The cat that had been investigating Thea braces itself low to the ground as the unexpected gust of wind hits it, and resists being pushed back. The sudden noise, fire, and the appearance of more humanoid forms from the darkness, however, cows the beast. Hackles up and teeth bared, it starts to back away. as Kairouani's handaxe spins over its head, it turns tail and leaps back into the jungle.
As you all stand peering into the darkness there is only silence and stillness. After that freak gust of wind the stillness feels exaggerated, like the world is holding its breath. After what feels like an hour but is more like thirty seconds, the sounds of the nocturnal denizens of the jungle filter back to your consciousness. If you hadn't just shared this experience with your companions, it could almost have been that the cats were just a figment of your imagination. Only the fact that you all saw them confirms that they were in fact real.
Kairouani recognised the cat as 'Sakala' in the Igneri language. William, Thea, and Alessio would know it as a Jaguar, though none of them had ever seen one before. At least not a live one. Thea had visited the home of a weathly and eccentric friend of her family years ago, a man who delighted in collecting curiosities and exotic wonders. One of his most prized, and expensive, possessions was a rug made from the whole pelt of a Jaguar including the skull. The tawny fur was soft and beautifully patterned in dark spots and rings. Tonight was the second closest she had ever come to the fur and teeth of a Jaguar, and the closest she had ever come to being eaten by one. Or perhaps it was merely curious. Perhaps humans are so unknown on this island that it was just trying to work out what she was, before it was chased away with fire and noise.
Kairouani, though more familiar with Sakala than the others, has still only rarely encountered them, and usually from a far greater distance. In her experience they were solitary creatures who steered well clear of anything larger than them. As to why there were three of them she could only guess. Perhaps a mother and two cubs.
The fire is now all but out, having been scattered by Seri and Thea's efforts to scare away the Jaguar. As the adrenaline subsides you realise that you can hear the soft snoring of Alessio from within the shelter. He slept through the whole thing.
Does anyone want to do anything else, or try to get back to sleep until dawn?
Kairouani assisted the others in building the fire up again before taking over watch, she is happy for another set of eyes to join her and tells Seri to get some sleep.
" I have never seen one so close before....", she said to herself with a little wonder and a slight tremor.
Seri looks sheepish, glancing at her companions, especially Thea.
"I am sorry. I should have shouted earlier. I only discerned their glowing eyes and did not recognize them as multiple big cats until they were close."
As she helps Kairouani stoke the fire again and prepares to take the rest of her watch (if any remains), Seri muses. "In the waters, whenever there are numerous sharks or dolphins, large predators, it means the presence of many prey. Such is the cycle of Trondro, but I believe it to be true on shore as well. We have seen the birds of prey, Ankoai, and now these felines, what are they called again, elder sister? Anyway, unless they hunt the large turtles, I have not seen their prey. Which seems strange. I do not believe they can subsist by feeding on shipwrecked outlanders alone."
Once it is the end of her watch and the start of Kairouani's, Seri returns to the tree, closer to the shore, where she had kept her watch. She sits against it, but does not sleep, gazing out over the waves as her breathing slows. The tiny slits by the sides of her throat expand and contract ever so slightly as the minutes pass. Gradually, her pupils shrink until they nearly vanish into her aquamarine irises, and Seri enters her Trance.
Thea sits down, staring at the fire for a long while. She remember the rich guy and thinks about how rich people are so ignorant. how death is right there, waiting to tear them to shreds. She spits in the fire. She sits there for a long time.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
Seri looks sheepish, glancing at her companions, especially Thea.
"I am sorry. I should have shouted earlier. I only discerned their glowing eyes and did not recognize them as multiple big cats until they were close."
As she helps Kairouani stoke the fire again and prepares to take the rest of her watch (if any remains), Seri muses. "In the waters, whenever there are numerous sharks or dolphins, large predators, it means the presence of many prey. Such is the cycle of Trondro, but I believe it to be true on shore as well. We have seen the birds of prey, Ankoai, and now these felines, what are they called again, elder sister? Anyway, unless they hunt the large turtles, I have not seen their prey. Which seems strange. I do not believe they can subsist by feeding on shipwrecked outlanders alone."
Once it is the end of her watch and the start of Kairouani's, Seri returns to the tree, closer to the shore, where she had kept her watch. She sits against it, but does not sleep, gazing out over the waves as her breathing slows. The tiny slits by the sides of her throat expand and contract ever so slightly as the minutes pass. Gradually, her pupils shrink until they nearly vanish into her aquamarine irises, and Seri enters her Trance.
" Sakala they are called by my people, I have heard some of the foreigners call them Jaguar or Tigre'."
" There may be deer or monkeys further inland perhaps."
She rouses herself as she stares out into the dark and stands.....
Thea sits down, staring at the fire for a long while. She remember the rich guy and thinks about how rich people are so ignorant. how death is right there, waiting to tear them to shreds. She spits in the fire. She sits there for a long time.
" If your going to stay awake you can stand watch with me, don't stare at the fire it will destroy your night vision for quite a while."
Elder Sister......a strange turn of phrase, for in her head Seri was the Elder because of her Shamanic mantle.....Kairouani regarded Thea critically, this one though despite her heritage she felt like a younger sister...
William was a bit too drowsy from the rum and sleep to properly register what just had happened. Only when someone pointed out to him that a large cat, a jaguar, had nearly walked into their impromptu camp, did he realise how lucky they were that the cat was more afraid of the them than it was hungry. Doubly so when he heard that there could have been more cats lurking in the shadows.
Not wanting to take any more chances, William packed up his things and moved to a spot closer to the fire.
The rest of the night passes uneventfully, though the sounds of the jungle are eerie in the darkness. Take a Long Rest if you need one.
Dawn brings a fresh breeze off the sea, which rolls up small breakers onto the white sand as it comes. The sun is warm and the early morning is pleasant. You see crabs scuttling across the sand, disappearing behind rocks, and colourful flashes among the trees as birds flit from branch to branch, calling to each other in warning or greeting. Of turtles, jaguars, or ankoai there is no sign. The hulk of the Horn is precisely as it was yesterday. The flotsam is rising and falling with the surf. A single fluffy cloud adorns the great expanse of blue above you. If you weren't stranded hundreds of miles from anything that you know, with no way of leaving this shore, it could almost be paradise.
Looking inland, you see that the land rises in two main peaks (east and west) with a saddle between them. The whole interior of the island, as far as you can tell, is covered in a thick dark-green carpet of lush jungle, with white sands stretching as far as you can see around the edges. The beach is punctuated here and there with black rocks like those which frame your little crescent of sand. To the west along the beach is where you saw the giant turtles emerge from the sea and haul themselves into the undergrowth. To the east, past what is left of the Horn, the beach stretches away and curves to the north until it is lost from view behind the forward edge of the jungle. Looking out to sea you can see nothing but a seemingly endless expanse of azure. No ships, no islands, no sign of life.
What will you do with this new day? Hunt or fish for fresh food? Explore the island inland (north) or head either way along the beach (east or west)? Make plans for a more permanent shelter? Perhaps try to engineer a way to get off this shore or attract help?
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Rousing herself from her rest long before dawn. wait. oh, she fell asleep. So much for brooding like a moody teenager the whole night. slipping her knives into the various secret pockets in her clothes, she stands, and scratches a note in the sand "gone on a walk, be back soon" Thea then takes a short walk along the beach. she keeps an eye out for anything interesting (perception: 4)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
Seri's elven trance subsides after four hours, with two hours still left before sunrise. Ever so slowly, dark pupils reappear within her aquamarine irises as she continues to gaze out over the pre-dawn ocean waves. She does not move at first, regardless of whether she sees Thea wake, etch her message in the sand and make her way down the coast (Passive Perception: 16). Seri feels strangely at peace, and yet restless at the same time.
Before the others awake, she arises to slip silently beneath the waters of the lagoon, the pseudo-gills in her throat slowly pulsing as she explores the shallows, searching for anything she and her companions may have missed from above the surface the pervious day, with guidance from Trondro.
Seri'sPerception plus Guidance for anything unusual (or remarkable creature) beneath the waters of the lagoon: 9 + 3 = 12
Returning to shore, provided she found nothing new, Seri speaks to the others once they are awake (besides Thea, who may not be present):
"It is likely no surprise that my choice will always be to stay near the shore, exploring east or west as Thea has. But if the rest of you would prefer to strike north into the jungle first, I will of course go with you. We know so little of this island, we should explore it before deciding whether we can subsist here for weeks, or must immediately start taking steps to find our way to a different island. Which direction would all of you like to try first?"
William awoke with a yawn, stretched and scratched the itchy spots where the sand managed to get between his clothes. He got up to check his equipment. Suffice to say the fire and the night had dried up his stuff to more or less working condition. He was not happy with some of the rust spots that began to form but with some proper maintenance, he figured he could make it last until the opportunity to purchase new would present itself.
'We should drag the hulk of the Horn onto shore.' William said while strapping on his gear. 'I could fashion it into a more suitable shelter. Or a raft.' He patted his carpenter tools. 'If nothing else, it would make for a decent supply of firewood when dried.'
He drew his rapier and swished it about. Satisfied with how it handled, all things considered, he slid it back into its scabbard and began stringing a rudimentary bow. 'I say we explore inwards. Staying on the beach may be safe but we need to get a lay of the land.' He pointed at the two peaks. 'We should scale one of those. See what we can see from there. And what we encounter along the way.'
He slung the bow over his shoulder and picked up a piece of driftwood. It was not big but he could use his tools to fashion it into a crude buckler. 'Give me thirty minutes and I'm good to go.'
Kairouani is bemused that Thea fell asleep mere minutes into their watch but rose early regardless.
She has no preference over shore or inland confident she can find enough to live on in both locations, " We should stay together while we explore but build up the fire before we depart with green leaves so that the smoke is more easily seen by anyone passing."
She runs her eyes over the remains of the ship that William remarked upon and wonders if the man has the blood of giants if he feels that they five could pull that much wet wood ashore....
As Thea wanders in the pre-dawn gloom, she passes the tracks left by the huge turtles. There don't appear to be any return tracks, which presumably indicates that the two gargantuan reptiles are still in the undergrowth somewhere. It is hard to judge the passage of time in this place, but after perhaps another half hour of walking she comes upon another pair of tracks, which look very similar to the turtle tracks. These also appear to lead from the sea into the jungle. Just beyond them is a wide, shallow waterway, wending its silent way out of the trees and through a channel in the beach to join the sea.
As Thea stands contemplating these tracks and the fresh water river in front of her, she spies a giant crab emerge from the surf and start scuttling towards her.
The oversized crustacean rears up as Thea's arrow strikes it just below the hard shell, sinking deep into the soft flesh. Snapping its great claws, it continues its charge toward this interloper in its domain.
Her shaft having found its mark, Thea turns and, feet sinking into the soft sand, runs up towards the safety of the trees. As she goes, she slings her bow and draws two daggers in one smooth motion. Reaching the treeline and turning to face her foe, she finds that the crab has closed the distance but not quite enough to reach her with those snapping claws.
The cat that had been investigating Thea braces itself low to the ground as the unexpected gust of wind hits it, and resists being pushed back. The sudden noise, fire, and the appearance of more humanoid forms from the darkness, however, cows the beast. Hackles up and teeth bared, it starts to back away. as Kairouani's handaxe spins over its head, it turns tail and leaps back into the jungle.
As you all stand peering into the darkness there is only silence and stillness. After that freak gust of wind the stillness feels exaggerated, like the world is holding its breath. After what feels like an hour but is more like thirty seconds, the sounds of the nocturnal denizens of the jungle filter back to your consciousness. If you hadn't just shared this experience with your companions, it could almost have been that the cats were just a figment of your imagination. Only the fact that you all saw them confirms that they were in fact real.
Kairouani recognised the cat as 'Sakala' in the Igneri language. William, Thea, and Alessio would know it as a Jaguar, though none of them had ever seen one before. At least not a live one. Thea had visited the home of a weathly and eccentric friend of her family years ago, a man who delighted in collecting curiosities and exotic wonders. One of his most prized, and expensive, possessions was a rug made from the whole pelt of a Jaguar including the skull. The tawny fur was soft and beautifully patterned in dark spots and rings. Tonight was the second closest she had ever come to the fur and teeth of a Jaguar, and the closest she had ever come to being eaten by one. Or perhaps it was merely curious. Perhaps humans are so unknown on this island that it was just trying to work out what she was, before it was chased away with fire and noise.
Kairouani, though more familiar with Sakala than the others, has still only rarely encountered them, and usually from a far greater distance. In her experience they were solitary creatures who steered well clear of anything larger than them. As to why there were three of them she could only guess. Perhaps a mother and two cubs.
The fire is now all but out, having been scattered by Seri and Thea's efforts to scare away the Jaguar. As the adrenaline subsides you realise that you can hear the soft snoring of Alessio from within the shelter. He slept through the whole thing.
Does anyone want to do anything else, or try to get back to sleep until dawn?
Kairouani assisted the others in building the fire up again before taking over watch, she is happy for another set of eyes to join her and tells Seri to get some sleep.
" I have never seen one so close before....", she said to herself with a little wonder and a slight tremor.
Seri looks sheepish, glancing at her companions, especially Thea.
"I am sorry. I should have shouted earlier. I only discerned their glowing eyes and did not recognize them as multiple big cats until they were close."
As she helps Kairouani stoke the fire again and prepares to take the rest of her watch (if any remains), Seri muses. "In the waters, whenever there are numerous sharks or dolphins, large predators, it means the presence of many prey. Such is the cycle of Trondro, but I believe it to be true on shore as well. We have seen the birds of prey, Ankoai, and now these felines, what are they called again, elder sister? Anyway, unless they hunt the large turtles, I have not seen their prey. Which seems strange. I do not believe they can subsist by feeding on shipwrecked outlanders alone."
Once it is the end of her watch and the start of Kairouani's, Seri returns to the tree, closer to the shore, where she had kept her watch. She sits against it, but does not sleep, gazing out over the waves as her breathing slows. The tiny slits by the sides of her throat expand and contract ever so slightly as the minutes pass. Gradually, her pupils shrink until they nearly vanish into her aquamarine irises, and Seri enters her Trance.
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
Thea sits down, staring at the fire for a long while. She remember the rich guy and thinks about how rich people are so ignorant. how death is right there, waiting to tear them to shreds. She spits in the fire. She sits there for a long time.
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
" Sakala they are called by my people, I have heard some of the foreigners call them Jaguar or Tigre'."
" There may be deer or monkeys further inland perhaps."
She rouses herself as she stares out into the dark and stands.....
" If your going to stay awake you can stand watch with me, don't stare at the fire it will destroy your night vision for quite a while."
Elder Sister......a strange turn of phrase, for in her head Seri was the Elder because of her Shamanic mantle.....Kairouani regarded Thea critically, this one though despite her heritage she felt like a younger sister...
William was a bit too drowsy from the rum and sleep to properly register what just had happened. Only when someone pointed out to him that a large cat, a jaguar, had nearly walked into their impromptu camp, did he realise how lucky they were that the cat was more afraid of the them than it was hungry. Doubly so when he heard that there could have been more cats lurking in the shadows.
Not wanting to take any more chances, William packed up his things and moved to a spot closer to the fire.
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
The rest of the night passes uneventfully, though the sounds of the jungle are eerie in the darkness. Take a Long Rest if you need one.
Dawn brings a fresh breeze off the sea, which rolls up small breakers onto the white sand as it comes. The sun is warm and the early morning is pleasant. You see crabs scuttling across the sand, disappearing behind rocks, and colourful flashes among the trees as birds flit from branch to branch, calling to each other in warning or greeting. Of turtles, jaguars, or ankoai there is no sign. The hulk of the Horn is precisely as it was yesterday. The flotsam is rising and falling with the surf. A single fluffy cloud adorns the great expanse of blue above you. If you weren't stranded hundreds of miles from anything that you know, with no way of leaving this shore, it could almost be paradise.
Looking inland, you see that the land rises in two main peaks (east and west) with a saddle between them. The whole interior of the island, as far as you can tell, is covered in a thick dark-green carpet of lush jungle, with white sands stretching as far as you can see around the edges. The beach is punctuated here and there with black rocks like those which frame your little crescent of sand. To the west along the beach is where you saw the giant turtles emerge from the sea and haul themselves into the undergrowth. To the east, past what is left of the Horn, the beach stretches away and curves to the north until it is lost from view behind the forward edge of the jungle. Looking out to sea you can see nothing but a seemingly endless expanse of azure. No ships, no islands, no sign of life.
What will you do with this new day? Hunt or fish for fresh food? Explore the island inland (north) or head either way along the beach (east or west)? Make plans for a more permanent shelter? Perhaps try to engineer a way to get off this shore or attract help?
Rousing herself from her rest long before dawn. wait. oh, she fell asleep. So much for brooding like a moody teenager the whole night. slipping her knives into the various secret pockets in her clothes, she stands, and scratches a note in the sand "gone on a walk, be back soon" Thea then takes a short walk along the beach. she keeps an eye out for anything interesting (perception: 4)
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
Seri's elven trance subsides after four hours, with two hours still left before sunrise. Ever so slowly, dark pupils reappear within her aquamarine irises as she continues to gaze out over the pre-dawn ocean waves. She does not move at first, regardless of whether she sees Thea wake, etch her message in the sand and make her way down the coast (Passive Perception: 16). Seri feels strangely at peace, and yet restless at the same time.
Before the others awake, she arises to slip silently beneath the waters of the lagoon, the pseudo-gills in her throat slowly pulsing as she explores the shallows, searching for anything she and her companions may have missed from above the surface the pervious day, with guidance from Trondro.
Seri's Perception plus Guidance for anything unusual (or remarkable creature) beneath the waters of the lagoon: 9 + 3 = 12
Returning to shore, provided she found nothing new, Seri speaks to the others once they are awake (besides Thea, who may not be present):
"It is likely no surprise that my choice will always be to stay near the shore, exploring east or west as Thea has. But if the rest of you would prefer to strike north into the jungle first, I will of course go with you. We know so little of this island, we should explore it before deciding whether we can subsist here for weeks, or must immediately start taking steps to find our way to a different island. Which direction would all of you like to try first?"
Inge(Barbarian2): Krayveneer's After the Fall | Seri(Cleric1/Sorcerer1): Uhtred's Windward Isles | Xarian(Fighter1): NioNSwiper's Tyranny of Dragons
Dyson/Eleo(Cleric4): Vos' Beyond the Veil | Soren(Druid5): Bartjeebus' Ravenloft | Nivi(Rogue4): Raiketsu's CoS
Joren(Fighter6): NotDrizzt's Simple Request | Toa(Barbarian6/Fighter4): MrWhisker's Dark Lord's Return
William awoke with a yawn, stretched and scratched the itchy spots where the sand managed to get between his clothes. He got up to check his equipment. Suffice to say the fire and the night had dried up his stuff to more or less working condition. He was not happy with some of the rust spots that began to form but with some proper maintenance, he figured he could make it last until the opportunity to purchase new would present itself.
'We should drag the hulk of the Horn onto shore.' William said while strapping on his gear. 'I could fashion it into a more suitable shelter. Or a raft.' He patted his carpenter tools. 'If nothing else, it would make for a decent supply of firewood when dried.'
He drew his rapier and swished it about. Satisfied with how it handled, all things considered, he slid it back into its scabbard and began stringing a rudimentary bow. 'I say we explore inwards. Staying on the beach may be safe but we need to get a lay of the land.' He pointed at the two peaks. 'We should scale one of those. See what we can see from there. And what we encounter along the way.'
He slung the bow over his shoulder and picked up a piece of driftwood. It was not big but he could use his tools to fashion it into a crude buckler. 'Give me thirty minutes and I'm good to go.'
William Brackwater: Human Fighter - The Windward Isles
Tyrgram, the Butterfly Knight: Dwarf Warlock - Secret of Greenwold
Iòlinder Corrach: Half Elf War Cleric - Allansia Adventure
Kairouani is bemused that Thea fell asleep mere minutes into their watch but rose early regardless.
She has no preference over shore or inland confident she can find enough to live on in both locations, " We should stay together while we explore but build up the fire before we depart with green leaves so that the smoke is more easily seen by anyone passing."
She runs her eyes over the remains of the ship that William remarked upon and wonders if the man has the blood of giants if he feels that they five could pull that much wet wood ashore....
As Thea wanders in the pre-dawn gloom, she passes the tracks left by the huge turtles. There don't appear to be any return tracks, which presumably indicates that the two gargantuan reptiles are still in the undergrowth somewhere. It is hard to judge the passage of time in this place, but after perhaps another half hour of walking she comes upon another pair of tracks, which look very similar to the turtle tracks. These also appear to lead from the sea into the jungle. Just beyond them is a wide, shallow waterway, wending its silent way out of the trees and through a channel in the beach to join the sea.
DM roll: 9
As Thea stands contemplating these tracks and the fresh water river in front of her, she spies a giant crab emerge from the surf and start scuttling towards her.
Thea roll initiative please.
Yay! Thea was hankering for some seafood anyway.
Initiative: 8
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
OOC: ugh. i can't believe the dexterous rogue is probably gonna go after the bulky giant crab. we love randomness! YAY!!!
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
Crab initiative: 3
You’re both a bit sleepy it seems!
What’s your action?
"guess we're having crab legs for breakfast"
Item Interaction: Thea will draw her shortbow
Action: she shoots at the crab (To hit: 19, damage: 6)
Move: she will retreat slightly back into the treeline, waiting for the crab to advance
Question: next turn, would I be able to draw 2 daggers using my item interaction?
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
The oversized crustacean rears up as Thea's arrow strikes it just below the hard shell, sinking deep into the soft flesh. Snapping its great claws, it continues its charge toward this interloper in its domain.
Her shaft having found its mark, Thea turns and, feet sinking into the soft sand, runs up towards the safety of the trees. As she goes, she slings her bow and draws two daggers in one smooth motion. Reaching the treeline and turning to face her foe, she finds that the crab has closed the distance but not quite enough to reach her with those snapping claws.
Thea's turn next.
Movement: Thea will turn to the crab and advance on it.
Main Action: as the crab rears up to attack, she will drive her daggers up and under into its soft flesh. (24 to hit, 5 Pierce damage)
Bonus Action: dagger attack (19 to hit, 8)
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart