Made by Baalzeboop, very, very heavily inspired by Welcome to the Universe Canvas by TheFriendlyArchfey and 10_30inDutch
Mods: Baalzeboop, TheFriendlyArchfey
The world is a barren wasteland, left over from the previous reality. The only thing of note is the dirt, barren, as we mentioned before, and humanity, filthy, with nothing but the rags on their backs. They don't remember the Old World, and they want anything to bring them hope in these desperate times. No plants, no water, no animals, no sunlight. But there are you. Greater Wills. Gods, Demons, Great Ones. You can mold the world in your own image. All you need are people to believe in you.
1. Please do not use overly vulgar language (such as repeated swearing or the f%&@ word). We will give you one reminder if this rule is violated.
2. If an argument gets out of hand, there are always PMs to talk about it so it doesn't clutter up the main thread. But just do your best to be respectful.
3. Please keep things appropriate and go easy on any gory details or any brutal actions. This also includes 18+ scenes or content (Fade to black/suggestive scenarios). We are not aware of the age of thread participants or how comfortable they are with it, so please keep things down and be mindful of these kinds of things. If you and other players would like to do things like this, please take it to a PM.
4. Please go easy on quote chains for ease of mobile users. If someone has very long chains, please let them know respectfully.
5. When speaking OOC, structure it like *this*.
6. Please put the name of a Five Nights at Freddy's character in your first post to show you've read the rules.
7.Listen to the Mods, Baalzeboop and TheFriendlyArchfey
8. This thread is also for roleplay, not just creating random things.
The CATEGORIES: As a Greater Will, you are one of three categories: Gods, Demons, or Great Ones. Regardless, you can change your appearance at will and create any magic item of your choice (even homebrew) once per real-life day.
As a God, you are a manifestation of a certain concept, although you do have a personality and thoughts outside of that concept. Whether that's a good, bad, or neutral concept is up to you. You can be anything from a being of divine light to one of those fish monsters you see on old maps.
As a Demon, you are a being from the Old World, having absorbed immense power from the tidal forces of destruction. You are terrifying in form and function, a horrible memory from a world long gone. You may have been a god before, or maybe even a mortal who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
As a Great One, you are a being from outside of our concept of reality, or at least outside of the norm. It doesn't matter where you're from, or how old you are, you are defined by your strange and seemingly impossible nature. You don't fall into the role of Demon or God, but you have the power all the same.
Any of these three could be similar to the others, or resemble something outside of what would be its typical theme. A Great One could be an Archfey, a God could be a Dark Power, and a Demon could be a rogue AI. Heck, all three could be any of those things. Feel free to do what you want when it comes to character themes and designs.
The DOMAINS: As a Greater Will, to prevent you from going completely off the rails, we have provided you with several Domains to choose from, giving you absolute power over the domains you choose (unless someone else chooses that domain, meaning you share absolute power with them). You cannot use your powers to directly affect any other Greater Will. For example, if you were a Shadow domain God and you created an illusory monster, only mortals would be able to be theoretically harmed by it. Other Greater Wills could see this illusory monster, but it couldn't harm them. When influencing the world around you to do something related to your domain, you are considered 2 levels higher.
Arcana Domain Forge Domain Grave Domain Knowledge Domain Life Domain Light Domain Wild Domain Earth Domain Water Domain Fire Domain Wind Domain Order Domain Peace Domain Tempest Domain Trickery Domain Twilight Domain War Domain Decadence Domain Luck Domain Flesh Domain Revelry Domain Plague Domain Fear Domain Shadow Domain Famine Domain Strife Domain Treachery Domain Undeath Domain
The LEVELS: As a Greater Will, you have a level ranging from anywhere between one and five. You always start as level one, unless you get permission from a mod. You cannot start at level 5 no matter what. Every level has an amount of Power Points. You decide what these represent. Sacrifices, worshippers, pretty rocks collected in your name, whatever you want. Regardless, you gain an amount every day based on your Level. You can sacrifice Power Points to deal damage to other Greater Wills, rolling a d6 for every 100 Power Points expended. They then can fight back, in the same way. Whoever has the highest total roll wins the battle. Battles decide who wins not just in combat, but also in scenarios where normal characters are rolling dice, like deception vs. insight, and stealth vs. perception.
Level One (0-999 Power Points): You can change your appearance to look like anything you want to. You can teleport anywhere in the world 3 times a day. You can change and influence the environment in any way you want within 100 feet of you, creating, destroying. or moving anything you want, such as trees, buildings, natural materials, weapons, and other things. Some domains, like arcana and knowledge, could also make spell effects, while domains like trickery, Order, and war could also create magical effects related to their domains. For example, an order domain god could create an enchantment spell effect, a war domain god could create an abjuration or evocation spell effect, and Trickery could create an illusion or enchantment effect. If you don’t know what would be part of your domain, just ask. Anything you create cannot be bigger than a 20-foot cube. You can create creatures up to CR 5. You gain 100 Power Points each day. You have a single Domain.
Level Two (1,000-5,999 Power Points): As Level One, but you can teleport at will, the radius for influencing the environment is 1 mile and anything you create can be up to a 100-foot cube. You can also spend a day to make a True Artifact. This Artifact, if you have it on you while fighting, gives you a bonus to rolls for fighting Greater Wills equal to twice your Level. You can only have 1 True Artifact at a time. If a creature besides you uses the artifact, it only gains a plus 1 to fight Greater Wills. You can create creatures up to CR8. You gain 500 Power Points each day. You may select a second Domain.
Level Three (6,000-14,999 Power Points): As Level 2, but the radius for influencing the environment is 10 miles and anything you create cannot be bigger than a 1,000-ft cube. You can create creatures up to CR15, and you gain 1,000 Power Points per day. You may select a third Domain.
Level Four (15,000-34,999 Power Points): As Level Three, but the radius for influencing the environment is 100 miles and whatever you create cannot be bigger than a 1-mile cube. You can create creatures up to CR20, and you gain 2,000 Power Points per day. You may select a fourth Domain
Level 5 (35,000+ Power Points): As Level Four, but the radius for influencing the environment is 1,000 miles and whatever you create can be up to 5 miles, or 50 miles if it is related to your domain. You can create creatures of any CR, and you can now have 5 domains. There can only be 3 Level 5 Greater Wills at any one time. You gain 5,000 Power Points per day.
The MYTHOS: Any group of more than one Greater Will can join together to form a Mythos. Greater Wills within a Mythos can trade Power Points at will.
There are as many mortals as there need to be. At the start, there are only humans walking around on barren earth.
In your first post, please put your Greater Will's name, domain(s), and current appearance.
Sprouting from the ground is a large tree, with many small red fruit slowly blossoming into existence. Under the tree, there’s a bright, multicolored light, slowly forming into the shape of a human with olive skin wearing white robes and a golden necklace and earrings. They have long black hair, adorned with pink flowers. Their eyes are multicolored, and seem to be glowing. Eventually, the eyes settle on being bright purple and the glow dims.
He stands up, grass sprouting up around him, and offers some of the humans the fruit from the tree, telling them it will bring them happiness.
this is Herionidus, the Revelry domain God Of Bliss.
Sprouting from the ground is a large tree, with many small red fruit slowly blossoming into existence. Under the tree, there’s a bright, multicolored light, slowly forming into the shape of a human with olive skin wearing white robes and a golden necklace and earrings. They have long black hair, adorned with pink flowers. Their eyes are multicolored, and seem to be glowing. Eventually, the eyes settle on being bright purple and the glow dims.
He stands up, grass sprouting up around him, and offers some of the humans the fruit from the tree, telling them it will bring them happiness.
this is Herionidus, the Revelry domain God Of Bliss.
The humans amble toward the new god, reaching weakly for the fruit. They eat, the fruit being the first thing they've consumed since this world was founded.
Sprouting from the ground is a large tree, with many small red fruit slowly blossoming into existence. Under the tree, there’s a bright, multicolored light, slowly forming into the shape of a human with olive skin wearing white robes and a golden necklace and earrings. They have long black hair, adorned with pink flowers. Their eyes are multicolored, and seem to be glowing. Eventually, the eyes settle on being bright purple and the glow dims.
He stands up, grass sprouting up around him, and offers some of the humans the fruit from the tree, telling them it will bring them happiness.
this is Herionidus, the Revelry domain God Of Bliss.
The humans amble toward the new god, reaching weakly for the fruit. They eat, the fruit being the first thing they've consumed since this world was founded.
The fruit is the best thing they ever tasted. Or well, the best thing they will ever taste. It tastes different for every person, but it always tastes amazing. It fills those who eat it with a feeling of intense happiness.
Sprouting from the ground is a large tree, with many small red fruit slowly blossoming into existence. Under the tree, there’s a bright, multicolored light, slowly forming into the shape of a human with olive skin wearing white robes and a golden necklace and earrings. They have long black hair, adorned with pink flowers. Their eyes are multicolored, and seem to be glowing. Eventually, the eyes settle on being bright purple and the glow dims.
He stands up, grass sprouting up around him, and offers some of the humans the fruit from the tree, telling them it will bring them happiness.
this is Herionidus, the Revelry domain God Of Bliss.
The humans amble toward the new god, reaching weakly for the fruit. They eat, the fruit being the first thing they've consumed since this world was founded.
The fruit is the best thing they ever tasted. Or well, the best thing they will ever taste. It tastes different for every person, but it always tastes amazing. It fills those who eat it with a feeling of intense happiness.
The people sort of lay down in the fresh grass, giggling and eating the fruit.
Sprouting from the ground is a large tree, with many small red fruit slowly blossoming into existence. Under the tree, there’s a bright, multicolored light, slowly forming into the shape of a human with olive skin wearing white robes and a golden necklace and earrings. They have long black hair, adorned with pink flowers. Their eyes are multicolored, and seem to be glowing. Eventually, the eyes settle on being bright purple and the glow dims.
He stands up, grass sprouting up around him, and offers some of the humans the fruit from the tree, telling them it will bring them happiness.
this is Herionidus, the Revelry domain God Of Bliss.
The humans amble toward the new god, reaching weakly for the fruit. They eat, the fruit being the first thing they've consumed since this world was founded.
The fruit is the best thing they ever tasted. Or well, the best thing they will ever taste. It tastes different for every person, but it always tastes amazing. It fills those who eat it with a feeling of intense happiness.
The people sort of lay down in the fresh grass, giggling and eating the fruit.
Herionidus sits down beneath the shade of the tree, eating one of the fruit.
One night, far above in the starry sky, constellations coalesce into an unusual form: A large fish... neither alive nor dead, a web of stars connecting fin to flesh to spine to skull. It gazes down at the humans below... curious. Perhaps it may impart some of its stellar powers to these creatures. Surely, it'll be some good fun.
This is the Starseer, my Arcana domain Great Old One.
*oh dear, I missed the name thing, so... uhh... Monty?*
As the sun sets behind the horizon, the fields transform into a surreal landscape. The plants, which were once a vibrant green, now take on a crystalline form that sparkles in the dim light. The blades of grass are sharp and silvery white, reflecting the soft white light that fills the air. Suddenly, from what seems like nothing, many cubes start to appear, formed from the same crystalline material as the grass. These cubes float in midair, glowing with pulsating white light that illuminates the surroundings. As the light intensifies, little birds materialize out of nowhere, their bodies made up of the same glowing white light that fills the air. They land on the edges of the cubes, their glowing eyes adding to the surreal and otherworldly beauty of this magical place.
This was Azer, the Great One of the Knowledge Domain.
*Nice. I might join, will think about it. Also, idk any fnaf character names. Freddy, I guess.*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hey, I’m moon, i‘m aged between 3 and 300. Pronouns are She/They/It/It’s/Them/Her. I love D&D. I am chaotic neutral irl. I’m not afraid to punch someone. Mess with me and you’ll find out the hard way. extended sig
I am the goddess of the moon, the tides, and the axolotls
The Starseer looks down at the barren earth beneath it, and focuses for a moment, molding the ground within a 100-foot radius of itself into a shimmering pond: The start of its domain. Dancing lights drift about along the mirror-like liquid's surface, rearranging themselves into the shapes of constellations and occasionally dipping below the waves. Magical energy can be felt in the air around this pool.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Made by Baalzeboop, very, very heavily inspired by Welcome to the Universe Canvas by TheFriendlyArchfey and 10_30inDutch
Mods: Baalzeboop, TheFriendlyArchfey
The world is a barren wasteland, left over from the previous reality. The only thing of note is the dirt, barren, as we mentioned before, and humanity, filthy, with nothing but the rags on their backs. They don't remember the Old World, and they want anything to bring them hope in these desperate times. No plants, no water, no animals, no sunlight. But there are you. Greater Wills. Gods, Demons, Great Ones. You can mold the world in your own image. All you need are people to believe in you.
1. Please do not use overly vulgar language (such as repeated swearing or the f%&@ word). We will give you one reminder if this rule is violated.
2. If an argument gets out of hand, there are always PMs to talk about it so it doesn't clutter up the main thread. But just do your best to be respectful.
3. Please keep things appropriate and go easy on any gory details or any brutal actions. This also includes 18+ scenes or content (Fade to black/suggestive scenarios). We are not aware of the age of thread participants or how comfortable they are with it, so please keep things down and be mindful of these kinds of things. If you and other players would like to do things like this, please take it to a PM.
4. Please go easy on quote chains for ease of mobile users. If someone has very long chains, please let them know respectfully.
5. When speaking OOC, structure it like *this*.
6. Please put the name of a Five Nights at Freddy's character in your first post to show you've read the rules.
7. Listen to the Mods, Baalzeboop and TheFriendlyArchfey
8. This thread is also for roleplay, not just creating random things.
As a Greater Will, you are one of three categories: Gods, Demons, or Great Ones. Regardless, you can change your appearance at will and create any magic item of your choice (even homebrew) once per real-life day.
As a God, you are a manifestation of a certain concept, although you do have a personality and thoughts outside of that concept. Whether that's a good, bad, or neutral concept is up to you. You can be anything from a being of divine light to one of those fish monsters you see on old maps.
As a Demon, you are a being from the Old World, having absorbed immense power from the tidal forces of destruction. You are terrifying in form and function, a horrible memory from a world long gone. You may have been a god before, or maybe even a mortal who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
As a Great One, you are a being from outside of our concept of reality, or at least outside of the norm. It doesn't matter where you're from, or how old you are, you are defined by your strange and seemingly impossible nature. You don't fall into the role of Demon or God, but you have the power all the same.
Any of these three could be similar to the others, or resemble something outside of what would be its typical theme. A Great One could be an Archfey, a God could be a Dark Power, and a Demon could be a rogue AI. Heck, all three could be any of those things. Feel free to do what you want when it comes to character themes and designs.
As a Greater Will, to prevent you from going completely off the rails, we have provided you with several Domains to choose from, giving you absolute power over the domains you choose (unless someone else chooses that domain, meaning you share absolute power with them). You cannot use your powers to directly affect any other Greater Will. For example, if you were a Shadow domain God and you created an illusory monster, only mortals would be able to be theoretically harmed by it. Other Greater Wills could see this illusory monster, but it couldn't harm them. When influencing the world around you to do something related to your domain, you are considered 2 levels higher.
Arcana Domain
Forge Domain
Grave Domain
Knowledge Domain
Life Domain
Light Domain
Wild Domain
Earth Domain
Water Domain
Fire Domain
Wind Domain
Order Domain
Peace Domain
Tempest Domain
Trickery Domain
Twilight Domain
War Domain
Decadence Domain
Luck Domain
Flesh Domain
Revelry Domain
Plague Domain
Fear Domain
Shadow Domain
Famine Domain
Strife Domain
Treachery Domain
Undeath Domain
As a Greater Will, you have a level ranging from anywhere between one and five. You always start as level one, unless you get permission from a mod. You cannot start at level 5 no matter what. Every level has an amount of Power Points. You decide what these represent. Sacrifices, worshippers, pretty rocks collected in your name, whatever you want. Regardless, you gain an amount every day based on your Level. You can sacrifice Power Points to deal damage to other Greater Wills, rolling a d6 for every 100 Power Points expended. They then can fight back, in the same way. Whoever has the highest total roll wins the battle. Battles decide who wins not just in combat, but also in scenarios where normal characters are rolling dice, like deception vs. insight, and stealth vs. perception.
Level One (0-999 Power Points):
You can change your appearance to look like anything you want to. You can teleport anywhere in the world 3 times a day. You can change and influence the environment in any way you want within 100 feet of you, creating, destroying. or moving anything you want, such as trees, buildings, natural materials, weapons, and other things. Some domains, like arcana and knowledge, could also make spell effects, while domains like trickery, Order, and war could also create magical effects related to their domains. For example, an order domain god could create an enchantment spell effect, a war domain god could create an abjuration or evocation spell effect, and Trickery could create an illusion or enchantment effect. If you don’t know what would be part of your domain, just ask. Anything you create cannot be bigger than a 20-foot cube. You can create creatures up to CR 5. You gain 100 Power Points each day. You have a single Domain.
Level Two (1,000-5,999 Power Points):
As Level One, but you can teleport at will, the radius for influencing the environment is 1 mile and anything you create can be up to a 100-foot cube. You can also spend a day to make a True Artifact. This Artifact, if you have it on you while fighting, gives you a bonus to rolls for fighting Greater Wills equal to twice your Level. You can only have 1 True Artifact at a time. If a creature besides you uses the artifact, it only gains a plus 1 to fight Greater Wills. You can create creatures up to CR8. You gain 500 Power Points each day. You may select a second Domain.
Level Three (6,000-14,999 Power Points):
As Level 2, but the radius for influencing the environment is 10 miles and anything you create cannot be bigger than a 1,000-ft cube. You can create creatures up to CR15, and you gain 1,000 Power Points per day. You may select a third Domain.
Level Four (15,000-34,999 Power Points):
As Level Three, but the radius for influencing the environment is 100 miles and whatever you create cannot be bigger than a 1-mile cube. You can create creatures up to CR20, and you gain 2,000 Power Points per day. You may select a fourth Domain
Level 5 (35,000+ Power Points):
As Level Four, but the radius for influencing the environment is 1,000 miles and whatever you create can be up to 5 miles, or 50 miles if it is related to your domain. You can create creatures of any CR, and you can now have 5 domains. There can only be 3 Level 5 Greater Wills at any one time. You gain 5,000 Power Points per day.
Any group of more than one Greater Will can join together to form a Mythos. Greater Wills within a Mythos can trade Power Points at will.
There are as many mortals as there need to be. At the start, there are only humans walking around on barren earth.
In your first post, please put your Greater Will's name, domain(s), and current appearance.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
*also Freddy*
*This sounds cool! Definitely making a Greater Will for this... when I have an idea for one.*
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Sprouting from the ground is a large tree, with many small red fruit slowly blossoming into existence. Under the tree, there’s a bright, multicolored light, slowly forming into the shape of a human with olive skin wearing white robes and a golden necklace and earrings. They have long black hair, adorned with pink flowers. Their eyes are multicolored, and seem to be glowing. Eventually, the eyes settle on being bright purple and the glow dims.
He stands up, grass sprouting up around him, and offers some of the humans the fruit from the tree, telling them it will bring them happiness.
this is Herionidus, the Revelry domain God Of Bliss.
The humans amble toward the new god, reaching weakly for the fruit. They eat, the fruit being the first thing they've consumed since this world was founded.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
The fruit is the best thing they ever tasted. Or well, the best thing they will ever taste. It tastes different for every person, but it always tastes amazing. It fills those who eat it with a feeling of intense happiness.
*I'll join once I get a good idea of it.*
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
The people sort of lay down in the fresh grass, giggling and eating the fruit.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Herionidus sits down beneath the shade of the tree, eating one of the fruit.
*the puppet*
*This is so cool, will be joining. I didn't get to do much on UC last time, so I'm super excited for this*
Back for the sleepover!!!
*wait I just realized does that mean the abbreviation is US now?*
One night, far above in the starry sky, constellations coalesce into an unusual form: A large fish... neither alive nor dead, a web of stars connecting fin to flesh to spine to skull. It gazes down at the humans below... curious. Perhaps it may impart some of its stellar powers to these creatures. Surely, it'll be some good fun.
This is the Starseer, my Arcana domain Great Old One.
*oh dear, I missed the name thing, so... uhh... Monty?*
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
As the sun sets behind the horizon, the fields transform into a surreal landscape. The plants, which were once a vibrant green, now take on a crystalline form that sparkles in the dim light. The blades of grass are sharp and silvery white, reflecting the soft white light that fills the air. Suddenly, from what seems like nothing, many cubes start to appear, formed from the same crystalline material as the grass. These cubes float in midair, glowing with pulsating white light that illuminates the surroundings. As the light intensifies, little birds materialize out of nowhere, their bodies made up of the same glowing white light that fills the air. They land on the edges of the cubes, their glowing eyes adding to the surreal and otherworldly beauty of this magical place.
This was Azer, the Great One of the Knowledge Domain.
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
*Nice. I might join, will think about it. Also, idk any fnaf character names. Freddy, I guess.*
Hey, I’m moon, i‘m aged between 3 and 300. Pronouns are She/They/It/It’s/Them/Her. I love D&D. I am chaotic neutral irl. I’m not afraid to punch someone. Mess with me and you’ll find out the hard way. extended sig
I am the goddess of the moon, the tides, and the axolotls
I am not a furry, I am a fishie.
A figure is wandering the wasteland, dressed in a white robe. He has glowing red eyes, and he seems pretty confused
Demon, Light Domain
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
The Starseer looks down at the barren earth beneath it, and focuses for a moment, molding the ground within a 100-foot radius of itself into a shimmering pond: The start of its domain. Dancing lights drift about along the mirror-like liquid's surface, rearranging themselves into the shapes of constellations and occasionally dipping below the waves. Magical energy can be felt in the air around this pool.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
'What is this place?'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
The Grim Reaper, Great One, Grave/War Domain. Level 1. A void black robe shadowy fog holding a scythe hovering under a gnarled tree in a graveyard.
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Nonbinary Female, 1/3 human, 1/3 feline, 1/3 dragon
Mentally and emotionally unstable, anorexic, autism, ADHD, anger issues
'What is this place?'
🍅 PM me the word 'tomato' 🍅 Extended Signature
"no clue... But you are in my domain and are not yet dead. I ask that you leave"
Pronouns: She/Her
Gender: Nonbinary Female, 1/3 human, 1/3 feline, 1/3 dragon
Mentally and emotionally unstable, anorexic, autism, ADHD, anger issues