Malvyn would spend the week as studiously as ever, also making sure to do any changes to his piece on the gymnastics competition Mina Lee deemed would suggest and also work diligently in the Biblioplex alongside his minotaur collegue.
As the night of the play arrives he would have asked Aurora to join him and his friends to see Guardok, and unfortunately that obnoxious Quent-something-something. Before leaving Dresar hall he would try to gather up the others, peeking into the dark study room, surprised to find the petite oracle seemingly studying in completet darkness. "Are you coming Mei, the play starts soon." He says with some curiosity in his fiery red eyes.
Mei startles and snaps the book closed. Though she's not sure why, this isn't one of those times when she'd been reading a spicy novel. "Starts... soon?" she asks, bewildered. Twisting in the chair to see out the window, she gasps at the achromatic view. "Stars, when did it get dark?"
Gathering her things in a hurry, Mei says to her hued floormate, "I just need to change and I'll be ready. Oh! I need to ask Knap if the flowers for Guardok and Quentillius are ready. Gosh, this week went by so fast."
She stops at the doorway to look up at Mal, his eyes visible though colorless in the dark. "Do you think this is a, um, dress up kind of play? Should I wear something... nice?"
"You always look nice Mei..." The purple-skinned tiefling says with a sincere smile. "...but I'm sure a certain green-haired elf would appreciate if you dressed up..." He adds with a wink and a good-natured tease in his tone. " the very least it seems like a nice thing to do. You go and change and I'll collect Knap and ask him about the flowers. And try to not fall asleep, we want to be there in good time before the curtain goes up."
"He would?" Mei asks, genuinely wondering if that were true. When the wink reveals his teasing, she playfully swats his tail in revenge.
Brushing past him into the hall, she pauses thoughtfully to address his last words. "You know, I don't seem to need much sleep anymore." She doesn't mention the worry over how that affects her Dreaming, but a frown passes across her lips. Quickly, it's replaced by a smile and exaggerated exasperation, "And still there isn't enough time in the day!"
Hurrying on, she stops by Maeleve's room and knocks, asking after what her friend plans to wear that night so she can dress accordingly.
Mae opened the door to see Mei, holding up a sheet around her for modesty. "Oh hello! What am I wearing? Oh the dress I wore back at the ballet I think. You can come in and see it if you want. It's a very nice shade of blue, I believe it matches my eyes." If Mei comes in she'll show her the dress as she finishes getting ready and putting it on, otherwise she'll let her know she'll be along soon.
Mei blushes, voice catching as she replies, “O-Oh! The ballet dress! It looked so beautiful, I’m excited to see it on you this time!” She does, indeed, enter to see it. “Can I help you get it on? Does it have a fiddly zip or laces?”
Excited to join her friend in the ritual of getting ready together, the dreamer had quickly run back to her room. She returns with a simple sage green dress, more form fitting than her usual attire. “Will Larine be joining us, too?” Mei asks and squints at the mirror, trying to decide if she should free her hair from their braids or leave them as is.
As the time for the play grows nearer, Guardok had already had to leave to make his call time. Lesviel had stopped by to wish him luck before he left. She tells him she can't make it tonight, but will be at the show tomorrow.
The others still have a bit of time. Cadoras had offered to come meet Meito walk with her and any others. (OOC - He does indeed live in a different dorm. And different from the one Aurora and Rubina live in.) They had been able to see each other quite a bit this week as they prepared for the gala tomorrow. Pierohad been unclear about his attendance and was not present in Dresar Hall at the moment. And Larine had agreed, seemingly a bit reluctantly, to meet Maeon the fourth floor before they headed out.
Not long after Meiasks her question about Larine there is a faint knock on the door.
Mae holds out a couple of laces in the back, one down around her lower back and one up behind her neck. "Oh if you don't mind! Always a little awkward trying to tie behind your back! And yes, I think--oh! That might be her now! Come in, Larine! Unless you're not Larine, then go away!" Mae giggled softly.
Guardok had thrown himself into the final week of rehearsals with his usual fervour, and as the week had gone on he was definitely feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement. He had left early that evening to make sure he had plenty of time to get ready for the performance. Straight after dinner in fact.
And so it was that he stood backstage in full makeup and costume, waiting for the audience to start to filter in. Of course it was a little early for that still.
"I have performed in front of crowds before, but I have never been this nervous", he says to Quentillius and Rubina. "Is it just me?", he asks wondering how they are feeling.
"We have some ceremonial robes back home that I swear are eighty percent ties and ribbons! They're impossible to get into alone," Mei laughs. "So I've become quite the expert dress, um, lacer-upper?" She can't help but admire the smooth expanse of the Aasimar's back as she starts to tie the laces, wondering what she herself would look like in such a dress. There's no way she could pull it off like Mae does...
At the knock, the oracle turns Mae to face the door as she works at tying the bottom lace so Larine can get a full first impression. She peeks out from behind her taller floormate so she can see her reaction as she enters.
In Dresar Hall, the door to Mae's room opens revealing Larine. She sees Mae first and her dress. Smiling she starts, "Wow, you look..." She then notices Mei. peeking out from behind and the smile suddenly disappears. "Oh... Umm... You've got a guest. Maybe I should come back?" The green-haired girl starts to take a slow step backwards. As she does, you notice she is wearing a simple dress of a deep emerald green. A golden rope wraps about her waist, making a striking contrast. Several similarly colored golden braclets of different sizes adorn her wrists. It is definitely a fancier look than her normal clothes.
Quentilius states proudly. "I am not nervous at all. I know I'm well prepared and the performance will be a masterpiece. As always."
Rubina grins, looking at the genasi with a knowing look that this is just the Quentillius they just have to put up with. "I am admittedly a little nervous. I am confident in my abilities and in my preparation," she says, looking directly at Quentillius. "But I think it is natural to feel that energy inside you and to be concerned. I think it's a sign of how much care you bring to doing your best." She takes a deep breath, clearly trying to focus and calm herself. "You'll be great Guardok. I've no doubt. Though, you are perhaps in full costume a tiny bit sooner than necessary."
As Larine steps back, Mei realizes she's ruined the moment. "Oh, um! Don't mind me, sorry! N-Not a guest, just a floormate," she explains with a soft laugh. Looking up to Mae, there's a mischievous glint in her eyes as she casually reaches up behind her, "I think my dress is a too tight anyways, so I'll just--" and pulls loose the bottom lace she just finished tying, "--go change really quick! Maybe Larine could help you with the last tie? I just couldn't seem to get it."
Lips pursing against a smile lest it give her away, she exits with a little wave and a, "I'll seeyou two downstairs, okay?"
Once back in her room, she tears through her wardrobe in search of something else to wear, not wanting to take away from Larine's green ensemble. Eventually, and with a little smile of resignation, she settles on a dress worn many times before. She heads back out to find Mal, informing him with a conspicuous grin that they should go ahead downstairs.
The purple-skinned tiefling steps out of his and Knap's room just as Mei reaches it, almost bumping into the dreamer. "Oh, you changed, you look great Mei, ready to go then?" He says as he closes the door behind him. "Can't find Knap, maybe he went on ahead, or something came up with his gardening?" He says with a small shrug as he joins Mei on the floating disk taking them downstairs. "What?" He says after a moment with a curious smile as he notices Mei's conspicuous grin.
Mei smoothes at her dress, cheeks warming. “Oh, th-thank you. Just… same old Mei,” she says with a breathy laugh. Then looks sheepish as he catches her grin. “I’m just practicing my wing lady skills. Er, wingwoman? Hopefully I didn’t overstep…”
As they step off the disk, she posits, “Do you think it’ll be a romantic play? Guardok didn’t say much about it, did he? Though I could’ve sworn I heard him practicing his lines in his sleep the other night.” Her lips curve into a smile before quickly twisting to one side with worry. “He’s been so busy lately. I hope he’s getting enough sleep.”
Mae blushed awkwardly a bit during Mei's explanation of the situation but beckoned Larine in with a smile. "Yes you're fine, I'm just about ready as you can see." She watched Mei run out with a shake of her head and giggle. "She's had a lot more energy since we got back. But don't you worry, she has her own green-haired interest to get flustered over." Mae smiled at Larine and finished tying herself up and picked up her bag and a wrap just in case it got too cool. "Thank you for coming. I know this isn't your favorite thing but it means a lot to me. I've missed bumping into you." Mae then left with Larine for the show, her gentle glow emanating as they walked together.
"Wing lady? What is that?" Malvyn asks with a puzzled look, hoping to know more.
"You are very caring and considerate Mei, but I don't think Guardok needs any worrying, I'm sure he will be great in the play too. Don't really know what kind of play it is though but the only thing worrying me is that I won't be able to stand any long monologues by that obnoxious diva, I must say I'm pleased that you haven't tried to bring him into our group of friends. Somehow Guardok seems to get along with him, or rather, are able to endure his repugnance. I know you think I'm harsh but that man will go on with his life being unbearable until someone he respects explains how unpleasant he can be."
"HmmI think it's like... a friend who helps you... progress with someone you're... interested in? I'm not sure what it has to do with wings though," she laughs.
Deciding to weave her hair into a bun at her nape, Mei's brows arch as Mal continues. "Diva? You mean Quentillius?" She deflates a little, but quickly recovers, deciding not to mention it was more him losing interest in her than her not bringing him in. "I'll pass you some cotton to put in your ears if it gets too bad," she teases and pulls out a hairpin to secure the bun. "I think we're all products of how we're raised, you know? Of the... patterns in our lives. Whether that means he comes from a place of privilege or... or he acts like that because of high expectations. But..." She clears her throat, realizing she's getting too philosophical, and smiles. "Maybe Guardok will rub off on him. Hopefully, because you sound ready to challenge him to a duel otherwise!" The following giggle makes it clear she's teasing. Mostly.
"Oh, and how would you help someone...progress, by giving them advice perhaps, because then you have already shown yourself to be a good wing lady." The purple-skinned tiefling says with a small smile.
"Only if I have to, but since I very seldom have to suffer his presence I might just ignore him. If he would have done you wrong in any way I would most certainly have challenged him though."Malvyn explains in a quite sincere tone. "I don't disagree though, he might well be a product of his poor upbringing, but all the more reason to confront him and set him on a better course instead of smiling and letting him continue his unbearable behaviour. But as you say, hopefully Guardok will rub off on him, he certainly is making a good effort of it."
"A duel to protect my honor? That's very sweet," Mei laughs, rubbing at a warm cheek. She looks back at the floating disk, wondering if it was Knap or Larine and Mae coming down. "It's hard not to be influenced by the people around you, isn't it? And there's Rubina too! I bet, between her and Guardok, you might even like him by the end of the year."
As Meiand Malvynmake it downstairs, you see Aurora and Cadoras are already there waiting for you. Aurora is dressed all in black, as expected, though in a bit more elegant looking than usual with a high collar and skirt that sweeps down to her feet. Around her neck is a golden necklace with a single small purple gemstone. She is also wearing the purple-black rose pin that Malvyn had given her. Cadoras, surprisingly perhaps, is also dressed all in black. But he's not sporting any jewelry or other accents. It seems to be an elegant shirt of fine cloth, with matching pants.
"You look wonderful Mei! Simply amazing!" Cadoras says. He steps forward and grabs Mei'shand, spinning her around as though they were dancing.
Aurora watches the pair with a grin, then tells Malvyn, "There is no need to do that! But you can tell me what you think Mal," she says as she turns around in a slow circle. The dress is not exceptionally tight, but it does a very good job of accentuating her curves.
Larine speaks a bit nervously to Maeonce Meihas left. "Sorry. I mean... Mae could have stayed. It's not a problem. But you dress... um, it's beautiful. I mean, beautiful with you in it." Her face suddenly looks pale then reddens. "No, I mean, you are beautiful. It's all beautiful." She just stands there awkwardly hands folded together in front of her.
Malvyn would spend the week as studiously as ever, also making sure to do any changes to his piece on the gymnastics competition Mina Lee deemed would suggest and also work diligently in the Biblioplex alongside his minotaur collegue.
As the night of the play arrives he would have asked Aurora to join him and his friends to see Guardok, and unfortunately that obnoxious Quent-something-something. Before leaving Dresar hall he would try to gather up the others, peeking into the dark study room, surprised to find the petite oracle seemingly studying in completet darkness. "Are you coming Mei, the play starts soon." He says with some curiosity in his fiery red eyes.
Mei startles and snaps the book closed. Though she's not sure why, this isn't one of those times when she'd been reading a spicy novel. "Starts... soon?" she asks, bewildered. Twisting in the chair to see out the window, she gasps at the achromatic view. "Stars, when did it get dark?"
Gathering her things in a hurry, Mei says to her hued floormate, "I just need to change and I'll be ready. Oh! I need to ask Knap if the flowers for Guardok and Quentillius are ready. Gosh, this week went by so fast."
She stops at the doorway to look up at Mal, his eyes visible though colorless in the dark. "Do you think this is a, um, dress up kind of play? Should I wear something... nice?"
"You always look nice Mei..." The purple-skinned tiefling says with a sincere smile. "...but I'm sure a certain green-haired elf would appreciate if you dressed up..." He adds with a wink and a good-natured tease in his tone. " the very least it seems like a nice thing to do. You go and change and I'll collect Knap and ask him about the flowers. And try to not fall asleep, we want to be there in good time before the curtain goes up."
"He would?" Mei asks, genuinely wondering if that were true. When the wink reveals his teasing, she playfully swats his tail in revenge.
Brushing past him into the hall, she pauses thoughtfully to address his last words. "You know, I don't seem to need much sleep anymore." She doesn't mention the worry over how that affects her Dreaming, but a frown passes across her lips. Quickly, it's replaced by a smile and exaggerated exasperation, "And still there isn't enough time in the day!"
Hurrying on, she stops by Maeleve's room and knocks, asking after what her friend plans to wear that night so she can dress accordingly.
Mae opened the door to see Mei, holding up a sheet around her for modesty. "Oh hello! What am I wearing? Oh the dress I wore back at the ballet I think. You can come in and see it if you want. It's a very nice shade of blue, I believe it matches my eyes." If Mei comes in she'll show her the dress as she finishes getting ready and putting it on, otherwise she'll let her know she'll be along soon.
Mei blushes, voice catching as she replies, “O-Oh! The ballet dress! It looked so beautiful, I’m excited to see it on you this time!” She does, indeed, enter to see it. “Can I help you get it on? Does it have a fiddly zip or laces?”
Excited to join her friend in the ritual of getting ready together, the dreamer had quickly run back to her room. She returns with a simple sage green dress, more form fitting than her usual attire. “Will Larine be joining us, too?” Mei asks and squints at the mirror, trying to decide if she should free her hair from their braids or leave them as is.
As the time for the play grows nearer, Guardok had already had to leave to make his call time. Lesviel had stopped by to wish him luck before he left. She tells him she can't make it tonight, but will be at the show tomorrow.
The others still have a bit of time. Cadoras had offered to come meet Mei to walk with her and any others. (OOC - He does indeed live in a different dorm. And different from the one Aurora and Rubina live in.) They had been able to see each other quite a bit this week as they prepared for the gala tomorrow. Piero had been unclear about his attendance and was not present in Dresar Hall at the moment. And Larine had agreed, seemingly a bit reluctantly, to meet Mae on the fourth floor before they headed out.
Not long after Mei asks her question about Larine there is a faint knock on the door.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
Mae holds out a couple of laces in the back, one down around her lower back and one up behind her neck. "Oh if you don't mind! Always a little awkward trying to tie behind your back! And yes, I think--oh! That might be her now! Come in, Larine! Unless you're not Larine, then go away!" Mae giggled softly.
Guardok had thrown himself into the final week of rehearsals with his usual fervour, and as the week had gone on he was definitely feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement. He had left early that evening to make sure he had plenty of time to get ready for the performance. Straight after dinner in fact.
And so it was that he stood backstage in full makeup and costume, waiting for the audience to start to filter in. Of course it was a little early for that still.
"I have performed in front of crowds before, but I have never been this nervous", he says to Quentillius and Rubina. "Is it just me?", he asks wondering how they are feeling.
"We have some ceremonial robes back home that I swear are eighty percent ties and ribbons! They're impossible to get into alone," Mei laughs. "So I've become quite the expert dress, um, lacer-upper?" She can't help but admire the smooth expanse of the Aasimar's back as she starts to tie the laces, wondering what she herself would look like in such a dress. There's no way she could pull it off like Mae does...
At the knock, the oracle turns Mae to face the door as she works at tying the bottom lace so Larine can get a full first impression. She peeks out from behind her taller floormate so she can see her reaction as she enters.
In Dresar Hall, the door to Mae's room opens revealing Larine. She sees Mae first and her dress. Smiling she starts, "Wow, you look..." She then notices Mei. peeking out from behind and the smile suddenly disappears. "Oh... Umm... You've got a guest. Maybe I should come back?" The green-haired girl starts to take a slow step backwards. As she does, you notice she is wearing a simple dress of a deep emerald green. A golden rope wraps about her waist, making a striking contrast. Several similarly colored golden braclets of different sizes adorn her wrists. It is definitely a fancier look than her normal clothes.
Quentilius states proudly. "I am not nervous at all. I know I'm well prepared and the performance will be a masterpiece. As always."
Rubina grins, looking at the genasi with a knowing look that this is just the Quentillius they just have to put up with. "I am admittedly a little nervous. I am confident in my abilities and in my preparation," she says, looking directly at Quentillius. "But I think it is natural to feel that energy inside you and to be concerned. I think it's a sign of how much care you bring to doing your best." She takes a deep breath, clearly trying to focus and calm herself. "You'll be great Guardok. I've no doubt. Though, you are perhaps in full costume a tiny bit sooner than necessary."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea
As Larine steps back, Mei realizes she's ruined the moment. "Oh, um! Don't mind me, sorry! N-Not a guest, just a floormate," she explains with a soft laugh. Looking up to Mae, there's a mischievous glint in her eyes as she casually reaches up behind her, "I think my dress is a too tight anyways, so I'll just--" and pulls loose the bottom lace she just finished tying, "--go change really quick! Maybe Larine could help you with the last tie? I just couldn't seem to get it."
Lips pursing against a smile lest it give her away, she exits with a little wave and a, "I'll see you two downstairs, okay?"
Once back in her room, she tears through her wardrobe in search of something else to wear, not wanting to take away from Larine's green ensemble. Eventually, and with a little smile of resignation, she settles on a dress worn many times before. She heads back out to find Mal, informing him with a conspicuous grin that they should go ahead downstairs.
The purple-skinned tiefling steps out of his and Knap's room just as Mei reaches it, almost bumping into the dreamer. "Oh, you changed, you look great Mei, ready to go then?" He says as he closes the door behind him. "Can't find Knap, maybe he went on ahead, or something came up with his gardening?" He says with a small shrug as he joins Mei on the floating disk taking them downstairs. "What?" He says after a moment with a curious smile as he notices Mei's conspicuous grin.
Mei smoothes at her dress, cheeks warming. “Oh, th-thank you. Just… same old Mei,” she says with a breathy laugh. Then looks sheepish as he catches her grin. “I’m just practicing my wing lady skills. Er, wingwoman? Hopefully I didn’t overstep…”
As they step off the disk, she posits, “Do you think it’ll be a romantic play? Guardok didn’t say much about it, did he? Though I could’ve sworn I heard him practicing his lines in his sleep the other night.” Her lips curve into a smile before quickly twisting to one side with worry. “He’s been so busy lately. I hope he’s getting enough sleep.”
Mae blushed awkwardly a bit during Mei's explanation of the situation but beckoned Larine in with a smile. "Yes you're fine, I'm just about ready as you can see." She watched Mei run out with a shake of her head and giggle. "She's had a lot more energy since we got back. But don't you worry, she has her own green-haired interest to get flustered over." Mae smiled at Larine and finished tying herself up and picked up her bag and a wrap just in case it got too cool. "Thank you for coming. I know this isn't your favorite thing but it means a lot to me. I've missed bumping into you." Mae then left with Larine for the show, her gentle glow emanating as they walked together.
"Wing lady? What is that?" Malvyn asks with a puzzled look, hoping to know more.
"You are very caring and considerate Mei, but I don't think Guardok needs any worrying, I'm sure he will be great in the play too. Don't really know what kind of play it is though but the only thing worrying me is that I won't be able to stand any long monologues by that obnoxious diva, I must say I'm pleased that you haven't tried to bring him into our group of friends. Somehow Guardok seems to get along with him, or rather, are able to endure his repugnance. I know you think I'm harsh but that man will go on with his life being unbearable until someone he respects explains how unpleasant he can be."
"Hmm I think it's like... a friend who helps you... progress with someone you're... interested in? I'm not sure what it has to do with wings though," she laughs.
Deciding to weave her hair into a bun at her nape, Mei's brows arch as Mal continues. "Diva? You mean Quentillius?" She deflates a little, but quickly recovers, deciding not to mention it was more him losing interest in her than her not bringing him in. "I'll pass you some cotton to put in your ears if it gets too bad," she teases and pulls out a hairpin to secure the bun. "I think we're all products of how we're raised, you know? Of the... patterns in our lives. Whether that means he comes from a place of privilege or... or he acts like that because of high expectations. But..." She clears her throat, realizing she's getting too philosophical, and smiles. "Maybe Guardok will rub off on him. Hopefully, because you sound ready to challenge him to a duel otherwise!" The following giggle makes it clear she's teasing. Mostly.
"Oh, and how would you help someone...progress, by giving them advice perhaps, because then you have already shown yourself to be a good wing lady." The purple-skinned tiefling says with a small smile.
"Only if I have to, but since I very seldom have to suffer his presence I might just ignore him. If he would have done you wrong in any way I would most certainly have challenged him though." Malvyn explains in a quite sincere tone. "I don't disagree though, he might well be a product of his poor upbringing, but all the more reason to confront him and set him on a better course instead of smiling and letting him continue his unbearable behaviour. But as you say, hopefully Guardok will rub off on him, he certainly is making a good effort of it."
"A duel to protect my honor? That's very sweet," Mei laughs, rubbing at a warm cheek. She looks back at the floating disk, wondering if it was Knap or Larine and Mae coming down. "It's hard not to be influenced by the people around you, isn't it? And there's Rubina too! I bet, between her and Guardok, you might even like him by the end of the year."
As Mei and Malvyn make it downstairs, you see Aurora and Cadoras are already there waiting for you. Aurora is dressed all in black, as expected, though in a bit more elegant looking than usual with a high collar and skirt that sweeps down to her feet. Around her neck is a golden necklace with a single small purple gemstone. She is also wearing the purple-black rose pin that Malvyn had given her. Cadoras, surprisingly perhaps, is also dressed all in black. But he's not sporting any jewelry or other accents. It seems to be an elegant shirt of fine cloth, with matching pants.
"You look wonderful Mei! Simply amazing!" Cadoras says. He steps forward and grabs Mei's hand, spinning her around as though they were dancing.
Aurora watches the pair with a grin, then tells Malvyn, "There is no need to do that! But you can tell me what you think Mal," she says as she turns around in a slow circle. The dress is not exceptionally tight, but it does a very good job of accentuating her curves.
Larine speaks a bit nervously to Mae once Mei has left. "Sorry. I mean... Mae could have stayed. It's not a problem. But you dress... um, it's beautiful. I mean, beautiful with you in it." Her face suddenly looks pale then reddens. "No, I mean, you are beautiful. It's all beautiful." She just stands there awkwardly hands folded together in front of her.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea