The Constable will respond to Xanth, “Talgen and Keorwyn volunteered to scout out the Sunless Citadel to see if it is the source of the blight. We know nothing more about it. As to other strange things, Goblins from the region of the Ashen Plain come once a year around this time to sell a perfect red apple that has miraculous healing properties. The Goblins don’t talk much, so we know very little about it. And we do not know if there is any relationship with the blight.”
I look around the room and try to identify the people who aren't locals and are interested in helping, do a quick count, and ask Garon for 5 cups of Ale and ensure there are enough chairs around the table for all of us. I take the Ale over to the table and ask if the others would like to take a load off and talk through what's going on.
I explain to anyone who's willing to sit with me what little I know "I don't know anything specific about the Sunless Citadel, other than it's somewhere in the Ashen Plain which is around 10 miles northwest of here that's the same direction as most, but not all, of the attacks - so it could be related and it made sense for those two to look in that direction."
I then stop my train of thought and ask the Constable "How miraculous are these apples - what's the most amazing thing they have managed to cure?"
The Constable will look at the Gnome, "It cures most any disease or other ailments. Those that have tasted it says it is the best thing they have ever tasted. 50gp for an apple is more than I would be willing to pay a Goblin, particularly when Corkie can take care of most of our troubles at the Shrine of Pelor here in town. Every year the Goblins do not seem to have trouble finding a buyer."
"Desperate people will buy anything that promises a quick fix for whatever price it is told at. It is amazing how many people seem to loose all logic when they hear something too good to be true in a time of need. I have seen that many times." a look of sadness passes across her face.
I ask those at the table? "Anyone here have experience with going out and looking for someone? I've spent the last couple of years trying to lose myself so it's not exactly my area of expertise. Though getting those kids home safe would ease my mind somewhat - the thought of another parent unable to fully morn for a lost child pains me."
Aldwin listens to the tale but does not imagine he is being addressed. He grimaces at the mention of folk missing for a month, and frowns at the news of a blight. "Wrong place, I guess," he mutters to himself. But when the blight is described as moving at night and killing cattle, his curiosity is piqued and he starts to get down from the barstool. At the mention of the apple, however, he trips completely, landing hard on the floor, and yells (seemingly not caring about his fall), "I'm in! I'll help! I need to see where that apple comes from." He limps over to the table and seats himself, shaking as many hands as will take his. "I'm Aldwin Stoutblood, traveling brewer and mage of some mediocre skill. I will gladly assist in this endeavor on the condition I get to keep the apple should we find it. If'n we do, I will forego my share of the reward." He raises his mug in thanks to Glynt and takes a deep swig.
Portia starts to look down at the floor and starts fiddling absentmindedly with a dagger that she seems to have pulled out of her sleeve. "I.... I have experience with finding people who... Don't want to be found."
"My Name is Glynt and I like stories" I say to introduce myself, to the others at the table "I am a collector of stories, by listening to people around me and also through going out and seeing the world for myself." I look to the chair on my left to see hear their story.
Ragdor raises his mug to Aldwin, Glynt, the barbarian and to the halfling, Well met! Excellent! You have skill in finding people! The lady be praised! I feel this is a good omen, our pathways crossing as they have, at this very place, at this very time, with a township in peril, lives to found and saved! Aye!!! This is good! Innkeeper, Garon I think it was, more of that mighty fine dwarven ale for my new friends!
Garon will serve the party a round of Dwarven Ale. And continue to do so until the party has had enough or until the keg is empty, whichever comes first.
Madame Hucrele will leave wishing the party a good night and a successful quest.
Afterwards, Garon will lead the party to nice but plain rooms. The beds have comfortable mattresses with clean linens.
A little before sunrise, a hearty breakfast is served consisting of porridge topped with a variety of fresh fruit. A brewed black wine is also served.
Constable Felosial with two of his guards meet and escort the party from the Inn north and out of town.
About kilometer or so, Felosial will stop and direct the party, “This is the Old Road. In times past you could take it to the port at Luskan. But that was a long time ago. No one travels this road today. Traveling mercies to you all.” Felosial and her guards return to town.
The Old Road heads westerly and slightly north. These days it is not much more than a trail.
I take the seat to Glynt left. " I'm Xanth a man of the wild I was led here by the sprits of the land. I must find out what plages this land and put a stop to it. I will aid you in this if you would have me." I take up the ale and take a drink.
(Not sure if I missed something, but is there a time limit on getting paid? Or was there something else to do with the summer solstice countdown?)
Portia only has a couple of drinks. She will sit with the rest of the group, but apart form giving her name "I am Portia Greenbottle, you can call me Portia or PG, I don't mind which" she stays mostly quiet. Especially if anyone asks her for any details about her past, particularly around finding people. She finds a way to politely divert the conversation away while giving something that sounds like an answer, but without any real information given.
When she sleeps, she makes sure to put a chair (assuming there is one) in front of her door so that no one can come in without waking her up, and although she plans on waking up at regular intervals throughout the night, the bed is so comfortable that she sleeps right until morning, upon which she gets dressed, attaches all her blades to the correct places, and makes her way to breakfast, eating a generous portion, as much as the barbarian despite her much smaller stature.
When leaving she makes sure to position herself as far away from the guards as she can without being separated from the group, showing visible relief once they have left. "Roads not often used are a good spot for bandits and brigands. I am happy to scout ahead to see if the trail is safe if people would rather."
(No time limit on getting paid. If the summer solstice arrives before you complete the quest, then there is another event. This is unlikely and more for affect. I count out the days in all my online campaigns. That is when I remember to do so.)
Having taken it easy the night before and conscious of not wanting to get too drunk before a trip and around a load of complete strangers Glynt woke up refreshed and ready for the journey.
He packs up and walks in the middle of the group slightly nearer the back (so he's not near the front line if things go sideways) and listens to what people are saying trying to pick up tidbits of information - just as he was last night ... always keeping an ear open for any useful information.
I'm happy for Portia to scout out the front of the party if she is happy to. I also keep a careful eye out for signs of trouble.
Aldwin enjoys the breakfast and then loads up his cart, hitching Magda the mule, up and following the constable. Aldwin offers a ride to anyone who wishes it. "Magda has pulled heavier loads in worse conditions," he chuckles if people shy from the offer. The cart is laden with the tools of a brewer, alchemist, and arcanist. At Portia's offer to scout, Aldwin nods. "I think that would be for the best. I look a ripe target for bandits in this outfit and would appreciate warning before having to fight for half brewed bottles of ale." He chuckles and gently shales the reins to signal Magda to continue her slow plodding down the road.
Aldwin smiles broadly as Xanth and Ragdor climb in. "I'm delighted to travel with other folk for a wee bit. I'm sure Magda is quite done with my chattering and will appreciate the focus being on someone other than herself in my rambling and pontificating."
(all rolls done on character sheet, visible in game log)
Portia, though normally stealthy, is still a bit distracted by the memories of her past so is less quiet than she would normally be (Stealth 9 (2+7)) but keeps a close eye out regardless (Perception 21 (19+2))
The Constable will respond to Xanth, “Talgen and Keorwyn volunteered to scout out the Sunless Citadel to see if it is the source of the blight. We know nothing more about it. As to other strange things, Goblins from the region of the Ashen Plain come once a year around this time to sell a perfect red apple that has miraculous healing properties. The Goblins don’t talk much, so we know very little about it. And we do not know if there is any relationship with the blight.”
I look around the room and try to identify the people who aren't locals and are interested in helping, do a quick count, and ask Garon for 5 cups of Ale and ensure there are enough chairs around the table for all of us. I take the Ale over to the table and ask if the others would like to take a load off and talk through what's going on.
I explain to anyone who's willing to sit with me what little I know "I don't know anything specific about the Sunless Citadel, other than it's somewhere in the Ashen Plain which is around 10 miles northwest of here that's the same direction as most, but not all, of the attacks - so it could be related and it made sense for those two to look in that direction."
I then stop my train of thought and ask the Constable "How miraculous are these apples - what's the most amazing thing they have managed to cure?"
The Constable will look at the Gnome, "It cures most any disease or other ailments. Those that have tasted it says it is the best thing they have ever tasted. 50gp for an apple is more than I would be willing to pay a Goblin, particularly when Corkie can take care of most of our troubles at the Shrine of Pelor here in town. Every year the Goblins do not seem to have trouble finding a buyer."
"Desperate people will buy anything that promises a quick fix for whatever price it is told at. It is amazing how many people seem to loose all logic when they hear something too good to be true in a time of need. I have seen that many times." a look of sadness passes across her face.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Ragdor joins the group at the table, draws deep of the ale and listens...
I ask those at the table? "Anyone here have experience with going out and looking for someone? I've spent the last couple of years trying to lose myself so it's not exactly my area of expertise. Though getting those kids home safe would ease my mind somewhat - the thought of another parent unable to fully morn for a lost child pains me."
Aldwin listens to the tale but does not imagine he is being addressed. He grimaces at the mention of folk missing for a month, and frowns at the news of a blight. "Wrong place, I guess," he mutters to himself. But when the blight is described as moving at night and killing cattle, his curiosity is piqued and he starts to get down from the barstool. At the mention of the apple, however, he trips completely, landing hard on the floor, and yells (seemingly not caring about his fall), "I'm in! I'll help! I need to see where that apple comes from." He limps over to the table and seats himself, shaking as many hands as will take his. "I'm Aldwin Stoutblood, traveling brewer and mage of some mediocre skill. I will gladly assist in this endeavor on the condition I get to keep the apple should we find it. If'n we do, I will forego my share of the reward." He raises his mug in thanks to Glynt and takes a deep swig.
Portia starts to look down at the floor and starts fiddling absentmindedly with a dagger that she seems to have pulled out of her sleeve. "I.... I have experience with finding people who... Don't want to be found."
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"My Name is Glynt and I like stories" I say to introduce myself, to the others at the table "I am a collector of stories, by listening to people around me and also through going out and seeing the world for myself."
I look to the chair on my left to see hear their story.
Garon will serve the party a round of Dwarven Ale. And continue to do so until the party has had enough or until the keg is empty, whichever comes first.
Madame Hucrele will leave wishing the party a good night and a successful quest.
Afterwards, Garon will lead the party to nice but plain rooms. The beds have comfortable mattresses with clean linens.
A little before sunrise, a hearty breakfast is served consisting of porridge topped with a variety of fresh fruit. A brewed black wine is also served.
Constable Felosial with two of his guards meet and escort the party from the Inn north and out of town.
About kilometer or so, Felosial will stop and direct the party, “This is the Old Road. In times past you could take it to the port at Luskan. But that was a long time ago. No one travels this road today. Traveling mercies to you all.” Felosial and her guards return to town.
The Old Road heads westerly and slightly north. These days it is not much more than a trail.
I take the seat to Glynt left. " I'm Xanth a man of the wild I was led here by the sprits of the land. I must find out what plages this land and put a stop to it. I will aid you in this if you would have me." I take up the ale and take a drink.
(Not sure if I missed something, but is there a time limit on getting paid? Or was there something else to do with the summer solstice countdown?)
Portia only has a couple of drinks. She will sit with the rest of the group, but apart form giving her name "I am Portia Greenbottle, you can call me Portia or PG, I don't mind which" she stays mostly quiet. Especially if anyone asks her for any details about her past, particularly around finding people. She finds a way to politely divert the conversation away while giving something that sounds like an answer, but without any real information given.
When she sleeps, she makes sure to put a chair (assuming there is one) in front of her door so that no one can come in without waking her up, and although she plans on waking up at regular intervals throughout the night, the bed is so comfortable that she sleeps right until morning, upon which she gets dressed, attaches all her blades to the correct places, and makes her way to breakfast, eating a generous portion, as much as the barbarian despite her much smaller stature.
When leaving she makes sure to position herself as far away from the guards as she can without being separated from the group, showing visible relief once they have left. "Roads not often used are a good spot for bandits and brigands. I am happy to scout ahead to see if the trail is safe if people would rather."
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
(No time limit on getting paid. If the summer solstice arrives before you complete the quest, then there is another event. This is unlikely and more for affect. I count out the days in all my online campaigns. That is when I remember to do so.)
Having taken it easy the night before and conscious of not wanting to get too drunk before a trip and around a load of complete strangers Glynt woke up refreshed and ready for the journey.
He packs up and walks in the middle of the group slightly nearer the back (so he's not near the front line if things go sideways) and listens to what people are saying trying to pick up tidbits of information - just as he was last night ... always keeping an ear open for any useful information.
I'm happy for Portia to scout out the front of the party if she is happy to. I also keep a careful eye out for signs of trouble.
Aldwin enjoys the breakfast and then loads up his cart, hitching Magda the mule, up and following the constable. Aldwin offers a ride to anyone who wishes it. "Magda has pulled heavier loads in worse conditions," he chuckles if people shy from the offer. The cart is laden with the tools of a brewer, alchemist, and arcanist. At Portia's offer to scout, Aldwin nods. "I think that would be for the best. I look a ripe target for bandits in this outfit and would appreciate warning before having to fight for half brewed bottles of ale." He chuckles and gently shales the reins to signal Magda to continue her slow plodding down the road.
Not really accustomed to a bed I'll sleep on the floor wake up the next morning and enjoy a hearty breakfast. "Thank you so much for the meal.
Portia be careful out there.
Aldwin years of wondering has taught me to never turn down a free ride for you never know how long you have to walk."
Master Aldwin many thanks for the lift and Lady Portia swift of foot and keen of eye, The Lady be with you. Find some room in the cart and climb in.
Aldwin smiles broadly as Xanth and Ragdor climb in. "I'm delighted to travel with other folk for a wee bit. I'm sure Magda is quite done with my chattering and will appreciate the focus being on someone other than herself in my rambling and pontificating."
(all rolls done on character sheet, visible in game log)
Portia, though normally stealthy, is still a bit distracted by the memories of her past so is less quiet than she would normally be (Stealth 9 (2+7)) but keeps a close eye out regardless (Perception 21 (19+2))
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)