It is a period of civil wars in the galaxy. A brave alliance of underground freedom fighters has challenged the tyranny and oppression of the awesome GALACTIC EM
sorry wrong intro
Red Larch is a town on the Long Road, a few days’ travel north of Waterdeep and a few days’ travel south of Triboar. It’s a way stop for caravans coming to or from the cities of the North, with an inn named the Swinging Sword, a tavern called the Helm at Highsun, and many craftspeople who cater to travelers. But lately there have been rumors, that and strange disappearances. Various reasons have brought each of you to this town.
We start our adventure at the towns tavern The Helm at Highsun (#3)
I turn to the princess, "You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor!" He turns to the nearest person, "Take her away!"
also I apologize for my character in advance.....
"T'chal'fronack'zcinicker. It's not that difficult. T'chal'fronack'zcinicker. It has less syllables than categorematically, but you don't have any problems with that word do you?" The teenage wait girl stands there, staring at the Tiefling, her mouth slightly open. Two small curled horns press forward from his temples, his skin is olive and mottled, his face clean shaven. His black hair is tied back into a ponytail. Two massive bat wings are scrunched up on his back. He wears a well made form fitting shirt and vest with a formal jacket over it, all adapted for his large wings. The shirt is white the vest is beige, and the jacket is brown. He wears ill fitting brown slacks below that look to have seen better days. A battered shield is tied to the backpack and he has a long, rusted rapier at his side. He cinches open his backpack, digging through a well organized built in file folder, pulling out a scroll filled with tiny, finely formed writing. "This is an agreement to provide standard wait services in exchange for payment, including of which is an option stipend based on the quality of the service provided. Please sign here." He passes the girl a quill which she clumsily grabs.
"You want me to sign this?" she asks, full of doubt.
"If you wish to receive a tip then I must insist," he replies as he taps the signature line below.
The bar tender speaks up, "Hey now, what are you about, trying to get my waitress to sign papers...?"
The Tiefling looks at him, "You'll get your turn when we discuss the procurement of rooms."
The girl scribbles on the paper. The Tiefling reveals a second copy below, tapping it as well. Soon enough she's done and he hands her a copy. "Please retain this for your records. And remember, failure to abide by the terms of our agreement could result in failure to accrue value in your optional stipend." He smiles an impersonal smile. "Can you kindly review with me each of the food and drink options such that I can choose an appropriate meal? Reminder that failure to provide all options may find you in violation of our agreement."
As the girl begins methodically listing off all options he grills her on details until eventually satisfied, he makes an order, repeating it twice, and then sits waiting, while glancing around the room.
Rehgys gives a hearty chuckle at the exchange. They've been spending the day in Red Larch, and as a bard alone on the road found the tavern as good a place as any to rest. Deciding that they want to get to know the intriguing tielfing better, Rehgys moves over to the table. They wear a simple linen tunic, with some decorative stitching on the edges, and a haversack slung around one shoulder. As they move, you can hear the jingling sounds of several trinkets, bells, and other jewels adorning their curved horns. With a wide grin, Rehgys pulls up a chair, and swings one of their legs across it to lean onto the back with their hairy forearms.
"Seems to me you take all those regulations too seriously. I bet you're the type that always remembers how many ales they had the night before?" The last part is added with a wink, both aimed at T'chalfronackshinicker and the poor suffering barmaid.
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Union!- Errydha (Homebrew) Setting Embers in the Dark - Errydha (Homebrew) Setting Welcome to the Jungle- Far Realms Citadel of the Unsleeping Sun - Erathis (Grim Hollow) Setting
Yevelda the Mutt- 3rd Level Half-Orc Battlemaster Fighter- Far Realms Rehgys- 5th Level Satyr Bard of Eloquence- Far Realms
Xalkas sits in a corner of the tavern puffing on a pipe while pouring over a book he has open on the table. Nearby are the remains of his most recent meal (I assume breakfast) he observes the tiefling with a modicum of interest as the satyr walks over and sits itself down. Keeping one eye on the odd pair and one on his book Xalkas continues sipping on the remains of his beverage from earlier.
The Tiefling regards the Satyr that approaches. When he sits, T'chal'fronack'zcinicker looks truly shocked at his question. "Do you not keep a detailed recording of the number of drinks you've had?" His mind seems to struggle with this concept for several seconds. Then he looks truly fascinated and sits forward, "Well, tell me then, how do you know if you've paid the correct amount? How do you prevent yourself from becoming so inebriated that you don't just pass out or lose memory? In such a case, you risk both death through natural means as well as theft or worse from those around you. Even worse however, you'd have no information about the intervening time, which means you could break any of your current contracts even just accidentally! My name is T'chal'fronack'zcinicker, if I may inquire as to your name and purpose here?"
The lone elf warrior strides along the Cairn road, entering the town from the east. Clad in silvery elven chain with dark green and brown hunters clothing, the hilt of a large blade protruding above his left shoulder from its baldric. Kerric's pointed ears and thin but powerful frame marked him as a high elf, and his purposeful gait marked him as a trained warrior. A sun-kissed face and dark red hair spoke of an outdoor life, and an upright posture spoke of self-confidence and maybe...pride?
His trip from the High Forest had been uneventful, though not very informative. Making for Summit Hall, Kerric had followed the road southwest to Womford and then northwest to Red Larch. He saw no sign of the strange occurrences the council reported in the first two towns--maybe Red Larch will be different. Unfamiliar with the town's layout, Kerric heads to the nearest tavern to refresh himself and get the lay of the land.
An elven warrior strides into the Helm at Highsun and moves directly to the bar. "I'll have water and some simple fare--perhaps fruit, nuts, and bread, barkeep." He sits down easily at the bar and looks around the room attentively.
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Rehgys gives a hearty laugh: "Of course not, T! What's the worth of detailed information compared to a good story? And I don't like living by contracts or other things binding me. I'm a free spirit moving about the world, bringing song and news to the different towns on my path. Rehgys is my name, and I ended up here after a night of revelry I just described!"
Rehgys gives a quick turn of their head when they hear an elf enter the bar. Making them to be an adventuring sort, Rehgys goes back to winding up the overly bureaucratic tiefling, certain in the knowledge that the elf won't take too long to start talking to the two of them.
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Union!- Errydha (Homebrew) Setting Embers in the Dark - Errydha (Homebrew) Setting Welcome to the Jungle- Far Realms Citadel of the Unsleeping Sun - Erathis (Grim Hollow) Setting
Yevelda the Mutt- 3rd Level Half-Orc Battlemaster Fighter- Far Realms Rehgys- 5th Level Satyr Bard of Eloquence- Far Realms
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Sipping on his water and waiting on the food to be prepared, Kerric looks around, trying to remember what he knows about this town. He had done a bit of research into the history of this region, but did he learn anything about Red Larch?
History: 10
Listening to the conversations going on, Kerric keeps a keen ear out for any conversation about strange or evil occurrences.
Perception: 13
Speaking to the barkeep when he or she returns with his food, Kerric asks, "So, anything unusual going on in town?"
Persuasion: 7
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
You know that Red Larch is a caravan stop for merchants travelling the Long Road, and that the quarries yield prized marble and quality Slate further in the hills
he also over hears two patrons discussing a rise in banditry both along the Long Road and the Cairn road
oh and a strange duo of a Tiefling discussing things with a Satyr
T'chal'fronack'zcinicker looks aghast at the Rehgys comments. He takes a moment to breath and calm himself. "First, kind sir, let us discuss names. My name is T'chal'fronack'zcinicker. It's not that difficult. T'chal'fronack'zcinicker. If you can say 'Indecipherability' then you should be able to pronounce my name properly. Each part of it was earned through bloody trials, months of hardship, and much pain and agony. Reducing it to 'T' is quite unacceptable." His eyes narrow and he scans the Satyr up and down. "Now, I'm afraid the rest of our conversation on the merits of a detail oriented, well structured way of living compared to a careless....I beg your pardon.... care FREE life could take quite some time. I am on an assignment to thoroughly update the map records for this region, however and I've heard rumors of banditry in the area. If you are passing through and so inclined, I would be willing to draw up a contract for a travelling associate. Traveling together could provide us with ample time to explore the minutia that such a discussion demands. What say you?"
Xalkas lets out a small chuckle at the tiefling going over pronouncing his name for a second time with a second individual. But doesn’t comment on it further. Having finished his drink, stands gathers his belongings and walks over to the bar and sits next to Kerric. “Excuse me, Barkeep. I would like another drink if you please.” Xalkas continues listening to the conversation between the satyr and the tiefling curious how this second contract is going to go.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Listening carefully to the two patrons discussing the rise in banditry along the Cairn and and Long roads, Kerric gets little response from the busy barkeep and decides to go over and introduce himself to the patrons. Putting on his "polite dealing with non-elves" face, he smiles and approaches the locals.
"Excuse me, do you mind if join you for a few moments?" says the elven warrior. Assuming they assent, he remarks, "I just came into town on the Cairn road and have heard some rumors about increased bandit activity. I have also been told of a few more...unusual...occurrences, though details are sparse. I'd be happy to buy your next round if you can share with me what you know."
Persuasion: 15
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
the two locals look at Kerric......then go back to drinking
The bartender however waves you back over. "There are rumors and there are rumors they say, i heard a caravan jus got hit up Triboar way, and have heard of ne'er do wells to the south on the Cairn road, least that is what the Constable was saying"
He hands Xalkas his order and also goes back to watching the Tiefling and Satyr
Xalkas ears perk up at the mention of the caravan attack near triboar “Have you heard details about it? ... The attack on that caravan I mean? Or would the constable now more about it?” Xalkas takes a sip of his refreshed drink and sits in a manner so he can do both the barkeep and the conversing tiefling and satyr.
Ebele would exhale deeply as she returned to an upright stance, hands at her side. Platinum blonde, porcelain skin, high cheekbones and pointed ears. At first glance, she appeared to be elven, but only upon closer inspection, the curves of her frame and shorter stature would say otherwise. The half-elf wore simple cloth, a white shirt with a deep cowl and tight-fitting black pants with a mix of pouches stapped to her hips. Most curiously, she wore a band of cloth over her eyes that appeared to be weeping liquid shadows.
The monk would wipe the sweat from her brows with bandaged hands, her chest rising and falling with exertion. She needed to maintain some form of routine or structure, so upon initially arriving in town, the first thing she did was locate an open space to train. Ebele took her training seriously and ensured she took each step, strike and stunt with surefooted calculation. She was passionate about each of her crafts and practiced until each movement was committed to muscle memory. And today was no different.
Now that Ebele was done her training, for now, she deserved a reward! The half-elf would collect her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. It was time for her to indulge. Following her ears and eventually her nose, the monk would stride from her 'fighting pit' onto the Long Road and towards the Helm at Highsun. As she'd arrive at the door of the establishment, she'd be sure to take a breath to centre herself and reset her visage.
Chin up, blank expression, the blonde would open the door to the establishment. She'd walk swiftly and with purpose to the bar, and should there be a seat available, Ebele would help herself to it. Looking straight ahead, she'd wait a moment until she'd hear the barkeep pad by. "Excuse me. When you have a moment, can I bother you for the local's finest ale and favourite dish." Her voice as polite but assertive in the sense that she wanted crafted homebrew and local delicacy. There was a hint of a smirk on her face in anticipation of what he'll bring her.
Xalkas regards the newcomer with mild curiosity ‘How does she know where to go if she has her eyes covered ... most curious’ he thinks to himself while waiting to hear from the barkeep.
Traveller came through what 2 days ago claiming burned out waggons and no survivors, that makes three i think caravans the last 2 tendays, first on the Long Road though, anyways the Constable took note and said that was Triboars problem, he was troubled but he is busy with the Cairn road reports, among other things, there are only the five of them for the town, we don even have a proper sherrifs house, he works out of the Butcher shoppe"
Upon seeing the monk enter and make her request he bows his head slightly would you like Chicken or Beef sister?
"Chicken." Ebele would nod her head in thanks. She'd keep her ears open to eavesdropping on any conversation of interest that could be occurring around her.
the bartender nods and places down a mug of golden ale (not local but from Westbridge) then goes back to the kitchen area
a few moments later the serving girl puts dawn a half of roasted chicken with fingerling potatoes then turns to the bartender Do i have to go back to that table, that T...chal.T...chal....fron..whatever that Tiefling kind of makes me nervous with all that signing things
you signed it dear so you have to serve him, but im keeping watch dont worry and he returns to cleaning mugs
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It is a period of civil wars in the galaxy. A brave alliance of underground freedom fighters has challenged the tyranny and oppression of the awesome GALACTIC EM
sorry wrong intro
Red Larch is a town on the Long Road, a few days’ travel north of Waterdeep and a few days’ travel south of Triboar. It’s a way stop for caravans coming to or from the cities of the North, with an inn named the Swinging Sword, a tavern called the Helm at Highsun, and many craftspeople who cater to travelers. But lately there have been rumors, that and strange disappearances. Various reasons have brought each of you to this town.
We start our adventure at the towns tavern The Helm at Highsun (#3)
Laissez les bons temps rouler
I turn to the princess, "You are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor!" He turns to the nearest person, "Take her away!"
also I apologize for my character in advance.....
"T'chal'fronack'zcinicker. It's not that difficult. T'chal'fronack'zcinicker. It has less syllables than categorematically, but you don't have any problems with that word do you?" The teenage wait girl stands there, staring at the Tiefling, her mouth slightly open. Two small curled horns press forward from his temples, his skin is olive and mottled, his face clean shaven. His black hair is tied back into a ponytail. Two massive bat wings are scrunched up on his back. He wears a well made form fitting shirt and vest with a formal jacket over it, all adapted for his large wings. The shirt is white the vest is beige, and the jacket is brown. He wears ill fitting brown slacks below that look to have seen better days. A battered shield is tied to the backpack and he has a long, rusted rapier at his side. He cinches open his backpack, digging through a well organized built in file folder, pulling out a scroll filled with tiny, finely formed writing. "This is an agreement to provide standard wait services in exchange for payment, including of which is an option stipend based on the quality of the service provided. Please sign here." He passes the girl a quill which she clumsily grabs.
"You want me to sign this?" she asks, full of doubt.
"If you wish to receive a tip then I must insist," he replies as he taps the signature line below.
The bar tender speaks up, "Hey now, what are you about, trying to get my waitress to sign papers...?"
The Tiefling looks at him, "You'll get your turn when we discuss the procurement of rooms."
The girl scribbles on the paper. The Tiefling reveals a second copy below, tapping it as well. Soon enough she's done and he hands her a copy. "Please retain this for your records. And remember, failure to abide by the terms of our agreement could result in failure to accrue value in your optional stipend." He smiles an impersonal smile. "Can you kindly review with me each of the food and drink options such that I can choose an appropriate meal? Reminder that failure to provide all options may find you in violation of our agreement."
As the girl begins methodically listing off all options he grills her on details until eventually satisfied, he makes an order, repeating it twice, and then sits waiting, while glancing around the room.
What's the difference between a Wizard and a Sorcerer?
The bartender stares at the stranger. "Rooms are across the street at the sword. An dont be giving my staff trouble"
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Rehgys gives a hearty chuckle at the exchange. They've been spending the day in Red Larch, and as a bard alone on the road found the tavern as good a place as any to rest. Deciding that they want to get to know the intriguing tielfing better, Rehgys moves over to the table. They wear a simple linen tunic, with some decorative stitching on the edges, and a haversack slung around one shoulder. As they move, you can hear the jingling sounds of several trinkets, bells, and other jewels adorning their curved horns. With a wide grin, Rehgys pulls up a chair, and swings one of their legs across it to lean onto the back with their hairy forearms.
"Seems to me you take all those regulations too seriously. I bet you're the type that always remembers how many ales they had the night before?" The last part is added with a wink, both aimed at T'chalfronackshinicker and the poor suffering barmaid.
Union!- Errydha (Homebrew) Setting
Embers in the Dark - Errydha (Homebrew) Setting
Welcome to the Jungle- Far Realms
Citadel of the Unsleeping Sun - Erathis (Grim Hollow) Setting
Yevelda the Mutt- 3rd Level Half-Orc Battlemaster Fighter- Far Realms
Rehgys- 5th Level Satyr Bard of Eloquence- Far Realms
“I’m luke skywalker. I’m here to rescue you!”
Xalkas sits in a corner of the tavern puffing on a pipe while pouring over a book he has open on the table. Nearby are the remains of his most recent meal (I assume breakfast) he observes the tiefling with a modicum of interest as the satyr walks over and sits itself down. Keeping one eye on the odd pair and one on his book Xalkas continues sipping on the remains of his beverage from earlier.
The Tiefling regards the Satyr that approaches. When he sits, T'chal'fronack'zcinicker looks truly shocked at his question. "Do you not keep a detailed recording of the number of drinks you've had?" His mind seems to struggle with this concept for several seconds. Then he looks truly fascinated and sits forward, "Well, tell me then, how do you know if you've paid the correct amount? How do you prevent yourself from becoming so inebriated that you don't just pass out or lose memory? In such a case, you risk both death through natural means as well as theft or worse from those around you. Even worse however, you'd have no information about the intervening time, which means you could break any of your current contracts even just accidentally! My name is T'chal'fronack'zcinicker, if I may inquire as to your name and purpose here?"
What's the difference between a Wizard and a Sorcerer?
The lone elf warrior strides along the Cairn road, entering the town from the east. Clad in silvery elven chain with dark green and brown hunters clothing, the hilt of a large blade protruding above his left shoulder from its baldric. Kerric's pointed ears and thin but powerful frame marked him as a high elf, and his purposeful gait marked him as a trained warrior. A sun-kissed face and dark red hair spoke of an outdoor life, and an upright posture spoke of self-confidence and maybe...pride?
His trip from the High Forest had been uneventful, though not very informative. Making for Summit Hall, Kerric had followed the road southwest to Womford and then northwest to Red Larch. He saw no sign of the strange occurrences the council reported in the first two towns--maybe Red Larch will be different. Unfamiliar with the town's layout, Kerric heads to the nearest tavern to refresh himself and get the lay of the land.
An elven warrior strides into the Helm at Highsun and moves directly to the bar. "I'll have water and some simple fare--perhaps fruit, nuts, and bread, barkeep." He sits down easily at the bar and looks around the room attentively.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Rehgys gives a hearty laugh: "Of course not, T! What's the worth of detailed information compared to a good story? And I don't like living by contracts or other things binding me. I'm a free spirit moving about the world, bringing song and news to the different towns on my path. Rehgys is my name, and I ended up here after a night of revelry I just described!"
Rehgys gives a quick turn of their head when they hear an elf enter the bar. Making them to be an adventuring sort, Rehgys goes back to winding up the overly bureaucratic tiefling, certain in the knowledge that the elf won't take too long to start talking to the two of them.
Union!- Errydha (Homebrew) Setting
Embers in the Dark - Errydha (Homebrew) Setting
Welcome to the Jungle- Far Realms
Citadel of the Unsleeping Sun - Erathis (Grim Hollow) Setting
Yevelda the Mutt- 3rd Level Half-Orc Battlemaster Fighter- Far Realms
Rehgys- 5th Level Satyr Bard of Eloquence- Far Realms
Sipping on his water and waiting on the food to be prepared, Kerric looks around, trying to remember what he knows about this town. He had done a bit of research into the history of this region, but did he learn anything about Red Larch?
History: 10
Listening to the conversations going on, Kerric keeps a keen ear out for any conversation about strange or evil occurrences.
Perception: 13
Speaking to the barkeep when he or she returns with his food, Kerric asks, "So, anything unusual going on in town?"
Persuasion: 7
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
You know that Red Larch is a caravan stop for merchants travelling the Long Road, and that the quarries yield prized marble and quality Slate further in the hills
he also over hears two patrons discussing a rise in banditry both along the Long Road and the Cairn road
oh and a strange duo of a Tiefling discussing things with a Satyr
Laissez les bons temps rouler
T'chal'fronack'zcinicker looks aghast at the Rehgys comments. He takes a moment to breath and calm himself. "First, kind sir, let us discuss names. My name is T'chal'fronack'zcinicker. It's not that difficult. T'chal'fronack'zcinicker. If you can say 'Indecipherability' then you should be able to pronounce my name properly. Each part of it was earned through bloody trials, months of hardship, and much pain and agony. Reducing it to 'T' is quite unacceptable." His eyes narrow and he scans the Satyr up and down. "Now, I'm afraid the rest of our conversation on the merits of a detail oriented, well structured way of living compared to a careless....I beg your pardon.... care FREE life could take quite some time. I am on an assignment to thoroughly update the map records for this region, however and I've heard rumors of banditry in the area. If you are passing through and so inclined, I would be willing to draw up a contract for a travelling associate. Traveling together could provide us with ample time to explore the minutia that such a discussion demands. What say you?"
What's the difference between a Wizard and a Sorcerer?
Xalkas lets out a small chuckle at the tiefling going over pronouncing his name for a second time with a second individual. But doesn’t comment on it further. Having finished his drink, stands gathers his belongings and walks over to the bar and sits next to Kerric. “Excuse me, Barkeep. I would like another drink if you please.” Xalkas continues listening to the conversation between the satyr and the tiefling curious how this second contract is going to go.
Listening carefully to the two patrons discussing the rise in banditry along the Cairn and and Long roads, Kerric gets little response from the busy barkeep and decides to go over and introduce himself to the patrons. Putting on his "polite dealing with non-elves" face, he smiles and approaches the locals.
"Excuse me, do you mind if join you for a few moments?" says the elven warrior. Assuming they assent, he remarks, "I just came into town on the Cairn road and have heard some rumors about increased bandit activity. I have also been told of a few more...unusual...occurrences, though details are sparse. I'd be happy to buy your next round if you can share with me what you know."
Persuasion: 15
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
the two locals look at Kerric......then go back to drinking
The bartender however waves you back over. "There are rumors and there are rumors they say, i heard a caravan jus got hit up Triboar way, and have heard of ne'er do wells to the south on the Cairn road, least that is what the Constable was saying"
He hands Xalkas his order and also goes back to watching the Tiefling and Satyr
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Xalkas ears perk up at the mention of the caravan attack near triboar “Have you heard details about it? ... The attack on that caravan I mean? Or would the constable now more about it?” Xalkas takes a sip of his refreshed drink and sits in a manner so he can do both the barkeep and the conversing tiefling and satyr.
Ebele would exhale deeply as she returned to an upright stance, hands at her side. Platinum blonde, porcelain skin, high cheekbones and pointed ears. At first glance, she appeared to be elven, but only upon closer inspection, the curves of her frame and shorter stature would say otherwise. The half-elf wore simple cloth, a white shirt with a deep cowl and tight-fitting black pants with a mix of pouches stapped to her hips. Most curiously, she wore a band of cloth over her eyes that appeared to be weeping liquid shadows.
The monk would wipe the sweat from her brows with bandaged hands, her chest rising and falling with exertion. She needed to maintain some form of routine or structure, so upon initially arriving in town, the first thing she did was locate an open space to train. Ebele took her training seriously and ensured she took each step, strike and stunt with surefooted calculation. She was passionate about each of her crafts and practiced until each movement was committed to muscle memory. And today was no different.
Now that Ebele was done her training, for now, she deserved a reward! The half-elf would collect her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. It was time for her to indulge. Following her ears and eventually her nose, the monk would stride from her 'fighting pit' onto the Long Road and towards the Helm at Highsun. As she'd arrive at the door of the establishment, she'd be sure to take a breath to centre herself and reset her visage.
Chin up, blank expression, the blonde would open the door to the establishment. She'd walk swiftly and with purpose to the bar, and should there be a seat available, Ebele would help herself to it. Looking straight ahead, she'd wait a moment until she'd hear the barkeep pad by. "Excuse me. When you have a moment, can I bother you for the local's finest ale and favourite dish." Her voice as polite but assertive in the sense that she wanted crafted homebrew and local delicacy. There was a hint of a smirk on her face in anticipation of what he'll bring her.
just an unstable unicorn.
Xalkas regards the newcomer with mild curiosity ‘How does she know where to go if she has her eyes covered ... most curious’ he thinks to himself while waiting to hear from the barkeep.
Traveller came through what 2 days ago claiming burned out waggons and no survivors, that makes three i think caravans the last 2 tendays, first on the Long Road though, anyways the Constable took note and said that was Triboars problem, he was troubled but he is busy with the Cairn road reports, among other things, there are only the five of them for the town, we don even have a proper sherrifs house, he works out of the Butcher shoppe"
Upon seeing the monk enter and make her request he bows his head slightly would you like Chicken or Beef sister?
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"Chicken." Ebele would nod her head in thanks. She'd keep her ears open to eavesdropping on any conversation of interest that could be occurring around her.
just an unstable unicorn.
the bartender nods and places down a mug of golden ale (not local but from Westbridge) then goes back to the kitchen area
a few moments later the serving girl puts dawn a half of roasted chicken with fingerling potatoes then turns to the bartender Do i have to go back to that table, that T...chal.T...chal....fron..whatever that Tiefling kind of makes me nervous with all that signing things
you signed it dear so you have to serve him, but im keeping watch dont worry and he returns to cleaning mugs
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