I played a Red Dragonborn Pyromancer. (multiclassed Nature Cleric/Draconic Sorcerer) He freaked out a wagon driver by cremating the corpses of the bandits that attacked him, he told a village their Nature god of the harvest is lame and Sirrion the nature god of fire is way cooler, and he rolled a natural 1 on an insight check and Sacred Flamed a CR 11 fire Genie (my party was level two) and we were all knocked out by a Wall of Fire except for our Monk who was instantly killed.
A horse stands alone on the hill as the orc tribe attacks. As the marauders charge at the horse their eyes suddenly go blank and they start grooming it.
Centaur warlock of the arch fey that uses Mask of Many Faces to appear as a normal horse...that shoots death beams from its eyes... and will charm anyone that approaches.
I love making characters. As a chronic DM, I never get the chance to fully realize a character, so I end up just building up a ton of them. It's a fun hobby for me. That being said, I was wondering if I could find some inspiration from other people, about character concepts that they have come up with! So I ask you, fine people of DDB, what are your favorite character ideas?
I want to treat this a bit like a brain teaser, so I'm going to add a few rules:
No homebrew or UA stuff. I want these to be legit characters.
Try to limit yourself to 3 sentences max to describe the concept. I'm not looking for fluff or made-up names or cities, simply hooks for a cool character idea.
This is about the character, not about the class. Please do not post about an ~amazing~ min-maxed sorcadin or something, that's not what this thread is about. In fact, if possible, don't even mention a class, and let the readers interpret it as whatever class they feel is appropriate! (note: some will fit rather easily into certain classes. That's okay!)
I'll write a few myself, to give people an idea of what I'm after, as well as to get us started:
This kobold was raised with his sister by an elderly human wizard, adopted in order to help with his research. Unfortunately, most of the time this research involved stealing magical secrets from the local cities and keeps! When his father figure dies, what will he do to cope and move on?
This aasimar did not fall from heaven, no, she chose to leave. All those wimps were too afraid to do what had to be done! They always told her that she had the blood of Zariel in her veins - she might just travel to the Nine Hells and see for herself if that's true.
This kenku was abandoned by his flock for his birth abnormality - bright feathers of blue, red, green, and yellow. Luckily for him, he was picked up and raised by a pirating vessel that happened across the area. Using his skills in mimicry and imitation, he's going to show this crew that he's more than just their mascot!
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I know what you're thinking: "In that flurry of blows, did he use all his ki points, or save one?" Well, are ya feeling lucky, punk?
Centaur that uses his warlock powers to disguise himself as a horse and charm the townsfolk to care for him. Suddenly the town is raided by a goblinoid army!
I have a teenage dragonborn fighter who is adventuring to get his dragonborn-equivalent of eagle scout (those dragonborn scouts are hardcore). He’s your typical boy scout personality-wise, with high INT but low WIS, with nature and survival proficiency. He needs other adventurers and people to occasionally sign his logbook to attest to certain achievements for when he goes home. He’s full of teenage hormones so melee combat is a good outlet for him.
A halfling who loves incredibly flamboyant coats and wears a hat with a giant peacock feather. One side of his face scarred and fire in his eyes. Doesn´t draw his well polished saber easily, but only sheathes it once it has tasted blood.
A giant goliath, feared by everyone for his strength and ruthlessness as an enforcer for the local syndicate. Regarded as stoic and quiet,giving him an air of mysterious, no one knows he only keeps quiet to hide an adorable lisp.
Sorry, I just love this, so here is another one...
A well studied and respected sage and teacher a professor at the local academy, older and a gray but the buffest guy in all the land who likes to drink and throw down, be it in a fighting pit, an arena or just in some random tavern with every single person there.
A Young Hero gets betrayed and stabbed in the back by his jealous comrades after they defeated the Sorceror Lord when they where about to split the spoils and go back home.
While on his way to the Afterlife, he is approached by the Sorceror Lord's Spirit, who wants to strike a deal, merge their Souls and powers, so that the Hero can get his revenge and seek justice, and he'll be happy to help him.
The Hero furious and wanting to know the truth, accepts and is ressurected with a new Body, a clone that was prepared by the Sorcerer Lord in one of his hidden Labs, Now as One, they go on a journey to seek revenge on their murderers and live a fullfilling life..., but not without attracting unwarrented attention...
Vengeance Paladin/Undying Warlock, or Oathbreaker/Shadow Sorceror.
The Hero furious and wanting to know the truth, accepts and is ressurected with a new Body, a clone that was prepared by the Sorcerer Lord in one of his hidden Labs, Now as One, they go on a journey to seek revenge on their murderers and live a fullfilling life..., but not without attracting unwanted attention
Watch those run- on sentences! The point of this exercise, at least as I initially imagined it, was to boil a character down to a personality, or a select few defining traits or moments, rather than explaining a fleshed out backstory.
While we're talking about broken rules, I *did* mention to try not to create a character revolving around a class, specifically calling out paladin/sorcerer multiclass as being something I felt didn't fit in this exercise.
All this being said, I still appreciate the feedback and the ideas!
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I know what you're thinking: "In that flurry of blows, did he use all his ki points, or save one?" Well, are ya feeling lucky, punk?
A once happy-go-lucky Half-Elf suddenly find themselves with magical powers they are not able to control manifesting in their blood. After almost injuring those closest to them due to their uncontrollable spells, they decide to move to formal study of the arcane arts, hoping to find a way to control their gifts, enclosing their once happy attitude inside layers of self-control and discipline.
A kenku that wears a plague doctor mask (and other covering attire) to hide his true nature. My idea for the concept was to be a healer of some sort, but very enigmatic given his limited ability to communicate (without totally giving away what he is).
A boy, now a young man, who was born to a human woman after she was seduced by a dark skinned stranger who was traveling through town. When she woke up in the morning the stranger was gone but he left behind a son who has suspiciously bright red hair. He didn't fit into the family's business (the Woolspinner family) but he loved his classes at school and he spent every minute that he could sneak away at the library. The head librarian offered to take him on as an apprentice and his family readily accepted.
A famous pastry chef that had his recipe book stolen and their family's cow, which was born during a wild magic anomaly and produced unusually sweet milk, killed. They are now taking a break from cooking and are in search for culinary inspiration within the world.
The loxodon monk of shadow leaps from shadow to shadow, its immense bulk belying its dexterity and speed. Striking from the darkness with rapid, precise strikes, the loxodon moves through enemy strongholds like an unseen wind.
Even the most observant of foes fail to see the elephant in the room.
A Goliath, destined to be chief of his tribe, whose love of music gets him exiled. Picked up by an illicit fighting ring as a vagrant, he was beaten, abused, and forced to kill in the ring. Finally, having seized his freedom with the weapons he had drenched in blood over many years, he seeks vengeance, and peace.
A Human, born with no apparent oddities, manifests the gift of magic after his village is attacked by bandits. When he was found torturing the captives with fire, he slaughtered his friends and family with no hesitation. Now, driven mad by years of isolation, he has created a heroic persona for himself and wanders the world in pursuit of adventure.
A Tiefling, overcoming hatred and suspicion through his healing gift, is eventually scapegoated and exiled after a devastating plague. He moves from village to village and church to church, giving his gifts freely, but he has still not overcome the feelings of fear and anger ingrained in his heart.
Flynbarr, demigod halfling who can change shape. Uses his divine good looks, unearthly charm and amazing intelligence to woo ladies that take his fancy and to generally live an easy life off other people.
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I played a Red Dragonborn Pyromancer. (multiclassed Nature Cleric/Draconic Sorcerer) He freaked out a wagon driver by cremating the corpses of the bandits that attacked him, he told a village their Nature god of the harvest is lame and Sirrion the nature god of fire is way cooler, and he rolled a natural 1 on an insight check and Sacred Flamed a CR 11 fire Genie (my party was level two) and we were all knocked out by a Wall of Fire except for our Monk who was instantly killed.
A horse stands alone on the hill as the orc tribe attacks. As the marauders charge at the horse their eyes suddenly go blank and they start grooming it.
Centaur warlock of the arch fey that uses Mask of Many Faces to appear as a normal horse...that shoots death beams from its eyes... and will charm anyone that approaches.
I love making characters. As a chronic DM, I never get the chance to fully realize a character, so I end up just building up a ton of them. It's a fun hobby for me. That being said, I was wondering if I could find some inspiration from other people, about character concepts that they have come up with! So I ask you, fine people of DDB, what are your favorite character ideas?
I want to treat this a bit like a brain teaser, so I'm going to add a few rules:
I'll write a few myself, to give people an idea of what I'm after, as well as to get us started:
I know what you're thinking: "In that flurry of blows, did he use all his ki points, or save one?" Well, are ya feeling lucky, punk?
Centaur that uses his warlock powers to disguise himself as a horse and charm the townsfolk to care for him. Suddenly the town is raided by a goblinoid army!
I have a teenage dragonborn fighter who is adventuring to get his dragonborn-equivalent of eagle scout (those dragonborn scouts are hardcore). He’s your typical boy scout personality-wise, with high INT but low WIS, with nature and survival proficiency. He needs other adventurers and people to occasionally sign his logbook to attest to certain achievements for when he goes home. He’s full of teenage hormones so melee combat is a good outlet for him.
A halfling who loves incredibly flamboyant coats and wears a hat with a giant peacock feather. One side of his face scarred and fire in his eyes. Doesn´t draw his well polished saber easily, but only sheathes it once it has tasted blood.
A giant goliath, feared by everyone for his strength and ruthlessness as an enforcer for the local syndicate. Regarded as stoic and quiet,giving him an air of mysterious, no one knows he only keeps quiet to hide an adorable lisp.
Sorry, I just love this, so here is another one...
A well studied and respected sage and teacher a professor at the local academy, older and a gray but the buffest guy in all the land who likes to drink and throw down, be it in a fighting pit, an arena or just in some random tavern with every single person there.
To quote DJ Khaled: "ANOTHER ONE"
Elise is a sweet little girl, the nicest person you could meet. And she just wants to make friends. Loyal friends. Friends that are all her´s.
What´s the problem with using somebody else´s? They wouldn´t have buried them if they still needed them, right?
A Young Hero gets betrayed and stabbed in the back by his jealous comrades after they defeated the Sorceror Lord when they where about to split the spoils and go back home.
While on his way to the Afterlife, he is approached by the Sorceror Lord's Spirit, who wants to strike a deal, merge their Souls and powers, so that the Hero can get his revenge and seek justice, and he'll be happy to help him.
The Hero furious and wanting to know the truth, accepts and is ressurected with a new Body, a clone that was prepared by the Sorcerer Lord in one of his hidden Labs, Now as One, they go on a journey to seek revenge on their murderers and live a fullfilling life..., but not without attracting unwarrented attention...
Vengeance Paladin/Undying Warlock, or Oathbreaker/Shadow Sorceror.
"Normality is but an Illusion, Whats normal to the Spider, is only madness for the Fly"
Kain de Frostberg- Dark Knight - (Vengeance Pal3/ Hexblade 9), Port Mourn
Kain de Draakberg-Dark Knight lvl8-Avergreen(DitA)
I appreciate all the replies, but I think this definitely could have been reduced into a single comment, haha
I know what you're thinking: "In that flurry of blows, did he use all his ki points, or save one?" Well, are ya feeling lucky, punk?
Watch those run- on sentences! The point of this exercise, at least as I initially imagined it, was to boil a character down to a personality, or a select few defining traits or moments, rather than explaining a fleshed out backstory.
While we're talking about broken rules, I *did* mention to try not to create a character revolving around a class, specifically calling out paladin/sorcerer multiclass as being something I felt didn't fit in this exercise.
All this being said, I still appreciate the feedback and the ideas!
I know what you're thinking: "In that flurry of blows, did he use all his ki points, or save one?" Well, are ya feeling lucky, punk?
A once happy-go-lucky Half-Elf suddenly find themselves with magical powers they are not able to control manifesting in their blood.
After almost injuring those closest to them due to their uncontrollable spells, they decide to move to formal study of the arcane arts, hoping to find a way to control their gifts, enclosing their once happy attitude inside layers of self-control and discipline.
Born in Italy, moved a bunch, living in Spain, my heart always belonged to Roleplaying Games
Sorry, I always got a new idea immediately after posting one.
Didn't mean to spam.
A kenku that wears a plague doctor mask (and other covering attire) to hide his true nature. My idea for the concept was to be a healer of some sort, but very enigmatic given his limited ability to communicate (without totally giving away what he is).
A boy, now a young man, who was born to a human woman after she was seduced by a dark skinned stranger who was traveling through town. When she woke up in the morning the stranger was gone but he left behind a son who has suspiciously bright red hair. He didn't fit into the family's business (the Woolspinner family) but he loved his classes at school and he spent every minute that he could sneak away at the library. The head librarian offered to take him on as an apprentice and his family readily accepted.
Professional computer geek
A famous pastry chef that had his recipe book stolen and their family's cow, which was born during a wild magic anomaly and produced unusually sweet milk, killed. They are now taking a break from cooking and are in search for culinary inspiration within the world.
The loxodon monk of shadow leaps from shadow to shadow, its immense bulk belying its dexterity and speed. Striking from the darkness with rapid, precise strikes, the loxodon moves through enemy strongholds like an unseen wind.
Even the most observant of foes fail to see the elephant in the room.
A Goliath, destined to be chief of his tribe, whose love of music gets him exiled. Picked up by an illicit fighting ring as a vagrant, he was beaten, abused, and forced to kill in the ring. Finally, having seized his freedom with the weapons he had drenched in blood over many years, he seeks vengeance, and peace.
A Human, born with no apparent oddities, manifests the gift of magic after his village is attacked by bandits. When he was found torturing the captives with fire, he slaughtered his friends and family with no hesitation. Now, driven mad by years of isolation, he has created a heroic persona for himself and wanders the world in pursuit of adventure.
A Tiefling, overcoming hatred and suspicion through his healing gift, is eventually scapegoated and exiled after a devastating plague. He moves from village to village and church to church, giving his gifts freely, but he has still not overcome the feelings of fear and anger ingrained in his heart.
Flynbarr, demigod halfling who can change shape. Uses his divine good looks, unearthly charm and amazing intelligence to woo ladies that take his fancy and to generally live an easy life off other people.