This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Whistler thinks of a thumbs up for Gil.
As he keeps walking forward, he glances up on occasion, so he knows where the flying scout is. Walking around the Orchard, he also keeps an eye out for any herbs of interest.
Tibi does not see anything obvious from the air. On the ground the party moves out of the orchard and into the forest. Just into the forest they find a man cutting wood. You stop momentarily to speak with him. He hasn't seen any sign of the creature you search for.
"I ain’t never seen no thessalhydra, but owlbears we got plenty of around here! It’s probably just a big owlbear that is raiding settlements for its supper. But if you are headed into the hills be warned, some of the caves around here are cursed. Once you enter, you get lost in the twisting tunnels and never escape.”
"wow mr.! that sounds terrible." Gilbert would say as he grabs hold of his long ears and squeezes then tightly. "I.. I wonder if the beast we are after could be living in those hills... " He would say looking to His companions... (the ones around and not flying or scouting lol)
"Well I'll say this: if I were an evil monstrosity, a cursed cave would sound like a perfect place to take up residence. I say we check them out," Darvin says.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
You continue to search the woods, moving further north and you note that that landscape changes and becomes more hilly. Tibi alerts you that there are more hills ahead and what may be some caves.
As you come out of a section of forest you see some raised hills and a cave entrance. You move forward to investigate and just as you do a band of 8 troglodytes exit the mouth of the cave.
OoC: Doesn't matter in this case, but for future reference, Darvin's Jack of All Trades feature gives +1 on non-proficient ability checks, which would include initiative. So total of +4, rather than +3.
OoC: Doesn't matter in this case, but for future reference, Darvin's Jack of All Trades feature gives +1 on non-proficient ability checks, which would include initiative. So total of +4, rather than +3.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
“Tally ho gentlemen, hostiles direct ahead - low” Tibi calls out as he swoops to a height of 120 feet pulling out both Hand crossbows and firing at the lead troglodyte (Right hand crossbow - Attack: 10 Damage: 6 / Left hand crossbow - Attack: 8 Damage: 10
OoC: Strictly speaking you can't use hand crossbows in both hands, since due to the ammunition property you need a free hand to load them. It's not clear what it means that they have the "light" property.
OoC: Strictly speaking you can't use hand crossbows in both hands, since due to the ammunition property you need a free hand to load them. It's not clear what it means that they have the "light" property.
OOC: It means that you can fire them both in one turn, but then would have to holster one of them so that you can load and use the other one. I think if you take the crossbow expert feat however... you can get around this because it removes the "loading" property...
Gil would quickly turn and cast Dragon's Breath on Whistler before moving backwards 30ft away from the enemies. "Get them Whistler! Burn them up!!! Holy Crap! What are those! They don't look friendly!" He would scream before spinning around and running far behind the group. The small Verdan would run with one hand tightly clutching his staff with the other struggling to keep his backpacks from falling off his shoulders.
Tibi “Tally ho gentlemen, hostiles direct ahead - low” Tibi calls out as he swoops to a height of 120 feet pulling out both Hand crossbows and firing at the lead troglodyte (Right hand crossbow - Attack: 8 Damage: 8 / Left hand crossbow - Attack: 12 Damage: 6
He misses on his first shot and hits on the second (but no dex mod to damage, sorry)
Gil would quickly turn and cast Dragon's Breath on Whistler before moving backwards 30ft away from the enemies. "Get them Whistler! Burn them up!!! Holy Crap! What are those! They don't look friendly!" He would scream before spinning around and running far behind the group. The small Verdan would run with one hand tightly clutching his staff with the other struggling to keep his backpacks from falling off his shoulders.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Whistler will move until he is South (I am assuming up is North) of the troglodytes where he stops. As he is about to move so he can engage the troglodytes, he feel something build in his chest. What starts as a burp, quickly turns into a cone of energy aimed at the troglodytes.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Darvin approaches the creatures cautiously with his shield held out in front of him. Stopping just southwest of the closest one (#1) he mutters something under his breath and extends a palm toward the creatures as a wave of sonic energy travels toward them.
thunderwave in a 15' cube, targeting trogs 1-5. CON save, DC 15. On a fail, they take 6 damage and are pushed 10'; half damage and no push on a successful save.
If trog 1 fails its save and is pushed (or if it dies), Darvin will back away 10'; otherwise he'll stay put.
Tibi flies to the northwest looking for any sign of the monster, trampled forest, burnt patches (?), etc.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
Whistler thinks of a thumbs up for Gil.
As he keeps walking forward, he glances up on occasion, so he knows where the flying scout is. Walking around the Orchard, he also keeps an eye out for any herbs of interest.
Nature (Rolling at disadvantage): 7
Tibi does not see anything obvious from the air. On the ground the party moves out of the orchard and into the forest. Just into the forest they find a man cutting wood. You stop momentarily to speak with him. He hasn't seen any sign of the creature you search for.
"I ain’t never seen no thessalhydra, but owlbears we got plenty of around here! It’s probably just a big owlbear that is raiding settlements for its supper. But if you are headed into the hills be warned, some of the caves around here are cursed. Once you enter, you get lost in the twisting tunnels and never escape.”
"wow mr.! that sounds terrible." Gilbert would say as he grabs hold of his long ears and squeezes then tightly. "I.. I wonder if the beast we are after could be living in those hills... " He would say looking to His companions... (the ones around and not flying or scouting lol)
"Well I'll say this: if I were an evil monstrosity, a cursed cave would sound like a perfect place to take up residence. I say we check them out," Darvin says.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
You continue to search the woods, moving further north and you note that that landscape changes and becomes more hilly. Tibi alerts you that there are more hills ahead and what may be some caves.
As you come out of a section of forest you see some raised hills and a cave entrance. You move forward to investigate and just as you do a band of 8 troglodytes exit the mouth of the cave.
Combat initiative
Darvin 9, Gilbert 16, Tibi 15, Whistler 19, Trogs 19
Tibi (27/27), Gilbert (23/23), Whistler (21/21), Darvin (27/27), Trogs (?)
Tibi sees the trogs first from his vantage point in the sky.
Tibi is up!
OoC: Doesn't matter in this case, but for future reference, Darvin's Jack of All Trades feature gives +1 on non-proficient ability checks, which would include initiative. So total of +4, rather than +3.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
ooc: how far do you think Tibi is from the Troglodytes.
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
OOC - So you were flying at a height of 250 feet . I'll say you get down to 120 feet up as you descend and the others clear the woods.
Man, I can't get your initiative right anywhere!
“Tally ho gentlemen, hostiles direct ahead - low” Tibi calls out as he swoops to a height of 120 feet pulling out both Hand crossbows and firing at the lead troglodyte (Right hand crossbow - Attack: 10 Damage: 6 / Left hand crossbow - Attack: 8 Damage: 10
DM - Storm King's Thunder - The Gods Respond
DM - Four bards walk into a bar...
Cracitus Tibicen (Tibi) - Aarokocra - Rogue [Swashbuckler] / Fighter [Battlemaster]
OOC: Grant, I dont think you can add your dex modifier to your second weapon
OoC: Strictly speaking you can't use hand crossbows in both hands, since due to the ammunition property you need a free hand to load them. It's not clear what it means that they have the "light" property.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
OOC: It means that you can fire them both in one turn, but then would have to holster one of them so that you can load and use the other one. I think if you take the crossbow expert feat however... you can get around this because it removes the "loading" property...
OoC: Hah, yeah, it's funny that in both campaigns I'm in with you as DM, my characters have weird things that affect initiative.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)
Gil would quickly turn and cast Dragon's Breath on Whistler before moving backwards 30ft away from the enemies. "Get them Whistler! Burn them up!!! Holy Crap! What are those! They don't look friendly!" He would scream before spinning around and running far behind the group. The small Verdan would run with one hand tightly clutching his staff with the other struggling to keep his backpacks from falling off his shoulders.
Tibi (27/27), Gilbert (23/23), Whistler (21/21), Darvin (27/27), Trogs 1(2), 2(?), 3(?), 4(?), 5(?), 6(?), 7(?), 8(?)
Tibi “Tally ho gentlemen, hostiles direct ahead - low” Tibi calls out as he swoops to a height of 120 feet pulling out both Hand crossbows and firing at the lead troglodyte (Right hand crossbow - Attack: 8 Damage: 8 / Left hand crossbow - Attack: 12 Damage: 6
He misses on his first shot and hits on the second (but no dex mod to damage, sorry)
Gil would quickly turn and cast Dragon's Breath on Whistler before moving backwards 30ft away from the enemies. "Get them Whistler! Burn them up!!! Holy Crap! What are those! They don't look friendly!" He would scream before spinning around and running far behind the group. The small Verdan would run with one hand tightly clutching his staff with the other struggling to keep his backpacks from falling off his shoulders.
Gil moves SW 30 feet
Whistler is up!
Whistler will move until he is South (I am assuming up is North) of the troglodytes where he stops. As he is about to move so he can engage the troglodytes, he feel something build in his chest. What starts as a burp, quickly turns into a cone of energy aimed at the troglodytes.
OOC: idk what energy type you picked Gil.
Damage: 13
(ooc: Fire lol, sorry)
Darvin approaches the creatures cautiously with his shield held out in front of him. Stopping just southwest of the closest one (#1) he mutters something under his breath and extends a palm toward the creatures as a wave of sonic energy travels toward them.
thunderwave in a 15' cube, targeting trogs 1-5. CON save, DC 15. On a fail, they take 6 damage and are pushed 10'; half damage and no push on a successful save.
If trog 1 fails its save and is pushed (or if it dies), Darvin will back away 10'; otherwise he'll stay put.
"Darvin" | Changeling | Hexblade 1 / Swords Bard 6 | Descent Into Avernus (AC 19; PP 14; 52/52 HP)
Anton Chergoba | Human | Battlemaster 4 | Lost Mines of Phandelver (AC 20; PP 14; 36/36 HP)