Angus looks around, at a loss of what to do next. He inspects the unusual coat, trying to give his subconscious mind a chance to catch up and formulate a plan. Noticing the cold weather gear, he will look outside the shop. Is there snow/ice? He will turn to the proprietor and ask if there is a full length coat or cloak (sufficient to conceal his armor) for sale. If the price is reasonable, Angus will purchase and wear the garment, and then head out into the street, looking for a nearby inn or tavern.
(@Legion4: Sam is a custom race. If I already agreed to darkvision in the build, just keep it)
Picking up on a rare aroma he recalls from a saurian named Nassh-Eire, whom he met in Chult, Sam deduces this must be the place from which that fellow's late human companion must have sailed from. The aroma was a melange of warm spiced cider and bkackbark tea waiting from a the kiosk of a street vendor.
Sam's summary explanation is probably about as close as his knowledge of such a place might be expected to extend given the remoteness of the infromatin flowing into Port Nyanzaru from the Moonsea and trickling its way to him like a game of telephone.
Peering through the window of the shop, cluttered somewhat with display mannequins decked in bully garb, Angus sees this scene:
Though no snow is visible on the ground, aome brown and gray slush is seen piled into the corners. The well trodden streets still slick with moisture, save the traction afforded by a mix if sand and salt strewn over the cobblestone road. As people walk down the street, their exhalation are visible in the chill air.
The shopkeeper replies quite warmly, "Indeed, sir. We have just what you're looking for. These lovely coats are all lined with valley fur. We also have lovely matching caps and gauntlets to complete the look." He gestures to a row of matched sets on display, orange, red, gold and green. "If you're planning on spending any time outdoors, sir, I can't recommend enough the purchase of a malisker," he holds aloft a green garment, taken from a rack, which appears ro be some sort of fur-lined chest apron, "very popular item, they are."
Subtly looking Angus up and down, he concludes his offer: "For you, sir, the whole set can be had today, breeches and all, for the special price of sixty-three gold; an eighty gold piece."
<Hey guys, I've decided to share this link to a pretty detailed and 'current' description of Mulmaster. Not really any spoilers, but if your character would know anything about the city, that info would be found here. If they're not familiar with it, then I guess they wouldn't know this stuff.>
Edit: here is some brief info I posted in the MtG ooc thread, for those who missed it. If you know, you know. I don't think there is anything here that isn't also in the wiki above
This is a city of merchants. Permanent shops are almost exclusively human, with daily licensed pop-ups being more popular with other races, such as gnomes, dwarves and really anyone who can hope to sell a large volume of goods in a single day, as one might see at a farmers market, flea market or any other venue of non-permanent stalls thsr come to mind. My point is mainly that you will be assailed with sakes pitches basically nonstop, and while the secret police, the Cloaks, will be watching, so will vendors eyeing prospective buyers.
Side note, the Zentarim have a district here, technically independant feom the city, but becasue of their tightly knit history, they are largely treated as a part if the city of Mulmaster, I clouding the arcane edict. That said, thar area is technically not officially part of the city. Also, while the main business linking the entities and the red wizards was the slave trade (cringeworthy) Faerûn has moved away from that in the past century, though the undead are still routinely subjugated and exploited. The undead are less common in Mulmaster than in Thay, but with the city under the protection of the red wizards since the elemental rifts appeared and rhe city was bearky leveled, there are more about of late, particularly near the Thayvian Embassy.
“Do you know this place Sam?” Tetrevess looks around.
(Do we see anyone else in are party here)
<You're all in the same part of the city, but you haven't really met yet. I'm not sure precisely where you'll want to go, but an evil PC or a good aligned PC could find themselves 8n any number of places doing any number of things, but no matter where you go, you'll get where you need to be. You're all here, but it's really up to you if you want to be a party or not. This place just is. At some point you'll probably just be a de facto party by being the a bunch if fish out of water, most likely working together for the most part whether you like it or not, but still leaving that as a choice for you at any point in time. That's not encouraging pvp (the system really isn't built for it) but it could be competitive to some degree. Your personal goals don't necessarily align, and if you get your hands on something, you knight not do the same thing with it that someone else does, depending on your own goals, motivations, alignments, etc. I'd say walk around and sooner or later you'll find someone to clue you in, or they'll find you.>
(@Legion4: Sam is a custom race. If I already agreed to darkvision in the build, just keep it)
Picking up on a rare aroma he recalls from a saurian named Nassh-Eire, whom he met in Chult, Sam deduces this must be the place from which that fellow's late human companion must have sailed from. The aroma was a melange of warm spiced cider and bkackbark tea waiting from a the kiosk of a street vendor.
Sam's summary explanation is probably about as close as his knowledge of such a place might be expected to extend given the remoteness of the infromatin flowing into Port Nyanzaru from the Moonsea and trickling its way to him like a game of telephone.
Subtly looking Angus up and down, he concludes his offer: "For you, sir, the whole set can be had today, breeches and all, for the special price of sixty-three gold; an eighty gold piece."
(whoops, my bad, i forgot to keep track of how much gold we earned last adventure, thinking we would just divvy it up in the end... I'm going to assume my share was at least 100gp? fair?)
The paladin responds, "Good man, having your wares seen on my person will be a boost to your business. Plus it's nearly Springtime, and you wouldn't want to have these lovely furs slowly eaten by moths in your storeroom. I offer you 30 gp to take them off your hands, and throw in the advertising for free."
"OH, certainly sir. I didn't account for the nobility of your station when I offered you those common clothes. Of course, those will never do. Such an august personage mustn't be seen leaving my shop in such common garb. Wait just a moment" he gestures, pleading thst you remain, "I've got just the thing. Been saving it for just such a customer... someone with real fashion sense."
The merchant steps just a foot out of sight to a back room through an open doorway, and returns, hanger in hand, sporting a fine coat of orange, upon which are embroidered finely detailed ornamentation in thread of golden hue. "Well, sir, what do you think? Truly it is the finest piece of outerwear one will find on any shore of the Moonsea. And it can be yours, good sir - the prize due your keen eye for fashion. For the price you have offered, sir, it may be yours."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Angus wonders if the strangely-colored coat has some hidden meaning. Does he note anything unusual in the merchant's behavior that would indicate this is some sort of trap or gag that will get him into trouble?
Insight 21
If everything seems kosher, he will accept the coat and pay the gold. If something seems off, he will refuse and walk out into the alley.
This merchant is offering Angus a greatcoat that looks very ornate, and the color is not uncommon for the area, there are several others in the shop of similar hue. The elaborately detailed embroidery all about the garment suggest ut took great effort to produce. It is a little suspicious that it's being sold at this price. But, as you've said, you're doing him a favor by wearing it about. I guess the real question, then is: do you believe he believes you?
It's not cursed or anything. No detect magic, remove curse, etc. will have any effect on it and it doesn't inherently do anything besides keep you warm in the cold. It's just a coat.
(Three in the alley: I see the earlier suggestion by Gravity to head to the Inn indicated, do you agree? Taking any precautions?)
Edit: if I don't hear anything in one hour, I'm assuming no ody objects and I'll move you as you've asked. With a large reptilian creature in broad daylight through busy city streets.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Angus will accept the greatcoat and complete the transaction. Donning the outerwear over his armor, he will proceed out into the street, trying to get the feel of this new city, looking for a nearby inn or tavern at which to wait for Morwena. He will keep alert for anyone who seems to pay him too much attention or might be following him.
"A pleasure doing business with you, sir. Please come again, soon. Remember the name
As Angus sets foot into the alley, he confirms the name the shopkeeper gave is emblazoned on a sign in the window. The saltspray in the air gives let's him know quite readily that he sea is nearby. It's a warm day im the city, maybe 40 degrees (F)
Above the rooftops of some buildings, Angus sees the towering spires of a pair of towers, with another structure slightly removed and of a lesser height. The streets are filled with merchants and people walk in and out if shops. From open windows, as he passes, merchants call to him. "Tea! Ale!" "Arms, here, sir. Come have a look. The finest quality, made right here in Mulmaster." All of the people on the street are dressed in clothes similar to what was in the shop. They are all human, every man and woman. No children are begging in the street, nor playing, not here, anyhow. Outside one house there js a short queue of people, some sick, one seemingly healthy, holding a broken contraption.
A city guard stands at the first intersection Angus sees. His uniform is perfectly in place, and he stands tall and proud, keeping a watchful eye on the passersby. He eyes Angus as he approaches.
Gravity peers into the street beyond the alley, noting rhe bustle of warmly dressed humans moving along the busy street. Tall buildings, opulent homes for the wealthy, line the streets. Mixed among these private residences, a variety of weapon and armor shops, as well as some specialty shops dot the row. A city guard stands on the corner wr kf the nearest intersection. A woman on a ladder is hanging ribbons from the lampposts along rhe street (FYI cities would burn oil and later illuminating gas to light streets before electric lights existed. The job was performed by tradesmen known as lamplighters). The while street us decked in festive ornamentation up to that point and we probably soon be fully decorated.
Gravity peers into the street beyond the alley, noting rhe bustle of warmly dressed humans moving along the busy street. Tall buildings, opulent homes for the wealthy, line the streets. Mixed among these private residences, a variety of weapon and armor shops, as well as some specialty shops dot the row. A city guard stands on the corner wr kf the nearest intersection. A woman on a ladder is hanging ribbons from the lampposts along rhe street (FYI cities would burn oil and later illuminating gas to light streets before electric lights existed. The job was performed by tradesmen known as lamplighters). The while street us decked in festive ornamentation up to that point and we probably soon be fully decorated.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Angus will wander towards the house with the queue, trying to get an idea of what the contraption might be. He will approach one of the persons in line, and inquire what sort of establishment lies within. Can he discern anything about the sickness they seem to be suffering?
Sam sees several weapon and armor traders as he walks onto the street. Also, the first lesson. That sees him screams and poi to befire turning and running away at a dash. The city watch in the corner pulls out a whistle suspended from his neck by a leather cord and blows it loudly. Having no ball, a single high pitched screech emanates from the narrow brass tube and soon footfalls are heard in the distance along with the drawing of blades from their sheaths. The streets start to clear as shops close their doors with their keepers and customers fleeing inside. Those far enough see the large reptilian creature over the heads of the humans ducking into buildings and run away.
Folks leave goods unattended as they move indoors. Swords, shields, armor of all types and carts full of items crafted outside the city remain open and fully stocked. The metalwork seems to be of very high quality. Pushing through the crowd, the city watch that responded to the first scream struggles to reach the alley.
Meanwhile... Angus sees the guard on the corner look to his left and take off in a hurry, hand on the hilt of his sword as he rounds the corner and leaves his sight.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Angus looks around, at a loss of what to do next. He inspects the unusual coat, trying to give his subconscious mind a chance to catch up and formulate a plan. Noticing the cold weather gear, he will look outside the shop. Is there snow/ice? He will turn to the proprietor and ask if there is a full length coat or cloak (sufficient to conceal his armor) for sale. If the price is reasonable, Angus will purchase and wear the garment, and then head out into the street, looking for a nearby inn or tavern.
(@Legion4: Sam is a custom race. If I already agreed to darkvision in the build, just keep it)
Picking up on a rare aroma he recalls from a saurian named Nassh-Eire, whom he met in Chult, Sam deduces this must be the place from which that fellow's late human companion must have sailed from. The aroma was a melange of warm spiced cider and bkackbark tea waiting from a the kiosk of a street vendor.
Sam's summary explanation is probably about as close as his knowledge of such a place might be expected to extend given the remoteness of the infromatin flowing into Port Nyanzaru from the Moonsea and trickling its way to him like a game of telephone.
“Ahh… noted. I’m just a guy with a stick. I’ve heard about such places..” Tetrevess says about the warning of not using magic.
Peering through the window of the shop, cluttered somewhat with display mannequins decked in bully garb, Angus sees this scene:
Though no snow is visible on the ground, aome brown and gray slush is seen piled into the corners. The well trodden streets still slick with moisture, save the traction afforded by a mix if sand and salt strewn over the cobblestone road. As people walk down the street, their exhalation are visible in the chill air.
The shopkeeper replies quite warmly, "Indeed, sir. We have just what you're looking for. These lovely coats are all lined with valley fur. We also have lovely matching caps and gauntlets to complete the look." He gestures to a row of matched sets on display, orange, red, gold and green. "If you're planning on spending any time outdoors, sir, I can't recommend enough the purchase of a malisker," he holds aloft a green garment, taken from a rack, which appears ro be some sort of fur-lined chest apron, "very popular item, they are."
Subtly looking Angus up and down, he concludes his offer: "For you, sir, the whole set can be had today, breeches and all, for the special price of sixty-three gold; an eighty gold piece."
<Hey guys, I've decided to share this link to a pretty detailed and 'current' description of Mulmaster. Not really any spoilers, but if your character would know anything about the city, that info would be found here. If they're not familiar with it, then I guess they wouldn't know this stuff.>
Edit: here is some brief info I posted in the MtG ooc thread, for those who missed it. If you know, you know. I don't think there is anything here that isn't also in the wiki above
This is a city of merchants. Permanent shops are almost exclusively human, with daily licensed pop-ups being more popular with other races, such as gnomes, dwarves and really anyone who can hope to sell a large volume of goods in a single day, as one might see at a farmers market, flea market or any other venue of non-permanent stalls thsr come to mind. My point is mainly that you will be assailed with sakes pitches basically nonstop, and while the secret police, the Cloaks, will be watching, so will vendors eyeing prospective buyers.
Side note, the Zentarim have a district here, technically independant feom the city, but becasue of their tightly knit history, they are largely treated as a part if the city of Mulmaster, I clouding the arcane edict. That said, thar area is technically not officially part of the city. Also, while the main business linking the entities and the red wizards was the slave trade (cringeworthy) Faerûn has moved away from that in the past century, though the undead are still routinely subjugated and exploited. The undead are less common in Mulmaster than in Thay, but with the city under the protection of the red wizards since the elemental rifts appeared and rhe city was bearky leveled, there are more about of late, particularly near the Thayvian Embassy.
<You're all in the same part of the city, but you haven't really met yet. I'm not sure precisely where you'll want to go, but an evil PC or a good aligned PC could find themselves 8n any number of places doing any number of things, but no matter where you go, you'll get where you need to be. You're all here, but it's really up to you if you want to be a party or not. This place just is. At some point you'll probably just be a de facto party by being the a bunch if fish out of water, most likely working together for the most part whether you like it or not, but still leaving that as a choice for you at any point in time. That's not encouraging pvp (the system really isn't built for it) but it could be competitive to some degree. Your personal goals don't necessarily align, and if you get your hands on something, you knight not do the same thing with it that someone else does, depending on your own goals, motivations, alignments, etc. I'd say walk around and sooner or later you'll find someone to clue you in, or they'll find you.>
(No I’m talking about the new book that came out)
(whoops, my bad, i forgot to keep track of how much gold we earned last adventure, thinking we would just divvy it up in the end... I'm going to assume my share was at least 100gp? fair?)
The paladin responds, "Good man, having your wares seen on my person will be a boost to your business. Plus it's nearly Springtime, and you wouldn't want to have these lovely furs slowly eaten by moths in your storeroom. I offer you 30 gp to take them off your hands, and throw in the advertising for free."
Persuasion 12
"OH, certainly sir. I didn't account for the nobility of your station when I offered you those common clothes. Of course, those will never do. Such an august personage mustn't be seen leaving my shop in such common garb. Wait just a moment" he gestures, pleading thst you remain, "I've got just the thing. Been saving it for just such a customer... someone with real fashion sense."
The merchant steps just a foot out of sight to a back room through an open doorway, and returns, hanger in hand, sporting a fine coat of orange, upon which are embroidered finely detailed ornamentation in thread of golden hue. "Well, sir, what do you think? Truly it is the finest piece of outerwear one will find on any shore of the Moonsea. And it can be yours, good sir - the prize due your keen eye for fashion. For the price you have offered, sir, it may be yours."
Angus wonders if the strangely-colored coat has some hidden meaning. Does he note anything unusual in the merchant's behavior that would indicate this is some sort of trap or gag that will get him into trouble?
Insight 21
If everything seems kosher, he will accept the coat and pay the gold. If something seems off, he will refuse and walk out into the alley.
This merchant is offering Angus a greatcoat that looks very ornate, and the color is not uncommon for the area, there are several others in the shop of similar hue. The elaborately detailed embroidery all about the garment suggest ut took great effort to produce. It is a little suspicious that it's being sold at this price. But, as you've said, you're doing him a favor by wearing it about. I guess the real question, then is: do you believe he believes you?
It's not cursed or anything. No detect magic, remove curse, etc. will have any effect on it and it doesn't inherently do anything besides keep you warm in the cold. It's just a coat.
(Three in the alley: I see the earlier suggestion by Gravity to head to the Inn indicated, do you agree? Taking any precautions?)
Edit: if I don't hear anything in one hour, I'm assuming no ody objects and I'll move you as you've asked. With a large reptilian creature in broad daylight through busy city streets.
Angus will accept the greatcoat and complete the transaction. Donning the outerwear over his armor, he will proceed out into the street, trying to get the feel of this new city, looking for a nearby inn or tavern at which to wait for Morwena. He will keep alert for anyone who seems to pay him too much attention or might be following him.
Perception 15
"A pleasure doing business with you, sir. Please come again, soon. Remember the name
As Angus sets foot into the alley, he confirms the name the shopkeeper gave is emblazoned on a sign in the window. The saltspray in the air gives let's him know quite readily that he sea is nearby. It's a warm day im the city, maybe 40 degrees (F)
Above the rooftops of some buildings, Angus sees the towering spires of a pair of towers, with another structure slightly removed and of a lesser height. The streets are filled with merchants and people walk in and out if shops. From open windows, as he passes, merchants call to him. "Tea! Ale!" "Arms, here, sir. Come have a look. The finest quality, made right here in Mulmaster." All of the people on the street are dressed in clothes similar to what was in the shop. They are all human, every man and woman. No children are begging in the street, nor playing, not here, anyhow. Outside one house there js a short queue of people, some sick, one seemingly healthy, holding a broken contraption.
A city guard stands at the first intersection Angus sees. His uniform is perfectly in place, and he stands tall and proud, keeping a watchful eye on the passersby. He eyes Angus as he approaches.
Sam would have a clock and turns to his companions “anyone asks I’m your bodyguard, let’s go” and will start to move out into the streets
Gravity peers into the street beyond the alley, noting rhe bustle of warmly dressed humans moving along the busy street. Tall buildings, opulent homes for the wealthy, line the streets. Mixed among these private residences, a variety of weapon and armor shops, as well as some specialty shops dot the row. A city guard stands on the corner wr kf the nearest intersection. A woman on a ladder is hanging ribbons from the lampposts along rhe street (FYI cities would burn oil and later illuminating gas to light streets before electric lights existed. The job was performed by tradesmen known as lamplighters). The while street us decked in festive ornamentation up to that point and we probably soon be fully decorated.
Perception check for any inns or smiths 6
Edit: @Brian_Avery, I just now saw your reply. Thanks
Angus will wander towards the house with the queue, trying to get an idea of what the contraption might be. He will approach one of the persons in line, and inquire what sort of establishment lies within. Can he discern anything about the sickness they seem to be suffering?
Medicine 23
Perception 7
Insight 27
Sam sees several weapon and armor traders as he walks onto the street. Also, the first lesson. That sees him screams and poi to befire turning and running away at a dash. The city watch in the corner pulls out a whistle suspended from his neck by a leather cord and blows it loudly. Having no ball, a single high pitched screech emanates from the narrow brass tube and soon footfalls are heard in the distance along with the drawing of blades from their sheaths. The streets start to clear as shops close their doors with their keepers and customers fleeing inside. Those far enough see the large reptilian creature over the heads of the humans ducking into buildings and run away.
Folks leave goods unattended as they move indoors. Swords, shields, armor of all types and carts full of items crafted outside the city remain open and fully stocked. The metalwork seems to be of very high quality. Pushing through the crowd, the city watch that responded to the first scream struggles to reach the alley.
Meanwhile... Angus sees the guard on the corner look to his left and take off in a hurry, hand on the hilt of his sword as he rounds the corner and leaves his sight.