Wow... and I've just had the new store front fail to load a bunch of images so its front page is half a featureless black void with little image file icons instead of the actual intended-art... that's... impressive... "Here's the new and "IMPROVED" store front; no we can't be bothered to make sure it works properly! Yes it has objectively removed rather than added functionality! Give us cash!"
I'll be honest. I loved buying items and character options a la carte when I made a new character from books i didn't own. As a DM, I even purchased specific things just so i could share it with new players. This totally ruins that option. I'm now truly open to trying a different web option for keeping track of characters if that's no longer the case. Sad day!
I don’t know how many times I’ve been mid game as the DM and quickly went to the marketplace page just to grab a single monster or magic item so my players or battles would be ready to roll without missing a beat.
I tend to only buy alt covers, which means I can’t buy the online bundle and only at my LGS. If they sold the books in shrink wrapping and in it had a single use code to get either the digital content for free or steeply discounted ($10-$15 max) I’d say okay that’s fine. But now when I bought say Tasha’s and wanted just one subclass option for DDB now I gotta spend another $30-$40? Yeah, no thanks.
Just adding to the chorus here. I wanted to explore DnD in its 50th year, and a friend recommended DnD Beyond. I couldn't find a class I wanted to play as more than I wanted to play the Artificer, and as a Changeling. I was going to purchase both through DDB for the convenience, as I judged it to be very good value for money.
Not only have you lost these purchases from me because of these changes, you're definitely not getting my money as I refuse to pay $29.99 for the same privilege. Reversing course would be the smartest move. But if DDB doesn't think my money is worth touching, I've received that message loud and clear.
the feature is no longer know what else is no longer going to be supported....DnD beyond. its bad enough you expect people that already bought the physical book to pay for it again at basically full cover price...but you take away a feature that made it so i didn't need to buy things that i didnt want. soooo....why am i paying a sub as i dont intend to buy your digital books again at full price. are the people running hasbro in general just effing braindead? they make choices that will continue to lose them money, support, good will, or any want for their products. Chris Cox should have been canned a long time ago. your company is quickly falling off a cliff and you make stupid ant-consumer choices over and over again. morons!
As usual - we can rely on Hasbro and the entire Corporate leadership that owns Wizards to make the hobby worse for everyone else in the name of pure greed.
These are the folks who manufactured the OGL crisis (we haven't forgotten) and told us we both were winning when they retreated (haven't forgotten that tone-deaf cowpat either!)
It really does beggar belief. Let's take a good thing, that is useful and used by a lot of people to make their characters without having to buy whole adventures or spend lots of money on content that don't necessarily want, and make it worse, deliberately and on purpose - for no other reason than WE WANT YOU TO SPEND MORE MONEY.
What a sh*tty way to disgrace the celebration of Dungeons and Dragons 50 years. Well done you idiots. Just when we thought we couldn't hate you more you found a way. Genius.
the next change I fear might happen because of hasbro greed ia to disallow homebrew. that day is the day my masrer tier and my wife's hero tier gets cancelled. I can always self host a VTT. It was just easier to support content and a business model that wasn't made by a greedy short-sighted vampire.
I suppose Cocks and gang won't last long in a Masquerade...
We were ending a campaign and my kid asked me if he could make a Warforged. I spent a TON of money buying all the additional races and subclasses and all that. Today, when I went to make the Warforged I found that not only was that no longer an option for me but SEVERAL of my races, options, items, monsters, subclasses, and more were all gone. There needs to be some form of refund if they're going to take away options we paid for. Like, it's not like the option to go to one of the many websites that basically pirate this stuff is out there but I love D&D so I pay for it. But if they're going to pull THIS nonsense? I'm out. Refund me.
Agreed! Not happy about the removal of this feature! It was arguably one of the best reasons to use DNDBeyond. I will likely be using DNDBeyond less and less as newer content comes out. I haven’t seen a whole book I want to order from WOTC in a while. I liked being able to use pieces.
Just want to jump on this yet again to make note of just how obtuse this is making things. I was in a campaign a couple years back with a bunch of people, had content sharing enabled and made some characters that I want to re-tool for my current campaign. Since I can't just buy things like single subclasses and single races anymore, though, I'd have to spend $90 for just a couple of characters. That is completely ridiculous. I would have spent, what, like $10 in the past? But now they're going to get none of it. This is really beginning to push me in the direction of using a different system altogether, but swapping systems mid-campaign would be disastrous as well. WotC has screwed me.
Just want to jump on this yet again to make note of just how obtuse this is making things. I was in a campaign a couple years back with a bunch of people, had content sharing enabled and made some characters that I want to re-tool for my current campaign. Since I can't just buy things like single subclasses and single races anymore, though, I'd have to spend $90 for just a couple of characters. That is completely ridiculous. I would have spent, what, like $10 in the past? But now they're going to get none of it. This is really beginning to push me in the direction of using a different system altogether, but swapping systems mid-campaign would be disastrous as well. WotC has screwed me.
Your pain is shared by us all. Hoping they wise up quickly and revert this change. Seems to be universally detested. Was one of the best features of this site for certain. Makes you wonder what the sales data must have looked like that they used to make this decision.
I was looking for a place on feedback for this. The new Marketplace is absolutely garbage. Why did they take away the Hide Owned Filter? Why is it all blocky and centered on the page the way it is? Please put it back or give us a legacy version. I will not be shopping in that mess anytime soon!
One of the best features of D&D Beyond was how easy it was to get little bits and pieces of content from different books without fully owning them. I've used this feature a lot, only buying magic items, monsters, spells, etc. from books that I already own physically just to have access to them on the character creator. So I was surprised today when I wanted to buy some monsters from the Yawning Portal book and found that it wanted me to buy the entire thing. I thought there was just a dropdown menu I was missing, but nope. They took away one of the best features of the Marketplace, and even took away discounts on books you already own content of.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Not only is this just blatantly greedy, but it makes D&D Beyond much worse. I already own these books physically, but find digital character sheets so much more convenient, and I was WILLING to pay EXTRA MONEY to have the character options, items, and monsters on this website for easier access to me and my players. The ability to do that for future books and parts of old books I didn't buy has been removed now. This feature NEEDS to be added back. The point of D&D Beyond was to be an easy way to access all D&D content, but they have just taken a huge step in the opposite direction. I don't even understand this decision, as the company is just going to lose money. They could have gained 10 bucks from me this morning for the monsters in Yawning Portal, but now they will get 0.
Why did they do this to us?! What did I do to make them angry?
So much this - A la carte purchases was one of the main reasons I would recommend D&Dbeyond to new players, they could get what they need without breaking the bank and then start to buy the books as they become more invested in the system. This was a terrible decision and will make me less likely to recommend this system in the future.
i must agree that the marketplace have been ruined by this move from HAsbro/wizards of the coast.. just so sad that you cant buy a feat or something else if you need it.. . just sad they did this :( hopefully they will roll back and make us able to do it again,
Wow... and I've just had the new store front fail to load a bunch of images so its front page is half a featureless black void with little image file icons instead of the actual intended-art... that's... impressive... "Here's the new and "IMPROVED" store front; no we can't be bothered to make sure it works properly! Yes it has objectively removed rather than added functionality! Give us cash!"
I'll be honest. I loved buying items and character options a la carte when I made a new character from books i didn't own. As a DM, I even purchased specific things just so i could share it with new players.
This totally ruins that option. I'm now truly open to trying a different web option for keeping track of characters if that's no longer the case. Sad day!
As a player, all I really need are the Character options.
I don't need most of the campaign stuff: most likely that will just end up spoiling the adventure for me AND the DM.
The only product I bought whole and together was Spelljammer, and WOW! wasn't that a complete waste of my money
They need to revert this shit right now.
I don’t know how many times I’ve been mid game as the DM and quickly went to the marketplace page just to grab a single monster or magic item so my players or battles would be ready to roll without missing a beat.
I tend to only buy alt covers, which means I can’t buy the online bundle and only at my LGS. If they sold the books in shrink wrapping and in it had a single use code to get either the digital content for free or steeply discounted ($10-$15 max) I’d say okay that’s fine. But now when I bought say Tasha’s and wanted just one subclass option for DDB now I gotta spend another $30-$40? Yeah, no thanks.
A walking D&D Beyond AdA D&D Beyond SubscriberJust adding to the chorus here. I wanted to explore DnD in its 50th year, and a friend recommended DnD Beyond. I couldn't find a class I wanted to play as more than I wanted to play the Artificer, and as a Changeling. I was going to purchase both through DDB for the convenience, as I judged it to be very good value for money.
Not only have you lost these purchases from me because of these changes, you're definitely not getting my money as I refuse to pay $29.99 for the same privilege. Reversing course would be the smartest move. But if DDB doesn't think my money is worth touching, I've received that message loud and clear.
the feature is no longer know what else is no longer going to be supported....DnD beyond. its bad enough you expect people that already bought the physical book to pay for it again at basically full cover price...but you take away a feature that made it so i didn't need to buy things that i didnt want. soooo....why am i paying a sub as i dont intend to buy your digital books again at full price. are the people running hasbro in general just effing braindead? they make choices that will continue to lose them money, support, good will, or any want for their products. Chris Cox should have been canned a long time ago. your company is quickly falling off a cliff and you make stupid ant-consumer choices over and over again. morons!
As usual - we can rely on Hasbro and the entire Corporate leadership that owns Wizards to make the hobby worse for everyone else in the name of pure greed.
These are the folks who manufactured the OGL crisis (we haven't forgotten) and told us we both were winning when they retreated (haven't forgotten that tone-deaf cowpat either!)
It really does beggar belief. Let's take a good thing, that is useful and used by a lot of people to make their characters without having to buy whole adventures or spend lots of money on content that don't necessarily want, and make it worse, deliberately and on purpose - for no other reason than WE WANT YOU TO SPEND MORE MONEY.
What a sh*tty way to disgrace the celebration of Dungeons and Dragons 50 years. Well done you idiots. Just when we thought we couldn't hate you more you found a way. Genius.
Agreed. Fix the marketplace and revert the change relating to individual purchases.
the next change I fear might happen because of hasbro greed ia to disallow homebrew. that day is the day my masrer tier and my wife's hero tier gets cancelled. I can always self host a VTT. It was just easier to support content and a business model that wasn't made by a greedy short-sighted vampire.
I suppose Cocks and gang won't last long in a Masquerade...
We were ending a campaign and my kid asked me if he could make a Warforged. I spent a TON of money buying all the additional races and subclasses and all that. Today, when I went to make the Warforged I found that not only was that no longer an option for me but SEVERAL of my races, options, items, monsters, subclasses, and more were all gone. There needs to be some form of refund if they're going to take away options we paid for. Like, it's not like the option to go to one of the many websites that basically pirate this stuff is out there but I love D&D so I pay for it. But if they're going to pull THIS nonsense? I'm out. Refund me.
Agreed! Not happy about the removal of this feature! It was arguably one of the best reasons to use DNDBeyond.
I will likely be using DNDBeyond less and less as newer content comes out. I haven’t seen a whole book I want to order from WOTC in a while. I liked being able to use pieces.
Time to sail the seas and break out the trusty pencil and paper again
Just want to jump on this yet again to make note of just how obtuse this is making things. I was in a campaign a couple years back with a bunch of people, had content sharing enabled and made some characters that I want to re-tool for my current campaign. Since I can't just buy things like single subclasses and single races anymore, though, I'd have to spend $90 for just a couple of characters. That is completely ridiculous. I would have spent, what, like $10 in the past? But now they're going to get none of it. This is really beginning to push me in the direction of using a different system altogether, but swapping systems mid-campaign would be disastrous as well. WotC has screwed me.
Your pain is shared by us all. Hoping they wise up quickly and revert this change. Seems to be universally detested. Was one of the best features of this site for certain. Makes you wonder what the sales data must have looked like that they used to make this decision.
I was looking for a place on feedback for this. The new Marketplace is absolutely garbage. Why did they take away the Hide Owned Filter? Why is it all blocky and centered on the page the way it is? Please put it back or give us a legacy version. I will not be shopping in that mess anytime soon!
Why did they do this to us?! What did I do to make them angry?
So much this - A la carte purchases was one of the main reasons I would recommend D&Dbeyond to new players, they could get what they need without breaking the bank and then start to buy the books as they become more invested in the system. This was a terrible decision and will make me less likely to recommend this system in the future.
i must agree that the marketplace have been ruined by this move from HAsbro/wizards of the coast.. just so sad that you cant buy a feat or something else if you need it.. . just sad they did this :( hopefully they will roll back and make us able to do it again,
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