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If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Spellcasters need monsters to know what they are summoning, for starters, and, in higher level games, players often end up controlling allied creatures in a game. But the main point I'm making isn't whether players should unlock content or not. The point I'm trying to figure out here is the utility of purchasing content without a master tier subscription, and the answer I'm hearing is very little.
This is an unfortunate change that the Beyond team has made. If' I must purchase a Master subscription tier account, using this the way I used to use D&D Insider (which is to say, extensively) has gone from cheaper to more expensive, and more annoying to manage. And while the price of the content isn't on the Beyond team at all (and I continue to applaud you for the deal you've made on that), the subscription features and prices are, and the change they've made to accessing and sharing the content is disappointing. I've gone from a "definite" buyer to a "maybe" buyer of the content.
My 5e Houserule Considerations. Please comment freely.
My 5e Houserule Considerations. Please comment freely.
My 5e Houserule Considerations. Please comment freely.
My 5e Houserule Considerations. Please comment freely.
My 5e Houserule Considerations. Please comment freely.
My 5e Houserule Considerations. Please comment freely.
My 5e Houserule Considerations. Please comment freely.
The answer is simple. If I unlock additional content, I can use such on MY character sheet. Other free players may not be able to create certain races, or use certain feats. If I unlock it, I can. This alone answers your challenge of a single way unshared, unlocked content benefits a player without a subscription - the desire to manifest character customization not included in Basic Rules/SRD.
As Rubahak mentioned - no one is here to convince you that this product is right for you. If you do not see value in it, you do not have to commit to it. Easy peasy.
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