Hello, I didn't see any posts about this when I searched. Currently the price for arrows is 1gp each instead the correct price of 5cp each. So when you buy a bundle of 20 it costs 20gp instead of 1gp. That is all.
Thank you.
The entry for arrows is "Arrows", which is the plural for arrow. 20 arrows would cost 100 cp, which is the same as 10 sp which is the same as 1 gp. What you have on your hands is not a bundle of 20 arrows, but 20 bundles of 20 arrows each (400 arrows).
Example: Clicking the potion filter tab will not show, "Potion of Healing". In order to find this potion you must deselect the potion filter and then type in "heal" or something similar to get it to pop up even though the item is tagged with "Gear" and "Potion".
Is this a known problem? And, when is this scheduled to be fixed?
The charms that are listed in chapter 7 of the DMG are not available under manage equipment and must be added as custom items.
If you're referring to Chapter 7, 'Other Rewards', those charms aren't magic items but minor supernatural gifts
A charm is a minor supernatural gift, which can be received in a large variety of ways. For example, a wizard who finds an eldritch secret in a dead archmage’s spellbook might be infused with the magic of a charm, as might a character who solves a sphinx’s riddle or drinks from a magic fountain
Charms, supernatural gifts, boons and other such features are on the roadmap under 'general features system'
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Establish boundaries. And if anyone crosses them, speak up. If they don’t listen, there’s always cloudkill …
It appears the new update a few days ago removed most of the tags such as "Tool" and "Gemstone" whenever I search items from the character sheet and-(to me at least)-it makes searching really inconvenient when I'm building up a character from scratch. I also have a minor gripe when I need to edit the gear I have to show what is and isn't in my backpack or how many uses/hours I have left on an item and everything is marked with a "*" for being customized.
I don't know if this thread is still active, but I was wondering if a normal cloak is missing as an item and if so if there is a reason behind this. If it is not missing then I am not able to find it among the normal equipment and would like to know how I could find it.
First off, thanks to the dnd beyond team for the all the amazing work you guys have put into this online platform. I know its not a simple task and your hard work has provided an amazing way to play dnd :-)
My feedback/issue I've recently come across is in regards to spell scrolls.
The equipment provides the spell scroll item and by adding it to your equipment list you end up just a blank scroll e.g. "Spell Scroll (1st level)".
I've tried to refine it using the +create a magic item; taking the "spell scroll (1st level)" as an existing template and attach a spell, say absorb elements, to the spell scroll and renaming it accordingly e.g. Spell Scroll (1st level) - absorb elements. From there I've added this Spell Scroll (1st level) - absorb elements to a characters (sorcerers) equipment.
Now for this example, absorb elements is not one of the Sorcerers known spells (however it is still on the sorcerer spell list) and following all the rules for spell scrolls - on class spell list (Sorcerer), using the action of the spell (reaction) and of a level that they can cast (1st level) - the sorcerer can use their reaction to cast absorb element from the spell scroll when hit with the triggering attack dealing the relevant damage type.
Here is the issue:
The spell scroll would allow casting the absorb elements spell once - consuming the scroll. However, it does not appear on "Spells" tab when the scroll is added to the characters inventory.
To highlight the issue: if the wand of magic missile is added to the equipment tab - the spell magic missile appears in the spells tab as available to cast.
(I've currently customized a wand in order to show the available spell scrolls in the spells tab)
Is there a way to dnd beyond can refine the original spell scroll item in equipment?
A possibly solution might be a drop-down/spell-selection box in the customize tab of the Spell Scroll item (that way its not 520 different individual items to add to dnd beyond's equipment list, but 10 customizable ones). This way you can link the spell scroll item to the spell tab in the same way the wand of magic missile is attached (showing in the spell tab).
It may need some refining in time (e.g. class restrictions on reading the scroll/notifying if an ability check will be require to cast the spell if its on a higher level, etc.), but it's might be a step in the right direction from where the item is now.
And if it works, it might be something applicable to spell gems and the new spellwrought tattoos from tasha's cauldron.
Trying to figure out how to share my homebrewed items with my group that I am DMing for. I go into the campaign and try searching for the items, but can't find any of the ones I made.
Trying to figure out how to share my homebrewed items with my group that I am DMing for. I go into the campaign and try searching for the items, but can't find any of the ones I made.
This is really off topic from the original post; another time it would be better to start a new post. Do the characters in question have homebrew turned on?
The entry for arrows is "Arrows", which is the plural for arrow. 20 arrows would cost 100 cp, which is the same as 10 sp which is the same as 1 gp. What you have on your hands is not a bundle of 20 arrows, but 20 bundles of 20 arrows each (400 arrows).
Ongoing Projects: The Mimic Book of Mimics :: SHARK WEEK
Completed Projects: The Trick-or-Treat Table
My Homebrews: Races :: Classes :: Spells :: Items :: Monsters
The equipment tab is not filtering: https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/bugs-support/34795-wonderous-items-tab-not-working#c18.
Example: Clicking the potion filter tab will not show, "Potion of Healing". In order to find this potion you must deselect the potion filter and then type in "heal" or something similar to get it to pop up even though the item is tagged with "Gear" and "Potion".
Is this a known problem? And, when is this scheduled to be fixed?
The charms that are listed in chapter 7 of the DMG are not available under manage equipment and must be added as custom items.
If you're referring to Chapter 7, 'Other Rewards', those charms aren't magic items but minor supernatural gifts
Charms, supernatural gifts, boons and other such features are on the roadmap under 'general features system'
I was wondering if there was a container system in the works for people who have bags of holding or homebases to track those items.
It’s on the roadmap, and they are hoping to have development time to work on it this year.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
It appears the new update a few days ago removed most of the tags such as "Tool" and "Gemstone" whenever I search items from the character sheet and-(to me at least)-it makes searching really inconvenient when I'm building up a character from scratch. I also have a minor gripe when I need to edit the gear I have to show what is and isn't in my backpack or how many uses/hours I have left on an item and everything is marked with a "*" for being customized.
I don't know if this thread is still active, but I was wondering if a normal cloak is missing as an item and if so if there is a reason behind this. If it is not missing then I am not able to find it among the normal equipment and would like to know how I could find it.
Cheers and hope this is not a to stupid questing.
First off, thanks to the dnd beyond team for the all the amazing work you guys have put into this online platform. I know its not a simple task and your hard work has provided an amazing way to play dnd :-)
My feedback/issue I've recently come across is in regards to spell scrolls.
The equipment provides the spell scroll item and by adding it to your equipment list you end up just a blank scroll e.g. "Spell Scroll (1st level)".
I've tried to refine it using the +create a magic item; taking the "spell scroll (1st level)" as an existing template and attach a spell, say absorb elements, to the spell scroll and renaming it accordingly e.g. Spell Scroll (1st level) - absorb elements. From there I've added this Spell Scroll (1st level) - absorb elements to a characters (sorcerers) equipment.
Now for this example, absorb elements is not one of the Sorcerers known spells (however it is still on the sorcerer spell list) and following all the rules for spell scrolls - on class spell list (Sorcerer), using the action of the spell (reaction) and of a level that they can cast (1st level) - the sorcerer can use their reaction to cast absorb element from the spell scroll when hit with the triggering attack dealing the relevant damage type.
Here is the issue:
The spell scroll would allow casting the absorb elements spell once - consuming the scroll. However, it does not appear on "Spells" tab when the scroll is added to the characters inventory.
To highlight the issue: if the wand of magic missile is added to the equipment tab - the spell magic missile appears in the spells tab as available to cast.
(I've currently customized a wand in order to show the available spell scrolls in the spells tab)
Is there a way to dnd beyond can refine the original spell scroll item in equipment?
A possibly solution might be a drop-down/spell-selection box in the customize tab of the Spell Scroll item (that way its not 520 different individual items to add to dnd beyond's equipment list, but 10 customizable ones). This way you can link the spell scroll item to the spell tab in the same way the wand of magic missile is attached (showing in the spell tab).
It may need some refining in time (e.g. class restrictions on reading the scroll/notifying if an ability check will be require to cast the spell if its on a higher level, etc.), but it's might be a step in the right direction from where the item is now.
And if it works, it might be something applicable to spell gems and the new spellwrought tattoos from tasha's cauldron.
Thanks for reading :-D
Trying to figure out how to share my homebrewed items with my group that I am DMing for. I go into the campaign and try searching for the items, but can't find any of the ones I made.
This is really off topic from the original post; another time it would be better to start a new post. Do the characters in question have homebrew turned on?
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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Can you add the Dragons Wrath Weapon as other weapons? It is only available as a Long Sword, and I need to add it as a dagger.