This thread is a copy of the thread from here. The goal is to give anyone looking for general advice a single location from which they can find almost anything they could need. Of course some of these items may be redundant with the compendium here on D&D Beyond. If you find useful resources beyond what is listed here, I'll see about including them in the post.
GWM reference table by Xetheral, analyses the "-5+10" aspect of the feat Great Weapon Mastery. Should help in deciding whether or not to invoke it. Minor Conjuration: Use and Abuse started by slipperychicken. A discussion on the many potential uses of creating objects at will. Master of Reactions A listing of the many things one can do with one's reaction by Odigity Ways to attack with your reactionby GladiusLegis, reposted by Clokwerk66, a list of ways to bring the pain when it is the other guy's turn. The Grappler's Manual 2.0 ktkenshinx posted and recently updated this guide to grappling in 5E Stealth, Hiding, and you! by Noctaem, reposted by Clokwerk66. A guide to being that sneaky bastard.
D&D Compendium Over 700 online resources for Dungeons & Dragons players and Dungeon Masters alike. Ultimate D&D Resource Collection primarily a collection of adventures and other material from the 5E playtest, apparently put together by one James Firth This spell sorter/index is a massive compendium of 5e spells, sortable by every statistic. Great for spell casters. Sage Advice - A massive compendium of tweets made from developers to players who ask them questions A Monster Analysis Blog Created by Surfarcher Encounter Builder Mostly a tool for DMs, this website helps one build challenging encounters for a group of a particular level and size. D&D 5th Edition Random Encounter Builder Another encounter tool, this one is made for the sake of generating random encounters quickly RK's D&D 5E treasure generator Adjust some setting, and automatically generate a treasure for your players to obsess over. D&D 5E resource list lists of spells, items, monsters, treasure and encounter generators, and more Alignment An explanation of D&D's oft contested alignment system. Fantasy Name Generators Name generators for a very wide variety of categories. Chaotic Shiny a long listing of random generators, from characters to holidays to simple maps. Not D&D specific Roll20 Token Maker makes cute little tokens perfect for things like Roll20 Roll20 Macro Reference with macros for both players and DMs. And some adventure specific macros for Tomb of Annihilation. Rangen another listing of random generators, also not D&D specific Improved Initiative - Initiative tracking tool, with much more. Stats for Monsters and Players, import and export your encounters, conditions and Spells. Great tool. Donjon - Great set of tools for everything Random. Names, NPCs, Quests, Loot, you name it. Dungen - DunGen will generate high resolution dungeons ready to use in your favorite virtual tabletops. Tabletopaudio - Audio for your session! Ambiance, sound effects, etc. I really do not use it that much, but works really well. Homebrewery - Create your own house rules with 5th Edition Style! Realy easy to use online tool that let you design pages like the official books using markup. Really good to hand over to your players or to create personalized character sheets for your NPCs and their backgrounds
5E Homebrew Guides Homebrewing guidelines for races and classes that break features down to basic point values. Posted by JamesMusicus
Weapon Damage Logic Guideline to weapon balance and homebrewing weapons of your own by Easy_Lee
D&Dwiki homebrewLarge collection of homebrew on a site well known as a go to for D&D knowledge.
Preset Class Tables for 5E HomebrewCreated by Ziegander, this is a collection of blank class tables for use in detailing your own hombrew classes/subclasses.
A big thanks to Daishain from GiantTip for putting this list together.
Thanks go to several individuals who have helped in this thread and its progenitor by suggesting threads to add to the list. They include (but may not be limited to), GWJ_DanyBoy, T.G. Oskar, Zoltar, Thomar_of_Uointer, neovenator250, Xetheral, Greylind, Odigity, Rfkannen, Hymer, Rezby, Ghost Nappa, Krymoar, Dericof Diname, Santra, Kryx, Vegbru, dread05, demonslayer666
A user on the forums by the name of Mistwell is apparently responsible for saving many of the threads thought lost in the WOTC forum shutdown. Thank you Mistwell
A similar thread by HeirRaktus on the website was used to locate additional content. This thread no longer exists
WOTC resources section shamelessly stolen from an archived post belonging to Jkat718
This thread is the unofficial successor to "The META THREAD of useful things!", created by Corinath here Corinath then essentially disappeared. Rather than letting it die, this version was posted to keep the index growing
Notes: Added to Other Useful Threads & Guides
I've added the following from this thread to the Amazingly Useful Websites section:
Improved Initiative - Initiative tracking tool, with much more. Stats for Monsters and Players, import and export your encounters, conditions and Spells. Great tool. Donjon - Great set of tools for everything Random. Names, NPCs, Quests, Loot, you name it. Tabletopaudio - Audio for your session! Ambiance, sound effects, etc. I really do not use it that much, but works really well. Homebrewery - Create your own house rules with 5th Edition Style! Realy easy to use online tool that let you design pages like the official books using markup. Really good to hand over to your players or to create personalized character sheets for your NPCs and their backgrounds
I've also removed a WotC link for a list of monsters by CR as that can now be found here on D&D Beyond.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat On - Mod Hat Off
Sillva, I grant you my Inspiration for your heroic actions. Impressive and awesome!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...Debts must always be paid, sometimes in more than blood and gold. But this is Ordo Ursa," Ren places his hand on Erakas's chest, right where the Dragonborn's heart is. "Right here. And it always has been and always will be. Don't ever forget that. Because I won't."
Serandis Mendaen (Aereni Elven Rogue/maybe one day Wizard)- Project Point Playtest
I just want to let you know Sillvva that you are a scholar and a saint, and I appreciate your efforts.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Where words fail, swords prevail. Where blood is spilled, my cup is filled" -Cartaphilus
"I have found the answer to the meaning of life. You ask me what the answer is? You already know what the answer to life is. You fear it more than the strike of a viper, the ravages of disease, the ire of a lover. The answer is always death. But death is a gentle mistress with a sweet embrace, and you owe her a debt of restitution. Life is not a gift, it is a loan."
This thread is a copy of the thread from here. The goal is to give anyone looking for general advice a single location from which they can find almost anything they could need. Of course some of these items may be redundant with the compendium here on D&D Beyond. If you find useful resources beyond what is listed here, I'll see about including them in the post.
D&D Beyond Guides, FAQs, & Resources
Pricing & Purchase Guides:
FAQ - D&D Beyond - Pricing & Purchase by Stormknight
A Buyer's Guide for DnD Beyond by ArwensDaughter
D&D Beyond vs Physical Books: Explanation by Sillvva
Homebrew Guides:
Everything you need to know about Homebrew (Tutorials & FAQ) by Stormknight
Demystifying Homebrew by GPyromania
Snippet Codes by Stormknight
Rollable Tags by Stormknight
Homebrew FAQ by IAmSposta
Your Own Buff System by Mairondil
Wild Shape Effect System by Mairondil
Custom Tooltips by Mairondil
Replace DEX in your AC by Mairondil
Browser extensions:
Beyond Help Chrome Extension by Kabalistus
D&D Toolbox Chrome Extension by mouse0270
CSS mods:
D&D Beyond Custom CSS Tricks by the D&D Beyond Community
Class Guides
The Artificer Handbook
I'll NEVER Die! by NeoSeraphi
The Gentleman's Guide to Proper Barbarism by Jell_Moo, reposted by Mistwell
Graceful Destruction: A Guide to the Dex Based Barbarian by Yunru
D&D 5e Character Optimization – Barbarian by Michael Long (apparently at least in part compiled from NeoSeraphi's and Jell_Moo's guides)
The Age of Barbarians: A Guide for post-Mordenkainen's Barbarians by Protato
How to Stoke the Fire Within: A Guide to the Barbarian by Lord Shadowthorn
The Barbarian Spell Guide that you never knew you always wanted! by Talklikeaduck
You'll Never Hit Me! A guide to Dex-based Barbarians by mastercryomancer
A Basic College of Lore Bard Guide by Zardnar
Players Gonna Play by EvilAnagram
A party without music is lame by Mellored
The College of Legendary Steeds by Starstuff
The Devout and the Dead, a guide to clerics by Yorrin
For God and Party: A Cleric's Guide by Danmathman, reposted by Mistwell
Celestial Link Evoking Radiance into Creation by Mellored
Divine Tomfoolery- a guide to Trickery Clerics by Jumbowheat01
5e Druid Handbook by RPGBOT
Thy Fearful Symmetry: A Circle of the Moon Handbook by RCanine
Lunar Wilds: A Moon Druid Animal Guide by Yunru
By Your Powers Combined: A Land Druid Handbook by Chameleon-X
Irhtos Sauriv's guide to front line druidism
5e Druid Handbook - Dreams, Land, Moon, and Shepherd by Hymer
The Art of War by Koga 395, reposted by Mistwell
Bow Bond: An Eldritch Knight's Guide to Archery by Mightythokk, reposted by Mistwell
An Illustrated Manual for Inflicting Violence by EvilAnagram
Eldritch Knight Tactica by Nightsteel
Bellator Arcana: The Eldritch Knight's Guide by Specter
The Good the Bad and the Monk, a 5e Monk guide by EnderDwarf
Meditation, Mediation, Devastation: A Monk's Guide by Yunrul
Avatar: the 4 element monk miniguide by Jordan175
Be Like Water by Prosebeforehos
The Wall of Fear: A Complete Guide to the Oath of Conquest
A Guide to the D&D 5th Edition Paladin through the eyes of a 3.5 Player by T.G. Oskar
Good is Not Nice, A paladin's guide by EvilAnagram
My Word is My Sword: The Paladin Guide by GladiusLegis
Not all who wander are lost, A Ranger's Guide by EvilAnagram
Animal Buddy: A Guide to the Ranger's Beast Companion by Lord_Ventnor, reposted by Mistwell
The Outdoorsman's Guide to Natural Ranging by dwgautier, reposted by Mistwell
Into the Woods We Go: The Ranger Guide by GladiusLegis, reposted by Mistwell
Boxing with Shadows: A Rogue Handbook a D&D Beyond community guide
Person_Man’s 5E Rogue Guide
Starstuff's Thief Guide
A thousand lies and a good disguise by Cuddlebot5000
A Knife in the Dark: The Rogue's Handbook by Clutchbone
Dealing Death: Handbook of the True Assassin by Gladiuslegis, reposted by Mistwell
I Fought the Law and Won: The Rogue Guide by Gladius Legis
With Skill and Steel, a rogues guide by Rooneg
Magique Filou: The Arcane Trickster's Guide by Specter
Power Overwhelming: A Sorcerer Guide by RhaegarT, reposted by Mistwell
Sorcery Guide part2 by Qwertyazerty
Caster Unleashed by Guru
Guide for the Optimized Sorcerer by Sorxores, reposted by Mistwell
Playing Dice with the Universe: A Slant Guide to Wild-Magic Sorcererby Cognomen's Cassowary
How to Rend Fiends and Immolate People by EvilAnagram
Pact-making 101: A guide to the 5th edition Warlock by Oncoming Storm
Blade, Book, and Chain: A Warlock Guide by Mephi1234, reposted by Mistwell
Selling your Soul at a Premium: The Warlock’s Guide to Power by EvilAnagram
The (un)complete Warlock Guide to multiclassing by Asmotherion
The master of the arcane by rfkannen
Being a God, part1 Being a God, part2 A two part guide to Wizards by Treantmonk. I'm going to declare this one something players of all classes should consider perusing, since its advice includes sound thinking for party dynamics.
Arrive on Time: A General Guide to Wizardry by TheBigHouse
A Blast From the Past: Wizarding 101
NADRIGOL’s Melee Bladesinger Guide
Inquisitor Lim's Bladesinger and Wizard Guide: Xanathar's Edition by Deathtongue
Multiclass Guides
Unlimited Blade Works, Paladin/Sorcerer guide by Gastronomie
Ultimate Optimizer's Multiclassing Guide by Petenutbutter
Kung Fu Kitty, a Monk/Druid Hybrid by Sillvva
General Character Creation Guides
5E Content Index by Grod The Giant, a listing of character options among the various source material
Treantmonk's Temple YouTube Channel
The Social God: A guide to an optimized Party Face by Specter
Magic Initiate: A guide to an underestimated, (and cool) feat by Specter
Let's talk about multiclass cutoff points Started by Joseph Silver. This thread features a discussion of optimal points to stop taking levels in particular classes when multiclassing.
Fighting Styles Overview/Discussion/Whathaveyou by Mechaviking. A discussion of the pros and cons of various fighting styles.
What's Your Story? by Yunru, reposted by clokwerk66 This guide walks people through making custom backgrounds, which many people don't seem to realize are a default option. Break free of the tyranny of pregenned backgrounds!
Bookrat's advice on designing background features Bookrat discusses guidelines for creating more features like the Sage's ability to find knowledge
Character Builds - Mechanical Focus
Ridiculously good healer by Maxwilson getting the most oomph out of healing spells
Breaking BM by Easy_Lee A guide for those wanting to get the most out of the Beastmaster
Dual Wielding Battlelock by Easy_Lee A guide for those wanting to build the warlock in to a melee DPR master.
The Coffee Drow by XmonkTad Use and abuse your sorcery points. Note: DM judgement required to use
Skill Monkey Builds by Mistwell Make those lockpicks dance.
Character Builds - Concept Focus
The Li'l Chef by Easy_Lee You eat what you kill has rarely been a more disturbing phrase.
The Crazy Alchemist by Easy_Lee If you see this guy running like crazy, try to run faster than he is.
Shaken, not Stirred by Easy_Lee For those that dream of being the master bond style spy.
Does that Dark Cloak come in a Large? by Easy_Lee The gang's muscleman
Guides for Specific In Game Actions
GWM reference table by Xetheral, analyses the "-5+10" aspect of the feat Great Weapon Mastery. Should help in deciding whether or not to invoke it.
Minor Conjuration: Use and Abuse started by slipperychicken. A discussion on the many potential uses of creating objects at will.
Master of Reactions A listing of the many things one can do with one's reaction by Odigity
Ways to attack with your reactionby GladiusLegis, reposted by Clokwerk66, a list of ways to bring the pain when it is the other guy's turn.
The Grappler's Manual 2.0 ktkenshinx posted and recently updated this guide to grappling in 5E
Stealth, Hiding, and you! by Noctaem, reposted by Clokwerk66. A guide to being that sneaky bastard.
Guides for Magic Use
Spells by Elemental damage typeby supergoji18
Professor Q's guide to the 5E ControllerA guide to effective BFC. Preserved on google docs by Bidoum666
Annual Cantrip Review started by FluffyBunbunkittens, reposted by Clokwerk66, review and discussion of the various at will cantrips available for use
List of Useful and Powerful Spells started by Person_Man
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks - A Conjuration Handbook by IxidorRS, reposted by Clockwerk66
Know Your Rites: A Guide to Ritual Casting by Oraibi. Reposted by Clockwerk66by Oraibi, reposted by Clockwerk66
MM Resistances, Immunities, Vulnerabilities, and Damage by Yorrin. Flinging balls of fire around may be neat, but it might not be the most effective element to choose to work with in the long run. For an idea of how often baddies are going to just shrug off your spell, have a gander at this analysis of creature entries from the Monster Manual
Magic Missile (Rules + Tips) by dndlounge
Other Useful Threads and Guides
D&D 5e Racial Stat Bonuses
5e Subclass Directory Listing of subclasses and where to find them
RPG Bot Site dedicated to similar resources as those here, from multiple games, 5E included
Lets Read: D&D 5E Monster Manual Started by Mrconsideration, this thread presents a critical analysis of MM creature entries
List of all official 5E stuff by Iceking
Professor Q's Guide to the 5E controllerA guideline to dealing with one's enemies by means other than beating them up.
5E Condition Immunities by Razuchee, lists off immunities by how common they are
Bestiary A listing of 5E creatures, sorted by both type and CR. Complete with abilities, stats, and descriptions
Handbook to Guide Writingthe handbook of handbooks for handbooks by Dictum_Mortuum, reposted by Clockwerk66
Celestial, Fey, and FiendA guide to familiars by Dire_Stirge
Copperdogma's rewritten PHB index because the original could use work.
Nanoboy's Random Weapon tables
Pre-generated Character Repository by Iserith
The Comprehensive Compendium of Considerable and Compelling Curios A Magic Item Guide by MasterNamer. Reposted by Endarire
Magic Item Math of 5e by mommywasanorc
Sage Advice Compendium Article collating Q&As from the Sage
Resource List for dndnext A listing of general DM and player resources ranging from character sheets to errata to adventure supplements
Magic Item Distribution by FireLance, this guide gives DMs an idea of how much in the way of magical loot a party playing "default D&D" can expect to pick up
DPR King Candidates by Borg285, reposted by Clockwerk66
Complete List of action recharge times by Jkat718, lists abilities by their recharge time, useful for planning action economy
A useful DnD 5e Primer by Person_Man
The DM's guide to Pre-Game ambiguous RAW started by Corinath
The Magic Economy by MukkTB is a great thread discussing Magic Items and using them as loot
Know your enemy by Raleel, reposted by MerricB, a statistical analysis of the base stats from critters in the MM.
D&D Next Index Playtest material Index, may be of use for inspiration, but don't use as a primary RAW reference, as much of the material has changed since
A comprehensive tool for calculating just about everything in 5e by LudicSavant
A handy list organizing half-feats and races by the attributes they boost by LudicSavant a blog by alexanderatoz about encounter building focusing on traps, terrain, and monsters that work well with each other.
Adventurer's League Resources
Free DM Pack
Free Player's Pack
AL Resources - Player's Guide, FAQ, Factions Info, etc
AL Rewards Spreadsheet - (spoilers) Info about hardcover adventure and module rewards
Here are the AL-legal adventures that you can legally download for free.
WOTC Resources
Fifth Edition SRD-OGL
Character Sheets:
Character Sheet Pack (direct download)
Adventurer's League Adventure Logsheet
Starter Set Character Sheets
Tyranny of Dragons Character Sheet
Basic Ruleset:
Player's Basic Rules v0.2 printer friendly version
Dungeon Master's Basic Rules v0.3 printer friendly version
Core Ruleset:
Monsters by Challenge Rating
Difficulty Thresholds by Level
Magic Items by Rarity printer friendly version
Tyranny of Dragons:
Hoard of the Dragon Queen: Online Supplement printer friendly version
Rise of Tiamat: Online Supplement printer friendly version
Rise of Tiamat: Council Score Card
Elemental Evil:
Player's Companion
Online Supplement
Unearthed Arcana:
Chef, Invocations, Fighting Styles, Metamagic, etc
Rogue: Phantom, Warlock: The Genie, Wizard: Order of Scribes
Fighter: Psi Knight, Rogue: Soulknife, Sorcerer: Psionic Soul, Spells, Feats
Summon Spirit spells and others
Artificer: Armorer, Druid: Stars, Ranger: Fey Wanderer
Bard: Creation, Cleric: Unity, Sorcerer: Clockwork
Barbarian: Beast, Monk: Mercy, Paladin: Watchers, Warlock: Genie
Fighter: Psychic Warrior, Rogue: Soulknife, Wizard: Psionics
Fighter: Rune Knight, Ranger: Swarmkeeper, Rogue: The Revived
Cleric: Twilight, Druid: Wildfire, Wizard: Onomancy
Paladin: Heroism, Bard: Eloquence
Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind, Warlock: Lurker in the Deep
Barbarian: Wild Soul, Monk: Astral Self
Druid: Spores, Fighter: Brute, Wizard: Invention
Druid: Shepherd, Fighter: Cavalier, Paladin: Conquest, Warlock: Celestial, Invocations
Barbarian: Ancestral Guardian, Bard: Swords, Fighter: Arcane Archer, Monk: Kensei, Sorcerer: Favored Soul
Monk: Drunken Master, Paladin: Redemption, Ranger: Monster Slayer
Theurgy, War Magic
Warlock: Hexblade/Raven Queen, Invocations, Wizard: Lore Mastery
Favored Soul, Phoenix, Sea, Stone
Ranger: Horizon Walker/Primeval Guardian, Rogue: Scout
Conquest, Treachery
Kensei, Tranquility
Arcane Archer, Knight, Samurai, Sharpshooter
Dreams, Shepherd, Twilight
Forge, Grave, Protection
Glamour, Whispers
Ancestral Guardian, Storm Herald, Zealot
Warlock: Seeker, Wizard: Theurgy
Weapon/Tool Feats
Revenant, Fighter: Monster Hunter, Rogue: Inquisitive
Bard: Swords/Satire, Fighter: Cavalier/Scout
Tiefling Variant, Conjure Spells
FS: Close Quarter Shooter, FS: Tunnel Fighter, Ranger: Deep Stalker, Sorcerer: Shadow, Warlock: Undying Light
Rune Scribe, Rune Magic Items
Cleric: City, Warlock: Ghost in the Machine, Wizard: Technomancy
Minotaur, FS: Mariner, Rogue: Swashbuckler, Sorcerer: Storm
Changeling, Warforged, Shifter, Artificer, Dragonmarks
Dan Helmick's D20 Modern Campaign
Amazingly Useful Websites
D&D Compendium Over 700 online resources for Dungeons & Dragons players and Dungeon Masters alike.
Ultimate D&D Resource Collection primarily a collection of adventures and other material from the 5E playtest, apparently put together by one James Firth
This spell sorter/index is a massive compendium of 5e spells, sortable by every statistic. Great for spell casters.
Sage Advice - A massive compendium of tweets made from developers to players who ask them questions
A Monster Analysis Blog Created by Surfarcher
Encounter Builder Mostly a tool for DMs, this website helps one build challenging encounters for a group of a particular level and size.
D&D 5th Edition Random Encounter Builder Another encounter tool, this one is made for the sake of generating random encounters quickly
RK's D&D 5E treasure generator Adjust some setting, and automatically generate a treasure for your players to obsess over.
D&D 5E resource list lists of spells, items, monsters, treasure and encounter generators, and more
Alignment An explanation of D&D's oft contested alignment system.
Fantasy Name Generators Name generators for a very wide variety of categories.
Chaotic Shiny a long listing of random generators, from characters to holidays to simple maps. Not D&D specific
Roll20 Token Maker makes cute little tokens perfect for things like Roll20
Roll20 Macro Reference with macros for both players and DMs. And some adventure specific macros for Tomb of Annihilation.
Rangen another listing of random generators, also not D&D specific
Improved Initiative - Initiative tracking tool, with much more. Stats for Monsters and Players, import and export your encounters, conditions and Spells. Great tool.
Donjon - Great set of tools for everything Random. Names, NPCs, Quests, Loot, you name it.
Dungen - DunGen will generate high resolution dungeons ready to use in your favorite virtual tabletops.
Tabletopaudio - Audio for your session! Ambiance, sound effects, etc. I really do not use it that much, but works really well.
Homebrewery - Create your own house rules with 5th Edition Style! Realy easy to use online tool that let you design pages like the official books using markup. Really good to hand over to your players or to create personalized character sheets for your NPCs and their backgrounds
Homebrew Material
D&D 5e Homebrew Compendium Part 1 D&D Homebrew Compendium Part 2 A massive compilation of D&D 5E homebrew material, the good, the bad and the ugly. Whatever you're looking for, checking here is a good idea. Great work TwelveTrees!
A tool for the creation of Homebrew material that looks much like something from an official book.
5E Homebrew Guides Homebrewing guidelines for races and classes that break features down to basic point values. Posted by JamesMusicus
Weapon Damage Logic
Guideline to weapon balance and homebrewing weapons of your own by Easy_Lee
D&Dwiki homebrewLarge collection of homebrew on a site well known as a go to for D&D knowledge.
Preset Class Tables for 5E HomebrewCreated by Ziegander, this is a collection of blank class tables for use in detailing your own hombrew classes/subclasses.
A big thanks to Daishain from GiantTip for putting this list together.
Thanks go to several individuals who have helped in this thread and its progenitor by suggesting threads to add to the list. They include (but may not be limited to), GWJ_DanyBoy, T.G. Oskar, Zoltar, Thomar_of_Uointer, neovenator250, Xetheral, Greylind, Odigity, Rfkannen, Hymer, Rezby, Ghost Nappa, Krymoar, Dericof Diname, Santra, Kryx, Vegbru, dread05, demonslayer666
A user on the forums by the name of Mistwell is apparently responsible for saving many of the threads thought lost in the WOTC forum shutdown. Thank you Mistwell
A similar thread by HeirRaktus on the website was used to locate additional content. This thread no longer exists
WOTC resources section shamelessly stolen from an archived post belonging to Jkat718
This thread is the unofficial successor to "The META THREAD of useful things!", created by Corinath here Corinath then essentially disappeared. Rather than letting it die, this version was posted to keep the index growing
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Added links to all of the official Unearthed Arcana content to the WOTC Resources section.
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Added Boxing with Shadows: A Rogue Handbook to the Rogue class section
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Added a new section for D&D Beyond Guides and FAQs with the following items:
FAQ - D&D Beyond - Pricing & Purchase by Stormknight
[Beta] Everything you need to know about Homebrew (Tutorials & FAQ) by Stormknight
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Added a link to the Adventurer's League Resources to the WOTC Resources section.
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
I've added the following from this thread to the Amazingly Useful Websites section:
Improved Initiative - Initiative tracking tool, with much more. Stats for Monsters and Players, import and export your encounters, conditions and Spells. Great tool.
Donjon - Great set of tools for everything Random. Names, NPCs, Quests, Loot, you name it.
Tabletopaudio - Audio for your session! Ambiance, sound effects, etc. I really do not use it that much, but works really well.
Homebrewery - Create your own house rules with 5th Edition Style! Realy easy to use online tool that let you design pages like the official books using markup. Really good to hand over to your players or to create personalized character sheets for your NPCs and their backgrounds
I've also removed a WotC link for a list of monsters by CR as that can now be found here on D&D Beyond.
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
You trulely are a hero
Added two more Unearthed Arcana links to the WotC Resources section
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Bookmarked. Thank you!
Added an Adventurer's League section including AL Resources link and a sort of spoilers-included AL Rewards link, descriptions in the post
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Sillva, I grant you my Inspiration for your heroic actions. Impressive and awesome!
"...Debts must always be paid, sometimes in more than blood and gold. But this is Ordo Ursa," Ren places his hand on Erakas's chest, right where the Dragonborn's heart is. "Right here. And it always has been and always will be. Don't ever forget that. Because I won't."
Serandis Mendaen (Aereni Elven Rogue/maybe one day Wizard)- Project Point Playtest
WOTC Resouces -> Unearthed Arcana
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Can we get this tread stickied please.
Token Maker makes cute little tokens perfect for things like Roll20
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
sticky please
A bit late, but I've added Elf Subraces to the Unearthed Arcana section.
Added the following guide:
The Wall of Fear: A Complete Guide to the Oath of Conquest
Feature Requests || Homebrew FAQ || Pricing FAQ || Hardcovers FAQ || Snippet Codes || Tooltips
DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Just confirming that this thread has been pinned.
Good work here Sillvva. :)
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
I just want to let you know Sillvva that you are a scholar and a saint, and I appreciate your efforts.
"Where words fail, swords prevail. Where blood is spilled, my cup is filled" -Cartaphilus
"I have found the answer to the meaning of life. You ask me what the answer is? You already know what the answer to life is. You fear it more than the strike of a viper, the ravages of disease, the ire of a lover. The answer is always death. But death is a gentle mistress with a sweet embrace, and you owe her a debt of restitution. Life is not a gift, it is a loan."
Awesome topic and nice links!
Added the Unearthed Arcana for January
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