OOC: The kobolds' first turn is spent chasing the family and fanning out around the woman with the broken spear.
Kobold WIS Save vs. Vicious Mockery:17
Dagger vs. Thrax:9 Dagger vs. Linan (Disadvantage-Dodge): 8 Dagger vs. Linan (Disadvantage-Dodge): 12
The kobolds remain singularly focused on the human family, to the point that they show no recognition to Thia's insult. They do notice, however, when Smoke launches a dagger into the skull of one. Looking up in confusion as their companion falls, a second kobold is dropped by Dern's perfectly aimed bolt. The first person they finally notice is Rogram leading the charge, who has decapitated one of them. Yevele wades into combat with him, following the bloodstained longsword by wrapping her quarterstaff around the neck of another kobold and wrenching it forward into her knee, cracking its skull.
The woman in the alley stares bewildered as the kobolds fall. She collects herself after a moment and stands with her back to the wall of the home behind her, using the shield to block one of the kobolds' daggers as two of them surround her. The haft of her spear knocks the second kobold's dagger to the side. Thrax is the last to arrive on the scene, harrying the other remaining kobold with his spear. The kobold points frantically toward the woman, but realizing that the lizardman is no ally, he thrusts his own dagger toward Thrax, only to meet his shield.
Round 2 Order: Kobolds Players <===== Humans
Placement: Three kobolds remain. Thrax is engaged in melee combat with one kobold. The human woman is engaged in melee combat with two kobolds. Rogram, Thrax, and Yevele can reach the kobolds with their movement speed.
Yevele will target one of the kobolds attacking the human woman, first with her quarterstaff Attack: 19 Damage: 7 followed by a [Tooltip Not Found]Attack: 22 Damage: 4
ooc The second attack is a kick of course. And, given the results of the quarterstaff, she will use the kick on the other kobold attacking the woman if that is possible
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Smoke makes it to the end of the roof staying on the very edge seeing how the group of kobolds fall one by one. Looking to see who remains he shouts down at a remaining kobold Your bark is worse than your bite, and i can smell your fear all the way up here. He rhymes to mock the little creature while holding his hand in front of his nose to further add to the display.
Smoke will stay on the roof but move to a point where he can climb down easily.
Action: Vicious Mockery to the kobold (DC 14 WIS) for 1 psychic damage and disadvantage on next attack roll.
"HA!"Dern will shout as his bolt hits the mark! Seeing the others really dig in and the Kobolds drop, he will use his full movement to look for cover "Cover me while I reload. Keep'em busy for me, lads!" Dern looks for barrels, overturned carts, alleys, or anything similar to behind which he can gain some cover. Once he does, he will reload his crossbow.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Kobold WIS Save vs. Vicious Mockery: 16
Yevele reaches the woman first, smashing the skull of one of her assailants with her staff. She follows the momentum of the swing with a reverse kick to the head of the second, staggering it toward Rogram, who thrusts his longsword through it from behind. The last remaining kobold resists the bardic magic of Smoke, but the distraction is enough for Thrax to finish the job, jabbing his spear cleanly through the creature's heart.
With the last of the small draconic bodies fallen, the defensive woman holds her hand back to her family in the alley and turns her attention fully to the party. "Who...are you?" she asks between tired breaths.
OOC: Each character has received 29 XP for defeating the kobolds.
While the others see to the woman and her family, Dern finishes reloading his weapon. He's going to take this opportunity, his blood still thrumming with adrenaline, and take a survey of the area for more incoming danger. "There's got to be more of the li'l bastards around here somewhere..." He grumbles
With the last of the small draconic bodies fallen, the defensive woman holds her hand back to her family in the alley and turns her attention fully to the party. "Who...are you?" she asks between tired breaths.
"We, we are travelers, well Rogram is a local, but, the rest of us are travelers. We were drawn here by a call for help from a friend or acquaintance. Can we help you and your family get to the keep?" As she is talking, Yevele is keeping an eye out for any other kobolds or other creatures coming into the area.
While still on the roof Smoke will take a look at the surrounding streets to see where the groups of people are. Then he climb down to collect his dagger once more and try to find additional daggers used by the kobolds.
During the search he will start talking Seems we arrived just in time to aid you madam.He looks to the woman and pauses searching for a moment. It reminds me of the battle of the Trielta Hills, quite the tale i should say but given the current state of the town i must delay telling the story. His face almost apologetic.
DM, I'm guessing Rogram doesn't recognize the woman or her family. My instinct is that Rogram would next head to his aunt and uncle's to check on them. I'm under the assumption that Rogram would feel the Keep is able to defend itself, and so would dismiss the idea to head that way to help. He would feel helping people to the keep would be better, but hunting down kobolds would be the best choice (after checking on his aunt and uncle).
OOC: Now that you see them up close, you recognize the family as citizens of Greenest. You've seen them before, though you've never interacted closely with them.
The Keep stands between you and your aunt and uncle's house on the east end of town. From what it looks like, which the woman is about to confirm, most of the town seems to be heading to the Keep for safety. The main thoroughfares are crowded with raiders - moving in a direct route would result in a lot of conflict.
"Thank you, so much," the woman says through welling tears. "My name is Linan Swift. This is my husband Cuth, and our children." She waves them forward now, out of the alley, and points to the defensible stronghold to the east.
"Don't mind the limp. One of the bastards hit me with those slings they carry. Think I might have broken something," Cuth grumbles.
Linan nods to Yevele, "Yes, we need to get to the Keep. You do as well, I would think. I don't know how anyone would survive out here with all this. The Keep is the only safe place in Greenest right now. Most of the town is probably there already...we'd be there by now but we live in the far corner of town."
At Thia's suggestion, she frowns, "I thought that too, but we're better off making a straight run for it through the alleys at this point, I think. We're just a few hundred feet away, to get to the stream and back up we'll have to go through more of them in the end."
Cuth has been looking toward Rogram, and his eyes eventually widen with realization. "You're Mathon's boy, right? Your old man made that shield for my old man," he says, pointing to the round shield his wife carries.
An examination of the surrounding area shows Linan to be speaking truthfully. The forces attacking the town are starting to form up with a growing organization, though that organization has not made it to close off the path to the Keep just yet.
Giving a look around, Dern is easily able to confirm what Linan says. "We should regroup and join the townsfolk at the keep. From there we can launch a counterattack and drive out the Dragon and its filthy followers!" Dern joins the others with the family, ready to move on. He is spoiling for a fight and a shot to exact vengeance on the dragons, but it would be suicide to go at it alone. It would be a hollow sacrifice. "I'll be keepin' an eye out for other stragglers."
Rogram gives the humans a nod of acknowledgement, but appears too riled up to make niceties at the moment. At the reminder of the dragon, the half-dwarf looks skyward to see if he can see it soaring above. He finally appears to rein back his anger enough to say, "OK, let's get to the keep. I'll ask about my family. If they haven't seen them, I'll go it alone to try to find them."
Turning back to Linan, Yevele says "Why don't you lead us to the keep. We'll keep you and your family safe from any more kobolds."
Then, the young monk will ask Smoke "Can you get back up on the roofs and be our advance scout. We don't need to have a group of kobolds come charging around a corner and run right into us."
"Does anyone have anything that Cuth could use as a cane? I could loan my staff, but, I'm worried I might need that for fighting."
Once the party is ready to move out, Yevele will take up a position adjacent to Linan.
Thia will slot into the middle of the group, letting the more robust warriors take the lead and edges of the group. She will place herself next to the children, determined to make sure none of them come to any harm.
For now she is happy to let others take the lead and focuses her attention on scanning the route ahead and any side alleys for danger and ambushes.
Smoke nods at Yevele's request for him to scout. Ofcourse, i have much experience observing from above. He grins as he says this. More than you might expect.
With that he will display his claws again and look around with pride to see who notices. Then he will climb up the nearest roof again in the direction of the keep and point them to the right path.
Walking on top of the roof he will signal down using Prestidigitation to create an arrow on the ground for them to see and guide them or an X to indicate enemies.
(@dm, did Smoke find any daggers including his own while searching in previous post?)
He will then step forward and clangs his spear against his shield and steps forward to the front of the line and prepares to follow Smokes instructions in the road.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Vercinius Thrax: Lizardfolk Cleric - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
L’Ouverture Zinn: Kobold Sorcerer - Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Titus Vorenus: Dragonborn Paladin - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Nemean Goldenmane: Tabaxi Fighter - Lost Mine of Phandelver (Retired)
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DM Screen:
Dern: 21
Rogram: 8
Smoke: 19
Thia: 9
Thrax: 20
Yevele: 7
Average: 14
Kobold: 5
Kobold: 9
Kobold: 17
Kobold: 22
Kobold: 15
Average: 14.8
Linan: 12
Cuth: 3
Child: 13
Child: 5
Child: 18
Average: 9.8
Turn Order:
OOC: The kobolds' first turn is spent chasing the family and fanning out around the woman with the broken spear.
Kobold WIS Save vs. Vicious Mockery: 17
Dagger vs. Thrax: 9
Dagger vs. Linan (Disadvantage-Dodge): 8
Dagger vs. Linan (Disadvantage-Dodge): 12
The kobolds remain singularly focused on the human family, to the point that they show no recognition to Thia's insult. They do notice, however, when Smoke launches a dagger into the skull of one. Looking up in confusion as their companion falls, a second kobold is dropped by Dern's perfectly aimed bolt. The first person they finally notice is Rogram leading the charge, who has decapitated one of them. Yevele wades into combat with him, following the bloodstained longsword by wrapping her quarterstaff around the neck of another kobold and wrenching it forward into her knee, cracking its skull.
The woman in the alley stares bewildered as the kobolds fall. She collects herself after a moment and stands with her back to the wall of the home behind her, using the shield to block one of the kobolds' daggers as two of them surround her. The haft of her spear knocks the second kobold's dagger to the side. Thrax is the last to arrive on the scene, harrying the other remaining kobold with his spear. The kobold points frantically toward the woman, but realizing that the lizardman is no ally, he thrusts his own dagger toward Thrax, only to meet his shield.
Round 2 Order:
Players <=====
Three kobolds remain.
Thrax is engaged in melee combat with one kobold.
The human woman is engaged in melee combat with two kobolds.
Rogram, Thrax, and Yevele can reach the kobolds with their movement speed.
Dern has used 1 bolt.
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
Yevele will target one of the kobolds attacking the human woman, first with her quarterstaff Attack: 19 Damage: 7 followed by a [Tooltip Not Found]Attack: 22 Damage: 4
ooc The second attack is a kick of course. And, given the results of the quarterstaff, she will use the kick on the other kobold attacking the woman if that is possible
Rogram turns and swings at another of the foul creatures.
Two-hand longsword attack: 9; damage: 5 slashing damage
Smoke makes it to the end of the roof staying on the very edge seeing how the group of kobolds fall one by one. Looking to see who remains he shouts down at a remaining kobold Your bark is worse than your bite, and i can smell your fear all the way up here. He rhymes to mock the little creature while holding his hand in front of his nose to further add to the display.
Smoke will stay on the roof but move to a point where he can climb down easily.
"HA!" Dern will shout as his bolt hits the mark! Seeing the others really dig in and the Kobolds drop, he will use his full movement to look for cover "Cover me while I reload. Keep'em busy for me, lads!" Dern looks for barrels, overturned carts, alleys, or anything similar to behind which he can gain some cover. Once he does, he will reload his crossbow.
Action: Reload Dern's Heavy Crossbow
Thrax easily shrugs off the strike by the Kobold, and squares up again before performing another lunging strike with his spear.
Spear Attack: Attack: 17 Damage: 7
Vercinius Thrax: Lizardfolk Cleric - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
L’Ouverture Zinn: Kobold Sorcerer - Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Titus Vorenus: Dragonborn Paladin - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Nemean Goldenmane: Tabaxi Fighter - Lost Mine of Phandelver (Retired)
Kobold WIS Save vs. Vicious Mockery: 16
Yevele reaches the woman first, smashing the skull of one of her assailants with her staff. She follows the momentum of the swing with a reverse kick to the head of the second, staggering it toward Rogram, who thrusts his longsword through it from behind. The last remaining kobold resists the bardic magic of Smoke, but the distraction is enough for Thrax to finish the job, jabbing his spear cleanly through the creature's heart.
With the last of the small draconic bodies fallen, the defensive woman holds her hand back to her family in the alley and turns her attention fully to the party. "Who...are you?" she asks between tired breaths.
OOC: Each character has received 29 XP for defeating the kobolds.
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
While the others see to the woman and her family, Dern finishes reloading his weapon. He's going to take this opportunity, his blood still thrumming with adrenaline, and take a survey of the area for more incoming danger. "There's got to be more of the li'l bastards around here somewhere..." He grumbles
"We, we are travelers, well Rogram is a local, but, the rest of us are travelers. We were drawn here by a call for help from a friend or acquaintance. Can we help you and your family get to the keep?" As she is talking, Yevele is keeping an eye out for any other kobolds or other creatures coming into the area.
While still on the roof Smoke will take a look at the surrounding streets to see where the groups of people are. Then he climb down to collect his dagger once more and try to find additional daggers used by the kobolds.
During the search he will start talking Seems we arrived just in time to aid you madam. He looks to the woman and pauses searching for a moment. It reminds me of the battle of the Trielta Hills, quite the tale i should say but given the current state of the town i must delay telling the story. His face almost apologetic.
DM, I'm guessing Rogram doesn't recognize the woman or her family. My instinct is that Rogram would next head to his aunt and uncle's to check on them. I'm under the assumption that Rogram would feel the Keep is able to defend itself, and so would dismiss the idea to head that way to help. He would feel helping people to the keep would be better, but hunting down kobolds would be the best choice (after checking on his aunt and uncle).
Thia would like to escort this family to safety. She, again, suggests following the brook to nearer the keep.
My Homebrew World: The World of Rodinia
Novels Published: Reynard's Fate, Kita's Honour and Callindrill
For Rogram:
OOC: Now that you see them up close, you recognize the family as citizens of Greenest. You've seen them before, though you've never interacted closely with them.
The Keep stands between you and your aunt and uncle's house on the east end of town. From what it looks like, which the woman is about to confirm, most of the town seems to be heading to the Keep for safety. The main thoroughfares are crowded with raiders - moving in a direct route would result in a lot of conflict.
"Thank you, so much," the woman says through welling tears. "My name is Linan Swift. This is my husband Cuth, and our children." She waves them forward now, out of the alley, and points to the defensible stronghold to the east.
"Don't mind the limp. One of the bastards hit me with those slings they carry. Think I might have broken something," Cuth grumbles.
Linan nods to Yevele, "Yes, we need to get to the Keep. You do as well, I would think. I don't know how anyone would survive out here with all this. The Keep is the only safe place in Greenest right now. Most of the town is probably there already...we'd be there by now but we live in the far corner of town."
At Thia's suggestion, she frowns, "I thought that too, but we're better off making a straight run for it through the alleys at this point, I think. We're just a few hundred feet away, to get to the stream and back up we'll have to go through more of them in the end."
Cuth has been looking toward Rogram, and his eyes eventually widen with realization. "You're Mathon's boy, right? Your old man made that shield for my old man," he says, pointing to the round shield his wife carries.
An examination of the surrounding area shows Linan to be speaking truthfully. The forces attacking the town are starting to form up with a growing organization, though that organization has not made it to close off the path to the Keep just yet.
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
Giving a look around, Dern is easily able to confirm what Linan says. "We should regroup and join the townsfolk at the keep. From there we can launch a counterattack and drive out the Dragon and its filthy followers!" Dern joins the others with the family, ready to move on. He is spoiling for a fight and a shot to exact vengeance on the dragons, but it would be suicide to go at it alone. It would be a hollow sacrifice. "I'll be keepin' an eye out for other stragglers."
Rogram gives the humans a nod of acknowledgement, but appears too riled up to make niceties at the moment. At the reminder of the dragon, the half-dwarf looks skyward to see if he can see it soaring above. He finally appears to rein back his anger enough to say, "OK, let's get to the keep. I'll ask about my family. If they haven't seen them, I'll go it alone to try to find them."
Turning back to Linan, Yevele says "Why don't you lead us to the keep. We'll keep you and your family safe from any more kobolds."
Then, the young monk will ask Smoke "Can you get back up on the roofs and be our advance scout. We don't need to have a group of kobolds come charging around a corner and run right into us."
"Does anyone have anything that Cuth could use as a cane? I could loan my staff, but, I'm worried I might need that for fighting."
Once the party is ready to move out, Yevele will take up a position adjacent to Linan.
Thia will slot into the middle of the group, letting the more robust warriors take the lead and edges of the group. She will place herself next to the children, determined to make sure none of them come to any harm.
For now she is happy to let others take the lead and focuses her attention on scanning the route ahead and any side alleys for danger and ambushes.
My Homebrew World: The World of Rodinia
Novels Published: Reynard's Fate, Kita's Honour and Callindrill
Smoke nods at Yevele's request for him to scout. Ofcourse, i have much experience observing from above. He grins as he says this. More than you might expect.
With that he will display his claws again and look around with pride to see who notices. Then he will climb up the nearest roof again in the direction of the keep and point them to the right path.
Walking on top of the roof he will signal down using Prestidigitation to create an arrow on the ground for them to see and guide them or an X to indicate enemies.
(@dm, did Smoke find any daggers including his own while searching in previous post?)
OOC: Thank you for the reminder, Smoke found 7 daggers. They have no value for selling, but will function as weapons. How many would he like to keep?
See my profile for all my PbP threads!
Thrax nods respectfully to Curth and does his best to mend the injury without invoking the divine.
Medicine 22
He will then step forward and clangs his spear against his shield and steps forward to the front of the line and prepares to follow Smokes instructions in the road.
Vercinius Thrax: Lizardfolk Cleric - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
L’Ouverture Zinn: Kobold Sorcerer - Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Titus Vorenus: Dragonborn Paladin - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Nemean Goldenmane: Tabaxi Fighter - Lost Mine of Phandelver (Retired)