They may not know about the beyond yet. Or they dont care. I know a handful of people who play in my area, but they never play with anyone outside of their group.
Yep, I'm on an island where I'm at... Finding local gamers is like finding the proverbial pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow... If I wanted to play MTG, I'd have no end of players, but D&D is a completely separate beast that doesn't seem to have any local following. The closest official Wizards retailers are 30 and 45 minutes away respectively, and their stock is SEVERELY limited.
This may be short notice, but there is a gaming convention in Sioux City, IA this weekend Fri-Sun. There will be several tables of Adventurer's League. Hope to see people there!
I will be moving to the Cedar Rapids area in a week and am looking to join a table. I am relatively new and have played in one campaign as well as ran a group through Out of the Abyss. If anyone is still on this thread it would be cool to find some people to play with.
Hi everyone. Cedar Rapids here. Played D&D back in the 80's and decided I would get back into it. I read thru the 5th edition handbook and now I am putting feelers out for a game. Scheduling can be a real pain in the ass for me sometimes so I was wondering how this Play by Post can work.
I will be moving to the Cedar Rapids area in a week and am looking to join a table. I am relatively new and have played in one campaign as well as ran a group through Out of the Abyss. If anyone is still on this thread it would be cool to find some people to play with.
Geek City Games in North Liberty (just south on CR along 380) hosts tables, or at least they used to. Haven't seen a lot of activity on their DnD group page on Facebook for a while.
Well I've been looking for some people to play with in my city of Waterloo or online. I have all of the 5e books, and my Discord name is nosepickers00#7724
Figured I'd better get one up for my current home state. I'm in north central Iowa, but anyone from the Iowa area pop in and give a shout. :)
Iowa City here!
How about the Quad Cities? Davenport/Bettendorf area
Lawful Good doesn't mean Lawful nice
Lvl. 5 Paladin - Oath of the Raven Knight
Clearly there are not enough serious gamers in Iowa. :P
They may not know about the beyond yet. Or they dont care. I know a handful of people who play in my area, but they never play with anyone outside of their group.
Lawful Good doesn't mean Lawful nice
Lvl. 5 Paladin - Oath of the Raven Knight
I DM in the Cedar Rapids area. I'm excited to see Beyond actually up and running. I can't wait until the app is officially out.
Yep, I'm on an island where I'm at... Finding local gamers is like finding the proverbial pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow... If I wanted to play MTG, I'd have no end of players, but D&D is a completely separate beast that doesn't seem to have any local following. The closest official Wizards retailers are 30 and 45 minutes away respectively, and their stock is SEVERELY limited.
I'm in Pella, and do most of my gaming in Grinnell. Heading to Gary Con tomorrow.
Quad City resident here! Been looking to start up a table top game for awhile
Lawful Good doesn't mean Lawful nice
Lvl. 5 Paladin - Oath of the Raven Knight
Newton area here :D Hi all!
Come on over to the Multiverse in Grinnell, Jasn. There's always a game happening.
This may be short notice, but there is a gaming convention in Sioux City, IA this weekend Fri-Sun. There will be several tables of Adventurer's League. Hope to see people there!
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I will be moving to the Cedar Rapids area in a week and am looking to join a table. I am relatively new and have played in one campaign as well as ran a group through Out of the Abyss. If anyone is still on this thread it would be cool to find some people to play with.
Hi everyone. Cedar Rapids here. Played D&D back in the 80's and decided I would get back into it. I read thru the 5th edition handbook and now I am putting feelers out for a game. Scheduling can be a real pain in the ass for me sometimes so I was wondering how this Play by Post can work.
I have been looking for a game. I am half way in between ames and iowa falls but haven't played in 10 years so trying to play some catch up
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Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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Well I've been looking for some people to play with in my city of Waterloo or online. I have all of the 5e books, and my Discord name is nosepickers00#7724
Davenport here. Never played but really want to! Looking to join a group if schedules work out.