Armor Class
(hide armor)
Hit Points
(7d10 + 21)
40 ft.
Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
Common, Giant
2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Ogres are hulking giants notorious for their quick tempers. When its rage is incited, an ogre lashes out in a frustrated tantrum until it runs out of objects or creatures to smash.
Maybe because they're so big they're swinging down...
Probably because their large base already increases their threat range, in a way. The number of squares (or the area) that are available for them to target is greater.
My favorite monster for some reason
Of mice and ogres (if Lenny was truly a villain all along...) Brilliant! I'll try to create a "Usual Suspects" campaign featuring this idea -- thanks!
I would rule yes
Could always be an ogre that finds a headband of intellect, giving it 19 int.
So they revere full blooded giants? What are their opinions on the Goliath race?
Would they see them as just another enemy, or maybe a little brother/sister, or maybe as an abomination and mockery of Giantish ancestors?
In The Monsters Know What They Are Doing by Keith Ammann one way that is outlined to punch up a monster is to add classes. Oh, no I didn't mean actual fighter, wizard although that too is a way. But I guess the die is already caste, err - yes I mean add castes. Not your ogre magi type of cast but your ogre noble, common, serf etc type of caste. This can create real distinctions in making experiences with progressively more intricate versions of the lumbering meathead ready to smash. This works well from the monty hall treasure collector ("What is this thing?" I am Groot.) As in Nobles obviously may have more exotic items and be appropriately tougher or have henchmen to create more balance. For the more intricate rpg experience consider social bonds and repercussions for the wounding of an Ogre Noble, as in know it is expected you must care for their offspring or face their collective might of their social network. Yes, they facebook with the Giants in the valley next door and snapchat with the dark dwarves - and you know who they go cruising with. Before you know it, you've been made, personae non grata from a simple mis-understanding.
So you’re saying that Julius Bjornson is just about as strong as an ogre.
when you have a army of shreks
Lol i would love to do that too it would be hilarious.
Why do greatclubs do 1d8* rather than 2d4 in the hands of NPCs?
*I know it’s 2d8, but it’s a Large creature. You can see the Minotaur’s Skeleton does 2d12 rather than 1 with a greataxe. Basically, Large creatures generally have twice the dice.
They probably don't even realize that goliaths are part giant. If the goliath pointed it out, the ogre's would probably get mad or amused unless the goliath showed it had the power to beat an ogre, then they might show respect.
Greatclubs normally DO 1d8 damage. I'm not sure if you're thinking that the ogre is using a large club, which would deal 1d4 doubled to 2d4 damage, or if you're thinking that greatclubs deal 2d4 damage, which an ogre would deal 4d4 damage. But it's wielding a greatclub, greatclubs do 1d8, not 2d4, so doubled to 2d8 because large.
Dude, I'm did the same thing lol
anything is possible in dnd. in fact. a terrasque suddenly pops up out of nowhere and eats your party all in one gulp. SEE? if thats possible then you can raise a little shrek who will most definitly reck