This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Elspeth, the stone clatters harmlessly along the road, raising small dust clouds that you can barely see in the increasingly dim light that surrounds you.
The woman launches her spear at Kobold 1, but it thuds into the ground.
Attack: 20 Damage: 2
The woman curses, backs away a little further, and picks up a stone to throw.
Kobold 1 chases after Breena as she moves away, lunging at her with a dagger. It's a lucky hit; Breena feels the darkness closing in upon her as she falls unconscious to the ground.
Attack: 17 Damage: 3
Kobold 4, wounded but feeling safer with a little distance from you, fires a stone from its sling at Soar, hitting her unprotected face and making a horrible gash; blood starts to pour out over her eye.
Attack: 21 Damage: 5
Kobold 5 moves around the injured Jalt, and attacks Elspeth, drawing blood.
Attack: 24 Damage: 7
Kobold 8 jams its dagger into Soar and the wound is too much for the paladin; she falls unconscious.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Jalt's eyes fill with horror and rage as he sees his companions downed...invoking War Priest again... Jalt swings his mace at kobold 5... Attack: 7 Damage: 4
With his second attack if kobold 5 is downed, he will throw his handaxe at kobold 1.... if still up will swing again at him Attack: 6 Damage: 5
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Jalt Rhogar - Dragonborn Cleric (9)
Soar, consciousness is about to fade when you suddenly feel, as you have felt before, the presence of death, the certain omnipresence of Kelemvor, and you know that today is not your day to die. The darkness dissipates; you are lying on the ground, the sun setting and the light fading around you.
Soar opens her eyes and thinks to herself, "well that could have gone worse -- not today Kelemvor!"
She looks to the side, grabs her fallen warhammer, and sees the kobold that dropped her. She uses her full movement to stand and as she does so she swings her hammer in an upwards arc, hoping to remove the head of the kobold leering down at her.
Kobold 8's head does not quite come off; you hear the snap, but it remains attached and the whole body flies about six feet before thudding back down to earth. Kobold 8 is dead.
If Soar has any movement left she will use the rest of her turn to run to Breena, getting ready to draw forth healing light from her remaining connection to Kelemvor, saying "it's not your time just as it's not mine!"
I forget if getting up from prone and attacking still leaves you with any movement in your turn (I think it just takes half so I should have 15 feet left?). Soar will move as close as she can get to Breena and next turn will use lay on hands to put her back at 2 hp.
Soar is able to reach the unconscious Breena; as she does, she sees a convulsion pass through her body; the hand of death almost has the young gnome in its grasp, but again, Soar feels sure that now is not the time.
(Natural 1 counts as two failed death saving throws)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Elspeth curses and stumbles slightly as the dagger enters her flesh, but does not hesitate as she casts Healing Word on the unconscious Breena as a bonus action. She then runs towards Kobold 1, aiming to stab the creature with her dagger, or at least draw its attention.
The woman has found a large rock, and she runs closer to Kobold 4, the last remaining enemy, and throws it, trying to drive the creature away:
Attack: 11 Damage: 4
The rock flies past the kobold without hitting, but the creature seems to take the point. It turns tail and runs off, making it 60 feet.
If anyone wishes to chase the kobold or attack it with a ranged weapon, you can do so. Otherwise, combat is over for the moment.
The woman doubles over, retching and losing the contents of her stomach on the road. She is bleeding and badly wounded, but not in imminent danger. The limping man and children come out of the shadows hesitantly, and move towards her. Mama, asks one child, mama are you hurt?
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Soar will run to 30 feet of the kobold, loosening a javelin from her pack as she does, and throws it. She is smiling through gritted teeth, intent on taking down the kobold who nearly took he mother from her children too soon.
Attack: 18 Damage: 4
Assuming that drops it, she will retrieve her javelin and quickly search the kobold's body, and use a portion of her lay on hands on herself and then look at who appears to be closest to death's door and give the remaining bit of power she has to others who need it most.
"I'm hurt pretty bad - anyone have some serious healing? And does anyone else need a little bit to ward off death's knock? I can help if so."
She will ask the woman what is going on and if there are other survivors.
"We work for Jasa - came in to find Josa and Sumya, have you seen them? Anyone else need help?"
Jasa? asks the woman. I'm sorry, I don't know... Look, thank you for saving my life and my family. My name's Linan, my husband is Cuth. Please, we have to get off the street. Everyone needs help, but you folks took some hard blows in that, no? Do you think you'd survive another round right now? DId you say Sumya? Yosa's little one? Do you know them?
The man can barely walk himself, but is now helping Linan off the street and into one of the houses nearby. Please, come with us, he says, at least for a moment. Out of this chaos.
The sun has set, and though there is some light from the fires, it's not much. You are in darkness; those of you with darkvision (all except Jalt) can see in darkness as though it were dim light (i.e. disadvantage on Perception checks etc.); Jalt will need a light source or will effectively be blinded.
Elspeth straightens as she assumes the danger is over, for the minute, then glances around at her companions, all more or less worse for the wear.
"We should get somewhere safe first, and then we can try to patch ourselves up."
She attempts a reassuring smile at the woman and who she assumes are the family members of the woman.
"We'll help you guys get out of here first."She says, with rather more confidence than she felt. She hesitates, then offers to help support the woman into the house. If they accept, she wraps an arm around the woman to take most of her weight onto herself.
"Tell me something. What happened here? Do you know where Sumya - or any other survivors may be?"
Safe? Nowhere is safe, says the man bitterly. The keep, we hope, except for the bloody dragon in the sky. Still, the keep is likely to be safest still. But these people - whoever they are - they are in the streets and everywhere, and I don't think we'll survive another fight against them.
We can try to sneak past, says Linan. We made it this far, we just got unlucky when those kobolds blundered into us. Maybe we can reach the keep without attracting too much attention. Governor Nighthill will be there; maybe he can tell us what's going on. And as for other survivors, they're either hiding in their basements and praying to the Gods, or doing what we're doing, and headed for the keep.
If you followed Linan and Cuth, you are now standing in an abandoned house that has apparently been trashed by the attackers. It offers some shelter and you will be unseen except by anyone who actively searches the house, but it's not the safest of places. You could attempt to rest here, or head on.
Seeing that Jalt was badly injured with kobolds still near by, Elspeth will use her sling to shoot off a stone at Kobold 5.
Attack: 11 Damage:7
Elspeth, the stone clatters harmlessly along the road, raising small dust clouds that you can barely see in the increasingly dim light that surrounds you.
Round Three:
(19) Woman
(18) Kobold 1 and Kobold 4
(17) Kobold 5 and Kobold 8
(16) Jalt
(14) Soar
(10) Breena
(9) Elspeth
The woman launches her spear at Kobold 1, but it thuds into the ground.
Attack: 20 Damage: 2
The woman curses, backs away a little further, and picks up a stone to throw.
Kobold 1 chases after Breena as she moves away, lunging at her with a dagger. It's a lucky hit; Breena feels the darkness closing in upon her as she falls unconscious to the ground.
Attack: 17 Damage: 3
Kobold 4, wounded but feeling safer with a little distance from you, fires a stone from its sling at Soar, hitting her unprotected face and making a horrible gash; blood starts to pour out over her eye.
Attack: 21 Damage: 5
Kobold 5 moves around the injured Jalt, and attacks Elspeth, drawing blood.
Attack: 24 Damage: 7
Kobold 8 jams its dagger into Soar and the wound is too much for the paladin; she falls unconscious.
Attack: 15 Damage: 5
Jalt is up.
Jalt's eyes fill with horror and rage as he sees his companions downed...invoking War Priest again... Jalt swings his mace at kobold 5... Attack: 7 Damage: 4
With his second attack if kobold 5 is downed, he will throw his handaxe at kobold 1.... if still up will swing again at him Attack: 6 Damage: 5
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Jalt Rhogar - Dragonborn Cleric (9)
"Ive heard it both ways."
(Sorry, some trouble with maps still.)
Though Jalt's first blow misses, the second connects and destroys Kobold 5.
Soar is up: Please make a death saving throw.
Soar death saving throw: 20
Soar, consciousness is about to fade when you suddenly feel, as you have felt before, the presence of death, the certain omnipresence of Kelemvor, and you know that today is not your day to die. The darkness dissipates; you are lying on the ground, the sun setting and the light fading around you.
Soar opens her eyes and thinks to herself, "well that could have gone worse -- not today Kelemvor!"
She looks to the side, grabs her fallen warhammer, and sees the kobold that dropped her. She uses her full movement to stand and as she does so she swings her hammer in an upwards arc, hoping to remove the head of the kobold leering down at her.
Attack: 17 Damage: 6
Kobold 8's head does not quite come off; you hear the snap, but it remains attached and the whole body flies about six feet before thudding back down to earth. Kobold 8 is dead.
Breena is up. Please make a death saving throw.
If Soar has any movement left she will use the rest of her turn to run to Breena, getting ready to draw forth healing light from her remaining connection to Kelemvor, saying "it's not your time just as it's not mine!"
I forget if getting up from prone and attacking still leaves you with any movement in your turn (I think it just takes half so I should have 15 feet left?). Soar will move as close as she can get to Breena and next turn will use lay on hands to put her back at 2 hp.
Breena death saving throw: 1
Rees Changeling Rogue in Tales From the Yawning Portal: Sunless Citadel
Nikya Centaur Blood Hunter in Death House Halloween Oneshot
Soar is able to reach the unconscious Breena; as she does, she sees a convulsion pass through her body; the hand of death almost has the young gnome in its grasp, but again, Soar feels sure that now is not the time.
(Natural 1 counts as two failed death saving throws)
Elspeth is up.

Elspeth curses and stumbles slightly as the dagger enters her flesh, but does not hesitate as she casts Healing Word on the unconscious Breena as a bonus action. She then runs towards Kobold 1, aiming to stab the creature with her dagger, or at least draw its attention.
Healing word: 6 Attack: 20 Damage: 7
Breena, you return to consciousness with 3HP, lying on the ground.
Elspeth, your dagger strikes true, and Kobold 1 does not survive the dagger thrust through its neck. Kobold 1 is dead.
Round Four:
(19) Woman
(18) Kobold 4
(16) Jalt
(14) Soar
(10) Breena
(9) Elspeth
The woman has found a large rock, and she runs closer to Kobold 4, the last remaining enemy, and throws it, trying to drive the creature away:
Attack: 11 Damage: 4
The rock flies past the kobold without hitting, but the creature seems to take the point. It turns tail and runs off, making it 60 feet.
If anyone wishes to chase the kobold or attack it with a ranged weapon, you can do so. Otherwise, combat is over for the moment.
The woman doubles over, retching and losing the contents of her stomach on the road. She is bleeding and badly wounded, but not in imminent danger. The limping man and children come out of the shadows hesitantly, and move towards her. Mama, asks one child, mama are you hurt?
Breena will get up from prone and shoot an arrow at the fleeing kobold, mostly to make sure it doesn't come back with reinforcements.
attack: 22 Damage: 8
Rees Changeling Rogue in Tales From the Yawning Portal: Sunless Citadel
Nikya Centaur Blood Hunter in Death House Halloween Oneshot
Soar will run to 30 feet of the kobold, loosening a javelin from her pack as she does, and throws it. She is smiling through gritted teeth, intent on taking down the kobold who nearly took he mother from her children too soon.
Attack: 18 Damage: 4
Assuming that drops it, she will retrieve her javelin and quickly search the kobold's body, and use a portion of her lay on hands on herself and then look at who appears to be closest to death's door and give the remaining bit of power she has to others who need it most.
"I'm hurt pretty bad - anyone have some serious healing? And does anyone else need a little bit to ward off death's knock? I can help if so."
She will ask the woman what is going on and if there are other survivors.
"We work for Jasa - came in to find Josa and Sumya, have you seen them? Anyone else need help?"
Jasa? asks the woman. I'm sorry, I don't know... Look, thank you for saving my life and my family. My name's Linan, my husband is Cuth. Please, we have to get off the street. Everyone needs help, but you folks took some hard blows in that, no? Do you think you'd survive another round right now? DId you say Sumya? Yosa's little one? Do you know them?
The man can barely walk himself, but is now helping Linan off the street and into one of the houses nearby. Please, come with us, he says, at least for a moment. Out of this chaos.
The sun has set, and though there is some light from the fires, it's not much. You are in darkness; those of you with darkvision (all except Jalt) can see in darkness as though it were dim light (i.e. disadvantage on Perception checks etc.); Jalt will need a light source or will effectively be blinded.
Elspeth straightens as she assumes the danger is over, for the minute, then glances around at her companions, all more or less worse for the wear.
"We should get somewhere safe first, and then we can try to patch ourselves up."
She attempts a reassuring smile at the woman and who she assumes are the family members of the woman.
"We'll help you guys get out of here first." She says, with rather more confidence than she felt. She hesitates, then offers to help support the woman into the house. If they accept, she wraps an arm around the woman to take most of her weight onto herself.
"Tell me something. What happened here? Do you know where Sumya - or any other survivors may be?"
Safe? Nowhere is safe, says the man bitterly. The keep, we hope, except for the bloody dragon in the sky. Still, the keep is likely to be safest still. But these people - whoever they are - they are in the streets and everywhere, and I don't think we'll survive another fight against them.
We can try to sneak past, says Linan. We made it this far, we just got unlucky when those kobolds blundered into us. Maybe we can reach the keep without attracting too much attention. Governor Nighthill will be there; maybe he can tell us what's going on. And as for other survivors, they're either hiding in their basements and praying to the Gods, or doing what we're doing, and headed for the keep.
If you followed Linan and Cuth, you are now standing in an abandoned house that has apparently been trashed by the attackers. It offers some shelter and you will be unseen except by anyone who actively searches the house, but it's not the safest of places. You could attempt to rest here, or head on.
Jalt will have followed and then asked to see who was hurt and needed help.
Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Jalt Rhogar - Dragonborn Cleric (9)
"Ive heard it both ways."