Marion see two people disembark from the wagon before it continues on its way. They seem to be on the path leading up to the mountains. More travelers perhaps. There is no more sign of the wolves that she can tell.
Upon seeing the two potential travellers setting off up the same path into the mountains Marion finds a spot where she will be seen from plenty of distance away, before stopping to wait. While she awaits their arrival she takes some time to stop and pray for a moment, kneeling down on the path, before bowing her head and closing her eyes while she speaks slowly and softly to her Goddess.
"Grant, O Lady above, Thy guidance;
For Thou hadst the grace to bestow upon us Thy blessing; Thou who art possessed of depthless benevolence; While mortal sins be not hid from Thee; Yet did Thou chooseth to descend upon us; And blanket us in Thy divine protection;
O Lady above, of deepest azure; My thanks I give to Thee; For pouring Thy love unto us; That we might receive Thy holy arcana;
Ye above whom beholdest all things; Teach Thy servant understanding and temperance; Lend me Thy strength so that Thine will be done; And the darkness be illuminated with Thine light;
In Thy name do I go forth; Shape mine path that I do right by Thee; Let this body be Thy vessel; And mine actions be Thy example;
Though others may scoff at her devotion, or demand proof of her god, Marion holds fast to faith. And as she goes through the words of her prayer, the simple ritual of it all fills her with a peace and conviction that seems to ward of the creeping cold.
Wow, did you write that prayer up yourself? Either way, go ahead and give Marion Inspiration.
"I would certainly not begrudge a little company."
Samir lifts a hand in farewell as Garret and Hamlin pull away, before turning back to Malachi with a brief, awkward smile. Adjusting his satchel to be a bit more comfortable, he turns towards the path and begins walking. The light glints on his glasses as he turns his head this way and that, studying the scenery around them, so different from his river valley home. After a few moments, he pauses in his surverying of the landscape, focusing instead of the kneeling figure on the path ahead of them.
"Oh, look, Malachi. It seems we are not the only ones on the trail today."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Malachi raises his hand in farewell as the wagon moves out of sight. He thinks back to Garret’s departing message, there was something in those words for him if he searched deep enough to find it. Samir’s comments bring him back to the present. He gives him a smile, secures his newfound cloak into his pack and follows him up the trail.
He slows when they see the figure kneeling before them. “Be cautious, not everyone we meet will be a friend. This is an interesting place to kneel. What are they doing?” Malachi looks at their surroundings, alert for a trap. Perception: 7.
Daerwul has retaken his seat on his horse, and the group moves forward. The wolves keep their eyes trained on Joren's echo as the group passes. From time to time, another wolf crests the hill and joins in the watching. But be they wary of Joren's steel or still rattled by the earlier sound, they do not make any move to advance. As Joren, Ashley, and Daerwul round the last bend before the Shield Pass, the wolves howl and begin to turn away one by one.
Up the first hill a ways, three figures can be made out amidst the light snowfall, and down the road in the distance, a wagon can be seen travelling north.
Joren keeps his echo active, but calls it close to himself. He looks first to Daerwul. "The Chomers' wagon is that? Receding to the north? You will be wanting to catch up and hail them? I am thanking you for the ride. Let me know how much coin you are needing as payment. Light be with you."
Then to the fire genasi. "Lady Ashley, I believe you are aiming to cross the Shield Pass as I am? And perhaps those three travelers ahead of us as well. Or are you considering a detour to be tasting some of the the Chomers' milk? Piqued by that, your interest was seeming back in Tibben? If so, you and Daerwul can be going on ahead of me so I am not slowing down your chase of their wagon. I can be meeting you on your way back and then we can be climbing up the pass... if indeed you are choosing to be travelling together. Safety in numbers perhaps. I am not liking this weather."
Joren looks up at the white flakes drifting from the sky. Then at the 3 travelers just up the pass. He had stowed his greatsword behind his back earlier, but he touches the pommel over his shoulder for good luck once again.
"Is that indeed the wagon that holds some goat's milk? And would it be possible to try that and get back here to meet with you, Joren? I do agree, if you don't mind traveling with a fire genasi, I'd love the company! I just don't want to hold you back. If I'm able to try it though, I will definitely do that!" Ashley turns to Daerwul, "What do you think?"
"And Joren, thanks for keeping those wolves at bay. That trick you do sure is helpful!"
"Aye lady Ashley. I will be walking in that direction then behind you," (Joren points north towards the retreating wagon) "but not echo-marching. You be going then with Daerwul on after them, and I will hope to be meeting you as you are coming back. Then we can be heading up towards the mountains together. I sense we will need our combined skills, and perhaps those of the others there, if we are to cross this pass safely."
A snowflake lands square on the tip of his nose, somewhat spoiling his solemn demeanor.
As you conclude your prayer, you look up to see the two travelers, a half-elf and half-orc, approaching. The former appears to be wary as he keeps an eye on his surroundings. Back on the man road, you can also see two horses riding off to catch the wagon from earlier, and a thick armoured man walking behind at a slower pace.
Does Samir see any reason about you to be cautious?
Daerwul looks to Joren and says, "Well it's been fine company travelling with the two of you. The stories were fine enough that you can keep the coin. Around these parts, you do what you can to help and pray to the Names that someone does the same for you. Take care. C'mon Ashley! If we'd best be hurrying on if you want a taste of that milk. Hyah!"
After a few minutes of hard riding, Ashley and Daerwul get close enough that the Orcs' wagon begins to pull over to let them pass. Daerwul pulls up the reins beside them, and recognition comes across Hanlin's face. "Deerman!" he calls out. "What brings you down this road."
Daerwul scowls at the nickname, though he doesn't seem overly upset. "My horse," he responds. "And some interesting company. I don't suppose you got any of that goat's milk left in stock?"
"Almost all of it, lucky you," Hanlin smiles. Garret waves his metal arm and says, "Bah, if I didn't know better, I'd say we'd be doin' better business if we spent less time in town, and more time headin' home." Hanlin hops out and brings up two jugs which he starts putting into the saddle bags and Ashley's steed. "And any for you, ah... miss?" Now that he's noticed Ashley, his surprise is evident, though he tries his best to remain polite and respectful.
Ashley truly enjoys speeding across the way to catch the orcs' wagon, and shouts out with a bit of glee. She's going to miss the bearded half-elf once they part company, she really isn't used to the kindness, even if he does call her interesting. Ah, she's heard worse, so much worse.
She remains quiet as the men discuss the milk, but when the orc is obviously startled when he finally notices her, she laughs. "Hi there! I'm actually just here to see if I can try some goats milk? I've never had the pleasure and it sounds divine!"
"Oh, uh sure thing," Hanlin says, recovering from his surprise and slipping into business mode. "I've a couple of smaller jugs in the back here. It looks like the horse is all loaded up, but ya should be able to fit one of them into that pack on yer back no problem. It's goin' for 5 silver pieces. Tha' sound amenable to ya, miss?"
"Most definitely! Thank you for being so kind." and she fishes out 5 silver to give to the orc. When she receives the small jug she uncorks it, sniffs it, and looks at all the men watching her. She gives a big smile and takes a large swig. "Wow!! I've never tasted anything like this! Almost gives me a cool sensation, which you can imagine is rare." she takes another, smaller drink, replaces the cork and gently places it in her bag. "Thanks again!" she says to the orc and gives a nod, the firey tips of her hair swinging wildly.
She looks back to Daerwul, "I'm ready to head back to reach Joren when you are. This was definitely worth the side trip!"
As Joren gets to the trail, he sees ashley and Daerwul returning on horseback. They slow as they reach him. "Alright," says Daerwul. "I'm off. Going to head back home and try to get back before dark with the horses. You provided for some fascinating company. I wish the two of you luck on your journey."
With that, he helps Ashley dismount and then takes off with the horses back to the south.
Rising to her feet Marion looks down towards the two men and begins to head in their direction now it is clear they have spotted her. She has a serious and determined look upon her face, while obviously wearing heavy armour and bearing a longsword, a hand axe and a large shield that are not concealed at all, and over her armour she wears a white tabard emblazoned with a large azure rose. She is not outwardly reaching for her weapons, but it is clear she is approaching them with purpose.
Once within earshot she would call out to the two men: "Hail fellows. Are you in need of aid?"
"Thanking you for helping us, Daerwul - I shall not forget."
To Ashley with a grin: "Let us be going, my lady. You can be telling me about this famous milk as we are walking. If we make good time, we can be meeting with the three just ahead."
Perception check to look for further threats as they head towards the pass: 8
So as not to surprise the strangers uphill from them, Joren reluctantly lets his echo disappear for now if he does not see any threats.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Oh, you're right, of course, Malachi. Caution is perhaps called for."
As the two of them make their way up the path, Samir watches as the figure turns their way and begins approaching. Malachi's words echo in his head as he takes note of the open display of arms and armor. His attention, however, hangs on the symbol upon the woman's tabard. Quietly, he mutters to Malachi before calling back to the stranger.
"They do so seem very well armed... oh hello there stranger! We are simply passing by! No need of help here!"
(History check to try and recognize the symbol: 23
Malachi eyes the stranger approaching them, taking in the armor and weapons bristling from them. “No, we are fine, thank you”he calls back quickly “what brings you out to the trail? This is not a place I would expect to see someone alone, even someone as..”he hesitates slightly, glancing at the weapons before continuing “well prepared as you appear to be.”
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Telling just won't do it justice, you gotta try this!" Ashley pulls the jug out of her pack and offers it to Joren.
As they walk, she also keeps her eyes open for signs of danger on the way. She is realizing she is getting pretty far from home. It excites her and makes her a tad bit nervous.
Perception 3
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Marion see two people disembark from the wagon before it continues on its way. They seem to be on the path leading up to the mountains. More travelers perhaps. There is no more sign of the wolves that she can tell.
Upon seeing the two potential travellers setting off up the same path into the mountains Marion finds a spot where she will be seen from plenty of distance away, before stopping to wait. While she awaits their arrival she takes some time to stop and pray for a moment, kneeling down on the path, before bowing her head and closing her eyes while she speaks slowly and softly to her Goddess.
"Grant, O Lady above, Thy guidance;
For Thou hadst the grace to bestow upon us Thy blessing;
Thou who art possessed of depthless benevolence;
While mortal sins be not hid from Thee;
Yet did Thou chooseth to descend upon us;
And blanket us in Thy divine protection;
O Lady above, of deepest azure;
My thanks I give to Thee;
For pouring Thy love unto us;
That we might receive Thy holy arcana;
Ye above whom beholdest all things;
Teach Thy servant understanding and temperance;
Lend me Thy strength so that Thine will be done;
And the darkness be illuminated with Thine light;
In Thy name do I go forth;
Shape mine path that I do right by Thee;
Let this body be Thy vessel;
And mine actions be Thy example;
Though others may scoff at her devotion, or demand proof of her god, Marion holds fast to faith. And as she goes through the words of her prayer, the simple ritual of it all fills her with a peace and conviction that seems to ward of the creeping cold.
Wow, did you write that prayer up yourself? Either way, go ahead and give Marion Inspiration.
"I would certainly not begrudge a little company."
Samir lifts a hand in farewell as Garret and Hamlin pull away, before turning back to Malachi with a brief, awkward smile. Adjusting his satchel to be a bit more comfortable, he turns towards the path and begins walking. The light glints on his glasses as he turns his head this way and that, studying the scenery around them, so different from his river valley home. After a few moments, he pauses in his surverying of the landscape, focusing instead of the kneeling figure on the path ahead of them.
"Oh, look, Malachi. It seems we are not the only ones on the trail today."
Malachi raises his hand in farewell as the wagon moves out of sight. He thinks back to Garret’s departing message, there was something in those words for him if he searched deep enough to find it. Samir’s comments bring him back to the present. He gives him a smile, secures his newfound cloak into his pack and follows him up the trail.
He slows when they see the figure kneeling before them. “Be cautious, not everyone we meet will be a friend. This is an interesting place to kneel. What are they doing?” Malachi looks at their surroundings, alert for a trap. Perception: 7.
Joren and Ashley:
Daerwul has retaken his seat on his horse, and the group moves forward. The wolves keep their eyes trained on Joren's echo as the group passes. From time to time, another wolf crests the hill and joins in the watching. But be they wary of Joren's steel or still rattled by the earlier sound, they do not make any move to advance. As Joren, Ashley, and Daerwul round the last bend before the Shield Pass, the wolves howl and begin to turn away one by one.
Up the first hill a ways, three figures can be made out amidst the light snowfall, and down the road in the distance, a wagon can be seen travelling north.
Joren keeps his echo active, but calls it close to himself. He looks first to Daerwul. "The Chomers' wagon is that? Receding to the north? You will be wanting to catch up and hail them? I am thanking you for the ride. Let me know how much coin you are needing as payment. Light be with you."
Then to the fire genasi. "Lady Ashley, I believe you are aiming to cross the Shield Pass as I am? And perhaps those three travelers ahead of us as well. Or are you considering a detour to be tasting some of the the Chomers' milk? Piqued by that, your interest was seeming back in Tibben? If so, you and Daerwul can be going on ahead of me so I am not slowing down your chase of their wagon. I can be meeting you on your way back and then we can be climbing up the pass... if indeed you are choosing to be travelling together. Safety in numbers perhaps. I am not liking this weather."
Joren looks up at the white flakes drifting from the sky. Then at the 3 travelers just up the pass. He had stowed his greatsword behind his back earlier, but he touches the pommel over his shoulder for good luck once again.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return | Sabetha(Monk3): Bedlymn's Murder Court
"Is that indeed the wagon that holds some goat's milk? And would it be possible to try that and get back here to meet with you, Joren? I do agree, if you don't mind traveling with a fire genasi, I'd love the company! I just don't want to hold you back. If I'm able to try it though, I will definitely do that!" Ashley turns to Daerwul, "What do you think?"
"And Joren, thanks for keeping those wolves at bay. That trick you do sure is helpful!"
"Aye lady Ashley. I will be walking in that direction then behind you," (Joren points north towards the retreating wagon) "but not echo-marching. You be going then with Daerwul on after them, and I will hope to be meeting you as you are coming back. Then we can be heading up towards the mountains together. I sense we will need our combined skills, and perhaps those of the others there, if we are to cross this pass safely."
A snowflake lands square on the tip of his nose, somewhat spoiling his solemn demeanor.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return | Sabetha(Monk3): Bedlymn's Murder Court
As you conclude your prayer, you look up to see the two travelers, a half-elf and half-orc, approaching. The former appears to be wary as he keeps an eye on his surroundings. Back on the man road, you can also see two horses riding off to catch the wagon from earlier, and a thick armoured man walking behind at a slower pace.
Does Samir see any reason about you to be cautious?
Joren and Ashley:
Daerwul looks to Joren and says, "Well it's been fine company travelling with the two of you. The stories were fine enough that you can keep the coin. Around these parts, you do what you can to help and pray to the Names that someone does the same for you. Take care. C'mon Ashley! If we'd best be hurrying on if you want a taste of that milk. Hyah!"
After a few minutes of hard riding, Ashley and Daerwul get close enough that the Orcs' wagon begins to pull over to let them pass. Daerwul pulls up the reins beside them, and recognition comes across Hanlin's face. "Deerman!" he calls out. "What brings you down this road."
Daerwul scowls at the nickname, though he doesn't seem overly upset. "My horse," he responds. "And some interesting company. I don't suppose you got any of that goat's milk left in stock?"
"Almost all of it, lucky you," Hanlin smiles. Garret waves his metal arm and says, "Bah, if I didn't know better, I'd say we'd be doin' better business if we spent less time in town, and more time headin' home." Hanlin hops out and brings up two jugs which he starts putting into the saddle bags and Ashley's steed. "And any for you, ah... miss?" Now that he's noticed Ashley, his surprise is evident, though he tries his best to remain polite and respectful.
Ashley truly enjoys speeding across the way to catch the orcs' wagon, and shouts out with a bit of glee. She's going to miss the bearded half-elf once they part company, she really isn't used to the kindness, even if he does call her interesting. Ah, she's heard worse, so much worse.
She remains quiet as the men discuss the milk, but when the orc is obviously startled when he finally notices her, she laughs. "Hi there! I'm actually just here to see if I can try some goats milk? I've never had the pleasure and it sounds divine!"
"Oh, uh sure thing," Hanlin says, recovering from his surprise and slipping into business mode. "I've a couple of smaller jugs in the back here. It looks like the horse is all loaded up, but ya should be able to fit one of them into that pack on yer back no problem. It's goin' for 5 silver pieces. Tha' sound amenable to ya, miss?"
"Most definitely! Thank you for being so kind." and she fishes out 5 silver to give to the orc. When she receives the small jug she uncorks it, sniffs it, and looks at all the men watching her. She gives a big smile and takes a large swig. "Wow!! I've never tasted anything like this! Almost gives me a cool sensation, which you can imagine is rare." she takes another, smaller drink, replaces the cork and gently places it in her bag. "Thanks again!" she says to the orc and gives a nod, the firey tips of her hair swinging wildly.
She looks back to Daerwul, "I'm ready to head back to reach Joren when you are. This was definitely worth the side trip!"
As Joren gets to the trail, he sees ashley and Daerwul returning on horseback. They slow as they reach him. "Alright," says Daerwul. "I'm off. Going to head back home and try to get back before dark with the horses. You provided for some fascinating company. I wish the two of you luck on your journey."
With that, he helps Ashley dismount and then takes off with the horses back to the south.
Rising to her feet Marion looks down towards the two men and begins to head in their direction now it is clear they have spotted her. She has a serious and determined look upon her face, while obviously wearing heavy armour and bearing a longsword, a hand axe and a large shield that are not concealed at all, and over her armour she wears a white tabard emblazoned with a large azure rose. She is not outwardly reaching for her weapons, but it is clear she is approaching them with purpose.
Once within earshot she would call out to the two men: "Hail fellows. Are you in need of aid?"
Joren clasps Daerwul's hand.
"Thanking you for helping us, Daerwul - I shall not forget."
To Ashley with a grin: "Let us be going, my lady. You can be telling me about this famous milk as we are walking. If we make good time, we can be meeting with the three just ahead."
Perception check to look for further threats as they head towards the pass: 8
So as not to surprise the strangers uphill from them, Joren reluctantly lets his echo disappear for now if he does not see any threats.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return | Sabetha(Monk3): Bedlymn's Murder Court
"Oh, you're right, of course, Malachi. Caution is perhaps called for."
As the two of them make their way up the path, Samir watches as the figure turns their way and begins approaching. Malachi's words echo in his head as he takes note of the open display of arms and armor. His attention, however, hangs on the symbol upon the woman's tabard. Quietly, he mutters to Malachi before calling back to the stranger.
"They do so seem very well armed... oh hello there stranger! We are simply passing by! No need of help here!"
(History check to try and recognize the symbol: 23
Malachi eyes the stranger approaching them, taking in the armor and weapons bristling from them. “No, we are fine, thank you” he calls back quickly “what brings you out to the trail? This is not a place I would expect to see someone alone, even someone as..” he hesitates slightly, glancing at the weapons before continuing “well prepared as you appear to be.”
"Telling just won't do it justice, you gotta try this!" Ashley pulls the jug out of her pack and offers it to Joren.
As they walk, she also keeps her eyes open for signs of danger on the way. She is realizing she is getting pretty far from home. It excites her and makes her a tad bit nervous.
Perception 3