Try as he might, William is unable to bring to mind any stories or memories to do with giant turtles. He is sure this is entirely new to him.
As Kairouani approaches the Ankoai, they flap and skip slightly away from her but do not take flight. The closest one, the one on the rocks, cocks its head to the side in an almost questioning manner. There is a strange intelligence behind those glossy black eyes.
At Seri's approach, the turtles turn their heads towards her and watch impassively as she gesticulates and vocalises. When she has finished they seem to accept her presence and that of her companions and continue their journey up the beach and towards the undergrowth.
It gets dark quickly around here. Unlike back home where William, Thea, and Alessio come from, where dawn and dusk are long, slow progressions from dark to light and light to dark, dusk in the Windward Isles can creep up on a person. Almost before you realise the light is fading it is almost full dark. The Ankoai take wing and fly off to the East, while the turtles vanish into the thick brush bordering the beach. Soon the only light is that of the stars that stud the night sky like diamonds in the dark velvet of an empress's gown, and William's fire. The fire gives a comforting orange glow reminiscent to some of you of winter nights around a hearth. Here, though, the crackle of the fire is accompanied by the susurration of the waves gently lapping at the beach rather than the snore of hunting hounds sharing the warmth of the family home, or the sound of household members bustling around making preparations for the morrow. To Seri and Kairouani, this feels almost like home, though just different enough to be unsettling. The scenery, the flora, the fauna, all seem familiar, but not knowing one's precise whereabouts can gnaw at the nerves. None of you knows who or what shares this island with you. If it houses turtles bigger than you've ever seen before, what other unknowns might lurk in the darkness?
With no fresh meat or fish, the fire is mostly for comfort, or the hope of being seen. A meal of dried rations and Seri's botanical bounty is sufficient to fill all of your bellies before Seri takes first watch.
Does everyone else retire to the shelter to sleep? Or does anyone have anything else they'd like to do at this stage?
Kairouani sat on the beach looking out across the water, though her eyes weren't taking anything in....she was too consumed with the fact that she was right back where she had started. Part of her wanted to question Thea about the chest and its contents but they needed to focus on survival first....though she hazarded she had a decent chance of island hopping back to where she needed to with some clement weather and something to assist with buoyancy....possibly a paddle....
She looked across to Seri on watch, tommorow morning she would try and follow the trail the turtles would have left through the jungle....was there a nesting site so far inland?
Eventually she moved up against the outside of the shelter and nodded of ready to be awoken for second watch....
Seri glances back at Kairouani, sensing that the Igneri woman is restless and perhaps frustrated about someting. She finds herself hoping that the group is not forced to hunt down the turtle nest and steal eggs. Trondro in his wildness, would have no anger towards predators or prey, hunters and scavengers, for such is the way of both ocean and shore, but after her... interaction with the great shelled beasts, eating their eggs would feel a betrayal of sorts.
"Elder sister. I sense you have perhaps... lost something? None of us can see the future clearly, just as we cannot see the depths from the surface. Still, I believe the five of us are strong, and Trondro will provide. You may yet reach the horizon you seek. Sleep well and I will wake you for your watch."
Having spoken to Kairouani in the language of the Windward Isles, she bids Thea, William and Alessio good night in a more circumspect, polite manner, her liquid, rolling accent tinging the common Veridian tongue, hoping they too rest well.
Seri herself is not sleepy, for she has never needed sleep in truth. Having pretended to slumber at times in her room to fit in with the Olona, and later in her cabin aboard the Dragonfly and Horn of Plenty. Out here, the trance which she would enter for a few hours later this night would be plainly visible to her new companions and likely seem alien and unnerving to them. She would have to hope for their understanding. She continues to gaze all around, at the ocean, the arboreal wilderness, the night sky. Watching for danger, but also drinking in the sights of this heretofore unseen shore.
William, ever used to taking stock, went over everything the group managed to scavenge. He normally would spend his evening brewing potions or preparing salves but he doubted he would find the proper supplies for that around these parts. He grabbed a bottle of rum with the intent to drink himself to sleep when he spotted Seristill up and about.
'Fancy a drink?'He offered her the bottle after taking a swig of it. 'Might as well enjoy it: this would cost ya a pretty penny back home.'He sat down on the sand to watch the waves lapping onto the beach. 'So what was that back there you did, with the water and the mumbo jumbo and the handwaving?'
Seri hesitates for a moment as William approaches, remembering his terse disapproval of her ritual to cleanse the salt water and provisions, then smiles and takes a small sip out of the bottle before handing it back.
"I... I am not fully certain myself. It is not like Trondro's divine magic, the vast ocean of which I can channel a tiny rivulet as you saw earlier. This is something else, even the elder priests at my temple could not do. I do not think they could, anyway. Yet I have always been different."
She points to her ears, eyes and other elven features, and to the tiniest rows of slits along the sides of her throat. "I will be forever grateful to the Olona and the temple for taking me in after fishermen found me washed up like sea foam on the far outer isle. I do not rightly remember my life before that, though sometimes I catch a glimmer like a firefly fish. As when the turtles came. I remember distantly... swimming with them in the deeps long ago. Or with others like them. I can breathe underwater and even speak to sea creatures a little, though I do not understand them in return. That is what I was doing, though almost not purposefully. I instinctively greeted them, begged pardon for our presence on their sands, warned them of the birds of prey..."
As if afraid of what the company man's response to these revelations might be, Seri briskly changes the topic. "And what of you? What do you seek in the Windward Isles, so far form home? Kairouani and I grew up here. Thea... I think Thea aims to prove herself, like me. To her parents and to herself. But I have wondered what brings you and Alessio to our shores, William. Is it the joy of exploration and chasing the horizon, as it would be if it were me?"
William took the bottle from Seri's hand and put it to his lips. The warm liquid sloshed down his throat to warm his body from his fingers to his toes.
'You one of them vegetarians?'He asked, though his grin suggested it was more in jest than an accusation. Another gulp from the bottle. 'What I seek?' He repeats Seri's words to give himself a moment to reflect. 'Same as everyone else, I suppose: fame and fortune.' He drank again. 'Though it's more fitting to say that my island home had become too small for me to stay.'
The bottle was empty. William stood up and dusted the sand from his breeches. 'I'm going to get some shut-eye.' He pointed with his thumb behind him to the makeshift shelter. 'I know you people don't sleep like we do but if something comes up or it's my turn to take watch, come wake me.'
With that said he lumbered over to the shelter, took the effort to find a particularly soft patch of sand to lie down, and soon dreamt of better circumstances.
I mean I do eat mostly fruits and vegetables. But occasionally meat too, whether from land and sea. I just shy away from eating creatures with some intelligence such as giant turtles or their unhatched offspring, but would do so if I needed to survive. Such is the way of nature.
But by then, William has moved on, having finished the bottle with (to Seri) breathtaking speed and shuffled off to bed.
"William seeks fame and fortune. Same as anyone else." Seri repeats the Company man's words slowly back to herself.
This seems strange to her, for she has never thought to seek out these things, at least not with any significant priority. Perhaps fame and fortune could be useful as means to an end...? Is that why all the easterners are here? The Aseri and Veridians and Company people? For fame and fortune?
Though the Company man did also say his island home had grown too small...
Seri hugs her knees and resumes gazing at the ocean, forest and sky. With a little trepidation, but mostly with wonder as her mind regains its inner peace.
The first night after the storm couldn't be more different from the circumstances that stranded the five of you on this island. Even the gentle breeze that ruffled the palm leaves during the day has died away and the still night air is cool but not unpleasant. The fire dances merrily, a distant echo of the celestial fires that burn far above your heads.
The calls of various jungle creatures carry on the still air. Most are familiar to Seri but the unfamiliarity of the situation makes them take on a more sinister aspect than they might otherwise.
Perhaps some of you harboured some small hope that your fire might attract some attention in the night. It has, though maybe not the sort of attention you expected. As Seri watches and the rest of the group sleeps, she notices several pricks of light moving just within the shadow of the trees. They are in pairs, a couple of feet from the ground, and look for all the world like feline eyes reflecting the flickering orange light of the fire. Tracking them in the darkness, Seri counts what seems likely to be three large feline creatures. They stay in the shadows for a while, moving back and forth and stopping to watch the flames. As Seri sits very still, it is unclear whether or not they have seen her.
It becomes clear, however, that they have seen Thea seated under a tree a short distance from the shelter. She is sleeping soundly, rum bottle clutched to her side and chin on her gently rising chest, as a large spotted cat slinks silently out of the darkness towards her with fluid, economical movements and its belly low to the ground. It stops a few feet short, neck stretched out, nostrils twitching as it takes in the unfamiliar scent.
If anyone thinks anything is in the wrong place let me know. This is just my interpretation of what's been said.
Seri had not expected the unease building up inside her during the otherwise tranquil evening, with the sounds of the jungle so close. Part of her wants to believe that the eyes glowing in reflected firelight are harmless beasts as the turtles had been. It is only at the last moment that she realizes they are not.
"Up! Up! This island is not done with surprises for us tonight!" Suddenly shouting at the top of her voice to wake her companions, Seri springs up and grabs a partly burning stick from the fire (holding the non-burning end, free action) and heads N and NW to stand just north of Thea, between the young Aseri woman and the large felines. She waves the fiery stick around, bobbing and weaving (taking the dodge action), while yelling at the big cats.
"Away, sharks of the land! Your hunt does not please Trondro. The prey you seek lies elsewhere!"
As she does so, there seems to be a sudden, stiff wind from the ocean despite the dead calm, coalescing into a localized, violent gust that shoves the closest feline backwards (north). Telekinetic Feat: bonus action shove, DC14 STR Save or be pushed north 5'.
(Seri does all this hoping that the fire, her shouting and the shove cause the large felines to think better of attacking. She has no wish to fight them.)
"Huh?! What?! Oh! Fizzing Crackerjacks!" Yells Thea, Probably attracting more dangerous animals. she doesn't blame the big cats, she does look pretty tasty after all. or at least she thinks she does. Thea leaps to her feet, brandishing the rum bottle like a greatsword. "This is why I blastin' hate camping."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Kairouani wakes and stands putting her back against the shelter and looking around for danger, she tries to determine what the vague feline shapes are in the dark.
" We don't outnumber them enough, we need to make ourselves seem to much trouble to risk taking on. Bright lights, loud noise and fire."
Part of her mind begins thinking further that with so many large predators there must be more prey and fresh water on this island than it first appeared....survival here should not be as difficult as feared...assuming they are not eaten.
She threw her roughly made hand-axe under arm in a curiously awkward manner so that it sailed over the creatures heads looping back around to be caught in her hand once more.
Unfortunately, it seems not in Seri's nature to be intimidating. She just looks like a scared sea elf on dry land waving a stick around and squeaking...
Intimidation at advantage: 5 (4 and 1 on the dice)
" We don't outnumber them enough, we need to make ourselves seem to much trouble to risk taking on. Bright lights, loud noise and fire."
"Fire?" Thea will take a small vine & wrap it around the rum bottle she is holding. she then dips the bottle in the fire, so that the vine is burning. she will throw the bottle at the cats, so that it smashes and the alchohol lights, creating a molotov cocktail. Thea really loves fire.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
Try as he might, William is unable to bring to mind any stories or memories to do with giant turtles. He is sure this is entirely new to him.
As Kairouani approaches the Ankoai, they flap and skip slightly away from her but do not take flight. The closest one, the one on the rocks, cocks its head to the side in an almost questioning manner. There is a strange intelligence behind those glossy black eyes.
At Seri's approach, the turtles turn their heads towards her and watch impassively as she gesticulates and vocalises. When she has finished they seem to accept her presence and that of her companions and continue their journey up the beach and towards the undergrowth.
It gets dark quickly around here. Unlike back home where William, Thea, and Alessio come from, where dawn and dusk are long, slow progressions from dark to light and light to dark, dusk in the Windward Isles can creep up on a person. Almost before you realise the light is fading it is almost full dark. The Ankoai take wing and fly off to the East, while the turtles vanish into the thick brush bordering the beach. Soon the only light is that of the stars that stud the night sky like diamonds in the dark velvet of an empress's gown, and William's fire. The fire gives a comforting orange glow reminiscent to some of you of winter nights around a hearth. Here, though, the crackle of the fire is accompanied by the susurration of the waves gently lapping at the beach rather than the snore of hunting hounds sharing the warmth of the family home, or the sound of household members bustling around making preparations for the morrow. To Seri and Kairouani, this feels almost like home, though just different enough to be unsettling. The scenery, the flora, the fauna, all seem familiar, but not knowing one's precise whereabouts can gnaw at the nerves. None of you knows who or what shares this island with you. If it houses turtles bigger than you've ever seen before, what other unknowns might lurk in the darkness?
With no fresh meat or fish, the fire is mostly for comfort, or the hope of being seen. A meal of dried rations and Seri's botanical bounty is sufficient to fill all of your bellies before Seri takes first watch.
Does everyone else retire to the shelter to sleep? Or does anyone have anything else they'd like to do at this stage?
Kairouani sat on the beach looking out across the water, though her eyes weren't taking anything in....she was too consumed with the fact that she was right back where she had started. Part of her wanted to question Thea about the chest and its contents but they needed to focus on survival first....though she hazarded she had a decent chance of island hopping back to where she needed to with some clement weather and something to assist with buoyancy....possibly a paddle....
She looked across to Seri on watch, tommorow morning she would try and follow the trail the turtles would have left through the jungle....was there a nesting site so far inland?
Eventually she moved up against the outside of the shelter and nodded of ready to be awoken for second watch....
Seri glances back at Kairouani, sensing that the Igneri woman is restless and perhaps frustrated about someting. She finds herself hoping that the group is not forced to hunt down the turtle nest and steal eggs. Trondro in his wildness, would have no anger towards predators or prey, hunters and scavengers, for such is the way of both ocean and shore, but after her... interaction with the great shelled beasts, eating their eggs would feel a betrayal of sorts.
"Elder sister. I sense you have perhaps... lost something? None of us can see the future clearly, just as we cannot see the depths from the surface. Still, I believe the five of us are strong, and Trondro will provide. You may yet reach the horizon you seek. Sleep well and I will wake you for your watch."
Having spoken to Kairouani in the language of the Windward Isles, she bids Thea, William and Alessio good night in a more circumspect, polite manner, her liquid, rolling accent tinging the common Veridian tongue, hoping they too rest well.
Seri herself is not sleepy, for she has never needed sleep in truth. Having pretended to slumber at times in her room to fit in with the Olona, and later in her cabin aboard the Dragonfly and Horn of Plenty. Out here, the trance which she would enter for a few hours later this night would be plainly visible to her new companions and likely seem alien and unnerving to them. She would have to hope for their understanding. She continues to gaze all around, at the ocean, the arboreal wilderness, the night sky. Watching for danger, but also drinking in the sights of this heretofore unseen shore.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
The words of the shaman reassuring her, she drifted off to sleep...
Thea will also bed down for the night, her back to a tree, a bottle of rum clutched in her hand.
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
William, ever used to taking stock, went over everything the group managed to scavenge. He normally would spend his evening brewing potions or preparing salves but he doubted he would find the proper supplies for that around these parts. He grabbed a bottle of rum with the intent to drink himself to sleep when he spotted Seri still up and about.
'Fancy a drink?' He offered her the bottle after taking a swig of it. 'Might as well enjoy it: this would cost ya a pretty penny back home.' He sat down on the sand to watch the waves lapping onto the beach. 'So what was that back there you did, with the water and the mumbo jumbo and the handwaving?'
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Seri hesitates for a moment as William approaches, remembering his terse disapproval of her ritual to cleanse the salt water and provisions, then smiles and takes a small sip out of the bottle before handing it back.
"I... I am not fully certain myself. It is not like Trondro's divine magic, the vast ocean of which I can channel a tiny rivulet as you saw earlier. This is something else, even the elder priests at my temple could not do. I do not think they could, anyway. Yet I have always been different."
She points to her ears, eyes and other elven features, and to the tiniest rows of slits along the sides of her throat. "I will be forever grateful to the Olona and the temple for taking me in after fishermen found me washed up like sea foam on the far outer isle. I do not rightly remember my life before that, though sometimes I catch a glimmer like a firefly fish. As when the turtles came. I remember distantly... swimming with them in the deeps long ago. Or with others like them. I can breathe underwater and even speak to sea creatures a little, though I do not understand them in return. That is what I was doing, though almost not purposefully. I instinctively greeted them, begged pardon for our presence on their sands, warned them of the birds of prey..."
As if afraid of what the company man's response to these revelations might be, Seri briskly changes the topic. "And what of you? What do you seek in the Windward Isles, so far form home? Kairouani and I grew up here. Thea... I think Thea aims to prove herself, like me. To her parents and to herself. But I have wondered what brings you and Alessio to our shores, William. Is it the joy of exploration and chasing the horizon, as it would be if it were me?"
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
William took the bottle from Seri's hand and put it to his lips. The warm liquid sloshed down his throat to warm his body from his fingers to his toes.
'You one of them vegetarians?' He asked, though his grin suggested it was more in jest than an accusation. Another gulp from the bottle. 'What I seek?' He repeats Seri's words to give himself a moment to reflect. 'Same as everyone else, I suppose: fame and fortune.' He drank again. 'Though it's more fitting to say that my island home had become too small for me to stay.'
The bottle was empty. William stood up and dusted the sand from his breeches. 'I'm going to get some shut-eye.' He pointed with his thumb behind him to the makeshift shelter. 'I know you people don't sleep like we do but if something comes up or it's my turn to take watch, come wake me.'
With that said he lumbered over to the shelter, took the effort to find a particularly soft patch of sand to lie down, and soon dreamt of better circumstances.
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Seri does not think she is a vegetarian.
I mean I do eat mostly fruits and vegetables. But occasionally meat too, whether from land and sea. I just shy away from eating creatures with some intelligence such as giant turtles or their unhatched offspring, but would do so if I needed to survive. Such is the way of nature.
But by then, William has moved on, having finished the bottle with (to Seri) breathtaking speed and shuffled off to bed.
"William seeks fame and fortune. Same as anyone else." Seri repeats the Company man's words slowly back to herself.
This seems strange to her, for she has never thought to seek out these things, at least not with any significant priority. Perhaps fame and fortune could be useful as means to an end...? Is that why all the easterners are here? The Aseri and Veridians and Company people? For fame and fortune?
Though the Company man did also say his island home had grown too small...
Seri hugs her knees and resumes gazing at the ocean, forest and sky. With a little trepidation, but mostly with wonder as her mind regains its inner peace.
Seri's Perception plus Guidance for her watch: 20 (not natural) + 2 = 22
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
The first night after the storm couldn't be more different from the circumstances that stranded the five of you on this island. Even the gentle breeze that ruffled the palm leaves during the day has died away and the still night air is cool but not unpleasant. The fire dances merrily, a distant echo of the celestial fires that burn far above your heads.
The calls of various jungle creatures carry on the still air. Most are familiar to Seri but the unfamiliarity of the situation makes them take on a more sinister aspect than they might otherwise.
Perhaps some of you harboured some small hope that your fire might attract some attention in the night. It has, though maybe not the sort of attention you expected. As Seri watches and the rest of the group sleeps, she notices several pricks of light moving just within the shadow of the trees. They are in pairs, a couple of feet from the ground, and look for all the world like feline eyes reflecting the flickering orange light of the fire. Tracking them in the darkness, Seri counts what seems likely to be three large feline creatures. They stay in the shadows for a while, moving back and forth and stopping to watch the flames. As Seri sits very still, it is unclear whether or not they have seen her.
It becomes clear, however, that they have seen Thea seated under a tree a short distance from the shelter. She is sleeping soundly, rum bottle clutched to her side and chin on her gently rising chest, as a large spotted cat slinks silently out of the darkness towards her with fluid, economical movements and its belly low to the ground. It stops a few feet short, neck stretched out, nostrils twitching as it takes in the unfamiliar scent.
If anyone thinks anything is in the wrong place let me know. This is just my interpretation of what's been said.
OOC: well, hope I don't get eaten by a cat my first night
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
Seri had not expected the unease building up inside her during the otherwise tranquil evening, with the sounds of the jungle so close. Part of her wants to believe that the eyes glowing in reflected firelight are harmless beasts as the turtles had been. It is only at the last moment that she realizes they are not.
"Up! Up! This island is not done with surprises for us tonight!" Suddenly shouting at the top of her voice to wake her companions, Seri springs up and grabs a partly burning stick from the fire (holding the non-burning end, free action) and heads N and NW to stand just north of Thea, between the young Aseri woman and the large felines. She waves the fiery stick around, bobbing and weaving (taking the dodge action), while yelling at the big cats.
"Away, sharks of the land! Your hunt does not please Trondro. The prey you seek lies elsewhere!"
As she does so, there seems to be a sudden, stiff wind from the ocean despite the dead calm, coalescing into a localized, violent gust that shoves the closest feline backwards (north). Telekinetic Feat: bonus action shove, DC14 STR Save or be pushed north 5'.
(Seri does all this hoping that the fire, her shouting and the shove cause the large felines to think better of attacking. She has no wish to fight them.)
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
"Huh?! What?! Oh! Fizzing Crackerjacks!" Yells Thea, Probably attracting more dangerous animals. she doesn't blame the big cats, she does look pretty tasty after all. or at least she thinks she does. Thea leaps to her feet, brandishing the rum bottle like a greatsword. "This is why I blastin' hate camping."
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
Kairouani wakes and stands putting her back against the shelter and looking around for danger, she tries to determine what the vague feline shapes are in the dark.
" We don't outnumber them enough, we need to make ourselves seem to much trouble to risk taking on. Bright lights, loud noise and fire."
Part of her mind begins thinking further that with so many large predators there must be more prey and fresh water on this island than it first appeared....survival here should not be as difficult as feared...assuming they are not eaten.
She threw her roughly made hand-axe under arm in a curiously awkward manner so that it sailed over the creatures heads looping back around to be caught in her hand once more.
Nature- 9
Hand Axe- Attack: 6 Damage: 5
Can I have intimidation rolls please? With advantage because you’re helping each other.
William awoke groggy with eyes half open and a mind still on sleep mode. 'Whu...' He rubbed his eyes. 'What's happening?'
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
intimidation- 13
Unfortunately, it seems not in Seri's nature to be intimidating. She just looks like a scared sea elf on dry land waving a stick around and squeaking...
Intimidation at advantage: 5 (4 and 1 on the dice)
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
"Fire?" Thea will take a small vine & wrap it around the rum bottle she is holding. she then dips the bottle in the fire, so that the vine is burning. she will throw the bottle at the cats, so that it smashes and the alchohol lights, creating a molotov cocktail. Thea really loves fire.
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
STR saving throw: 12