As Portia stumbles along the overgrown Old Road, she was careful to notice the best pathway as there are bisecting trails. Though any tracks have eroded, Portia is able to determine the route most like an old road. The Old Road winds through rocky downs, near stands of old-growth oak, and past abandoned farms.
After about ten kilometers the Old Road passes to the east of a narrow ravine. At the road’s closest approach to the cleft, several broken pillars jut from the earth where the ravine widens. Two of the pillars stand straight, but most lean atop sloped earth. Others are broken, and several have apparently fallen into the dark depths. A few similar pillars are visible on the opposite side of the ravine.
The ravine appears to run for several miles in either direction, with an average depth and width of 30 feet. At the point where it most closely intersects the Old Road, it widens to 40 feet.
A sturdy, knotted rope is tied to one of the leaning pillars on this side of the ravine.
I look and listen to see if there's hiding that we need to worry about - PERCEPTION - 11
If it seems quiet and safe I then stealthily head over to the rope STEALTH14 and investigate the rope, (rough or store bought quality, the nature of the knots ie: basic or skilled, how long it may have been there, and look over carefully to see what's down the ravine and how deep it is, INVESTIGATION23
(Hi Martin, I was posting below when you made your post.)
The Gnome Bard watches out along the way but does not see any threats. The rope is sturdy and will not be an issue to use climbing down. It is about fifty feet down to a large flat ledge. The ravine goes even further down into the darkness. With darkvision you may be able to make out stairs heading further down from this flat ledge.
(The sturdy knotted rope noted in the previous post leads to this first map. Unless the party decides, never mind, and runs away, please place the party member token in the upper right-hand square that is first to shimmy down the rope. Everyone should be able to brace themselves and climb down the rope with ease, except the mule. And please let me know if you have any issues working the map. I have to do things to allow everyone access, and sometimes I forget a setting.)
As you climb down you notice a sandy ledge that overlooks a subterranean gulf of darkness to the west. The ledge is wide but rough. Sand, rocky debris, and the bones of small animals cover it. A rough-hewn stairwell zigs and zags down the side of the ledge, descending into darkness.
As soon as you touch down, hidden from within the debris you are beseiged by three Giant Rats that assault you waiting for their next meal.
Rat 1 Bite 8 Dmg 4 if hit
Rat 2 Bite 18 Dmg 4 if hit
Rat 3 Bite 19 Dmg 4 if hit
Rats 13
(So far this is Xanth's fight. Everyone else is 50 feet up. And moving down a rope is like moving through difficult terrain (half movement speed). You may need another barbarian.)
I exclaim to the others - "If anyone has any ranged weapons it might be good to help out Xanth - he's being attacked by Giant Rats".
Knowing I am not really a fighter I will wait to see what everyone else is doing, if no one else chooses to go down or starts firing at the rats I will start heading down.
So everyone knows what I am working with - My character is wearing Simple Leather Armour and is wielding a Rapier and also has a couple of Daggers. (My hope is to save up for a Hand Crossbow for situations like this.)
Portia is wearing studded leather, with two shortswords at her hips (typically will dual wield in combat). She also has a multitude of daggers (5 to be precise. But are mostly hidden away). She also has a Light Crossbow which she will use here.
I rage as the rat teeth sink in. Then lash out at rat #1
RageDamage +2PHB, pg. 48
As a bonus action enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).
You gain advantage on STR checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with STR weapons, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. You can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging.
Your rage ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage as a bonus action.
I was holding my action anyway - seeing Porta pull out a Crossbow I won't cross her line of fire.
I will wait up the top and when my turn comes around I will use Vicious Mockery (Cantrip/60ft range) on Giant Rat #2 "I don't have the time or the crayons to explain why you shouldn't mess with us!" Wisdom Save - DC = 12, Damage on fail = 1Psychic Damage and on a failed Save it will have Disadvantage on it's next turn. Successful Save = No Effect at all.
Ragdor climbs out of the cart, dashes to the edge drawing his crossbow and loading it, takes aim at rat# 2, rolled in app - 19 +1 = 20 damage also rolled 4-1=3, reloads...
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
(Round One)
The Giant Rats continue their human barbarian feast with pack mentality. (Pack Tactics. The rat has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the rat's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.)
Rat 1 Bite 21 Dmg 4 if hit (Dmg 2 Resistance Piercing)
Rat 2 Bite 17 Dmg 4 if hit (Dmg 2 Resistance Piercing)
Rat 3 Bite 24 Dmg 4 if hit (Dmg 2 Resistance Piercing)
XANTH surprised by the Giant Rats, goes into a rage, and lashes out at the first Giant Rat, but missed the agile creature (close you need a 12).
The Giant RATS continues their human barbarian feast, even though they are finding the flesh a little tough.
GLYNT viciously mocks the second Giant RAT but he does not have a clue what a crayon is and resists the Gnome’s mocking.
PORTIA attacks with her Crossbow.
RAGDOR attacks the second Giant with his Crossbow and it sticks. The RAT cries out in pain, but then ignores it enough to continue its feast on human barbarian.
(OOC- As some of you know, combat in PBP can be somewhat chaotic. I tend to take liberties to push the action forward. I am taking one of these liberties now. @ALDWIN – If you would please Roll for Initiative and take both your Round One and Round Two actions.)
(Everyone else, please go ahead with your Round Two actions. PORTIA– Please provide your Round One crossbow attack rolls.)
In round 2 I will continue with my Vicious Mockery (Cantrip) on Giant Rat 2 (unless it's dead where I will aim for any of the others - "From the smell I take it that you're the reason why there's so many flies around here!"
Wisdom Save - DC = 12, Damage on fail = 2Psychic Damage and on a failed Save it will have Disadvantage on it's next turn. Successful Save = No Effect at all.
As Portia stumbles along the overgrown Old Road, she was careful to notice the best pathway as there are bisecting trails. Though any tracks have eroded, Portia is able to determine the route most like an old road. The Old Road winds through rocky downs, near stands of old-growth oak, and past abandoned farms.
After about ten kilometers the Old Road passes to the east of a narrow ravine. At the road’s closest approach to the cleft, several broken pillars jut from the earth where the ravine widens. Two of the pillars stand straight, but most lean atop sloped earth. Others are broken, and several have apparently fallen into the dark depths. A few similar pillars are visible on the opposite side of the ravine.
The ravine appears to run for several miles in either direction, with an average depth and width of 30 feet. At the point where it most closely intersects the Old Road, it widens to 40 feet.
A sturdy, knotted rope is tied to one of the leaning pillars on this side of the ravine.
I look and listen to see if there's hiding that we need to worry about - PERCEPTION - 11
If it seems quiet and safe I then stealthily head over to the rope STEALTH 14 and investigate the rope, (rough or store bought quality, the nature of the knots ie: basic or skilled, how long it may have been there, and look over carefully to see what's down the ravine and how deep it is, INVESTIGATION 23
(Hi Martin, I was posting below when you made your post.)
The Gnome Bard watches out along the way but does not see any threats. The rope is sturdy and will not be an issue to use climbing down. It is about fifty feet down to a large flat ledge. The ravine goes even further down into the darkness. With darkvision you may be able to make out stairs heading further down from this flat ledge.
OOC Discussion Mazra's Sunless Citadel thread - Private Messages - D&D Beyond (
(As noted in the OOC Discussion thread (link above) I am going ahead and posting the first map.)
Climb Down to Fortress Level One
(The sturdy knotted rope noted in the previous post leads to this first map. Unless the party decides, never mind, and runs away, please place the party member token in the upper right-hand square that is first to shimmy down the rope. Everyone should be able to brace themselves and climb down the rope with ease, except the mule. And please let me know if you have any issues working the map. I have to do things to allow everyone access, and sometimes I forget a setting.)
I get off the cart and give the mule a pat. Then climb down the rope. Once I get to the bottom, I will light a torch and have a look around.
Perception 23
As you climb down you notice a sandy ledge that overlooks a subterranean gulf of darkness to the west. The ledge is wide but rough. Sand, rocky debris, and the bones of small animals cover it. A rough-hewn stairwell zigs and zags down the side of the ledge, descending into darkness.
As soon as you touch down, hidden from within the debris you are beseiged by three Giant Rats that assault you waiting for their next meal.
Rat 1 Bite 8 Dmg 4 if hit
Rat 2 Bite 18 Dmg 4 if hit
Rat 3 Bite 19 Dmg 4 if hit
Rats 13
(So far this is Xanth's fight. Everyone else is 50 feet up. And moving down a rope is like moving through difficult terrain (half movement speed). You may need another barbarian.)
I exclaim to the others - "If anyone has any ranged weapons it might be good to help out Xanth - he's being attacked by Giant Rats".
Knowing I am not really a fighter I will wait to see what everyone else is doing, if no one else chooses to go down or starts firing at the rats I will start heading down.
So everyone knows what I am working with - My character is wearing Simple Leather Armour and is wielding a Rapier and also has a couple of Daggers.
(My hope is to save up for a Hand Crossbow for situations like this.)
(I will pause here for everyone to catch up, please go forward with Initiative Rolls no matter what you do. Thanks.)
Xanth Int 22
Initiative: 6 (3+3)
Portia is wearing studded leather, with two shortswords at her hips (typically will dual wield in combat). She also has a multitude of daggers (5 to be precise. But are mostly hidden away). She also has a Light Crossbow which she will use here.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
I rage as the rat teeth sink in. Then lash out at rat #1
As a bonus action enter a rage for up to 1 minute (10 rounds).
You gain advantage on STR checks and saving throws (not attacks), +2 melee damage with STR weapons, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage. You can't cast or concentrate on spells while raging.
Your rage ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage as a bonus action.
Attack: 11 Damage: 7
My Initiative : 10
I was holding my action anyway - seeing Porta pull out a Crossbow I won't cross her line of fire.
I will wait up the top and when my turn comes around I will use Vicious Mockery (Cantrip/60ft range) on Giant Rat #2 "I don't have the time or the crayons to explain why you shouldn't mess with us!"
Wisdom Save - DC = 12,
Damage on fail = 1 Psychic Damage and on a failed Save it will have Disadvantage on it's next turn.
Successful Save = No Effect at all.
Giant Rat #2 WIS Save 7
Ragdor climbs out of the cart, dashes to the edge drawing his crossbow and loading it, takes aim at rat# 2, rolled in app - 19 +1 = 20 damage also rolled 4-1=3, reloads...
(Round One)
The Giant Rats continue their human barbarian feast with pack mentality. (Pack Tactics. The rat has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the rat's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.)
Rat 1 Bite 21 Dmg 4 if hit (Dmg 2 Resistance Piercing)
Rat 2 Bite 17 Dmg 4 if hit (Dmg 2 Resistance Piercing)
Rat 3 Bite 24 Dmg 4 if hit (Dmg 2 Resistance Piercing)
XANTH surprised by the Giant Rats, goes into a rage, and lashes out at the first Giant Rat, but missed the agile creature (close you need a 12).
The Giant RATS continues their human barbarian feast, even though they are finding the flesh a little tough.
GLYNT viciously mocks the second Giant RAT but he does not have a clue what a crayon is and resists the Gnome’s mocking.
PORTIA attacks with her Crossbow.
RAGDOR attacks the second Giant with his Crossbow and it sticks. The RAT cries out in pain, but then ignores it enough to continue its feast on human barbarian.
(OOC- As some of you know, combat in PBP can be somewhat chaotic. I tend to take liberties to push the action forward. I am taking one of these liberties now. @ALDWIN – If you would please Roll for Initiative and take both your Round One and Round Two actions.)
(Everyone else, please go ahead with your Round Two actions. PORTIA – Please provide your Round One crossbow attack rolls.)
Round 1 rolls: 22 to hit. 10 piercing damage, plus 6 sneak attack damage.
Round 2, she will fire another bolt but misses (11 to hit)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
(Wow Portia great hit. I will have you take out a healthy one with that strike.)
In round 2 I will continue with my Vicious Mockery (Cantrip) on Giant Rat 2 (unless it's dead where I will aim for any of the others - "From the smell I take it that you're the reason why there's so many flies around here!"
Wisdom Save - DC = 12,
Damage on fail = 2 Psychic Damage and on a failed Save it will have Disadvantage on it's next turn.
Successful Save = No Effect at all.
(It looks like Mattie will not be able to maintain Aldwin. I will play Aldwin for this encounter.)
ALDWIN will look over the edge with an "eek" sound. And send a Fire Bolt on to the second RAT.
To Hit 6 Dmg 6
ALDWIN initiative 21