The option to sort by Rarity lists Artifact when there is already a tab dedicated to Artifacts. It might be better to remove its Rarity option to dispell any suspicion that they are in some way different.
I'm sorry if it's a duplicate but viewing on mobile site from my iPhone , the item names are cut off and even expanding doesn't list the full name anywhere.
Ex: Potion of Lightni.....
Maybe im doing something wrong ? Otherwise enjoying this tool very much so far ! Good work.
Suggestion on advanced filters: I was thinking that it would be a good idea to add a filter that restricts it to class items, in terms of proficencies.
It was something that was bothering me when I was only looking for ranger class weapons.
Hey everyone - thanks for the feedback here. I hear the comments about grouping the various "Adamantine [Insert Armor Here]" into a single entry. We'll see what we can do about that. We are highly-focused on making sure the listings are quick and snappy. Using this kind of grouping will certainly make us pay a query performance cost, but we'll explore some options.
This would be very helpful. For example, if I hit Circlet of Blasting and see in the description that it allows you to cast Scorching Ray I would love to be able to click the text Scorching Ray and either be taken to the spell's page or get a box that pops up giving some details about the spell. Currently I have to read the description, see that it allows me to cast the spell, then go to the spells section and search for that specific spell.
Feedback on the Attunement icon and field. Firstly, I had no indication that the tiny triangle was meant to show that the item requires attunement. I had to inspect the page code to find its filename of 'attunement.gif' or something like that. To me, that icon is redundant if there is also a field that shows the item requires attunement. The information is doubled and the more useful one is the one that allows sorting and searching. That icon is confusing and pointless, at least, as far as I can tell. Is there a reason for it?
I think you folks are off to a great and glorious start! I like the way the item pages expand to show more about the item. I love the way there is a link to a separate items page that allows a more in-depth look at the item and its capabilities. I would also love to see a very detailed graphic of each of the items. I understand that would be herculean task, but imagine how wonderful it would be to really be able to see exactly what your new magic items look like.
Maybe even give the option for the player to upload or draw their own envisioning of their armor choices. Maybe allow for color or texture changes in the more mundane items like simple armor and weapons. Maybe have a few drop-downs with various designed rings with different colored stones or shaped stones, or even more fantastical designs. Also being able to apply these items to your character sheets for reference during creation, upgrade, and adventuring would help to make a much more immersive atmosphere.
For scrolls, maybe have the ability to show them with more specific languages from pure magical writings with archaic symbols to common, elvish, infernal, or any other desired could make this mundane, mostly ignored item much more appealing. Scroll textures and ink colors and thicknesses could help to create a more interesting item. The same goes for potions using intricately designed vials, bottles, and other liquid containers. The options are infinite. As is our imagination.
I know durindanus mentioned it already but, it would be really nice if description of spells/ability would pop up when you hover over there name in an items description. Even a link the the spell/abilities page. Even having a link would be a huge quality of life enhancement. For an example, the Wand of Binding can cast Hold Monster or Hold Person, but the descriptions of the spells are not listen on the item itself, but if it were (through a popup box or a link to the Hold Monster or Hold Person page) it would make it easier to reference.
I'd like there to be a popup description of what the mini icons mean whenever you hover over them. For instance the triangle with the A on it, I figured it out as Attunement indicating that item requires attunement. But some of them aren't immediately obvious or I just don't feel like having to track it down in the middle of a game when I'm just trying to look something up really quick.
I'd really like options to configure number of results per page. 20 per page seems really limited when I'm in a hurry. I get that the goal is to search for things, but if i forget a name and am in a hurry, or else I'm just killing time looking for items alternate views with 40, 60, 80 entries would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps the view options could include names with Icons only, this view, and a more detailed 5 to 10 item listing with more details (like a card).
A suggestion I would have for the Magic Items listings would be to add hyperlinks to referenced spells. For example, when reading the entries for a staff it would be nice for the bolded spell names to also link to the page for that spell so people wouldn't have to go over to the spells section, then search for the spell.
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The option to sort by Rarity lists Artifact when there is already a tab dedicated to Artifacts. It might be better to remove its Rarity option to dispell any suspicion that they are in some way different.
I'm sorry if it's a duplicate but viewing on mobile site from my iPhone , the item names are cut off and even expanding doesn't list the full name anywhere.
Ex: Potion of Lightni.....
Maybe im doing something wrong ? Otherwise enjoying this tool very much so far ! Good work.
The Apparatus of the Crab is, I believe, supposed to be The Apparatus of Kwalish? I believe that is what it's called in the DM's guide.
Suggestion on advanced filters: I was thinking that it would be a good idea to add a filter that restricts it to class items, in terms of proficencies.
It was something that was bothering me when I was only looking for ranger class weapons.
I noticed that Scroll of Protection isn't one of the scroll listed. It isn't a typical spell scroll so it should be listed differently.
Hey everyone - thanks for the feedback here. I hear the comments about grouping the various "Adamantine [Insert Armor Here]" into a single entry. We'll see what we can do about that. We are highly-focused on making sure the listings are quick and snappy. Using this kind of grouping will certainly make us pay a query performance cost, but we'll explore some options.
Feedback on the Attunement icon and field. Firstly, I had no indication that the tiny triangle was meant to show that the item requires attunement. I had to inspect the page code to find its filename of 'attunement.gif' or something like that. To me, that icon is redundant if there is also a field that shows the item requires attunement. The information is doubled and the more useful one is the one that allows sorting and searching. That icon is confusing and pointless, at least, as far as I can tell. Is there a reason for it?
I think you folks are off to a great and glorious start! I like the way the item pages expand to show more about the item. I love the way there is a link to a separate items page that allows a more in-depth look at the item and its capabilities. I would also love to see a very detailed graphic of each of the items. I understand that would be herculean task, but imagine how wonderful it would be to really be able to see exactly what your new magic items look like.
Maybe even give the option for the player to upload or draw their own envisioning of their armor choices. Maybe allow for color or texture changes in the more mundane items like simple armor and weapons. Maybe have a few drop-downs with various designed rings with different colored stones or shaped stones, or even more fantastical designs. Also being able to apply these items to your character sheets for reference during creation, upgrade, and adventuring would help to make a much more immersive atmosphere.
For scrolls, maybe have the ability to show them with more specific languages from pure magical writings with archaic symbols to common, elvish, infernal, or any other desired could make this mundane, mostly ignored item much more appealing. Scroll textures and ink colors and thicknesses could help to create a more interesting item. The same goes for potions using intricately designed vials, bottles, and other liquid containers. The options are infinite. As is our imagination.
Notes should wrap in the list so you can see all the errata about the item.
Are there plans to add the magic items found in the DMG that aren't included in SRD 5.1?
Missing potion of Fire Breath.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
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"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
I know durindanus mentioned it already but, it would be really nice if description of spells/ability would pop up when you hover over there name in an items description. Even a link the the spell/abilities page. Even having a link would be a huge quality of life enhancement. For an example, the Wand of Binding can cast Hold Monster or Hold Person, but the descriptions of the spells are not listen on the item itself, but if it were (through a popup box or a link to the Hold Monster or Hold Person page) it would make it easier to reference.
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Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
Even if you don't want to put in magic items prices at least the mundane items should have prices.
I'd like there to be a popup description of what the mini icons mean whenever you hover over them. For instance the triangle with the A on it, I figured it out as Attunement indicating that item requires attunement. But some of them aren't immediately obvious or I just don't feel like having to track it down in the middle of a game when I'm just trying to look something up really quick.
I'd really like options to configure number of results per page. 20 per page seems really limited when I'm in a hurry. I get that the goal is to search for things, but if i forget a name and am in a hurry, or else I'm just killing time looking for items alternate views with 40, 60, 80 entries would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps the view options could include names with Icons only, this view, and a more detailed 5 to 10 item listing with more details (like a card).
A suggestion I would have for the Magic Items listings would be to add hyperlinks to referenced spells. For example, when reading the entries for a staff it would be nice for the bolded spell names to also link to the page for that spell so people wouldn't have to go over to the spells section, then search for the spell.