There is a group growing in the des moines area on meetme sight along with discord. If you want info message me or can search for yourself. Seems there are different games going almost every night. Looking for more dm but also players.
My boyfriend and I are in the Quad Cities and looking for a group, online or in-person, that can accommodate weekday evenings or early on weekends (I work every other weekend, 4pm to 10pm or midnight both Saturday and Sunday).
I've played 5e before but he hasn't. Neither of us could really DM, though.
Hey, I live in Ames. I am getting a group together for Tuesday night games if your interested.
I am in Ames, and Tuesdays work for me, are you looking for any players at the moment?
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"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." Neil Gaiman - Coraline
My boyfriend and I are in the Quad Cities and looking for a group, online or in-person, that can accommodate weekday evenings or early on weekends (I work every other weekend, 4pm to 10pm or midnight both Saturday and Sunday).
I've played 5e before but he hasn't. Neither of us could really DM, though.
Hey there if your still looking for a DM in the Quad cities i can help. Im looking to make a new group just need players.
Hey James. I am putting together a table that would play after my coworkers and I get off work starting around 11:00 or 11:30 pm Thursday night and rolling into Friday morning. Playing just a few hours and I would be running the campaign. It would be using 5e rules and currently looking at next Thursday being the first game.
Hey Cedar Rapids here! Looking for friends and possibly a dnd group!
Always good to see another gamer in Cedar Rapids!
Did you ever have luck finding a group locally? There are times where it seems the groups in CR are somewhat isolated with limited connection to one another, and it can be tough to find a group.
There is a group growing in the des moines area on meetme sight along with discord. If you want info message me or can search for yourself. Seems there are different games going almost every night. Looking for more dm but also players.
My boyfriend and I are in the Quad Cities and looking for a group, online or in-person, that can accommodate weekday evenings or early on weekends (I work every other weekend, 4pm to 10pm or midnight both Saturday and Sunday).
I've played 5e before but he hasn't. Neither of us could really DM, though.
-Deleted because of accidental double post-
Hey Cedar Rapids here! Looking for friends and possibly a dnd group!
I am in Ames, and Tuesdays work for me, are you looking for any players at the moment?
Neil Gaiman - Coraline
Garner iowa.....just lost my last group....still looking for players?
Hey there if your still looking for a DM in the Quad cities i can help. Im looking to make a new group just need players.
Hey James. I am putting together a table that would play after my coworkers and I get off work starting around 11:00 or 11:30 pm Thursday night and rolling into Friday morning. Playing just a few hours and I would be running the campaign. It would be using 5e rules and currently looking at next Thursday being the first game.
Always good to see another gamer in Cedar Rapids!
Did you ever have luck finding a group locally? There are times where it seems the groups in CR are somewhat isolated with limited connection to one another, and it can be tough to find a group.
Fairfield here, outside of myself, I don't think there's anyone locally to me. I'd be game to drive a bit though if need be.
Personally, I live in Texas, but I'm hoping to be included in some online games!
Personally, I live in Texas..... I just wanna be included in some online games!. Hit me up on discord at DeadInside#8620.
Davenport here. I'm looking for members to join my group.
Live in Waterloo working m-f in quad cities would like to play while on the road online or face to face
well if your around davenport on Mondays that's when i hold my sessions
Any one looking to startup in Iowa City area or need/want another player?
Ames here! Looking to join a 5e game. Available most evenings except Wednesdays! Discord: Corgi#2788
Davenport here looking for group
Any edition
Out by Atlantic, DM'd for years
I get over there once in awhile for work.
I just want to tell everyone "happy gaming" and actually mean it. Whatever your game is, just have fun with it, it is after all, just a game.