It takes 10 points from the spirit thing but Wildfryre is restrained and can make a atempt to escape on her turn the Ettercap is out of movement I'll count the strength check this time as a wild magic surge check I asked for
With Great weapon master you subtract 5 to hit so you can add 10 to your damage you only have advantage on strength checks I will grant you these hits Since
you would of hit even with the -5
RageDamage +2PHB, pg. 48
As a bonus action enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).
You gain advantage on STR checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with STR weapons, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. You can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging.
Your rage ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage as a bonus action.
Reckless AttackPHB, pg. 48
When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly, giving you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using STR during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.
You must declare that you are attacking Recklessly So only one of your attacks would of been with advantage but I'll give you that one too,
So since Wildfryre did 21dmg already you just wiped out two Ettercaps 2 and 5
Reckless must be declared at the beginning, but then it applies to all attacks on you turn. So unless some editing went on, everything seams fine to me.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Queanys realizes that without the horse, they are stranded in this forest, leaps to action and teleports in front of the horse in a defensive posture. Shouting to the group he says, "We have to defend the horse!" He lunges forward at the nearest Ettercap with his sword hoping to end its miserable existence with his blade.
Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step - Teleporting to D16
Queanys you take out ettercap 1 with no need for a smite with overkill, and I suppose you misty step too attack Ettercap #4
which is the only one left on the field since etttercap #3 disengaged You miss Ettercap #4
The Ettercap #4 hisses and starts to try and web you but your new elf friend Runvial
On his way to cast sanctuary on the horse strikes at the Ettercap missing the first time but decapitates the monster with unearthly power on the second strike it lays on the ground not knowing its dead legs still twitching.
You are out of combat Wildfryre make a strength check
You still hear the escaped ettercaps distress call but it is far away to the south in difficult to impassible terrain
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Strength check: 12
Once free of the webbing, Wyldfyre will move towards the horse, extinguishing any flames as she goes casting Control Flames as often as needed, listening for further threats, but more concerned about the fires spooking the horse.
Fragum attacks the dead body "Die! Die you insignificant beasts!" Fragum takes a deep breath, and cools down. "I'm sorry, I lost my temper there. Should we take the horses and go? I would like to avoid running into more of these, creatures."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Queanys twirls his blade to clean the blood off and slips it back into his sheath. "I suppose we should make haste now. I don't need the carriage, but I'll help hook it up." Queanys helps attach the horse to the carriage, and then snaps his fingers and summons Quazard in the space next to him. Mounting the large warhorse, Queanys pats himself down to check his equipment and waits for the carriage to depart. Queanys rides about 50 feet behind the rest of the party, checking their back and ensuring that nobody is following them.
Azurre dismissed his guardians and helps with the wagon. As he climbs into the wagon, he looks around, “Seems as though everyone managed to get out of that unscathed.”
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Once the fires are out and the horse rescued, Wyldfyrewill return to the airship to pull the knocker on the captain's quarters (unless someone had already done it), then cast Mage Armor on herself before joining the others on the wagon.
Surge: 7
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Welcome to the Emporium of Mayhem! What sort of mischief do you seek today? Pyromaniac Wyldfyre searching for her place in the world.
I'm going to rule that you only roll the surge if you roll a Nat 20 or a 1 on your attack rolls or damage rolls mundane spells like Mage armor or if you somehow get find familiar don't count
With the pulling of the door knocker a loud sound of gas escaping occurs, the cabin shrinks down to the size of a keychain you are sure that everything within ten miles is pondering who farted.....
Surge: 11
Welcome to the Emporium of Mayhem! What sort of mischief do you seek today?
Pyromaniac Wyldfyre searching for her place in the world.
It takes 10 points from the spirit thing but Wildfryre is restrained and can make a atempt to escape on her turn the Ettercap is out of movement I'll count the strength check this time as a wild magic surge check I asked for
nothing happens
Reminder for myself. Work together or fail apart. Talk with each other when necessary. Describe how, where, if, your character moved.
The sign on the trail ahead reads "DONT FEED THE DRAGON!" "Working Together" Follow this link please
Reminder for myself. Work together or fail apart. Talk with each other when necessary. Describe how, where, if, your character moved.
The sign on the trail ahead reads "DONT FEED THE DRAGON!" "Working Together" Follow this link please
Fragum you are at bat
Reminder for myself. Work together or fail apart. Talk with each other when necessary. Describe how, where, if, your character moved.
The sign on the trail ahead reads "DONT FEED THE DRAGON!" "Working Together" Follow this link please
Fragum cries out a war cry and charges toward Ettercap 2. He attacks twice with his magical greatsword in great big strikes.
Bonus Action: Rage.
Action: Attacks twice with +1 greatsword. He uses relentless attack and great weapon master.
Attack: 19 Damage: 25
Attack: 18 Damage: 24
That's a lot. Did I do something wrong? Well I rolled well, and the modifier is 10 + 6 + 2, so...
When players get creative.
With Great weapon master you subtract 5 to hit so you can add 10 to your damage you only have advantage on strength checks I will grant you these hits Since
you would of hit even with the -5
As a bonus action enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).
You gain advantage on STR checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with STR weapons, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. You can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging.
Your rage ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage as a bonus action.
When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly, giving you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using STR during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.
You must declare that you are attacking Recklessly So only one of your attacks would of been with advantage but I'll give you that one too,
So since Wildfryre did 21dmg already you just wiped out two Ettercaps 2 and 5
Reminder for myself. Work together or fail apart. Talk with each other when necessary. Describe how, where, if, your character moved.
The sign on the trail ahead reads "DONT FEED THE DRAGON!" "Working Together" Follow this link please
Reckless must be declared at the beginning, but then it applies to all attacks on you turn. So unless some editing went on, everything seams fine to me.
Ettercap 3 disengages as it does it screams out a call
Queanys Turn
Bhur ok
Reminder for myself. Work together or fail apart. Talk with each other when necessary. Describe how, where, if, your character moved.
The sign on the trail ahead reads "DONT FEED THE DRAGON!" "Working Together" Follow this link please
Queanys realizes that without the horse, they are stranded in this forest, leaps to action and teleports in front of the horse in a defensive posture. Shouting to the group he says, "We have to defend the horse!" He lunges forward at the nearest Ettercap with his sword hoping to end its miserable existence with his blade.
Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step - Teleporting to D16
Move: D16 --> D15 --> D14
Free Action: Talking
Action: Attack (Longsword)
(Against Ettercap 1) Attack: 25 Damage: 10
Level 1 Divine Smite (Warlock Spell Slot): 14 (Total Damage: 18)(Against Ettercap 1; If Ettercap 1 is dead, against Ettercap 2) Attack: 19 Damage: 10
“The mark of a successful DM is when you have caused more player deaths with doors than dragons, demons, or devils.”
I stay with my turn, smite one of the beasts (one south of us) and then move closer to the horse to cast sanctuary.
Queanys you take out ettercap 1 with no need for a smite with overkill, and I suppose you misty step too attack Ettercap #4
which is the only one left on the field since etttercap #3 disengaged You miss Ettercap #4
The Ettercap #4 hisses and starts to try and web you but your new elf friend Runvial
On his way to cast sanctuary on the horse strikes at the Ettercap missing the first time but decapitates the monster with unearthly power on the second strike it lays on the ground not knowing its dead legs still twitching.
You are out of combat Wildfryre make a strength check
You still hear the escaped ettercaps distress call but it is far away to the south in difficult to impassible terrain
You each get 450xp
Reminder for myself. Work together or fail apart. Talk with each other when necessary. Describe how, where, if, your character moved.
The sign on the trail ahead reads "DONT FEED THE DRAGON!" "Working Together" Follow this link please
Strength check: 12
Once free of the webbing, Wyldfyre will move towards the horse, extinguishing any flames as she goes casting Control Flames as often as needed, listening for further threats, but more concerned about the fires spooking the horse.
Welcome to the Emporium of Mayhem! What sort of mischief do you seek today?
Pyromaniac Wyldfyre searching for her place in the world.
Fragum attacks the dead body "Die! Die you insignificant beasts!" Fragum takes a deep breath, and cools down. "I'm sorry, I lost my temper there. Should we take the horses and go? I would like to avoid running into more of these, creatures."
When players get creative.
Runvial replies: “I agree, lets hitch it to the wagon and get out of here.”
Queanys twirls his blade to clean the blood off and slips it back into his sheath. "I suppose we should make haste now. I don't need the carriage, but I'll help hook it up." Queanys helps attach the horse to the carriage, and then snaps his fingers and summons Quazard in the space next to him. Mounting the large warhorse, Queanys pats himself down to check his equipment and waits for the carriage to depart. Queanys rides about 50 feet behind the rest of the party, checking their back and ensuring that nobody is following them.
Perception: 7
“The mark of a successful DM is when you have caused more player deaths with doors than dragons, demons, or devils.”
Azurre dismissed his guardians and helps with the wagon. As he climbs into the wagon, he looks around, “Seems as though everyone managed to get out of that unscathed.”
Once the fires are out and the horse rescued, Wyldfyre will return to the airship to pull the knocker on the captain's quarters (unless someone had already done it), then cast Mage Armor on herself before joining the others on the wagon.
Surge: 7
Welcome to the Emporium of Mayhem! What sort of mischief do you seek today?
Pyromaniac Wyldfyre searching for her place in the world.
Fragum jumps on the wagon.
When players get creative.
I'm going to rule that you only roll the surge if you roll a Nat 20 or a 1 on your attack rolls or damage rolls mundane spells like Mage armor or if you somehow get find familiar don't count
With the pulling of the door knocker a loud sound of gas escaping occurs, the cabin shrinks down to the size of a keychain you are sure that everything within ten miles is pondering who farted.....
You leave with the feeling you're being watched
Reminder for myself. Work together or fail apart. Talk with each other when necessary. Describe how, where, if, your character moved.
The sign on the trail ahead reads "DONT FEED THE DRAGON!" "Working Together" Follow this link please
Fragum looks around to make sure something isn't following them.
Perception: 18
When players get creative.