I'm in Fort Dodge. I might be interested in a game if anyone decides to run one around here.
Also, to the person in Ames looking for a game on the weekends, I'm involved in 4e D&D in Ames on Saturday. We're usually willing to welcome new people.
I'm in Fort Dodge. I might be interested in a game if anyone decides to run one around here.
Also, to the person in Ames looking for a game on the weekends, I'm involved in 4e D&D in Ames on Saturday. We're usually willing to welcome new people.
There's a weekly game at the Rockwell City library on Tuesdays, 4-7.
Newton here. Recently back since 3.5. Coworkers brought me back, had 2 sessions of 2 different campaigns (infrequent game days) and getting the itch bad.
I know about Multiverse in Grinnell but currently cant travel (car has cracked head gasket so its used for limping to work and back)
Mount Pleasant here new player looking for a group to help me learn the game. Fairly open schedule as well. I am on the shy side of things used to play a pnp game with my brother before he passed away of which was his own creation and I enjoyed it very much so. Looking to meet some new people and learn to play dnd.
Just found this doing a search for Iowa Conventions. I am in Pleasantville (SE of Des Moines).
I just want to tell everyone "happy gaming" and actually mean it. Whatever your game is, just have fun with it, it is after all, just a game.
I just want to tell everyone "happy gaming" and actually mean it. Whatever your game is, just have fun with it, it is after all, just a game.
Hey looking to get a game started im in Davenport have nothing need a dm very new to the game.
I’m trying as well but so far no luck with my schedule. Books a million in Davenport will be hosting a game starting April 7th at 6pm. Ask for Tom
Im in des Moines we have a group of 4 looking for a dm who will help us out. We can either play 3.5 or 5e.
I live near Ames. Looking for a group to play with.
Hey, I live in Ames. I am getting a group together for Tuesday night games if your interested.
Sorry I work weekdays week ends are my only option
I just want to tell everyone "happy gaming" and actually mean it. Whatever your game is, just have fun with it, it is after all, just a game.
I'm in Fort Dodge. I might be interested in a game if anyone decides to run one around here.
Also, to the person in Ames looking for a game on the weekends, I'm involved in 4e D&D in Ames on Saturday. We're usually willing to welcome new people.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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I'm in Toledo. Where the hell is the "Multiverse?"
Anyone free to play on a Tuesday or Wednesday? I work weekends.
Cedar Rapids, here. Lookimg for a steady group. Played the various editions of D&D since the Red box.
Newton here. Recently back since 3.5. Coworkers brought me back, had 2 sessions of 2 different campaigns (infrequent game days) and getting the itch bad.
I know about Multiverse in Grinnell but currently cant travel (car has cracked head gasket so its used for limping to work and back)
Mount Pleasant here new player looking for a group to help me learn the game. Fairly open schedule as well. I am on the shy side of things used to play a pnp game with my brother before he passed away of which was his own creation and I enjoyed it very much so. Looking to meet some new people and learn to play dnd.
I sincerely hope people are finding each other in here and getting some face to face games going! :)
I hope I find one here as well just finding people on Iowa can take some time lol
Been a while since I asked, so would anyone happen to be in the Quad Cities area?