Rules & Game Mechanics

For discussion of races, spells, magic items, monsters, backgrounds, and feats
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Methods of bonus action attacks? >>
by OblivionRayne
11 12,196
Entering ethereal plane with conjure minor elementals >>
by LegionDewastator
4 43
Combined Bastions >>
by Taz2_UK
8 114
Booming blade with Warlock Thirsting Blade >>
by Shreddingmaterial
2 31
Ring of Spell Storing for a Warlock >>
by Shreddingmaterial
9 80
When XGtE says one minute with the hex blade curse, is it in game or real time? >>
by Xx_69jAy420_xX
4 46
Does anyone know what a workweek is? >>
by Xx_69jAy420_xX
6 63
Grapple now a save? >>
by LtRogers5
25 222
Throwing a 2 handed weapon >>
by ibervang
2 57
can you make a simulacra of a simulacra >>
by PelinalLovesick
14 3,012
Nonproficiency with shields >>
by ArtificeMeal
9 18,635
What is the point of gaming sets? >>
by DnD_Super_Fan
21 7,017
Elvish Moonblade - randomized legendary garbage? >>
by Iteration152
31 6,076
Alter Self spell clarification >>
by WiseOldGrunge
11 3,675
Glyph of Warding Rules >>
by Dekaroz_Stormrage
11 1,399
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