Name is Xanth and not as such. However, I do spend much of my time out in the wilds. So, my feet take me where I need to go. Plus, people seem a little put off when I come around. But I will tell you I have a dream that has unnerved me so that I must find the cause.
He will turn his attention to his plate nodding thanks to the bar men.
Portia looks at the drunk fellow."I don't suppose you know anything about missing people?"
And the as the dwarf arrives she turns her attention to him. "I'm in need of information. But in Miribar I wasn't always happily received. In fact there are people who would have happily killed me if they could, and I honestly don't blame them. And there are people in there who look like they could so I just feel safer out here."
The starry-eyed Halfling drunk will look at the young female Halfling, his starry eyes move to confusion with a "Huh?" sound. And then it is like he quickly sobers up, "You need to see Madam Hucrele inside. The one with the nice floral robe with matching bonnet. She has lost both her son and daughter." A certain sadness is seen in the Halfling's expression.
I click my fingers a few times to try and get Xanth’s attention and ask (politely) again… "Hello - did you say you had a vision to come here? Does that kind of thing happen to you a lot?" (I understand how distracting food can be so try not to be annoying as I say it).
To the halfling - It would appear we are both here for similar reason, shall we step inside and find this Madame Hucrele? He extents a hand to help her up, I am Ragdor, servant of The Lady of Mercy.
Looking up with a start. "Huh ow yes sorry. Visions right. Yes I am guided by the spirits. I was led here because of a dark omen. I must find out what vexs the spirits so."
"If it’s the spirits that sent you here apparently the good lady over there in the flowery dress with the bonnet sitting with the three Guards is looking for some Adventurous types - so it seems like there might at the very least be an interesting story to be heard and if you’re lucky some Right to be wronged … oh, are they NICE spirits? Not “burn the town down and fill a bath with their blood” spirits? … I probably should have asked that earlier"
(One point of Inspiration is awarded to Glynt for first noting the Michael Palin inspired type of absurd reference repeated no less than three times.)
Using Inspiration
If you have inspiration, you can expend it when you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. Spending your inspiration gives you advantage on that roll.
(I think we can move things along now.)
The woman wearing the lovely floral dressing with the matching bonnet, rises up along with the three others at the table. She heads toward the front door of the Inn. She opens it and looks at the Dwarf Cleric and female Halfling, “You all need to hear this."
She then steps back in a little with the door open, "Today is three weeks before the Summer Solstice. You strangers to Oakhurst are here through a summoning of one kind or another. We have been plagued here in Oakhurst by a blight on the land. We believe the blight is originating from a somewhat nearby fortress that has been swallowed up the earth, the Sunless Citadel. My brave son Talgen and daughter Keorwyn went to investigate the source of this blight to our community."
She hesitates and then with emphasis, "That was a month ago!"
Madame Hurcrele takes a deep breath, "I need you to find them or at least find their signet rings.” She lifts up her hand to show her own signet ring. “125 pieces of gold for each ring. And if you could find my son or daughter and bring them back alive, I will pay double that,” a real earnest is in the woman’s tone.
She moves toward the center of the inn. “I have rented the inn for you all for tonight. Garon is opening one of his best kegs of Dwarven Ale brewed from the Mithril Halls I understand. Enjoy this night.”
She looks over at the well armored Elven female. “In the morning Felosial will guide you to the Old Road, from there you are on your own.”
I gasp at the mention of her children being missing for a month. As she finishes talking I start nodding imagining how hard it must be for a mother to have two children missing and knowing that I should at least try to help bring them home (though knowing that a month is an awfully long time). I go up the Madam Hucrele and console her by saying "I will do everything I can to find them." and give Felosial an acknowledging head tilt.
I then look to the Big Barbarian and ask "Does this seem like what you've been dreaming of?" Without waiting for a reply I go over to Constable Felosial and start asking "Can you tell us what the Blight on the land actually is? - and how long has it been happening?"
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
@GM_Mazra - If I am able to perform a History (or whatever is relevant) to see if I have heard of the Sunless Citadel I will try (this is my first ever roll) - 4
((Note: - I am NOT proficient in History so if that means I can't roll then that's fine))
(@Martin - Anyone can make a knowledge History check. Proficiency determines bonuses for the rolls. As I am new to 5e, I am still learning some of the details, but this is as I understand it.)
Constable Felosial will convey that they have been besieged by twig creatures that have attacked herding cattle, the main source of trade for Oakhurst. The ranchers had to bring the cattle close to town, but this will deplete the nearby lands. They need to range further out. But at least so far, there have not been any attacks closer to town. Constable Felosial must maintain regular patrols.
As to how long, the Twig Blight has been killing cattle, that would be about three months. Though rumors of this blight have been around for years.
For Glynt to open:
Glynt will have heard of the Sunless Citadel. He doesn’t know anything specific, except that the region it is located in, about 8 miles northwest of Oakhurst, is known as the Ashen Plain. It is rumored that long ago a dragon named Ashardalon scorched the lands in that area. It is not much more than scrub lands today.
I ask Constable Felosial for more information "What exactly is a Twig Creature? How big and scary are they? ... and are they only attacking from the NorthWest of here? or are they spread around the region?"
The Constable will say the creatures do their marauding by night. Cattle and herdsmen who have gone out alone at night have been found dead the next day, bearing dozens of needle-like wounds. Only a few have seen shadows of these small twig-like creatures around dusk. They do not leave a discernible trail. The northwest has seen the majority of the attacks, but incidents have happened all around the countryside. The attacks have been more frequent in the last month or so.
Glynt will start playing a tune as he starts to think through what he's hearing and keeps listening to what the others are asking and the answers he's getting ... starting quietly at first in a sombre tone and after a few tunes he slowly build up to something more inspiring - similar in nature to "The Ecstasy of Gold" by Ennio Morricone.
Seeing that the people are in fact friendly and not going to try and get her thrown in jail and/or killed, Portia will enter the tavern. "I hope we can find them alive, but in the unfortunate event that we don't, would you like us to bring back bodies if we find them, or bury them where we come across them?"
Madame Hurcrele will look down at Portia with a gentle smile, "Thank you for asking. If you find remains, then please, yes, bring them home." She begins to weep gently.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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He will turn his attention to his plate nodding thanks to the bar men.
Portia looks at the drunk fellow. "I don't suppose you know anything about missing people?"
And the as the dwarf arrives she turns her attention to him. "I'm in need of information. But in Miribar I wasn't always happily received. In fact there are people who would have happily killed me if they could, and I honestly don't blame them. And there are people in there who look like they could so I just feel safer out here."
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
The starry-eyed Halfling drunk will look at the young female Halfling, his starry eyes move to confusion with a "Huh?" sound. And then it is like he quickly sobers up, "You need to see Madam Hucrele inside. The one with the nice floral robe with matching bonnet. She has lost both her son and daughter." A certain sadness is seen in the Halfling's expression.
I click my fingers a few times to try and get Xanth’s attention and ask (politely) again… "Hello - did you say you had a vision to come here? Does that kind of thing happen to you a lot?" (I understand how distracting food can be so try not to be annoying as I say it).
To the halfling - It would appear we are both here for similar reason, shall we step inside and find this Madame Hucrele? He extents a hand to help her up, I am Ragdor, servant of The Lady of Mercy.
Looking up with a start. "Huh ow yes sorry. Visions right. Yes I am guided by the spirits. I was led here because of a dark omen. I must find out what vexs the spirits so."
"If it’s the spirits that sent you here apparently the good lady over there in the flowery dress with the bonnet sitting with the three Guards is looking for some Adventurous types - so it seems like there might at the very least be an interesting story to be heard and if you’re lucky some Right to be wronged … oh, are they NICE spirits? Not “burn the town down and fill a bath with their blood” spirits? … I probably should have asked that earlier"
(One point of Inspiration is awarded to Glynt for first noting the Michael Palin inspired type of absurd reference repeated no less than three times.)
Using Inspiration
If you have inspiration, you can expend it when you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. Spending your inspiration gives you advantage on that roll.
(I think we can move things along now.)
The woman wearing the lovely floral dressing with the matching bonnet, rises up along with the three others at the table. She heads toward the front door of the Inn. She opens it and looks at the Dwarf Cleric and female Halfling, “You all need to hear this."
She then steps back in a little with the door open, "Today is three weeks before the Summer Solstice. You strangers to Oakhurst are here through a summoning of one kind or another. We have been plagued here in Oakhurst by a blight on the land. We believe the blight is originating from a somewhat nearby fortress that has been swallowed up the earth, the Sunless Citadel. My brave son Talgen and daughter Keorwyn went to investigate the source of this blight to our community."
She hesitates and then with emphasis, "That was a month ago!"
Madame Hurcrele takes a deep breath, "I need you to find them or at least find their signet rings.” She lifts up her hand to show her own signet ring. “125 pieces of gold for each ring. And if you could find my son or daughter and bring them back alive, I will pay double that,” a real earnest is in the woman’s tone.
She moves toward the center of the inn. “I have rented the inn for you all for tonight. Garon is opening one of his best kegs of Dwarven Ale brewed from the Mithril Halls I understand. Enjoy this night.”
She looks over at the well armored Elven female. “In the morning Felosial will guide you to the Old Road, from there you are on your own.”
Finally, a last plea, “Please find my children.”
I gasp at the mention of her children being missing for a month. As she finishes talking I start nodding imagining how hard it must be for a mother to have two children missing and knowing that I should at least try to help bring them home (though knowing that a month is an awfully long time).
I go up the Madam Hucrele and console her by saying "I will do everything I can to find them." and give Felosial an acknowledging head tilt.
I then look to the Big Barbarian and ask "Does this seem like what you've been dreaming of?"
Without waiting for a reply I go over to Constable Felosial and start asking "Can you tell us what the Blight on the land actually is? - and how long has it been happening?"
@GM_Mazra - If I am able to perform a History (or whatever is relevant) to see if I have heard of the Sunless Citadel I will try (this is my first ever roll) - 4
((Note: - I am NOT proficient in History so if that means I can't roll then that's fine))
(@Martin - Anyone can make a knowledge History check. Proficiency determines bonuses for the rolls. As I am new to 5e, I am still learning some of the details, but this is as I understand it.)
Constable Felosial will convey that they have been besieged by twig creatures that have attacked herding cattle, the main source of trade for Oakhurst. The ranchers had to bring the cattle close to town, but this will deplete the nearby lands. They need to range further out. But at least so far, there have not been any attacks closer to town. Constable Felosial must maintain regular patrols.
As to how long, the Twig Blight has been killing cattle, that would be about three months. Though rumors of this blight have been around for years.
For Glynt to open:
Glynt will have heard of the Sunless Citadel. He doesn’t know anything specific, except that the region it is located in, about 8 miles northwest of Oakhurst, is known as the Ashen Plain. It is rumored that long ago a dragon named Ashardalon scorched the lands in that area. It is not much more than scrub lands today.
Madame, nod my head and say a prayer. Look at the elf, In the morning then. Make my way inside to find the other "strangers" and introduce myself.
I ask Constable Felosial for more information "What exactly is a Twig Creature? How big and scary are they? ... and are they only attacking from the NorthWest of here? or are they spread around the region?"
The Constable will say the creatures do their marauding by night. Cattle and herdsmen who have gone out alone at night have been found dead the next day, bearing dozens of needle-like wounds. Only a few have seen shadows of these small twig-like creatures around dusk. They do not leave a discernible trail. The northwest has seen the majority of the attacks, but incidents have happened all around the countryside. The attacks have been more frequent in the last month or so.
"Has there been any other unusual occurrences are happening? Also has anyone seen the inside of this place? "
Glynt will start playing a tune as he starts to think through what he's hearing and keeps listening to what the others are asking and the answers he's getting ... starting quietly at first in a sombre tone and after a few tunes he slowly build up to something more inspiring - similar in nature to "The Ecstasy of Gold" by Ennio Morricone.
Another dice roll ... (eeek!!) Performance - 8
(( ah well, I tried ))
Actually - I am going to use my Inspiration (knocking off my Inspiration) on that - these people need hope.
Let's try this again Performance: 22
Seeing that the people are in fact friendly and not going to try and get her thrown in jail and/or killed, Portia will enter the tavern. "I hope we can find them alive, but in the unfortunate event that we don't, would you like us to bring back bodies if we find them, or bury them where we come across them?"
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Madame Hurcrele will look down at Portia with a gentle smile, "Thank you for asking. If you find remains, then please, yes, bring them home." She begins to weep gently.