Eyeing Ashley's offered milk, Joren tries to look gruffly hesitant. Then suddenly his face changes to appear oddly like a little boy and he grabs the jug and takes a swig.
"So good, that is tasting! The equal of any I am having back in the Dalmodh Plains if I am being honest with myself. Ah... I mean to say, thank you, lady Ashley."
He wipes the milk mustache off his face and hands it back. He looks up at the path ahead trying to regain his dignity a bit.
It is a symbol Samir has seen before in his studies. It marks the Order of the Blue Rose, though Samir can not recall at present what their order stands for. It wasn't exactly the focus of his research.
In his education, Samir learned in passing about about the different templar orders in the world, though there aren't many. Few and far between are the people willing to devote their lives and bodies to a god no one can prove exists. And of those groups that do exist, many do not believe in gods of virtue, peace, and goodness (after all, providing an angry, disenfranchised people with an angry, powerful god is a good way for a charismatic person to make for themselves an unquestioning army). But Samir does not believe he has heard such negative things about the Order of the Blue Rose.
Joren and Ashley:
Perception check to look for further threats as they head towards the pass: 8
Perception 8
Around Joren and Ashley, the ground is becoming increasingly bare. Jagged, rocky outcropping with just the sparsest of shrubs and bushes, already stripped of green for the year. The hard packed path before them is still relatively smooth, though more and more large rocks are beginning to break up its surface as it gets steeper. A few snowflakes are beginning to stay on the ground unmelted, and it is getting difficult to see the mountain tops, as if the grey sky around them has started to lower itself over their snowy peaks. Besides the vegetation and the three figures further up the path, there is no sign of life that they can make out on the slopes.
Ashley's smile gets impossibly big as she watches Joren enjoy himself. She's happy to be able to bring someone enjoyment, it's been a very long time since that has happened. She replaces the jug back in her sack and they continue up the path. "Those people up ahead, you think they're heading through the pass as well? I wonder if we'll catch up with them." She looks over to Joren, "What are your thoughts on them? I don't particularly have luck with strangers, and I can't believe my luck would continue like that. Should we hang back?"
"Sometime, once we are reaching a safer place perhaps, you can be telling me about your bad luck with strangers. I am sad to be hearing it. For me, it was at times my own countrymen and brothers in arms who were bringing the bad luck."
Joren considers Ashley's question about catching up with the group ahead.
"I think we should be going onward and hailing them, my lady. They are already seeing us. It would be seeming suspicious for us to be hanging back. And if they are wishing us ill, it seems unlikely that we would be seeing them already. Ambushing they would be instead. If you are agreeing, push on we will. The biggest threat to all of us, I am suspecting, will be this weather."
Still, Joren is a bit uneasy about this situation. He re-summons his echo to walk 30' ahead of himself and Ashley as they head up the slope.
Samir, Malachi, and Marion hear faint voices from below and can now more clearly make out the two figures starting the climb to their position. All three are quick to recognize Ashley as a fire genasi from what tales they had heard, though upon closer inspection it appears that the various rumours and descriptions had exaggerated some details. Such is often the way with these matters. There are plenty who boast about having met a fire genasi outside the burning sands, but few who could do so honestly.
Beside her walks a broad, armor-clad man with a large greatsword on his back. Then a third figure can be seen walking 30 feet in front of them. He looks to be identical to the first man, if with a bit less colour and... blurrier edges.
Marion has seen this type of armour before. One of her fellow knights of the order had been a Khirian soldier, and had kept his armour displayed in his chambers as a memento. From the stories he had told, and from Marion's education in the different forms the Lady's gifts could take, Marion wonders if she could be looking at a real life Echo Knight from the Khirian Dynasty. But what would such a highly valued military asset be doing here of all places, and with a genasi of all people?
Malachi is unsure what he looking at, but could swear he sees the front man flicker from time to time. As if he weren't really there.
Samir has heard of Echo Knights before, during is time at the Nos'Argo Academy, but doesn't immediately connect the accounts of their appearance and powers with the man/men coming up the hill.
Hearing the voices coming up the trail behind them, Samir turns to look, adjusting his glasses as he does. He utters a quiet "oh!" as he recognizes the fire genasi among the trio. His interest piqued by this unusual turn of events, it takes him a moment to give the two men more than a passing bit of attention. When he does, however, he squint a bit at the one closest and then the other. His words are quick and almost muttered, his thoughts racing.
"If I am seeing this right, they appear to be twins, or siblings of some sort. And what is a fire genasi doing so far from the Burning Sands? A rare occasion indeed. And a Templar of the Blue Rose as well. Such a day, indeed..."
Malachi turns and looks back down the trail as he hears voices from below, a group of three coming up the trail. He is immediately wary of a trap, even as he takes a closer look at the group approaching from below. A fire genasi, and this far from the burning sands, how curious he thinks to himself. Just as quickly, the armored warriors put him on edge, especially as one appears to flicker. A trick of the eyes, surely.
Malachi turns back on the armored figure angrily “What’s this? Are these friends of yours, trying to sneak up behind us? Are you out to rob poor travelers on the trail, then?”
Watching curiously as the second pair of travellers approach, Marion is completely caught off guard when one of the two men turns and challenges her angrily. It is clear that she is offended by the notion that she might be a highwayman of some kind, but she quickly composes herself and raises her hands in a gesture of peace.
“I am sorry to cause you such alarm, I would not stoop to such an ignoble act. I am Marion Sithiche, Knight-Errant of the Order of the Blue Rose, and beneath the watchful eyes of the Blue Lady above I swear I mean you no harm. I am but a humble servant of the Azure Queen and sought only to offer you aid after I witnessed your flight from the wolves below. I gather they are not companions of your own, but please fellow traveler do not fear, I very much doubt that a Khirian soldier plies these hills as a bandit.”
With that Marion carefully begins to move around to the side of the two men, so that she is no longer trapping the angry man, but keeping her distance so as not to cause undue alarm.
Samir's attention is drawn back to his traveling companion at his words, and he nervously looks back and forth between the half-elf and the knight for a moment, unconsciously adjusting his glasses all the while.
"I'm certain this is simply coincidence. After all, if they had truly wanted to waylay whatever stranger they might find on this trail, they would not shown themselves from so far away, yes?"
A sudden change comes over Malachi’s features as Marion explains her purpose. Luck is with me. A knight errant, that could be a useful traveling companion under the circumstances.“A thousand pardons, good Knight”Malachi gives a charming smile and a half-bow. “But one can never be too careful in these trying times. I am Malachi, a humble merchant, and this is Samir. I am honored to meet you, it is not everyday one encounters a knight in the wilderness.”
History to see what Malachi knows of the Order of the Blue Rose 4.
Religion to see what he recalls of the Blue Lady 6.
“I do not know those travelers, but I am sure that all will be well with such a warrior as you at our side.” Malachi moves up behind Marion, focused on the strangers coming up the trail.
As they arrive within hailing distance (100'?), Joren has his echo halt at that 100' distance until he and Ashley catch up, positioning it to stand at the fire genasi's other shoulder. He looks up at the three figures ahead. A human knight? With a half-orc in somewhat lighter armor and an unarmored half-elf who seems briefly to question the knight before regaining his ease. They do not have the appearance of likely adversaries but Joren will attempt to gauge the situation nonetheless ((see Insight check above)). If he can see the blue azure rose sigil the knight bears, he will also attempt to recall if he has heard of it, though his familiarity is likely lacking in this part of the world ((see History and Religion at disadvantage above, but just take first roll in case ruled NOT to be at disadvantage).
"My lady Ashley, I am thinking you may be more... persuasive than I. Would you be wanting to greet these three new friends and assure them we are meaning no harm. Companions becoming perhaps, if we are being, as you say... lucky?"
Both Joren and his echo give the strangers a small bow in a style common to many warriors, including those from the Khirian dynasty, forehead bowed, right arm bent with fist on left side of chest. He waits for Ashley to speak first, though she remains silent, then he will then hail the trio himself.
As Joren mentions the three up on the hill and asks her to greet them, she nods in agreement. She raises her hand in a gesture of greeting and continues up the hill. "Hi fellow travelers! Are you all heading over the pass as well?" she looks up to the sky as it has started snowing, "We had best get a move on, shouldn't we? I've been warned this is not the best time to travel through the Shield Mountains... quite sternly in fact." her hair, where before only had actual flames at the tips, now the flames grew a bit, closer to midway up her length of hair. It happens for a few seconds, but then settles back down to the tips. "My name is Ashley, and this here," she looks to her left, ignoring the figure to her right, "is Joren."
History to see what Malachi knows of the Order of the Blue Rose 4.
Religion to see what he recalls of the Blue Lady 6.
Samir has not heard much in Madurst about the Order of the Blue Rose, save for the odd traveler mentioning some religious order to the north. But few people take the north road much further than the Liezse Valley. The Venn Canal is a more efficient way of travelling inland.
It's hard to get much a feel for the situation, but Joren can see no bare steel at the very least. They seem to be having a relatively unguarded interaction.
While Joren's education as a knight did not really cover world religions, but by nature of his mother's status he had to learn quite a bit about military history, especially as concerned the the Khorinian Empire across the veil. Joren remembers that a long time ago, during a particularly aggressive campaign of expansion far to the west of the Dalmodh Plains by the northern goliaths, a powerful mage supposedly turned back the entire invading force by flooding the northern half of the Liezse Valley. Afterwards he would go on to attribute his feat to a god, The Blue Lady, and to form a religious order devoted to her. Joren recognizes the insignia upon the armoured lady's tabard as belonging to that order.
"Oh, er, yes. We are, that is, traveling over the pass."
Samir gave Ashley an awkward smile, all the while adjusting his glasses. There was a decided nervous energy about him that only seemed to escalate the more people were around. Not a frightened or paranoid feeling, but something that seemed more... socially induced. It manifested in the seeming constant movement of his hands and fingers, and the slight changes in the tone and intonation of his words.
"I- I'm Samir, and this is Malachi. And this is Marion, whom we've just met. It's a pleasure to meet you.. both?"
He squints at Joren's echo, a puzzled look on his face as he tries to figure out just what it is he is looking at.
A crack followed by a low rumble echoes through the mountain range. Likely the sound of a small avalanche in the distance. There is a light whistling of a slow wind starting to blow through the pass.
"Honor to serve, sirs Samir and Malachi and..." Joren's eyes widen once he makes the connection with Marion'sblue rose insignia and his bow deepens with respect "...and Lady Marion."
"Please be excusing my echo. Soldiers of my order..." (he pauses as if considering rewording this but decides to plow ahead instead) "...are training in this discipline, though I am hardly mastering it yet, and I was meaning it only as a defensive technique in this uncertain situation. If we are all agreeing on common cause and safety in numbers together, perhaps we should hasten to be crossing this pass? Worsening the conditions are. Unless you are seeing reason to turn back now?"
Despite his apparent unease with the weather, terrain and altitude, Joren is clearly eager to enter the Shield Mountains proper. Suddenly, he remembers something.
"As we are walking, could any of you tell me and Lady Ashley if you are knowing the source of the strange noise near the foot of the trail, being some time back? I am not thinking it was the wolves we had seen."
“A pleasure to meet you all, it appears that lady luck is smiling upon us”Malachi greets Joren and Ashley warmly “There is safety in numbers when traveling the pass, why just a short while ago Samir and I were set upon by wolves. Before I knew it, he was fiddling around with some contraption, moving pieces here and there, and created a piercing wail that scared the beasts off.” He was moving his hands, mimicking Samir’s actions and clearly getting into the story “It was incredible really, I am sure that is what you heard."
Malachi stops, takes a deep breath “All of which is to say, that I for one would appreciate your company on the trail.”
Marion smiles back to Malachi politely as he replies: "No apology is needed, it is wise to show caution with strangers."
As the others arrive and begin to greet them Marion gives a short bow to Ashley, a look of curiosity clear in her eyes, before she turns to Joren. Returning his bow, stiffening in a more formal military style, she is quick to correct him, though courteous throughout. "I have yet to earn such a title, I am but a humble Knight-Errant setting forth on my journeyman's pilgrimage, so please call me Marion. Besides, the honour is mine. To meet with an Echo Knight of the Khirian Dynasty was not how I expected my journey to begin. To witness the gift from our Lady above in such a form is truly a wonder."
Turning to address the group more generally she continues: "It seems we all share common cause, to make the far side of the Shield Pass no?"Drawing her longsword she drops to one knee, placing the point of the sword on the ground before her and shifting her tone of voice to one particularly formal. "Allow me to pledge my sword to your service. In the name of the Blue Lady I shall ensure no harm comes to thee during our passage."
Ashley laughs when Malachi recalls the sound that Samir created, "So that's what that was! The horse I was on about dumped me and Joren here saved the other rider. Was quite a start! But thanks for letting us know, I was worried it was common place around here!" her eyes light up when she laughs, truly enjoying her merriment as she recalls.
She stands quiet while Marion recites her prayer, though she finds the choice of words odd, how can she ensure no harm will come? Ashley appreciates the sentiment but is quite confused, so she asks, "I do not mean to offend, but what you just said, how can you ensure no harm comes to us? Can you control the weather or the creatures we might come across?"
Standing up Marion turns to Ashley, a look of purest confidence and surety on her face as she responds while returning her sword to it's sheath."The light of the Azure Queen shines down upon us, and with Her guidance and protection we can overcome all that may assail us. While I have been fortunate enough to receive the touch of the Lady's great gift, and have been taught in the use of magic, I cannot claim to control the weather. But fear not we shall overcome the obstacle before us."
Pausing she glances in Joren's direction as she continues: "It seems that I am not the only one among our number blessed with such knowledge, your companion is learned in such wonders also."
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Eyeing Ashley's offered milk, Joren tries to look gruffly hesitant. Then suddenly his face changes to appear oddly like a little boy and he grabs the jug and takes a swig.
"So good, that is tasting! The equal of any I am having back in the Dalmodh Plains if I am being honest with myself. Ah... I mean to say, thank you, lady Ashley."
He wipes the milk mustache off his face and hands it back. He looks up at the path ahead trying to regain his dignity a bit.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
It is a symbol Samir has seen before in his studies. It marks the Order of the Blue Rose, though Samir can not recall at present what their order stands for. It wasn't exactly the focus of his research.
In his education, Samir learned in passing about about the different templar orders in the world, though there aren't many. Few and far between are the people willing to devote their lives and bodies to a god no one can prove exists. And of those groups that do exist, many do not believe in gods of virtue, peace, and goodness (after all, providing an angry, disenfranchised people with an angry, powerful god is a good way for a charismatic person to make for themselves an unquestioning army). But Samir does not believe he has heard such negative things about the Order of the Blue Rose.
Joren and Ashley:
Around Joren and Ashley, the ground is becoming increasingly bare. Jagged, rocky outcropping with just the sparsest of shrubs and bushes, already stripped of green for the year. The hard packed path before them is still relatively smooth, though more and more large rocks are beginning to break up its surface as it gets steeper. A few snowflakes are beginning to stay on the ground unmelted, and it is getting difficult to see the mountain tops, as if the grey sky around them has started to lower itself over their snowy peaks. Besides the vegetation and the three figures further up the path, there is no sign of life that they can make out on the slopes.
Ashley's smile gets impossibly big as she watches Joren enjoy himself. She's happy to be able to bring someone enjoyment, it's been a very long time since that has happened. She replaces the jug back in her sack and they continue up the path. "Those people up ahead, you think they're heading through the pass as well? I wonder if we'll catch up with them." She looks over to Joren, "What are your thoughts on them? I don't particularly have luck with strangers, and I can't believe my luck would continue like that. Should we hang back?"
"Sometime, once we are reaching a safer place perhaps, you can be telling me about your bad luck with strangers. I am sad to be hearing it. For me, it was at times my own countrymen and brothers in arms who were bringing the bad luck."
Joren considers Ashley's question about catching up with the group ahead.
"I think we should be going onward and hailing them, my lady. They are already seeing us. It would be seeming suspicious for us to be hanging back. And if they are wishing us ill, it seems unlikely that we would be seeing them already. Ambushing they would be instead. If you are agreeing, push on we will. The biggest threat to all of us, I am suspecting, will be this weather."
Still, Joren is a bit uneasy about this situation. He re-summons his echo to walk 30' ahead of himself and Ashley as they head up the slope.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Samir, Malachi, and Marion:
Samir, Malachi, and Marion hear faint voices from below and can now more clearly make out the two figures starting the climb to their position. All three are quick to recognize Ashley as a fire genasi from what tales they had heard, though upon closer inspection it appears that the various rumours and descriptions had exaggerated some details. Such is often the way with these matters. There are plenty who boast about having met a fire genasi outside the burning sands, but few who could do so honestly.
Beside her walks a broad, armor-clad man with a large greatsword on his back. Then a third figure can be seen walking 30 feet in front of them. He looks to be identical to the first man, if with a bit less colour and... blurrier edges.
Marion has seen this type of armour before. One of her fellow knights of the order had been a Khirian soldier, and had kept his armour displayed in his chambers as a memento. From the stories he had told, and from Marion's education in the different forms the Lady's gifts could take, Marion wonders if she could be looking at a real life Echo Knight from the Khirian Dynasty. But what would such a highly valued military asset be doing here of all places, and with a genasi of all people?
Malachi is unsure what he looking at, but could swear he sees the front man flicker from time to time. As if he weren't really there.
Samir has heard of Echo Knights before, during is time at the Nos'Argo Academy, but doesn't immediately connect the accounts of their appearance and powers with the man/men coming up the hill.
Hearing the voices coming up the trail behind them, Samir turns to look, adjusting his glasses as he does. He utters a quiet "oh!" as he recognizes the fire genasi among the trio. His interest piqued by this unusual turn of events, it takes him a moment to give the two men more than a passing bit of attention. When he does, however, he squint a bit at the one closest and then the other. His words are quick and almost muttered, his thoughts racing.
"If I am seeing this right, they appear to be twins, or siblings of some sort. And what is a fire genasi doing so far from the Burning Sands? A rare occasion indeed. And a Templar of the Blue Rose as well. Such a day, indeed..."
Malachi turns and looks back down the trail as he hears voices from below, a group of three coming up the trail. He is immediately wary of a trap, even as he takes a closer look at the group approaching from below. A fire genasi, and this far from the burning sands, how curious he thinks to himself. Just as quickly, the armored warriors put him on edge, especially as one appears to flicker. A trick of the eyes, surely.
Malachi turns back on the armored figure angrily “What’s this? Are these friends of yours, trying to sneak up behind us? Are you out to rob poor travelers on the trail, then?”
Watching curiously as the second pair of travellers approach, Marion is completely caught off guard when one of the two men turns and challenges her angrily. It is clear that she is offended by the notion that she might be a highwayman of some kind, but she quickly composes herself and raises her hands in a gesture of peace.
“I am sorry to cause you such alarm, I would not stoop to such an ignoble act. I am Marion Sithiche, Knight-Errant of the Order of the Blue Rose, and beneath the watchful eyes of the Blue Lady above I swear I mean you no harm. I am but a humble servant of the Azure Queen and sought only to offer you aid after I witnessed your flight from the wolves below. I gather they are not companions of your own, but please fellow traveler do not fear, I very much doubt that a Khirian soldier plies these hills as a bandit.”
With that Marion carefully begins to move around to the side of the two men, so that she is no longer trapping the angry man, but keeping her distance so as not to cause undue alarm.
Samir's attention is drawn back to his traveling companion at his words, and he nervously looks back and forth between the half-elf and the knight for a moment, unconsciously adjusting his glasses all the while.
"I'm certain this is simply coincidence. After all, if they had truly wanted to waylay whatever stranger they might find on this trail, they would not shown themselves from so far away, yes?"
A sudden change comes over Malachi’s features as Marion explains her purpose. Luck is with me. A knight errant, that could be a useful traveling companion under the circumstances. “A thousand pardons, good Knight” Malachi gives a charming smile and a half-bow. “But one can never be too careful in these trying times. I am Malachi, a humble merchant, and this is Samir. I am honored to meet you, it is not everyday one encounters a knight in the wilderness.”
History to see what Malachi knows of the Order of the Blue Rose 4.
Religion to see what he recalls of the Blue Lady 6.
“I do not know those travelers, but I am sure that all will be well with such a warrior as you at our side.” Malachi moves up behind Marion, focused on the strangers coming up the trail.
((See explanation for checks below)):
Insight: 19
History: 3
Religion: 15
As they arrive within hailing distance (100'?), Joren has his echo halt at that 100' distance until he and Ashley catch up, positioning it to stand at the fire genasi's other shoulder. He looks up at the three figures ahead. A human knight? With a half-orc in somewhat lighter armor and an unarmored half-elf who seems briefly to question the knight before regaining his ease. They do not have the appearance of likely adversaries but Joren will attempt to gauge the situation nonetheless ((see Insight check above)). If he can see the blue azure rose sigil the knight bears, he will also attempt to recall if he has heard of it, though his familiarity is likely lacking in this part of the world ((see History and Religion at disadvantage above, but just take first roll in case ruled NOT to be at disadvantage).
"My lady Ashley, I am thinking you may be more... persuasive than I. Would you be wanting to greet these three new friends and assure them we are meaning no harm. Companions becoming perhaps, if we are being, as you say... lucky?"
Both Joren and his echo give the strangers a small bow in a style common to many warriors, including those from the Khirian dynasty, forehead bowed, right arm bent with fist on left side of chest. He waits for Ashley to speak first, though she remains silent, then he will then hail the trio himself.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
As Joren mentions the three up on the hill and asks her to greet them, she nods in agreement. She raises her hand in a gesture of greeting and continues up the hill. "Hi fellow travelers! Are you all heading over the pass as well?" she looks up to the sky as it has started snowing, "We had best get a move on, shouldn't we? I've been warned this is not the best time to travel through the Shield Mountains... quite sternly in fact." her hair, where before only had actual flames at the tips, now the flames grew a bit, closer to midway up her length of hair. It happens for a few seconds, but then settles back down to the tips. "My name is Ashley, and this here," she looks to her left, ignoring the figure to her right, "is Joren."
Samir has not heard much in Madurst about the Order of the Blue Rose, save for the odd traveler mentioning some religious order to the north. But few people take the north road much further than the Liezse Valley. The Venn Canal is a more efficient way of travelling inland.
It's hard to get much a feel for the situation, but Joren can see no bare steel at the very least. They seem to be having a relatively unguarded interaction.
While Joren's education as a knight did not really cover world religions, but by nature of his mother's status he had to learn quite a bit about military history, especially as concerned the the Khorinian Empire across the veil. Joren remembers that a long time ago, during a particularly aggressive campaign of expansion far to the west of the Dalmodh Plains by the northern goliaths, a powerful mage supposedly turned back the entire invading force by flooding the northern half of the Liezse Valley. Afterwards he would go on to attribute his feat to a god, The Blue Lady, and to form a religious order devoted to her. Joren recognizes the insignia upon the armoured lady's tabard as belonging to that order.
"Oh, er, yes. We are, that is, traveling over the pass."
Samir gave Ashley an awkward smile, all the while adjusting his glasses. There was a decided nervous energy about him that only seemed to escalate the more people were around. Not a frightened or paranoid feeling, but something that seemed more... socially induced. It manifested in the seeming constant movement of his hands and fingers, and the slight changes in the tone and intonation of his words.
"I- I'm Samir, and this is Malachi. And this is Marion, whom we've just met. It's a pleasure to meet you.. both?"
He squints at Joren's echo, a puzzled look on his face as he tries to figure out just what it is he is looking at.
A crack followed by a low rumble echoes through the mountain range. Likely the sound of a small avalanche in the distance. There is a light whistling of a slow wind starting to blow through the pass.
"Honor to serve, sirs Samir and Malachi and..." Joren's eyes widen once he makes the connection with Marion's blue rose insignia and his bow deepens with respect "...and Lady Marion."
"Please be excusing my echo. Soldiers of my order..." (he pauses as if considering rewording this but decides to plow ahead instead) "...are training in this discipline, though I am hardly mastering it yet, and I was meaning it only as a defensive technique in this uncertain situation. If we are all agreeing on common cause and safety in numbers together, perhaps we should hasten to be crossing this pass? Worsening the conditions are. Unless you are seeing reason to turn back now?"
Despite his apparent unease with the weather, terrain and altitude, Joren is clearly eager to enter the Shield Mountains proper. Suddenly, he remembers something.
"As we are walking, could any of you tell me and Lady Ashley if you are knowing the source of the strange noise near the foot of the trail, being some time back? I am not thinking it was the wolves we had seen."
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
“A pleasure to meet you all, it appears that lady luck is smiling upon us” Malachi greets Joren and Ashley warmly “There is safety in numbers when traveling the pass, why just a short while ago Samir and I were set upon by wolves. Before I knew it, he was fiddling around with some contraption, moving pieces here and there, and created a piercing wail that scared the beasts off.” He was moving his hands, mimicking Samir’s actions and clearly getting into the story “It was incredible really, I am sure that is what you heard."
Malachi stops, takes a deep breath “All of which is to say, that I for one would appreciate your company on the trail.”
Marion smiles back to Malachi politely as he replies: "No apology is needed, it is wise to show caution with strangers."
As the others arrive and begin to greet them Marion gives a short bow to Ashley, a look of curiosity clear in her eyes, before she turns to Joren. Returning his bow, stiffening in a more formal military style, she is quick to correct him, though courteous throughout. "I have yet to earn such a title, I am but a humble Knight-Errant setting forth on my journeyman's pilgrimage, so please call me Marion. Besides, the honour is mine. To meet with an Echo Knight of the Khirian Dynasty was not how I expected my journey to begin. To witness the gift from our Lady above in such a form is truly a wonder."
Turning to address the group more generally she continues: "It seems we all share common cause, to make the far side of the Shield Pass no?" Drawing her longsword she drops to one knee, placing the point of the sword on the ground before her and shifting her tone of voice to one particularly formal. "Allow me to pledge my sword to your service. In the name of the Blue Lady I shall ensure no harm comes to thee during our passage."
Ashley laughs when Malachi recalls the sound that Samir created, "So that's what that was! The horse I was on about dumped me and Joren here saved the other rider. Was quite a start! But thanks for letting us know, I was worried it was common place around here!" her eyes light up when she laughs, truly enjoying her merriment as she recalls.
She stands quiet while Marion recites her prayer, though she finds the choice of words odd, how can she ensure no harm will come? Ashley appreciates the sentiment but is quite confused, so she asks, "I do not mean to offend, but what you just said, how can you ensure no harm comes to us? Can you control the weather or the creatures we might come across?"
Standing up Marion turns to Ashley, a look of purest confidence and surety on her face as she responds while returning her sword to it's sheath. "The light of the Azure Queen shines down upon us, and with Her guidance and protection we can overcome all that may assail us. While I have been fortunate enough to receive the touch of the Lady's great gift, and have been taught in the use of magic, I cannot claim to control the weather. But fear not we shall overcome the obstacle before us."
Pausing she glances in Joren's direction as she continues: "It seems that I am not the only one among our number blessed with such knowledge, your companion is learned in such wonders also."