Similar problem with my Monk. He's got no class spells but his spells from magic items and a feat are not showing. Issue on an iPhone 13. No loading issue it's just saying "This character cannot cast spells or has not picked any spells yet."
Thanks for reporting, i've seen a few reports coming through via support as well. Can I ask each of you experiencing the issue to provide the following:
URL of the Character impacted
Make/Model of the device you are using (ie Google Pixel 6 or iPhone 13)
OS version your device is running
Notes - is it only one character? (as in you have 3 cleric chars and only one is not working or is it all 3?), Was there anything you changed with the impacted character prior to the issue (for example if we see that everyone added a specific spell or everyone reached 4th-level spells, etc? that might help to figure out what could be causing it)
Greetings & Salutations, good Sir! Would you be so kind as to give the numerous posters of this thread an update or any information about the current state of this issue? Are there any clues, leads or promising attempts of solving this...?? Would be greatly appreciated by the lots of us, I'm sure!
It appears this only occurs in the character panel and not the character sheet. Navigating here see the spells but from the app the same character's spell page never loads. Currently only for this character for me.
All 4 characters in my campaign labeled "Lost Mine of Phandelver"
(Artificer, druid, cleric and wizard)
I had to manage the spells on pc. Which allowed me to add spells to their known lists but they still couldn't add new or exchange spells themselves. Super annoying having to do all that myself on pc after each long rest.
I've noticed that all Divine classes, Druids, and Artificers are having this issue. I have multiple characters of each listed class and none of their spells are loading.
My spells came back for my eldritch fighter. I realized they left when he lost some intelligence. I was playing around put his intelligence back from 11 to 13 where it started. Boom. Spells were accessible again on the app.
That's the only thing that changed. I fought a sphinx, lost intelligence somehow, next time I played spells just load. I've been experimenting and I remembered about that intelligence hit. Put it back to 13 and my spells were back.
I've been having this issue intermittently and just chalked it up to network conditions. I just discovered a workaround that may help others having this issue. I know this isn't ideal and it would be great if the community managers could provide an update, but it should help in the meantime.
1. From your character sheet, click the settings gear
2. Select Manage Character & Levels
3. On the top right, click the character sheet icon. This seems to load the mobile web version of the character sheet interface
4. Swipe over to Spells, or click the waffle menu in the bottom right and select spells
5. Click Manage Spells, and the spell list should load correctly
6. Click the back arrow in the top left to return the app version of the character sheet
I just received an email. They are aware, and they told me this same workaround. Not sure why they don't just post it to the forums. They have no idea what's causing it, so no update or time window of when or if it'll ever be fixed :/
Samsung S22, Android 13 and Samsung Tab S8 Plus on Android 13.
No significant changes I can think of that preceded this. Though doesn't appear to have been an issue in other campaigns I was in that were using milestone leveling. Both characters above are in campaigns using XP leveling.
Only other thing that has occurred recently was that of the 3 campaigns in my account, I was content sharing in all 3 and am just realizing as of at least 2 weeks ago that content sharing was disabled for all 3 for some unknown reason. I've since re-enabled it but unsure why it was de-activated in first place. But manage spells issue seems to have started around time that content sharing was disabled. With it re-enabled
Same issue for my Druid.
Using Samsung Galaxy 22 with updated os(but was doing it before updating)
Similar problem with my Monk. He's got no class spells but his spells from magic items and a feat are not showing.
Issue on an iPhone 13.
No loading issue it's just saying "This character cannot cast spells or has not picked any spells yet."
Exact same issue with my monk. "This character cannot cast spells or has not picked any spells yet."
Anyone get a fix for this yet? My 3rd level Eldritch Knight Astral drifter is having this exact issue..
Ironically my Cleric doesn't have this problem.
Greetings & Salutations, good Sir!
Would you be so kind as to give the numerous posters of this thread an update or any information about the current state of this issue?
Are there any clues, leads or promising attempts of solving this...??
Would be greatly appreciated by the lots of us, I'm sure!
It appears this only occurs in the character panel and not the character sheet. Navigating here see the spells but from the app the same character's spell page never loads. Currently only for this character for me.
Samsung Galaxy A8
All 4 characters in my campaign labeled "Lost Mine of Phandelver"
(Artificer, druid, cleric and wizard)
I had to manage the spells on pc. Which allowed me to add spells to their known lists but they still couldn't add new or exchange spells themselves. Super annoying having to do all that myself on pc after each long rest.
Android 12
I've noticed that all Divine classes, Druids, and Artificers are having this issue. I have multiple characters of each listed class and none of their spells are loading.
My spells came back for my eldritch fighter. I realized they left when he lost some intelligence. I was playing around put his intelligence back from 11 to 13 where it started. Boom. Spells were accessible again on the app.
I'm experiencing the same issue with Artificer spells. I waited for 30 minutes and still wouldn't load.
Interesting this occurs as there isn't an intelligence minimum for the Eldritch Knight like there is for multiclassing.
Eladrin druid android galexy 22
I thought so too.
That's the only thing that changed. I fought a sphinx, lost intelligence somehow, next time I played spells just load. I've been experimenting and I remembered about that intelligence hit. Put it back to 13 and my spells were back.
I've been having this issue intermittently and just chalked it up to network conditions. I just discovered a workaround that may help others having this issue. I know this isn't ideal and it would be great if the community managers could provide an update, but it should help in the meantime.
1. From your character sheet, click the settings gear
2. Select Manage Character & Levels
3. On the top right, click the character sheet icon. This seems to load the mobile web version of the character sheet interface
4. Swipe over to Spells, or click the waffle menu in the bottom right and select spells
5. Click Manage Spells, and the spell list should load correctly
6. Click the back arrow in the top left to return the app version of the character sheet
Chiming in here that my level 3 sorcerer is fine in the app, but level 4 ranger can't load their spells.
I'm on a Pixel 6 Pro, my ranger character sheet:
I just received an email. They are aware, and they told me this same workaround. Not sure why they don't just post it to the forums. They have no idea what's causing it, so no update or time window of when or if it'll ever be fixed :/
Happening with my Cleric 2, Druid 1
Also happening for a Cleric 1 for a PC in campaign I am DMing.
Mine: (can see but not manage spells)
PC: (can't even view spell list for this character. All other aspects of character sheet in app working just fine)
Unable to manage spells for either character on:
Samsung S22, Android 13 and Samsung Tab S8 Plus on Android 13.
No significant changes I can think of that preceded this. Though doesn't appear to have been an issue in other campaigns I was in that were using milestone leveling. Both characters above are in campaigns using XP leveling.
Only other thing that has occurred recently was that of the 3 campaigns in my account, I was content sharing in all 3 and am just realizing as of at least 2 weeks ago that content sharing was disabled for all 3 for some unknown reason. I've since re-enabled it but unsure why it was de-activated in first place. But manage spells issue seems to have started around time that content sharing was disabled. With it re-enabled
Try adjusting the stat they use to cast spells. I adjusted my int for my eldritch knight fighter and it started working.