If you don’t know me, I am Sposta. I know some stuff about homebrewing on DDB. If you’ve spent time in these forums you’ve likely seen me around. If you are new, welcome.
If you’ve ever asked how to accomplish something in the system I have likely been one of the folks who offered help, or broke the unfortunate news that whatever you wanted to do is or was not possible. Many users have questions regarding the homebrew content builder. Unsurprisingly, many have the same questions. I‘ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions over the years, and put them into this FAQ for everyone. I update it as needed.
If you found it helpful, like it and vote, and subscribe for FAQ updates. If you think it’ll help others, if not you personally, please consider that when voting, it is a comunity resource after all. If you didn’t find it helpful or think I missed something, please drop a comment below. Thank you.
*Thanks to Imaginelane, Jay_Lane, RodTheBard & corvaxl1 for contributing to this FAQ. *Particular thanks to Mairondil&naruhoodie for special contributions, it would be less comprehensive and harder to read without them. *Special shoutouts to Stormknight & Halfwing. Were it not for them I wouldn’t know this software well enough to write this FAQ.
Simply expand the spoiler beneath the appropriate heading, find the question closest to yours, and expand the spoiler below it for the answer. If you don’t find your question, please check under other headings. If you still cannot find it please drop a comment and I will answer it as promptly as I can.
1. Why is the Homebrewer so confusing? 2. Is there a list of all the Modifiers? 3. What is the best way to learn how to use the content builder?
It isn’t really a “homebrew” at all, it’s the same content builder the DDB Devs use to program official and partnered content, they grant us User level privileges. It was not originally intended for our use.*.
There is, but we do not have access to it as basic Users. It is also an evolving list that changes over time.
Find something official that works the same way, use it as a template for a homebrew, dissect it to see how it works. You can delete it when finished.*
*Some functions are unavailable and invisible to us as Users.
5. I have created something, but it is not appearing in the character builder or sheet. OR My hombrew subclass and/or spells are not showing for my new character but always worked before.
How do I fix it?
Make sure the homebrew is in your homebrew collection. Only homebrew in your collection will be available to characters.
On the Home tab of the character builder, or the Character Settings sidebar of the character sheet, the toggle next to “Homebrewed Content” needs to be on (red, to the right).
In addition….
5-A: Homebrew Subclasses
The character must be the correct level to select one., and it must have been made for the correct version of the class. If you created your subclass for the Legacy version but your player is using the Core Rules version of that class (or vice versa), then your homebrew subclass will not be available to select for that character.
5-B: Homebrew Spells:
You must attach both the “core rules” (2024) and “Legacy” (2014) versions of the intended class to that spell for it to appear on the list for characters made with either version of the class:
5-C: Homebrew Weapons & Armor
If the character is not proficient with/trained in that weapon or armor, ensure the "Proficient" filter is not checked:
5.1. Some random homebrew is appearing as available to add to my character or a random homebrewed spell is always prepared on my character. Where did it come from?
All homebrew in anyone’s collection is automatically shared with everyone in the same campaign. The unexpected homebrew is in the collection of someone in the same campaign. Regarding homebrew spells that are always prepared, please see the Homebrew Spells FAQ #1 below for more information.
6. I have created something, or altered a previous creation, but it is not updating for my character. How do I fix it?
Whenever you edit any homebrew, you MUST re-save using the main [SAVE CHANGES] button under Basic Information or the system will not update. Updating can sometimes take up to 20 minutes.
6-A. Why does it take so long to update?
The various parts of the website are hosted on a network of “siloed” servers. Each server has its own data cache, and some things cache in your browser. The delay time is due to information having to push through multiple caches from content builder to character builder.
6-B. It still isn’t working!?!
You may have to “wake up” your character sheet to force an update. Add and remove Inspiration or equipment and refresh the browser. If it still isn’t working, remove your homebrew from the character, refresh the page and add it back to the character.
7. Do I need to publish my homebrew so my friends can use it?
No. If your friends also use D&D Beyond and have characters in a Campaign with you, they already have access to everything in Your Homebrew Collection for that character. All homebrew in anyone’s collection is automatically available for every character in every DDB campaign they are in.
If you want any of them to see the details page for your homebrew, simply send them the URL. If they are in a DDB campaign with you and logged in, they will be able to use that URL to see your homebrew as if it were published.
You can check who is in Your DDB Campaigns to see who has access to your homebrews.
7-A. How can I get feedback from the community on my homebrew if I don’t publish it?
It’s as easy as copy/paste. Simply highlight the homebrew and copy it, then paste it into a forum post. Be sure not to include the title at the top or the tags at the bottom or there will be formatting issues. it’s so easy you can do it from your phone. Here is a video showing the process:
There is no guarantee of receiving feedback, but there’s no guarantee if you published it either.
7.1 Can I restrict which homebrews are shared within my campaigns?
The only way to exclude any homebrew from a campaign is to remove it from the collection of whoever has it.
If it’s something you created and you wish it to remain hidden from your players, click “remove from collection” for that homebrew. You can add it back again whenever you need it, and then remove it from your collection again. Once it’s been added to a character sheet or encounter, it will stay attached and functional even after the Homebrew has been removed from your collection.
8. How can I edit or take down a homebrew after I published it?
You unfortunately cannot. “Published is permanent.” The most you can do is “Create [a] New Version” and republish it. The original version will still be accessible by everyone, but the new version will be the most visible version. I strongly suggest you not make the same mistake I made in rushing to publish. “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” Take time to thoroughly proofread, playtest and edit all content prior to publishing it. Especially homebrewed races and spells. Subraces and variants will not port to a new version and will need to be recreated from scratch. Publishing spells multiple times leaves ghosts of the older versions in your content builder.
8-A. What do you mean “ghosts in my content builder?”
Here in the Spells subform for a subclass feature you can see ghosts of a spell named “Bolstering Light.”
Here in Additional Specific Spells for a subclass you can see ghosts of a spell named “A Grasping Light*” that have even been rejected from public homebrew, and deleted.
If this has happened to you, the newest version is the last one listed.
9. I am trying to create a Tooltip/internal link/hover-over link for one of my homebrews but it doesn’t work. Why?
It is not currently possible to tooltip a homebrewed creation.
There is a way to replicate the look and function* of a tooltip, but it will still register as an external link and prevent publication. For additional information on creating false tooltips, expand the spoiler:
You need the correct numerical id for your homebrew. This code can be found in the url for the homebrew’s details page. Here is the url for one of my homebrewed spells, Fire and Ice: (https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/281389-fire-and-ice). (Note the numerical id in the url.)
The right class designation is what makes monster, spell, and magic item tooltips look different. As this is a spell use the spell class designation:
I added extra code into the above examples to highlight sections in pink for visibility which interferes with functionality. The following versions are clean, and can be collected by copy/paste, and then edited.
Now the code needs to be embedded properly. Among the little grey buttons above a description field, click/tap the following button:
That will bring up the html source code for you to embed the code. That will turn this…:
Here are the codes for the three types of homebrew that we can tooltip, Magic Items, Monsters, and Spells. You just need to replace the URLs for my homebrews with the URLs for yours.
<del><a class="tooltip-hover spell-tooltip" href="https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/279650-gaze-of-judgement" data-tooltip-href="www.dndbeyond.com/spells/279650-tooltip?disable-webm=1" target="_blank">Gaze of Judgement</a></del>
False tooltips will trigger the External Links error message if used in another homebrew and prevent publishing.
Tooltips do not function on character sheets.
*Note!! A homebrewed spell attached to a monster statblock with a false tooltip will not function in the encounter/combat tracker during active encounters.
*All homebrews referenced in this answer were created and published by IamSposta.
10. Why can’t we make base Classes and basic Equipment?
Short Answer:
They are locked behind Admin level privileges we do not have.
Long Answer:
The “homebrewer” is the same content builder the Devs use, but we only have User level privledges and no instruction manual.
Those are locked behind Admin level privileges because:
They don’t want us to accidentally break anything.
Rules as Written, in the DM’s Workshop section of the DMG, it gives examples for homebrew backgrounds, races, subclasses, spells, magic items, and monsters, but instructs people to just reskin existing classes and equipment instead of homebrewing new ones. DDB always endeavors to stay as close as possible to RAW.
11. Can I use content shared with me through Content Sharing, or another user’s Homebrew as templates for my own homebrew?
No. The only pieces of content we can use as templates are free content, content we purchase access to here, and our own homebrews excluding Subclasses, Subraces, and Variant Races.
11-A. Why can't we use our own homebrewed subclasses, subraces/subspecies, and variant races/species as templates?
12. How do I insert a table into my homebrew?
The easiest way is to use something that already has a table as a template, but there are other options:
You could edit the html and create a table from scratch by clicking/tapping the small gray button with the following symbol: </> . If that Is too time consuming dificult, intimidating, or you don’t know how, here are code for some commonly used tables in the spoilers below. You will need to edit them for your homebrews.
*Note!! Adding this table will not add Spellcasting to your subclass, for that see the Subclasses & Species FAQ #7.
*Note!! Editing this table will not change the spell progression for your subclass, there is no way to do that.
You can also find an existing table that already has the desired formatting and number of rows and columns and simply copy/paste it into your homebrew. It’s so easy you can do it from your phone:
Then you can edit the table’s content to suit your needs.
Ω. My homebrew says it cannot be published with one of the following errors:
“This homebrew Subclass does not have the necessary class features with the correct required level.”
“This homebrew has text that includes Non-english Language.” / “This homebrew Subclass is too similar to Circle of Spores.” / “This homebrew race is currently too similar to Centaur to share with the community.”
“This homebrew has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked.”
“This homebrew has text that includes External Links.”
“This homebrew Race has been set to have subraces, but no subraces have been created.”
Whenever you edit any homebrew, you MUST re-save the entire project using the main [SAVE CHANGES] button under Basic Information.
The system only checks those compliances when that main [SAVE CHANGES] button under Basic Information is used.
It is not enough to have one or more features at each of the correct levels, you must also not add features at any other levels. (One exception is that Druid subclasses for the 2014 Druid require a 3rd level feature for no obvious reason.) Please check the Creating Subclasses Guide to determine which levels need features for each subclass for all 2014 classes. Refer to the class entries for the 2024 classes for information as to what levels are required and/or prohibited. Once all features are at the correct levels, re-save the whole subclass.
Those error messages usually indicate that the description is too short. Make sure the description is long enough and then re-save the whole homebrew.
Not all PHB spells are free content, the only official spells you can use and still publish content are from the Basic Rules (2014), the D&D Free Rules (2024), and the EEPC. You can find them on this list: “Free Content Spells.*” Any spells attached to your homebrew that are not on that list are the problem. Remove them and then re-save your whole homebrew. *Includes Legacy content
There may be some hidden links in the html from a copy/paste. Highlight the description(s), Cut/Paste the contents into a “snippet” field to scrub it of hidden code. Then you can highlight the clean text, and Cut/Paste it back into the description. Fix your formatting and [SAVE CHANGES]. Then re-save the whole homebrew.
As stated above, the system only checks those compliances when the main [SAVE CHANGES] button under Basic Information is used. You must have saved/created the race after checking the “Will Have Subraces” box, but must not have re-saved it after creating the subraces. That’s what triggers that error. Simply re-save the base race using the main [SAVE CHANGES] button and the system will recheck for compliance.
You do not need to publish your homebrews to use them. All homebrew in Your Homebrew Collection is automatically available to every character in every DDB campaign you are in.
You cannot edit or delete Homebrew you have shared with the community. “Published is permanent.” For your own benefit, take time to thoroughly proofread, playtest, and edit all content prior to publishing.
The same way subclass Feature Options work with four exceptions:
There is no “has options” box to check.
”Granted Options” don’t work at higher levels, they have to happen at creation.
If you leave the “Levels Where Options Known” field blank it will default to a single Option available at character creation.
If multiple options are to be granted by a single trait, and “1,1” is entered into the “Levels Where Options Known” field, at least 1 class level must be added to the character before those options will be presented.
1-B How do Subclass Feature Options work?
Create subclass feature for the desired level (presuming 3rd for this example*) and at the bottom of the feature you see a big field labeled “Multiclass Description.” Right underneath that you should see:
“Required Class Level” should be 3rd as per our example.* “Has Options” is a checkbox (which should be checked).
Class Levels Where Options Known. That is what you need. If they get to select one Option at 3rd level, then you have to put “3” in that field. If they get to select two Options at 3rd level, then put “3,3” in that field. If they get to select two Options at 3rd level, and another at 7th, then put “3,3,7” in that field.
”Feature Type” should be “Granted,” ”Class Features to Replace” should be left blank.
* * *
Create one Option for each choice you want them the have available. (My examples will presume 5 Options.)
“Is Granted” is a checkbox (that should NOT be checked). “Required Class Level” = the lowest level at which that particular Option will become available. (If left blank it will automatically be available when the feature is gained.)
If the subclass has other features at higher levels that are supposed to have benefits that are entirely dependent on that first selection made by the player, then you need to do this one of two ways.
If you wanted each of those initial 5 Options to grant a future choice of other Options like an option tree, do the following:
Create subclass Feature for that level (presuming 7th for this example*) and at the bottom of the feature you see a big field labled “Multiclass Description.” Right underneath that you should see:
“Required Class Level” should be 7th as per our example.* “Has Options” is a checkbox (that should be checked)
Class Levels Where Options Know. That is what you need. If they get one option at 7th level,* then you have to put “7” in that field.
”Feature Type” should be “Granted,” ”Class Features to Replace” should be left blank.
* * *
Create one option for each choice you want them to potentially have available regardless of the initial choice.
“Is Granted” is a checkbox. If they would get another choice at this level, that should NOT be checked. “Required Class Level” = 7th (or blank) “Prerequisite Class Feature” should be the initial choice that they made. (“3rd level Feature Name—Option #1-5” presuming the original 5 options.)
If everything is decided by that 1st choice at 3rd level, and everything granted automatically after that.
Create subclass Feature for that level (presuming 7th for this example*) and at the bottom of the feature you see a big field called “Multiclass Description.” Right underneath that you should see:
Required Class Level should be 7th as per our example.* Has Options is a checkbox (that should NOT be checked). Class Levels Where Options Know. This should be left blank
”Feature Type” should be “Granted,” ”Class Features to Replace” should be left blank.
* * *
Create one Option for each choice you want them to potentially have available regardless of the initial choice.
You can absolutely create more than one Granted Option that use the same designated prerequisite, and they can all be attached to the same feature, or attached to different features. However, it is not possible to designate multiple prerequisites for a single Option.
Is Granted is a checkbox. that SHOULD be checked. “Required Class Level” = 7th* “Prerequisite Class Feature” should be the initial choice that they made. (“3rd-level Feature Name—Option #1-5” presuming the original 5 options.) “Prerequisite Text” should reflect the information above.
2. How do I create a temporary/activated effect that only applies to the character sheet when turned on, and only until turned off again?
This Is accomplished by creating two different features at the same level with the exact same name. One of the features only has a description and is designated to “hide in sheet,” the other includes the relevant snippet, a single selectable Option, and is designated to “hide in builder.” Since the feature with the Option is hidden in the builder and only visible on the character sheet, when players click/tap the feature and when the sidebar slides out they can select their Option there to activate the effect, and deselect it when finished. Options attached to subclass features and species traits can have Actions, Spells, and Modifiers just like base features/traits. Unfortunately both features will display on the details page for your subclass.
3. What is the difference between “Granted,” “Additional,” and “Replacement” Features/Traits?
Nearly 100% of the time you will want to make everything as Granted features. Additional and Replacement features are how the Optional Class Features and Origin Customization from Tasha’s Cauldron were implemented. Remember, “Optional Class Features” are not the same as “Class Feature Options.” (Confusing, I know. 🤷♂️)
4. How do I create a pool of those little checkboxes on the character sheet to track when things get used like Ki or Sorcery Points work?
You need to add an Action to the appropriate class feature or racial trait. As part of the action you need to designate the desired “Reset Type” (long rest, etc.) and hit [SAVE]. Scroll all the way to the bottom and you willll see a new subsection labled “Limited Uses.” Expand that and click [ADD LIMITED USE DATA]. After adding the desired information [SAVE]. You can add any number of limited uses you wish, up to X/level. To do so requires each increase be added individually.
When the screen reloads it should be back on the Action form and in the Limited Uses section there should be an entry, [SAVE] the Action again, [SAVE] (or [SAVE CHANGES]) on the racial/species trait (or class feature), then [SAVE CHANGES] again on the whole project.
5. I made a race/species and added subraces/subspecies to it and now the base race/species has disappeared from the character builder. How do I fix it?
You unfortunately cannot presently. Once a subrace/subspecies is added the base race/species is no longer a choice (like you can’t be just an Elf). As soon as the “Will Have Subraces” checkbox is checked, the base race becomes no longer accessible.
Since there is no “Race Group” for your race/species there’s no way to make Subraces/Subspecies or Variants nest under the parent race/species.
The current convention is to name them as “[Race/Species], [Subrace/Subspecies]” (or “[Race/Species], [Variant]”) so they group alphabetically.
5.1. What is the difference between a species option (subrace), and a variant species?
A species option always grants all of the traits of its parent species, plus the species option’s traits.
A variant species generally grants variant traits that replace some of the traits from the standard species (but not always). Be sure to check the “Is Called Out” box, and to make the trait as a “Granted” trait and then select a trait from the bace race/species to replace if you want the trait to replace a standard species trait.
5.2. Why can’t I make a Species Option for the new 5e24 species?
“Species option” is the new term for what used to be referred to as “subraces.” Races are now referred to as “species,” there are no official species options (“subspecies”) in the 2024 version of 5e, nor will there ever be. Since it’s not an official option, it’s not possible in the content builder. If you wish to create an alternative version of an official 5e24 species, you can make a “variant” instead, and set it to have traits that replace some of the official traits. If you are creating your own species, you can build those variations into it directly as trait Options (which are not the same as “optional traits,” confusing, I know).
6. How can I adjust or add to a base class feature?
You unfortunately cannot at the moment. Base Classes and basic Equipment are Not current accessible to people with basic User level privledges to the content builder.
That being said, if you are designing a subclass for one of the “Legacy” (2014) classes, you can replace a base class feature by creating a subclass feature with the same name at the same level or a higher level. The subclass feature will supplant the base class feature on the character sheet under Features & Traits. This appears to no longer work for the 2024 “Core Rules” versions of the classes.
7. How do I add Spellcasting to a subclass for a non-caster class?
For help adding the Spellcasting table to your homebrew, please see the General Homebrew FAQ #12 above.
7-A. I have tried this on a Blood Hunter and it isn’t working correctly. What did I do wrong?
Nothing. The Blood Hunter is hard coded to apply the Profane Soul’s half version of Pact Magic instead of regular Spellcasting. There’s really nothing you can do to change that.
7-B. What happens if I add Spellcasting to a subclass for a class that already has Spellcasting or Pact Magic?
Nothing good. 🤣😂🤣
7.1. How do I add Pact Magic like the Profane Soul has to a subclass for a non-caster class?
You unfortunately can only add the half version of Pact Magic to subclasses for the Blood Hunter class, the other classes are hard coded to add the ⅓ version of Spellcasting that Eldritch Knights get.
8. I am creating a homebrewed subclass that allows the character to use a different modifier for attack and damage rolls for a weapon instead of the Strength or Dexterity the way Warlocks can. How do I add that feature to my subclass?
9. How do I change the Unarmored AC Calculation for a PC to either add or set an additional Ability score, add a fixed value, or replace Dexterity in the calculation?
The system is preset with an Unarmored AC calculation of 10 + Dexterity modifier. Anything else you do will modify that calculation.
To add* an Ability score to the calculation, use the following Modifier:
To add a fixed value to the calculation, use the following Modifier:
Modifier: Bonus*/Set*→Subtype: Unarmored Armor Class→Fixed Value: X
*The difference is a value added as a bonus will apply on top of whatever else is being calculated into the PC’s AC, such as the Unarmored Defense feature (from Barbarian or Monk), but a value Set will compete with other Set values used in calculating AC. Since Unarmored Defense uses either the PC’s Con or Wis modifier (depending on if you’re a barbarian or a monk, respectively) as a Set value, anything you Set will compete with that, and the system will only apply the higher of the two to the character.
To remove Dexterity from the calculation, use the following Modifier:
Modifier: Ignore→Subtype: Unarmored Dex AC Bonus
Those various techniques can all be combined. For example, if one wanted to create an AC Calculation of just 13 + Constitution modifier, one would use the following combination of Modifiers:
10. How can I embed a monster statblock into a feature (or trait) for my homebrewed subclass (or race)?
You can do it quite easily by simply drag-highlighting the desired statblock and then copy/pasting it into your feature (or trait). Just be sure to include some text from either above or below the statblock in question to ensure that the statblock frame is grabbed during the copy, you can delete the extra text after pasting the statblock. It’s so easy you can do it from your phone, like this:
*The statblock used in this video is from my homebrewed monster, the Bone Golem.
11. How do I give my race/species floating ASIs that let the player choose their preferred ability scores like in Monsters of the Multiverse and the 5e24PHB?
That is accomplished by creating two trait Options (as covered in #1 of this Subclasses & Races Species FAQ). Name one option (+2/+1), and the other (+1/+1/+1). Attach the following Modifiers to each of the options the appropriate numbers of times:
Modifier: Bonus→Subtype: Choose an Ability Score to Increase by 2→Fixed Value: 2
Modifier: Bonus→Subtype: Choose an Ability Score to Increase by 1→Fixed Value: 1
12. How do I grant ability scores that go above 20 to my subclass the way Barbarians get at 20th level and the way Epic Boons work?
To accomplish that properly requires the use of two modifiers working together:
The first modifier adds a bonus to the ability score actually capable of going above 20, the second modifier increases the limit above 20 so the first modifier can do it’s job. It is intentionally designed as a two-part system to prevent anyone from accidentally increasing a score above 20 with just a single modifier alone.
13. How do I give additional “subclass granted” spells that are “always prepared” to my subclass like Artificers, Clerics, some Druids and Paladins get?
You would need to add those spells to the “Additional Specific Spells” field under Basic Information for the subclass.
Keep in mind that this will only work for subclasses that know all of their spells and then prepare them: Artificers, Clerics, Druids, and Paladins. It will not work the same way for Bards, Rangers, Sorcerers, Warlocks or any “⅓ Casters” because they do not prepare spells at all, and it will not work for Wizards because they must learn their spells (like Bards, etc.) before they can prepare them. For those classes, you need to add additional “Spells Known” instead.
For help adding the spells table to your homebrew, please see the General Homebrew FAQ #12 above.
13-A. What happens if I add spells there for Bard, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard subclasses?
Spells added to that field in those subclasses simply get added to the list of spells the character could learn the way Warlock Patron spells work.
14. How do I add additional known spells to my subclass (like some Rangers and Sorcerers), race/species, subrace/subspecies, or variant race/species?
Among the subforms attached to each subclass feature is one labeled “Spells.” Expand that and click/tap [ADD A SPELL].
For Spells That Will Consume Spell Slots:
In that form you will select the name of the spell you want from the dropdown labeled “Spell,” and then scroll down towards the bottom of the form where you will see two fields labeled “Consumes Spell Slot” and Counts as Known.” Select “Yes” under Consumes Spell Slot (unless it is an Cantrip, then Counsumes Spell Slot should be “No”), and “No” under Counts as Known. Fill out the “Ability Score*1” and “Available at Character Level*2” fields, leaving every other field blank, and hit [SAVE]. Do that for each spell.
For Cantrips & Spells That Will NOT Consume Spell Slots:
In that form you will select the name of the spell you want from the dropdown labeled “Spell.”
For non-cantrips, fill in the number of uses either by entering a number in the ”Number of Uses” field, selecting an ability score in the “Uses by Ability Modifier” field, checking the box labeled “Use Proficiency Bonus,” or any combination of those. Then designate a “Reset Type” for the uses.
For cantrips, skip that👆part.
Then, scroll down towards the bottom of the form where you will see two fields labeled “Consumes Spell Slot” and Counts as Known.” Select “No” under Consumes Spell Slot, and Counts as Known. Fill out the “Ability Score*1” and “Available at Character Level*2” fields, leaving every other field blank, and hit [SAVE]. Do that for each spell.
* If you have a spellcasting ability for the subclass designated under Basic Information, you can leave the Ability Score dropdown blank and it will automatically default to that preordained ability.
* If you leave the Available at Character Level field blank it will automatically default to whichever level the feature it is attached happens to be.
Keep in mind that these instructions are intended for Bards, Rangers, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Wizards, any “⅓ Casters,” and any race/species, subrace/subspecies, or variant race/species.
To add special “Always Prepared” spells to an Artificer, Cleric, Druid, or Paladin you would also need to select “Yes” from the dropdown labeled “Always Prepared.”
For help adding the spells table to your homebrew, please see the General Homebrew FAQ #12 above.
15. How do I give my subclass or race/species a choice of spells?
There are different ways to do that depending on your intentions. If you wish t for your subclass (or race/species) to grant a choice from among a fixed list of spells, there is one way to do it. If instead you wish for it to grant a s choice of spells based on a limited set of guidelines there is another way to do it. Each method has different advantages. The advantage to a fixed list is that no matter what spells get added to D&D, the list offered by your homebrew will be immutable. The advantage to a list generated by criteria is that the list of spells offered by your homebrew will automatically adjust to include any new spells that fit those criteria, provided the player has access to those spells.
To grant a choice from among a fixed list of spells:
If you wish for your subclass (or race/species) to grant a choice of a single spell from a fixed list of options, the simplest way to accomplish the task is to create a feature (or trait), and click/tap the [ADD A SPELL] button to open up the Spells subform.
On the Spells subform, in the field labeled “Spell” select the exact list of spells you want your feature (or trait) to offer from the dropdown menu.
That will create a dropdown in the character builder that will allow the player to choose exactly one of the offered spells for their character.
To grant a choice of spells from a list created by a limited set of parameters (method 1, fixed levels):
If you wish for your subclass (or race) to grant a choice of a single spell from a list created by a limited set of parameters, the simplest way to accomplish the task is to create a feature (or trait), and click/tap the [ADD A SPELL] button to open up the Spells subform.
On the Spells subform, in the fields labeled “Spell Level,” “Class,” and/or “Attack Type*1” select the parameters you want your feature (or trait) to use when generating the list of spells it will offer to the player. You can use these fields in any combination, and multiple Classes or Levels can be designated. Under the Attack Type*1 dropdown you can select Melee, Ranged, Both, or leave it blank.
* Please note that by selecting anything in the Attack Type dropdown will automatically exclude any spell that does not require an attack roll, including any spell that instead forces a saving throw.
That will create a dropdown in the character builder that will offer a list of the available spells that conform to the designated criteria.
→ As you can see, this dropdown contains a spell that was not available in the previous example.
To grant a choice of spells from a list created by a limited set of parameters (method 2, variable levels):
If you wish for your subclass (or race/species) to grant a choice of a single spell from a list created by a limited set of parameters, the simplest way to accomplish the task is to create a feature (or trait), and click/tap the [ADD A SPELL] button to open up the Spells subform.
On the Spells subform, in the fields labeled “Class,” and/or “Attack Type*1” and “Level Divisor” select the parameters you want your feature (or trait) to use when generating the list of spells it will offer to the player. You can use these fields in any combination, and multiple Classes can be designated. Under the Attack Type*1 dropdown you can select Melee, Ranged, or Both. Under the Level Divisor field, a number can be selected, each number corresponds to a degree of spellcaster. A Level Divisor of 2 corresponds to a full spellcaster's spell progression of every other level. A Level Divisor of 3 corresponds to the spell progression of an Artificer, a Level Divisor of 4 corresponds to a standard half-caster spell progression just like a Paladin or Ranger, and a Level Divisor of 5 corresponds to the same spell progression that the Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster use.
* Please note that by selecting anything in the Attack Type dropdown will automatically exclude any spell that does not require an attack roll, including any spell that instead forces a saving throw.
That will create a dropdown in the character builder that will offer a list of the available spells that conform to the designated criteria. In this case, the list of available spells will change depending on the character’s level.
→ As you can see, this dropdown contains several spells that were not available in the previous example.
16. How do I give my subclass additional spell slots?
Unfortunately you cannot at the present time. There isn't even a decent way to fake it.
If you do want to try and fake it, the best way is to add an Action with limited uses for each level of spell slot added, one Action for 1st-level slots, another for 2nd-level, etc. There’s no way however to get those to show on the Spells tab of the character sheet. That’s the best you can do.
17. How do I give my race/species a choice of spellcasting ability like the newer races get?
To accomplish this you will need to create your trait and attach three Options*1 to it: “Intelligence,” “Wisdom,” and “Charisma.” Then you can follow the steps to add spells to each of those three Options just like you would for a subclass.*2 You will need to add each spell to each Option, which means a bit of redundant work, but it’s the only way to do it currently.
* See #1 of this FAQ for more information about Options.
* See #14/15 of this FAQ for more information about adding Spells.
18. Is it possible to homebrew languages or otherwise edit existing ones?
Unfortunately, no. It is not currently possible to homebrew languages. However, it is possible to add languages directly to a character sheet, any language you like, even homebrewed languages. See the video below for more info:
19. How do I make a subclass feature or race/species trait give proficiency in one of a set of specific skills?
You would create an Option for each of the skills following the instructions in the #1 of this FAQ. Then you would attach the Proficiency Modifier to each Option with the Subtype that corresponds to the associated Skill. For example, if you wanted to create a feature or trait that granted proficiency in either the Perception, Performance, or Persuasion skills, you would create an Option named “Perception” and attach the following modifier to it: Modifier: Proficiency->Subtype: Perception. Then you would repeat that process for each of the other two skills. Don't forget to re-save you whole project when finished.
1. How can I change the base damage or range on a homebrewed weapon?
You unfortunately cannot currently. That data is fed from the base equipment into the content builder for Magic Items. You can change the damage type, but this cannot be used to change the amount of damage. To change the damage type on a weapon, use the following Modifier:
1.1. How can I add or remove weapon properties on a homebrewed weapon?
With the following Modifiers:
Modifier:Weapon Property→Subtype: [property to add]
Modifier: Ignore Weapon Property→Subtype: [property to remove]
*Note! It is not currently possible to ignore/replace/add Weapon Mastery Properties.
2. How can I create a new piece of basic equipment?
You unfortunately cannot at present, only magic items. Please see the General FAQ #10 for more information.
3. How do I add a special damage roll to a magic item? OR Is there a way to make a non-weapon magic item that will list a melee or ranged weapon attack in the attack/action list?
You unfortunately cannot currently do that in a way that will roll on the character sheet. That would require an Action, and Actions have not yet been added to magic items at the current time.
There is a Modifier to add damage to a homebrewed magic weapon, however it will not roll automatically with the weapon damage. All it does currently is add a note next to the base damage to remind the player to roll the additional damage for themselves.
Modifier: Damage→Subtype: [Damage Type]→Dice Count: X→Die Type: dY→Fixed Value: Z
4. Why don’t the charges on my magic item refresh on a short or long rest?
The short answer is that there aren’t supposed to be any rest options as Magic Item Charge reset conditions, only “Dawn,” “None (Consumable)” and “Other.” The rest options were only entered there as a temporary workaround until they can add Actions to Magic Items.
The best you can do is enter it as plain text and the player would have to uncheck the magic item’s charge manually whenever they finish an appropriate rest. That can be accomplished on the Inventory tab of their character sheet.
5. How do I make a Homebrewed Container?
You unfortunately cannot at the present time.
6. Why doesn’t my magic item apply the bonuses after the player equips it to their character?
Does your magic item require Attunement?
If not, was it created from a template that originally required Attunement, but you removed that requirement?
If your magic item requires Attunement, it will need to be Attuned manually as that does not happen automatically.
If your magic item was it created from a template, and the original item templated required Attunement, but you removed that requirement, then you will unfortunately need to recreate the item from scratch. There is a bug with removing Attunement requirements from preexisting magic items when used as templates.
7. How do I make a magic item that counts as a Spellcasting focus?
That would be accomplished as plain text and then adding the [FOCUS] tag to the item.
8. How do I add spells to a magic item that each has its own set number of limited uses instead of sharing charges with other spells?
Unfortunately you currently cannot.
9. How do I make a magic weapon with a bonus to the attack roll but not the damage roll?
There is no functional way to make a weapon that only adds a bonus to the attack roll and not the damage roll.
The closest you can currently get is to add the standard “Modifier: Bonus→Subtype: Magic” modifier that adds the bonus to both the attack and damage rolls, and then add the “Damage” Modifier with a negative Fixed Value to offset it. Unfortunately however, that will only put a note next to the damage roll that says “+ -1” on the character sheet. The player would still have to manually adjust the weapon to subtract 1 damage from it on their character sheet.
The alternative is to simply list it as plain text and allow the player to customize the appropriate roll for that weapon by +/− 1 directly on their character sheet.
10. How can I make a magic weapon that adds a different ability score to the attack and damage rolls instead of Strength or Dexterity?
Unfortunately that is not currently possible.
The best you can do is write it as plain text and the player would have to “Customize” the magic weapon directly on their character sheet to reflect the accurate attack and damage modifiers.
Alternatively, you could add the following Modifier:
Modifier: Bonus→Subtype: Magic Item Attack With [Ability] (image in spoiler bellow)
However, bear in mind that modifier will automatically affect every magic weapon that character uses, and can never affect nonmagical weapons.
11. How can I enter a list price for my homebrewed magic item?
That is not currently possible. Magic items (except for potions of healing) do not have prices associated with them in D&D, and we cannot create nonmagical items currently.
12. How can I attach a homebrewed feat to a magic item? OR How come I attached a feat to a magic item, but it isn’t applying the feat to my character?
Unfortunately, since there are no official magic items that actually apply feats to a character, any feat attached to a magic item will not actually work on a character sheet.
The best you can do is to enter the information as plain text and the player would have to attach the feat to their character sheet directly.
13. How can I create homebrewed magic ammunition?
Unfortunately that is not currently possible. There are two workarounds however:
Create them as custom items directly on your character sheet. This is convenient one-off items or items that will only be carried by a single PC.
Create them as homebrewed potions. This is convenient items that will be carried by multiple PCs as they are stackable in inventory.
14. How can I create a magic item that improves based on the wielder’s character or class level, Proficiency bonus, or an Ability score?
Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to do that. The official magic items in D&D are not designed to scale attributes based on wielder stats in that way, so the ability to create magic items like that has never been programmed into DDB’s system.
15. How can I create a magic item (or feat) that can raise a non-spellcaster’s save DC, for example a Ki Save DC, or a Maneuver Save DC?
Unfortunately that is not currently possible. Those save DCs are encoded snippets embedded directly into those class features. For a subclass feature like Maneuvers, the only way to change them is to make a homebrewed copy of the subclass and edit the snippet directly. There is no way to adjust the snippet for a base class feature such as Ki.
16. How can I create a magic item that increases a PC’s HP?
It is only possible to create a magic item that increases a PC’s HP by one of two metrics:
An amount based on one of the character’s ability score modifiers. (Modifier: Bonus→Subtype: Hit Points→Ability Score [Abil]).
An amount based on the character’s level: (Modifier: Bonus→Subtype: Hit Points per Level→Fixed Value: X).
It is not currently possible to create a magic item that increases HP by a fixed amount.
17. How can I create a Spell Scroll that actually functions on a character sheet?
How to Make a Spell Scroll: 📜
Click “Creations”
Click “Brows and Create Homebrew”
Scroll down to “Magic Items”
Click “Create Homebrew Magic Item”
For “Magic Item Type” select “Scroll”
For “Magic Item” select the spell scroll level with the correct level for the spell you wish the scroll to contain.
Under Additional Information, check the Has Charges box, set the number of charges to 1, and set the Charge Reset Condition to “None, Consumable.” SAVE!!
Scroll down the the “Spells” section and click “Add Spell”
Add the spell you want on the scroll by name in the name field.
Set the DC to match the level of the scroll.
Set minimum and maximum charges to 1. SAVE!!
Rearrange the text as indicated below. (I used a 3rd-level spell scroll as an example, each level of scroll has its own corresponding DCs already there.)
Change the “Magic Item Type” from Scroll to Miscellaneous Item. SAVE!!!
Original Scroll Text:
A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class’s spell list, you can read the scroll and cast its spell without providing any material components. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible. Casting the spell by reading the scroll requires the spell’s normal casting time. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost.
If the spell is on your class’s spell list but of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check using your spellcasting ability to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC equals 13. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect.
This scroll contains a 3rd level spell. The spell's saving throw DC is 15 and attack bonus is +7.
A wizard spell on a spell scroll can be copied just as spells in spellbooks can be copied. When a spell is copied from a spell scroll, the copier must succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a DC equal to 13. If the check succeeds, the spell is successfully copied. Whether the check succeeds or fails, the spell scroll is destroyed.
Modified Scroll Text:
A spell scroll bears the words of a single spell, written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class’s spell list, you can read the scroll and cast its spell without providing any material components. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible. Casting the spell by reading the scroll requires the spell’s normal casting time. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and it crumbles to dust. If the casting is interrupted, the scroll is not lost.
This scroll contains [_spell]INSERT SPELL NAME HERE[/spell_], a 3rd-level spell. The spell's saving throw DC is 15 or the attack bonus is +7. If the spell is on your class’s spell list but of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make a DC 13 spellcasting ability check to determine whether you cast it successfully. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect.
A wizard spell on a spell scroll can be copied just as spells in spellbooks can be copied. When the spell is copied from this spell scroll, the copier must succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If the check succeeds, the spell is successfully copied. Whether the check succeeds or fails, the spell scroll is destroyed.
**Where I wrote [_spell]INSERT SPELL NAME HERE[/spell_] if you delete the underscores and insert the spell name it will look like this: Magic Circle. This is called a tooltip, they work almost everywhere except on the character sheet for some reason.
You can also make it a hyperlink like this, Magic Circle, by copying the URL from the spell’s page, and inserting with the tool button that looks like a chain (if you have no idea what I’m talking about turn your phone sideways). By making it a hyperlink it will function on the character sheet. The character sheet will make all of the text black lIke this→ Magic Circle, so it can be hard to see. I suggest making it bold and italics, so it stands out on the character sheet better like this: Magic Circle.
Or you could do both like this: Magic Circle. That way it works everywhichway.
18. Is there a way to create a magic item (or feat) that grants additional spell slots?
No, there’s no way to give additional spell slots. You could add a limited use to a feat, or add a charge to a magic item that would effectively work like a spell slot, but it wouldn’t appear on the Spells section of the character sheet.
1. 🚧I have attached a homebrew feat to my background, why isn’t it working properly?
🚧This answer is under construction and does not reflect the post 2024 release changes.🚧
Unfortunately, homebrew backgrounds cannot automatically grant a homebrew feat to a PC at the present time.
1.1 🚧Is there a way to add ASI options to my background like the new 2024 backgrounds have?
🚧This Answer is Still Under Construction.
That is handled on the backend and not available in the homebrewer. You can select an official background that has the same ASI selection you want and use it as a template which will make your homebrew background offer the same ASI selection.
2. I am trying to add equipment to my background, but it's confusing and isn't working right. What should I do?
To properly add equipment to a background requires using two different sections of the background builder. Enter the entire list in the field labeled “Equipment Description” under Basic Information. This is what will be displayed on the details page for your background. It should be well written and include tooltips for official items so it is clear and understandable. Once done, click [SAVE CHANGES].
Next you will need to add the equipment so it functions in the character builder. Most background equipment is given to a character, but some may include choices when creating a character. To get the character builder to present equipment correctly, you have to divide the total list of equipment into separate “equipment phrases.” Equipment simply given to a character can be combined as a single phrase, or divided into smaller phrases. Equipment presented as choices should be separated into their own phrases. If the background offers multiple choices from different groups of items, those groups should be split into separate phrases. Whenever the word “and” is used or implied in the equipment list, those items should be listed separately from the items seperated by the word “or.”
For example, if you want your background to grant characters “A blanket; a waterskin; a holy symbol; a pouch containing a tinderbox, a small knife, and some string; a set of brewer's supplies or cook's utensils; either a miner's pick, shovel, or sledgehammer; a letter from home; and a pouch containing 5 gp” then you would enter that in the equipment description field. When actually adding those pieces of equipment to the background under the Equipment section, you would split it into different phrases like this:
a blanket
a waterskin
a holy symbol
a pouch, tinderbox, small knife, and string
brewer’s supplies or cook’s utensils
a miner’s pick, shovel, or sledgehammer
a letter from home
a pouch with 5 gp
When entering equipment phrases make them concise for the character builder. Once you divide the full list into phrases, you enter them individually in the Equipment section. After entering a phrase, [SAVE] it and the screen will reload, you will see a new subsection labeled “equipment phrase individual choice.” If your phrase includes only a single item enter it again and click [ADD CHOICE TEXT], the screen will again reload and present another new sub-subsection and dropdown. Make the appropriate selection from the list. “Specific Armor/Gear/Weapon” refers to specific items such as studded leather, an amulet, or dagger. “Type of ArmorGear/Weapon” refers categories such as “light armor,” “holy symbol,” or “simple weapon.” “Custom Value” will allow you to write in anything not listed as equipment on this website, and it will appear at the bottom of the character’s inventory tab as “Other Possessions.” “Gold” will predictably allow you to enter starting gold for the character. "Instructional text” will display whatever you enter in the builder instructing players what to do such as adding a particular magic item to their inventory. Whatever you select will either generate another dropdown where you would select the appropriate specific item or item type, or generate a data entry field where you would input the custom value, gold amount, or instructional text.
Back to our example:
To add the blanket to your background enter “a blanket” as the Equipment Phrase and [SAVE], then as the Individual Choice for that phrase and [ADD CHOICE TEXT]. Select “Specific Gear” from the first dropdown, and “blanket” from the second and [ADD CHOICE DATA]. (You need not enter anything in the Quantity field for single items as the system default is 1.) Finally, [SAVE] under the equipment phrase again and after the refresh “cancel” to navigate back to the Basic Information page to continue adding equipment. In the character builder this item will appear as its own line and be placed under Equipment on the character sheet.
To add the waterskin follow the exact same steps replacing “blanket” with “waterskin” in all instances.
To add a choice of holy symbol select “Type of Gear” instead of “Specific Gear,” then select “holy symbol.” This will create a dropdown in the character builder where players can select their preferred holy symbol from the list.
To add the pouch, tinderbox, small knife, and string, you would follow almost the same process as adding the blanket or waterskin. You would enter “a pouch, tinderbox, small knife, and string” as both the phrase and individual choice, then add each piece of Specific Gear under the same “individual choice.” In the character builder they will appear in the same line and be given to the character together. Since the pouch is a container it will appear below the character’s general Equipment, with the other three items already placed inside.
To add the choice of tool sets, enter “brewer’s supplies or cook’s utensils” as a single phrase, but list them each as separate individual choices and apply them as Specific Gear beneath the corresponding individual choice. This will present them in a single line in the character builder, but generate a dropdown where players can select their prefered tool set. Whichever the player selects will appear on their character sheet under Equipment.
To enter the choice of pick, shovel, or hammer, follow the same steps as for the choice of tool set. (Note that the miner’s pick will be listed as “pick, miner's” in the dropdown and the sledgehammer will be listed as “hammer, sledge.”)
The letter from home would be a Custom Value.
The pouch of gold would be combined in the same phrase and phrase choice, and entered together under that choice.
Don’t forget that once you have finished attaching all the equipment to your background, you must[SAVE CHANGES] under Basic Information to update the background in the system.
1. I listed a specific subclass in the “Available for Class(es)” field of my spell and now it’s “Always Prepared” for that subclass. Why?
The “why” is because spells attached to subclasses for prepared casters (Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Paladin) are their always prepared spells. When you add those subclasses to the spell, it also interfaces with the subclass to add the spell to that list for you and everyone in DDB campaigns with you.
The only way to change it is to list the main class instead of the subclass.
1.1. Why isn’t my homebrew spell appearing for my character?
Please see the above General Homebrew FAQ, question #s 5 & 5-B.
2. How can I embed a monster statblock into a spell's description?
Drag-highlighting the desired statblock and copy/paste it into your spell’s description field. include some text from either above or below the statblock to ensure the statblock’s frame is picked up during the copy, delete the extra text after pasting. You can even do it from your phone:
*The statblock used in this video is from my homebrewed monster, the Bone Golem.
1. I want to add additional spells known to a character with a Feat, but I can’t get it to cost a spell slot. How can I make that work?
Unfortunately you cannot at the moment, feats currently don’t have the necessary dropdown for it. You would have to use a homebrewed version of either that character’s Race or Subclass.
2. I am trying to add Options to my feat, but it will only allow me to add Actions to the Options. What am I doing wrong?
You are doing nothing wrong, currently only Actions can be added to Feat Options. If more could be added, such as Spells, etc. then DDB would not need to create multiple versions of certain feats (such as Magic Initiate) to implement them.
3. How do I create a pool of those little checkboxes on the character sheet to track when things get used?
The same way you would for Subclasses or Races. You need to add an Action to the Feat, and as part of the action you need to designate the desired “Reset Type” (long rest, etc.) and hit [SAVE]. Scroll all the way to the bottom and you willll see a new subsection labled “Limited Uses.” Expand that and click [ADD LIMITED USE DATA]. After adding the desired information [SAVE]. You can add any number of limited uses you wish, up to X/level. To do so requires each increase be added individually.
When the screen reloads it should be back on the Action form and in the Limited Uses section there should be an entry, [SAVE] the Action again, then [SAVE CHANGES] on the whole Feat.
4. How can I create a feat (or magic item) that can raise a non-spellcaster’s save DC, for example a Ki Save DC, or a Maneuver Save DC?
Unfortunately that is not currently possible. Those save DCs are encoded snippets embedded directly into those class features. For a subclass feature like Maneuvers, the only way to change them is to make a homebrewed copy of the subclass and edit the snippet directly. There is no way to adjust the snippet for a base class feature such as Ki.
5. I have created a feat using a template (Fey/Shadow Touched, etc.), but it seems I cannot access some parts of it to make changes. How can I access those parts?
Unfortunately that is not currently possible. Portions of some feats are handled on the backend and there is no way to access those portions in the homebrewer.
6. 🚧I have created a feat using a subclass or specific class level as a prerequisite. Why isn’t it working properly?
🚧This answer is under construction and does not reflect the post 2024 release changes.🚧
The Class option seems to work with the base classes, but seems to be glitchy when trying to apply to subclasses. Like, the character sheet doesn’t recognize the subclass in the prerequisite. Also, while there seems to be an addressable space for (I presume) a level after the class selection, that is ignored as well.
7. Is there a way to create a feat (or magic item) that grants additional spell slots?
Please see the Items & Equipment FAQ, question #18 above.
1. Why does my monster have Legendary, Mythic, and Lair actions when I left the boxes unchecked?
That’s done as a reminder for the Developers who use the same basic system we get to use.
You need to check the boxes, delete the contents of those fields, and then uncheck the boxes. If any of those fields still populate your monster then there is some errant code left in those fields. Check the boxes again and click/tap the grey button above the description field with the following symbol:
That will display the html code for the field. Delete the contents, hit [Ok], and then uncheck the box again before saving your monster.
2. How do I adjust my monster's Proficiency bonus?
Simply by adjusting your monster's Challenge Rating, a monster's PB is directly linked to it's CR. A monster's PB automatically starts at +2, and increases by +1 at each of the following Challenge Ratings: 5 (+3), 9 (+4), 13 (+5), 17 (+6), 21 (+7), 25 (+8), and 29 (+9).
3. How do I know if the CR is right for my monster?
4. Is there an easier way to add rollable codes to my monster without having to mess with that fidly code?
Yes. It's so easy you can do it from your phone.
First, simply type out your Action (or whatever) in plain text, highlight that text, and then click the last icon in the RTF editor "Add Rollable Dice Blocks Automatically" as shown below:
Thit will bring up a popup, simply hit the [Add Rollable Dice Blocks] button as shown below:
That will automatically add the rollable codes. Then hit the [Add HTML] button as shown below:
That will automatically format the text to comply with standard statblock formatting (bold & italics). Then close the popup by clicking the [X] button as shown below:
You will end up with a fully coded Action (or whatever) as shown below:
2. How do I create a temporary effect that only applies to the character sheet when activated, and only until deactivated again?
You can also create a FEAT to emulate an activation. I do this with my Rune Knight so that I'm not forgetting to roll with advantage on STR checks.
Yes, but that won’t actually apply any effects temporarily unless you add/remove the feat over and over, where the magic items can just by equipping/unequipping it.
I can take no credit for that guide, that was all them. Very, very comprehensive. (And you can stick ‘em all in an Alms Box relabeled “Temporary Effects,” or leave them in “Equipment” so they’re up at the top. Since containers became a thing items are cooler than they used to be. 😉)
PS- Thank you, I appreciate the compliment, and glad you found it worthwhile.
I can take no credit for that guide, that was all them. Very, very comprehensive. (And you can stick ‘em all in an Alms Box relabeled “Temporary Effects,” or leave them in “Equipment” so they’re up at the top. Since containers became a thing items are cooler than they used to be. 😉)
I can take no credit for that guide, that was all them. Very, very comprehensive. (And you can stick ‘em all in an Alms Box relabeled “Temporary Effects,” or leave them in “Equipment” so they’re up at the top. Since containers became a thing items are cooler than they used to be. 😉)
Ahh, now I remember why I chose to make FEATS instead of ITEMS for the subclass feature activation. I wanted to have a "countdown/timer" thing easily and quickly accessible from the main action tab in the character sheet. So with the ACTION of the feat, I mark it "display as action" and the activation as "action". Then I can keep track of the duration, right there on the page. (My Rune Knight would basically have at least 1 concentration spell and 2 runes active during an encounter, so it was easier to keep track of which was active still.)
But I just created a single "Duration Counter" with every feature that I needed to keep track of. That way, I can keep the timer on my character sheet and use the "magic item as activation" hack. Love it!
The amount of times that Number 8 (in General FAQ & Basic Troubleshooting) comes up is insane.
Dude (gender neutral usage)! Your mouth to God’s ears. In truth, the number of times these all come up is insane, that’s why I created this FAQ. I got tired of answering them piecemeal and figured I’d do it all at once and now direct people to this. The more times this comes up in searches, the easier people will find their answer. Ne? At least, that’s the hope anyway.
If you found it helpful, vote and stay tuned for updates as they come up.
I can take no credit for that guide, that was all them. Very, very comprehensive. (And you can stick ‘em all in an Alms Box relabeled “Temporary Effects,” or leave them in “Equipment” so they’re up at the top. Since containers became a thing items are cooler than they used to be. 😉)
PS- Thank you, I appreciate the compliment, and glad you found it worthwhile.
I really like this solution. It separates out temporary effect items from regular equipment and even makes that category collapsible when scanning over your inventory for real and function only items.
I can take no credit for that guide, that was all them. Very, very comprehensive. (And you can stick ‘em all in an Alms Box relabeled “Temporary Effects,” or leave them in “Equipment” so they’re up at the top. Since containers became a thing items are cooler than they used to be. 😉)
PS- Thank you, I appreciate the compliment, and glad you found it worthwhile.
I really like this solution. It separates out temporary effect items from regular equipment and even makes that category collapsible when scanning over your inventory for real and function only items.
I must be missing something. I'm trying to add a table like the wild magic barbarian's wild magic table to a new subclass. How do I do that? I'm sure it's on this list somewhere, but I must have missed it.
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🔗 Intro & Acknowledgments
If you don’t know me, I am Sposta. I know some stuff about homebrewing on DDB. If you’ve spent time in these forums you’ve likely seen me around. If you are new, welcome.
If you’ve ever asked how to accomplish something in the system I have likely been one of the folks who offered help, or broke the unfortunate news that whatever you wanted to do is or was not possible. Many users have questions regarding the homebrew content builder. Unsurprisingly, many have the same questions. I‘ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions over the years, and put them into this FAQ for everyone. I update it as needed.
If you found it helpful, like it and vote, and subscribe for FAQ updates. If you think it’ll help others, if not you personally, please consider that when voting, it is a comunity resource after all. If you didn’t find it helpful or think I missed something, please drop a comment below. Thank you.
I hope this helps,
*Thanks to Imaginelane, Jay_Lane, RodTheBard & corvaxl1 for contributing to this FAQ.
*Particular thanks to Mairondil & naruhoodie for special contributions, it would be less comprehensive and harder to read without them.
*Special shoutouts to Stormknight & Halfwing. Were it not for them I wouldn’t know this software well enough to write this FAQ.
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Give me time.
How to: Replace DEX in your AC | Jump & Suffocation stats | Build a (Spell & class effect buff system | Wild Shape effect system) | Tool Proficiencies as Custom Skills | Spells at higher levels explained | Superior Fighting/Martial Adept Fix | Snippet Codes Explored - Subclasses | Snippet Math Theory | Homebrew Weapons Explained
Check out my: FEATS | MAGIC ITEMS | MONSTERS | SUBCLASSES Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Dndbeyond images not loading A PERMANENT WORKAROUND!!! (thank you Jay_Lane)
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Update: #6 added to Items & Equipment.
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Update: #9 added to Subclasses & Races.
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2. How do I create a temporary effect that only applies to the character sheet when activated, and only until deactivated again?
You can also create a FEAT to emulate an activation. I do this with my Rune Knight so that I'm not forgetting to roll with advantage on STR checks.
Yes, but that won’t actually apply any effects temporarily unless you add/remove the feat over and over, where the magic items can just by equipping/unequipping it.
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Yeah I guess UN/equipping is slightly easier than adding/removing a feat.
Well ... Kinda. You can add and remove feats in the character sheet under MANAGE FEATS. It's just as quick, actually. Maybe one extra click.
(But you're less likely to have other characters in your shared campaign grab the feat by accident if you go the EQUIP route.)
Either way, this is a solid guide.
I can take no credit for that guide, that was all them. Very, very comprehensive. (And you can stick ‘em all in an Alms Box relabeled “Temporary Effects,” or leave them in “Equipment” so they’re up at the top. Since containers became a thing items are cooler than they used to be. 😉)
PS- Thank you, I appreciate the compliment, and glad you found it worthwhile.
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Ahhh!!! Even better!! 😍🥰😍
Ahh, now I remember why I chose to make FEATS instead of ITEMS for the subclass feature activation. I wanted to have a "countdown/timer" thing easily and quickly accessible from the main action tab in the character sheet. So with the ACTION of the feat, I mark it "display as action" and the activation as "action". Then I can keep track of the duration, right there on the page. (My Rune Knight would basically have at least 1 concentration spell and 2 runes active during an encounter, so it was easier to keep track of which was active still.)
But I just created a single "Duration Counter" with every feature that I needed to keep track of. That way, I can keep the timer on my character sheet and use the "magic item as activation" hack. Love it!
Happy to help. That’s what this FAQ is for.
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Update: #10 added to General FAQ.
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The amount of times that Number 8 (in General FAQ & Basic Troubleshooting) comes up is insane.
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Dude (gender neutral usage)! Your mouth to God’s ears. In truth, the number of times these all come up is insane, that’s why I created this FAQ. I got tired of answering them piecemeal and figured I’d do it all at once and now direct people to this. The more times this comes up in searches, the easier people will find their answer. Ne? At least, that’s the hope anyway.
If you found it helpful, vote and stay tuned for updates as they come up.
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I really like this solution. It separates out temporary effect items from regular equipment and even makes that category collapsible when scanning over your inventory for real and function only items.
How to: Replace DEX in your AC | Jump & Suffocation stats | Build a (Spell & class effect buff system | Wild Shape effect system) | Tool Proficiencies as Custom Skills | Spells at higher levels explained | Superior Fighting/Martial Adept Fix | Snippet Codes Explored - Subclasses | Snippet Math Theory | Homebrew Weapons Explained
Check out my: FEATS | MAGIC ITEMS | MONSTERS | SUBCLASSES Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Dndbeyond images not loading A PERMANENT WORKAROUND!!! (thank you Jay_Lane)
Thanks. I’m glad you like the idea.
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Not to rush you in doing god's work, but do you happen to know off-hand what the DOMAIN SPELL modifier does?
I've thrown it on everything and tried mucking around with it, to no avail.
Does it . . . actually do anything??
I must be missing something. I'm trying to add a table like the wild magic barbarian's wild magic table to a new subclass. How do I do that? I'm sure it's on this list somewhere, but I must have missed it.