Humblewood Tales
Humblewood is besieged from new threats to the Wood. What Tales will you tell?
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A Humble Calendar
Alderheart Traveler’s Guide
- Greetings From the Author, Jonall Hannu
- The Humblewood Region
- The History of Alderheart
- Exploring Alderheart
- Life in Alderheart
- Planning a Visit
- A Farewell From the Author
Tales From The Wood
The Wind-Touched
- Introduction
- Overview
- Background
- Running This Adventure
- Adventure Hooks
- Part 1: The Wind Calls
- Part 2: A Once-Quiet Place
- Part 3: A Flight to Remember
The Wakewyrm’s Fury
- Introduction
- Overview
- Background
- Running this Adventure
- Adventure Hooks
- Saltar’s Port
- The Tideswell Cave
- Setting Sail for Adventure
The Seahawk
- Introduction
- Overview
- Background
- Adventure Hooks
- Part 1: Shadows in the Storm
- Part 2: Enter the Dreamscape
- Part 3: Awakening
Hunt for the Loper
- Introduction
- Overview
- Background
- Running this Adventure
- Adventure Hooks
- Part 1: Reya’s Watch
- Part 2: To Hamlin’s Cabin
- Part 3: Into The Loper’s Lair
Descent into the Dark
- Introduction
- Background
- Overview
- Important Characters
- Background
- Adventure Hooks
- Part 1: Trouble in the Trunk Market
- Part 2: Stirring Up the Past
- Part 3: Into the Heart of Alderheart
Shoppes and Stores
- Introduction
- The Crimson Rose
- The Last Stand
- Zephyr & Co.
- Hannu’s Provisions
- Spleck Smandra’s Wagon of Worldly Wonders
The Tenders
- Tenders in the World
- Tender Characters
- New Feats
- New Class Options
- Druid: Circle of the Warden
- Warlock Patron: The Predator
- Wizard: Leyline Magic
Appendix A: Bestiary
- See below
Appendix B: Non-Player Characters
- See below
Appendix C: Magic Items
Appendix D: Spells
- Spell Lists
- Bard Spells
- Cleric Spells
- Druid Spells
- Ranger Spells
- Sorcerer Spells
- Warlock Spells
- Wizard Spells
- Spell Descriptions
Appendix E: Ready-To-Play Characters
Humblewood Creatures
Appendix A: Bestiary
- Amphithere
- Infant Amphithere
- Cosmoth
- Cosmoth Caterpede
- Dusktail
- Emberbat
- Everbug
- Firelance
- Forest Prowler
- Juvenile Forest Prowler
- Gargath
- Glassbeetle
- Nightmare
- Jerbeen Horror
- Kren’s Fang
- Shadowbeast
- Vulpin Horror
- Rosselbuck
- Corrupted Rosselbuck
- Slicar
- Slime
- Animated Slime
- Animated Slime
- Cursed Slime
- Cursed Slime
- Fungusfeaster
- Slime Familiar
- Slime King
- Slimesworn Cultist
- Sticky Slime
- Swarms
- Bluebee Swarms
- Dusktail Swarms
- Gimlet Swarms
- Wakewyrm
- Young Wakewyrm
Appendix B: Non-Player Characters
- Aida Reedmane
- Alderheart’s Most Wanted
- Aster “the Thorn” Amaryllis
- Finneas “Bullybird” Klawk
- Cluvus “The Godfeather” Lightbreeze
- “Lucky” Sevran Dusktalon
- Jerrin “Snapshadow” Hollowhome
- Arlowene Lum
- Arrevis “The Seahawk” Fleet
- Bernice Blatherwick
- Bernice’s Recruits
- Bervis
- Connie
- Lenny
- Birdfolk Farmer
- Birdfolk Militia
- Birdfolk Thug
- Birdfolk Sailor
- Bita, the Council Speaker
- Burlywhirl, Sergeant at Arms
- Cadwyll Piper
- Cathus Gright
- Christophe Laszlo
- Corvum Assassin
- Corvum Songweaver
- Drella Swoop
- Elora Quickwit
- Frond Bellewether
- Gil Hopper
- Gurt Hallowfen
- Hamlin Hurlwind
- Hedge Witch
- Hedy Crest
- Horns
- Jerbeen Commoner
- Jerbeen Swashbuckler
- Jerbeen Thief
- Jonall Hannu
- Lendarick Rootborn
- Mapach Bandit
- Mapach Brute
- Mapach Thug
- Medi Tuck
- Moonflower Mosswell
- The Mossbows
- Merle and Morris Mossbow
- Stoa Mossbow
- Orn Proudbeak
- Petra Cloudburst
- Petra’s Crew
- Gerta Downyruff
- Hannity Lerune
- Lucas Azira
- Slip Tideswell
- Lorno and Lanelle Burrowbright
- Phorosfeather, Grand Inquisitor of Gesme
- Pleasantpaw
- Raptor Deckhand
- Raptor Freebooter
- Raptor Mercenary
- The Ragtaggers
- Snap
- Cackle
- Podge
- Sage, the Roostmother
- Skopps the Beast-Breaker
- Spleck Smandra
- Saltfeather
- Strig Berserker
- Strig Tracker
- Tempa Greenkeeper
- Velma Leicester
- Vulpin Berserker
- Vulpin Buccaneer
- Vulpin Captain
- Vulpin Cult Fanatic
- Vulpin Gloomweaver
- Vulpin Spy
- Zifa Freewind