You all have been enjoying the quiet respite, back at your homes after your last campaign. While the peace and quiet is welcoming, you have a feeling in the back of your minds, that the peace may not last. Your intuition has sensed there is a darkness looming in the distance, but yet has not manifested itself. After a few days, spending time in the local taverns or meeting with neighbors, rumors have started to circulate, have an ancient darkness growing and strange occurrences, portents of things to come. You take this fore idle gossip, your neighbors knowing your past as heroes, and maybe wanting to strike up a conversation.
This all changed recently when messengers arrived, with a military escort. These messengers brought you summons from the Duke at Baldur's Gate, but the summons was not from him, but on behalf of a person called the Archprelate the Basilica of Chyrellos. You have heard of Chyrellos, though it is across the sea on the land of Eosia. The summons read:
"Hail and well met Heroes! On behalf of her Royal Highness Queen Ehlana of Elena, and the head of the Elene Church the Archprelate of Chyrellos, they have called on our aid, as they fear a ancient darkness may be rising and if not unchecked, will engulf not only their lands, but could spread to ours as well. You are graciously asked, though I fear they were more direct by stating summoning, for we do have a treaty with them. I do implore you to come to Baldur's Gate, where an emissary from Chyrellos is waiting for you. He will explain the situation and why it is dire."
The messengers wait, "I have been informed by the Duke to remain with you, and we are to escort you to ensure your safety to Baldur's Gate. We have seen an uptick of strange disappearances and murders in the city, and rumors of dark agents may be here looking for you."
What do you do?
The blue eyes read the summons attentively, while on her face, partially decorated by some of the long blond curls that ended up there while she was playing with her children, just moments ago, a weary smile appears.
'Woe...' the woman thinks, unconsciously pulling herself to her full (considerable) height as she inhales deeply 'It sadly seems like another of those things that neither Jasper nor I can ever say no to... One of those in which too much can depend, on our intervention or on our refusal'.
The woman's athletic body stretches slowly, as she replies:"I'll be right there, give me time to change... Would you like to come in and get to know my family in the meantime? My sons Yondra and Sarvin will be delighted to know you!" ('And to mess with your weapons and shining armor - as well as with your personal belongings - until everything is unrecognizable' the tall adventuress avoids adding) "I can offer you some boiled cabbage... If you like, take a seat. Would you mind taking care of them, Alfred?"
The humanoid-like construct that has just emerged from the dwelling - adorned with improbable childish decorations and doodles traced with most of the objects capable of staining that are available on the Prime Material Plane - does not lose its stoic solemnity in making visitors queue - if they dare.
Meanwhile, she enters to get ready.
An elf with blond hairs combed back behind his ears, whose eyes are veiled by a layer of black powdered ash that extends like a mask from ear to ear and who has two mysterious blue tattoos on the left side of his face, is already inside, to heroically replace her in keeping busy two lively half-elves, a boy and a girl.
"Who's out there, Khessa, dear?" asks the elf "What do they want?"
"They need help, Jasper..." Khessa sighs, starting to wear her best armor. "You know how these things go. It doesn't happen often, but when it does..."
"And I should stay here..." the elf recapitulates a conclusion to which the two must have arrived in the course of previous speeches.
"Someone has to look after the children" she explains. "When you had to help the Evermeet elves with that problem involving the Feywild, that role fell to me..."
"I have a bad feeling, Khessa..." Jasper worries, but clearly with little conviction in his chances of changing the woman's mind.
"Jasper..." Khessa's voice becomes softer and softer"After everything we went through to free our original families... and after starting a family of our own... do you really think I intend to let something keep me away from all of you? I'll make sure to come back, Jasper... Now, there must be a really big problem... they usually do not disturb us lightly... But as big as this problem is, it won' t ever be bigger than my desire to return. I will survive. Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive. I've got all my life to live. And I've got all my love to give and I'll survive. I will survive".
"And I'll come back" she kisses him, kisses the children, she stares at their faces, as if to stock up on their gaze, which will probably be missing for some time in the future, while a bat perches on her shoulder. ..
'Yes, Anator,'she replies telepathically 'of course you come too, my brother. Jasper will be able to handle it here… I hope so!'
...then she steps out and, with Anator, her familiar (and brother) on her shoulder, and Alfred, her Shield Guardian, at her side, she's ready to follow the messengers.
(OOC: @DM: If you decided I can't keep the Shield Guardian, just tell, I'll fix that)
(OOC: Tend to agree with Painted that a PbP thread would be more convenient, and it would be nice to have a campaign we can all add our characters to)
Akkron's home, if it can be called that, is a bleak and craggy rock of an island. The few trees that protrude from the ground are twisted, and restless undead spirits inhabit the various caves. Near the middle of the island is Akkron's fortress, where he spends most of his time in his study. The people of the little port on the island's shore rarely visit... though he is revered as a hero, most people are still understandably uncomfortable in the presence of a lich.
So when there is a loud knock at the door, it comes as a surprise to him. He reads the summons a few times...
"You believe agents of darkness are searching for me? In my own domain?" He says quizzically... while looking like this.
But... if the mortals are in need of help he isn't going to leave them to fend for themselves.
"Bridgette, it looks like I'm going to be gone for a time," he tells a friendly looking half-orc woman (his apprentice). "And if these men are right, then it seems agents of evil may have even infiltrated the Shaded Isle... use the sending stones to alert the governor to the threat... and be wary. If there are assassins here powerful enough to pose a threat to me then there is no telling what they might be capable of."
Akkron takes an hour or two to pack up some books, collect a reasonable amount of gold from his vault, and choose a number of magic items to bring with him on this escapade. Once he's sure everything is ready, he returns to the waiting messengers.
"I'm ready to go whenever you are," he tells them.
DM (to Khessa):
The messenger bows to you then mounts his horse. He turns and heads onto the road, the escort arranging themselves around you. "I have been told another messenger has been sent to one known as Lord Akkron, do you know him? "He pauses for a moment as he searches for the right words. "I heard he is a Lich, is this true? I would understand that he must be powerful as a Lich, perhaps it is something er, as I should say, someone who would be very beneficial. We are also sending a messages to other adventurers of renown. We are to meet at the Prancing Pony Inn when we arrive at Baldur's Gate."
DM (to Akkron):
The messenger bows to you, then mounts his horse. (A horse was brought if you need it). As you ride, he explains that they have sent messengers for a Khessa and others, hoping to answer the call. He explains that you are to travel to the Prancing Pony in Baldur's Gate where the emissary is waiting, as well as the rest of the group that is being sought.
"Ah, so my former apprentice is being pulled out of retirement yet again," the lich says, his skull remainaining ever unreadable, but his voice sounds saddened. "It seems that the poor woman cannot catch a moment of respite... but then again, there are so few who can hold a candle to her skill, so I suppose that it really cannot be helped. How many others have been called upon to take up this cause?"
"Oh, Master Akkron!" the look in Khessa's blue eyes softens and becomes dreamy. "Of course I know him! He's a very good person - as well as an arcanist of great experience, talent and intelligence. It will be a pleasure to see him again! I've been wanting to invite him to Phandalin to visit me... he probably would have liked to see how my children have grown... You know, you're right about one thing..." and she realizes that the other didn't tell her his name "...what's your name, friend?"
"Kalevi, good" continues the blonde arcane warrior, after the interlocutor's reply. "You're right about one thing, Kalevi: he's a lich. No, don't give me that face!" she laughs, as she pats the messenger on the shoulder encouragingly "Names are just labels, Kalevi. They don't capture the complexity of a person - or a soul" she pauses for a moment, then apparently goes for a digression."Do you know what a Manticore is, Kalevi? A scary monster, right ? Dangerous, sadistic, hopelessly evil... must I continue? Well, did you know that in Phandalin you could have met Tookrashk? And Tookrashk, despite being a Manticore... and a Manticore who would feel proud to be called a 'scary monster' - he cares about his fame, you know... he's also one of Phandalin's most efficient guardians. We met him a long time ago, my husband and I, when we first came to Phandalin... It was back when Phandalin was threatened by the bullying of the white dragon Cryovain. Tookrashk at that time was just a Manticore that the dragon had forced to change its hunting territory... When we met him, instead of killing him on the spot, we tried to understand if there was margin for negotiation… we had a common enemy, after all, didn't we? She didn't love too much the dragon that had caused her all those problems either... And, go figure, collaborating with him, we made him experience what the life of a faithful guardian could be like, instead of that of a ruthless monster... and he chose the former! Despite him being a Manticore. Because he's not just a Manticore, an anonymous instance of a generic creature class, he's Tookrashk. He's an individual. An individual who made his own choices".
"The same goes for Master Akkron, Kalevi" the tall adventurer picks up the thread. "He's a Lich. But he's had his reasons for being one. And he's made his own unique life choices. He's not just a Lich. He's Akkron, one of the kindest, most sensitive souls I know. Give him a chance, Kalevi. Try to imagine him as a person and treat him as a person - because his soul has lost none of its original humanity. Give him a chance, Kalevi, you're bound to like him".
DM (to Akkron):
The messenger thinks for a moment, "I believe four have been called upon by the Duke to answer the call for aid. I have never seen him so concerned before; this must be truly a great threat indeed if he is worried. I am hoping they are as receptive as you are in answering the call."
DM (to Khessa):
Kalevi nods his head in understanding, "My thanks in the clarification, though I have to admit as soon as I heard he was a lich, I fell back in the superstitions and concerns of the all-powerful undead. I will take your word my lady, if he is as good of a person as you say, then we need such brave souls to help us in a time of need. I look forward to meeting him at the e Prancing Pony, as well as the others."
Akkron sees that he has probably learned all that the messenger knows, so he settles in for the journey and makes some small talk with the soldiers/answers any questions they may have to fill the awkward silence a bit.
Sitting perched on his shoulder is his familiar, a fey creature in the form of a black cat which he affectionately refers to as "Hex."
To get the new players caught up:
You all have been enjoying the quiet respite, back at your homes after your last campaign. While the peace and quiet is welcoming, you have a feeling in the back of your minds, that the peace may not last. Your intuition has sensed there is a darkness looming in the distance, but yet has not manifested itself. After a few days, spending time in the local taverns or meeting with neighbors, rumors have started to circulate, have an ancient darkness growing and strange occurrences, portents of things to come. You take this fore idle gossip, your neighbors knowing your past as heroes, and maybe wanting to strike up a conversation.
This all changed recently when messengers arrived, with a military escort. These messengers brought you summons from the Duke at Baldur's Gate, but the summons was not from him, but on behalf of a person called the Archprelate the Basilica of Chyrellos. You have heard of Chyrellos, though it is across the sea on the land of Eosia. The summons read:
"Hail and well met Heroes! On behalf of her Royal Highness Queen Ehlana of Elena, and the head of the Elene Church the Archprelate of Chyrellos, they have called on our aid, as they fear a ancient darkness may be rising and if not unchecked, will engulf not only their lands, but could spread to ours as well. You are graciously asked, though I fear they were more direct by stating summoning, for we do have a treaty with them. I do implore you to come to Baldur's Gate, where an emissary from Chyrellos is waiting for you. He will explain the situation and why it is dire."
The messengers wait, "I have been informed by the Duke to remain with you, and we are to escort you to ensure your safety to Baldur's Gate. We have seen an uptick of strange disappearances and murders in the city, and rumors of dark agents may be here looking for you."
Having accepted the summons, you have traveled from your homes towards Baldur's Gate. After a while on the road, you finally arrive to see the glittering lights of Baldur's Gate. Your escort leads you all into the outer city, and into the Stonyeyes Neighborhood. You arrive before a walled inn, the sign at front stating the Prancing Pony. The door opens, and you are led into the courtyard with the messenger while the military escorts clop off into the night. Your horses are seen to, and you are led into the inn itself. The messenger speaks to the innkeeper, whose eyes grow wide.
"Ah, the heroes have arrived, most excellent! Come, come, you must be famished, and throat parched from the journey." He does give Lord Akkron a strange look but shrugs it off as he leads you at various times based on when you arrive, into a private hall. In the hall are serving girls, and a warm fireplace.
"Please, make yourself comfortable. A hot meal has been prepared, we have the best wine and ale in the Sword Coast at your disposal. I have been told to have the baths available for you at no charge, and your rooms are ready. The emissary from the Elene Church will be here in the morning. Please, anything you may require, do not hesitate to ask. I am at your service."
He bows and leaves you to become acquainted with one another.
Here you can introduce yourselves to the party
During the trip, Khessa tries to get to know Kalevi better - she inquires about various things: where he was born, how old he is, if he has a family, what he likes to eat, what he loves to do in his spare time... (OOC: @DM: no need to list effectively all this information, assuming that the poor guard wants to make conversation as much as Khessa - we can simply assume that, if they ever come in handy in the future, Khessa knows them) and obviouslyshe lends himself to answering any curiosity from the other, if he asks her something.
Then, the blonde arcane warrior moves on to a question that seems more pertinent to the current situation: "Kalevi, you said that you are accompanying me for my own safety... and I, mind you, really appreciate it - you must be really brave and really skilled, to be chosen for such a task. But I'm wondering... how do you know that my safety is in danger? One thing, is murders in Baldur's Gate... But what lets you think that I also could be a target? Did they send you... only because of rumors of dark agents? Or did a divination advise to take this course of action? I'm asking just to get a better idea of the situation, you know..."
The tall adventurer, however, during the first stop, calls Alfred to her, then, sighing, cleanses him of the marks that the children have left on him ('Being born of me and Jasper, there should be no doubt that Yondra and Sarvin are half-elves...' she thinks 'But there are times I suspect they are half-fiends...'), then she stores a Haste spell in him ('If they are taking the precaution of assigning me an escort...'she meditates 'I might as well take some precautions of my own!').
"No one told you to expect a lich?" he says to the innkeeper, bemused. "That was most inconsiderate. But no matter... thank you for your hospitality, though I think I will have to decline the offer of nourishment, for reasons that should be fairly obvious. But if you happen to have any tobacco I would be quite obliged."
Akkron does his best to make himself comfortable in the inn, ignoring the stares and/or conspicuous attempts to avoid staring from the serving girls (and quite possibly some of the other heroes).
His mood immediately brightens when he sees Khessa arrive, though.
"Ah, so it looks like you have indeed been summoned on another adventure, just as the messenger told me," he says to her. "How have your husband and children been since I last saw them?"
To any who have not met Lord Akkron, the Lich King of the Shaded Isle, he looks like this:
His demeanor is surprisingly not unfriendly, and he's more than happy to engage in conversation with anyone who wishes to speak to him. His black cat familiar, Hex, sits on his shoulder throughout the meeting (unless anyone wants to offer the little fellow food, in which case the little fellow will jump down to greedily devour whatever is offered). The lich pulls out a pipe as he sits waiting, letting the smoke fill his rib cage and mingle with the ethereal mists that surround his body.
"Master Akkron!"the tall, statuesque, imposing woman who has just entered spreads her strong arms and runs on her long legs to the well-known figure of the undead; she promptly lifts him up in a warm embrace (remembering to hold herself long enough not to damage any bones) "They told me too that you would come! Jasper is fine, thanks! He's an elf, after all... time for him does not pass as quickly as for me! And, go figure, he can't wait to see you and sends you his greetings! He also wanted to invite you to come and live with us for a while..."
Khessa need not specify that things must not have gone exactly like this. Akkron knows that Jasper's family has had trouble with the undead in the past. And therefore, Jasper is a bit prejudiced against the undead in general. What then probably happened was that Khessa took him out of exhaustion, practically forcing him to accept the possibility of the lich moving in to live with them for a while.
Submerged in the woman's thick blond curls, a bat emerges and, after a short flight, lands on the undead's shoulder.
"As you see," Khessa decides to release the embrace, looking at the lich with deep affection in the back of her blue eyes"even my brother Anator is happy to see you! The children have grown so much that you may not even recognize them anymore! They'll be happy to see you too!" (considering how curious, rowdy, and scared of nothing they are, this is perhaps entirely true) "While Alfred..." the woman pats the shoulder of the humanoid-shaped construct at her side, the Shield Guardian she usually carries with her as assistant "'s always Alfred! He never changes...Or at least...Never, unless Yondra and Sarvin play with him".
"And how are you?" inquires the tall adventuress "Bridgette is always with you, isn't she? When you're at home, I mean..."
"Oh silly me!" Khessa seems to listen for a moment to a voice only she can hear"You're right, Anator!" she turns to the bat for a moment"The others are there too!" and she looks with warm blue eyes at the other heroes who have been summoned.
With a bright smile that completely contrasts with the heavy armor she wears, the woman greets: "Welcome! I am Khessa, Khessa Cabbagefield. Ex-cabbage farmer, former scourge of the drow, proud wife and mother, and retired (but returning, when needed, as you can see) arcane warrior; at your service!"
And in fact, although the armor that the blonde warrior-mage wears would delight the most demanding knights, the weapon in her hand is not a sword or an axe, but a mystical staff, decorated with mysterious runes of power, which exudes magic almost palpably.
Akkron can't help but chuckle at the warm greeting. It never ceases to amaze him just how strong his apprentice really is (even if that is partly the product of her magical belt, he knows well that she's still plenty strong enough without it).
"It's good to see you to, Anator!" he tells the bat, lifting a bony finger to stroke the little bat gently. "Anyway, yes, Bridgette still stays by my side most of the time. Though she has her own adventures on occasion... with any luck she'll meet a young man up to my standards soon... then maybe she'll stop asking me if a Warlock can become a lich, an interest that I fear may be more than purely accedemic. She's a good girl and I would hate to see her make the same mistake I did..."
He pauses a moment, clearly saddened and a bit disturbed at the dark possibility.
"Anyway, when we're done here maybe I should move in for a time... It would probably do me some good to get off my island for a time."
Anator enjoys the attentions of his favorite 'Dark Overlord', while Khessa carves out the time to reply briefly: "Don't worry too much, Master Akkron... I remember that Bridgette, although she may still have to work on some aspects of her character , she's a good soul... you'll see that she will make you proud of her! I'm convinced that her interest in undeath has nothing dark... I think she simply admires you... and tries to become like you in everything! And indeed, in your case, your status hasn't made you less human one bit... except in the mere physical aspect... You're probably right, finding a good mate who loves her will help her choose different paths. But whichever path she chooses, I'm convinced the light of her soul will keep shining, just like in your case".
"I know she doesn't have any ill-intent; but I don't think she realizes just how lonely the path of undeath really is... also, to be frank, the Ritual of Becoming is one of the most difficult rites any spellcaster can perform, with absolutely horrific consequences for failure... we both know Bridgette has many good qualities, but her patience and study habits aren't among them. If she insisted on going down that route when she nears the end of her natural life, the only way I could see her actually pulling it off would be to ask an Old One to turn her into an eldritch lich..."
He inhales deeply, sucking a cloud of smoke into his ribcage, before blowing out a smoke cloud that briefly takes a strange shape of a humanoid creature with tentacles. The figure lingers in the air for a moment, then dissipates. Then he turns his attention to the other adventures.
"Anyway, greetings to all of you. You've probably already heard my name thrown around several times. But I'm afraid I don't know anything about you... except that you must be heroes of some renown if the Duke has called upon you in what I gather is a most dire moment."
Khessa, meanwhile, while attentive to what the other heroes gathered will say, discreetly orders a large plate of sautéed red cabbage.
"Yes," she replies to a question that only she has heard, gently scratching Anator under the fur "of course I'll give you some too! For that I ordered a large dish. I know how much you like them, prepared like this, a little caramelized and crispy..."
Amidst the vibrant ambiance of the Prancing Pony, the entrance door groans on its hinges, signaling the arrival of a presence both commanding and reassuring. A hushed reverence seems to envelop the room as Amanises, the Eminence of Selûne, steps into the hall, an air of quiet authority accompanying her. Flanked by a trio of paladins, each clad in armor emblazoned with Selûne's symbol, a hasty retinue for her unexpected trip to Baldur's Gate.
Amanises herself exudes an ethereal grace that stands in stark contrast to the illuminated backdrop of the inn. Raven-black hair cascades like a nocturnal waterfall, framing features of unparalleled serenity. Her eyes the color of the deepest reaches of a starlit abyss. Her plate armor, intricate and layered, defies convention, evoking the fluidity of a flowing robe. Resplendent gems stud the armor's plates, mirroring the heavens in their celestial glory. Though it might have seemed ostentatious in a more ordinary setting, among the refined company of the inn tonight, it appears entirely befitting.
With a gentle wave of her hand, her paladins take positions nearby, watching over her with a vigilant aura.
"Greetings," her voice resounds like a whisper of wind through leaves. "It is a privilege to stand before those who have been beckoned during this juncture. I am Amanises, Eminence of Selûne. While our church doesn't function in the conventional hierarchical manner, I am perhaps what you would regard as the closest equivalent to the highest authority within our clergy."
Amanises' gaze rests upon the Lich, the surprise in her eyes seemingly unassuming, though there was no mistaking the paladins' tension and their tight grip on their sheaths. "A Lich, an unexpected participant in our assembly," she muses, her words painted with intrigue. "Yet, let not appearances deceive. The Moonmaiden enjoins me to champion acceptance, equality, and a spirit of inclusion. To treat all beings as peers, fostering tolerance and understanding. Thus, your presence, despite your visage, is welcomed and it is not my place to question the our church's trust in the Duke."
As her attention shifts to encompass the entire group, "Though the paths of some among you are known to me, it would be courteous to initiate proper introductions." Her head inclines politely, an unspoken request to the gathering.
DM: The time spent on the road is washed away by the good food and company. True to his word, the inn keeper sees to your every need, stopping by from time to time to check on you.
"The Elene Church has already paid for basically the entire use of the inn, there are no others with the exception of the tap room. No one else is renting rooms, something about security. Big ugly brute of man that came with the emissary who is a Friar, and the ugly one is his bodyguard or something to the effect. Looks like he had his nose broken once or twice, but he does look like he can handle himself in a fight."
He goes to speak with one of the serving girls, before returning. "We have a Gleeman, rather a bard I guess who will be in the tap room later tonight if you wish some entertainment. Your rooms are ready, and the baths are at your service. The emissary will meet you here after breakfast in the morning."
Smiling and bowing, he turns and returns to the tap room.
"You are most gracious, Lady Amineses. I am Lord Akkron of the Shaded Isle. You may well have heard of me, as my war with Lolth and her servants is no great secret."
The lich's words to the Cleric may bring to her memory a number of notable incidents in which victims of Drow oppression escaped the Underdark with tales of a dark messiah, a powerful undead spellcaster who slaughtered their oppressors and delivered them to freedom.
After the meeting, the lich does his best to make himself comfortable. He goes to watch the bard perform, and after the show he'll take a hot bath to clean out the journey's dust from between his ancient bones.
"Oh, that Amanises?!" Khessa comes forward, remaining for a few moments open-mouthed in amazement "My husband Jasper told me a lot about you! You know, he's a friend of Selûne too... You probably also collaborated sometime..." her blue eyes scan very carefully the young (perhaps almost timeless) and fascinating figure of this person... a person that her husband, a powerful and renowned elf cleric of Selûne, must know quite well by now "Although when there it was that problem at Evermeet involving the Feywild, he had to go alone… The elves did not look kindly on the intervention of non-elves there… although their need for help was great".
"Well, so this time, it will be the two of us collaborating instead, it seems!" the blonde arcane warrior smiles jovially and pats her on the shoulder "Khessa, Khessa Cabbagefield! At your service! I am... less 'specialised' than my husband Jasper... He has always dedicated himself only to faith and the service of goddess... I... I, to tell the truth, would have devoted myself to the cultivation of cabbages, if my life hadn't had an unforeseen (and bad) turnaround, almost twenty years ago... But finding myself forced to juggle a thousand adventures , I learned several things here and there, since I had to survive... partly fighting, partly casting a few spells (thanks also to the kindness of Master Akkron, who once took the trouble to apprentice a self-taught wizard like me). Now I'm good enough at both those things - and by combining them I usually come on top".
"This is my brother Anator" the tall adventuress nods to the bat, who in the meantime has perched again on her shoulder and is also staring at Amanises with an attentive gaze that suggests an intelligence superior to that of a common animal. "Obviously it hasn't always been in this form... It's... It's always a story related to why I'm not on a farm growing cabbage. I'll tell you about it one day, if you're interested".
"And this is Alfred," Khessa points her thumb behind her at the humanoid composed of non-organic matter "my assistant. You know, I like company when I get into trouble..."
"Do you like cabbage?" the blonde arcane warrior offers part of what she is eating to the interlocutor "Would you like some? The journey must have been long for you too..."
Amanises regarded Lord Akkron with a measured expression, her voice retaining its gentle and tranquil tone as she spoke. "Indeed, your name has graced our ears. Your actions have not gone unnoticed, for the stories of your defiance against Lolth's tyranny have reached even the farthest corners where the Moonmaiden's light touches."
Though bias was not easy to overcome, seeing the truth of those stories and rumors before her was something else altogether. Nevertheless, when respect was warranted, it must be given. "Your struggle is one that resonates with the principles of Our Lady of Silver. The pursuit of freedom and the protection of the oppressed align closely with her tenets. I have nothing but respect and encouragement for your endeavors."
With a smile, Amanises suggested, "Perhaps we can even cooperate after this. The Underdark has long eluded and denied my dear Selûne's light. It has always been something we wished to correct."
Amanises couldn't help but chuckle softly, her laughter like the sound of distant, soft bells. "Cabbagefield, you say? A most charming surname, quite cute I must admit. It carries a certain rustic charm," she replied, her eyes sparkling with amusement."It's delightful to finally meet you, Khessa Cabbagefield."
"Ah, Lunar Priest Jasper," she mused, her starlit eyes reflecting a mixture of memories as Khessa recounted her life. "Yes, we've crossed paths on more than a few occasions. He is a devoted servant of Selûne, and I respect his dedication. We have worked together on some occassions. Though I must confess, he never mentioned having a wife," she said with a sad glint in her eye."Perhaps he was too focused on his duties to engage in personal conversations."
Amanises inclined her head politely to Anator, acknowledging the creature with a nod of her own. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Anator."
As for Alfred, the non-organic assistant, she regarded him with a thoughtful expression. "An interesting companion you have there, Khessa. It seems you've assembled quite the unique group."
At the offer of cabbage, Amanises raised an appreciative eyebrow. "While I haven't partaken in mortal sustenance for quite some time, I must say your offer is kind, and I'm sure it's quite a delicacy. Please, enjoy it on my behalf. I appreciate the gesture. The last thing I wish to do is deny you, your meal."
Khessa's openness about her personal journey prompted Amanises to share a part of her own story. While it wasn't widely known, it was no secret to those with sufficient power to delve into her background. Her voice took on a reflective tone as she began, "My life, though perhaps less eventful than yours, has had its own twists and turns. I was born to a demipower, a demigod of rather neglectful and hedonistic nature. In my youth, I held much resentment towards my parent and my divine grandparent."
She paused, her eyes drifting into the past. "I ran away impulsively when I was but a child, wandering into the wilderness. I would have perished there if not for a group of wandering clerics of Selûne who found me. They were on their way to a grand temple near the Emerald Grove. They welcomed me as an orphan and raised me as one of their own."
Amanises' expression softened as she continued, "The Moonmaiden is a close ally and friend to my divine relatives. Yet, I've never felt the need to inquire about them from her. Or perhaps, I lacked the courage to do so, fearing what I might uncover. I no longer harbor any resentment toward my family. I've moved on, and my dear Selûne has been my guiding light. Strangely, to the best of my knowledge, my parent never sought me out after my disappearance. I may have been little more than an afterthought to them."
"I hope that offers some insight and answers your curiosity," she concluded with a thoughtful smile.
"Rustic charm?" laughs Khessa "You bet! My family has been growing cabbages for generations! Twardens, the tiny hamlet where I was born, was probably smaller than your house, if I have to judge by the quality and luxury of your clothing!"
The blonde arcane warrior, however, when she hears that her husband Jasper never mentioned having a wife, winces, caught for a moment by the shadow of a doubt... But immediately she notices the sad glint in the eyes of the interlocutor and reassures herself, thinking: 'Of course not! Jasper certainly didn't have anything particular in mind. If he had... ahem... demonstrated talents not too relevant to the sphere of religion, the object of his attentions certainly would not have been particularly sad! He will as usual have been completely focused on what he was doing. He is like that, when it comes to Selûne…'
"Not just a wife," the tall adventuress points out, smiling "but also two children! But you're right, he must have been particularly focused on what he was doing. However, it's easy to fix: once we've done... anything that it will need to be done, come and visit us in Phandalin! I'll introduce you to our two lovely half-elves, you'll like them for sure! And they'll like you too, you'll see!"
"I'm sorry about the problems you had with your family as a child!" Khessa is sincerely impressed, slipping an arm around Amanises' shoulders as she speaks to her, as if to comfort her instinctively - even though her hardships are now long over "Me and my many siblings, at least, grew up in a loving family... before to have our first close encounter with the drow. In fact, it doesn't matter how important or powerful who brings you into this world... it matters how much they love you. I'm really glad you didn't come to a bad end. And that you did found love at least from your goddess. I can't speak for your parents, but surely for your goddess you are not an 'afterthought'... and if you ask me, neither are you for me, since you have come all the way here, ready to take who knows what risks, to prevent a lot of people from getting into trouble!"
Amanises chuckled softly at Khessa's spirited response about her family's humble origins. "Well, it's often the simplest of places that nurture the strongest bonds and traditions," she remarked, appreciating the down-to-earth nature of Khessa's upbringing.
The mention of Jasper's potential focus on his religious duties and the introduction of her children seemed to bring things back into more pleasant subjects. Amanises smiled warmly in response. "Phandalin sounds like a lovely place. I would be delighted to visit and meet your family after our business here is concluded. I'm sure your children are as remarkable as their mother."
Amanises welcomed Khessa's sidehug with a graceful acceptance. She didn't shy away from it, indicating her comfort with the gesture, but she didn't actively reciprocate either. It was subtle, one where Amanises was taking things at her own pace, letting her boundaries unfurl naturally. This was the extent of it for now.
At least it drew a genuine smile from the Eminence of Selûne. "Thank you for your kind words, Khessa. Your warmth is truly appreciated," she replied softly. "You're right, the love we receive from those who truly care for us is what truly matters. My past is just that, the past. I've been fortunate to find love and guidance in Selûne, and now, it seems, in the camaraderie of this group."
Her starlit eyes turned to her vigilant paladins, who had been brimming with tension upon their arrival and even more now at Khessa's approach. With a reassuring smile, she silently conveyed to them that it was fine. Slowly, the paladins began to forcefully relax, their stern expressions softening as they realized that their charge was not likely to be in danger.
Amanises reflected on the unexpected kindness she was receiving. "It's a rare occurrence for someone to see past the formalities and authority that typically surround my presence and offer such simple comfort. I've often been told that I can be quite intimidating. This, however, is a novel experience, and I must admit it's a rather pleasant one," she confessed, her voice tinged with a touch of nostalgia. "Your maternal instincts are undeniably strong, Khessa. You make a wonderful mother, I'm sure."
"My pleasure too, Amanises!" Khessa smiles brightly "It's also rare to meet a person of such great authority who nevertheless appreciates spontaneity... There are a lot of important people I've met who think I'm a little too... too informal, let's say... But I can't help it... I've done and seen many things, I've learned to fight, I've learned to channel the Weave... but deep down I'm still the country girl who helped the family grow cabbages! Probably, if a day I meet your divine grandparent, to greet him I'll give him a pat on the shoulder!"
"And thank you so much for sharing your opinion of me as a mother!" the blonde arcane warrior is almost moved, but to play down she adds, as she winks "I'll remember to tell my children! I hope they will realize your wisdom".
Amanises regarded Lord Akkron with a measured expression, her voice retaining its gentle and tranquil tone as she spoke. "Indeed, your name has graced our ears. Your actions have not gone unnoticed, for the stories of your defiance against Lolth's tyranny have reached even the farthest corners where the Moonmaiden's light touches."
Though bias was not easy to overcome, seeing the truth of those stories and rumors before her was something else altogether. Nevertheless, when respect was warranted, it must be given. "Your struggle is one that resonates with the principles of Our Lady of Silver. The pursuit of freedom and the protection of the oppressed align closely with her tenets. I have nothing but respect and encouragement for your endeavors."
With a smile, Amanises suggested, "Perhaps we can even cooperate after this. The Underdark has long eluded and denied my dear Selûne's light. It has always been something we wished to correct."
"I will happily welcome allies against Lolth,"Akkron says in response to the possibility of working with the Church. "I have fought against her servants for many lifetimes and it sometimes feels that my efforts are barely making a dent. But I cannot stop... I cannot abandon the victims of Lolth to suffer the way that I did... the way that she did."
He stands slowly, overcome by emotion as painful memories return but doing his best not to show it.
"I know my presence makes the paladins uncomfortable, so I will take my leave for now. Khessa, Lady Amanises, I will be watching the gleeman's show for a time if you have further need of me."
The axe rises. The axe falls. The bow saw glides back and forth, and a log has another section bucked off, hauled away to the busting stump. Axe rises. Axe falls. The pieces fall away to either side and the strange hands that wield the tools reach down, toss the split wood aside, making room for the next pieces that would join the pile.
Dabbert raised his arm and wiped sweat away from his face with the back of his arm, then set the axe down for a moment so he could step to the well, haul up a bucket, and drink from the ladle. The day wasn't hot and miserable, but the work was, and he was thankful for the trees that obscured his little farmstead and cabin in the middle of nowhere, where he felt at peace. Felt alone. Felt like his family was far removed from the dangers of the world and where no one could...
...the sound of hooves. Riders. Friendly looking. Grave, but friendly looking...
...and to think he'd almost finished the thought, where no one could find them.
"Hail." He said, then nothing else, as he waited for the messenger to dump off whatever he'd been instructed to come here and say. Dabbert felt his heart sinking lower and lower, but squints when they say something about how he was being looked for but some possible ne'er-do-wells. He listens, patiently, and then sighs as these emissaries finish up with their message. He wipes his forehead again with the back of his arm. "I uh...wait here."
That's it. All he says. He raises the axe and buries it in the busting stump, then picks up the bowsaw and returns it to the porch, where he hangs it up before going inside.
He has three objectives.
First is to kiss his infant son.
Second is to kiss Rebecca.
Third is to take his halberd and shield, Alala, down from above the hearth...
The Prancing Pony.
Boy, they'll name an inn anything nowadays. What happened to names like...I dunno...the Puking Rat? The Sick Goblin? The House of Pain?
Wait, was that an Inn or was he remembering something else? Huh.
He had found it ridiculous that he was to be escorted from his home all the way to Baldur's Gate to this place by these men, but what could he do? At least he didn't have to worry about sleeping on the road and waking up with a bandit's blade in his throat. He was kind of surprised when they peeled off to go do whatever else, but then, when he entered the Inn and saw Khessa and Akkron, saw why; there'd by no need for them here. If this group couldn't protect themselves, well, that was the hallmark of a much greater concern.
Akkron had risen as Dabbert approached, and was actively talking to a new comer that the warrior didn't recognize. That was alright. He trusted Akkron, and furthermore, liked the old bag of bones. He reached out and laid one hand on the Lich's shoulder as he walked up.
"Akkron." He said, the closest thing he had to a proper greeting. "Khessa. Good to see you uh...both. If we're all three here, I can only imagine this is quite a situation we're in. Leaving so soon, Akkron, or will you stay a bit longer and rinse your ribs with a strong drink?"
He takes his hand off Akkron's shoulder and offers it to Khessa's imposing form before examining the other woman at the table.
"Apologies. I'm uh....Dabbert Hahft." He says to her, someone he recognizes as some sort of holy warrior. "Have you been dragged into this mess too? Can't say I uh...quite understand, but I'm trusting it's worth our while."
Akkron stops as soon as Dabbert enters, and you get the distinct impression that if he still had lips then he would have a huge grin plastered across his face (rather than the skeletal grin he currently has).
"Dabbert... my friend! No one told me you had been dragged into this as well! Whatever this is... that I have also not yet been told, except that apparently 'dark agents' might be hunting for me. I suppose that we'll get an explanation from the emissary in the morning. I was going to go check out the gleeman's show I just heard about, but I can stay a bit longer now that you're here. How have you been? Are your wife and son well?"
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Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Dabbert smiles as Akkron greets him, but nods when he's told the nature of their summons hasn't been revealed yet.
"Yeah uh...same. Must be some pretty nasty customers to hunt folks like us. I can accompany you, if you'd like. Probably best not to be alone if we're being hunted by someone bad enough that we needed escort to get here. Or I assume everyone uh...else needed it. I did. Rebecca and Arn? Doing well. Not happy to see me away again but...uh...what do you do, hm? Arn is growing like a weed. I feel like he's ten pounds heavier every time I pick him up. As for me, I'm good. I uh...was enjoying the quiet."
Akkron suddenly has an uncomfortable thought as Dabbert mentions that they should stick together if agents of evil are after them... might these 'dark agents' stoop so low as to target friends and family if they can't reach their intended targets?
"That would probably be a good idea, and I certainly welcome the company. Ladies, paladins, I bid you a good evening... Anator, make sure they don't have too much fun without us."
Once they're out of earshot, the lich voices his concerns to Dabbert.
"Dabbert... though I am greateful to have you with us, something just occurred to me... since we are apparently being threatened by extremely dangerous enemies, did the Duke offer your family a security detail? I didn't mention it to Khessa because I know her husband is a powerful Cleric and she's in a good mood that I didn't want to spoil... but I want to make sure every precaution is being taken if things are really as bad as the Duke seems to think they are."
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Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
Khessa warmly shakes Dabbert's outstretched hand - but soon after goes further and embraces him: "You too here! What a nice surprise! With Akkron casting spells and you fighting, maybe I can actually grow cabbages in peace, while you both settle the matter... were it not that you would probably finish too soon - not even leaving me the time to finish fetching the hoe".
"I'm glad Rebecca and Arn are okay! Yondar and Sarvin had a lot of fun that time we came to visit you... Jasper too, of course, but with him it is harder to tell, he is an elf... he is more restrained than us humans in showing his feelings - although that doesn't mean he doesn't have any!" the blonde arcane warrior smiles brightly "Oh, and don't worry too much about Arn... if one day you feel he feels too heavy..." she winks "check if you're wearing the right belt!"
"Dabbert, meet Amanises!" the tall adventuress delicately places a hand on the woman's shoulder "She's a friend of Selûne and a good soul. Amanises, meet Dabbert! He's a very good person too, you'll see! He usually introduces himself by declaring himself 'a soldier'. And, mind you, it's true… but it doesn't gives the idea. It's as if Bahamut introduced himself declaring to be 'a dragon'".
Amanises observed the heartwarming interaction between Khessa and Dabbert, and a gentle smile graced her features. As the introduction took place, she offered a slight bow of her head toward Dabbert, her expression welcoming. "It's truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Dabbert. Khessa has spoken highly of you."
She maintained a focused and attentive demeanor as Khessa recounted stories of their past encounters and the visits from their friends and family. Amanises appreciated how Khessa's enthusiasm and warmth seemed to infuse the room with positivity. "Ah, a soldier, I gather," Amanises responded with a polite nod and a formal tone. "A noble profession, to be sure."
"Sometimes, Khessa, our roles and titles don't fully encapsulate the essence of who we are," Amanises added, her smile directed at the woman, "and that is where one's true character shines."
Khessa proposes: "Looks like no one else is coming... What do you say? Shall we go see the gleeman's show in the tap room? It's too early to retire just now... let's celebrate this meeting of old and new friends!"
The blonde arcane warrior, having ordered a new large plate of sautéed red cabbage (the journey must have whetted her appetite - or perhaps they cook really well here), approaches to watch the show.
The tall adventuress, however, while continuing to appear perfectly at ease, telepathically suggests to her brother 'Anator... Since there could be forces of darkness lurking... Let's not let our guard down, shall we? You can perfectly see any invisible individuals... If someone I'm not seeing approaches us, let me know, okay?'
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You all have been enjoying the quiet respite, back at your homes after your last campaign. While the peace and quiet is welcoming, you have a feeling in the back of your minds, that the peace may not last. Your intuition has sensed there is a darkness looming in the distance, but yet has not manifested itself. After a few days, spending time in the local taverns or meeting with neighbors, rumors have started to circulate, have an ancient darkness growing and strange occurrences, portents of things to come. You take this fore idle gossip, your neighbors knowing your past as heroes, and maybe wanting to strike up a conversation.
This all changed recently when messengers arrived, with a military escort. These messengers brought you summons from the Duke at Baldur's Gate, but the summons was not from him, but on behalf of a person called the Archprelate the Basilica of Chyrellos. You have heard of Chyrellos, though it is across the sea on the land of Eosia. The summons read:
"Hail and well met Heroes! On behalf of her Royal Highness Queen Ehlana of Elena, and the head of the Elene Church the Archprelate of Chyrellos, they have called on our aid, as they fear a ancient darkness may be rising and if not unchecked, will engulf not only their lands, but could spread to ours as well. You are graciously asked, though I fear they were more direct by stating summoning, for we do have a treaty with them. I do implore you to come to Baldur's Gate, where an emissary from Chyrellos is waiting for you. He will explain the situation and why it is dire."
The messengers wait, "I have been informed by the Duke to remain with you, and we are to escort you to ensure your safety to Baldur's Gate. We have seen an uptick of strange disappearances and murders in the city, and rumors of dark agents may be here looking for you."
The blue eyes read the summons attentively, while on her face, partially decorated by some of the long blond curls that ended up there while she was playing with her children, just moments ago, a weary smile appears.
'Woe...' the woman thinks, unconsciously pulling herself to her full (considerable) height as she inhales deeply 'It sadly seems like another of those things that neither Jasper nor I can ever say no to... One of those in which too much can depend, on our intervention or on our refusal'.
The woman's athletic body stretches slowly, as she replies: "I'll be right there, give me time to change... Would you like to come in and get to know my family in the meantime? My sons Yondra and Sarvin will be delighted to know you!" ('And to mess with your weapons and shining armor - as well as with your personal belongings - until everything is unrecognizable' the tall adventuress avoids adding) "I can offer you some boiled cabbage... If you like, take a seat. Would you mind taking care of them, Alfred?"
The humanoid-like construct that has just emerged from the dwelling - adorned with improbable childish decorations and doodles traced with most of the objects capable of staining that are available on the Prime Material Plane - does not lose its stoic solemnity in making visitors queue - if they dare.
Meanwhile, she enters to get ready.
An elf with blond hairs combed back behind his ears, whose eyes are veiled by a layer of black powdered ash that extends like a mask from ear to ear and who has two mysterious blue tattoos on the left side of his face, is already inside, to heroically replace her in keeping busy two lively half-elves, a boy and a girl.
"Who's out there, Khessa, dear?" asks the elf "What do they want?"
"They need help, Jasper..." Khessa sighs, starting to wear her best armor. "You know how these things go. It doesn't happen often, but when it does..."
"And I should stay here..." the elf recapitulates a conclusion to which the two must have arrived in the course of previous speeches.
"Someone has to look after the children" she explains. "When you had to help the Evermeet elves with that problem involving the Feywild, that role fell to me..."
"I have a bad feeling, Khessa..." Jasper worries, but clearly with little conviction in his chances of changing the woman's mind.
"Jasper..." Khessa's voice becomes softer and softer "After everything we went through to free our original families... and after starting a family of our own... do you really think I intend to let something keep me away from all of you? I'll make sure to come back, Jasper... Now, there must be a really big problem... they usually do not disturb us lightly... But as big as this problem is, it won' t ever be bigger than my desire to return. I will survive. Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive. I've got all my life to live. And I've got all my love to give and I'll survive. I will survive".
"And I'll come back" she kisses him, kisses the children, she stares at their faces, as if to stock up on their gaze, which will probably be missing for some time in the future, while a bat perches on her shoulder. ..
'Yes, Anator,' she replies telepathically 'of course you come too, my brother. Jasper will be able to handle it here… I hope so!'
...then she steps out and, with Anator, her familiar (and brother) on her shoulder, and Alfred, her Shield Guardian, at her side, she's ready to follow the messengers.
(OOC: @DM: If you decided I can't keep the Shield Guardian, just tell, I'll fix that)
(OOC: Tend to agree with Painted that a PbP thread would be more convenient, and it would be nice to have a campaign we can all add our characters to)

Akkron's home, if it can be called that, is a bleak and craggy rock of an island. The few trees that protrude from the ground are twisted, and restless undead spirits inhabit the various caves. Near the middle of the island is Akkron's fortress, where he spends most of his time in his study. The people of the little port on the island's shore rarely visit... though he is revered as a hero, most people are still understandably uncomfortable in the presence of a lich.
So when there is a loud knock at the door, it comes as a surprise to him. He reads the summons a few times...
"You believe agents of darkness are searching for me? In my own domain?" He says quizzically... while looking like this.
But... if the mortals are in need of help he isn't going to leave them to fend for themselves.
"Bridgette, it looks like I'm going to be gone for a time," he tells a friendly looking half-orc woman (his apprentice). "And if these men are right, then it seems agents of evil may have even infiltrated the Shaded Isle... use the sending stones to alert the governor to the threat... and be wary. If there are assassins here powerful enough to pose a threat to me then there is no telling what they might be capable of."
Akkron takes an hour or two to pack up some books, collect a reasonable amount of gold from his vault, and choose a number of magic items to bring with him on this escapade. Once he's sure everything is ready, he returns to the waiting messengers.
"I'm ready to go whenever you are," he tells them.
DM (to Khessa):
The messenger bows to you then mounts his horse. He turns and heads onto the road, the escort arranging themselves around you. "I have been told another messenger has been sent to one known as Lord Akkron, do you know him? "He pauses for a moment as he searches for the right words. "I heard he is a Lich, is this true? I would understand that he must be powerful as a Lich, perhaps it is something er, as I should say, someone who would be very beneficial. We are also sending a messages to other adventurers of renown. We are to meet at the Prancing Pony Inn when we arrive at Baldur's Gate."
DM (to Akkron):
The messenger bows to you, then mounts his horse. (A horse was brought if you need it). As you ride, he explains that they have sent messengers for a Khessa and others, hoping to answer the call. He explains that you are to travel to the Prancing Pony in Baldur's Gate where the emissary is waiting, as well as the rest of the group that is being sought.
"Ah, so my former apprentice is being pulled out of retirement yet again," the lich says, his skull remainaining ever unreadable, but his voice sounds saddened. "It seems that the poor woman cannot catch a moment of respite... but then again, there are so few who can hold a candle to her skill, so I suppose that it really cannot be helped. How many others have been called upon to take up this cause?"
"Oh, Master Akkron!" the look in Khessa's blue eyes softens and becomes dreamy. "Of course I know him! He's a very good person - as well as an arcanist of great experience, talent and intelligence. It will be a pleasure to see him again! I've been wanting to invite him to Phandalin to visit me... he probably would have liked to see how my children have grown... You know, you're right about one thing..." and she realizes that the other didn't tell her his name "...what's your name, friend?"
"Kalevi, good" continues the blonde arcane warrior, after the interlocutor's reply. "You're right about one thing, Kalevi: he's a lich. No, don't give me that face!" she laughs, as she pats the messenger on the shoulder encouragingly "Names are just labels, Kalevi. They don't capture the complexity of a person - or a soul" she pauses for a moment, then apparently goes for a digression. "Do you know what a Manticore is, Kalevi? A scary monster, right ? Dangerous, sadistic, hopelessly evil... must I continue? Well, did you know that in Phandalin you could have met Tookrashk? And Tookrashk, despite being a Manticore... and a Manticore who would feel proud to be called a 'scary monster' - he cares about his fame, you know... he's also one of Phandalin's most efficient guardians. We met him a long time ago, my husband and I, when we first came to Phandalin... It was back when Phandalin was threatened by the bullying of the white dragon Cryovain. Tookrashk at that time was just a Manticore that the dragon had forced to change its hunting territory... When we met him, instead of killing him on the spot, we tried to understand if there was margin for negotiation… we had a common enemy, after all, didn't we? She didn't love too much the dragon that had caused her all those problems either... And, go figure, collaborating with him, we made him experience what the life of a faithful guardian could be like, instead of that of a ruthless monster... and he chose the former! Despite him being a Manticore. Because he's not just a Manticore, an anonymous instance of a generic creature class, he's Tookrashk. He's an individual. An individual who made his own choices".
"The same goes for Master Akkron, Kalevi" the tall adventurer picks up the thread. "He's a Lich. But he's had his reasons for being one. And he's made his own unique life choices. He's not just a Lich. He's Akkron, one of the kindest, most sensitive souls I know. Give him a chance, Kalevi. Try to imagine him as a person and treat him as a person - because his soul has lost none of its original humanity. Give him a chance, Kalevi, you're bound to like him".
DM (to Akkron):
The messenger thinks for a moment, "I believe four have been called upon by the Duke to answer the call for aid. I have never seen him so concerned before; this must be truly a great threat indeed if he is worried. I am hoping they are as receptive as you are in answering the call."
DM (to Khessa):
Kalevi nods his head in understanding, "My thanks in the clarification, though I have to admit as soon as I heard he was a lich, I fell back in the superstitions and concerns of the all-powerful undead. I will take your word my lady, if he is as good of a person as you say, then we need such brave souls to help us in a time of need. I look forward to meeting him at the e Prancing Pony, as well as the others."
Akkron sees that he has probably learned all that the messenger knows, so he settles in for the journey and makes some small talk with the soldiers/answers any questions they may have to fill the awkward silence a bit.
Sitting perched on his shoulder is his familiar, a fey creature in the form of a black cat which he affectionately refers to as "Hex."
To get the new players caught up:
You all have been enjoying the quiet respite, back at your homes after your last campaign. While the peace and quiet is welcoming, you have a feeling in the back of your minds, that the peace may not last. Your intuition has sensed there is a darkness looming in the distance, but yet has not manifested itself. After a few days, spending time in the local taverns or meeting with neighbors, rumors have started to circulate, have an ancient darkness growing and strange occurrences, portents of things to come. You take this fore idle gossip, your neighbors knowing your past as heroes, and maybe wanting to strike up a conversation.
This all changed recently when messengers arrived, with a military escort. These messengers brought you summons from the Duke at Baldur's Gate, but the summons was not from him, but on behalf of a person called the Archprelate the Basilica of Chyrellos. You have heard of Chyrellos, though it is across the sea on the land of Eosia. The summons read:
"Hail and well met Heroes! On behalf of her Royal Highness Queen Ehlana of Elena, and the head of the Elene Church the Archprelate of Chyrellos, they have called on our aid, as they fear a ancient darkness may be rising and if not unchecked, will engulf not only their lands, but could spread to ours as well. You are graciously asked, though I fear they were more direct by stating summoning, for we do have a treaty with them. I do implore you to come to Baldur's Gate, where an emissary from Chyrellos is waiting for you. He will explain the situation and why it is dire."
The messengers wait, "I have been informed by the Duke to remain with you, and we are to escort you to ensure your safety to Baldur's Gate. We have seen an uptick of strange disappearances and murders in the city, and rumors of dark agents may be here looking for you."
Having accepted the summons, you have traveled from your homes towards Baldur's Gate. After a while on the road, you finally arrive to see the glittering lights of Baldur's Gate. Your escort leads you all into the outer city, and into the Stonyeyes Neighborhood. You arrive before a walled inn, the sign at front stating the Prancing Pony. The door opens, and you are led into the courtyard with the messenger while the military escorts clop off into the night. Your horses are seen to, and you are led into the inn itself. The messenger speaks to the innkeeper, whose eyes grow wide.
"Ah, the heroes have arrived, most excellent! Come, come, you must be famished, and throat parched from the journey." He does give Lord Akkron a strange look but shrugs it off as he leads you at various times based on when you arrive, into a private hall. In the hall are serving girls, and a warm fireplace.
"Please, make yourself comfortable. A hot meal has been prepared, we have the best wine and ale in the Sword Coast at your disposal. I have been told to have the baths available for you at no charge, and your rooms are ready. The emissary from the Elene Church will be here in the morning. Please, anything you may require, do not hesitate to ask. I am at your service."
He bows and leaves you to become acquainted with one another.
During the trip, Khessa tries to get to know Kalevi better - she inquires about various things: where he was born, how old he is, if he has a family, what he likes to eat, what he loves to do in his spare time... (OOC: @DM: no need to list effectively all this information, assuming that the poor guard wants to make conversation as much as Khessa - we can simply assume that, if they ever come in handy in the future, Khessa knows them) and obviouslyshe lends himself to answering any curiosity from the other, if he asks her something.
Then, the blonde arcane warrior moves on to a question that seems more pertinent to the current situation: "Kalevi, you said that you are accompanying me for my own safety... and I, mind you, really appreciate it - you must be really brave and really skilled, to be chosen for such a task. But I'm wondering... how do you know that my safety is in danger? One thing, is murders in Baldur's Gate... But what lets you think that I also could be a target? Did they send you... only because of rumors of dark agents? Or did a divination advise to take this course of action? I'm asking just to get a better idea of the situation, you know..."
The tall adventurer, however, during the first stop, calls Alfred to her, then, sighing, cleanses him of the marks that the children have left on him ('Being born of me and Jasper, there should be no doubt that Yondra and Sarvin are half-elves...' she thinks 'But there are times I suspect they are half-fiends...'), then she stores a Haste spell in him ('If they are taking the precaution of assigning me an escort...' she meditates 'I might as well take some precautions of my own!').
"No one told you to expect a lich?" he says to the innkeeper, bemused. "That was most inconsiderate. But no matter... thank you for your hospitality, though I think I will have to decline the offer of nourishment, for reasons that should be fairly obvious. But if you happen to have any tobacco I would be quite obliged."
Akkron does his best to make himself comfortable in the inn, ignoring the stares and/or conspicuous attempts to avoid staring from the serving girls (and quite possibly some of the other heroes).
His mood immediately brightens when he sees Khessa arrive, though.
"Ah, so it looks like you have indeed been summoned on another adventure, just as the messenger told me," he says to her. "How have your husband and children been since I last saw them?"
To any who have not met Lord Akkron, the Lich King of the Shaded Isle, he looks like this:

His demeanor is surprisingly not unfriendly, and he's more than happy to engage in conversation with anyone who wishes to speak to him. His black cat familiar, Hex, sits on his shoulder throughout the meeting (unless anyone wants to offer the little fellow food, in which case the little fellow will jump down to greedily devour whatever is offered). The lich pulls out a pipe as he sits waiting, letting the smoke fill his rib cage and mingle with the ethereal mists that surround his body.
"Master Akkron!" the tall, statuesque, imposing woman who has just entered spreads her strong arms and runs on her long legs to the well-known figure of the undead; she promptly lifts him up in a warm embrace (remembering to hold herself long enough not to damage any bones) "They told me too that you would come! Jasper is fine, thanks! He's an elf, after all... time for him does not pass as quickly as for me! And, go figure, he can't wait to see you and sends you his greetings! He also wanted to invite you to come and live with us for a while..."
Khessa need not specify that things must not have gone exactly like this. Akkron knows that Jasper's family has had trouble with the undead in the past. And therefore, Jasper is a bit prejudiced against the undead in general. What then probably happened was that Khessa took him out of exhaustion, practically forcing him to accept the possibility of the lich moving in to live with them for a while.
Submerged in the woman's thick blond curls, a bat emerges and, after a short flight, lands on the undead's shoulder.
"As you see," Khessa decides to release the embrace, looking at the lich with deep affection in the back of her blue eyes "even my brother Anator is happy to see you! The children have grown so much that you may not even recognize them anymore! They'll be happy to see you too!" (considering how curious, rowdy, and scared of nothing they are, this is perhaps entirely true) "While Alfred..." the woman pats the shoulder of the humanoid-shaped construct at her side, the Shield Guardian she usually carries with her as assistant "'s always Alfred! He never changes...Or at least...Never, unless Yondra and Sarvin play with him".
"And how are you?" inquires the tall adventuress "Bridgette is always with you, isn't she? When you're at home, I mean..."
"Oh silly me!" Khessa seems to listen for a moment to a voice only she can hear "You're right, Anator!" she turns to the bat for a moment "The others are there too!" and she looks with warm blue eyes at the other heroes who have been summoned.
With a bright smile that completely contrasts with the heavy armor she wears, the woman greets: "Welcome! I am Khessa, Khessa Cabbagefield. Ex-cabbage farmer, former scourge of the drow, proud wife and mother, and retired (but returning, when needed, as you can see) arcane warrior; at your service!"
And in fact, although the armor that the blonde warrior-mage wears would delight the most demanding knights, the weapon in her hand is not a sword or an axe, but a mystical staff, decorated with mysterious runes of power, which exudes magic almost palpably.
Akkron can't help but chuckle at the warm greeting. It never ceases to amaze him just how strong his apprentice really is (even if that is partly the product of her magical belt, he knows well that she's still plenty strong enough without it).
"It's good to see you to, Anator!" he tells the bat, lifting a bony finger to stroke the little bat gently. "Anyway, yes, Bridgette still stays by my side most of the time. Though she has her own adventures on occasion... with any luck she'll meet a young man up to my standards soon... then maybe she'll stop asking me if a Warlock can become a lich, an interest that I fear may be more than purely accedemic. She's a good girl and I would hate to see her make the same mistake I did..."
He pauses a moment, clearly saddened and a bit disturbed at the dark possibility.
"Anyway, when we're done here maybe I should move in for a time... It would probably do me some good to get off my island for a time."
Anator enjoys the attentions of his favorite 'Dark Overlord', while Khessa carves out the time to reply briefly: "Don't worry too much, Master Akkron... I remember that Bridgette, although she may still have to work on some aspects of her character , she's a good soul... you'll see that she will make you proud of her! I'm convinced that her interest in undeath has nothing dark... I think she simply admires you... and tries to become like you in everything! And indeed, in your case, your status hasn't made you less human one bit... except in the mere physical aspect... You're probably right, finding a good mate who loves her will help her choose different paths. But whichever path she chooses, I'm convinced the light of her soul will keep shining, just like in your case".
Akkron would smile if he still had lips.
"I know she doesn't have any ill-intent; but I don't think she realizes just how lonely the path of undeath really is... also, to be frank, the Ritual of Becoming is one of the most difficult rites any spellcaster can perform, with absolutely horrific consequences for failure... we both know Bridgette has many good qualities, but her patience and study habits aren't among them. If she insisted on going down that route when she nears the end of her natural life, the only way I could see her actually pulling it off would be to ask an Old One to turn her into an eldritch lich..."
He inhales deeply, sucking a cloud of smoke into his ribcage, before blowing out a smoke cloud that briefly takes a strange shape of a humanoid creature with tentacles. The figure lingers in the air for a moment, then dissipates. Then he turns his attention to the other adventures.
"Anyway, greetings to all of you. You've probably already heard my name thrown around several times. But I'm afraid I don't know anything about you... except that you must be heroes of some renown if the Duke has called upon you in what I gather is a most dire moment."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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Khessa, meanwhile, while attentive to what the other heroes gathered will say, discreetly orders a large plate of sautéed red cabbage.
"Yes," she replies to a question that only she has heard, gently scratching Anator under the fur "of course I'll give you some too! For that I ordered a large dish. I know how much you like them, prepared like this, a little caramelized and crispy..."
Amidst the vibrant ambiance of the Prancing Pony, the entrance door groans on its hinges, signaling the arrival of a presence both commanding and reassuring. A hushed reverence seems to envelop the room as Amanises, the Eminence of Selûne, steps into the hall, an air of quiet authority accompanying her. Flanked by a trio of paladins, each clad in armor emblazoned with Selûne's symbol, a hasty retinue for her unexpected trip to Baldur's Gate.
Amanises herself exudes an ethereal grace that stands in stark contrast to the illuminated backdrop of the inn. Raven-black hair cascades like a nocturnal waterfall, framing features of unparalleled serenity. Her eyes the color of the deepest reaches of a starlit abyss. Her plate armor, intricate and layered, defies convention, evoking the fluidity of a flowing robe. Resplendent gems stud the armor's plates, mirroring the heavens in their celestial glory. Though it might have seemed ostentatious in a more ordinary setting, among the refined company of the inn tonight, it appears entirely befitting.
With a gentle wave of her hand, her paladins take positions nearby, watching over her with a vigilant aura.
"Greetings," her voice resounds like a whisper of wind through leaves. "It is a privilege to stand before those who have been beckoned during this juncture. I am Amanises, Eminence of Selûne. While our church doesn't function in the conventional hierarchical manner, I am perhaps what you would regard as the closest equivalent to the highest authority within our clergy."
Amanises' gaze rests upon the Lich, the surprise in her eyes seemingly unassuming, though there was no mistaking the paladins' tension and their tight grip on their sheaths. "A Lich, an unexpected participant in our assembly," she muses, her words painted with intrigue. "Yet, let not appearances deceive. The Moonmaiden enjoins me to champion acceptance, equality, and a spirit of inclusion. To treat all beings as peers, fostering tolerance and understanding. Thus, your presence, despite your visage, is welcomed and it is not my place to question the our church's trust in the Duke."
As her attention shifts to encompass the entire group, "Though the paths of some among you are known to me, it would be courteous to initiate proper introductions." Her head inclines politely, an unspoken request to the gathering.
DM: The time spent on the road is washed away by the good food and company. True to his word, the inn keeper sees to your every need, stopping by from time to time to check on you.
"The Elene Church has already paid for basically the entire use of the inn, there are no others with the exception of the tap room. No one else is renting rooms, something about security. Big ugly brute of man that came with the emissary who is a Friar, and the ugly one is his bodyguard or something to the effect. Looks like he had his nose broken once or twice, but he does look like he can handle himself in a fight."
He goes to speak with one of the serving girls, before returning. "We have a Gleeman, rather a bard I guess who will be in the tap room later tonight if you wish some entertainment. Your rooms are ready, and the baths are at your service. The emissary will meet you here after breakfast in the morning."
Smiling and bowing, he turns and returns to the tap room.
"You are most gracious, Lady Amineses. I am Lord Akkron of the Shaded Isle. You may well have heard of me, as my war with Lolth and her servants is no great secret."
The lich's words to the Cleric may bring to her memory a number of notable incidents in which victims of Drow oppression escaped the Underdark with tales of a dark messiah, a powerful undead spellcaster who slaughtered their oppressors and delivered them to freedom.
After the meeting, the lich does his best to make himself comfortable. He goes to watch the bard perform, and after the show he'll take a hot bath to clean out the journey's dust from between his ancient bones.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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"Oh, that Amanises?!" Khessa comes forward, remaining for a few moments open-mouthed in amazement "My husband Jasper told me a lot about you! You know, he's a friend of Selûne too... You probably also collaborated sometime..." her blue eyes scan very carefully the young (perhaps almost timeless) and fascinating figure of this person... a person that her husband, a powerful and renowned elf cleric of Selûne, must know quite well by now "Although when there it was that problem at Evermeet involving the Feywild, he had to go alone… The elves did not look kindly on the intervention of non-elves there… although their need for help was great".
"Well, so this time, it will be the two of us collaborating instead, it seems!" the blonde arcane warrior smiles jovially and pats her on the shoulder "Khessa, Khessa Cabbagefield! At your service! I am... less 'specialised' than my husband Jasper... He has always dedicated himself only to faith and the service of goddess... I... I, to tell the truth, would have devoted myself to the cultivation of cabbages, if my life hadn't had an unforeseen (and bad) turnaround, almost twenty years ago... But finding myself forced to juggle a thousand adventures , I learned several things here and there, since I had to survive... partly fighting, partly casting a few spells (thanks also to the kindness of Master Akkron, who once took the trouble to apprentice a self-taught wizard like me). Now I'm good enough at both those things - and by combining them I usually come on top".
"This is my brother Anator" the tall adventuress nods to the bat, who in the meantime has perched again on her shoulder and is also staring at Amanises with an attentive gaze that suggests an intelligence superior to that of a common animal. "Obviously it hasn't always been in this form... It's... It's always a story related to why I'm not on a farm growing cabbage. I'll tell you about it one day, if you're interested".
"And this is Alfred," Khessa points her thumb behind her at the humanoid composed of non-organic matter "my assistant. You know, I like company when I get into trouble..."
"Do you like cabbage?" the blonde arcane warrior offers part of what she is eating to the interlocutor "Would you like some? The journey must have been long for you too..."
Amanises regarded Lord Akkron with a measured expression, her voice retaining its gentle and tranquil tone as she spoke. "Indeed, your name has graced our ears. Your actions have not gone unnoticed, for the stories of your defiance against Lolth's tyranny have reached even the farthest corners where the Moonmaiden's light touches."
Though bias was not easy to overcome, seeing the truth of those stories and rumors before her was something else altogether. Nevertheless, when respect was warranted, it must be given. "Your struggle is one that resonates with the principles of Our Lady of Silver. The pursuit of freedom and the protection of the oppressed align closely with her tenets. I have nothing but respect and encouragement for your endeavors."
With a smile, Amanises suggested, "Perhaps we can even cooperate after this. The Underdark has long eluded and denied my dear Selûne's light. It has always been something we wished to correct."
Amanises couldn't help but chuckle softly, her laughter like the sound of distant, soft bells. "Cabbagefield, you say? A most charming surname, quite cute I must admit. It carries a certain rustic charm," she replied, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's delightful to finally meet you, Khessa Cabbagefield."
"Ah, Lunar Priest Jasper," she mused, her starlit eyes reflecting a mixture of memories as Khessa recounted her life. "Yes, we've crossed paths on more than a few occasions. He is a devoted servant of Selûne, and I respect his dedication. We have worked together on some occassions. Though I must confess, he never mentioned having a wife," she said with a sad glint in her eye. "Perhaps he was too focused on his duties to engage in personal conversations."
Amanises inclined her head politely to Anator, acknowledging the creature with a nod of her own. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Anator."
As for Alfred, the non-organic assistant, she regarded him with a thoughtful expression. "An interesting companion you have there, Khessa. It seems you've assembled quite the unique group."
At the offer of cabbage, Amanises raised an appreciative eyebrow. "While I haven't partaken in mortal sustenance for quite some time, I must say your offer is kind, and I'm sure it's quite a delicacy. Please, enjoy it on my behalf. I appreciate the gesture. The last thing I wish to do is deny you, your meal."
Khessa's openness about her personal journey prompted Amanises to share a part of her own story. While it wasn't widely known, it was no secret to those with sufficient power to delve into her background. Her voice took on a reflective tone as she began, "My life, though perhaps less eventful than yours, has had its own twists and turns. I was born to a demipower, a demigod of rather neglectful and hedonistic nature. In my youth, I held much resentment towards my parent and my divine grandparent."
She paused, her eyes drifting into the past. "I ran away impulsively when I was but a child, wandering into the wilderness. I would have perished there if not for a group of wandering clerics of Selûne who found me. They were on their way to a grand temple near the Emerald Grove. They welcomed me as an orphan and raised me as one of their own."
Amanises' expression softened as she continued, "The Moonmaiden is a close ally and friend to my divine relatives. Yet, I've never felt the need to inquire about them from her. Or perhaps, I lacked the courage to do so, fearing what I might uncover. I no longer harbor any resentment toward my family. I've moved on, and my dear Selûne has been my guiding light. Strangely, to the best of my knowledge, my parent never sought me out after my disappearance. I may have been little more than an afterthought to them."
"I hope that offers some insight and answers your curiosity," she concluded with a thoughtful smile.
"Rustic charm?" laughs Khessa "You bet! My family has been growing cabbages for generations! Twardens, the tiny hamlet where I was born, was probably smaller than your house, if I have to judge by the quality and luxury of your clothing!"
The blonde arcane warrior, however, when she hears that her husband Jasper never mentioned having a wife, winces, caught for a moment by the shadow of a doubt... But immediately she notices the sad glint in the eyes of the interlocutor and reassures herself, thinking: 'Of course not! Jasper certainly didn't have anything particular in mind. If he had... ahem... demonstrated talents not too relevant to the sphere of religion, the object of his attentions certainly would not have been particularly sad! He will as usual have been completely focused on what he was doing. He is like that, when it comes to Selûne…'
"Not just a wife," the tall adventuress points out, smiling "but also two children! But you're right, he must have been particularly focused on what he was doing. However, it's easy to fix: once we've done... anything that it will need to be done, come and visit us in Phandalin! I'll introduce you to our two lovely half-elves, you'll like them for sure! And they'll like you too, you'll see!"
"I'm sorry about the problems you had with your family as a child!" Khessa is sincerely impressed, slipping an arm around Amanises' shoulders as she speaks to her, as if to comfort her instinctively - even though her hardships are now long over "Me and my many siblings, at least, grew up in a loving family... before to have our first close encounter with the drow. In fact, it doesn't matter how important or powerful who brings you into this world... it matters how much they love you. I'm really glad you didn't come to a bad end. And that you did found love at least from your goddess. I can't speak for your parents, but surely for your goddess you are not an 'afterthought'... and if you ask me, neither are you for me, since you have come all the way here, ready to take who knows what risks, to prevent a lot of people from getting into trouble!"
Amanises chuckled softly at Khessa's spirited response about her family's humble origins. "Well, it's often the simplest of places that nurture the strongest bonds and traditions," she remarked, appreciating the down-to-earth nature of Khessa's upbringing.
The mention of Jasper's potential focus on his religious duties and the introduction of her children seemed to bring things back into more pleasant subjects. Amanises smiled warmly in response. "Phandalin sounds like a lovely place. I would be delighted to visit and meet your family after our business here is concluded. I'm sure your children are as remarkable as their mother."
Amanises welcomed Khessa's sidehug with a graceful acceptance. She didn't shy away from it, indicating her comfort with the gesture, but she didn't actively reciprocate either. It was subtle, one where Amanises was taking things at her own pace, letting her boundaries unfurl naturally. This was the extent of it for now.
At least it drew a genuine smile from the Eminence of Selûne. "Thank you for your kind words, Khessa. Your warmth is truly appreciated," she replied softly. "You're right, the love we receive from those who truly care for us is what truly matters. My past is just that, the past. I've been fortunate to find love and guidance in Selûne, and now, it seems, in the camaraderie of this group."
Her starlit eyes turned to her vigilant paladins, who had been brimming with tension upon their arrival and even more now at Khessa's approach. With a reassuring smile, she silently conveyed to them that it was fine. Slowly, the paladins began to forcefully relax, their stern expressions softening as they realized that their charge was not likely to be in danger.
Amanises reflected on the unexpected kindness she was receiving. "It's a rare occurrence for someone to see past the formalities and authority that typically surround my presence and offer such simple comfort. I've often been told that I can be quite intimidating. This, however, is a novel experience, and I must admit it's a rather pleasant one," she confessed, her voice tinged with a touch of nostalgia. "Your maternal instincts are undeniably strong, Khessa. You make a wonderful mother, I'm sure."
"My pleasure too, Amanises!" Khessa smiles brightly "It's also rare to meet a person of such great authority who nevertheless appreciates spontaneity... There are a lot of important people I've met who think I'm a little too... too informal, let's say... But I can't help it... I've done and seen many things, I've learned to fight, I've learned to channel the Weave... but deep down I'm still the country girl who helped the family grow cabbages! Probably, if a day I meet your divine grandparent, to greet him I'll give him a pat on the shoulder!"
"And thank you so much for sharing your opinion of me as a mother!" the blonde arcane warrior is almost moved, but to play down she adds, as she winks "I'll remember to tell my children! I hope they will realize your wisdom".
"I will happily welcome allies against Lolth," Akkron says in response to the possibility of working with the Church. "I have fought against her servants for many lifetimes and it sometimes feels that my efforts are barely making a dent. But I cannot stop... I cannot abandon the victims of Lolth to suffer the way that I did... the way that she did."
He stands slowly, overcome by emotion as painful memories return but doing his best not to show it.
"I know my presence makes the paladins uncomfortable, so I will take my leave for now. Khessa, Lady Amanises, I will be watching the gleeman's show for a time if you have further need of me."
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The axe rises. The axe falls. The bow saw glides back and forth, and a log has another section bucked off, hauled away to the busting stump. Axe rises. Axe falls. The pieces fall away to either side and the strange hands that wield the tools reach down, toss the split wood aside, making room for the next pieces that would join the pile.
Dabbert raised his arm and wiped sweat away from his face with the back of his arm, then set the axe down for a moment so he could step to the well, haul up a bucket, and drink from the ladle. The day wasn't hot and miserable, but the work was, and he was thankful for the trees that obscured his little farmstead and cabin in the middle of nowhere, where he felt at peace. Felt alone. Felt like his family was far removed from the dangers of the world and where no one could...
...the sound of hooves. Riders. Friendly looking. Grave, but friendly looking...
...and to think he'd almost finished the thought, where no one could find them.
"Hail." He said, then nothing else, as he waited for the messenger to dump off whatever he'd been instructed to come here and say. Dabbert felt his heart sinking lower and lower, but squints when they say something about how he was being looked for but some possible ne'er-do-wells. He listens, patiently, and then sighs as these emissaries finish up with their message. He wipes his forehead again with the back of his arm. "I uh...wait here."
That's it. All he says. He raises the axe and buries it in the busting stump, then picks up the bowsaw and returns it to the porch, where he hangs it up before going inside.
He has three objectives.
First is to kiss his infant son.
Second is to kiss Rebecca.
Third is to take his halberd and shield, Alala, down from above the hearth...
The Prancing Pony.
Boy, they'll name an inn anything nowadays. What happened to names like...I dunno...the Puking Rat? The Sick Goblin? The House of Pain?
Wait, was that an Inn or was he remembering something else? Huh.
He had found it ridiculous that he was to be escorted from his home all the way to Baldur's Gate to this place by these men, but what could he do? At least he didn't have to worry about sleeping on the road and waking up with a bandit's blade in his throat. He was kind of surprised when they peeled off to go do whatever else, but then, when he entered the Inn and saw Khessa and Akkron, saw why; there'd by no need for them here. If this group couldn't protect themselves, well, that was the hallmark of a much greater concern.
Akkron had risen as Dabbert approached, and was actively talking to a new comer that the warrior didn't recognize. That was alright. He trusted Akkron, and furthermore, liked the old bag of bones. He reached out and laid one hand on the Lich's shoulder as he walked up.
"Akkron." He said, the closest thing he had to a proper greeting. "Khessa. Good to see you uh...both. If we're all three here, I can only imagine this is quite a situation we're in. Leaving so soon, Akkron, or will you stay a bit longer and rinse your ribs with a strong drink?"
He takes his hand off Akkron's shoulder and offers it to Khessa's imposing form before examining the other woman at the table.
"Apologies. I'm uh....Dabbert Hahft." He says to her, someone he recognizes as some sort of holy warrior. "Have you been dragged into this mess too? Can't say I uh...quite understand, but I'm trusting it's worth our while."
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
Akkron stops as soon as Dabbert enters, and you get the distinct impression that if he still had lips then he would have a huge grin plastered across his face (rather than the skeletal grin he currently has).
"Dabbert... my friend! No one told me you had been dragged into this as well! Whatever this is... that I have also not yet been told, except that apparently 'dark agents' might be hunting for me. I suppose that we'll get an explanation from the emissary in the morning. I was going to go check out the gleeman's show I just heard about, but I can stay a bit longer now that you're here. How have you been? Are your wife and son well?"
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Dabbert smiles as Akkron greets him, but nods when he's told the nature of their summons hasn't been revealed yet.
"Yeah uh...same. Must be some pretty nasty customers to hunt folks like us. I can accompany you, if you'd like. Probably best not to be alone if we're being hunted by someone bad enough that we needed escort to get here. Or I assume everyone uh...else needed it. I did. Rebecca and Arn? Doing well. Not happy to see me away again but...uh...what do you do, hm? Arn is growing like a weed. I feel like he's ten pounds heavier every time I pick him up. As for me, I'm good. I uh...was enjoying the quiet."
DM of AURYN: The Measure of Devotion - Escape from New York
Akkron suddenly has an uncomfortable thought as Dabbert mentions that they should stick together if agents of evil are after them... might these 'dark agents' stoop so low as to target friends and family if they can't reach their intended targets?
"That would probably be a good idea, and I certainly welcome the company. Ladies, paladins, I bid you a good evening... Anator, make sure they don't have too much fun without us."
Once they're out of earshot, the lich voices his concerns to Dabbert.
"Dabbert... though I am greateful to have you with us, something just occurred to me... since we are apparently being threatened by extremely dangerous enemies, did the Duke offer your family a security detail? I didn't mention it to Khessa because I know her husband is a powerful Cleric and she's in a good mood that I didn't want to spoil... but I want to make sure every precaution is being taken if things are really as bad as the Duke seems to think they are."
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Khessa warmly shakes Dabbert's outstretched hand - but soon after goes further and embraces him: "You too here! What a nice surprise! With Akkron casting spells and you fighting, maybe I can actually grow cabbages in peace, while you both settle the matter... were it not that you would probably finish too soon - not even leaving me the time to finish fetching the hoe".
"I'm glad Rebecca and Arn are okay! Yondar and Sarvin had a lot of fun that time we came to visit you... Jasper too, of course, but with him it is harder to tell, he is an elf... he is more restrained than us humans in showing his feelings - although that doesn't mean he doesn't have any!" the blonde arcane warrior smiles brightly "Oh, and don't worry too much about Arn... if one day you feel he feels too heavy..." she winks "check if you're wearing the right belt!"
"Dabbert, meet Amanises!" the tall adventuress delicately places a hand on the woman's shoulder "She's a friend of Selûne and a good soul. Amanises, meet Dabbert! He's a very good person too, you'll see! He usually introduces himself by declaring himself 'a soldier'. And, mind you, it's true… but it doesn't gives the idea. It's as if Bahamut introduced himself declaring to be 'a dragon'".
Amanises observed the heartwarming interaction between Khessa and Dabbert, and a gentle smile graced her features. As the introduction took place, she offered a slight bow of her head toward Dabbert, her expression welcoming. "It's truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Dabbert. Khessa has spoken highly of you."
She maintained a focused and attentive demeanor as Khessa recounted stories of their past encounters and the visits from their friends and family. Amanises appreciated how Khessa's enthusiasm and warmth seemed to infuse the room with positivity. "Ah, a soldier, I gather," Amanises responded with a polite nod and a formal tone. "A noble profession, to be sure."
"Sometimes, Khessa, our roles and titles don't fully encapsulate the essence of who we are," Amanises added, her smile directed at the woman, "and that is where one's true character shines."
Khessa proposes: "Looks like no one else is coming... What do you say? Shall we go see the gleeman's show in the tap room? It's too early to retire just now... let's celebrate this meeting of old and new friends!"
The blonde arcane warrior, having ordered a new large plate of sautéed red cabbage (the journey must have whetted her appetite - or perhaps they cook really well here), approaches to watch the show.
The tall adventuress, however, while continuing to appear perfectly at ease, telepathically suggests to her brother 'Anator... Since there could be forces of darkness lurking... Let's not let our guard down, shall we? You can perfectly see any invisible individuals... If someone I'm not seeing approaches us, let me know, okay?'