinoya - Male Fire Genasi Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) Tenebris Amaro - Male Dark Elf Druid (Circle of Stars) Yurime Hanasaki- Female Kumiho Bard (College Of Creation)
"Ah, perfect!" Aleksandteri says enthusiastically seemingly unfazed by Renar's odd accent. "I cannot tell you how glad I am to hear that. ... Oh, yes I suppose so? I know there have to be others who've already gone out on their own, but..." He chuckles lightly, rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment, "Well, I figured it would be best to find a group since this is my first real venture, but no one would accept me. They think I'm too young to go to such a dangerous place." He waves a hand, "But don't worry, I'm perfectly capable of handling myself. They just don't know that." He laughs, placing a hand on his sword, "I'm sure you are plenty capable yourself judging by the way you carry your own blade. So what do you say we team up?" He extends a hand, "I am called Alexsandteri, but you can call me Alexander if you want."
At the sound of a feminine voice addressing him, the young elf turns his head towards its source. Looking down at him is the blue haired girl he noticed earlier. He is silent for a second as if taking a moment to register what she had said. Though during that second, he examines her more closely. Huh, another person with a weird choice of clothes…not that they look weird on her, the style is actually quite flattering…but seriously, isn’t she cold? “Not ill, just hungry.” He replies, staring up at her with a rather desperate, almost pathetic, expression.
At that moment, the baker rushes over and offers him her wares…for FREE! How unexpected! Perhaps this town isn’t so bad even with the strong smell of fish. He gives the baker a relieved smile as he gratefully grabs the not-dumplings, (They sure do look like dumplings to him) and starts chowing down on them as if he hasn’t eaten in months. “AH! This is delicious! *munch munch* You are truly a kind and talented individual!”
He gives the blue-eyed boy an odd look when he offers to pay the difference. Why? The woman had given him this food out of the kindness of her heart, let her feel good about doing a good deed.
With everything going on around him, he misses the first part of the interaction between katana man and a…flowery tiefling girl. Though he does catch the end of it, stifling a laugh which nearly causes him to choke on the oversized bite he had taken, when the girl showers the man with flowers.
Suppressing a cough, he snatches up one of the drinks the baker had offered the blonde boy (Who he assumes would have shared them with him anyways. “Ahhhh, that hit the spot. Thank you.” He grins giving a slight bow of his head to the baker.
Still holding the drink and the remains of his free food, He turns to bow to the blond boy as well only to have to catch himself before stumbling over the flower girl. What IS she doing? He thinks, cocking his head slightly. As the girl inspects him, he shoved the last piece of his food in his mouth and watches her as he chews. It is then that he remembers when he had last eaten…it was last night…he’s had fried fish for dinner. Huh. Weird that he hadn’t remembered that before, especially with all the fish around. Ah well, he can never function properly on and empty stomach.
He swallows just as the boy says something about him being in good hands. He looks at the boy, back down at the girl in front of him, then towards the triton woman, then back at the boy. “Heheheh I suppose I am.” He grins. It seems his outburst had attracted a small crowd. That was unexpected, most people where he came from would have just passed him by…He feels like he should be embarrassed, but for some reason he isn’t.
He watches the boy chase after the katana wielding beanie man. Then looks back down at the flower girl who is…still looking him over? “Uh. Heheh. Hi! Do you need something?” He asks after taking a swig of his drink. After saying this, he leans towards the triton, addressing her as if she was a relatively well k own acquaintance “Do you know this girl?” He whispers a bit to loudly.
“Not ill, just hungry.” He replies, staring up at her with a rather desperate, almost pathetic, expression.
He watches the boy chase after the katana wielding beanie man. Then looks back down at the flower girl who is…still looking him over? “Uh. Heheh. Hi! Do you need something?” He asks after taking a swig of his drink. After saying this, he leans towards the triton, addressing her as if she was a relatively well k own acquaintance “Do you know this girl?” He whispers a bit to loudly.
"Oh that is a relief, wouldn't want you dying right off the ship now would we?" She asks, replacing her lyre back into the folds of her cloak as it seems he doesn't need a healing word after all.
"Mm?" She turns her head towards the girl at his question, just noticing the tiefling. She smiles at the carefree nature of the girl, as well as the soft beauty of her appearance. "No, not at all, but I like her energy."
“Haha, that would’ve been tragic wouldn’t it.” He laughs then finishes off his drink. “A bit of good food really goes a long way!”
He shrugs when the triton says she doesn’t know the flower girl, then glances back towards the boy a the katana man. Seems like they are having a conversation. What could they be talking about? Do they know each other? If so how? They look like they came from two totally different worlds….Putting his hands on his hips and looks between the two women. “Sooooo, what are your names? Mine is Shugo. Are either of you familiar with this area?”
"It really does!" She says with a smile. "I'm Venet, I just got here today. I'm came here to try and see about getting to those ruins. I guess a lot of people had the same idea considering the crowds!"
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-Apologies for not mentioning this before. Listening to animals is a bit different, they still make natural noises until you pay close attention to them, and then you will hear them speak Alharisian.
-There are 40 days in a month, 7 days in a week. Spring lasts from January to March, Summer lasts from April to June, Autumn lasts from July to September, and winter lasts from October to December. Right now, it's early Summer. The planet can get very cold in Winter, especially in a subarctic region like Perkwunos, we’ll get to this later on. There will be time-sensitive missions and a lot of things will change depending on the season, keep that in mind.
-We’ll use Owlbear Rodeo for the battle map, and flanking rules do apply here. If a creature is surrounded by two creatures on either side or diagonally, melee attacks or touch spells on that creature are made with an advantage.
-When your character speaks, highlight the text with green. It will make sense later on.
Our players are:
arcenaluae as Prunus Serrulata Bloom
MrsAnjou as Venet
Rynn_Elocin as Shugo Ryu
PyromaniIsDeadThankGod as Renār Kozaki
andAroc_of_Eaf as Aleksandteri
Welcome to Lancea and Perkwunos region, here is the world map, you start at the bottom left.
Muphird shines bright in the sky, that is Lancea’s sun, an orb of pure flame that provides light, but also a timed bomb, waiting to explode once its core ran out of fuel. But they don’t know about this, no one knows about this, just a hundred more cycles and Lancea is no more. All of it will end, not even its red dwarf sibling, Saak, will survive the blast.
This isn’t a proper way to start a story, isn’t it? How about this?
Welcome to Luba, a mid-sized fishing town with a population of 12,153. It’s located in the Duchy of Rauna, in the Kingdom of Kerwos, in the Perkwunos region. Houses here are colourful, with walls of yellow, red, and green, and the roofs are tall and made out of red brick. Even houses that are next to each other differ in colour, the majority of them even having a potted plant under the windows. There is a clock tower in the middle of the town square, it’s the very first thing you see once you step out of the ferry ship along with other passengers. It rises high above other buildings, its dome reflects the morning light.
The docks, indeed, are lively places, filled with people of all kinds of ancestry. It’s hard to tell what the dominant race even is, but that’d probably be halflings and half-elves Fishermen (and women) bring their fresh fish cuts for sale, seagulls argue over food scraps, and the smell of seawater and the musk of shellfish lingers even in the inland parts of the town. Cafés open up for the day, serving pelmeni (Russo-Baltic dumplings) with sour cream and speķrauši (bread filled with bacon and onion) fresh from the oven. Even on the second day of Summer, the weather is still chilly, with some clouds in the sky. The smoke rising from the chimney sways along the wind.
Today might be the busiest day in this small fishing town’s history. The seaside capital of Kerwos, Vārti, temporarily closed its ports after a massive fluctuation of visitors never seen before since its foundation. It’s lucky for people who made it in time, but for those who don’t, they’ll have to resort to smaller ports instead. Luba was one of them and the cheapest one too, but its downside is it is in the Southwest subregion, which is the opposite way of the Far North. It’s not going to make that much difference anyway, since the location of the ruin wasn’t known yet, wouldn’t want to rush into a freezing tundra, would you?
You’re one of the many groups of travellers that arrive here, lured by the promise of the unimaginable rich or power inside the ruins. But that is all you know, the ruin doesn't even have a name, yet everyone treats it like the next big thing, the ultimate talk of the town, the key to discovering the missing chapter of Lancean history.
But first, you should probably get your bearings first in this new town.
Introduce your characters, do the standard procedure just like when you start any other forum posts.
"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference."
—Richard Dawkins
DM—Stories From The End of The World: Episode I
Ok, so... where on Lancea am I again? I'm, as usual, totally lost. I must have overestimated my sense of direction when it comes to navigating unfamiliar worlds, especially when one is void of human beings. And... what was this place again? Luba? Either way, my yellow eyes are almost strained. My poor intellectual brain nearly electrocuted from the countless of thoughts crackling within my mystical skull. At least the cold doesn't affect me much since I've grown up in a freezing environment myself. My thin yellow jacket that matches my eye colour plus some stylish, black jeans to go with, completed with my sheathed katana on my right hip hopefully helps me with the whole conformity of this realm. My little pink fox pendant, a gift from my Kumiho girlfriend Yurime (or so she says) hangs loosely on my fluffed neck, as a sign saying that she'll still be here in my heart, along with my mother. What else?
Oh yeah that's right. My jacket also has another purpose: to conceal something that has been waving enthusiastically behind my slim back since I began venturing around this continent (it's his tail). And yeah my yellow and white beanie is to conceal my stupid little fox ears on my head plus that apparently stuck out like sore thumbs to these people. Though I'm not the first kitsune to have lived amongst them, I still have my own doubts about meeting new faces. Back in the Sword Coast, foxes like me were discriminated just because we were visualized as monsters. I never got the chance to have a conversation with anyone up until I met with the Wildland Shifters. And like Rixian, my best friend and leader, I'm at my worst in social situations and often struggle to say anything right even during battle. So if anything involving conversations come up, I may as well sit out of this. At least in heart-to-heart ones. Small talk, like right now when I enter a small building of some sort to get something to munch on, is a different story as I order from instinct.
"Sigh... I'll have four of your um... dumplings is it? With sour cream please." But honestly, the food here is delicious. Almost a lot better than Daisy and Rixian's dishes for sure, not that I'm criticizing them of course. As with everything, I made sure to pay the right amount before I thanked them (without bowing this time, they think I'm acting weird in here when I'm only being respectful) and vanished out the door. I didn't want to keep myself and the customers behind me waiting, so I just exited swiftly with nothing else to say. Sigh... if only the portal didn't cease to function. Otherwise, Rixian, Yurime and mother would have really enjoyed this alongside me for once...
But... small talks aside, this Luba place is supposed to be my starting point. Honestly, with only myself being lost in a world like this, this brings me back ot the time where I ventured across Neverwinter Jungle... wait. They don't know that I'm from the Sword Coast do they? If so it's best to keep it that way at best. I'm not the one to be driving people insane, let alone myself. And, judging by the number of people going about their business as I scan with my squinted, yellow eyes, it seems like I'm the first one to arrive as usual; I don't really see anyone else yet with an equally curious look as mine... at least... I can't see one just yet. Maybe if I savour on these dumplings whilst I wait...
The Wildland Shifters
Daisy Ethalena - Female Wood Elf Ranger (Monster Slayer)
Ethan Wolftree - Male Simic Hybrid Warlock (The Hexblade)
Mira Laurits - Female Harengon Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul); Lancea
Raiden Kurosaki - Male Kitsune Wizard (Bladesinger); Lancea
Rixian Nishinoya - Male Fire Genasi Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Tenebris Amaro - Male Dark Elf Druid (Circle of Stars)
Yurime Hanasaki - Female Kumiho Bard (College Of Creation)
Venet hasn't been able to sit still the whole voyage. She paces the deck of the ship, enjoying the sea air. She draws up her long light blue hair, twisting it up into a number of hair styles before releasing it again to flow down her back. Her fingers pluck at her lyre or fidget with her jewelry, whether it be her necklace or her bracelets, all of them a bluish silver tone, with the former holding a pale pearl at the end of it's length. A small token of home. She happily talks with everyone that approaches her as it gives her another outlet to expend her energy.
She eyes the approaching town with a wide smile, wasting no time in departing and scampering off onto the docks to take it all in. Her eyes dance across the buildings, the people, absorbing everything she can about this new place. They linger on the clock tower for awhile before she manages to tear her eyes away, but her feet have already started off on their own as she's pulled along to the nearest sparks of excitement in the air. If anyone's gaze falls on her in return, she probably doesn't notice as she's too enraptured by this new environment.
"You are very welcome ma'am," Alexander says, waving to the elderly woman he'd just finished helping across the street. There were always people around who could use some sort of assistance, and he can't help but offer whatever help he can provide. He looks like the perfect white knight right out of a fairy tale, with his blond hair catching the wind and shimmering blue eyes, he almost looks like he's glowing as he turns to regain his bearings. Smiling as he starts on his way again, he takes a deep breath of salty air. It wasn't very refreshing, as some of the sailors seemed to think, but it did smell like adventure so there was that.
Glancing around, he tries to seek out anyone else who looks like they are heading out for the newly discovered ruin. Since he'd left the ship, he'd been asking around about joining a party, and had already been told off a couple times. Almost always, this was because his youthfulness (he looks to be about 16) betrays his inexperience. While he appreciates that people seem to care whether or not he goes and gets himself killed, he wishes that they could trust that he is just as capable as they are. Still, he isn't foolish enough to think it smart to venture into the ruins alone. He needs a team. A group of individuals like him who are willing to risk it all and give their lives for each other if needed. Like Arthur's knights of the round table. Of course, he wouldn't consider himself the leader. He's far too inexperienced for that... but if needed he wouldn't hesitate to take charge. It wouldn't be a first after all.
He takes a moment to adjust his chainmail... the links are getting a little cold against his neck, then pauses as if debating on whether or not to get food. Well, perhaps that would be for the best. After the journey on the ship, it would be nice to have something that didn't consist of whatever seafood or rations he'd been eating. So, with a sweep of his red cloak he enters the cafe and gets in line behind someone wearing a katana... "Hey!.." he says but the stranger in the beanie hat rushes out before Aleksandteri has time to ask if he is an adventurer too. He pauses, then buys a couple dumplings for himself before heading out to search for the katana-wielder. Perhaps he can convince him to join his party!
Perception to see if he notices where Renar went, or if catches sight of Venet: 3 (critical fail)
Leaning on the railing of the ferry ship, the young elf squints at the doc waiting for the craft to come close enough for him to step back onto dry land. His black hair, which he keeps tied back in a tight wolf's tail with bangs partially obscuring his youthful face, is tousled slightly by the mid summer breeze. Once the ferry pulls up to the dock, He leaps over the railing rather than waiting for the other passengers to exit with the ramp.
His gold-orange jacket flutters slightly as he lands lightly on his feet and straitens to stand at his full height...which is really nothing special. He is just an average elf after all. He's slim, but clearly fit. If not for his nonchalant stance, one might think him of noble heritage or at least from a line of wealthy merchants. His clothing is of rather fine quality despite the fact that it is clearly travel worn. His open jacket clearly showing the long leather strap running down his chest, which is lined with throwing darts. All in all, his garb is obviously that of a foreigner. Placing his hands on his hips, the action causing the curved scimitar at his hip to shift, he searches the streets through squinted amber eyes (which only spend a short time staring at the clock tower). He had come to this town for one purpose...but that purpose would have to wait a while as this elf is starving.
His eyes linger on a certain individual who stands out amongst the crowd. Well, he stands out to him anyways. Specifically because of the weapon the man is carrying. "A katana...huh. Haven't seen one of those in a while.... Maybe I should steer clear of him." The elf thinks to himself. He doesn't particularly want to tangle with anyone from his own country. At least, that is where he assumes the katana wielding man in a beanie is from. "Hmmmph. Weird choice of cloths."
His gaze leaves the yellow clad fellow, and passes over the blue haired girl. She seems like an interesting type, what is she doing just milling about though? Isn't she hungry? The elf's stomach growls, as he catches a whiff of the bacon-filled bread. Eh, maybe she's not hungry, but he sure is. Smiling, he makes he follows his nose, which leads him to...the exact same cafe where katana man is visiting. He sighs, so much for avoiding that guy. The food in there smells to good...plus at the moment it seems like the only other choice is fish...which don't smell nearly as good. It is at that moment that he catches sight of a blonde haired youth. Didn't he see that boy helping elderly cross the boat?
Suddenly he feels a wave of exhaustion sweep over him. Was it all that traveling? When was the last time he ate something? Will he even be able to afford that food?! He can't remember how much gold he has left in his purse, and for some reason he can't use the energy to lift his hand to feel it's weight. Who cares if the katana man sees him, he needs sustenance. Moving forward, he stumbles past the kitsune man, and nearly collapses in front of the blue eyed boy. However, he manages to stay upright, though slumped over, scimitar sticking awkwardly off at an angle. "Dear Lord I'm starving." He mumbles. He squints up at the boy, then tilts his head towards the tasty smelling dumplings he he's carrying. "How much....?" He breaths in heavily, "...did you pay for those?" He points at the food.
Her attention drifts from admiring the local aesthetic after a bit, going back through to window shop or poke her head in a few places. Eventually the smell of food grabs hold of her, her feet again leading her off into a nearby cafe. Her eyes sweep over the unique collection of individuals breezing through before coming back to rest on the handsome, although tired looking elven man. She walks forward, mildly concerned he'll fall over at any moment.
At a distance she seemed elvish, with the pointed ears and all, but upon closer inspection there's small slits on the sides of her neck, faint blue scales that shimmer in the light over her pale skin, and her eyes look like the blue glint of the sea. A triton. Further, it's a wonder she's not cold, or doesn't seem to be. Her main item of clothing is more of leotard made from iridescent scales, a light shimmering cloth hanging loosely around her waist, a similar type of cloak that hangs around her shoulders and the same style of dress for her boots that rise up to her knees.
"Are you okay? You seem ill," she asks the elf.
Holy...! Is he alright?! I got startled so much and nearly dropped my third, juicy gyoza because of him! And where did he come from out of the blue?! Is he perhaps one of the so-called expeditioners that I'm supposed to follow? Hmm? *His eyes squint slightly* Hang on... That person... his golden eyes with a darker accent to mine, his outfit of choice to... they both seem out of place in a bustling town like mine. Is he perhaps from another place just like me? If so then I might be able to find some common ground with someone after all... well... I mean I obviously heard him saying he's starving but... couldn't he have waited in the queue to grab his lunch?
I quickly swivelled back to the cafe's entrance. Seems like the line has enlarged. No wonder why that poor guy couldn't wait huh. And uh... that blue armoured fellow he's speaking to... I swear he's given me a case of Deja Vu. Maybe, I don't know. But he's actually quite the looker, I'll admit. Judging by his relaxed demeanour and the way he approaches other people without even breaking a sweat gives me the impression that he's a popular guy. But even so, the facial expression the first one I was looking at, if I can at least theorize, maybe it does convey that he's in need of something to eat. Though I'm not an emotional person myself, maybe he does deserve a bit of whatever sympathy I can conjure for the moment. Maybe, as I step forward to share my last two pieces, we could...
No better yet, it seems like a uh... a woman from the ocean I presume, due to the colourful scales she bears around her elegant stature, has swooped down to ask him and beat me to it. Dang it. If only I was as outgoing as her and Yurime... Sigh, I was also going to do the same but, honestly I'm kind of ok with that for now. I'll keep my distance again as usual. After all, I need to be aware of my surroundings as every other fox should.
But... deep down within my disguise my fur is tingling a little all the way to my nails on my hands and as well as my tail. What if those three have the same kind of objectives as I do with the forgotten ruins? *He glances back up slightly without letting them see his gaze* I feel like... could I probably...?
The Wildland Shifters
Daisy Ethalena - Female Wood Elf Ranger (Monster Slayer)
Ethan Wolftree - Male Simic Hybrid Warlock (The Hexblade)
Mira Laurits - Female Harengon Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul); Lancea
Raiden Kurosaki - Male Kitsune Wizard (Bladesinger); Lancea
Rixian Nishinoya - Male Fire Genasi Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Tenebris Amaro - Male Dark Elf Druid (Circle of Stars)
Yurime Hanasaki - Female Kumiho Bard (College Of Creation)
"Dumpling?" The shopkeeper, a female halfling wearing a black and white apron, glances up and down at the young male. After a quick pause, she snickers. "That's a weird way to say pelmeni, you aren't from around here, are you?" She waves her wooden spoon.
"If that's the case, one pelmeni coming right up!" She smiles, turns back into the kitchen, and gets to work.
Just like many of the storefronts, this 'dumpling' store seems to be an extension of a residential home, not a dedicated storefront. There is no seat and everything is takeaway only, so people carry their food to eat at home or somewhere else.
The halfling grabs a bowl of minced meat—one-third mutton and two-thirds beef, dill, black pepper, chopped red onions, and vinegar into a larger steel bowl, then she uses a wooden spoon to mix it all together. In concept, it might be similar to Priyehan dumplings, but in taste and how it's made, it's a completely different story.
She puts the filling in a very thin sheet of dough, then moulds it into a circular shape with ridges on the side to prevent the filling from spilling out. It tastes meaty (as expected) and spicy from the pepper, it's obvious how different these two foods taste.
As the halfling finishes the second batch, she sees another young elf fellow come tumbling and rumbling down the street. He seems tired and starving, and of course, she knows what to do. She quickly scoops the rest of the pelmeni from the boiling pot onto a paper dish and hands it to him. "Starving to death... heh, what a terrible day to meet your Maker. Here you go, that one is on me; it's free of charge." She winks.
"As for you, though..." She calls the cloaked boy over, who clearly is just hungry and not actively dying of stravation. "That'll be 5 coppers." In Kerwos, food is much cheaper than in any other region, probably the place with the lowest cost of living in the Perkwunos region. The statistics might say they're poor, but in reality, they're as content as any other continent out there.
"Oh! And one more thing..." The halfling turns back and digs through her overhead shelf. Then she turns back to the trio and places down six glass bottles with some kind of brown, cloudy liquid inside. "Ta-da! One-hundred per cent homemade kvass! You haven't truly visit the Kingdom of Kerwos if you haven't drink one of these!" She crosses her arms and laughs loudly.
"By the way, since you seem to be a foreigner, I'll explain what kvass is." She eyes the cloaked boy, "It's a drink made with rye flour and sugar, people put it in boiling water and cool it down for twelve hours. After that, they mix it with water and let ferment in a tank for another twenty-four hours. Keep in mind, though—it's fermented, which means it naturally produces alcohol, but it's in such a small amount that you won't feel drunk even if you drink an entire barrel of it. Feel free to drink all of them or give them to your friends!" She says
"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference."
—Richard Dawkins
DM—Stories From The End of The World: Episode I
One of the many people who have made their journey to this quaint little port town is a very short dark skinned tiefling. Bloom has pink hair, the shade of cherry blossoms, and pink eyes as well. On her back is a massive cherry blossom branch with actual cherry blossoms, which is an odd phenomenon in itself seeing it was early summer. The jovial tiefling's eyes widened at the sight of the port, and she skipped off of the ship where all crew members' hairs were adorned with halos of flowers.
"Hurray! I'm here! Now remember everyone, if anyone asks how you became so puhretty, you need to tell them that I did it! The puhrettiest fulower in the world! Baloom!", says the tiefling with a twirl once she was off the plank, waving goodbye.
Her enchanted eyes turning towards the town and indeed, she started skipping through the streets, waving at people, twirling to showcase her beautiful dress and colorful hair. It seemed as though she was not a member of civilization at all, but rather an enchanting fey creature come to visit. And so she sung through the streets of Luba.
"I'm the prettiest fulower here in town, I came to sing and turn your frown, dance with Bloom and then you'll be, happier than you were without me! La la la la, tra la la la la, la la la, tra la"
As the strange figure dances through the streets, she waves her hands at the flowers that have yet to bloom or grow due to the chill, and breathes life into them through druidcraft. She pauses upon noticing a group of people that are being offered some delicious foods and treats. Bloom's eyes widen and she skips in their direction, peering over the kitsune's shoulder sneakily before saying...
"Yummy! I want one!", she says with unbridled excitement, "I can give you a puhretty fulower if you give me a yummy puhlameni".
CRAP! I'm such an idiot! Why I say something that's so foreign to them?! It's the number one thing I told myself I'm not supposed to do and I already broke it! I wonder if Rixian, Yurime and mother would accidentally do this too, seeing that they're more carefree...
Uh... what? I stare mindlessly like I've been resuscitated at what I appears to be a concoction to my poor fox eyes rather than a refreshing drink. Sorry lady, but my taste for alcohol is nigh zero-to-one. As in, I hate it. I've got no friends either. At least, in this realm. Back in the Sword Coast I do. Two of them were supposed to have been with me on this journey. But... I'll leave it out just this once... at least until... I... *He puts the pelmeni in his mouth whole and starts to chew on it*
"MFF!" WHAT THE?! WHERE DID THIS DARK-SKINNED GIRL COME FROM?! AND WHY TARGET ME OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?! JUST BECAUSE I HAVE FOOD?! I... holy... that was so close! I almost choked on my third piece of it wasn't for my quick-witted brain telling me to stop chewing and hold on until I've recovered from shock... anyways... where was I? Oh yeah... *Swallows his food before eyeing down at the last one he has on his plastic tray* Where did she come from? And can't she just patiently line up in the queue?! What's with her childlike manners too? Either way I have to resolve this fast before it spirals out of hand...
"Listen miss..." I pant slowly and quietly, trying my best not to reveal my strange, oriental accent that everyone is naturally swooned over, but also to not act like Tenebris, who often yells to the point of insanity when badly surprised. No I'm not like him all I swear. "I... I don't know where you came from or why you decided to target me but... can't you... there's a cafe nearby that makes Pelmeni. If you're looking for something to eat,, *Points* it's over there, if you don't mind." I did my best not to sound rude or discouraging in anyway, but seriously, jumping on someone just because they want food is super disrespectful, especially for a fox spirit like me. It was clear that she was eyeing my food for no apparent reason. She wants it. I want it too... except she seems more stubborn than I am, even for my eyes...
When it comes to understanding other people's emotions, I'm at my worst. But judging by the fact that her eyes are STILL glued to my container... It's not working. She just wouldn't budge. Like a stubborn rock it seems. This isn't good. And it appears that I'm unintentionally attracting a great deal of attention again... What am I supposed to do? Besides give away my last... um... ok, you know what? Thanks to her... I don't feel so hungry anymore. Maybe three of those little treats are enough to sustain me but I don't know. Either way... "Ok... let's make a deal shall we?" I continue with a shudder as I nervously hold out my tray to her. "I'll give you this last one and we can both move on like nothing ever happened ok? I'll pass with your flower thing too thank you very much. But if you want some more, the cafe's nearby. You can talk to that lady over there if you're hungry for these things." I really hope she takes my message from the bottom of her heart. At least, I hope this drama doesn't escalate...
The Wildland Shifters
Daisy Ethalena - Female Wood Elf Ranger (Monster Slayer)
Ethan Wolftree - Male Simic Hybrid Warlock (The Hexblade)
Mira Laurits - Female Harengon Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul); Lancea
Raiden Kurosaki - Male Kitsune Wizard (Bladesinger); Lancea
Rixian Nishinoya - Male Fire Genasi Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Tenebris Amaro - Male Dark Elf Druid (Circle of Stars)
Yurime Hanasaki - Female Kumiho Bard (College Of Creation)
Bloom seemed completely oblivious to every single nervous emotion the Kitsune was feeling. She seemed to exude absolute excitement and joy as he stared at her, her eyes going from his hidden face to the food. The first response made her pout and batt her eyelashes, looking disappointed that he would not share with her even though she offered him a pretty flower. And lets be honest, who does not want a pretty flower? Thankfully, this seemed to change his attitude, and Bloom's eyes grew wide with joy once more.
"Hurray!', she said in a VERY dramatic fashion, twirling in her short pink dress and throwing her hand in the air creating a shower of cherry blossom petals around her. Bloom then proceeds to pluck a cherry blossom from her staff, setting it on the tray and taking the Pelemeni cheerfully.
"Now you have a pretty fulower from the prettiest fulower!", she says before taking a bite of the delicious treat and humming in approval, dancing as she enjoyed the taste of Luba's delicacies. As she did her joyful dance, she looked back at the kind stranger, "My name is Baloom, what is your name?".
AAAAUGH! GIMME A BREAK, LADY! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO- MFF! (Sniffed some flower petals and nearly choked) I SWEAR... DIDN'T I SAY TO LEAVE ME ALONE IN RETURN?! Please just shut up and take my pel-mini gyoza and leave it at that! Ugh! Honestly, this girl reminds so much about Yurime herself... except more disrespectful and flower-obsessed unlike her. If she was here they would honestly become great friends as of now.
I couldn't bear to look her in the eye after her acts nearly destroyed my self-esteem. This was not the start I hoped to have on my journey towards here. Seriously, if Yurime was here she'd at least be a little more sensible and mature... "My name is Rai-" I quickly cuffed my mouth. That was so close. Another crisis barely averted. I didn't want strangers to know my actual name. At least until they've earned my trust. No. This is not the Sword Coast. They don't see me as 'Raiden Kurosaki' over here. . And besides, I didn't get it previously but what's with her childish pronunciation of the word 'flower' and 'bloom'? I nearly mistook them as 'follower' and 'balloon' respectively...
"Renar..." I reply with an obvious voice-break in my voice as I placed a hand on my face and averted my gaze to the beautiful ocean. "My name's Renar... are we done now?"
The Wildland Shifters
Daisy Ethalena - Female Wood Elf Ranger (Monster Slayer)
Ethan Wolftree - Male Simic Hybrid Warlock (The Hexblade)
Mira Laurits - Female Harengon Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul); Lancea
Raiden Kurosaki - Male Kitsune Wizard (Bladesinger); Lancea
Rixian Nishinoya - Male Fire Genasi Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Tenebris Amaro - Male Dark Elf Druid (Circle of Stars)
Yurime Hanasaki - Female Kumiho Bard (College Of Creation)
Bloom giggles childishly as the man struggles to say his name and covers his mouth for some odd reason. Her demeanor and stature clearly very petite but no so petite that one would expect her to act like a child. She was still 4'9". Pink eyes glistening with mischief, she puts both hands behind her back and sways back and forth, wondering why he had his hand on his face when he said his name. Nonetheless, she was pleased with the response he gave. The name had a nice ring to it, but Renar was so...rigid.
"Hello Ren Ren", she said, looking over to the beautiful ocean that he seemed to absolutely have to look at right now. It was indeed pretty, but it wasn't as pretty as she was, so the reason remained a mystery. Her eyes finally settle on the elf who seems to be feeling worse for wear. His weakened state did concern her, and it wasn't long before Bloom skipped towards him and started to inspect him, checking to see if there were any serious signs of concern. (15 medicine skill check)
There seemed to be a Triton already looking after him, and the shopkeeper had offered him something to eat. But still, Bloom wanted to ensure that this pretty man was feeling okay. No flower would wilt while it was around her if she could help it!
Aleksandteri blinks in brief confusion as the elf collapses in front of him only to be swarmed by two girls and... wait is that the guy with the katana he'd come out to look for? Was he talking with the tiefling girl? ...no matter, he'll have to deal with this poor hungry individual first. Though, it seems the shopkeeper is faster than he, offering the elf a free pelmeni. "What a kind soul you are," he says to the halfling. "Please, allow me to pay the difference for this man's meal. If you won't except that, use the money for the person who comes after me." He places enough coppers in front of her for two helpings regardless of what she says. He hesitates a moment, wanting to make sure that the hungry elf gets the food he was promised, but ultimately deciding that with the two women there he will be well taken care of. "You seem to be in good hands sir." Then starts after the guy with the katana.
"Hey! I noticed you are armed. You wouldn't happen to be interested in embarking on a grand quest to the ancient ruins would you?" He waves down Renar. As he says this he briefly wonders if the hungry elf is also here for the very same thing... perhaps he should ask him once his hunger is satisfied. ...the women too for that matter. They all looked just as new to the area as he did. Perhaps they are all here for the same thing! Wouldn't that be wonderful! His ever-present smile broadens briefly as he thinks, "Wouldn't that be just like a story... when I stop looking for a party is when I find one!"
My heart stopped beating for five seconds straight when I heard a handsome voice address me. After narrowly avoiding public embarrassment. And he says I'm armed? What does he... oh yeah. My Katana. Even though I haven't taken it out of its sheath. He thinks I'm a bandit. At least that's what I think from my perspective. But I'm not. I better resolve this fast before another disaster occurs... Wait. I swear... *His fox ears twitch underneath his disguise* Did he say... Is also heading to the ruins? Is he another one of those people that I might be grouped with? I might have hope after all...
"Oh! Uh... I mean... Are you... perhaps... You're trying to um, search for those ruins too I mean... am I right?" I speak slowly with the worst Lancean accent I could possibly produce as I sort-of take the chance to peek at the person who... oh wait! So I was right. That glamourous blue knight in shining armour is one of those suspected travellers after all. Heck, I wonder what Rixian or Yuri wold think of him... Actually no, any of the shifters if they could glue their eyes onto his figure. Maybe this guy might be better than that stupid girl that pounced on me previously. "If you are then I... *Clears throat* Yeah, of course. I'm heading to the ruins too. And since I uh, well..." I pause so that I don't let my fury from earlier overwhelm me and also to select my words very carefully just in case. In fact, I turn my entire body towards him so I don't appear rude, though something tells me to keep a firm grip on my weapon even though I'm not. "...This where we're supposed to meet up first right? Before we begin the journey in search of the unknown?"
The Wildland Shifters
Daisy Ethalena - Female Wood Elf Ranger (Monster Slayer)
Ethan Wolftree - Male Simic Hybrid Warlock (The Hexblade)
Mira Laurits - Female Harengon Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul); Lancea
Raiden Kurosaki - Male Kitsune Wizard (Bladesinger); Lancea
Rixian Nishinoya - Male Fire Genasi Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Tenebris Amaro - Male Dark Elf Druid (Circle of Stars)
Yurime Hanasaki - Female Kumiho Bard (College Of Creation)
"Ah, perfect!" Aleksandteri says enthusiastically seemingly unfazed by Renar's odd accent. "I cannot tell you how glad I am to hear that. ... Oh, yes I suppose so? I know there have to be others who've already gone out on their own, but..." He chuckles lightly, rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment, "Well, I figured it would be best to find a group since this is my first real venture, but no one would accept me. They think I'm too young to go to such a dangerous place." He waves a hand, "But don't worry, I'm perfectly capable of handling myself. They just don't know that." He laughs, placing a hand on his sword, "I'm sure you are plenty capable yourself judging by the way you carry your own blade. So what do you say we team up?" He extends a hand, "I am called Alexsandteri, but you can call me Alexander if you want."
At the sound of a feminine voice addressing him, the young elf turns his head towards its source. Looking down at him is the blue haired girl he noticed earlier. He is silent for a second as if taking a moment to register what she had said. Though during that second, he examines her more closely. Huh, another person with a weird choice of clothes…not that they look weird on her, the style is actually quite flattering…but seriously, isn’t she cold? “Not ill, just hungry.” He replies, staring up at her with a rather desperate, almost pathetic, expression.
At that moment, the baker rushes over and offers him her wares…for FREE! How unexpected! Perhaps this town isn’t so bad even with the strong smell of fish. He gives the baker a relieved smile as he gratefully grabs the not-dumplings, (They sure do look like dumplings to him) and starts chowing down on them as if he hasn’t eaten in months. “AH! This is delicious! *munch munch* You are truly a kind and talented individual!”
He gives the blue-eyed boy an odd look when he offers to pay the difference. Why? The woman had given him this food out of the kindness of her heart, let her feel good about doing a good deed.
With everything going on around him, he misses the first part of the interaction between katana man and a…flowery tiefling girl. Though he does catch the end of it, stifling a laugh which nearly causes him to choke on the oversized bite he had taken, when the girl showers the man with flowers.
Suppressing a cough, he snatches up one of the drinks the baker had offered the blonde boy (Who he assumes would have shared them with him anyways. “Ahhhh, that hit the spot. Thank you.” He grins giving a slight bow of his head to the baker.
Still holding the drink and the remains of his free food, He turns to bow to the blond boy as well only to have to catch himself before stumbling over the flower girl. What IS she doing? He thinks, cocking his head slightly. As the girl inspects him, he shoved the last piece of his food in his mouth and watches her as he chews. It is then that he remembers when he had last eaten…it was last night…he’s had fried fish for dinner. Huh. Weird that he hadn’t remembered that before, especially with all the fish around. Ah well, he can never function properly on and empty stomach.
He swallows just as the boy says something about him being in good hands. He looks at the boy, back down at the girl in front of him, then towards the triton woman, then back at the boy. “Heheheh I suppose I am.” He grins. It seems his outburst had attracted a small crowd. That was unexpected, most people where he came from would have just passed him by…He feels like he should be embarrassed, but for some reason he isn’t.
He watches the boy chase after the katana wielding beanie man. Then looks back down at the flower girl who is…still looking him over? “Uh. Heheh. Hi! Do you need something?” He asks after taking a swig of his drink. After saying this, he leans towards the triton, addressing her as if she was a relatively well k own acquaintance “Do you know this girl?” He whispers a bit to loudly.
"Oh that is a relief, wouldn't want you dying right off the ship now would we?" She asks, replacing her lyre back into the folds of her cloak as it seems he doesn't need a healing word after all.
"Mm?" She turns her head towards the girl at his question, just noticing the tiefling. She smiles at the carefree nature of the girl, as well as the soft beauty of her appearance. "No, not at all, but I like her energy."
“Haha, that would’ve been tragic wouldn’t it.” He laughs then finishes off his drink. “A bit of good food really goes a long way!”
He shrugs when the triton says she doesn’t know the flower girl, then glances back towards the boy a the katana man. Seems like they are having a conversation. What could they be talking about? Do they know each other? If so how? They look like they came from two totally different worlds….Putting his hands on his hips and looks between the two women. “Sooooo, what are your names? Mine is Shugo. Are either of you familiar with this area?”
"It really does!" She says with a smile. "I'm Venet, I just got here today. I'm came here to try and see about getting to those ruins. I guess a lot of people had the same idea considering the crowds!"