Amphitrite raises a brow, sighing. She picks Finn up, swimming back "You are frustrating." She says, laughing.
He sighs as he is picked up like a toddler, blushing profusely "Okay, but like... I felt like everything was trying to kill me... Sorry."
She snorts "Everything wants to kill you it's about being strong and stopping them first."
"Okay, I get it! I just don't know how to kill what I cant see, and like I said, i'm not a beautiful water dwelling sea-enchantress like you are. I prefer to stay dry most of the time"
"Better to stay in a place that's an advantage." She said, chuckling "You have claws dear, tap into that anger and power and kill those who want you dead."
"Uhm.. yeah..Thanks.. Hey, I dont think I caught your name.." He says, still faintly blushing as he clings to her a bit more.
"My name is Amphrite. I have other names however.. August, Capricorn, El Luna."
"A-amphrite... it kind of sounds like Aphrodite.. in a way.. but, it's beautiful..."
"Amphrite was Posiden's many wives in Greek Mythology... A figure for women and the sea." She explained.
He nods and follows them quietly. Gordon, on the other hand, keeps sniffing at him.
"Hmm.. I haven't had flapjacks in a year or two. Wants breakfast for dinner. I hear quail eggs are real special but I haven't tried them. Only the dillybird eggs in the feyworld and those aren't good." He rambles, grinning happily.
Scott grumbles "If you want to ruin the story, be my guest. It likes to pull jokes on others..." He said, letting the book go. It flies up to Oswald, hovering there.
He doesn't smell like anything the Winter Wolf has ever experienced. The aberration seems outright jaunty despite being annoyed just before.
Egregore stretches like a cat in Donn's arms. "Oh, yes. I love it when you talk food."
Oswald smiles for a second. "Oh, you're so cute. I wonder if you're an artifact..." He quickly draws his gun and fires three arcane bullets into the book's cover.
Kelipso doesn't seem to mind, simply keeping his eyes on the ground as they walk.
*Somehow, that made me laugh*
He snorts, laughing "I shall do it more often then!" He teased and summons a stove in front of them "Do you want anything them?"
The book seems to take them without issue, simply still floating. Scott coughs "I-Ive tried that.. multiple times. It doesn't like it..."
Damian is at his garden, checking on his beautiful crops and making sure nothing is out of order
Saphuno is watching from the bushes, snickering softly
He handles his plants with tender care, giving them names and watering them just the right amount.
She stands up and pads out, bursting with laughter "I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, dear.. but did you just call that cucumber Larry?.. Priceless!" She says while wiping a tear from her eye, sighing as she composes herself
Damian turns around, huffing a bit “Larry is an apt name for a cucumber. What would you name them?” He puts his hands in his hips and tilts slightly, activating maximum sass.
"빌어먹을... Uhm, lets see." She takes one in her paw gently, making sure not to disturb the stem "this one.. 데미안, not Larry.." She says, ignoring his sass until after aptly naming the plant, looking up at him and bursting into laughter "Not a puppy, my fluffy ass.. you're so adorable, baby.."
“It’s definitely a Larry, I’ve known this cucumber their entire life and you think I don’t know their name?” He moves down to the plant and continues watering the garden, mumbling to himself about something, the only word she can hear being “love.”
"No, its for sure a 데미안, it looks just like you~" She chuckles before squatting down further, reaching to grab his chin and make him look at her "What was that, little one?~"
Damian stops watering the plants as he is forced to face her “What was what?” He says as if you didn’t hear anything at all “I didn’t say anything at all, just watering my plants and talking to Larry.”
Amphitrite raises a brow, sighing. She picks Finn up, swimming back "You are frustrating." She says, laughing.
He sighs as he is picked up like a toddler, blushing profusely "Okay, but like... I felt like everything was trying to kill me... Sorry."
She snorts "Everything wants to kill you it's about being strong and stopping them first."
"Okay, I get it! I just don't know how to kill what I cant see, and like I said, i'm not a beautiful water dwelling sea-enchantress like you are. I prefer to stay dry most of the time"
"Better to stay in a place that's an advantage." She said, chuckling "You have claws dear, tap into that anger and power and kill those who want you dead."
"Uhm.. yeah..Thanks.. Hey, I dont think I caught your name.." He says, still faintly blushing as he clings to her a bit more.
"My name is Amphrite. I have other names however.. August, Capricorn, El Luna."
"A-amphrite... it kind of sounds like Aphrodite.. in a way.. but, it's beautiful..."
"Amphrite was Posiden's many wives in Greek Mythology... A figure for women and the sea." She explained.
He nods softly, appearing to be from comprehension, but in reality, he is beginning to doze off in her arms.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Salem> is undefined. >Attemp <EXTENDED SIG>? YESNO
Yurishide is, of course, nothing if not egotistical and eccentric. This can shown by the small parade of animals from the woods as she sits on the back of a white stag with glowing horns. Creatures made of rock lead it, holding staffs of yew wood in their hands. Deer, foxes, rabbits, birds, and much more follow after, seemingly not afraid of people get close to them, even letting others pet them. Yuri is dressed in a flowing white dress that seems to sparkle in the evening light like the moon on the horizon. She seems to be wanting attention.
*ahhhh I wanna do a thing but idk if I should -^-*
*Do it. I can't tell at my only child, that's wrong.*
Crows seems to join the flocks of animals following her
She grins, looking up "Well by the gods themselves, it seems I am blessed with a friend!"
One of the corvids perches near her on the float, chirping happily at her
Damian is at his garden, checking on his beautiful crops and making sure nothing is out of order
Saphuno is watching from the bushes, snickering softly
He handles his plants with tender care, giving them names and watering them just the right amount.
She stands up and pads out, bursting with laughter "I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, dear.. but did you just call that cucumber Larry?.. Priceless!" She says while wiping a tear from her eye, sighing as she composes herself
Damian turns around, huffing a bit “Larry is an apt name for a cucumber. What would you name them?” He puts his hands in his hips and tilts slightly, activating maximum sass.
"빌어먹을... Uhm, lets see." She takes one in her paw gently, making sure not to disturb the stem "this one.. 데미안, not Larry.." She says, ignoring his sass until after aptly naming the plant, looking up at him and bursting into laughter "Not a puppy, my fluffy ass.. you're so adorable, baby.."
“It’s definitely a Larry, I’ve known this cucumber their entire life and you think I don’t know their name?” He moves down to the plant and continues watering the garden, mumbling to himself about something, the only word she can hear being “love.”
"No, its for sure a 데미안, it looks just like you~" She chuckles before squatting down further, reaching to grab his chin and make him look at her "What was that, little one?~"
Damian stops watering the plants as he is forced to face her “What was what?” He says as if you didn’t hear anything at all “I didn’t say anything at all, just watering my plants and talking to Larry.”
She groans softly, still holding his chin. "Oh, Damian... you're impossible. I heard you mutter something, and I think I heard 'love'. you wouldn't know why, would you?~"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Salem> is undefined. >Attemp <EXTENDED SIG>? YESNO
"Names tycho, pleased to meet you" he offers a hand
She extends hand "Would you like to have tea and crumpets with my friends. They'll be delighted to meet you!"
He shakes it, his own hand shaking a bit. "It sounds... Russian?"
"I'd love to!" He takes her hand, bouncing a bit in his feet
"Hmm, never heard of that, but my father named me." He shrugs
She beams "What kind of tea do you like? You seem like a fella who would like lemon or perhaps peppermint?"
"Interesting. It's... Different, from where I am" he said, shrugged.
"Peppermint please" He says happily
"It seems so. Maybe you've changed realms"
She nods as a table comes into view. A fox in a waistcoat, a pig in a top hat, and a dog in glasses sit at it, sipping tea. "A cup of peppermint tea for the lad please." She asks a bird in a bowtie.
"Unfortunately... I don't why. This book just decided to say 'Hey, time to go' and just sent me here.."
Amphitrite raises a brow, sighing. She picks Finn up, swimming back "You are frustrating." She says, laughing.
He sighs as he is picked up like a toddler, blushing profusely "Okay, but like... I felt like everything was trying to kill me... Sorry."
She snorts "Everything wants to kill you it's about being strong and stopping them first."
"Okay, I get it! I just don't know how to kill what I cant see, and like I said, i'm not a beautiful water dwelling sea-enchantress like you are. I prefer to stay dry most of the time"
"Better to stay in a place that's an advantage." She said, chuckling "You have claws dear, tap into that anger and power and kill those who want you dead."
"Uhm.. yeah..Thanks.. Hey, I dont think I caught your name.." He says, still faintly blushing as he clings to her a bit more.
"My name is Amphrite. I have other names however.. August, Capricorn, El Luna."
"A-amphrite... it kind of sounds like Aphrodite.. in a way.. but, it's beautiful..."
"Amphrite was Posiden's many wives in Greek Mythology... A figure for women and the sea." She explained.
He nods softly, appearing to be from comprehension, but in reality, he is beginning to doze off in her arms.
She laughs lightly, carrying him to a tree. She sets down blankets she pulls from a pouch in her bag, wrapping him up in them.
Yurishide is, of course, nothing if not egotistical and eccentric. This can shown by the small parade of animals from the woods as she sits on the back of a white stag with glowing horns. Creatures made of rock lead it, holding staffs of yew wood in their hands. Deer, foxes, rabbits, birds, and much more follow after, seemingly not afraid of people get close to them, even letting others pet them. Yuri is dressed in a flowing white dress that seems to sparkle in the evening light like the moon on the horizon. She seems to be wanting attention.
*ahhhh I wanna do a thing but idk if I should -^-*
*Do it. I can't tell at my only child, that's wrong.*
Crows seems to join the flocks of animals following her
She grins, looking up "Well by the gods themselves, it seems I am blessed with a friend!"
One of the corvids perches near her on the float, chirping happily at her
She kisses it's small head "Hello there handsome."
Damian is at his garden, checking on his beautiful crops and making sure nothing is out of order
Saphuno is watching from the bushes, snickering softly
He handles his plants with tender care, giving them names and watering them just the right amount.
She stands up and pads out, bursting with laughter "I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, dear.. but did you just call that cucumber Larry?.. Priceless!" She says while wiping a tear from her eye, sighing as she composes herself
Damian turns around, huffing a bit “Larry is an apt name for a cucumber. What would you name them?” He puts his hands in his hips and tilts slightly, activating maximum sass.
"빌어먹을... Uhm, lets see." She takes one in her paw gently, making sure not to disturb the stem "this one.. 데미안, not Larry.." She says, ignoring his sass until after aptly naming the plant, looking up at him and bursting into laughter "Not a puppy, my fluffy ass.. you're so adorable, baby.."
“It’s definitely a Larry, I’ve known this cucumber their entire life and you think I don’t know their name?” He moves down to the plant and continues watering the garden, mumbling to himself about something, the only word she can hear being “love.”
"No, its for sure a 데미안, it looks just like you~" She chuckles before squatting down further, reaching to grab his chin and make him look at her "What was that, little one?~"
Damian stops watering the plants as he is forced to face her “What was what?” He says as if you didn’t hear anything at all “I didn’t say anything at all, just watering my plants and talking to Larry.”
She groans softly, still holding his chin. "Oh, Damian... you're impossible. I heard you mutter something, and I think I heard 'love'. you wouldn't know why, would you?~"
“Why would I say anything about love?” His eyes tell the truth that his voice and face won’t, he is starting to get attached, even if he doesn’t want to just yet. His eyes tell a story of another time he got attached too early, and it not going well.
Amphitrite raises a brow, sighing. She picks Finn up, swimming back "You are frustrating." She says, laughing.
He sighs as he is picked up like a toddler, blushing profusely "Okay, but like... I felt like everything was trying to kill me... Sorry."
She snorts "Everything wants to kill you it's about being strong and stopping them first."
"Okay, I get it! I just don't know how to kill what I cant see, and like I said, i'm not a beautiful water dwelling sea-enchantress like you are. I prefer to stay dry most of the time"
"Better to stay in a place that's an advantage." She said, chuckling "You have claws dear, tap into that anger and power and kill those who want you dead."
"Uhm.. yeah..Thanks.. Hey, I dont think I caught your name.." He says, still faintly blushing as he clings to her a bit more.
"My name is Amphrite. I have other names however.. August, Capricorn, El Luna."
"A-amphrite... it kind of sounds like Aphrodite.. in a way.. but, it's beautiful..."
"Amphrite was Posiden's many wives in Greek Mythology... A figure for women and the sea." She explained.
He nods softly, appearing to be from comprehension, but in reality, he is beginning to doze off in her arms.
She laughs lightly, carrying him to a tree. She sets down blankets she pulls from a pouch in her bag, wrapping him up in them.
He stirs slightly, not seeming to want to leave her embrace, but eventually settles down, snoring softly.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Salem> is undefined. >Attemp <EXTENDED SIG>? YESNO
Amphitrite raises a brow, sighing. She picks Finn up, swimming back "You are frustrating." She says, laughing.
He sighs as he is picked up like a toddler, blushing profusely "Okay, but like... I felt like everything was trying to kill me... Sorry."
She snorts "Everything wants to kill you it's about being strong and stopping them first."
"Okay, I get it! I just don't know how to kill what I cant see, and like I said, i'm not a beautiful water dwelling sea-enchantress like you are. I prefer to stay dry most of the time"
"Better to stay in a place that's an advantage." She said, chuckling "You have claws dear, tap into that anger and power and kill those who want you dead."
"Uhm.. yeah..Thanks.. Hey, I dont think I caught your name.." He says, still faintly blushing as he clings to her a bit more.
"My name is Amphrite. I have other names however.. August, Capricorn, El Luna."
"A-amphrite... it kind of sounds like Aphrodite.. in a way.. but, it's beautiful..."
"Amphrite was Posiden's many wives in Greek Mythology... A figure for women and the sea." She explained.
He nods softly, appearing to be from comprehension, but in reality, he is beginning to doze off in her arms.
She laughs lightly, carrying him to a tree. She sets down blankets she pulls from a pouch in her bag, wrapping him up in them.
He stirs slightly, not seeming to want to leave her embrace, but eventually settles down, snoring softly.
She sits down besides him, smoking hed pipe and watching the stars.
Kelipso doesn't seem to mind, simply keeping his eyes on the ground as they walk.
*Somehow, that made me laugh*
He snorts, laughing "I shall do it more often then!" He teased and summons a stove in front of them "Do you want anything them?"
The book seems to take them without issue, simply still floating. Scott coughs "I-Ive tried that.. multiple times. It doesn't like it..."
Eventually, they come to an empty street. Sytosc raises his arms, and a kitchen made of black diamond rises from the ground. "Now, let's get slicing!"
"Um..." He thinks for a second. "Two sausages, two breakfast sausages, three blueberry pancakes with strawberries and cream on top, two sunny-side up eggs with runny yolks, one slice of toast with honey butter cut into two triangles, and four slices of bacon?"
"Yeah, well, it's a book. But it is an artifact. I've studied magic items, and those bullets rend through anything less." He drops his gun on his desk.
"Names tycho, pleased to meet you" he offers a hand
She extends hand "Would you like to have tea and crumpets with my friends. They'll be delighted to meet you!"
He shakes it, his own hand shaking a bit. "It sounds... Russian?"
"I'd love to!" He takes her hand, bouncing a bit in his feet
"Hmm, never heard of that, but my father named me." He shrugs
She beams "What kind of tea do you like? You seem like a fella who would like lemon or perhaps peppermint?"
"Interesting. It's... Different, from where I am" he said, shrugged.
"Peppermint please" He says happily
"It seems so. Maybe you've changed realms"
She nods as a table comes into view. A fox in a waistcoat, a pig in a top hat, and a dog in glasses sit at it, sipping tea. "A cup of peppermint tea for the lad please." She asks a bird in a bowtie.
"Unfortunately... I don't why. This book just decided to say 'Hey, time to go' and just sent me here.."
He sits at the table with the animals, propping up his plush
Yurishide is, of course, nothing if not egotistical and eccentric. This can shown by the small parade of animals from the woods as she sits on the back of a white stag with glowing horns. Creatures made of rock lead it, holding staffs of yew wood in their hands. Deer, foxes, rabbits, birds, and much more follow after, seemingly not afraid of people get close to them, even letting others pet them. Yuri is dressed in a flowing white dress that seems to sparkle in the evening light like the moon on the horizon. She seems to be wanting attention.
*ahhhh I wanna do a thing but idk if I should -^-*
*Do it. I can't tell at my only child, that's wrong.*
Crows seems to join the flocks of animals following her
She grins, looking up "Well by the gods themselves, it seems I am blessed with a friend!"
One of the corvids perches near her on the float, chirping happily at her
She kisses it's small head "Hello there handsome."
Amphitrite raises a brow, sighing. She picks Finn up, swimming back "You are frustrating." She says, laughing.
He sighs as he is picked up like a toddler, blushing profusely "Okay, but like... I felt like everything was trying to kill me... Sorry."
She snorts "Everything wants to kill you it's about being strong and stopping them first."
"Okay, I get it! I just don't know how to kill what I cant see, and like I said, i'm not a beautiful water dwelling sea-enchantress like you are. I prefer to stay dry most of the time"
"Better to stay in a place that's an advantage." She said, chuckling "You have claws dear, tap into that anger and power and kill those who want you dead."
"Uhm.. yeah..Thanks.. Hey, I dont think I caught your name.." He says, still faintly blushing as he clings to her a bit more.
"My name is Amphrite. I have other names however.. August, Capricorn, El Luna."
"A-amphrite... it kind of sounds like Aphrodite.. in a way.. but, it's beautiful..."
"Amphrite was Posiden's many wives in Greek Mythology... A figure for women and the sea." She explained.
He nods softly, appearing to be from comprehension, but in reality, he is beginning to doze off in her arms.
She laughs lightly, carrying him to a tree. She sets down blankets she pulls from a pouch in her bag, wrapping him up in them.
He stirs slightly, not seeming to want to leave her embrace, but eventually settles down, snoring softly.
She sits down besides him, smoking hed pipe and watching the stars.
His peaceful sleep lasts around 15 minutes, before he slowly rises, rubbing his eyes and yawning
"hey... where's my fish?..." he says groggily, groaning.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Salem> is undefined. >Attemp <EXTENDED SIG>? YESNO
"Amphrite was Posiden's many wives in Greek Mythology... A figure for women and the sea." She explained.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
He sighs and shouts “Whoever went after my garden better not again! If you do I’ll burn you faster than a chicken frying on the surface of the sun!”
He turns his head fully around, his body not moving but the helm facing the opposite direction “Who are you?”
Kelipso doesn't seem to mind, simply keeping his eyes on the ground as they walk.
*Somehow, that made me laugh*
He snorts, laughing "I shall do it more often then!" He teased and summons a stove in front of them "Do you want anything them?"
The book seems to take them without issue, simply still floating. Scott coughs "I-Ive tried that.. multiple times. It doesn't like it..."
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
Damian stops watering the plants as he is forced to face her “What was what?” He says as if you didn’t hear anything at all “I didn’t say anything at all, just watering my plants and talking to Larry.”
"Peppermint please" He says happily
"It seems so. Maybe you've changed realms"
He nods softly, appearing to be from comprehension, but in reality, he is beginning to doze off in her arms.
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Salem> is undefined.
[Enter: A new RP Thread: Sanctuary]
One of the corvids perches near her on the float, chirping happily at her
She groans softly, still holding his chin. "Oh, Damian... you're impossible. I heard you mutter something, and I think I heard 'love'. you wouldn't know why, would you?~"
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Salem> is undefined.
[Enter: A new RP Thread: Sanctuary]
She nods as a table comes into view. A fox in a waistcoat, a pig in a top hat, and a dog in glasses sit at it, sipping tea. "A cup of peppermint tea for the lad please." She asks a bird in a bowtie.
"Unfortunately... I don't why. This book just decided to say 'Hey, time to go' and just sent me here.."
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
She laughs lightly, carrying him to a tree. She sets down blankets she pulls from a pouch in her bag, wrapping him up in them.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
She kisses it's small head "Hello there handsome."
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
Mauric peeks over the edge of the roof. “And just who are you?”
Klei jumps. “Whoa! Sorry, didn’t know you were awake. I’m Klei.”
No news is good news…
I'll lay a white rose on the cold earth, knowing it that it has not claimed your soul.
“Why would I say anything about love?” His eyes tell the truth that his voice and face won’t, he is starting to get attached, even if he doesn’t want to just yet. His eyes tell a story of another time he got attached too early, and it not going well.
He stirs slightly, not seeming to want to leave her embrace, but eventually settles down, snoring softly.
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Salem> is undefined.
[Enter: A new RP Thread: Sanctuary]
“Someone who you don’t want to [gp] with. Now please stay away from my veges.” He says tossing the delay blast fireball in his hands.
“Well what did you want, I could sense you coming close.” He removes his head off his body.
She sits down besides him, smoking hed pipe and watching the stars.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
Eventually, they come to an empty street. Sytosc raises his arms, and a kitchen made of black diamond rises from the ground. "Now, let's get slicing!"
"Um..." He thinks for a second. "Two sausages, two breakfast sausages, three blueberry pancakes with strawberries and cream on top, two sunny-side up eggs with runny yolks, one slice of toast with honey butter cut into two triangles, and four slices of bacon?"
"Yeah, well, it's a book. But it is an artifact. I've studied magic items, and those bullets rend through anything less." He drops his gun on his desk.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
He sits at the table with the animals, propping up his plush
"I understand that sentiment" He nods softly
It chirps, nuzzling under her chin
His peaceful sleep lasts around 15 minutes, before he slowly rises, rubbing his eyes and yawning
"hey... where's my fish?..." he says groggily, groaning.
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Salem> is undefined.
[Enter: A new RP Thread: Sanctuary]