Amiz and Draíocht - Wrovak flinches at the lion-man, but responds, "He was just another fool adventurer like yourselves, a mage i think, who headed into Kholias ruins with his adventuring group. They usually just die in there i assume. But sometimes one or two come back... different. Warped in the mind somehow, and powerful, destructive. The town might not survive this one!" He ducks down behind the bar with a few other crazed townspeople.
Valar - Your divine sense detects a small amount of fiendish energy. But there's something else to it as well, something that sends your mind ablaze. A darkness lost in madness.
Draíocht turns to the others. "Well it sounds like a fight is coming." He gets up and casts shillelagh on his wooden staff while taking a dodge stance. He asks Wrovak, "You said he was a mage. What kind of spells did he know?"
To Valar he asks, "What do you sense?"
[[ What kind of things are there in the bar for terrain? Tables that could be overturned for cover. Knives/plates that could be thrown. (Particularly anything finesse.) How far are we from the inn's entrance? ]]
Wrovak doesn't know much about mages. To him anyone with a fancy voice and a book is a mage, so specific spells and that kind of thing would be foreign to him. You can absolutely flip over a table to get half cover, as well as get your hands on any knife you see lying around. You can find 5, which function the same as a Dart .
The singing stops for a moment, and you're left with just the sound of the cool night outside. Then, all of a sudden, three blasts smash open the door, and two disgusting little mole like demon whelps run into the room sneezing and gagging. The dretch run straight for anyone holding a sword and looking to get in melee. Behind them walks a man in rags, with wild purple eyes, and a lopsided grin on his face. The young man's scraggly black hair passes in front of his eyes as he giggles, "Well, well, look here my beauties! More cattle! Let's free them from their poor mortal frames. Eat them! Gorge yourselves!" He laughs loudly, in a horrible parody of glee.
I'll roll Initiative for you all and divide you into groups. Anyone can go any time within your group:
Group 1: Sanford
Group 2: Amiz
Group 3: Dretch
Group 4: Draíocht, Thelanis, Valar
Sanford looks at Amiz with his axe and armour and ferocious teeth. He reaches out his hand and says, "You'll stay where you are, kitty kitty..." He casts Hold Person on you.
Amiz must make a DC 13 WIS Save or be Paralyzed . You can re-roll the save at the end of each of your turns.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Amiz a leonin growl as he shakes off the spell. He approaches Sanford and tries to encompass the dretches and Sanford or at least 1 of them. He lets out a mighty roar.
Daunting Roar - bonus action
Everyone withing 10 feet need to roll Wis Save DC 13.
On fail they are frightened until the end of my next turn.
Main action
He ignores the dretches and walks past them to attack Sanford with his battleaxe
As Amiz roar's and steps forward, the stench of the Dretch encompasses him, magically sucking his energy. While within 10ft of the Dretch, you can only take 1 action or bonus action, so his axe attack falls short before even making it to Sanford.
The two Dretch attack. One jumping at Amiz, the other at Thelanis, pulling her into it's Energy Sucking Aura:
Bite Attack on Amiz: 18 Damage: 3 Piercing Damage
Bite Attack on Thelanis: 8 Damage: 6 Piercing Damage.
The rest of you are up. You see one Dretch engaging Thelanis, while Amiz stands between the other Dretch and Sanford. Both of them stuck in the Dretch's Aura.
The Dretch is unnafected, but Sanford finally cracks. Yelling at the top of his lungs. "NO!, No More! Help!." It's almost as though he's looking past you Amiz, to some other horroe from his past.
Valar's blade hits the Dretch and it turns and opens it's mouth to him. You are now also in his enveloping stench, leaving only Draíochtout of it. Only he may use an action, and a bonus action on his turn. Additionally i forgot to mention before that you can't use reactions in the stench either.
Draíocht reaches to one of the tavern knives and aims it at the Dretch by Thelanis. (Or, if it's already dead, at Sanford.) "Go back to the Shadows!" he shouts.
Bonus Action: Store staff in shield hand. (Trying to not end Shillelagh if possible. But if can't use bonus action for a second item interaction, drop it.) Item Interaction: Pick up knife to use as dart. Action: Throw dart at Thelanis-Dretch or Sandford.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
While Thelanis' and Valar's swords bites into the Dretch it reels back in pain, causing the dart to fly wide. It's still up but looking like those sword thrusts are really hurting it.
Sanford steps back from Amiz into the tavern doorway, which would have caused an attack of opportunity if Amiz wasn't in the Dretch's stench aura and unable to use reactions. He then fires off Magic Missile seemingly randomly, but they unearingly hit the targets of Draíocht, Thalanis, and Valar:
Valar: 3 Force Damage
Thelanis: 2 Force Damage
Draíocht: 3 Force Damage
Amiz you're up, you're currently in melee with Dretch 1 while Sanford backs away from your roar. Thelanis and Valar are fighting the wounded Dretch on the other side of the room.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
The wounded Dretch makes a bite attack against Valar, while the other runs up to attack Thalanis:
Attack against Valar: 12 Damage: 4 Piercing
Attack against Thelanis: 21 Damage: 6 Piercing
Thelanis, Valor, and Draíocht are up.
The two Dretch are attacking Thelanis and Valar, while Sanford shakes off his momentary fear and his eyes roll back to Amiz, deathly crazed once again.
Draíocht sees the noble Paladin go down from the onslaught of the Dretch. "Rise and fight!" he encourages while casting a healing word his way. He then finds another knife to throw and aims it was the more damaged Dretch. (Believe that's the the one that attacked Thelanis again.)
Bonus Action: Healing Word Heal Valar for: 4+7 = 7hp
Amiz and Draíocht - Wrovak flinches at the lion-man, but responds, "He was just another fool adventurer like yourselves, a mage i think, who headed into Kholias ruins with his adventuring group. They usually just die in there i assume. But sometimes one or two come back... different. Warped in the mind somehow, and powerful, destructive. The town might not survive this one!" He ducks down behind the bar with a few other crazed townspeople.
Valar - Your divine sense detects a small amount of fiendish energy. But there's something else to it as well, something that sends your mind ablaze. A darkness lost in madness.
The singing sound is closer now, almost outside the Inn.
Draíocht turns to the others. "Well it sounds like a fight is coming." He gets up and casts shillelagh on his wooden staff while taking a dodge stance. He asks Wrovak, "You said he was a mage. What kind of spells did he know?"
To Valar he asks, "What do you sense?"
What kind of things are there in the bar for terrain? Tables that could be overturned for cover. Knives/plates that could be thrown. (Particularly anything finesse.) How far are we from the inn's entrance?
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Thelanis stands, readying her dark blade and shield.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Wrovak doesn't know much about mages. To him anyone with a fancy voice and a book is a mage, so specific spells and that kind of thing would be foreign to him. You can absolutely flip over a table to get half cover, as well as get your hands on any knife you see lying around. You can find 5, which function the same as a Dart .
The singing stops for a moment, and you're left with just the sound of the cool night outside. Then, all of a sudden, three blasts smash open the door, and two disgusting little mole like demon whelps run into the room sneezing and gagging. The dretch run straight for anyone holding a sword and looking to get in melee. Behind them walks a man in rags, with wild purple eyes, and a lopsided grin on his face. The young man's scraggly black hair passes in front of his eyes as he giggles, "Well, well, look here my beauties! More cattle! Let's free them from their poor mortal frames. Eat them! Gorge yourselves!" He laughs loudly, in a horrible parody of glee.
I'll roll Initiative for you all and divide you into groups. Anyone can go any time within your group:
Group 1: Sanford
Group 2: Amiz
Group 3: Dretch
Group 4: Draíocht, Thelanis, Valar
Sanford looks at Amiz with his axe and armour and ferocious teeth. He reaches out his hand and says, "You'll stay where you are, kitty kitty..." He casts Hold Person on you.
Amiz must make a DC 13 WIS Save or be Paralyzed . You can re-roll the save at the end of each of your turns.
Group 2: Amiz is up next.
Valar warns-"I sense a darkness in this one, madness, and perhaps some demonic energy as well!"
Amiz wiz save
Amiz a leonin growl as he shakes off the spell. He approaches Sanford and tries to encompass the dretches and Sanford or at least 1 of them. He lets out a mighty roar.
Daunting Roar - bonus action
Everyone withing 10 feet need to roll Wis Save DC 13.
On fail they are frightened until the end of my next turn.
Main action
He ignores the dretches and walks past them to attack Sanford with his battleaxe
Attack: 18 Damage: 6
End of turn
As Amiz roar's and steps forward, the stench of the Dretch encompasses him, magically sucking his energy. While within 10ft of the Dretch, you can only take 1 action or bonus action, so his axe attack falls short before even making it to Sanford.
The two Dretch attack. One jumping at Amiz, the other at Thelanis, pulling her into it's Energy Sucking Aura:
Bite Attack on Amiz: 18 Damage: 3 Piercing Damage
Bite Attack on Thelanis: 8 Damage: 6 Piercing Damage.
The rest of you are up. You see one Dretch engaging Thelanis, while Amiz stands between the other Dretch and Sanford. Both of them stuck in the Dretch's Aura.
Thelanis, Valar, and Draíocht are up.
Valar will attack the Dretch who has Thelanis-Attack: 12 Damage: 5
Also i forgot to roll wis saves from the roar:
Sanford: 12
Dretch 1: 5
The Dretch is unnafected, but Sanford finally cracks. Yelling at the top of his lungs. "NO!, No More! Help!." It's almost as though he's looking past you Amiz, to some other horroe from his past.
Valar's blade hits the Dretch and it turns and opens it's mouth to him. You are now also in his enveloping stench, leaving only Draíocht out of it. Only he may use an action, and a bonus action on his turn. Additionally i forgot to mention before that you can't use reactions in the stench either.
Draíocht and Thelanis are up.
Thelanis slashes out at the dretch:
Attack: 19 Damage: 8
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Draíocht reaches to one of the tavern knives and aims it at the Dretch by Thelanis. (Or, if it's already dead, at Sanford.) "Go back to the Shadows!" he shouts.
Bonus Action: Store staff in shield hand. (Trying to not end Shillelagh if possible. But if can't use bonus action for a second item interaction, drop it.)
Item Interaction: Pick up knife to use as dart.
Action: Throw dart at Thelanis-Dretch or Sandford.
To-Hit: nat-1
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
While Thelanis' and Valar's swords bites into the Dretch it reels back in pain, causing the dart to fly wide. It's still up but looking like those sword thrusts are really hurting it.
Sanford steps back from Amiz into the tavern doorway, which would have caused an attack of opportunity if Amiz wasn't in the Dretch's stench aura and unable to use reactions. He then fires off Magic Missile seemingly randomly, but they unearingly hit the targets of Draíocht, Thalanis, and Valar:
Valar: 3 Force Damage
Thelanis: 2 Force Damage
Draíocht: 3 Force Damage
Amiz you're up, you're currently in melee with Dretch 1 while Sanford backs away from your roar. Thelanis and Valar are fighting the wounded Dretch on the other side of the room.
Amiz ignores the dretch and moves into melee range of Sanford and attacks with his axe
Attack: 7 Damage: 11
The Dretch makes an opportunity attack against you:
Attack: 12 Damage: 7 Piercing
The wounded Dretch makes a bite attack against Valar, while the other runs up to attack Thalanis:
Attack against Valar: 12 Damage: 4 Piercing
Attack against Thelanis: 21 Damage: 6 Piercing
Thelanis, Valor, and Draíocht are up.
The two Dretch are attacking Thelanis and Valar, while Sanford shakes off his momentary fear and his eyes roll back to Amiz, deathly crazed once again.
[[ That crit on Valar, ouch! ]]
Draíocht sees the noble Paladin go down from the onslaught of the Dretch. "Rise and fight!" he encourages while casting a healing word his way. He then finds another knife to throw and aims it was the more damaged Dretch. (Believe that's the the one that attacked Thelanis again.)
Bonus Action: Healing Word
Heal Valar for: 4+7 = 7hp
Item Interaction: pick up another knife
Action: Attack Thelanis-Dretch with improvised dart
To-Hit: 14+5 = 19
Damage: 3+3 = 6 piercing
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus