The lone mage on the deck conjures up another barrier. While it doesn't block Cob's attack, it allows them to block both of Seraphis' attacks. Closed in on all sides, the mage nimbly jumps off the ship, diving into the ocean.
Distracted by Cob's attack, the mage doesn't see Seraphis beelining toward them. They try to conjure up a barrier to at least bleed some of the attack force, but Seraphis' blade slashes upon them before they can move and utter the spell. The mage grimaces and falls overboard. They float for a moment before sinking deeper into the ocean.
{{I forgot that Mage 2 has a reaction that can make the other mage re-roll his saving throw. Well, what's done is done. We're nearing the end here.}}
Mage 2disengage and jumps overboard. They are no longer visible.
Mage 1 flees below the deck because of Drexon. They are no longer visible.
The Captain maintains the helm and readying the same action as before in case he or his first mate is attacked.
End of Round
New Round
Meanwhile, back in the Everingham, Lorgar has taken control of the helm and begins closing in on the distance between them and the Cobalt Restitution. The ship is moving a little bit slower due to the lack of crew to man the sail, but the Everingham is slowly catching up with the Cobalt Restitution. There is perhaps a gap of 15 ft between the two ships.
{{Back to the top of the round. Sailor 3 is out of the combat -- he gave up, so it's McGee and Senni's turn. Should one of you choose to man the sail this round, there will be no gap between the two ships next round. Of course, that is if you succeed in the Dex check to man the sail. DC is 13 as a reminder.}}
Is Mage 2 visible in the water between the ships? If so, McGee would chuck a couple daggers at him - McGee doesn't believe in letting an enemy mage drown when they can be bled to death instead! If Mage 2 isn't visible, then McGee will go back to working the sails...
If Mage2 visible:
Dagger attack vs Mage 2: 13 to hit for 6 piercing damage BA Dagger Attack vs Mage 2: 14 to hit for 8 damage
In their haste, the mage forgets that there is an incoming ship where they had jumped from. McGee immediately throws a pair of daggers their way. The mage swims away and attempts to dive, away from the danger. While the first dagger misses, the other stabs them deeply, leaving behind a trail of blood in the water.
Without a target, McGee moves to help Lorgar with the ship. At this rate, the ship will be able to close in with the Cobalt Restitution in the next few moments.
Senni was going to help with the sails but sees he isn't needed. Instead he will hold his action to climb on board the Restitution when close enough (ending prone due to poor rolling).
"Err... you may want to chase them guy," the first mate says unhelpfully, gesturing toward where the blue-robed mage disappeared. "I would accompany you, but I better stay with the captain in case your blasting friend decides to do it again."
{{I'm here 1 month late from my promised return. Very sorry about that. Let's get this show on the road. We only have Mage 1 left and he is not visible to any of you. It's Seraphis, Drexon, and Cob's turn.}}
Seeing the one mage flee below deck Seraphi moves following him, using his moon-touched sword to cast light for him as he heads below deck to face the mage.
Drexon sighs, and rushes after the mage that had descended into the ship, making sure to refresh his connection with Cob before he disappears from view.
He takes stock of his surroundings once below deck...
Bonus Action: Telepathic link with Cob Movement: 35ft down the stairs into the ship
(OOC: Will decide on an action once I know what he sees after 35ft)
Stepping down below the deck, you can see an open mess of some sort. A smell of cooking wafts from the door toward the back of the ship. Another door can be seen toward the front of the ship and is ajar; behind the door are some beds and hammocks, probably the crew's living quarters. A pair of stairs spiral down on the left and right side of the mess. There is no sign of the mage anywhere in sight.
While Seraphis heads to the crew quarters, Cob takes a look down the left stairs, ready with energy on his fiddle to let a blast take off at the first sign of the mage.
(The two stairs are the only way we've seen down to the next deck, yes?"
{{No other way downstairs but the two stairs, yes.}}
A surprised crewmate almost topples off from his hammock when he sees a fully armoured Seraphis looming on the door. "Err... Can 'a help ye', ser?"
Stepping down the stairs from opposite ends, Cob and Drexon eventually see each other again downstairs. The lowest deck, otherwise known as the hold, appears to have the same open hall as the upper one. An archway can be seen toward the back of the ship, leading to a short corridor with a couple of doors -- perhaps more rooms. To the front of the ship appears to be the brig. Both of you can see a couple of children cowering behind boxes. They don't appear harmed and you can see why the captain and the ship's crew were none-the-wiser to the children's apparent kidnapping; they were dressed in new and decent clothing, fit for a fancy outdoor excursion. Unfortunately, there is still no sign of the mage.
{{End of round.}}
{{Back to the top. McGee and Senni.}}
With the crew of the Cobalt Restitution no longer resisting, the Everingham quickly caught up beside the larger ship again.
I believe I already rolled for Senni to get onto the Cobalt Restitution. He will remain on deck, make sure the captain doesn't try anything dodgy, and in case the mage makes another appearance. (Action dodge)
McGee quickly checks the corpses of the pirates which boarded the Everingham and were dispatched and then dumps them overboard. Anyone trafficking in children deserves no proper burial. Their gold or such, if any, still has value though so of course he takes that first...
Once that is done McGee would check in with the captain of the Everingham (forgetting their name) and see if his needs assistance to stay the course or if McGee is free to board the other ship and lend assistance, if needed. McGee will basically follow the captains orders on this one.
Going through the bodies of the thug-like crew who attacked the Everingham directly, McGee finds a total of 47 copper, a day's worth of ration that looks a little bit dubious, and nothing else. But, McGee also finds a key in one of them, possibly to a room either in town or in the Cobalt Restitution.
"I'll be fine with the little spitfire," Lorgar says, motioning toward Senni. "You go help the others, boy. I can hear no more fighting, but just in case."
Drexon stops and reaches out with his mind, using his innate ability to do so with having to speak or use gestures. It is a little to concentrate with the frightened children so close, but he knows the mage is dangerous and so focusses.
He scans for the mind of the mage, and anyone else hidden that is not a child, walking back towards the corridor with more doors.
"Don't rush in, I am trying to locate the mage through his thoughts", he says to Cob through the telepathic link.
Action: Cast Detect Thoughts using subtle meta magic - using the ability to scan for minds within 30 feet. Movement: Towards the back until he is in range of the mages thoughts, up to 35ft Special: Concentration on Detect Thoughts - round 1/10, Telepathic link with Cob - 4 minutes-ish
(OOC: Will finish his turn after the results of the mind scan, but will likely just involve letting Cob know what he finds across the telepathic link if DM wants to do that bit for me)
Drexon moves toward the back all the while focusing on the presence of the mage's thought. After taking a few steps, he feels a ping and continues moving toward the back. The ping feels stronger the closer he moves toward the archway. Standing just before the archway, he can see that the archway leads to a short corridor. There are five doors in the corridor: four of them are on the sides of the corridor -- two on his left and two on his right, with another one directly at the end of the corridor. Both doors to Drexon's left are slightly ajar. You can hear the sound of faint rustling beyond the archway, but cannot discern the exact room it's coming from.
"They are in one of these rooms", Drexon says to Cob over the telepathic link and gesturing down the corridor. "If you wait a few seconds, I can read their mind and see what they are planning".
"Keep probing," Cob thinks back to Drexon. "I'll go listen at the first door."
Cob does his best to move quietly (Stealth if needed (4+3) = 7) , hovering just off the floor to avoid any creaky floor boards, then pauses to listen at the first on on the right (Perception: (7+1) = 8).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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The lone mage on the deck conjures up another barrier. While it doesn't block Cob's attack, it allows them to block both of Seraphis' attacks. Closed in on all sides, the mage nimbly jumps off the ship, diving into the ocean.Distracted by Cob's attack, the mage doesn't see Seraphis beelining toward them. They try to conjure up a barrier to at least bleed some of the attack force, but Seraphis' blade slashes upon them before they can move and utter the spell. The mage grimaces and falls overboard. They float for a moment before sinking deeper into the ocean.
{{I forgot that Mage 2 has a reaction that can make the other mage re-roll his saving throw. Well, what's done is done. We're nearing the end here.}}
End of Round
New Round
Meanwhile, back in the Everingham, Lorgar has taken control of the helm and begins closing in on the distance between them and the Cobalt Restitution. The ship is moving a little bit slower due to the lack of crew to man the sail, but the Everingham is slowly catching up with the Cobalt Restitution. There is perhaps a gap of 15 ft between the two ships.
{{Back to the top of the round. Sailor 3 is out of the combat -- he gave up, so it's McGee and Senni's turn. Should one of you choose to man the sail this round, there will be no gap between the two ships next round. Of course, that is if you succeed in the Dex check to man the sail. DC is 13 as a reminder.}}
Is Mage 2 visible in the water between the ships? If so, McGee would chuck a couple daggers at him - McGee doesn't believe in letting an enemy mage drown when they can be bled to death instead! If Mage 2 isn't visible, then McGee will go back to working the sails...
If Mage2 visible:
Dagger attack vs Mage 2: 13 to hit for 6 piercing damage
BA Dagger Attack vs Mage 2: 14 to hit for 8 damage
If Mage 2 is not visible:
Manning the sails: Dex check - 19
In their haste, the mage forgets that there is an incoming ship where they had jumped from. McGee immediately throws a pair of daggers their way. The mage swims away and attempts to dive, away from the danger. While the first dagger misses, the other stabs them deeply, leaving behind a trail of blood in the water.Without a target, McGee moves to help Lorgar with the ship. At this rate, the ship will be able to close in with the Cobalt Restitution in the next few moments.
Senni was going to help with the sails but sees he isn't needed. Instead he will hold his action to climb on board the Restitution when close enough (ending prone due to poor rolling).
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
"Err... you may want to chase them guy," the first mate says unhelpfully, gesturing toward where the blue-robed mage disappeared. "I would accompany you, but I better stay with the captain in case your blasting friend decides to do it again."
{{I'm here 1 month late from my promised return. Very sorry about that. Let's get this show on the road. We only have Mage 1 left and he is not visible to any of you. It's Seraphis, Drexon, and Cob's turn.}}
Seeing the one mage flee below deck Seraphi moves following him, using his moon-touched sword to cast light for him as he heads below deck to face the mage.
if needed investigation check: 1 :(
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
Cob checks on the sleeping child and makes sure they're secure against the gunwale.
He then flies across to the other ship and takes up a position to back up Seraphi, looking down to the deck below.
Drexon sighs, and rushes after the mage that had descended into the ship, making sure to refresh his connection with Cob before he disappears from view.
He takes stock of his surroundings once below deck...
Bonus Action: Telepathic link with Cob
Movement: 35ft down the stairs into the ship
(OOC: Will decide on an action once I know what he sees after 35ft)
Stepping down below the deck, you can see an open mess of some sort. A smell of cooking wafts from the door toward the back of the ship. Another door can be seen toward the front of the ship and is ajar; behind the door are some beds and hammocks, probably the crew's living quarters. A pair of stairs spiral down on the left and right side of the mess. There is no sign of the mage anywhere in sight.
{{Still Seraphis, Cob, and Drexon's turn.}}
Seraphis will just continue to the door with his shield and sword at the ready awaiting to see if the mage pops out to attack.
Movement: remaining movement to door
action: dodge action
Wildemount: The Felderwin Irregulars (2020) - Balassar Silverstone - Dragonborn Fighter (Rune Knight) Lv. 5 | Rise of TIamat - Aiwin Aralana - Wood Elf Fighter/Ranger (Arcane Archer/Gloom Stalker) Lv. 9
While Seraphis heads to the crew quarters, Cob takes a look down the left stairs, ready with energy on his fiddle to let a blast take off at the first sign of the mage.
(The two stairs are the only way we've seen down to the next deck, yes?"
Seeing Seraphis and Cob choose their paths, Drexon will take the one remaining, the stairs to the right of mess.
If he is able to, he will also dodge.
{{No other way downstairs but the two stairs, yes.}}
A surprised crewmate almost topples off from his hammock when he sees a fully armoured Seraphis looming on the door. "Err... Can 'a help ye', ser?"
Stepping down the stairs from opposite ends, Cob and Drexon eventually see each other again downstairs. The lowest deck, otherwise known as the hold, appears to have the same open hall as the upper one. An archway can be seen toward the back of the ship, leading to a short corridor with a couple of doors -- perhaps more rooms. To the front of the ship appears to be the brig. Both of you can see a couple of children cowering behind boxes. They don't appear harmed and you can see why the captain and the ship's crew were none-the-wiser to the children's apparent kidnapping; they were dressed in new and decent clothing, fit for a fancy outdoor excursion. Unfortunately, there is still no sign of the mage.
{{End of round.}}
{{Back to the top. McGee and Senni.}}
With the crew of the Cobalt Restitution no longer resisting, the Everingham quickly caught up beside the larger ship again.
I believe I already rolled for Senni to get onto the Cobalt Restitution. He will remain on deck, make sure the captain doesn't try anything dodgy, and in case the mage makes another appearance. (Action dodge)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
McGee quickly checks the corpses of the pirates which boarded the Everingham and were dispatched and then dumps them overboard. Anyone trafficking in children deserves no proper burial. Their gold or such, if any, still has value though so of course he takes that first...
Once that is done McGee would check in with the captain of the Everingham (forgetting their name) and see if his needs assistance to stay the course or if McGee is free to board the other ship and lend assistance, if needed. McGee will basically follow the captains orders on this one.
Going through the bodies of the thug-like crew who attacked the Everingham directly, McGee finds a total of 47 copper, a day's worth of ration that looks a little bit dubious, and nothing else. But, McGee also finds a key in one of them, possibly to a room either in town or in the Cobalt Restitution.
"I'll be fine with the little spitfire," Lorgar says, motioning toward Senni. "You go help the others, boy. I can hear no more fighting, but just in case."
{{Back to Cob, Seraphis, and Drexon.}}
Drexon stops and reaches out with his mind, using his innate ability to do so with having to speak or use gestures. It is a little to concentrate with the frightened children so close, but he knows the mage is dangerous and so focusses.
He scans for the mind of the mage, and anyone else hidden that is not a child, walking back towards the corridor with more doors.
"Don't rush in, I am trying to locate the mage through his thoughts", he says to Cob through the telepathic link.
Action: Cast Detect Thoughts using subtle meta magic - using the ability to scan for minds within 30 feet.
Movement: Towards the back until he is in range of the mages thoughts, up to 35ft
Special: Concentration on Detect Thoughts - round 1/10, Telepathic link with Cob - 4 minutes-ish
(OOC: Will finish his turn after the results of the mind scan, but will likely just involve letting Cob know what he finds across the telepathic link if DM wants to do that bit for me)
Drexon moves toward the back all the while focusing on the presence of the mage's thought. After taking a few steps, he feels a ping and continues moving toward the back. The ping feels stronger the closer he moves toward the archway. Standing just before the archway, he can see that the archway leads to a short corridor. There are five doors in the corridor: four of them are on the sides of the corridor -- two on his left and two on his right, with another one directly at the end of the corridor. Both doors to Drexon's left are slightly ajar. You can hear the sound of faint rustling beyond the archway, but cannot discern the exact room it's coming from.
"They are in one of these rooms", Drexon says to Cob over the telepathic link and gesturing down the corridor. "If you wait a few seconds, I can read their mind and see what they are planning".
"Or you can sneak up them".
Cob slips across the hold to support, Drexon.
"Keep probing," Cob thinks back to Drexon. "I'll go listen at the first door."
Cob does his best to move quietly (Stealth if needed (4+3) = 7) , hovering just off the floor to avoid any creaky floor boards, then pauses to listen at the first on on the right (Perception: (7+1) = 8).