Unearthed Arcana

For discussion of UA playtest material
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Genasi are an interesting choice for UA's Pact of the Genie Warlock >>
by RobSa
7 3,092
OneDnd death saves is near guarenteed tpk and not fun, poor design to need to read four conditions >>
by Menwy
26 1,536
Why haven't One D&D UAs explored Weapon Mastery tweaks and alternatives? >>
by Astylbe
61 1,168
Ranger thoughts??? >>
by NadimaFoxArrow
2 153
Path of the Wild Heart (Bear) Theory >>
by Xanimal
0 179
Question about Weapon Mastery and multiclassing >>
by JmOz01
2 124
Weapon Mastery and Conjure Barrage >>
by PrawnKing
5 115
Playtest Bard Spell List? >>
by SoporificLotus
5 109
With the new core books coming out, what will happen here on DnDB >>
by Obsession469
6 479
Which One DnD rules are you already applying to your 5th edition game? >>
by Scarloc_Stormcall
8 403
Food effects (Not a hunger system) >>
by KOtlol
5 957
Dinosaurs and D&D >>
by BoringBard
57 4,609
Any Shield love coming for One DnD? >>
by Seth_Anonymous
5 210
Druid: Circle of Twilight magic missile question? >>
by Bnizzles
24 1,306
What do you want from revised classes? >>
by Raccoon_Master
51 1,201
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