"Sounds like a good plan as the constable should be aware of what goes on in this town" says Amiz. Once everyone is ready he will leave the tavern and head for the constables.
So the group separates for a time to see to their individual business.
Thelanis, Draíocht, and Amiz - The three of you head to the east edge of town, where you findConstable Adger's Quarter's, a small shack near the Dim Woods. Once inside you meet a female ranger in brown and dark green leathers, auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail. She gives commands to a couple guards to circle the town, and then goes back to her notes, hand over her mouth in concentration. She looks up as you all walk in and introduces herself as Merideth Adger, constable-ranger of Erithon. "A Leonin! I've only heard of your sort in stories! What brings a man like yourself to Erithon." Her expression darkens slightly at Draíocht's entrance into her quarters.
Valar - You head to the Temple of Isia, just across the street from The Proud Stag. Inside you meet an old woman praying, she wears her white hair in a simple escoffion. Sister Gwendoline. She smiles as you walk up to her, her hands out in greeting. "Welcome, friend, to Isia's house. I see you're a member of a religious order yourself. Although i don't recognise the iconography. What brings you here brother? Or are you simply here to pray with me?"
So the group separates for a time to see to their individual business.
Thelanis, Draíocht, and Amiz - The three of you head to the east edge of town, where you findConstable Adger's Quarter's, a small shack near the Dim Woods. Once inside you meet a female ranger in brown and dark green leathers, auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail. She gives commands to a couple guards to circle the town, and then goes back to her notes, hand over her mouth in concentration. She looks up as you all walk in and introduces herself as Merideth Adger, constable-ranger of Erithon. "A Leonin! I've only heard of your sort in stories! What brings a man like yourself to Erithon." Her expression darkens slightly at Draíocht's entrance into her quarters.
Valar - You head to the Temple of Isia, just across the street from The Proud Stag. Inside you meet an old woman praying, she wears her white hair in a simple escoffion. Sister Gwendoline. She smiles as you walk up to her, her hands out in greeting. "Welcome, friend, to Isia's house. I see you're a member of a religious order yourself. Although i don't recognise the iconography. What brings you here brother? Or are you simply here to pray with me?"
Valar brings both hands to his heart, then reaches out and takes her hands into his and bows. "I am a humble Paladin of the Pandion order who serve Helm. I have come to see those in need are protected from harm, and from darkness. I have heard darkness looms in the distance, and have come to see that it is stopped. I ran already into a dark soul, one called Sanford. Tell me good sister, am I on the right path? What can you tell me of the surroundings before I venture forth to do Helm's service?"
“Your surroundings, my brother, are filled with evil. I cannot go into it all, goblin slavers, the darkness from Kholias, and wood elves still raiding from time to time. One thing no one has noticed that worries me, is the increase in undead throughout the lands. It seems ghouls and ghosts have recently been appearing sporadicly. My questions to Isia on the topic have gone unanswered. Perhaps if you run into some of these darknesses you could bring some of Helms justice to this land.” You get the feeling as though this latest issue is just another in a long line. She’s not exasperated, but her smile seems quite hard to hold.
Thelanis, Draíocht, and Amiz - The three of you head to the east edge of town, where you findConstable Adger's Quarter's, a small shack near the Dim Woods. Once inside you meet a female ranger in brown and dark green leathers, auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail. She gives commands to a couple guards to circle the town, and then goes back to her notes, hand over her mouth in concentration. She looks up as you all walk in and introduces herself as Merideth Adger, constable-ranger of Erithon. "A Leonin! I've only heard of your sort in stories! What brings a man like yourself to Erithon." Her expression darkens slightly at Draíocht's entrance into her quarters.
Draíocht grunts softly upon entering, but remains quiet otherwise for the time being, waiting for Amiz and Thelanis to take the social lead. He glances around the shack to see what's readily visibile, wondering if there's any indications as to what tools Adger has found necessary in the woods.
"The tavern was attacked last night by a madman called Sanford. We were hoping you might know more about Sanford or where he may have gone to in hiding." says Amiz.
Draíocht - You see the usual accoutrement of a ranger's shack. Arrows, traps, rope. She has a small cell in the corner, currently empty, and she sits at a small desk. There's a room out the back with two bunks in it as well, but they seem like they don't get used too much.
Amiz - Adger nods. "Yes, i was informed about Sanford last night by some of the townsfolk. I went with a couple men into the Dim Woods to look for him but couldn't locate the man. Apparently a couple were mauled by the dretch before he arrived in town, i sent a couple men to retrieve the bodies." She wipes her hand over her mouth. "It seems I have you to thank for keeping anyone else from dying, i was told that a group of ratca... adventurers were responsible for turning the man back." She shakes your hand. "Thank you really, this cursed place has become home for me. Unfortunately i think this will be happening more and more. My sources tell me that the darkness is spreading further and further out towards us. Although there's little i can do, with the damn goblins up in the Slopes i've got enough to deal with."
“Your surroundings, my brother, are filled with evil. I cannot go into it all, goblin slavers, the darkness from Kholias, and wood elves still raiding from time to time. One thing no one has noticed that worries me, is the increase in undead throughout the lands. It seems ghouls and ghosts have recently been appearing sporadicly. My questions to Isia on the topic have gone unanswered. Perhaps if you run into some of these darknesses you could bring some of Helms justice to this land.” You get the feeling as though this latest issue is just another in a long line. She’s not exasperated, but her smile seems quite hard to hold.
"Do you have good news from the surrounding area, are there anywhere we could find allies or others who seek to bring the light of justice into this land? We have heard of these Goblins, of the wood elves and Kholias. Are these tales, dear sister, of the undead rising, recent, and if so, where may I seek them? I fear there may be a larger situation as there cannot be a reason for such hard times to fall on a town like yours."
Thelanis - Adger thinks about this, putting her hand on her head. “Well look, from my rangers reports, there may be a small outpost of goblins in the Dim Wood. We don’t know where it is, but if you end up going in there maybe you could try to take them out and bring back some information on the bigger force up in the Slopes. That would really help the town. Everything we know about the goblins at the moment is that they’re stealing people, mainly focussing on miners making their way through the Dim Wood. With some more intel we may be able to better protect these people.” She looks at you all, seemingly waiting for a response.
Valar - Sister Gwendoline shakes her head. “Not much good news I’m afraid, the Fallen Elves keep up their vigil of Kholias, they seem somewhat indifferent to people coming in or out. As long as you aren’t stealing relics from their fallen citadel, Isa Thalor. In terms of justice, you’ll not find much of that. As for the undead, yes, it is recent. The first few ghouls were reported near the Luethanos Pass to the south-west. But a couple days ago I had some farmers tell me about a ghost haunting the southern section of the Dim Wood. That’s all I know at the moment I believe.”
"How many goblins usually attack?" asks Draíocht. "And when?"
Turning to Thelanis he says, "Dealing with the goblins would free up resources to find Sandford. I'm game."He pauses for a moment and then adds, "Hopefully those captured are still alive."
Adger nods, "Certainly, if you deal with the Goblins in the Dim Wood, then i will send a few rangers on the hunt for Sanford. To be honest, i wasn't going to worry about him too much, most madmen from Kholias end up eaten by a dragon they try to tame or something. But if it's important to you, and you take care of these monsters for me, i'll do you a favour." She glares at Draíocht when she talks. "Goblins attack in groups, whenever they want, kind of like your people. I'm sure you'll find a lot in common with the beasts." She comments with spite.
Thelanis - Adger thinks about this, putting her hand on her head. “Well look, from my rangers reports, there may be a small outpost of goblins in the Dim Wood. We don’t know where it is, but if you end up going in there maybe you could try to take them out and bring back some information on the bigger force up in the Slopes. That would really help the town. Everything we know about the goblins at the moment is that they’re stealing people, mainly focussing on miners making their way through the Dim Wood. With some more intel we may be able to better protect these people.” She looks at you all, seemingly waiting for a response.
Valar - Sister Gwendoline shakes her head. “Not much good news I’m afraid, the Fallen Elves keep up their vigil of Kholias, they seem somewhat indifferent to people coming in or out. As long as you aren’t stealing relics from their fallen citadel, Isa Thalor. In terms of justice, you’ll not find much of that. As for the undead, yes, it is recent. The first few ghouls were reported near the Luethanos Pass to the south-west. But a couple days ago I had some farmers tell me about a ghost haunting the southern section of the Dim Wood. That’s all I know at the moment I believe.”
Valar kneels and bows his head. "While I may be a servant of Helm, bless me sister for I will venture forth to bring light and justice on your behalf."
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"Yes, I'll go with you two", says Thelanis to Draiocht.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
"I'll head to the temple, make my devotions, and see what I can learn," Valar passes. He then turns and leaves, making his way to the temple.
Awesome, i'll just wait for the others to figure out where they want to go, then we can continue.
Draíocht pauses for a moment, taking in what Wrovak says. He says to Amiz and Thelanis, "Shall we start with the constable and then the dwarves?"
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
"Sounds like a good plan as the constable should be aware of what goes on in this town" says Amiz. Once everyone is ready he will leave the tavern and head for the constables.
"Fine by me."
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
So the group separates for a time to see to their individual business.
Thelanis, Draíocht, and Amiz - The three of you head to the east edge of town, where you find Constable Adger's Quarter's, a small shack near the Dim Woods. Once inside you meet a female ranger in brown and dark green leathers, auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail. She gives commands to a couple guards to circle the town, and then goes back to her notes, hand over her mouth in concentration. She looks up as you all walk in and introduces herself as Merideth Adger, constable-ranger of Erithon. "A Leonin! I've only heard of your sort in stories! What brings a man like yourself to Erithon." Her expression darkens slightly at Draíocht's entrance into her quarters.
Valar - You head to the Temple of Isia, just across the street from The Proud Stag. Inside you meet an old woman praying, she wears her white hair in a simple escoffion. Sister Gwendoline. She smiles as you walk up to her, her hands out in greeting. "Welcome, friend, to Isia's house. I see you're a member of a religious order yourself. Although i don't recognise the iconography. What brings you here brother? Or are you simply here to pray with me?"
Valar brings both hands to his heart, then reaches out and takes her hands into his and bows. "I am a humble Paladin of the Pandion order who serve Helm. I have come to see those in need are protected from harm, and from darkness. I have heard darkness looms in the distance, and have come to see that it is stopped. I ran already into a dark soul, one called Sanford. Tell me good sister, am I on the right path? What can you tell me of the surroundings before I venture forth to do Helm's service?"
“Your surroundings, my brother, are filled with evil. I cannot go into it all, goblin slavers, the darkness from Kholias, and wood elves still raiding from time to time. One thing no one has noticed that worries me, is the increase in undead throughout the lands. It seems ghouls and ghosts have recently been appearing sporadicly. My questions to Isia on the topic have gone unanswered. Perhaps if you run into some of these darknesses you could bring some of Helms justice to this land.” You get the feeling as though this latest issue is just another in a long line. She’s not exasperated, but her smile seems quite hard to hold.
Draíocht grunts softly upon entering, but remains quiet otherwise for the time being, waiting for Amiz and Thelanis to take the social lead. He glances around the shack to see what's readily visibile, wondering if there's any indications as to what tools Adger has found necessary in the woods.
Perception: 1+5 = 6
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
"The tavern was attacked last night by a madman called Sanford. We were hoping you might know more about Sanford or where he may have gone to in hiding." says Amiz.
Draíocht - You see the usual accoutrement of a ranger's shack. Arrows, traps, rope. She has a small cell in the corner, currently empty, and she sits at a small desk. There's a room out the back with two bunks in it as well, but they seem like they don't get used too much.
Amiz - Adger nods. "Yes, i was informed about Sanford last night by some of the townsfolk. I went with a couple men into the Dim Woods to look for him but couldn't locate the man. Apparently a couple were mauled by the dretch before he arrived in town, i sent a couple men to retrieve the bodies." She wipes her hand over her mouth. "It seems I have you to thank for keeping anyone else from dying, i was told that a group of ratca... adventurers were responsible for turning the man back." She shakes your hand. "Thank you really, this cursed place has become home for me. Unfortunately i think this will be happening more and more. My sources tell me that the darkness is spreading further and further out towards us. Although there's little i can do, with the damn goblins up in the Slopes i've got enough to deal with."
Thelanis responds, "Perhaps we could be of assistance to you with the goblins."
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
"Do you have good news from the surrounding area, are there anywhere we could find allies or others who seek to bring the light of justice into this land? We have heard of these Goblins, of the wood elves and Kholias. Are these tales, dear sister, of the undead rising, recent, and if so, where may I seek them? I fear there may be a larger situation as there cannot be a reason for such hard times to fall on a town like yours."
Thelanis - Adger thinks about this, putting her hand on her head. “Well look, from my rangers reports, there may be a small outpost of goblins in the Dim Wood. We don’t know where it is, but if you end up going in there maybe you could try to take them out and bring back some information on the bigger force up in the Slopes. That would really help the town. Everything we know about the goblins at the moment is that they’re stealing people, mainly focussing on miners making their way through the Dim Wood. With some more intel we may be able to better protect these people.” She looks at you all, seemingly waiting for a response.
Valar - Sister Gwendoline shakes her head. “Not much good news I’m afraid, the Fallen Elves keep up their vigil of Kholias, they seem somewhat indifferent to people coming in or out. As long as you aren’t stealing relics from their fallen citadel, Isa Thalor. In terms of justice, you’ll not find much of that. As for the undead, yes, it is recent. The first few ghouls were reported near the Luethanos Pass to the south-west. But a couple days ago I had some farmers tell me about a ghost haunting the southern section of the Dim Wood. That’s all I know at the moment I believe.”
"I'll discuss it with our other colleagues but I think we can take a look at that."
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
"How many goblins usually attack?" asks Draíocht. "And when?"
Turning to Thelanis he says, "Dealing with the goblins would free up resources to find Sandford. I'm game." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "Hopefully those captured are still alive."
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
"If dealing with the goblins is what it takes to send more people to find Sanford then I am in as well. Just point us to these goblins" says Amiz
Adger nods, "Certainly, if you deal with the Goblins in the Dim Wood, then i will send a few rangers on the hunt for Sanford. To be honest, i wasn't going to worry about him too much, most madmen from Kholias end up eaten by a dragon they try to tame or something. But if it's important to you, and you take care of these monsters for me, i'll do you a favour." She glares at Draíocht when she talks. "Goblins attack in groups, whenever they want, kind of like your people. I'm sure you'll find a lot in common with the beasts." She comments with spite.
Valar kneels and bows his head. "While I may be a servant of Helm, bless me sister for I will venture forth to bring light and justice on your behalf."