Samir seems to withdraw a bit with the number of people around, fiddling with the strap on his satchel and watching the others. A fat flake of snow drifts down from above, swirling in front of his nose for a moment before passing down to the ground. He clears his throat hesitantly before addressing the others.
"Ah, sorry, um, but the weather seems intent on worsening. Perhaps we should be moving forward in hopes to escape the worst of it before nightfall?"
Joren listens to Marion's self-description and her pledge with interest. There is a power here I do not fully understand, as there may be with Samir who produced the unearthly sound. Likely with Lady Ashley's sorcery and Malachi as well for all he knows. Thankfully these powers seem to be aligned with us rather than against...
"I too am humbly pledging on my honor to do my utmost to be protecting us during our passage. Though, as far as I am knowing, no higher power is guiding me as it does with La... ah, Marion. I am having no real magic in truth. The echo is relating to alternate timelines, though I was... departing the Dalmodh Plains before mastery or true understanding."
"As you are saying, sir... ah, Samir. Going we should be. This weather is not waiting for us." Sending his echo 30' ahead, Joren begins walking up the trail, hoping the others come with him. Keeping his eye out for any hint of threats such as the avalanche they had heard earlier.
Malachi blinks up at the falling snow, pulls on his borrowed cloak to provide some protection from the falling temperatures and moves up the trail behind Joren. “Yes, you are both right of course. We should push on.”
As they walk, he attempts to learn more of his new companions. He glances over at Ashley “Lady Ashley, excuse me, but it is rare to see the fire genasi outside of the Burning Sands, at least so I hear. If I may be so bold, what brings you over the Shield wall?"
As the group begins to make their way higher and higher, it is not long before no more ground can be seen amidst the snow. Up above, the mountain tops have been entirely obscured by mist and cloud. Even the apex of the pass is likely enshrouded, giving the group the feeling of being slowly sandwiched between two blankets of white. One below, one above. The wind slowly picks up, driving the ever-increasing snow into everyone's faces. What had before been light fluffy flakes had become small stinging crystals. For all but Joren (whose homeland in the Dalmodh plains had little natural protection from the harsh winter winds from across the Veil), this is by far the coldest non-magical weather they have ever experienced.
There is a reason few people enter the Shield Pass, and fewer still emerge from the other side. The conditions are harsh, the climb steep, and the paths many. The Pass is not just one simple path through the mountains, but rather a series of branching and intersecting paths between rocks, cliffs, and crevasses. With each snowfall, each avalanche, each landslide, some paths become more difficult or close off entirely, while other paths may be cleared up or created anew. Dead ends abound, and the path of least resistance is nigh undiscernible but for in hindsight.
The cracking sound of a vertical sheet of ice breaking away is a regular occurrence, as is the distant rumbling of an avalanche. There are no signs of life, but none could estimate how many bodies lay buried under feet of snow, ice, and rock.
The party climbs on, knowing that if they want to reach the other side in health, they will likely need to hike all day, hike all night, and continue to push through most of the next day to get to Cambria's warm, safe interior.
The party is winding back and forth up the eastern face of a mountain, feeling the full brunt of the snowstorm. Fairly steep, mostly straight ascent north from one side to another, then a hairpin turn and a straight ascent south going back the other way, and then another hairpin back north. And so on until they hope to reach an intermediate pass higher up where the switchbacks end and the next stage of the ascent begins.
At one point, the party nearly stumbles off a sheer drop where part of the path, including an entire hairpin turn and the area around it, has broken away, leaving it as an impassable, steep snowy slope leading nowhere but far below. The only way to continue is to turn at right angles up the mountainside and free climb directly up to the next switchback path high above them, straight up a snow-covered cliff. An extremely dangerous climb of 50-70' up to the higher path. It is hard to tell exactly how far up the next path is with the falling snow and reduced visibility.
Joren volunteers to use his echo to help reach the higher path. Taking 2 50' ropes tied together, he will tie off and drop the combined rope so each party member can secure themselves at the bottom end of the rope and make the climb up the cliff with Joren helping to pull.
But first Joren has to get to the higher path himself. He takes a few seconds to send his echo 30' above himself, where he can still maintain it indefinitely. Then, in quick succession, he sends his echo 30' further up (60' above) and uses a bonus action to switch places with it. If there is any further to climb, he then attempts to free climb the last bit to the top, where he will then tie off the combined rope and throw it down to the party. If he starts to fall, he summons his echo again 15' above him to get to the path. He uses what strength he has remaining to help pull each person up as they climb the cliff with the rope around them. Though with this last part, he would of course accept help from the other strong party members such as Marion after they have reached the top. The quicker and more efficiently Joren (and the rest of the party) can accomplish this traverse, the less exhausted he and the other party members become during this forced detour.
Edited to add after seeing the failure (low roll 7+6 = 13 < 15): Joren underestimates the distance a bit when getting to the higher path. Once he finally clambers to the top, raining down rocks and snow on those below, he is unable to secure the rope overly well as his fingers are a numb and he is shivering as he helps pull the others up. All of which renders the climb much more difficult than otherwise for the rest of the party, who all feel exhausted once they reach the higher path.
The weather has turned from unpleasant to seemingly outright hostile as the small party makes their way further into the mountains. Wind, snow, and the ever-present threat of falling debris and blankets of loosed ice keep the group on their toes and huddled beneath their layers of clothing. Samir himself has donned the heavy, lined cloak he received from the orcish pair earlier in the day and has offered his extra to whoever might need it. Even still, the wind bites and chills whatever exposed flesh there might be available for its hunger.
The opening of a tunnel before them, one seemingly carved to allow passage through a particularly difficult section of the trail, where the treacherous stone obtrusions and frequent avalanches make it impossible to traverse outside, seems idyllic, offering at least some time’s respite from the hateful storm. The interior of the tunnel is unlit by torch or other means, but Samir pulls free a quartet of small mechanical devices from his satchel, each roughly the size and shape of an insect. Delicate machinery clicks and whirs inside the tiny metallic forms as he activates them, sending them aloft where each begins emitting a soft, yet sufficient blue light.
Bathed in this glow, the party soldiers on into the carved tunnel, eyeing the detritus left behind by former travelers. A broken lantern here, a discarded pannier there. The tunnel itself is not overlay large, and clearly meant for passage only and not for an extended stay in its cramped confines. The cold lingers and pulls at them here as well, but at least the wind does not reach.
After a disappointingly short while, the party reaches a curious metal cage sitting at the bottom of a vertical shaft. High above they can see daylight coming from the exit back out onto the mountain trails. A series of ladders and landings scale one wall of the shaft but climbing them would further exhaust the already tired individuals, and so Samir moves to examine the system of gears and pulleys on the opposite side that would enable the cage to lift them all effortlessly.
He finds that while most of the machinery seems intact, there are some few pieces here and there that need maintenance. This, Samir attends to without great effort, given the relatively simplistic nature of the device and its basic functioning. However, the power source that causes the system to function, while seeming to have some remaining energy, is not enough to run the lift. For a long moment, the half-orc sits back on his haunches, rubbing at his chin with one thumb and considering. Finally, with a look back at the others he nods to himself and readies his plan.
Ensuring the others are at what he would think is a safe distance in case of mishap, Samir lifts one hand towards the machine’s battery. Those watching can see a distinctive pattern suddenly trace itself out in silver lines across Samir’s glove, followed by a trickle of electricity running through the pattern. Carefully, he reaches his hand inside the machinery and grasps the contact point in his hand, holding his breath. There is a snap of electrical force at the connection, arcing around the artificer’s hand and forearm, jumping between exposed electrical pieces.
Braced against the possibility of something going wrong, Samir relaxes visibly (and audibly) as the machines suddenly hums and grinds to life with a rusted, half-frozen creak of metal on metal. Shaking his hand as he pulls it back, he stands and turns back to the others and it is as if a spark of that electricity had caught in his eyes, as for a moment they seem more alive and excited than they have seen him. The job done and the climb avoided, the party is free to enter the lift and be hoisted upwards with the pull of a lever. Outside, the storm awaits…
As the group starts off, Ashley tends to hang near Joren as she is most comfortable with him after their little journey and his help back in the small town of Tibben. But she slowly relaxes amongst the others, though they may have started to give her odd looks due to her race, they have obviously accepted her. When the weather starts making a turn for the worse, her hot bloodedness really starts to notice the drop in temperature and she worries what this might do to her. She has lived her entire life in the hotness of the desert, and this was something totally new. When Samir offers up the second cloak, she thanks him profusely for it.
Continuing their trek up, she finds herself by Malachi and he politely asks her why she is here. Before she answers, she looks around to the situation she is now in and she starts to wonder that herself. Why did she wait so late to go over these mountains, she had no idea it would be this cold. But, here she is and she is grateful to have the company. "Well, a couple of months ago, I was blessed with divine powers." she knows how this must sound, but she doesn't care and beams at him. To her, this was the best gift a person could get, even though it made her feel like an outcast at home. "I now, not only have my powers of flame," and she does a quick turn of the wrist and casts produce flame and continues to hold it in her palm, "but other magics as well. It's an amazing feeling and one I am very grateful to have. But unfortunately my kind did not take very well to this, and now apparently I am different to everyone, including my race. So I decided to make something of my life and go out adventuring. I had heard of the issues going on in Cambria and thought I would start there." when she talks of being ostracized by the other fire genasi, you can see the hurt in her eyes, but she quickly glosses over it.
When night falls, she keeps the flame with her to assist with the bitter cold, and rotates around to the others to try and help them stave off frostbite or any other way the flame might help, including being able to see as they navigate the treacherous way.
At one point when they are tiptoeing along a path on the edge of a cliff, they are almost to the end where the cliff disappears and without warning the path below Samir (sorry Samir) breaks away. Malachi, being the closest to him, reaches for him but misses as Samir starts to freefall along the cliff to his death below. Ashley swiftly casts Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp and the hand forms out the side of the cliff just below Samir and he lands in it's palm. While Ashley concentrates on the hand, Marion pulls her rope out of her bag and lowers it down to Samir so they can pull him back up. Once everyone is back up, they continue on...
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
A trick of the mind
Stealth (rolled at disadvantage due to exhaustion) 10.
Malachi cursed silently as they plunged forward into the blinding snowstorm. He was equally at home in the crowded streets and markets of Madurst, or the high court and aristocratic circles of Teyra'athal, but was completely out of his element here in the wilds of the Shield pass. He was able to fend off most of the cold with the help of the thick wool cloak the farmers provided, as well as some tricks of the mind to provide some warmth to his clothing, but he lacked the strength and endurance for heavy climbing. He was beginning to falter and the short ride up the lift provided a welcome break from the climbing.
Still shaken by Samir’s fall, he was not completely sure how he found himself so far in front of the party, perhaps he thought he was talking to Joren but was next to his Echo instead. Regardless of the reason, Malachi was well in front of the group as he rounded a bend in the trail and walked upon a Yeti slumbering in a small bank of snow. Skidding to a quick stop, Malachi sneaks into a better position and weaves an illusion of a large, snow covered boulder that gives the group a chance to slip past the creature without disturbing it.
He smiles at Ashley as they continue on “Good for you! Seeking out a life of adventure.” he pauses “I am sorry that your people do not celebrate what you can do, but people usually fear what they do not understand. It is often like that here as well.”
Gradually, the grey sky begins to lighten as night presumably lifts. By this point, the group finds themselves traveling downward more often than up, and more than one among them conclude they must have passed the apex of the Pass and begun their descent. The oppressive snowfall of the previous day and night has mostly alleviated, though the biting wind begins to pick up. Partly because they are no longer on the lee side of the mountain, and partly because of the rising sun heating the air in Cambria to create a high pressure front.
The party soon finds themselves back below the icy clouds. Mounting a particularly large ridge, the find themselves looking out over a large valley. In front of them, far to the west, they can see the glittering of the distant Amethyst Ocean and on its coast, the city of Talmouth with its walls and citadels. Halfway between the mountains and Talmouth, they can see a smaller town just south of a large verdant forest. To the southwest, they see acres upon acres of fields and hills, dotted with small settlements. To the northwest, a massive river formed by mountain runoff passes by another town.
This is Cambria. Though there is still much climbing remaining to reach the bottom of the mountain, the travelers find their spirits bolstered by the sight of their destination.
Meanwhile, that very morning in the village by the forest, a place named Burrwatch, a dark-tanned man emerges from an inn, walking eastward on the central road with a determination in his stride. No one looks up to take note of his passing. None have reason to. The man looks up to the Shield Mountains and then scans the hills at their base, not knowing exactly what he expects to see, but pressing onward nevertheless.
When the group ascends the large ridge that culminates in the view of Cambria, Ashley catches her breath. She stops moving and takes it all in. It is like nothing she has ever seen, even in her dreams. The way the light dances off of the ocean, the fields of green and forest of green, so many many colors of green. She thought the Liezse valley was a beautiful change from her desert, but this she was not prepared for. The great city of Talmouth with its secrets and its opportunities. Her hair suddenly bursts into full flame as she stands there, unable to control the emotions that course through her. Later she will hope that no one was near her when it happened, but at this time, she is aware of nothing but the view in front of her.
Samir, stopping to catch his breath, blinks as he catches his first sight of Cambria from the mountain trail. He has been here in the past, but never from this direction. While the ocean passage has its own charm and beauty, there is something heart-catching in seeing it spread out below them in this manner. The vibrant greens and yellows and blues seem to glow in sharp contrast to the oppressive blanket of biting white snow and stifling black darkness of their voyage through the mountains. For a moment, he removes his glasses, blinking against the sun's rays as he looks out over the expanse, the colors blurring somewhat in his vision into something almost abstract, yet still beautiful in its softness. After a moment he slips the lenses back into place and takes a deep breath. He feels rejuvenated, and despite his lingering fascination with the fire genasi, she is the furthest thing from his mind at that moment in time.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Vilus doesn't break stride as he exits the Inn and makes his way east through the town of Burrwatch, He is used to blending in and moving unseen through the bustling city, but this sparsely populated town was a little more difficult. He makes sure to look at his hands and his clothes each time before daring to look up from his low drawn hood, to check his surroundings for signs of pursuit or alert guards, Hands still tan and skinny like a human's, Clothes still hued like a forest dweller, this will come in handy but I must hurry before it wears off.
Vilus doesn't stop as he exits the gates of the town either, His training telling him to walk with purpose, he looks at the meandering dirt road stretching out before him drifting slowly south to avoid a hill on the edge of the First Wood, before continuing east to meet with the mountain ridge that stretches on further than the eye can see. Once out of sight of the city Vilus diverts to the hill, gaining height on his surroundings and once at the top and completely alone he feels the telling static prickling over his skin, His entire form ripples and folds gaining a small amount of height and bulk, as his skin turns grey and his features darken, so too do his clothes darken to browns and greys, then sitting on the top of the hill, Vilus the young Goliath begins meditating, trying to connect now with his renewed freedom and distance from the city.
(perceptions as relevant for his journey to the hill 12, and to elude pursuers if needed, stealth 18)
persuasion: 13 (Marion has used her inspiration to offset the penalty from exhaustion).
Do not let our spirits be broken
Over the course of the perilous journey, which feels far longer than it truly has been, Marion has remained stalwart and determined, not hesitating to come to the aid of the others as the group faces many trials. Throughout she is continually amazed by the revelation that each and everyone of her new found companions has felt the touch of the great gift. She does not conceal her thoughts from the others, sermonising to the group, in particular Ashley after learning that she was cast out from her people for her gifts, about the great boon of magic that the Blue Lady, in her depthless benevolence, chose to bestow upon mortals and how blessed each of them truly is to feel her presence so intimately. She is also quick to remind them that such a gift should not be abused to selfish and evil ends, explaining to them about her vow to protect people from those who would twist and corrupt magic, and her quest to prove herself worthy in the eyes of her Goddess by standing as an exemplar of these virtues to all.
As they press on the cold in the mountains is bitter beyond imagining, chilling deep to the bone and testing the will of all amongst their number to keep on moving. With each trial they face, and the mounting weariness that comes from their struggle to overcome them, it becomes all too tempting to stop and try to rest. But Marion knows this would mean their doom, for she did not choose to face this trial ill prepared, Sir Ennerd had taught her better than that. In a place such as this rest and shelter are merely illusions, the cold finds its way into every gap and the snows change from hour to hour. What might seem like shelter at one moment will soon be buried in huge snow drifts, trapping those who sought safety within an icy tomb.
Ever determined to fulfil the oath she made Marion watches her companions carefully, worried as much for the strength of their spirit as for their physical well being. At each moment she sees a faltering step she is quick to lend her arm, but more importantly she works hard to bolster their spirits, encouraging them each step of the way and reminding them how divine providence protects them. Her unshakable faith, and the passion with which she extolls the virtues of the Azure Queen, flows from her freely. Even if the others do not share in her beliefs, it is impossible not to be buoyed by the surety of her words.
Though her words and actions shine with conviction, every moment there is a growing strain that Marion feels with each movement. While she is determined to remain a steadfast figure in the eyes of her companions, the signs are there for her companions to see. They can clearly see that young woman fights harder with every moment to be the invincible paragon she aspires to be, and in her mind she has not revealed anything else, but in truth there is no hiding the toll that the mountain journey has taken upon her body, as it is for each and every one of them.
Upon reaching the ridge Marion strides forward to stand at it's edge. "The journey's end is nigh my friends. Our Lady has seen us through its worst."With that she kneels down and closes her eyes once more as she begins to speak a quiet prayer of thanks.
"Oh divine benefactor, we give thanks to Thee;
For Thou watched over us this day, sweeping Thy hand before us to clear a path; And renewing our spirits, so that we might usher out the weakness of our flesh; We thank Thee for casting Thy gaze upon us, and guiding us to safety;
In this land let us bring forth Thy light; Let our actions speaketh for Thee; And our words by as Thine;
So that all may come to know Thee, our Azure Queen;"
At last, the dense cover of snow begins to give way to patches of earth and rock. The air, while still cold, loses its bite and the wind calms as the travelers get lower and lower in altitude. After navigating around a steep ridge, Marion spots the faded dirt trail off to their left a short way. With a visible path once again guiding them, the remainder of the trek becomes far smoother. Then comes grass. First in isolated tufts, and then in sprawling blankets of lush green. The air becomes so warm that Ashley, Malachi, and Samir are able to entertain thoughts of removing their warm cloaks.
The journey has been brutal, and with a moment to breath each traveler recognizes in hindsight that the trip would most likely have been fatal for any normal travelers getting caught in the pass during a heavy snowfall. And without each and every member of the group working together, some of them would have certainly have been lost to the mountains.
Everyone is tired, but still with enough vitality to continue pushing on, for a little while at least. The sun in the sky marks it as being the late afternoon, and from the view up on the mountain, the group realizes there is no chance they will reach the nearest settlement before either night falls or they do.
And then they round a bend and come to a fork in the road nestled between the hills. Right there, at the split in the path, is a building. Two stories high with a steep sloped roof and a lazy trail of smoke from its chimney, the quaint building is a sight for weary eyes. A sign hangs still above the front door with cursive letters reading "Opportunity's Knock," and a small image of a bed and food underneath.
When Vilus leaves Burrwatch, it is just as any other farmer from the southern fields would have. He is no sooner gone from the town as he is from the minds of the townspeople. If any were looking out for a stranger passing through, it would have been for a goliath from the city.
Seated in his meditative pose, Vilus opens himself up as he has done in the past. He turns his focus away from the residual prickling in his skin and toward his other senses. After half an hour of meditation, he hears once again the sound that had come to him the previous night.
His eyes dart open, fixed on something in the distant foothills of the Shield Mountains. Whatever it is, it is still obscured by the landscape, but meditating here in this place he feels more confident about the direction than ever before.
"What?! A place to rest right here in the middle of nowhere? I sure hope it isn't a mirage."Then forgetting her level of exhaustion, she yells, "Last one there is a dust devil!" and she starts running. She gets about 4 whole steps and falls from pure weariness. She sprawls out face first and just lays there a minute. Then slowly rolling over, she looks at her tired companions and realizes she will need to try and think before she acts. She knows this is going to be difficult as it isn't her nature.
As she lays there, one of the group offers her a hand to get up and she looks at them gratefully as she slowly gets back to her feet. "Well, that wasn't the smartest of moves. Think we can make it there? I sure could use a bed." and she follows the group, a little more muted than before.
Vilus finds a landmark peak above the direction his meditations presented, he makes direct head way disregarding any roads and moves with purpose 'as the crow flies'.
Keeping hood low he moves, taking no breaks but now and again bringing out a small yet thick, darkly wrapped book from his pocket and flicking through some pages, he mutters words sometimes foreign even to himself and recognises some but not all writings as incantations or scribblings of a realm beyond knowledge or comprehension, when he becomes frustrated or exhausted by the headaches brought on by trying to decipher such writings he pockets the book, only to open it once more an hour or two later. Making sure to look up once in a while to make sure his heading is still true, no obstacles are in the way, and his progress is satisfactory.
(Arcana for book research other than the given spells 5)
Malachi helps Ashley up from the ground and gives her a warm smile “Take care. Lady Ashley. You are right, this is an unexpected place to find an inn, but a welcome sight. I am in dire need of a bath and rest.” He glances up at the sign again “'Opportunity’s Knock’, a favorable name to be sure. Shall we go see what fortune awaits us?”
Malachi straightens his weary body and brushes some of the accumulated dust and grime from the travel off of his fine jacket, his heavy wool cloak long since packed away. He walks through the door to the inn, looking the part of a successful merchant the best he can and taking a long look around the room. Perception: 17. (Passive: 14)
Joren instinctively tries to hide his eagerness, first at the breathtaking sight of Cambria from just over the pass, and later down in the valley at the sight of what appears to be an Inn. There had always been certain fellow Khirian soldiers who would take such eagerness as weakness in Joren, viewing him as always as an impostor, and use it as an excuse for abuse.
But this seemed to be a completely different group. Everyone helping and inspiring each other. Looking out for each other, everyone with their own diverse talents. Despite his utter exhaustion, Joren feels a deep sense of appreciation for those around him. He stifles a smile at Lady Ashley's brief sprint. A spirited lass, and wrongly shunned by her community for her innate magic... and Malachi and shy Samir, so giving. So deft with their own magical abilities. Marion so inspiring in her faith.
Joren resolves that next time, he will not fail these people as he nearly had with his attempt at echo climbing. He squints at the sign at the front door of the inn.
Opportunity's Knock. It must be an idiom common to this far land - Opportunity does not have a fist to knock with!
The door swings open silently on well-oiled hinges, hitting a little bell that rings out in the well-lit room. Four tables occupy the floor, and several bar stools line the bar across from the door. On the left end of the room is a doorway that reveals a staircase heading up to the second floor. To the right off the bar, Malachi can make out a trapdoor, presumably leading to the cellar. Shelves and cabinets line most of the walls, stocked with an assortment of bottles, utensils, and food. Braids of onion and garlic hang over one end of the bar, and behind that bar is a man.
The word that first occurs to Malachi is immaculate. Despite the lowering sun shining in through the back windows, there is not a mote of dust to be seen. The tables are polished to a shine, and everything is neatly organized. He also notices that the floor doesn't have the characteristic stickiness that results from too many spilt ales being left to dry, nor are they particularly scuffed. Behind the bar, the man is dutifully cleaning a set of glass mugs, though as far as Malachi can tell, they are already spotless. No other patrons are in sight.
The bar tender looks up from his task when the bell rings and gives Malachi a big smile. A bleached white apron hangs over his dark brown tunic, which seems to have some kind of lumpy scrimshaw necklace tucked under it. His thinning black hair is all slicked back (save for the shaved sides) and is hanging down in greasy strands just above his shoulders.
"Ah wellcome, traveller!" He says, flicking his bar towel down and leaning forward on the bar with his hands planted wide. His odd accent seems to hang on to the Ls as he speaks. He looks Malachi up and down with the smile still splitting his face, and then looks past him to see the other travelers behind. "I'd ask if you were coming from or heading to the Shielld Pass, but from the lllooks of you, I think I have my answer. Welll welll, come in, come in!" He eagerly beckons. "You must be exhausted! It's a harsh time of year for that sort of travell, but have no fear. I have food, and even better, I have drink!" He starts grabbing five of the glass mugs he' had laid out on the bar and comes around the side heading for a table. "The one thing I don't have," he pauses to remark, "are availlablle rooms. Everything is fulll up. Though..."He sets the mugs down on the table and scratches at his chest. "I may be ablle to set the llot of you up with some spare beds downstairs if you'lll hear out a simplle request."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Lovely place. But this point, I am so exhausted, I would trade two of my fingers for a few hours of good sleep. This bartender has us over a barrel and he knows it.
Joren simply nods in acknowledgement as he takes a seat at the table, leaving it non-committal whether he is assenting to the drink, food, simple request or all of the above. It's going to be a decision for the entire group, regardless.
Are there any other people visible here in this spotless, "full" inn?
Perception at disadvantage due to exhaustion: 17 Insight at disadvantage due to exhaustion: 10
Samir seems to withdraw a bit with the number of people around, fiddling with the strap on his satchel and watching the others. A fat flake of snow drifts down from above, swirling in front of his nose for a moment before passing down to the ground. He clears his throat hesitantly before addressing the others.
"Ah, sorry, um, but the weather seems intent on worsening. Perhaps we should be moving forward in hopes to escape the worst of it before nightfall?"
Joren listens to Marion's self-description and her pledge with interest. There is a power here I do not fully understand, as there may be with Samir who produced the unearthly sound. Likely with Lady Ashley's sorcery and Malachi as well for all he knows. Thankfully these powers seem to be aligned with us rather than against...
"I too am humbly pledging on my honor to do my utmost to be protecting us during our passage. Though, as far as I am knowing, no higher power is guiding me as it does with La... ah, Marion. I am having no real magic in truth. The echo is relating to alternate timelines, though I was... departing the Dalmodh Plains before mastery or true understanding."
"As you are saying, sir... ah, Samir. Going we should be. This weather is not waiting for us." Sending his echo 30' ahead, Joren begins walking up the trail, hoping the others come with him. Keeping his eye out for any hint of threats such as the avalanche they had heard earlier.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Malachi blinks up at the falling snow, pulls on his borrowed cloak to provide some protection from the falling temperatures and moves up the trail behind Joren. “Yes, you are both right of course. We should push on.”
As they walk, he attempts to learn more of his new companions. He glances over at Ashley “Lady Ashley, excuse me, but it is rare to see the fire genasi outside of the Burning Sands, at least so I hear. If I may be so bold, what brings you over the Shield wall?"
As the group begins to make their way higher and higher, it is not long before no more ground can be seen amidst the snow. Up above, the mountain tops have been entirely obscured by mist and cloud. Even the apex of the pass is likely enshrouded, giving the group the feeling of being slowly sandwiched between two blankets of white. One below, one above. The wind slowly picks up, driving the ever-increasing snow into everyone's faces. What had before been light fluffy flakes had become small stinging crystals. For all but Joren (whose homeland in the Dalmodh plains had little natural protection from the harsh winter winds from across the Veil), this is by far the coldest non-magical weather they have ever experienced.
There is a reason few people enter the Shield Pass, and fewer still emerge from the other side. The conditions are harsh, the climb steep, and the paths many. The Pass is not just one simple path through the mountains, but rather a series of branching and intersecting paths between rocks, cliffs, and crevasses. With each snowfall, each avalanche, each landslide, some paths become more difficult or close off entirely, while other paths may be cleared up or created anew. Dead ends abound, and the path of least resistance is nigh undiscernible but for in hindsight.
The cracking sound of a vertical sheet of ice breaking away is a regular occurrence, as is the distant rumbling of an avalanche. There are no signs of life, but none could estimate how many bodies lay buried under feet of snow, ice, and rock.
The party climbs on, knowing that if they want to reach the other side in health, they will likely need to hike all day, hike all night, and continue to push through most of the next day to get to Cambria's warm, safe interior.
Joren Athletics (see explanation below): 13
The Echo Climb:
The switchbacks seem go on forever.
The party is winding back and forth up the eastern face of a mountain, feeling the full brunt of the snowstorm. Fairly steep, mostly straight ascent north from one side to another, then a hairpin turn and a straight ascent south going back the other way, and then another hairpin back north. And so on until they hope to reach an intermediate pass higher up where the switchbacks end and the next stage of the ascent begins.
At one point, the party nearly stumbles off a sheer drop where part of the path, including an entire hairpin turn and the area around it, has broken away, leaving it as an impassable, steep snowy slope leading nowhere but far below. The only way to continue is to turn at right angles up the mountainside and free climb directly up to the next switchback path high above them, straight up a snow-covered cliff. An extremely dangerous climb of 50-70' up to the higher path. It is hard to tell exactly how far up the next path is with the falling snow and reduced visibility.
Joren volunteers to use his echo to help reach the higher path. Taking 2 50' ropes tied together, he will tie off and drop the combined rope so each party member can secure themselves at the bottom end of the rope and make the climb up the cliff with Joren helping to pull.
But first Joren has to get to the higher path himself. He takes a few seconds to send his echo 30' above himself, where he can still maintain it indefinitely. Then, in quick succession, he sends his echo 30' further up (60' above) and uses a bonus action to switch places with it. If there is any further to climb, he then attempts to free climb the last bit to the top, where he will then tie off the combined rope and throw it down to the party. If he starts to fall, he summons his echo again 15' above him to get to the path. He uses what strength he has remaining to help pull each person up as they climb the cliff with the rope around them. Though with this last part, he would of course accept help from the other strong party members such as Marion after they have reached the top. The quicker and more efficiently Joren (and the rest of the party) can accomplish this traverse, the less exhausted he and the other party members become during this forced detour.
Edited to add after seeing the failure (low roll 7+6 = 13 < 15): Joren underestimates the distance a bit when getting to the higher path. Once he finally clambers to the top, raining down rocks and snow on those below, he is unable to secure the rope overly well as his fingers are a numb and he is shivering as he helps pull the others up. All of which renders the climb much more difficult than otherwise for the rest of the party, who all feel exhausted once they reach the higher path.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Arcana Check: 23
A Brief Respite, and the Matter of a Lift
The weather has turned from unpleasant to seemingly outright hostile as the small party makes their way further into the mountains. Wind, snow, and the ever-present threat of falling debris and blankets of loosed ice keep the group on their toes and huddled beneath their layers of clothing. Samir himself has donned the heavy, lined cloak he received from the orcish pair earlier in the day and has offered his extra to whoever might need it. Even still, the wind bites and chills whatever exposed flesh there might be available for its hunger.
The opening of a tunnel before them, one seemingly carved to allow passage through a particularly difficult section of the trail, where the treacherous stone obtrusions and frequent avalanches make it impossible to traverse outside, seems idyllic, offering at least some time’s respite from the hateful storm. The interior of the tunnel is unlit by torch or other means, but Samir pulls free a quartet of small mechanical devices from his satchel, each roughly the size and shape of an insect. Delicate machinery clicks and whirs inside the tiny metallic forms as he activates them, sending them aloft where each begins emitting a soft, yet sufficient blue light.
Bathed in this glow, the party soldiers on into the carved tunnel, eyeing the detritus left behind by former travelers. A broken lantern here, a discarded pannier there. The tunnel itself is not overlay large, and clearly meant for passage only and not for an extended stay in its cramped confines. The cold lingers and pulls at them here as well, but at least the wind does not reach.
After a disappointingly short while, the party reaches a curious metal cage sitting at the bottom of a vertical shaft. High above they can see daylight coming from the exit back out onto the mountain trails. A series of ladders and landings scale one wall of the shaft but climbing them would further exhaust the already tired individuals, and so Samir moves to examine the system of gears and pulleys on the opposite side that would enable the cage to lift them all effortlessly.
He finds that while most of the machinery seems intact, there are some few pieces here and there that need maintenance. This, Samir attends to without great effort, given the relatively simplistic nature of the device and its basic functioning. However, the power source that causes the system to function, while seeming to have some remaining energy, is not enough to run the lift. For a long moment, the half-orc sits back on his haunches, rubbing at his chin with one thumb and considering. Finally, with a look back at the others he nods to himself and readies his plan.
Ensuring the others are at what he would think is a safe distance in case of mishap, Samir lifts one hand towards the machine’s battery. Those watching can see a distinctive pattern suddenly trace itself out in silver lines across Samir’s glove, followed by a trickle of electricity running through the pattern. Carefully, he reaches his hand inside the machinery and grasps the contact point in his hand, holding his breath. There is a snap of electrical force at the connection, arcing around the artificer’s hand and forearm, jumping between exposed electrical pieces.
Braced against the possibility of something going wrong, Samir relaxes visibly (and audibly) as the machines suddenly hums and grinds to life with a rusted, half-frozen creak of metal on metal. Shaking his hand as he pulls it back, he stands and turns back to the others and it is as if a spark of that electricity had caught in his eyes, as for a moment they seem more alive and excited than they have seen him. The job done and the climb avoided, the party is free to enter the lift and be hoisted upwards with the pull of a lever. Outside, the storm awaits…
Arcana check: 11
Death defying drop
As the group starts off, Ashley tends to hang near Joren as she is most comfortable with him after their little journey and his help back in the small town of Tibben. But she slowly relaxes amongst the others, though they may have started to give her odd looks due to her race, they have obviously accepted her. When the weather starts making a turn for the worse, her hot bloodedness really starts to notice the drop in temperature and she worries what this might do to her. She has lived her entire life in the hotness of the desert, and this was something totally new. When Samir offers up the second cloak, she thanks him profusely for it.
Continuing their trek up, she finds herself by Malachi and he politely asks her why she is here. Before she answers, she looks around to the situation she is now in and she starts to wonder that herself. Why did she wait so late to go over these mountains, she had no idea it would be this cold. But, here she is and she is grateful to have the company. "Well, a couple of months ago, I was blessed with divine powers." she knows how this must sound, but she doesn't care and beams at him. To her, this was the best gift a person could get, even though it made her feel like an outcast at home. "I now, not only have my powers of flame," and she does a quick turn of the wrist and casts produce flame and continues to hold it in her palm, "but other magics as well. It's an amazing feeling and one I am very grateful to have. But unfortunately my kind did not take very well to this, and now apparently I am different to everyone, including my race. So I decided to make something of my life and go out adventuring. I had heard of the issues going on in Cambria and thought I would start there." when she talks of being ostracized by the other fire genasi, you can see the hurt in her eyes, but she quickly glosses over it.
When night falls, she keeps the flame with her to assist with the bitter cold, and rotates around to the others to try and help them stave off frostbite or any other way the flame might help, including being able to see as they navigate the treacherous way.
At one point when they are tiptoeing along a path on the edge of a cliff, they are almost to the end where the cliff disappears and without warning the path below Samir (sorry Samir) breaks away. Malachi, being the closest to him, reaches for him but misses as Samir starts to freefall along the cliff to his death below. Ashley swiftly casts Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp and the hand forms out the side of the cliff just below Samir and he lands in it's palm. While Ashley concentrates on the hand, Marion pulls her rope out of her bag and lowers it down to Samir so they can pull him back up. Once everyone is back up, they continue on...
A trick of the mind
Stealth (rolled at disadvantage due to exhaustion) 10.
Malachi cursed silently as they plunged forward into the blinding snowstorm. He was equally at home in the crowded streets and markets of Madurst, or the high court and aristocratic circles of Teyra'athal, but was completely out of his element here in the wilds of the Shield pass. He was able to fend off most of the cold with the help of the thick wool cloak the farmers provided, as well as some tricks of the mind to provide some warmth to his clothing, but he lacked the strength and endurance for heavy climbing. He was beginning to falter and the short ride up the lift provided a welcome break from the climbing.
Still shaken by Samir’s fall, he was not completely sure how he found himself so far in front of the party, perhaps he thought he was talking to Joren but was next to his Echo instead. Regardless of the reason, Malachi was well in front of the group as he rounded a bend in the trail and walked upon a Yeti slumbering in a small bank of snow. Skidding to a quick stop, Malachi sneaks into a better position and weaves an illusion of a large, snow covered boulder that gives the group a chance to slip past the creature without disturbing it.
He smiles at Ashley as they continue on “Good for you! Seeking out a life of adventure.” he pauses “I am sorry that your people do not celebrate what you can do, but people usually fear what they do not understand. It is often like that here as well.”
Gradually, the grey sky begins to lighten as night presumably lifts. By this point, the group finds themselves traveling downward more often than up, and more than one among them conclude they must have passed the apex of the Pass and begun their descent. The oppressive snowfall of the previous day and night has mostly alleviated, though the biting wind begins to pick up. Partly because they are no longer on the lee side of the mountain, and partly because of the rising sun heating the air in Cambria to create a high pressure front.
The party soon finds themselves back below the icy clouds. Mounting a particularly large ridge, the find themselves looking out over a large valley. In front of them, far to the west, they can see the glittering of the distant Amethyst Ocean and on its coast, the city of Talmouth with its walls and citadels. Halfway between the mountains and Talmouth, they can see a smaller town just south of a large verdant forest. To the southwest, they see acres upon acres of fields and hills, dotted with small settlements. To the northwest, a massive river formed by mountain runoff passes by another town.
This is Cambria. Though there is still much climbing remaining to reach the bottom of the mountain, the travelers find their spirits bolstered by the sight of their destination.
Meanwhile, that very morning in the village by the forest, a place named Burrwatch, a dark-tanned man emerges from an inn, walking eastward on the central road with a determination in his stride. No one looks up to take note of his passing. None have reason to. The man looks up to the Shield Mountains and then scans the hills at their base, not knowing exactly what he expects to see, but pressing onward nevertheless.
When the group ascends the large ridge that culminates in the view of Cambria, Ashley catches her breath. She stops moving and takes it all in. It is like nothing she has ever seen, even in her dreams. The way the light dances off of the ocean, the fields of green and forest of green, so many many colors of green. She thought the Liezse valley was a beautiful change from her desert, but this she was not prepared for. The great city of Talmouth with its secrets and its opportunities. Her hair suddenly bursts into full flame as she stands there, unable to control the emotions that course through her. Later she will hope that no one was near her when it happened, but at this time, she is aware of nothing but the view in front of her.
Samir, stopping to catch his breath, blinks as he catches his first sight of Cambria from the mountain trail. He has been here in the past, but never from this direction. While the ocean passage has its own charm and beauty, there is something heart-catching in seeing it spread out below them in this manner. The vibrant greens and yellows and blues seem to glow in sharp contrast to the oppressive blanket of biting white snow and stifling black darkness of their voyage through the mountains. For a moment, he removes his glasses, blinking against the sun's rays as he looks out over the expanse, the colors blurring somewhat in his vision into something almost abstract, yet still beautiful in its softness. After a moment he slips the lenses back into place and takes a deep breath. He feels rejuvenated, and despite his lingering fascination with the fire genasi, she is the furthest thing from his mind at that moment in time.
Vilus doesn't break stride as he exits the Inn and makes his way east through the town of Burrwatch, He is used to blending in and moving unseen through the bustling city, but this sparsely populated town was a little more difficult. He makes sure to look at his hands and his clothes each time before daring to look up from his low drawn hood, to check his surroundings for signs of pursuit or alert guards, Hands still tan and skinny like a human's, Clothes still hued like a forest dweller, this will come in handy but I must hurry before it wears off.
Vilus doesn't stop as he exits the gates of the town either, His training telling him to walk with purpose, he looks at the meandering dirt road stretching out before him drifting slowly south to avoid a hill on the edge of the First Wood, before continuing east to meet with the mountain ridge that stretches on further than the eye can see. Once out of sight of the city Vilus diverts to the hill, gaining height on his surroundings and once at the top and completely alone he feels the telling static prickling over his skin, His entire form ripples and folds gaining a small amount of height and bulk, as his skin turns grey and his features darken, so too do his clothes darken to browns and greys, then sitting on the top of the hill, Vilus the young Goliath begins meditating, trying to connect now with his renewed freedom and distance from the city.
(perceptions as relevant for his journey to the hill 12, and to elude pursuers if needed, stealth 18)
persuasion: 13 (Marion has used her inspiration to offset the penalty from exhaustion).
Do not let our spirits be broken
Over the course of the perilous journey, which feels far longer than it truly has been, Marion has remained stalwart and determined, not hesitating to come to the aid of the others as the group faces many trials. Throughout she is continually amazed by the revelation that each and everyone of her new found companions has felt the touch of the great gift. She does not conceal her thoughts from the others, sermonising to the group, in particular Ashley after learning that she was cast out from her people for her gifts, about the great boon of magic that the Blue Lady, in her depthless benevolence, chose to bestow upon mortals and how blessed each of them truly is to feel her presence so intimately. She is also quick to remind them that such a gift should not be abused to selfish and evil ends, explaining to them about her vow to protect people from those who would twist and corrupt magic, and her quest to prove herself worthy in the eyes of her Goddess by standing as an exemplar of these virtues to all.
As they press on the cold in the mountains is bitter beyond imagining, chilling deep to the bone and testing the will of all amongst their number to keep on moving. With each trial they face, and the mounting weariness that comes from their struggle to overcome them, it becomes all too tempting to stop and try to rest. But Marion knows this would mean their doom, for she did not choose to face this trial ill prepared, Sir Ennerd had taught her better than that. In a place such as this rest and shelter are merely illusions, the cold finds its way into every gap and the snows change from hour to hour. What might seem like shelter at one moment will soon be buried in huge snow drifts, trapping those who sought safety within an icy tomb.
Ever determined to fulfil the oath she made Marion watches her companions carefully, worried as much for the strength of their spirit as for their physical well being. At each moment she sees a faltering step she is quick to lend her arm, but more importantly she works hard to bolster their spirits, encouraging them each step of the way and reminding them how divine providence protects them. Her unshakable faith, and the passion with which she extolls the virtues of the Azure Queen, flows from her freely. Even if the others do not share in her beliefs, it is impossible not to be buoyed by the surety of her words.
Though her words and actions shine with conviction, every moment there is a growing strain that Marion feels with each movement. While she is determined to remain a steadfast figure in the eyes of her companions, the signs are there for her companions to see. They can clearly see that young woman fights harder with every moment to be the invincible paragon she aspires to be, and in her mind she has not revealed anything else, but in truth there is no hiding the toll that the mountain journey has taken upon her body, as it is for each and every one of them.
Upon reaching the ridge Marion strides forward to stand at it's edge. "The journey's end is nigh my friends. Our Lady has seen us through its worst." With that she kneels down and closes her eyes once more as she begins to speak a quiet prayer of thanks.
"Oh divine benefactor, we give thanks to Thee;
For Thou watched over us this day, sweeping Thy hand before us to clear a path;
And renewing our spirits, so that we might usher out the weakness of our flesh;
We thank Thee for casting Thy gaze upon us, and guiding us to safety;
In this land let us bring forth Thy light;
Let our actions speaketh for Thee;
And our words by as Thine;
So that all may come to know Thee, our Azure Queen;"
At last, the dense cover of snow begins to give way to patches of earth and rock. The air, while still cold, loses its bite and the wind calms as the travelers get lower and lower in altitude. After navigating around a steep ridge, Marion spots the faded dirt trail off to their left a short way. With a visible path once again guiding them, the remainder of the trek becomes far smoother. Then comes grass. First in isolated tufts, and then in sprawling blankets of lush green. The air becomes so warm that Ashley, Malachi, and Samir are able to entertain thoughts of removing their warm cloaks.
The journey has been brutal, and with a moment to breath each traveler recognizes in hindsight that the trip would most likely have been fatal for any normal travelers getting caught in the pass during a heavy snowfall. And without each and every member of the group working together, some of them would have certainly have been lost to the mountains.
Everyone is tired, but still with enough vitality to continue pushing on, for a little while at least. The sun in the sky marks it as being the late afternoon, and from the view up on the mountain, the group realizes there is no chance they will reach the nearest settlement before either night falls or they do.
And then they round a bend and come to a fork in the road nestled between the hills. Right there, at the split in the path, is a building. Two stories high with a steep sloped roof and a lazy trail of smoke from its chimney, the quaint building is a sight for weary eyes. A sign hangs still above the front door with cursive letters reading "Opportunity's Knock," and a small image of a bed and food underneath.
When Vilus leaves Burrwatch, it is just as any other farmer from the southern fields would have. He is no sooner gone from the town as he is from the minds of the townspeople. If any were looking out for a stranger passing through, it would have been for a goliath from the city.
Seated in his meditative pose, Vilus opens himself up as he has done in the past. He turns his focus away from the residual prickling in his skin and toward his other senses. After half an hour of meditation, he hears once again the sound that had come to him the previous night.
His eyes dart open, fixed on something in the distant foothills of the Shield Mountains. Whatever it is, it is still obscured by the landscape, but meditating here in this place he feels more confident about the direction than ever before.
"What?! A place to rest right here in the middle of nowhere? I sure hope it isn't a mirage." Then forgetting her level of exhaustion, she yells, "Last one there is a dust devil!" and she starts running. She gets about 4 whole steps and falls from pure weariness. She sprawls out face first and just lays there a minute. Then slowly rolling over, she looks at her tired companions and realizes she will need to try and think before she acts. She knows this is going to be difficult as it isn't her nature.
As she lays there, one of the group offers her a hand to get up and she looks at them gratefully as she slowly gets back to her feet. "Well, that wasn't the smartest of moves. Think we can make it there? I sure could use a bed." and she follows the group, a little more muted than before.
Vilus finds a landmark peak above the direction his meditations presented, he makes direct head way disregarding any roads and moves with purpose 'as the crow flies'.
Keeping hood low he moves, taking no breaks but now and again bringing out a small yet thick, darkly wrapped book from his pocket and flicking through some pages, he mutters words sometimes foreign even to himself and recognises some but not all writings as incantations or scribblings of a realm beyond knowledge or comprehension, when he becomes frustrated or exhausted by the headaches brought on by trying to decipher such writings he pockets the book, only to open it once more an hour or two later. Making sure to look up once in a while to make sure his heading is still true, no obstacles are in the way, and his progress is satisfactory.
(Arcana for book research other than the given spells 5)
Malachi helps Ashley up from the ground and gives her a warm smile “Take care. Lady Ashley. You are right, this is an unexpected place to find an inn, but a welcome sight. I am in dire need of a bath and rest.” He glances up at the sign again “'Opportunity’s Knock’, a favorable name to be sure. Shall we go see what fortune awaits us?”
Malachi straightens his weary body and brushes some of the accumulated dust and grime from the travel off of his fine jacket, his heavy wool cloak long since packed away. He walks through the door to the inn, looking the part of a successful merchant the best he can and taking a long look around the room. Perception: 17. (Passive: 14)
Joren instinctively tries to hide his eagerness, first at the breathtaking sight of Cambria from just over the pass, and later down in the valley at the sight of what appears to be an Inn. There had always been certain fellow Khirian soldiers who would take such eagerness as weakness in Joren, viewing him as always as an impostor, and use it as an excuse for abuse.
But this seemed to be a completely different group. Everyone helping and inspiring each other. Looking out for each other, everyone with their own diverse talents. Despite his utter exhaustion, Joren feels a deep sense of appreciation for those around him. He stifles a smile at Lady Ashley's brief sprint. A spirited lass, and wrongly shunned by her community for her innate magic... and Malachi and shy Samir, so giving. So deft with their own magical abilities. Marion so inspiring in her faith.
Joren resolves that next time, he will not fail these people as he nearly had with his attempt at echo climbing. He squints at the sign at the front door of the inn.
Opportunity's Knock. It must be an idiom common to this far land - Opportunity does not have a fist to knock with!
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
The door swings open silently on well-oiled hinges, hitting a little bell that rings out in the well-lit room. Four tables occupy the floor, and several bar stools line the bar across from the door. On the left end of the room is a doorway that reveals a staircase heading up to the second floor. To the right off the bar, Malachi can make out a trapdoor, presumably leading to the cellar. Shelves and cabinets line most of the walls, stocked with an assortment of bottles, utensils, and food. Braids of onion and garlic hang over one end of the bar, and behind that bar is a man.
The word that first occurs to Malachi is immaculate. Despite the lowering sun shining in through the back windows, there is not a mote of dust to be seen. The tables are polished to a shine, and everything is neatly organized. He also notices that the floor doesn't have the characteristic stickiness that results from too many spilt ales being left to dry, nor are they particularly scuffed. Behind the bar, the man is dutifully cleaning a set of glass mugs, though as far as Malachi can tell, they are already spotless. No other patrons are in sight.
The bar tender looks up from his task when the bell rings and gives Malachi a big smile. A bleached white apron hangs over his dark brown tunic, which seems to have some kind of lumpy scrimshaw necklace tucked under it. His thinning black hair is all slicked back (save for the shaved sides) and is hanging down in greasy strands just above his shoulders.
"Ah wellcome, traveller!" He says, flicking his bar towel down and leaning forward on the bar with his hands planted wide. His odd accent seems to hang on to the Ls as he speaks. He looks Malachi up and down with the smile still splitting his face, and then looks past him to see the other travelers behind. "I'd ask if you were coming from or heading to the Shielld Pass, but from the lllooks of you, I think I have my answer. Welll welll, come in, come in!" He eagerly beckons. "You must be exhausted! It's a harsh time of year for that sort of travell, but have no fear. I have food, and even better, I have drink!" He starts grabbing five of the glass mugs he' had laid out on the bar and comes around the side heading for a table. "The one thing I don't have," he pauses to remark, "are availlablle rooms. Everything is fulll up. Though..." He sets the mugs down on the table and scratches at his chest. "I may be ablle to set the llot of you up with some spare beds downstairs if you'lll hear out a simplle request."
Lovely place. But this point, I am so exhausted, I would trade two of my fingers for a few hours of good sleep. This bartender has us over a barrel and he knows it.
Joren simply nods in acknowledgement as he takes a seat at the table, leaving it non-committal whether he is assenting to the drink, food, simple request or all of the above. It's going to be a decision for the entire group, regardless.
Are there any other people visible here in this spotless, "full" inn?
Perception at disadvantage due to exhaustion: 17
Insight at disadvantage due to exhaustion: 10
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return