Players will be starting with level 10 characters. Follow the rules as written for starting wealth and items at higher levels. All players should have a character in DND Beyond.
Here are some alternate backgrounds to explore, taken from Ghosts of Saltmarsh.
Skill proficiencies: History, Survival Languages: one of your choice Equipment: Fishing tackle, a net, a favourite fishing lure or oiled leather wading boots, a set of traveller’s clothes and a belt pouch containing 10GP
Feature: Harvest the water You gain advantage on ability checks using fishing tackle. If you have access to a body of water that contains marine life, you can maintain a moderate lifestyle while working as a fisher, and you can catch enough food to feed yourself and up to ten people each day.
Skill proficiencies: Athletics, Survival Tool proficiencies: Vehicles (water, land) Equipment: A dagger that belonged to a fallen comrade, a folded flag emblazoned with the emblem of your ship or company, a set of traveller’s clothes and a belt pouch containing 10GP
Feature: Steady You can move twice the normal amount of time (up to 16 hours) each day before being subject to the effects of a forced march.
Skill proficiencies: History, Perception Tool proficiencies: Carpenter’s tools, Vehicles (water) Equipment: a set of well-loved carpenter’s tools, a blank book, 1 ounce of ink, and ink pen, a set of traveller’s clothes and a belt pouch containing 10GP
Feature: I’ll patch it! Provided you have carpenter’s tools and wood, you can perform repairs on a water vehicle. When you use this ability, your restore a number of hit points to the hull of a water vehicle equal to 5 times your proficiency modifier. A vehicle cannot be patched by you in this way again until after it has been pulled ashore and fully repaired.
Skill proficiencies: Athletics, Deception Tool proficiencies: Vehicles (water) Equipment: a fancy leather vest or a pair of leather boots, a set of common clothes and a pouch containing 15GP
Feature: Down low Whilst in Saltmarsh or any other nearby coastal settlement, you and your companions can stay for free in safe houses. Safe houses provide a poor lifestyle. Whilst staying in a safehouse, you can choose to keep your presence (and that of your companions) secret.
Hello cool person, I'm thinking about running a campaign online, it will be in written format only more than likely. I really want to try PLAY BY POST format. It's easy, and you can sort of play at your convenience. Let me know if you have interest, it wouldn't take up as much of your time like a normal campaign would. It will be the BLOODWATER campaign I wrote. You can be a play-tester if you like. Thank you for your time and consideration HAHA
Explore the shark-infested, scoundrel’s haven of Bloodwater, Domain of Carnage, Chaos, and Greed, in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
By: Noah “Shark” Robertson
Anyone who participates in the playtesting phase of this project will be included in the final credits of the finished product. Thank you and good luck!
The exact whereabouts of Bloodwater remains somewhat of a mystery; a deep, dark secret kept by those who wish to keep it hidden. Rumor has it, there is a mystical portal that leads to this “scoundrel’s haven”. Others say that the island is actually shrouded in magic which conceals its location. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Bloodwater would surely want to keep it a secret.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
A couple questions, do you want point buy or roll for stats? And when you say follow the rules for starting wealth for higher level characters, which set are you describing? In the dmg there's rules for low magic, standard magic, and high magic for characters 5-10th level.
Phandalin is located in the northern foothills of the Sword Mountains south of Neverwinter Wood. It is northeast of Leilon where the road that runs from the High Road to Triboar fades into a trail. This is a region rich with both natural resources and adventuring opportunities. Phandalin is home to fishermen, farmers, woodcutters, trappers, and miners. Travelers from Neverwinter in the North and Waterdeep in the South frequently travel through Phandalin on their long journeys.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
There is much fanfare and the townsfolk are in high spirits. The ale is flowing and music and cheers can be heard all over town. You sit around a scarred-up wooden table, surrounded by the sound of raucous laughter and hearty swigs of the finest Phandalin ale. Given the popularity of the Stonehill Inn, there is no shortage of interesting faces to be found around the tavern’s premises. One of the loudest patrons currently occupying the tavern is a drunken dwarf keelboater the locals know only as Ugly Beard (chaotic neutral, dwarf bandit captain). Ugly Beard is known for downing too much ale and blabbing tall tales of his exaggerated adventures to anyone who will listen. On this particular night, Ugly Beard is in rare form, drunkenly and incoherently spouting on about his recent excursions on the high seas.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
“I’ll be a dead man, strike me down cold if I’m lyin’!” Ugly Beard puts his hand over his heart as he hiccups and takes another swig from his bottle, “I swear on me mother’s grave! Next thing you know the sea opened up! And that’s when I saw it! A kraken?” He turns and stares directly into the eyes of a nearby patron. “Can’t be sure. A giant squid, perhaps?” He turns and stares right into the eyes of another patron. “My eyes don’t deceive me! I tell you a hole opened up and it tried to grab us! The tentacles of the beast almost took us down... “
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
As Bran listens, he buys the man a drink, and waits for Ugly Beard to finish his story. Bran looks to Galingale and Constanza and asks,”Should we see if his story is true, and find out more information from him?”
Constanza finds the vibrant condition of her surrounding quite peculiar, since she's not yet accustomed to the culture and tradition of the surface dwellers. Sometimes she observes their activities with a bewildered expression. But she refrains herself from being judgemental since most of the folks accept her aquatic features and stern comments cordially.
She replies to the question posed by her companion 'Bran' by saying:
"Definitely.... we must find out more about the strange event. But, I think he's speaking the truth even if he's under the influence of some kind of liquid."
From across the room, you see the server you ordered a drink from carrying the mug of ale in Ugly Beard's direction. The teenager nervously navigates through the busy tavern, careful not to spill a drop. As the young server approaches Ugly Beard, the drunken Keelboat captain, deep into another one of his outlandish stories, makes wild hand motions as he goes on about one of his sea adventures and knocks the cup out of the poor lad's hands, spilling Dwarven Ale all over him. Some of the patrons laugh.
A man yells from across the tavern in Ugly Beard’s direction, interrupting him, “Ugly Beard, I think we’ve had enough of your delusional nonsense, you drunken fool!” Some of the patrons laugh at this. The man is Cletus Brock (lawful neutral, human, veteran), a successful ship captain with little patience for drunken sea-dogs embellishing their careers. “We all know how this story ends, don’t we?” Cletus looks around for approval. “Lemme guess, you single handedly took the beast down and claimed its treasure hoard for yourself?” More patrons laugh and point in Ugly Beards direction. He sits quietly, sipping his bottle and eyeballing Brock.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
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Session Zero: Character Creation
Players will be starting with level 10 characters. Follow the rules as written for starting wealth and items at higher levels. All players should have a character in DND Beyond.
Here are some alternate backgrounds to explore, taken from Ghosts of Saltmarsh.
Skill proficiencies: History, Survival
Languages: one of your choice
Equipment: Fishing tackle, a net, a favourite fishing lure or oiled leather wading boots, a set of traveller’s clothes and a belt pouch containing 10GP
Feature: Harvest the water
You gain advantage on ability checks using fishing tackle. If you have access to a body of water that contains marine life, you can maintain a moderate lifestyle while working as a fisher, and you can catch enough food to feed yourself and up to ten people each day.
Skill proficiencies: Athletics, Survival
Tool proficiencies: Vehicles (water, land)
Equipment: A dagger that belonged to a fallen comrade, a folded flag emblazoned with the emblem of your ship or company, a set of traveller’s clothes and a belt pouch containing 10GP
Feature: Steady
You can move twice the normal amount of time (up to 16 hours) each day before being subject to the effects of a forced march.
Skill proficiencies: History, Perception
Tool proficiencies: Carpenter’s tools, Vehicles (water)
Equipment: a set of well-loved carpenter’s tools, a blank book, 1 ounce of ink, and ink pen, a set of traveller’s clothes and a belt pouch containing 10GP
Feature: I’ll patch it!
Provided you have carpenter’s tools and wood, you can perform repairs on a water vehicle. When you use this ability, your restore a number of hit points to the hull of a water vehicle equal to 5 times your proficiency modifier. A vehicle cannot be patched by you in this way again until after it has been pulled ashore and fully repaired.
Skill proficiencies: Athletics, Deception
Tool proficiencies: Vehicles (water)
Equipment: a fancy leather vest or a pair of leather boots, a set of common clothes and a pouch containing 15GP
Feature: Down low
Whilst in Saltmarsh or any other nearby coastal settlement, you and your companions can stay for free in safe houses. Safe houses provide a poor lifestyle. Whilst staying in a safehouse, you can choose to keep your presence (and that of your companions) secret.
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
Explore the shark-infested, scoundrel’s haven of Bloodwater, Domain of Carnage, Chaos, and Greed, in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
By: Noah “Shark” Robertson
Anyone who participates in the playtesting phase of this project will be included in the final credits of the finished product. Thank you and good luck!
The exact whereabouts of Bloodwater remains somewhat of a mystery; a deep, dark secret kept by those who wish to keep it hidden. Rumor has it, there is a mystical portal that leads to this “scoundrel’s haven”. Others say that the island is actually shrouded in magic which conceals its location. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Bloodwater would surely want to keep it a secret.
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
A couple questions, do you want point buy or roll for stats? And when you say follow the rules for starting wealth for higher level characters, which set are you describing? In the dmg there's rules for low magic, standard magic, and high magic for characters 5-10th level.
**By the Light of the Sun, you will burn!**
DM: Storm Lord's Wrath || Syr Valor Dayne: Sleeping Gods || tooltips | guides | dice |
You can do a point buy or roll for stats, it's up to you. :) This will definitely be a high magic campaign.
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
I'll roll and see what that looks like then.
Ability scores: 12 10 15 13 14 10
**By the Light of the Sun, you will burn!**
DM: Storm Lord's Wrath || Syr Valor Dayne: Sleeping Gods || tooltips | guides | dice |
And for the gold, 500 + 4x25 Mariner's Plate for uncommon magic item.
**By the Light of the Sun, you will burn!**
DM: Storm Lord's Wrath || Syr Valor Dayne: Sleeping Gods || tooltips | guides | dice |
Ability Scores: 17 12 11 11 13 15
Gold: (10 × 25) + 500 gp
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Ability scores: 18 17 16 13 12 13
Wealth: (1d10x25)+500= 750gp
uncommon magic item: cap of water breathing
As soon as everyone has their Level 10 Characters they are happy with, we will work on getting started. :)
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
G2g for me
Here is the official Playtest Server we will all be in:
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
Our story begins along the Sword Coast, in the town of Phandalin...
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
Phandalin is located in the northern foothills of the Sword Mountains south of Neverwinter Wood. It is northeast of Leilon where the road that runs from the High Road to Triboar fades into a trail. This is a region rich with both natural resources and adventuring opportunities. Phandalin is home to fishermen, farmers, woodcutters, trappers, and miners. Travelers from Neverwinter in the North and Waterdeep in the South frequently travel through Phandalin on their long journeys.
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
There is much fanfare and the townsfolk are in high spirits. The ale is flowing and music and cheers can be heard all over town. You sit around a scarred-up wooden table, surrounded by the sound of raucous laughter and hearty swigs of the finest Phandalin ale. Given the popularity of the Stonehill Inn, there is no shortage of interesting faces to be found around the tavern’s premises. One of the loudest patrons currently occupying the tavern is a drunken dwarf keelboater the locals know only as Ugly Beard (chaotic neutral, dwarf bandit captain). Ugly Beard is known for downing too much ale and blabbing tall tales of his exaggerated adventures to anyone who will listen. On this particular night, Ugly Beard is in rare form, drunkenly and incoherently spouting on about his recent excursions on the high seas.
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson
As Bran listens, he buys the man a drink, and waits for Ugly Beard to finish his story. Bran looks to Galingale and Constanza and asks,”Should we see if his story is true, and find out more information from him?”
Constanza finds the vibrant condition of her surrounding quite peculiar, since she's not yet accustomed to the culture and tradition of the surface dwellers. Sometimes she observes their activities with a bewildered expression. But she refrains herself from being judgemental since most of the folks accept her aquatic features and stern comments cordially.
She replies to the question posed by her companion 'Bran' by saying:
"Definitely.... we must find out more about the strange event. But, I think he's speaking the truth even if he's under the influence of some kind of liquid."
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
From across the room, you see the server you ordered a drink from carrying the mug of ale in Ugly Beard's direction. The teenager nervously navigates through the busy tavern, careful not to spill a drop. As the young server approaches Ugly Beard, the drunken Keelboat captain, deep into another one of his outlandish stories, makes wild hand motions as he goes on about one of his sea adventures and knocks the cup out of the poor lad's hands, spilling Dwarven Ale all over him. Some of the patrons laugh.
A man yells from across the tavern in Ugly Beard’s direction, interrupting him, “Ugly Beard, I think we’ve had enough of your delusional nonsense, you drunken fool!” Some of the patrons laugh at this. The man is Cletus Brock (lawful neutral, human, veteran), a successful ship captain with little patience for drunken sea-dogs embellishing their careers. “We all know how this story ends, don’t we?” Cletus looks around for approval. “Lemme guess, you single handedly took the beast down and claimed its treasure hoard for yourself?” More patrons laugh and point in Ugly Beards direction. He sits quietly, sipping his bottle and eyeballing Brock.
"You're gonna need a bigger Keelboat." - Noah "Shark" Robertson