Ravna and Lucian had made way from Vallaki to Barovia, they had managed to employ the aid of the Vistani with the proper coin. However... this gray and dreary village they were rather eager to make a leave and soon.
As dusk begins to fall, plunging the overcast skies into a dull, darkened gloom, the outskirts of the village comes into clearer view. A wide, dirt trench surrounds the settlement, five feet across and just as deep. With hundres of sharpened wooden stakes thrusting up like jagged teeth from the earth within. Up ahead, beside a tall heap of charred wood, the road continues over a makeshift wooden bridge, the muddy ground beyond giving way to slick, wet cobblestones.
Remnants of wooden barricades stand haphazardly along the streets. Some appear to be partially dismantled, with planks, logs, and simple tools piled nearby. The structures around them bear scorch marks and gashes and several buildings show partially collapsed roofs or wall, allowing the cold creeping fog to drift silently inside.
The tall shapes of the village dweelings stand above the rest, looming out of the dense fog that clings to the eart. Though flickers of silhouettes illuminated by candlelight occasionally drift across the dark windows above, not a sound cuts the silence save for the quiet flapping of wings.
This is where the Vistani drop Ravna and Lucian off, the normally cheerful folk offer nary a farewell as they continue back to the road. After they are compensated of course. (Don't worry won't come from you're start money lol.)
A lone traveler in Faerun makes his walk through the woods and his journey is known only onto him. An archer valiant and steadfast a wood elf no less. As he makes his way through the gnarled branches before him and the sun begins to set. He can see a blistering mist, a fog swirling wisp around himself and even his camp site were he to have set one.
It isn't long before the woods themselves slowly become.. Unrecognizable. to Daestra in this gnarled woods he can see a single footpath that leads westward.
OOC Holding off on Kirai's introduction for the moment for narrative reasons.
Daestra looks around at the woods near where his encampment had been setup, a bit nervous of what might lurk in the woods surrounding him. He decides the best call is to move forward along the path heading west in hopes of finding a safer place to stay.
Black pools of water stand like dark mirrors in and around the muddy roadway. Giant trees loom on both sides of the road, their branches clawing at the mist.
The fog spills out of the forest to swallow up the road behind Daestra. Ahead, jutting from the impenetrable woods on both sides of the road, are high stone buttresses looming gray in the fog. Huge iron gates hang on the stonework. Dew clings with cold tenacity to the rusted bars. Two headless statues of armed guardians flank the gate, their heads now lying among the weeds at their feet. They greet Daestra only with silence
Daestra approaches the gates with much caution drawing his bow and an arrow from his quiver. He yells out “Hello?! Anyone Here?!” Checking to see whether there may be a nearby encampment in these ruins.
As he makes through the gates to see for any encampment they begin to close behind him revealing only more road down the footpath and a massive valley up ahead. Wolves howling could be heard as well.
Daesta's lithe footsteps quicken on the path, boots squelching in the wet brown mud. Gray-tinged light filters weakly through the treetops—and then darkens, an enormous avian shadow overhead briefly blocking out the day. It disappears, leaving not even a stir to the air in its wake.
Not moments pass before the daylight blinks out once again—this time, by a reptilian silhouette that soars across the heavens, batlike wings spread wide. It, too, plunges into the mists, devoured by the fog as dozens of tiny, birdlike shadows flit among the ancient branches far above. The birds' silhouettes follow the dragon's into the mist, and silence falls once more.
More visions come, fleeting and ephemeral, like whispers on the wind. A tall, slender figure looms in the darkness, feathered wings spreading elegantly from its back before it, too, melts into the shadows. In the distance, a broad-shouldered silhouette lurks among the moss-covered trunks, the shadow of a claymore across its shoulder as it slowly curls a clawed, swollen hand. It hold his gaze for a moment, then fades back into the fog from whence it came.
A final figure—a tall, cloaked silhouette sitting atop a horse whose shadowed mane seems to ripple like flames—flickers in the fog betwixt three ancient yews. It seems to appraise him, its presence palpable even from a distance—and then a roll of distant thunder echoes across the skies. Before he can even blink, the figure is gone, the forest falling silent once more.
Towering trees, whose tops are lost in heavy gray mist, block out all but a death-gray light. The tree trunks are unnaturally close to one another, and the woods have the silence of a forgotten grave, yet exude the feeling of an unvoiced scream.
It's more howling into the forest down the path and distant howling before he catches... The scent of death in the air. It's off the main path... He could stay on the same path and make it to a village or a town.. Hopefully. Or he could follow that strange smell just off the path instead or perhaps something else entirely?
As he travels to the scent he can see the trunk ofa old gnarled tree.
Someone has stabbed an old dagger in the trunk of a old, gnarled tree. Beside it lies a rough carving of a figure atop a horse, just above two sets of rough-hewn words:
The foul scent leads him to a human corpse half-buried in the underbrush about fifteen feet from the road. The young man appears to be a commoner. His muddy clothes are torn and raked with claw marks. Crows have been at the body, which is surrounded by the paw prints. The man has obviously been dead for several days. He holds a crumpled envelope in one hand.
The letter reads..
Hail thee of might and valor:
I, the Burgomaster of Barovia, send you honor—with despair.
My adopted daughter, the fair Ireena Kolyana, has been these past nights bitten by a vampyr. For over four hundred years, this creature has drained the life blood of my people. Now, my dear Ireena languishes and dies from an unholy wound caused by this vile beast. He has become too powerful to conquer.
So I say to you, give us up for dead and encircle this land with the symbols of good. Let holy men call upon their power that the devil may be contained within the walls of weeping Barovia. Leave our sorrows to our graves, and save the world from this evil fate of ours.
There is much wealth entrapped in this community. Return for your reward after we are all departed for a better life.
Kolyan Indirovich Burgomaster
After the letter is read behind him where he has came from is howling. The footpath is clear... For now but that howling comes from the gates before and is slowly growing closer and closer by the moment.
Daestra looks in disgust at what has happened to this poor commoner. He sees the note from the Burgomaster and decides to take it with him in case he can find this man in need of help. Daestra hears the howling and decides it is time to leave. He heads off through the woods avoiding the footpath in case of Ambush.
I am going to stealthily move Daestra through the woods if possible trying to avoid the possible Wolfs that seem to be lurking nearby. I have rolled for stealth in case its necessary so I’m not holding up the session progress.
Lucian gives a nervous start at the sound of the wings, glancing around in futile as the mist block his view of whatever is making the sounds. He shuffles his feet a little as Ravna hands over the money for their passage, watching as the coin is counted out and deftly tucked away by the Vistani. Shuffling nervously, his eyes dart about as he catches sight of the silhouettes around and his gaze slowly turns to their destination.
"W...where to now?"He stammers, looking up at the pale determined woman he'd spent the last few days traveling with. He wasn't particularly sure what to make of Ravna, even after their journey together, but right now she is the most familiar thing left in his proximity. "Should we f...find an inn?"He glances about, not wanting to lead the way and trusting that the paladin will be more eager to take that role. He runs a finger up and down the chain of the pocket watch that is hanging from his neck--a habit of his, indicating his uncertainty.
Ravna nods her farewell to the Vistani then turns to face the dreary town. She gives Lucian a reassuring glance then starts down the muddy road. Sadness creeps into the young woman's eyes as the two trudge forward, though it is swiftly replaced with determination. She had known this trip would resurrect terrors from her past, but she refuses to let those overtake her. Nothing will keep her from fulfilling her destiny.
At the sound of wings, the pale paladin scans the skies, her long white hair fluttering in the slight breeze as she does so.
Perception 10
Once satisfied that they are not being spied on, she hefts her long wing-lance over her shoulder and continues on. She sets a quick pace as she is eager to reach the village. She is a bit disturbed by the silence, but presses on nonetheless.
Wing lance (Using Glaive stats):
"Yes," She replies to the stuttering young elf. "But after we have a look around. I am looking for someone." True to her word, as soon as they arrive the black-clad paladin looks to any villager she can find, hoping to see a familiar face.
Daestra makes his way through the mist filled fog but the howling draws closer and closer. The promise of brimming tooth and claw, the wisp of mist making it harder and harder to see. Quickening one's movement upon the footpath.
The dark woods fall away, revealing a misted, gloomy valley dotted with thick clouds of fog. Rolling thunderclouds cast a gray pall over the land which Daestra can see. no sun visible in this cursed cold, grey light. Evergreen trees climb the sides of the mountains that enclose the valley. To the north rises a stony mount with tufts of trees, to the south a snow capped peak with rugged slopes towers imperiously above the land below.
The muddy road continues on ahead, passing through yellowed grasses and farmland until it reaches a small, humble settlement hunkered down in the earth. Alongside the road a river flows as clear as a blue winter sky through the valley.
Far above the village looms a dark, twisted castle standing alone atop a pillar of sheer stone. For an instant, a distant spear of lightning crackles, illuminating the towering keep in harsh lights and shadows-and then a thick bank of fog rolls in, concealing the village and castle from view.
There in the town, a raven with blue wingtips. This.. Looks familiar to Ravna as it beckons her with a loud and abrupt "CAW!"
Before they can ruffle through their worn sacks for the map of the village.. They are approached... By an elf not too dissimilar from a dusk and yet.. Different... coming down the footpath a wood elf one they had never really seen before of course.
Lucian glances around, pale green eyes darting from Ravna to whatever she is looking at. He eyes the raven, unsure of what to think of it, and jumps abruptly when it caws at them. Shaking himself in attempt to get rid of his ever present nervousness, he looks to Ravna for some sort of reaction. Regardless as to whether he finds one (he wasn't paying too much attention), he quickly catches sight of the strange pale skinned elf walking in their direction. He squints at him, having never seen an elf of his color before, but quickly ducks his head hoping that the stranger didn't notice his staring.
His silver/white hair barely covers his eyes when he ducks his head, and his dark purple skin is a stark contrast to Ravna's pale complexion. To the outsider, he probably looks like a (very) young drow attempting to hide behind the taller, human woman.
Red eyes lighting up, Ravna gives the raven a slight nod before it flies away. "She's safe."The young woman thinks. Then she notes Lucian eyeing a strange elf. "An outsider?"
Without sparing a word for the young dusk elf, Ravna makes her way towards the newcomer. "Greetings." She says in her deep, rich, yet still feminine voice. "Have you been in these parts long?"
(I've added her backstory to her character sheet :) )
Daestra walks into the settlement rather nervous of the sudden fog that has appeared before him but notices a stranger coming towards him. The human says “Greetings, have you been in these parts for long?”
Daestra quietly responds and says “No, I come from the High Forest but have been out exploring the region to get a better lay of the land. The beauty fascinates me, but I can’t seem to find this village anywhere on a map and I’ve already seen many a strange thing on the way here.”
Daestra pulls out the note he found from the Burgomaster “Stranger would you by chance have any idea of where I might find the Burgomaster? This note seems rather serious but I know nothing of this land or its people”
What Ravna would notice is that this raven doesn't fly far... And in realizing what she is can determine that.. She is in fact trying to lead them somewhere. Ravna and Lucian have found themselves a rare.. Outsider.
They can search for the largest manor for the Burgomeister. Follow the Raven, look for a Tavern a shop or simply explore the village for what it is.. Or what's left of it anyway
Seeing Ravna walking towards the outsider, Lucian hesitantly follows. He listens tentatively to the words that pass between them, staying slightly behind Ravna as he's still unsure about this strange elf.
This guy is just out exploring? Does he have any idea where he is? Lucian looks at the newcomer with wide eyes. What beauty could this stranger be talking about? Giving himself a shake, he continuously rubs a thumb up and down the chain of his pocket watch. Unsure of what to say, he glances up at Ravna.
Ravna eyes the raven as the stranger speaks, then looks back at him to answer. "You'd call this place Beautiful?" She mutters, though her eyes hold a spark of excitement, a stark contrast to her serious expresion, "Perhaps it was at one time, but now much of the beauty here hides foul things." She takes her lance from her shoulder and it's end hits the ground with a light thud. Then she offers the man her hand to shake. "But do not fear those things, I believe you being here to be a good omen. I am Ravna Koronis, it is truly an honor to meet you outsider."
She takes the note the man hands to her and looks it over. The excitement in her eyes turns to bitter sadness, anger, then back to determination. "No one is to strong to conquer. He will fall. I swear it." She mutters almost inaudibly. Then hands the note back to the elf. "Cryptic indeed." She continues in a louder voice. "The Burgomaster can be found in the largest building, but I know someone who would like to meet you. While that note does sound serious, we cannot help the situation immediately. I will not force you to come with me, but my friend could lend some helpful information."
She intends to follow the raven whether or not the stranger follows, but she will wait for his response.
As the stranger approaches Daestra kinda laughs a bit and says “well, I don’t particularly think this area is in its prime right now, but I do believe that there is much beauty around this settlement. The landscape is truly breathtaking.”
Daestra is greeted by the stranger, they say their name is Ravna Koronis. Daestra responds back by saying “It is nice to make an acquaintance with you Ravna, my name is Daestra Keplar, I am but a simple Elf…. Eh.. mostly…” as Daestra nervously laughs.
While Ravna is looking over the note Daestra handed her he stares off into the distance wondering how a town such as this could exist and how he had never seen it before. Was this town always here? He pondered to himself, but shugged it off. Daestra listens to what Ravna has to say and agrees to come along “I’d be glad to accompany you two if you believe that I can assist in anyway.”
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Our group thread I shall do the first post below, can't believe we are finally starting lol
Wandering into Town
Ravna and Lucian had made way from Vallaki to Barovia, they had managed to employ the aid of the Vistani with the proper coin. However... this gray and dreary village they were rather eager to make a leave and soon.
As dusk begins to fall, plunging the overcast skies into a dull, darkened gloom, the outskirts of the village comes into clearer view. A wide, dirt trench surrounds the settlement, five feet across and just as deep. With hundres of sharpened wooden stakes thrusting up like jagged teeth from the earth within. Up ahead, beside a tall heap of charred wood, the road continues over a makeshift wooden bridge, the muddy ground beyond giving way to slick, wet cobblestones.
Remnants of wooden barricades stand haphazardly along the streets. Some appear to be partially dismantled, with planks, logs, and simple tools piled nearby. The structures around them bear scorch marks and gashes and several buildings show partially collapsed roofs or wall, allowing the cold creeping fog to drift silently inside.
The tall shapes of the village dweelings stand above the rest, looming out of the dense fog that clings to the eart. Though flickers of silhouettes illuminated by candlelight occasionally drift across the dark windows above, not a sound cuts the silence save for the quiet flapping of wings.
This is where the Vistani drop Ravna and Lucian off, the normally cheerful folk offer nary a farewell as they continue back to the road. After they are compensated of course. (Don't worry won't come from you're start money lol.)
A lone traveler in Faerun makes his walk through the woods and his journey is known only onto him. An archer valiant and steadfast a wood elf no less. As he makes his way through the gnarled branches before him and the sun begins to set. He can see a blistering mist, a fog swirling wisp around himself and even his camp site were he to have set one.
It isn't long before the woods themselves slowly become.. Unrecognizable. to Daestra in this gnarled woods he can see a single footpath that leads westward.
Holding off on Kirai's introduction for the moment for narrative reasons.
Daestra looks around at the woods near where his encampment had been setup, a bit nervous of what might lurk in the woods surrounding him. He decides the best call is to move forward along the path heading west in hopes of finding a safer place to stay.
Black pools of water stand like dark mirrors in and around the muddy roadway. Giant trees loom on both sides of the road, their branches clawing at the mist.
The fog spills out of the forest to swallow up the road behind Daestra. Ahead, jutting from the impenetrable woods on both sides of the road, are high stone buttresses looming gray in the fog. Huge iron gates hang on the stonework. Dew clings with cold tenacity to the rusted bars. Two headless statues of armed guardians flank the gate, their heads now lying among the weeds at their feet. They greet Daestra only with silence
Daestra approaches the gates with much caution drawing his bow and an arrow from his quiver. He yells out “Hello?! Anyone Here?!” Checking to see whether there may be a nearby encampment in these ruins.
As he makes through the gates to see for any encampment they begin to close behind him revealing only more road down the footpath and a massive valley up ahead. Wolves howling could be heard as well.
Daesta's lithe footsteps quicken on the path, boots squelching in the wet brown mud. Gray-tinged light filters weakly through the treetops—and then darkens, an enormous avian shadow overhead briefly blocking out the day. It disappears, leaving not even a stir to the air in its wake.
Not moments pass before the daylight blinks out once again—this time, by a reptilian silhouette that soars across the heavens, batlike wings spread wide. It, too, plunges into the mists, devoured by the fog as dozens of tiny, birdlike shadows flit among the ancient branches far above. The birds' silhouettes follow the dragon's into the mist, and silence falls once more.
More visions come, fleeting and ephemeral, like whispers on the wind. A tall, slender figure looms in the darkness, feathered wings spreading elegantly from its back before it, too, melts into the shadows. In the distance, a broad-shouldered silhouette lurks among the moss-covered trunks, the shadow of a claymore across its shoulder as it slowly curls a clawed, swollen hand. It hold his gaze for a moment, then fades back into the fog from whence it came.
A final figure—a tall, cloaked silhouette sitting atop a horse whose shadowed mane seems to ripple like flames—flickers in the fog betwixt three ancient yews. It seems to appraise him, its presence palpable even from a distance—and then a roll of distant thunder echoes across the skies. Before he can even blink, the figure is gone, the forest falling silent once more.
Towering trees, whose tops are lost in heavy gray mist, block out all but a death-gray light. The tree trunks are unnaturally close to one another, and the woods have the silence of a forgotten grave, yet exude the feeling of an unvoiced scream.
It's more howling into the forest down the path and distant howling before he catches... The scent of death in the air. It's off the main path... He could stay on the same path and make it to a village or a town.. Hopefully. Or he could follow that strange smell just off the path instead or perhaps something else entirely?
As the smell of death catches Daestra by surprise he decides to cautiously head towards the stench in case someone maybe still around in need.
As he travels to the scent he can see the trunk ofa old gnarled tree.
Someone has stabbed an old dagger in the trunk of a old, gnarled tree. Beside it lies a rough carving of a figure atop a horse, just above two sets of rough-hewn words:
The foul scent leads him to a human corpse half-buried in the underbrush about fifteen feet from the road. The young man appears to be a commoner. His muddy clothes are torn and raked with claw marks. Crows have been at the body, which is surrounded by the paw prints. The man has obviously been dead for several days. He holds a crumpled envelope in one hand.
The letter reads..
Hail thee of might and valor:
I, the Burgomaster of Barovia, send you honor—with despair.
My adopted daughter, the fair Ireena Kolyana, has been these past nights bitten by a vampyr. For over four hundred years, this creature has drained the life blood of my people. Now, my dear Ireena languishes and dies from an unholy wound caused by this vile beast. He has become too powerful to conquer.
So I say to you, give us up for dead and encircle this land with the symbols of good. Let holy men call upon their power that the devil may be contained within the walls of weeping Barovia. Leave our sorrows to our graves, and save the world from this evil fate of ours.
There is much wealth entrapped in this community. Return for your reward after we are all departed for a better life.
Kolyan Indirovich
After the letter is read behind him where he has came from is howling. The footpath is clear... For now but that howling comes from the gates before and is slowly growing closer and closer by the moment.
The letter in question
Daestra looks in disgust at what has happened to this poor commoner. He sees the note from the Burgomaster and decides to take it with him in case he can find this man in need of help. Daestra hears the howling and decides it is time to leave. He heads off through the woods avoiding the footpath in case of Ambush.
I am going to stealthily move Daestra through the woods if possible trying to avoid the possible Wolfs that seem to be lurking nearby. I have rolled for stealth in case its necessary so I’m not holding up the session progress.
Lucian gives a nervous start at the sound of the wings, glancing around in futile as the mist block his view of whatever is making the sounds. He shuffles his feet a little as Ravna hands over the money for their passage, watching as the coin is counted out and deftly tucked away by the Vistani. Shuffling nervously, his eyes dart about as he catches sight of the silhouettes around and his gaze slowly turns to their destination.
"W...where to now?" He stammers, looking up at the pale determined woman he'd spent the last few days traveling with. He wasn't particularly sure what to make of Ravna, even after their journey together, but right now she is the most familiar thing left in his proximity. "Should we f...find an inn?" He glances about, not wanting to lead the way and trusting that the paladin will be more eager to take that role. He runs a finger up and down the chain of the pocket watch that is hanging from his neck--a habit of his, indicating his uncertainty.
Ravna nods her farewell to the Vistani then turns to face the dreary town. She gives Lucian a reassuring glance then starts down the muddy road. Sadness creeps into the young woman's eyes as the two trudge forward, though it is swiftly replaced with determination. She had known this trip would resurrect terrors from her past, but she refuses to let those overtake her. Nothing will keep her from fulfilling her destiny.
At the sound of wings, the pale paladin scans the skies, her long white hair fluttering in the slight breeze as she does so.
Perception 10
Once satisfied that they are not being spied on, she hefts her long wing-lance over her shoulder and continues on. She sets a quick pace as she is eager to reach the village. She is a bit disturbed by the silence, but presses on nonetheless.
Wing lance (Using Glaive stats):
"Yes," She replies to the stuttering young elf. "But after we have a look around. I am looking for someone." True to her word, as soon as they arrive the black-clad paladin looks to any villager she can find, hoping to see a familiar face.
Daestra makes his way through the mist filled fog but the howling draws closer and closer. The promise of brimming tooth and claw, the wisp of mist making it harder and harder to see. Quickening one's movement upon the footpath.
The dark woods fall away, revealing a misted, gloomy valley dotted with thick clouds of fog. Rolling thunderclouds cast a gray pall over the land which Daestra can see. no sun visible in this cursed cold, grey light. Evergreen trees climb the sides of the mountains that enclose the valley. To the north rises a stony mount with tufts of trees, to the south a snow capped peak with rugged slopes towers imperiously above the land below.
The muddy road continues on ahead, passing through yellowed grasses and farmland until it reaches a small, humble settlement hunkered down in the earth. Alongside the road a river flows as clear as a blue winter sky through the valley.
Far above the village looms a dark, twisted castle standing alone atop a pillar of sheer stone. For an instant, a distant spear of lightning crackles, illuminating the towering keep in harsh lights and shadows-and then a thick bank of fog rolls in, concealing the village and castle from view.
There in the town, a raven with blue wingtips. This.. Looks familiar to Ravna as it beckons her with a loud and abrupt "CAW!"
Before they can ruffle through their worn sacks for the map of the village.. They are approached... By an elf not too dissimilar from a dusk and yet.. Different... coming down the footpath a wood elf one they had never really seen before of course.
Here is the player map
Also for Ravna couldn't find her revised story on her sheet but may need a bit to add that ^~^![](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https://preview.redd.it/necfytoreeo71.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9e2b6720f2861a5ba4aadebd19b58cbe9d6a75ae)
Lucian glances around, pale green eyes darting from Ravna to whatever she is looking at. He eyes the raven, unsure of what to think of it, and jumps abruptly when it caws at them. Shaking himself in attempt to get rid of his ever present nervousness, he looks to Ravna for some sort of reaction. Regardless as to whether he finds one (he wasn't paying too much attention), he quickly catches sight of the strange pale skinned elf walking in their direction. He squints at him, having never seen an elf of his color before, but quickly ducks his head hoping that the stranger didn't notice his staring.
His silver/white hair barely covers his eyes when he ducks his head, and his dark purple skin is a stark contrast to Ravna's pale complexion. To the outsider, he probably looks like a (very) young drow attempting to hide behind the taller, human woman.
Red eyes lighting up, Ravna gives the raven a slight nod before it flies away. "She's safe." The young woman thinks. Then she notes Lucian eyeing a strange elf. "An outsider?"
Without sparing a word for the young dusk elf, Ravna makes her way towards the newcomer. "Greetings." She says in her deep, rich, yet still feminine voice. "Have you been in these parts long?"
(I've added her backstory to her character sheet :) )
Daestra walks into the settlement rather nervous of the sudden fog that has appeared before him but notices a stranger coming towards him. The human says “Greetings, have you been in these parts for long?”
Daestra quietly responds and says “No, I come from the High Forest but have been out exploring the region to get a better lay of the land. The beauty fascinates me, but I can’t seem to find this village anywhere on a map and I’ve already seen many a strange thing on the way here.”
Daestra pulls out the note he found from the Burgomaster “Stranger would you by chance have any idea of where I might find the Burgomaster? This note seems rather serious but I know nothing of this land or its people”
What Ravna would notice is that this raven doesn't fly far... And in realizing what she is can determine that.. She is in fact trying to lead them somewhere. Ravna and Lucian have found themselves a rare.. Outsider.
They can search for the largest manor for the Burgomeister. Follow the Raven, look for a Tavern a shop or simply explore the village for what it is.. Or what's left of it anyway
Seeing Ravna walking towards the outsider, Lucian hesitantly follows. He listens tentatively to the words that pass between them, staying slightly behind Ravna as he's still unsure about this strange elf.
This guy is just out exploring? Does he have any idea where he is? Lucian looks at the newcomer with wide eyes. What beauty could this stranger be talking about? Giving himself a shake, he continuously rubs a thumb up and down the chain of his pocket watch. Unsure of what to say, he glances up at Ravna.
Ravna eyes the raven as the stranger speaks, then looks back at him to answer. "You'd call this place Beautiful?" She mutters, though her eyes hold a spark of excitement, a stark contrast to her serious expresion, "Perhaps it was at one time, but now much of the beauty here hides foul things." She takes her lance from her shoulder and it's end hits the ground with a light thud. Then she offers the man her hand to shake. "But do not fear those things, I believe you being here to be a good omen. I am Ravna Koronis, it is truly an honor to meet you outsider."
She takes the note the man hands to her and looks it over. The excitement in her eyes turns to bitter sadness, anger, then back to determination. "No one is to strong to conquer. He will fall. I swear it." She mutters almost inaudibly. Then hands the note back to the elf. "Cryptic indeed." She continues in a louder voice. "The Burgomaster can be found in the largest building, but I know someone who would like to meet you. While that note does sound serious, we cannot help the situation immediately. I will not force you to come with me, but my friend could lend some helpful information."
She intends to follow the raven whether or not the stranger follows, but she will wait for his response.
As the stranger approaches Daestra kinda laughs a bit and says “well, I don’t particularly think this area is in its prime right now, but I do believe that there is much beauty around this settlement. The landscape is truly breathtaking.”
Daestra is greeted by the stranger, they say their name is Ravna Koronis. Daestra responds back by saying “It is nice to make an acquaintance with you Ravna, my name is Daestra Keplar, I am but a simple Elf…. Eh.. mostly…” as Daestra nervously laughs.
While Ravna is looking over the note Daestra handed her he stares off into the distance wondering how a town such as this could exist and how he had never seen it before. Was this town always here? He pondered to himself, but shugged it off. Daestra listens to what Ravna has to say and agrees to come along “I’d be glad to accompany you two if you believe that I can assist in anyway.”