This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
As Elspeth neared the edge of the town, she slowed down her pace, careful to keep her breath under control. She scanned the waves of attackers - raiders, possibly, but where did they get that dragon? - but saw no similarities amongst them save for their uniform. None seemed to have noticed them for now; well, of course, they were focused on the remaining townsfolk.
She was rather surprised at the appearance of the lizard-like kobolds. They were sort of like an undernourished version of Jalt, and of course she’d heard of the creatures, but she’d never seen one up close, or in fact at all.
Now, of course, was not the time to investigate.
She gave herself just enough time to catch her breath, then leaped into action once more, sprinting to cover enough distance to bring a kobold inside the range of her sling, and trise to sling a stone towards the nearest kobold. (Attack: 9 Damage: 6)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The kobolds swarm in, dodging this way and that, making wild attacks and snickering and chirping; it's a horrible sight and there's no doubt that a terrible fate awaits this family if they are left unprotected.
Kobold 1 attacks the woman again, and hits, stabbing deep into her side; she cries out in pain. She's clearly only got the most basic in combat training; she holds her spear hesitantly, but bravely.
Attack: 15 Damage: 4
Kobold 2 attacks Jalt, but the dagger glances harmless of the dragonborn's armour.
Attack: 20 Damage: 5
Kobold 3 also attacks Jalt, similarly to no effect.
Attack: 15 Damage: 6
Kobold 4 slices its dagger towards Soar; but yelps in pain as the dagger strikes her shield.
Attack: 19 Damage: 5
Kobold 5 attacks Jalt, but misses.
Attack: 10 Damage: 5
Kobold 6 rushes by Soar and attacks Elspeth, though she seems to dodge easily enough:
Attack: 8 Damage: 3
Kobold 7 and 8 are both determined to bring Soar down:
Attack: 9 Damage: 3 Attack: 9 Damage: 4
Kobold 8's attack gets through, the dagger finding a weak point in the paladin's armour and drawing blood.
The street is suddenly a battlefield, the screeching of kobolds and the sound of weapons clashing against armour is horrifying, though you suspect you are hearing the same, in the distance, from all across town.
Jalt's eyes grow wide as he sees the woman and Soar both receive blows from the kobold. He lifts his his mace high and swings mightily at kobold 5.. BAHAMUT, SMITE SIA IRLYMI
Attack: 9 Damage: 3
Then using his bonus action will cast Shield of Faith on the woman who has joined them
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Jalt Rhogar - Dragonborn Cleric (9)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Breena grabs her quarterstaff (really half a quarterstaff, but don't tell her that) with two hands and swings at kobold 1. "Pick. On. Someone. Your. Own. Size!"
Attack: 5 Damage: 7
I have a feeling this isn't going to go well, she's much better with some range but here we go :)
Edit: Not sure if you're able to see the rolls, but they're showing "not available" for me, so if I need to re-roll just let me know... this happened once before and they showed up later, so I'm not sure what's going on
Elspeth winces as she watches the kobolds surrounding the woman attack, but does not hesitate as she grabs hold of her dagger, and takes a swipe at Kobold 6.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The woman took a hard blow in the first few seconds of combat, and knows she won't last long in the middle of the fray. She disengages and steps away from the battle, but within throwing range of the enemy. She looks afraid, but determined to try.
Kobold 1 attacks Breena, drawing blood.
Attack: 13 Damage: 6
Kobold 2 attacks Jalt, its little dagger glittering in the fading light, also finding an opening and hitting the mark.
Attack: 12 Damage: 3
Kobold 3 joins the attack on Jalt, and leaves the dragonborn badly wounded with a nasty jab to the neck.
Attack: 22 Damage: 4
Kobold 4 is badly injured, and panics; it attempts to flee. Soar, you can take an Opportunity Attack on it.
Kobold 5 moves up and attacks Breena, injuring her severely.
Attack: 13 Damage: 4
Kobold 6 is dead.
Kobold 7 is attacking Soar, but strikes her shield.
Attack: 5 Damage: 4
Kobold 8 also attacks the paladin:
Attack: 10 Damage: 4
As Soar turns to deflect the first blow with her shield, the second kobold's blow glances off her armour, doing no damage.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Jalt agonizes as he is badly injured... calling down on the power of Bahamut.... invoking War Priest... Jalt looks at Kobold 2 and 3 and lets out a cold cone of ice towards them
Breath Weapon.. if they fail con save (12)... 7
Tried to link Breath Weapon and War Priest.. neither worked.... much like good dice rolls lol
And with his bonus action swings at either one who isnt affected with his mace... Attack: 6 Damage: 3
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Kobold 2 CON save: 16 Kobold 3 CON save: 0
Kobold 3 freezes solid, dying instantly. For a moment, it seems that Kobold 2 has shrugged off the worst of it, but then it too slumps to the ground. Kobolds 2 and 3 are both dead.
Unfortunately, Jalt isn't able to make a further attack with his weapon.
Soar is up.
(Please also take Soar's Opportunity Attack against Kobold 4, if she wishes to use that.)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Soar eagerly takes another swing at the fleeing kobold and then tries to hit kobold 8 on the backswing. She shouts out some quick encouragement to the woman and asks, "what's going on?"
AOO on Kobold 4: 23 Damage: 7
Main warhammer attack on kobold 7: Attack: 11 Damage: 11
As Elspeth neared the edge of the town, she slowed down her pace, careful to keep her breath under control. She scanned the waves of attackers - raiders, possibly, but where did they get that dragon? - but saw no similarities amongst them save for their uniform. None seemed to have noticed them for now; well, of course, they were focused on the remaining townsfolk.
She was rather surprised at the appearance of the lizard-like kobolds. They were sort of like an undernourished version of Jalt, and of course she’d heard of the creatures, but she’d never seen one up close, or in fact at all.
Now, of course, was not the time to investigate.
She gave herself just enough time to catch her breath, then leaped into action once more, sprinting to cover enough distance to bring a kobold inside the range of her sling, and trise to sling a stone towards the nearest kobold. (Attack: 9 Damage: 6)
Initiative: 5
Soar initiative: 20
Warhammer attack on closest kobold once initiative starts: Attack: 9 Damage: 5
Badger initiative: 10
Rees Changeling Rogue in Tales From the Yawning Portal: Sunless Citadel
Nikya Centaur Blood Hunter in Death House Halloween Oneshot
Round One:
(19) Woman
(18) Kobolds 1-4
(17) Kobolds 5-8
(16) Jalt
(14) Soar
(10) Breena
(9) Elspeth
The woman backs away from the main body of kobolds, taking a strike at Kobold 1 as she goes:
Attack: 11 Damage: 1
Her attack misses; she curses, and backs away further, into your group. The kobold takes an Opportunity Attack with a rusty dagger:
Attack: 8 Damage: 5
The woman manages to dodge the creature's swipe. Please, she says, can you help us? They're everywhere!
The limping man and children are hiding in the shadows, unnoticed by the kobolds for the moment.
The kobolds swarm in, dodging this way and that, making wild attacks and snickering and chirping; it's a horrible sight and there's no doubt that a terrible fate awaits this family if they are left unprotected.
Kobold 1 attacks the woman again, and hits, stabbing deep into her side; she cries out in pain. She's clearly only got the most basic in combat training; she holds her spear hesitantly, but bravely.
Attack: 15 Damage: 4
Kobold 2 attacks Jalt, but the dagger glances harmless of the dragonborn's armour.
Attack: 20 Damage: 5
Kobold 3 also attacks Jalt, similarly to no effect.
Attack: 15 Damage: 6
Kobold 4 slices its dagger towards Soar; but yelps in pain as the dagger strikes her shield.
Attack: 19 Damage: 5
Kobold 5 attacks Jalt, but misses.
Attack: 10 Damage: 5
Kobold 6 rushes by Soar and attacks Elspeth, though she seems to dodge easily enough:
Attack: 8 Damage: 3
Kobold 7 and 8 are both determined to bring Soar down:
Attack: 9 Damage: 3
Attack: 9 Damage: 4
Kobold 8's attack gets through, the dagger finding a weak point in the paladin's armour and drawing blood.
The street is suddenly a battlefield, the screeching of kobolds and the sound of weapons clashing against armour is horrifying, though you suspect you are hearing the same, in the distance, from all across town.
Jalt is up next.

Jalt's eyes grow wide as he sees the woman and Soar both receive blows from the kobold. He lifts his his mace high and swings mightily at kobold 5.. BAHAMUT, SMITE SIA IRLYMI
Attack: 9 Damage: 3
Then using his bonus action will cast Shield of Faith on the woman who has joined them
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Jalt Rhogar - Dragonborn Cleric (9)
"Ive heard it both ways."
Jalt, your mace comes swinging down but the kobold steps deftly to the side and gives a high-pitched, excited laugh.
Soar, you make your attack on Kobold 4 right in front of you; it hits, and the creature is badly wounded, but still alive and in the fight.
Breena is up.
Breena grabs her quarterstaff (really half a quarterstaff, but don't tell her that) with two hands and swings at kobold 1. "Pick. On. Someone. Your. Own. Size!"
Attack: 5 Damage: 7
I have a feeling this isn't going to go well, she's much better with some range but here we go :)
Edit: Not sure if you're able to see the rolls, but they're showing "not available" for me, so if I need to re-roll just let me know... this happened once before and they showed up later, so I'm not sure what's going on
Rees Changeling Rogue in Tales From the Yawning Portal: Sunless Citadel
Nikya Centaur Blood Hunter in Death House Halloween Oneshot
Breena's attack hits the kobold's armour; it yelps in surprise, but is unharmed.
Elspeth is up.
Elspeth winces as she watches the kobolds surrounding the woman attack, but does not hesitate as she grabs hold of her dagger, and takes a swipe at Kobold 6.
Attack: 23 Damage: 7
It's a vicious slash, cutting across the kobold's face and going deep; the creature falls to the ground. Kobold 6 is dead.
Round Two:
(19) Woman
(18) Kobolds 1-4
(17) Kobolds 5, 7 and 8
(16) Jalt
(14) Soar
(10) Breena
(9) Elspeth
The woman took a hard blow in the first few seconds of combat, and knows she won't last long in the middle of the fray. She disengages and steps away from the battle, but within throwing range of the enemy. She looks afraid, but determined to try.
Kobold 1 attacks Breena, drawing blood.
Attack: 13 Damage: 6
Kobold 2 attacks Jalt, its little dagger glittering in the fading light, also finding an opening and hitting the mark.
Attack: 12 Damage: 3
Kobold 3 joins the attack on Jalt, and leaves the dragonborn badly wounded with a nasty jab to the neck.
Attack: 22 Damage: 4
Kobold 4 is badly injured, and panics; it attempts to flee. Soar, you can take an Opportunity Attack on it.
Kobold 5 moves up and attacks Breena, injuring her severely.

Attack: 13 Damage: 4
Kobold 6 is dead.
Kobold 7 is attacking Soar, but strikes her shield.
Attack: 5 Damage: 4
Kobold 8 also attacks the paladin:
Attack: 10 Damage: 4
As Soar turns to deflect the first blow with her shield, the second kobold's blow glances off her armour, doing no damage.
Jalt is up.
Jalt agonizes as he is badly injured... calling down on the power of Bahamut.... invoking War Priest... Jalt looks at Kobold 2 and 3 and lets out a cold cone of ice towards them
Breath Weapon.. if they fail con save (12)... 7
Tried to link Breath Weapon and War Priest.. neither worked.... much like good dice rolls lol
And with his bonus action swings at either one who isnt affected with his mace... Attack: 6 Damage: 3
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Jalt Rhogar - Dragonborn Cleric (9)
"Ive heard it both ways."
Kobold 2 CON save: 16
Kobold 3 CON save: 0
Kobold 3 freezes solid, dying instantly. For a moment, it seems that Kobold 2 has shrugged off the worst of it, but then it too slumps to the ground. Kobolds 2 and 3 are both dead.
Unfortunately, Jalt isn't able to make a further attack with his weapon.
Soar is up.
(Please also take Soar's Opportunity Attack against Kobold 4, if she wishes to use that.)
Soar eagerly takes another swing at the fleeing kobold and then tries to hit kobold 8 on the backswing. She shouts out some quick encouragement to the woman and asks, "what's going on?"
AOO on Kobold 4: 23 Damage: 7
Main warhammer attack on kobold 7: Attack: 11 Damage: 11
Soar, Kobold 4 escapes from your grasp, but your warhammer comes down upon Kobold 7, ending its life. Kobold 7 is dead.
Breena is up.
Breena is going to use her action to disengage and will back up several feet and pull out her shortbow.
No attack from her this turn, she needs to stop getting hit and get some range :)
Rees Changeling Rogue in Tales From the Yawning Portal: Sunless Citadel
Nikya Centaur Blood Hunter in Death House Halloween Oneshot
Breena moves away; the woman looks at her and nods.
Elspeth is up.