Game: D&D 5e Group preferred: Online Experience: veteran Location/Timezone: PST Availability: Most times, with a few exceptions Preferred role: Player Game style: Prefer role play
I have not played in several years, and not online. I have played loads of D&D in my youth
Game: D&D 5e Group preferred: Online / Face-to-face / either Experience: New / a few years / veteran Location/Timezone: (your physical location or timezone as appropriate) Availability: (describe when you're available) Preferred role: DM / Player Game style: (Some information about what sort of game you are looking for e.g. casual, hardcore, roleplay, hack'n'slash)
I have too many questions consider me to be new, but I'll try. I'm a late nighter, good story teller and player. I'd love to play but i can't find anyone who is dedicated. I seek a long term player, I just want open world freedom
All players who have commented. You are free to join the link. All are welcome here! No need to give your discord. Just click the link and check us out
This sounds like so much fun and i would love to join in :) i haven't played for over half a year so I would love to dive back in as a player
Definitely come on in and check it out!
You can go ahead click the link in the description to join :)
Currently looking for some more DMs who wanna get involved with the Shadowfell!
Players are always welcomed here too!
i'm interested in joining. Do you have sessions saturdays ?
Yes we do. Sometimes even a couple so you can play one and spectate another!
I’m new to D&D and would love to play is it ok that I join?
I'm a new player and interested in playing D&D!
I have too many questions consider me to be new, but I'll try. I'm a late nighter, good story teller and player. I'd love to play but i can't find anyone who is dedicated. I seek a long term player, I just want open world freedom
Orsimus, go ahead and join the link! Lots to offer including help from our amazing dms
Can I join I don't have discord I only child sorry
I'm not quiet sure what you mean. But it's all ran through discord.
I've never played, am interested to learn. Can i join?
Discord is Drinseph #1769
i would like to be a player, my character is a chaotic neutral goblin, is that ok, i love goblins
sorry i already found a group
New player here as well and I'd love to join the community and get my awesome characters rolling some crits right away! Discord is Beardykyle #7703
Go ahead and join the link and myself and others can direct you to character creation questions and all that fun stuff!
All players who have commented. You are free to join the link. All are welcome here! No need to give your discord. Just click the link and check us out
Looking for a couple more DMs who wanna dive into the world of the shadowfell!