They do this pretty much every time, and people complain every time. I finally got wise and started waiting to get the pre-orders until the inevitable sale came along. Had no sale come, I would've just done a pre-order the day before release.
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco. No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
Is Fizban's Treasury of Dragons a Source Book or an Adventurer Book?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco. No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
Curious. My FLGS still lists the release as 10/19, but they admit they're not the most up to date with their online store (took a while for it to get listed in the first place). Amazon is also listing 10/26 now too.
This could be some sort of hiccup. I think Tasha's had a similar "wait it moved! oh, it's back" thing too; but WotC/Hasbro already lost their holiday box sales to a late January release, so it could be pipeline concerns. Books in general are suffering shipping delays worse than other goods these days.
If it is delayed this late in the game I guarantee you the whole book gets leaked 10/19 (hi, Fantasy Grounds). Just once I want to open a sourcebook where I don't already know everything in it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
Curious. My FLGS still lists the release as 10/19, but they admit they're not the most up to date with their online store (took a while for it to get listed in the first place). Amazon is also listing 10/26 now too.
This could be some sort of hiccup. I think Tasha's had a similar "wait it moved! oh, it's back" thing too; but WotC/Hasbro already lost their holiday box sales to a late January release, so it could be pipeline concerns. Books in general are suffering shipping delays worse than other goods these days.
If it is delayed this late in the game I guarantee you the whole book gets leaked 10/19 (hi, Fantasy Grounds). Just once I want to open a sourcebook where I don't already know everything in it.
I just came to the thread about this and according to the Wizards page the release date is Oct 19. Even here in Australia EB Games (Gamestop in the US) has it listed for the 19th but they are notorious at times for not being upto date with such due to the pandemic. However from reddit posts and such which have brought up regarding Amazon the delay is in the production side. However I cant see why such a delay should affect online digital side, specially DDB
Curious. My FLGS still lists the release as 10/19, but they admit they're not the most up to date with their online store (took a while for it to get listed in the first place). Amazon is also listing 10/26 now too.
This could be some sort of hiccup. I think Tasha's had a similar "wait it moved! oh, it's back" thing too; but WotC/Hasbro already lost their holiday box sales to a late January release, so it could be pipeline concerns. Books in general are suffering shipping delays worse than other goods these days.
If it is delayed this late in the game I guarantee you the whole book gets leaked 10/19 (hi, Fantasy Grounds). Just once I want to open a sourcebook where I don't already know everything in it.
I just came to the thread about this and according to the Wizards page the release date is Oct 19. Even here in Australia EB Games (Gamestop in the US) has it listed for the 19th but they are notorious at times for not being upto date with such due to the pandemic. However from reddit posts and such which have brought up regarding Amazon the delay is in the production side. However I cant see why such a delay should affect online digital side, specially DDB
I'd actually trust Amazon release dates more than Wizard's site for best info. I mean Amazon lists the books before they wind up on Wizard's site. My guess is rather than showing up at a Hasbro/Wizards warehouse prior to Amazon fulfillment center, Hasbro probably sends stuff direct from the printers to Amazon, and Amazon is just better at being on top of shipping changes. Plus, it's been moved here and DDB I don't believe has ever failed to get their book open (maybe with a few loose ends) in time for a book drop date. My guess is they're just timing with what will be the official release date.
Re: timing of digital editions release, I believe DDB, Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds are embargoed from releasing their books until midnight of the physical release date. And someone at Fantasy Grounds will lead everything next week.
Curious. My FLGS still lists the release as 10/19, but they admit they're not the most up to date with their online store (took a while for it to get listed in the first place). Amazon is also listing 10/26 now too.
This could be some sort of hiccup. I think Tasha's had a similar "wait it moved! oh, it's back" thing too; but WotC/Hasbro already lost their holiday box sales to a late January release, so it could be pipeline concerns. Books in general are suffering shipping delays worse than other goods these days.
If it is delayed this late in the game I guarantee you the whole book gets leaked 10/19 (hi, Fantasy Grounds). Just once I want to open a sourcebook where I don't already know everything in it.
I just came to the thread about this and according to the Wizards page the release date is Oct 19. Even here in Australia EB Games (Gamestop in the US) has it listed for the 19th but they are notorious at times for not being upto date with such due to the pandemic. However from reddit posts and such which have brought up regarding Amazon the delay is in the production side. However I cant see why such a delay should affect online digital side, specially DDB
I'd actually trust Amazon release dates more than Wizard's site for best info. I mean Amazon lists the books before they wind up on Wizard's site. My guess is rather than showing up at a Hasbro/Wizards warehouse prior to Amazon fulfillment center, Hasbro probably sends stuff direct from the printers to Amazon, and Amazon is just better at being on top of shipping changes. Plus, it's been moved here and DDB I don't believe has ever failed to get their book open (maybe with a few loose ends) in time for a book drop date. My guess is they're just timing with what will be the official release date.
Re: timing of digital editions release, I believe DDB, Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds are embargoed from releasing their books until midnight of the physical release date. And someone at Fantasy Grounds will lead everything next week.
Amazon are always on top of shipping dates since that part of their databases seems to be all linked together so it gets pulled live. When it comes to pages like Wizard and EB, those release dates seem to only ever get updated when someone notices it hasnt been corrected. EB themselves did it with a Marvel blanket I ordered the day before I was to actually be released, they changed the date from Aug to Dec, only to call me 6 days after being in telling me it had arrived lol.
As to releasing books digitally before physical, that is upto Wizard themselves. If they allow the release of the PDF and web access first then there shouldnt be any problems. Only one complaining would be those who ordered it physically. Even then it could still be released before the day the date of release by the store it was ordered through.
As to sites leaking a book early, well, if its within their abilities to do it then they can go for it. Of course, thats when I also say to such sites to go and look at your contractual obligations to such. lol
FWIW, per my FLGS with whom I have a. preorder, WotC just announced the release being moved to 10/26 because of stresses in the shipping system.
My own feeling: you're not going to, and never have, seen the digital editions out first because the producer of the original books sees those as derivative products so they want everything timed with the physical book.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
FWIW, per my FLGS with whom I have a. preorder, WotC just announced the release being moved to 10/26 because of stresses in the shipping system.
My own feeling: you're not going to, and never have, seen the digital editions out first because the producer of the original books sees those as derivative products so they want everything timed with the physical book.
Ahh, beg to differ on digital editions of books. Anyone who is a Backer of Kickstarters will point this out. You will often get a copy of the PDF for such kickstarters before the physical and its always done on the day of release, even if the hard copy gets delayed.
As to the stresses in the shipping system, honestly, that isnt an excuse to use in this day and age to me. Yes, the pandemic is causing issues, but its not something that has now just shown up, its been around over 12 months now. The issues is penny pinching at the corporate level because they dont want to annoy the "shareholders".
FWIW, per my FLGS with whom I have a. preorder, WotC just announced the release being moved to 10/26 because of stresses in the shipping system.
My own feeling: you're not going to, and never have, seen the digital editions out first because the producer of the original books sees those as derivative products so they want everything timed with the physical book.
Ahh, beg to differ on digital editions of books. Anyone who is a Backer of Kickstarters will point this out. You will often get a copy of the PDF for such kickstarters before the physical and its always done on the day of release, even if the hard copy gets delayed.
As to the stresses in the shipping system, honestly, that isnt an excuse to use in this day and age to me. Yes, the pandemic is causing issues, but its not something that has now just shown up, its been around over 12 months now. The issues is penny pinching at the corporate level because they dont want to annoy the "shareholders".
I think it's pretty apparent I was in this specific context typing about WotC practice [too lazy to place eyeroll at pedantry emoji, so just typing "gee whiz, dude, are you fishing for some sort of internet discussion "victory" tit for tat merit badge?"]. PDFs of hardcovers aren't part of WotC's practice for mainline productions, the two recent Extra Life fund raisers are notable exceptions and may be part of the "new formatting" ventures they're pushing with 5e), if you weren't aware of the difference between PDF distributions and what licensed digital 5e content producers put out, I gotta say "dude, do you even D&D Beyond, bro?" ;)
Pandemic shipping stresses may not be an excuse for you this day and age, but earlier this summer Hasbro already announced supply chain concerns are leading to price increases (paying more to get it here) and likely holiday scarcities of popular lines, some trade coverage speculating that includes D&D. Moreover, with books, it's not just shipping, but broader supply chain issues across the publishing sector. In this day and age, I pay attention to news aired recently. A folk who may or may not D&D Beyond but does claim to kickstart might've already known that since a number of the projects I backed also went out of their way to do deep dives into shipping complications over the past year (I had one that sat on a freighter in Seattle for like two months because port unloading delays).
So you're free to judge things from the limited and unaccepting point of view of your or whatever venue in which you formulate your opinions in abstract personal standard land, I'm just reporting in what the businesses are actually reporting.
They're also pushing back Strixhaven to Dec 7.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
FWIW, per my FLGS with whom I have a. preorder, WotC just announced the release being moved to 10/26 because of stresses in the shipping system.
My own feeling: you're not going to, and never have, seen the digital editions out first because the producer of the original books sees those as derivative products so they want everything timed with the physical book.
Ahh, beg to differ on digital editions of books. Anyone who is a Backer of Kickstarters will point this out. You will often get a copy of the PDF for such kickstarters before the physical and its always done on the day of release, even if the hard copy gets delayed.
As to the stresses in the shipping system, honestly, that isnt an excuse to use in this day and age to me. Yes, the pandemic is causing issues, but its not something that has now just shown up, its been around over 12 months now. The issues is penny pinching at the corporate level because they dont want to annoy the "shareholders".
I think it's pretty apparent I was in this specific context typing about WotC practice [too lazy to place eyeroll at pedantry emoji, so just typing "gee whiz, dude, are you fishing for some sort of internet discussion "victory" tit for tat merit badge?"]. PDFs of hardcovers aren't part of WotC's practice for mainline productions, the two recent Extra Life fund raisers are notable exceptions and may be part of the "new formatting" ventures they're pushing with 5e), if you weren't aware of the difference between PDF distributions and what licensed digital 5e content producers put out, I gotta say "dude, do you even D&D Beyond, bro?" ;)
Pandemic shipping stresses may not be an excuse for you this day and age, but earlier this summer Hasbro already announced supply chain concerns are leading to price increases (paying more to get it here) and likely holiday scarcities of popular lines, some trade coverage speculating that includes D&D. Moreover, with books, it's not just shipping, but broader supply chain issues across the publishing sector. In this day and age, I pay attention to news aired recently. A folk who may or may not D&D Beyond but does claim to kickstart might've already known that since a number of the projects I backed also went out of their way to do deep dives into shipping complications over the past year (I had one that sat on a freighter in Seattle for like two months because port unloading delays).
So you're free to judge things from the limited and unaccepting point of view of your or whatever venue in which you formulate your opinions in abstract personal standard land, I'm just reporting in what the businesses are actually reporting.
They're also pushing back Strixhaven to Dec 7.
You are aware that paper books are going out of fashion and the way of the App/Tablet is taking over. That is the way things are going so books soon will be a thing of the past. Specially when such delays are causing such problems. There is ZERO reason to be making delays in digital format.
As to getting internet points. No, you are just trying to contradict like your accusing. And your off comment personal attacks by making such accusations you can just stick where the sun dont shine. I use D&D Beyond and pay for the service, not that its ANY concern of yours.
Anyway, I'm done, feel free to respond because you seem to be the sort that just wants to get their last two cents in, yet go at me about internet points. Both our points are valid. But if you were just reporting what businesses are/were reporting you would do so, instead of making off hand attacks.
PS: Delays wouldnt happen if countries werent too reliant on certain countries for base products such as paper.
The good news is that people will have some additional time to get the pre-order perks. I can wait a few days more if it means someone else can get the dragon dice they initially thought was out of reach due to financial limitations.
Will it be dragon dice though (probably) or will they suprise us with gem dice (moon stone, emerald and such).
Will they include the Dragon Ranger Class in it? The Drakewarden I think it was called.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco. No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
They do this pretty much every time, and people complain every time. I finally got wise and started waiting to get the pre-orders until the inevitable sale came along. Had no sale come, I would've just done a pre-order the day before release.
Can I pre-order this on my ipad.
Yes, I think so.
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco.
No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
Is Fizban's Treasury of Dragons a Source Book or an Adventurer Book?
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco.
No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
Any reason the release date posted is the 26th vs the 19th?
Curious. My FLGS still lists the release as 10/19, but they admit they're not the most up to date with their online store (took a while for it to get listed in the first place). Amazon is also listing 10/26 now too.
This could be some sort of hiccup. I think Tasha's had a similar "wait it moved! oh, it's back" thing too; but WotC/Hasbro already lost their holiday box sales to a late January release, so it could be pipeline concerns. Books in general are suffering shipping delays worse than other goods these days.
If it is delayed this late in the game I guarantee you the whole book gets leaked 10/19 (hi, Fantasy Grounds). Just once I want to open a sourcebook where I don't already know everything in it.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
I just came to the thread about this and according to the Wizards page the release date is Oct 19. Even here in Australia EB Games (Gamestop in the US) has it listed for the 19th but they are notorious at times for not being upto date with such due to the pandemic. However from reddit posts and such which have brought up regarding Amazon the delay is in the production side. However I cant see why such a delay should affect online digital side, specially DDB
I'd actually trust Amazon release dates more than Wizard's site for best info. I mean Amazon lists the books before they wind up on Wizard's site. My guess is rather than showing up at a Hasbro/Wizards warehouse prior to Amazon fulfillment center, Hasbro probably sends stuff direct from the printers to Amazon, and Amazon is just better at being on top of shipping changes. Plus, it's been moved here and DDB I don't believe has ever failed to get their book open (maybe with a few loose ends) in time for a book drop date. My guess is they're just timing with what will be the official release date.
Re: timing of digital editions release, I believe DDB, Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds are embargoed from releasing their books until midnight of the physical release date. And someone at Fantasy Grounds will lead everything next week.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
Amazon are always on top of shipping dates since that part of their databases seems to be all linked together so it gets pulled live. When it comes to pages like Wizard and EB, those release dates seem to only ever get updated when someone notices it hasnt been corrected. EB themselves did it with a Marvel blanket I ordered the day before I was to actually be released, they changed the date from Aug to Dec, only to call me 6 days after being in telling me it had arrived lol.
As to releasing books digitally before physical, that is upto Wizard themselves. If they allow the release of the PDF and web access first then there shouldnt be any problems. Only one complaining would be those who ordered it physically. Even then it could still be released before the day the date of release by the store it was ordered through.
As to sites leaking a book early, well, if its within their abilities to do it then they can go for it. Of course, thats when I also say to such sites to go and look at your contractual obligations to such. lol
FWIW, per my FLGS with whom I have a. preorder, WotC just announced the release being moved to 10/26 because of stresses in the shipping system.
My own feeling: you're not going to, and never have, seen the digital editions out first because the producer of the original books sees those as derivative products so they want everything timed with the physical book.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
Ahh, beg to differ on digital editions of books. Anyone who is a Backer of Kickstarters will point this out. You will often get a copy of the PDF for such kickstarters before the physical and its always done on the day of release, even if the hard copy gets delayed.
As to the stresses in the shipping system, honestly, that isnt an excuse to use in this day and age to me. Yes, the pandemic is causing issues, but its not something that has now just shown up, its been around over 12 months now. The issues is penny pinching at the corporate level because they dont want to annoy the "shareholders".
I think it's pretty apparent I was in this specific context typing about WotC practice [too lazy to place eyeroll at pedantry emoji, so just typing "gee whiz, dude, are you fishing for some sort of internet discussion "victory" tit for tat merit badge?"]. PDFs of hardcovers aren't part of WotC's practice for mainline productions, the two recent Extra Life fund raisers are notable exceptions and may be part of the "new formatting" ventures they're pushing with 5e), if you weren't aware of the difference between PDF distributions and what licensed digital 5e content producers put out, I gotta say "dude, do you even D&D Beyond, bro?" ;)
Pandemic shipping stresses may not be an excuse for you this day and age, but earlier this summer Hasbro already announced supply chain concerns are leading to price increases (paying more to get it here) and likely holiday scarcities of popular lines, some trade coverage speculating that includes D&D. Moreover, with books, it's not just shipping, but broader supply chain issues across the publishing sector. In this day and age, I pay attention to news aired recently. A folk who may or may not D&D Beyond but does claim to kickstart might've already known that since a number of the projects I backed also went out of their way to do deep dives into shipping complications over the past year (I had one that sat on a freighter in Seattle for like two months because port unloading delays).
So you're free to judge things from the limited and unaccepting point of view of your or whatever venue in which you formulate your opinions in abstract personal standard land, I'm just reporting in what the businesses are actually reporting.
They're also pushing back Strixhaven to Dec 7.
Jander Sunstar is the thinking person's Drizzt, fight me.
You are aware that paper books are going out of fashion and the way of the App/Tablet is taking over. That is the way things are going so books soon will be a thing of the past. Specially when such delays are causing such problems. There is ZERO reason to be making delays in digital format.
As to getting internet points. No, you are just trying to contradict like your accusing. And your off comment personal attacks by making such accusations you can just stick where the sun dont shine. I use D&D Beyond and pay for the service, not that its ANY concern of yours.
Anyway, I'm done, feel free to respond because you seem to be the sort that just wants to get their last two cents in, yet go at me about internet points. Both our points are valid. But if you were just reporting what businesses are/were reporting you would do so, instead of making off hand attacks.
PS: Delays wouldnt happen if countries werent too reliant on certain countries for base products such as paper.
For what its worth: Looks like WotC finally updated the date to 10/26 as well.
Do you mean the physical version or the digital version ???
My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:
Dertinus Tristany // Amilcar Barca // Vicenç Sacrarius // Oriol Deulofeu // Grovtuk
Both versions have been delayed. Wizards of the Coast has delayed all digital releases to coincide with the new physical release date
Will it be dragon dice though (probably) or will they suprise us with gem dice (moon stone, emerald and such).
Will they include the Dragon Ranger Class in it? The Drakewarden I think it was called.
Check out my Homebrew.
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Backgrounds, Feats, Races, and Subclasses
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco.
No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.